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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1501317 No.1501317 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. This is my first time on the board. I'd like you to know that I'm leaving for a 9 month stay in Japan in July. I know very little Japanese, but I'm learning. I'd like to know a little bit about Japanese society. Help me out, /jp/?

Picture related, the reaction I'd expect from other boards, but hope not to elicit from you.

>> No.1501336
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>> No.1501474
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I hate public bathrooms anyway. Anyone else on /jp/ want to contribute? Here is some delicious little boy, I've heard you're enticed by these things.

>> No.1501544
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Shota is great

>> No.1501326

90% of /jp/ is Touhou, VNs, H!P and Momosu, or Kigurumi. Good lucking finding /jp/edos that actually know about culture.

>> No.1501341


^ ask here.

>> No.1501345

I don't know what those words mean, as I'm here from /co/. I figure there are some knowledgeable people on here.

>> No.1501351

Thanks, I'll make a thread there too. Though you guys ARE dedicated to Japan. I wanted to ask here first.

>> No.1501354

i assume your a troll, but if your not the language people are here daytime EST, otherwise go to /trv/. Also post some loli as pre-payment

>> No.1501359

Well, we're more dedicated to what gets made there.
trv is more the place where you'd get advice.

>> No.1501361


4chan probably isn't your best resource for this.

>> No.1501376

Whereabouts are you going OP? What do you want to know?

>> No.1501383

>Though you guys ARE dedicated to Japan.

/jp/ was created as a place for moot to exile everything he didn't like on various other boards to. The name is merely his attempt at a final "fuck you".

>> No.1501395

Learn Japanese before you go.

>> No.1501400

Well, I haven't totally decided yet. Ok, that isn't the truth. I'm a senior in High School (Yes, 18) and the Foreign Exchange Program is funding my trip. I don't know where exactly I'm going yet, but I know the general idea, in that it will be a semi-large town, not quite Tokyo or Kyoto, but big enough to have apartments, arcades and such. I'd like to know a little about the social norms of Japan, little amusing facts about the country, maybe a bit about the economy and anything you know about how the language functions.

>> No.1501410

if your going to a rural part of Japan learn to shit standing/squating, because you won't find a normal toilet. just the ones that look like a urinal lying on the ground

>> No.1501643
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>> No.1501421

I am currently learning it.

>> No.1501653
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>> No.1501432

I'm not going to a rural part of japan, I'm just not likely going to Tokyo, though it is possible.

>> No.1501434

You should probably ask /trv/.

/jp/ is just Pooshlmer 2.0 with visual novels.

>> No.1501440

Travel is incredibly slow today, my post hasn't been answered once and it's still on the front page.

>> No.1501662
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>> No.1501666
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So you're a fag huh? You have chosen the right place. I'm sure you're going to enjoy it! ( ≖‿≖)

>> No.1501449

This is only for public toilets. Most houses, yes, even the ones in rural Japan, use Western style toilets.

>> No.1501458

lots of forgieners!

>> No.1501471

you can't always wait to get home, so it is prudent to learn how shit standing/squating. you don't want to be in an emergency and get shit all down your leg because it is the first time you try it

>> No.1501480

i said offer loli not shota

>> No.1501483

Basically, Japanese social norms are so fucked up that you won't be able to abide by them without at least a year of full-time study

That's OK though, because you're a white, sub-human barbarian who can't be expected to know his ass from a proper greeting, so you get away with doing pretty much anything within the confines of the law.

If you have asian looks though, you're fucked. Then you'll be expected to act as though you've lived in Japan all your life. Also, break the law in any tiny way and you're fucked beyond comprehension. The japs are EXTREMELY hard on foreigners committing crimes, even if they're on the scale of biking without having your bike registration papers in order.

Assuming you actually get caught, that is. While the Japanese legal system is fairly effective against non-organised crime, cops and other people of authority will actually think at least twice before stepping in if there is a risk that they might be required to speak English.

Oh, and I'm serious about the bike registration papers. Everything in Japan requires a metric fuckton of paperwork. You'll even find yourself filling out forms requesting permission to fill out another set of forms.

>> No.1501490

Shota is superior.

>> No.1501499

Well I'm hoping that by living with a Japanese family, and essentially being considered a minor, I can deal with the crazy shit. I just need to know some basics so I don't accidentally tell everyone in the room to suck my cock.

>> No.1501714
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You really think so?

N-not that i care or anything..

>> No.1501509


Kill yourselves and stop embarrassing us already.

>> No.1501512

Just don't be like all the fat weeaboo girls that say kawaii desu desu

>> No.1501521

As I said, I'm no weeaboo. I don't like anime and I don't know that much about the culture. I don't wish I was Japanese. I just want to experience the world, outside of hicktown, USA.

>> No.1501527


"Please" and "Thanks" = "Chinchin" and "Manko" respectively.
It's polite/casual (in a good way) so use it around the house.

>> No.1501534

Never accept compliments, never tip and always be overly polite. Also, read up on what you can and can't do with your chopsticks or you might get yourself into an interesting situation.

As I said though, any fuckup, no matter how big, will be excused by your being, from their point of view, a white slightly retarted barbarian.

>> No.1501535

Thanks, I'll write it down. keeping a little notebook of useful phrases. I know I'm going to screw up and get arrested or shunned though.

>> No.1501538


Hope you like nato, also you might want to take a dump on their bread before you put it in your mouth so it'll taste better.

How do you look like OP?

>> No.1501548

You might want to strongly reconsider taking any similar advice from 4chan without first looking the word up, preferrably in multiple dictionaries.

>> No.1501562

do not tell a lie

>> No.1501568

Yeah, that's my plan. Lying bastards, but I don't have anywhere else on the internet to ask.

>> No.1501578

The canned coffee is awesome

>> No.1501579

Uh, short. Very. Average length black hair, brown eyes. I wear glasses. I'm about average weight, if not a little chubby. Kinda round face. I'm not so good at describing myself. Why do you ask?

>> No.1501584

Do you like anime?
Do you like japan?

>> No.1501591

Hello - Konnichiwa
Good morning - Ohayou
Good afternoon - Konnichiwa
Good evening - Konbanwa
Good night - Oyasuminasai
See you later - Nakadashi
Good bye - Sayounara
Take care - Ringomomokahime

Hope this helps.

>> No.1501594

I don't like animu. I don't know if I like Japan yet, but they seem like pretty cool guys. Lasers and arcades everywhere, doesn't afraid of anything, etc.

>> No.1501599


It's oh so fucking important.

Black? Oh shi-
Latino? Oh shi-
White? Oh shi- (but it's awright)
Blonde? Oh shi- (but it's awright and might get you some booty)

This is true, while their taste for snaks and some foods is...an acquired taste, the juices and canned drinks kick ass

And remember, they all talk about you behind your back.

>> No.1501606


>> No.1501609

>>See you later - Nakadashi

Oh you

>> No.1501612

Ok, I'm white. Not blonde, but I like blondes. Also, everyone talks about me behind my back anyway, so that's cool too. Oh wait, I'm gay, but not open about it. Does this matter?

>> No.1501617


I lol'd

>> No.1501620

I am Japanese.
We welcome foreigner.
If you decide to go Japan,Please enjoy JAPAN Life.
anime manga ninja samurai etc....

>> No.1501621

I assume it would be in my best interest not to take this man's advice?

>> No.1501627

OP here, sure is dickery and trolls in this thread.

>> No.1501624


If you don't want to be ignored.
Don't know much about the fag scene in japan though, there was a gay dude living in japan who lurked here who might give you some tips.

>> No.1501625

I am Japanese.
We welcome foreigner.
If you decide to go Japan,Please enjoy JAPAN Life.
anime manga ninja samurai sushi etc....

>> No.1501635

Its only a temporary trip, and I doubt I'm going to be dating anyone. What do you mean by ignored, though?

>> No.1501631


"Nakadashi" translates roughly to "creampie".

>> No.1501638

And "Ringomomokahime" roughly translates to "vanilla fart".

>> No.1501647

Oh /jp/, you rascal, you!

>> No.1501659

What an incredibly cute girl!

>> No.1501678


Just don't tell anyone you like the meat stick unless you are sure the other one likes yours.

How long would you be there?

>> No.1501686

There's been a thread about sucking cock today, you've come to the right place.

>> No.1501701


>> No.1501772


It's Civilization 3

>> No.1501794


Ask /trv/, most of the idiots here have never been to Japan and can't even speak the language.

>> No.1501823

Quite sorry, my good man, but I have to end your troll post because I think OP may actually use it and I'm a semi-kind man.

Those actually mean penis and vagina, respectively, OP.

>> No.1501843

Did you even read the rest of the thread?

>> No.1501876

You know, as a whole board, we have to either ignore these fucking threads or do something else with them.

You know, because we already get enough of them. We don't need to be helpful and encourage more.

>> No.1501925

Nine months, but I doubt I'll be telling anyone anything about sex anyway.
