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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 140 KB, 450x450, yandere_honami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1504772 No.1504772 [Reply] [Original]

1. Ask a female friend to call you at times you will be with your yandere wiafu.
2. Bring your yandere waifu someplace that opens you to be appraoched by your female friend.
3. Confide in your yandere waifu that this girl appears to be interested in you but can't take no for an answer.
4. Count the days until your female friend disapears.

>> No.1504782
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I am Heron of Alexandria. I have a large beard and I create mathematical formulas. If you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages, I will use my primitive steam engine to induce mold in your walls.

>> No.1504862
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>Not fun in real life

>> No.1504996
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How about a woman who's got a brain, who always speaks her mind?

>> No.1505043
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>last yandere thread we had went to 200+ and third of it was /tg/ content
So, if a yandere attacks me and I overpower her, and hot sweaty hatesex ensues, does the paladin fall?

>> No.1504785

>female friend

This plan already failed.

>> No.1504787

Oh wow, this is sorta scary.

>> No.1505095
File: 118 KB, 500x707, 1224574281525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post this picture in every yandere thread until I get sauce.

>> No.1504789

Yanderes are no fun at all in real life.

Run while you can.

>> No.1504792

And hilarious.

>> No.1504803

You could have at least added/changed a bit instead of copying it straight from the yandere thread. It's a boring series of steps.

>> No.1504821

Well, unlike the faggot japanese male leads I know how to hanle a yandere: lots of attention and sex. It doesn't have to be a constant stream, either, just regular dose every day and she'll stay in line.

The only difficult part is that because she's messed up, you can use persuasive logic on her -- if you want her to make some change or take on a long-term comitment, you have to present the argument in such a way that she will think it's something she has to do to make you love her. You just can't tell her to do something in a way she would understand unless it was something simple like "Make me dinner".

>> No.1504830

>unless it was something simple like "Make me dinner".
Enjoy being the casserole.

>> No.1504835

So where is my Yandere CD drama translation?

>> No.1504849

They are called bitches IRL and they are completely different from what you see in animu.
Also,every girl is a bitch (and therefore a 'yandere').

>> No.1504854

No, that's tsundere.

>> No.1504861

I've dated a defacto yandere and I have the scars to prove it.

>> No.1504864

I'd love a yandere waifu.

Wait, I'd love a waifu period

>> No.1504874

Tsundere: pretends she doesn't like you but secret thinks about you and maneuvers herslef into opprotunities to be with you even as she's maintaining the tsun facade.

Yandere: convinced you are her destined soul mate, she carefully hides her true nature because she knows you'd hate her otherwise. She contents herself with small affections like breaking into your home to tidy up, cooking for two even when your not around, and masterbating to the thought of you. That is, until she's forced to witness other shameless, skanky, whores putting their dirty hands all over you. Because she really hates those bitches.

>> No.1504879


>> No.1505207
File: 20 KB, 241x230, Ohyo-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.1504899

I'd love to have a yandere, but only if her cooking is better than mine, which is quite hard to most women.

>> No.1504914

The last yandere thread we had went to 200+ and third of it was warhammer 40k content. lol

>> No.1504920

In before thread sign.

>> No.1504950


Cooking skill isn't a pre-rquisite for being a yandere, however, a yandere will generally put her all into accomplishing menial tasks like cooking and cleaning in an effort to win your affections. Yanderes are good at menial, mechanical functions like that, but they're weak on intellectual pursuits. If you want conversation past i-love-yous a yandere isn't for you. But cooking she can manage.

>> No.1504952

>unlike the faggot japanese male leads

What is with this phenomenon? Why do all the guys in animus and VNs and anyfucking thing end up being giant faggots? They don't know how to handle women, even when it's fucking easy, or they let some tsundere girl beat the shit out of them for no reason.

"Ooooh, oh no I'm so scared of the small girl clenching her fist, i should just throw away my dick and balls right now!" I would just fucking hit that bitch and give her a bloody nose.

>> No.1504954

>but they're weak on intellectual pursuits
I could see an intelligent yandere.

She would be scary as all fuck, but <3

>> No.1504963

What is with internet toughguys? No, you wouldn't hit her. You might call her a crazy bitch and never talk to her again though.

>> No.1504967

>Why do all the guys in animus and VNs and anyfucking thing end up being giant faggots?
So ronery nerds can identify with them.

>> No.1504978

I don't care if she puts her all as long as she tidies my house up and cooks well, fuck that talking shit, I got some work to do.

>> No.1504980

>or they let some tsundere girl beat the shit out of them for no reason.

Simple, they're masochists just like the target audience.

>> No.1504981


>> No.1504982

If someone MUCH SMALLER THAN ME is hitting me, I will hit them back. There is no reason to just take it because they're a girl. I don't like some bitch hitting me because she thinks it's funny or she can get away with it.

SO many guys are so pussified and whipped by their women, it's ridiculous. I'm not saying you need to mercilessly beat your girlfriend, but if your "girlfriend" has a tendency to beat the shit out of you for no reason, you should fucking defend yourself. It's obvious she's not going to stop unless you show her you're not going to take it, and that you're stronger and bigger than her.

You can say "internet toughguy" all you want, but that doesn't change anything.

>> No.1504999

Fuck that shit, feels like one of those american feminists.

>> No.1505003


That's nice, Timmy. Don't forget to clean your room and take out the trash.


>> No.1505009

a brain? American feminist?


>> No.1505011

>If someone MUCH SMALLER THAN ME is hitting me
>hitting me

Yup, that's all they do. Definately. /thread right there.

>> No.1505020


>> No.1505024



>> No.1505025

Fuck, there's a bell ringing somewhere around my house.
What the hell is that.

>> No.1505087

>They don't know how to handle women
Yeah, that's why they always get laid and you don't.

>> No.1505102


The Misadventures of Aryne De

>> No.1505116

Google gives me nothing. What is that, a vn or something?

>> No.1505122

Aryne De is an anagram of yandere.

>> No.1505161


>> No.1505176

Me. I am in your house. Posting on /jp/

>> No.1505191

Fuck, get down there, I can't be bothered looking around five floors for some idiot.

>> No.1506558
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>This thread is an eyesore

>> No.1506577
File: 66 KB, 429x600, 1223180715063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone mentioned in another thread K1 was a yandere.

Keiichi, like EVERYONE in Higurashi, is NOT a yandere.

Their madness ISN'T borne out of love, it is borne out of paranoia, suspicion, and a little worm living in their brains telling them to kill everyone who doesn't believe.

This slices off the -dere part, and makes the yangire.

>> No.1506589
File: 24 KB, 704x400, 1192650583453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>a little worm living in their brains telling them to kill everyone who doesn't believe

>> No.1506519

You'll never meet a yandere feminist because:

1. She hates other women
2. She wouldn't be able to get through a light novel let alone advanced political rehtoric.

Of all the sex-states, yandere is the most anamalistic. They are moved by instinct, urges and feelings alone. They're higher intelligence is only capable of mundane, mechanical functions as it struggles to keep itself intact.

>> No.1506551

Hey let's talk about male yanderes.
Someone mentioned in another thread K1 was a yandere.
Any others?

>> No.1506559

Uhhh...Nanaya Shiki I guess?

>> No.1506576

So what other fun things we can do with our yandere waifu?

>> No.1506601



>> No.1507083
File: 114 KB, 584x719, 1208148284408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the VN, Rika in one world didn't kill herself and was tortured in much the same way as Satako.

So when the same world came around again and Rika failed, she decided to kill herself instead. The anime cut this out.

Image related both in subject and in Halloween.

>> No.1506851


I can't think of a single legitimate male yandere; that is, a male who is mentally ill and totally fixated on some girl. I can think of male tsunderes, but I guess Japan isn't ready for that yet. Charatcers wo would make good male yanderes:

1. Takeru from Muv-Luv
2. Keiichi from Sharin no Kuni
3. Several characters from giant robot anime

Any character who is undergoing massive psychological trauma could develop into a plausable yandere (hence giant robot characters tend to fit the bill). They would get pretty insane, but society wouldn't do anything about them because of their elevated importance (ace pilot, special authority, etc).

>> No.1507173
File: 42 KB, 429x454, yoppi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sex-type: Yandere

Likes: Sex. Being Together. Happiness.
Dislikes: Unfaithfullness. Whores.
Turn-ons: Skin.

>> No.1506880


Long walks on deserted, moonlit beaches.
Private mountain hot springs in winter.
Renewal of vows, if married, monthly.

>> No.1506902

There is only one answer, and that is Rolo.

>> No.1506904

I immediately think of shinji

>> No.1507236
File: 61 KB, 199x242, carameldansen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the Yandere characters we've encountered are actually quite smart. They work hard in school, get very good grades, and generally aim to be perfect in order to better keep up their facade. Such great and famous Yanderes like Yoppi and the yandere goddess Yuno Gasai were both at the top of their class. They are quite capable of intelligent conversation if the need arises and even making complex plans if they so desire. This is what makes them scary. Not only are they unstable, but they have the intelligence to find a way to carry out their plans. For example, you can be as strong as you want, but if she slips something into your food and knocks you out, you are fucked as she can do whatever she wants then.

>> No.1506942


That would be funny. He's piloting his eva and then he spots Kaiji and goes. "Sooooo-ka! So-ka!! HehehHehEHehe! Nanda!!! SOOOO SIMPLE!!!!!" and then just squishes him. And then from then on out, he will only refer to Kaiji as the guy that "left" Asuka alone.

>> No.1506953


Rolo isn't crazy, though, just raised as an assasin so he doesn't have a strong grasp of right and wrong. A yandere is mentally ill.

>> No.1506966


in before BRO FIST

>> No.1507714

Yuno is kind of the like Chucky of yanderes. Kind of tough to take her seriously as one.

>> No.1507906

I'd say Rolo is mentally ill. He snaps at just the mention of Nunnally.

>> No.1508078

true been told believe him/her

>> No.1508119

Signed, real yanderes suck ass. Getting a call at like 4 in the morning and every 10 mins sucks cawk.

>> No.1508120


underage banned

>> No.1508121

I had sincerely hoped you had died.

>> No.1508129

CD translations fucking where?

>> No.1508152

Whys that?

I'm 19 thank you very much.

>> No.1508160

Okay, guys, c'mon drama CD nicos:


>> No.1508164


> 1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. [Not including suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5]
> 2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
> 3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
> 4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., promiscuous sex, eating disorders, binge eating, substance abuse, reckless driving). [Again, not including suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5]
> 5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, threats, or self-mutilating behavior such as cutting, interfering with the healing of scars (excoriation) or picking at oneself.
> 6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).
> 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness, worthlessness.
> 8. Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
> 9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation, delusions or severe dissociative symptoms

>> No.1508471
File: 39 KB, 386x342, 1191184166927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1508242


>> No.1508247


Yanderes have psychotic episodes (collpasing fits, urges to kill, etc).

>> No.1508447

> 6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).
> 8. Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).

>> No.1508455

Here's a little tip for you /jp/'ers.

Never go out with someone with BPD. I don't care how fucking lonely you are, DON'T FUCKING DO IT

>> No.1508462

Or else?

>> No.1508477

But it sounds so delicious. ;__;

>> No.1508479

You'll be sorry?

>> No.1508487

I'd prefer going out with a girl who'd kill me if I made a slip-up as opposed to a normal girl, makes things more interesting.

>> No.1508496

Tell me why.

>> No.1508503

i dont think yuno and all characters in higurashi are yandere

they are just crazy

>> No.1508512

thanks mr obvious

>> No.1508516

Unike in real life, 2D yanderes won't attack you out of the blue, and they are actually pretty circumspect with other girls too at least at first. Yanderes can be handled very well if you know how to keep them out of their psychotic state. You have to keep them in the normal state of "must be happy, must be happy, must be happy!!" and out of the "mUsT CLeaN pIOSonS fRoM yoUr boDy it'S so dIRtY!!" (to borrow from the yandere CD). condition. You do this with regular doses of affection, attention and sex; if you handle that much, she will be a happy housewaifu. But these Japanese male leads do this awesome job and pissing their yandere off.

>> No.1508551

I agree that yandere sounds delicious. Girls with BPD are not yandere, at all. Instead, they are basically going to:
a) Make you feel like shit about half of the time
b) Either straight up cheat on you or just flirt with other guys all of the time
c) Try an kill themselves
d) Probably scar you for life

>> No.1508555

All the rest is kind of yandere but b is definitely not.

>> No.1508556


Shit, I might hgave BPD.

>> No.1508563

The problem is that the other things she doesn't isn't motivated by her love for you, as would be the case with a yandere, but rather the fact that she's fucked up.

>> No.1508565

If you think you might have it, you don't. Congratulations.

>> No.1508568


That's always the way things work out.

I'd rather not have it regardless.

>> No.1508790

Things NOT to do with your yandere:

1. Have sex with her when she stalks you at work/school. She'll just stalk you more often.
2. Try to explain the economic crisis to her; she'll get confused and end up thinking you don't love her.
3. Play practical jokes on her; she'll get confused and end up thinking you don't love her.

>> No.1508805

Is being dumb that much of a part of being yandere?

I want an intelligent yandere waifu.

>> No.1508807

I would love to have my very own yanderekko. I would feel secure in that she would never cheat on me or leave me. It would be awesome.

>> No.1508821


>> No.1508858

Yanderes aren't dumb, but they're pre-occupied with keeping the seething black wreck that is their minds under control. They will fixate on you as their life-boat in a raging storm, and being with you is happines, peace, saftey, etc.So if you tired to have a philisophical discussion with her, she can only filter it through her anxieties and desires. She'll never be able to approach the topic impartially; and if the topic holds no connection to what she wants or fears then she has no room in her head for it.

Perhaps if you've treated your yandere well enough sje will eventually gain enough control of herself to function intellectually as a normal person. However, she'll always be haunted with fears and she'll always revert back at the tip of a hat.

>> No.1508862

>intelligent yandere waifu

>> No.1508868

Easy modo is for elementary kids, after all.

>> No.1508894

/jp/ you are all forgetting the best thing about damaged goods

just be the helping hand and they will love you forever in a stable/ideal relationship

>> No.1508896

Until they leave you for someone better.

>> No.1508921

>1. Have sex with her when she stalks you at work/school. She'll just stalk you more often.
is that bad?

or is it bad I don't think it's bad?

>> No.1508928

Probably the latter, though I don't see anything wrong with that, either.

>> No.1508940

well, if you love your yandere anyway it shouldn't be bad, as long as you don't do something stupid


>> No.1508957


Maybe in the 2nd dimension. In the 3D world the woman will just lean on you as the "caring, mature male friend" and demand constant reassurance while she looks for someone better. Then, when she gets an abusive asshole she thinks is "better" she'll forget all about you.

Once she breaks up with him, she'll come back looking for your reassurance, again, which you will NOT give her.

>> No.1509044


3D women don't target absuive assholes, but they are dead-set on getting with men above their level. The only ones who bite are the abusive assholes, and the girls try to make it work anyway because they are THAT fucking shallow.

>> No.1509051

There is a reason why 2D is superior.

>> No.1509756
File: 47 KB, 500x500, yandere_kotonoha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread needs more yanderes.

>> No.1510883
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More Yandere

>> No.1510967
File: 204 KB, 579x726, 8c90c4d63ec15b674e77de8302a6f8e11c5dd732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1)Give lots of LOVE to a girl
2)Give a few of love to another girl
3)Let the first girl know about the second one
4)Enjoy your short live

>> No.1511044
File: 429 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_3774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ I've got a problem. My yandere has escaped and I'm quite certain that she's after me. What's the best way to resolve my situation?

>> No.1511065
File: 19 KB, 332x222, jurassic-park-3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Typing one handed sucks. She's here and she's pissed. I don't think gymnastics is going to calm her.

>> No.1510860

Because you want to have some personal time. Your time to yourself are potential cheating zones and she'll try to eliminate it.

>> No.1510879

spoilers: all women are yandere

>> No.1510899

Hey /an/, I think my yandere has fin rot. What should I do to cure her? I am also trying to introduce other females into her cage with little success, she keeps pestering them. What are fish compatible with yanderes?

(What the fuck is up with this talk of "handling a yandere")

>> No.1510902

If you didnt notice, the op's text is from that thread

>> No.1510949

Is there a way to turn a girl yandere?

>> No.1511005


Traumatizing her can work, but the success rate is very low, hence why yanderes are quite valuable. It works better with quiet, introverted girls though.

>> No.1511058

a quick barrel roll before it's too late

>> No.1511062

yanderes are only dangerous if you don't know how to make the relationship work. It's pretty simple once you know what you're dealing with:

1. Be sure to remind her how much you love her. When prompted, re-affirm your hatred of those other skanky, dirty whores.

2. When she starts talking nonsense, she is being put under stress. This stress is based on the belief that you are being unfaithful or planning on leaving her. Pacify her with constant attention and sex.

3. Contact with the opposite sex in public should be kept to a bare minimum -- the assumption should be that she IS watching.

4. The yandere likes to do things for you, so keep her busy doing chores that makes her feel she is strengthing her relationship with you.

>> No.1511068

You can't pre-package a yandere.

A yandere is only awesome because you don't know the kind moe girl is completely insane with just enough presence of mind left over to maintain a facade.
They usually don't have any kind of higher ideal or ethical policy;
they sometimes don't even view themselves as people so much as an entity made out of some impulse or desire.
They seek only to fullfill their desires and anything else is simply not tolerated.

Especially other girls whom they view as especially vile filth, usually projecting their own desires onto them.

>> No.1511075

>4. The yandere likes to do things for you, so keep her busy doing chores that makes her feel she is strengthing her relationship with you.

Like oral sex.

>> No.1511099

Yoppi is awesome. I love sex crazy yanderes

>> No.1511788

Only game i've played through multiple times just for her route. Sometimes I get lonley for yoppi and then go back to re-live the awesome.

>> No.1512086

Don't lock yourself in a basement or a room somewhere -- all you're doing is cutting off your escape routes. Stay in the open, and keep moving. No matter what, keep moving.

>> No.1512110

Yandere = Zombie Horde

>> No.1512143

You saved one of the two posts I saved. Heres the other one I saved:

When a yandere:

1. Becomes unusually agressive in seeking sex, she's probably done something bad and is now looking to celebrate her latest victory over the forces trying to take you away from her or ruin her happiness.

2. Becomes obnoxiously chatty, it means she's becomming stressed but it's not at the critical phase yet. Fixed with some attention and re-assurances.

3. Stalks you -- this is absolutely normal behavior for her; if she couldn't stalk you she would become quickly stressed.

4. Gets angry at you: her yanderu is emerging, and it's now critical that you bring her back down. Re-assurances, attention and sex constantly until she has no more signs of stress.

5. Becomes abnormally illogical or displays strange behavior: she is at the breaking point and is about to have a psychotic episode. Her emotions are in control at this point, and she's suffering greatly. She must be detained and made to hear your voice and she will ventually collapse.

6. Loses the light out of her pupils: she's lost it and she knows she can kill. She's fallen to a psychotic episode and in an effort to take back control of her mind she surrenders to her emotional impulse to kill, destroy or hurt. In this state she has more presence of mind, but her logic will become almost child-like. You must not display any fear or weakness, and you must talk to her gently while holding her gaze firmy. Her episode will subside.-

>> No.1512210

Eva with a Yandere Shinji would be hilarious.

>> No.1512469

My mom is a yandere. She ruined my dad's career and his life.

I'll take a mentally retarded moe waifu instead.

>> No.1512534

>My mom is a woman. She ruined my dad's career and his life.


>> No.1512875

Yanderes make everything better. If it sucks, a yandere will make it awesome. If Princess Peach was outed as a yandere in Super Kid Wonder Mario Palace 5, I'd fucking backflip my way to the nearest game store to buy a DS.

>> No.1513479
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>> No.1513539
File: 107 KB, 810x636, ScreenHunter_78 May. 14 05.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1504952What is with this phenomenon? Why do all the guys in animus and VNs and anyfucking thing end up being giant faggots? They don't know how to handle women, even when it's fucking easy, or they let some tsundere girl beat the shit out of them for no reason.

>> No.1513560
File: 335 KB, 636x990, 1223897294486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this yandere?

>> No.1513588
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>> No.1513551

btw, when I'm playing YMK my 3 years old graphic cart is going into annoying fan noise making modo because of 3D accelaration. wtf? Didn't have this problem in any VN except YMK.

>> No.1513619

oh fuck thats hot

>> No.1513662

Is this part of Aeka's route? I played YMK for a while, but never really got very far before quitting. I might actually go back to it if it gets that interesting later.

>> No.1513694


>> No.1514072
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>> No.1513932


You have to pick a girl who has a weak ego and severely taumatize her. Rape isn't nearly enough; she has to be horrorfied so deeply that her mind simply...breaks. You'd have to do something like what Nozomi did to Sena's mom -- but, of course, you'd have to make sure she couldn't kill herself.

If she doesn't fall into a coma, repress the memory, or somehow pull herslef back together, she will be reborn as a beutiful, shining dark jewel, who will posses the secret to true strength and know the glory of perfect love.

>> No.1513959

Where can I read more into this?

>> No.1513975

she might despise you for it.
either way the relationship (and most likely you) will be short lived.

>> No.1513990

Anyone remember Outlaw Star? Pretty sure that blue-haired McDougal Brother was a male yandere.

>> No.1514002


Only if she knows you did it.
But of course you are to portray yourself as her sole hope in her grim and dark world, thus quickly becoming object of her obsession.

>> No.1514091

OK. I need to play this game.

>> No.1514099

OK. Enjoy it. I advise Mizuki -> Aeka -> Nekoko.

>> No.1514109

Yandere for Melfina.

>> No.1514139

does the torrent on /rs/ work?

>> No.1514142

I wouldn't know. The torrent I picked up from TokyoTosho about 2 weeks ago still had a decent amount of seeders, try to get that if you can.

>> No.1514152

I checked there and Hongfire first. the TokyoTosho torrent got deleted.

I'm not very good with H-game sources...

>> No.1514159


Try this.

>> No.1514166

Thank you!

>> No.1514182

Not a good game. Short, sub-part art, and faggot main character -- not a prison bitch like Takumi, but not anyone's idea of a manly man. And also no yanderes.

>> No.1514196

>faggot main character
Sounds good to me. Thanks for your opinion anon.

>> No.1514208

Dude, just stop fapping everyday to Arnie, arite?

>> No.1514272

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong all the time?

>> No.1514575

So it's not short and the male lead isn't a fag? I realize he has the same build as the snooty school girl which is why he gets bullied by a laughable punk that looks like a young and more homosexual Richard Simmons...

>> No.1514662


>> No.1515455
File: 130 KB, 750x1066, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we see the correct way to use a yandere. Her important person is safe and watching her fight for him, which is actually her ideal situation. It's not manly, but the yandere does not have even a shred of concern about such petty matters. She just knows that she's going to show you how much of a perfect girlfriend she is by fucking up the assholes trying to get in the way of youe perfect happiness.

>> No.1515692
File: 49 KB, 440x600, 1208905114148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sauce is Mirai Nikki, and the Yandere contained within its pages is none other than the famed Yuno Gasai.

>> No.1515594


Well, actually, in that case, he wasn't hiding behind his Yandere per se.

He was letting her distract them while he hid in ambush so he could kill one with the dart.

>> No.1515610

I'm having trouble finding a torrent of the original tsuyokiss VN. Is there an english patch for it? I want to experience Yoppi for myself.

>> No.1515611



>> No.1515644

Yoppi is crazy and nuts, she's fucking sex hungry and things aren't quite bolted well together in her head...are you sure you want to continue? There's no way back...

>> No.1515685


I am not afraid. I will persevere through whatever horrors await me!

>> No.1515697


Oh yeah, I heard about that. Never got around to reading it though.

>> No.1515699

No english patch, but don't bother. Honestly, it's not that good of a game, and the 'sequel' is even worse.

>> No.1516387

Oh shit that reminds me is the new chapter out yet?

>> No.1516549

...Gai Shishioh?

>> No.1516690


Don't see it yet if it is.

>> No.1516813

If there is no english patch for Tsuyokiss, then are you guys all playing through it in moon?

>> No.1516899

This sounds a lot like Princess Maker.

>> No.1517300

Please tell me the word 'agth' means something to you.

>> No.1517305

Oh, the guys that translated Cave Story! So there IS a patch!

>> No.1517314

Yeah. agth and atlas is good enough to get the gist of it, though. Also, much the dialogue is simple so even if you have a long-term anime fan's grasp of spoken japanese you shoud also do okay. You have to play through Erika's route before you can get Yoppi, and she also has a bad-end route involving Yoppi but I would put that one off until after you played Yoppi's route; don't rob yourself of the moment when you realize -- HUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!

Sit back and enjoy your new yandere waifu as she cleaves a path of destruction through the female cast.

>> No.1517340


>> No.1517892


Yes, it does. I know about it, just never used it. So it works well enough to play a game like this?

>> No.1517906

Depends on your own level of Japanese and tolerance for babelfish translations.
Try it out and see.

>> No.1517929

You know AGTH by itself is pretty useless don't you?

>> No.1518533

Besides agth there's another one that actually replaces the text in-game. I can't remember the name of it, and it never worked right whenever I tried it...

>> No.1518558

Tough guys don't hit women. Cowards do.

Y'know, like /jp/

>> No.1518756
File: 388 KB, 800x1000, 1225116263071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1512143 6. Loses the light out of her pupils: she's lost it and she knows she can kill. She's fallen to a psychotic episode and in an effort to take back control of her mind she surrenders to her emotional impulse to kill, destroy or hurt. In this state she has more presence of mind, but her logic will become almost child-like. You must not display any fear or weakness, and you must talk to her gently while holding her gaze firmy. Her episode will subside.-

What should I do when facing a snapped yandere holding a female hostage with her and has already seriously injured the hostage but still live. Then she starts saying, "What am I doing? I'm punishing this bitch who you've been talking to few days ago. I've overheard her that she's never truely interested in you and got close to you for personal gain...." an so on

>> No.1518779
File: 388 KB, 800x1000, 1225116745258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1512143 6. Loses the light out of her pupils: she's lost it and she knows she can kill. She's fallen to a psychotic episode and in an effort to take back control of her mind she surrenders to her emotional impulse to kill, destroy or hurt. In this state she has more presence of mind, but her logic will become almost child-like. You must not display any fear or weakness, and you must talk to her gently while holding her gaze firmy. Her episode will subside.-

What should I do when facing a snapped yandere holding a female hostage with her and has already seriously injured the hostage but is still alive, however one false move and the Yandere will instantly kill the hostage. Then she starts mumbling nonsense, "What am I doing? I'm punishing this bitch who you've been talking to few days ago. I've overheard her that she's never truely interested in you and got close to you for personal gain...." an so on when 50% to the things she said is not true.

What should I to keep the Yandere under control while saving the hostage.

>> No.1518651

Fuck yandere, fuck tsundere. Just give me a normal waifu with a good sense of humor.

>> No.1518662

That's boring.
I want a waifu who will kill me if I slip up.
Good end is double suicide. Together forever. ;_;

>> No.1518669

Tsunderes turn normal and loving after you win.

>> No.1518795

forget about the hostage...ffs have you learned NOTHING from this thread?

Refer to point 1>>1511062
>1. Be sure to remind her how much you love her. When prompted, re-affirm your hatred of those other skanky, dirty whores.

If you're really good, include point 2 as well
>Pacify her with sex.

>> No.1518799

Target the medulla oblongata. A well-placed large caliber bullet to the lower rear side quarter of the head can sever the organ and instantaneously render the body limp

>> No.1518806

>Saving the hostage.

>> No.1518829


>> No.1518836


Take off your pants and tell the yandere to give you an oral

>> No.1518837

Stab his life point.
If you cut one of her lines, she might have enough life left to murder the hostage before she dies.

>> No.1518980

1518651 Here.
>>That's boring. I want a waifu who will kill me if I slip up.
Sure, a nice scolding would be nice, ending with angry sex. But death? DO NOT WANT.

>>Tsunderes turn normal and loving after you win.
Too much hard work. And I'm not putting up with any bullshit. Angry sex yet again would do well in this situation.

>> No.1519004

Good fucking luck with your yandere stalker if you're going to insist on with that attitude

>> No.1519039

I wouldn't worry about the hostage.

I love my Yandere, not that other bitch.

>> No.1519248
File: 36 KB, 461x401, 1225126022946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You love me anonymous? That makes me so happy! I'll never let anyone else touch you! You should stay away from them because they are just tricking you and in the end they'll only betray you and hurt you! I'm the one who loves you most!

>> No.1519377
File: 38 KB, 588x421, 1225128611840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we have an accurate depiction of a yandere's nightlife.

>> No.1519304

Well, I don't think a yandere will want to hold a hostage. Once she's arrived at the Final Solution, she only wants to destroy an enemy. She wouldn't think: "Now he'll do what I say if I threaten his little slut!" but more like: "Evil spirits make people do bad things, so I aksed: why are you doing bad things, Evil Spirit? And then I realized Evil Spirits are just evil, so there was no choice except to...clean...the Evil Spirit from her body!"

>> No.1519308

You are now my waifu, and mine alone.

>> No.1519505
File: 100 KB, 750x1084, 1225131277015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much dead on

>> No.1519513

I'd prolly kill the hostage.
Because i'm just as nuts as the Yandere.

>> No.1519524

I would kill the hostage in the most messy way possible, then make my yandere clean it up as punishment for inconveniencing me.

>> No.1519530

Are they still yandere if they become afraid of you, due to you being more insane than her?

>> No.1519547

I don't think being afraid of you has an impact (can yanderes even feel fear?) on the fact they would murder your family for the sake of your unbreakable love

>> No.1519580

I would scold my silly yandere for putting herself at risk of imprisonment. What ever will I do without her?
Then we will finish off this piece of trash "hostage" together and run giggling towards the sunset. Yay!

>> No.1519630

So you get beat up and enjoy hospital bed. How can you comfort your Yandere now ?

>> No.1519740

wont she be by your side as much as she can though?

...oh god, shes going to murder some nurses

i hope she lets me watch

>> No.1519747

I like the bottom left panel. Yuki face is just "guys WTF do I do?

>> No.1520780

As far as a yandere is concerned her loved one can no wrong. You just want to avoid being corrupted, poisoned, or influenced by outside forces in such a way that your yandere feels she must purge the evil directly from your body. This translates simply into: Don't Talk to Other Girls.
