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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 240 KB, 600x592, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15000430 No.15000430 [Reply] [Original]

Denpa song English guide:
Denpa no Sekai Blog:
Music downloads:
Denpa song bot (new songs every day):
In-detail analysis of denpa aesthetic:
takeshi0406's blog (very informative):
Denpunk bot:
Japanese guy who makes denpa and moe songs mixes:
moep's blog, he posts buy lists for events like Comiket and M3:

>> No.15000577
File: 363 KB, 1200x1049, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been catching up on listening to some old stuff I hadn't gotten around to lately and noticed that all the downloads I can find for なゆきんぐだむ from M3-30 are missing the first track. Instead there's a text file saying it would get released by download only from a link on nayu's twitter, but it seems you can't look back that far. I don't suppose anyone grabbed it at the time, or knows of a download that contains it?

>> No.15001386
File: 42 KB, 300x300, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This album is so damn good, I can't stop listening to it. Shame I have to use Jewgle Play Music to listen to it, tho. Anyone has it uploaded somewhere? I can't find it in the archive.

>> No.15001801

Check the archive.

>> No.15002857
File: 1.06 MB, 900x900, tumblr_static_4rx8pukgmhic4go844c0sk0s0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody has a url for まめいちご - あいどるすくーる~idol love school~? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.15004117

I've been after this for ages too, I know some guy posted a photo of it and some other CDs on here a few threads back, so at least one person who frequents these threads has it, but they haven't uploaded it.

>> No.15004286

I ain't finding it. Maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.15005747

It's not uploaded in any of the other usual places I go to either. I've yet to check japanese p2p programs, but I don't wanna reinstall them just for this. If the buyfag anon can see this, please help a brother out!


>> No.15006280 [DELETED] 

<3 thanks anon-kun

>> No.15006289

Thanks anon-kun

>> No.15007669
File: 351 KB, 1000x900, Doujima.Nanako.full.1287190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently joined my college's radio and I could play Denpa if I wanted. Should I do it or is it too autistic?

>> No.15008248

That sounds like a bad idea, anon. Maybe you could do a "J-Pop" show and sneak some in, but even then a J-Pop radio station sounds like a bad idea as well. College radio is usually a bad idea.

>> No.15008812

Yeah I'd hold off on that personally. Might be a bit too much to the unfamiliar ear and then you'd be that guy.. Off vocal maybe, just maybe. but still. i probably wouldn't.

>> No.15009166

mi aporte en español para el deleite nipon
tambien hay otras bandas busquenlas del lado izquierdo

>> No.15009204

Denpa is the pinnacle of autism music. If you want to advertise yourself as autism, do it.

>> No.15009237

It's also something that's fit for a particular time and place, like a live show or when you want to get pumped and crazy alone in your room. It's very energetic so I think it's bad for casual, background listening radio music.

>> No.15009633
File: 114 KB, 800x800, XLR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not really denpa, but I still feel it's the most appropriate place to ask:

Funwari-chan's XLR and NIGHT HIKE are currently up on BOOTH. I'd buy them in a flash, if they shipped outside of Japan. I'm not interested in physical copies, but I still haven't found either uploaded anywhere. Would anyone be able to order them before they run out of stock?

>> No.15009668
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, NIGHT HIKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the link: https://funwari-chan.booth.pm/

I wouldn't mind compensating cost, fees and hassle.

>> No.15010809
File: 99 KB, 212x960, 15529_586936044802206_1439012883576387746_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is there shoegaze denpa??

>> No.15012818

Not that I know of

>> No.15016167

Does anyone have booklet scans for MOSAIC.WAV's album All Last One Chance? I'm looking for the lyrics of 麻雀よくわかんない but I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.15018658

Can someone identify this song from mr. ice's stream?
Sounds like dempagumi.inc but I could be wrong
twitch dot tv/ice_poseidon/v/58256991?t=01h38m48s

>> No.15018669

I'm afraid it's terminal. You're cancer, and you're going to die.

>> No.15019180

Are there any torrents available for these songs?

>> No.15019827

I'm not aware of a convenient batch. There's one for MOSAIC.WAV's older discography.

>> No.15021144

jpopsuki has the usual artists/circles (nanahira/mmbk/toromi/mosaicwav)

>> No.15021149

It's a remix of Nippon Egao Hyakkei by Momoiro Clover Z.

>> No.15023426
File: 353 KB, 512x512, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure whether this has been posted, so just ripped it from from the game files.

甘利燈 (CV: 赤﨑千夏) - 甘利の生贄スプラッター:

>> No.15023718 [DELETED] 

Is this denpa? Where do I find more?


playing from 8:45 - 10:20

>> No.15023727

Is this denpa? Can someone please identify this? Where do I find more?


playing from 8:45 - 10:20

>> No.15023759

I found it but can't delete this post, Love Cheat by MOSAIC.wav, sorry

>> No.15024011

Great throwback song. Haven't listened to old mosaic.wav in a while.

>> No.15024111

>Great throwback song

Fuck man, I am a filthy crossboarding non-regular who spent the half the day listening to 90s shit and have never been so tempted to link something off-topic

But I must refrain. Instead, I will ask - is Love Cheat! or the albums it's on available in 320kbps or lossless? After someone identified the song for me (>>15023724) I grabbed the 192kbps AKIBA POP RECOLLECTION album in one of the OP links. Actually willing to pay for this desu as long as I don't need to get a jap cc. Actually I'm willing to buy shit in general (<$50) and upload it as long as I can do it with Western financial credit, come at me bros

>> No.15024163

Love Cheat is the lead single on the 2006 album Space Akiba-pop.

320mp3 and flac.

If you are still interested in purchasing (~2500Yen):

>> No.15024443

From Tokyo Necro

>> No.15025051

I laughed hard at that scene. That's actually a joke song from an old Nitroplus eroge, Hello, World. (2002).


The singer is Itou Kanako. Yeah, THAT Itou Kanako.
If I remember correctly the full version is in that old dempa song pack someone posted time ago.

>> No.15025945

Hey, do you know how to rip songs from 3DS games? There's a game I really want the OST from, but there is't one for sale yet.

>> No.15026506

If you're planning on purchasing something please get Maple Doll from last M3.

>> No.15026561 [DELETED] 

I have my doubts about whether or not it was sung by Itou Kanako. It just seems like it was mislabeled with the songs before it in the that are sung by her in the same album, it's actually sung by maimai.

>> No.15026568

>asking someone to buy some obscure album from a niche genre he isn't familiar with

>> No.15026572

I have my doubts about whether or not it was sung by Itou Kanako. It just seems like it was mislabeled with the songs before it in the same album, it's actually sung by maimai.

>> No.15026596

I have this coming in the mail actually (again no idea when it will get here), but holy shit, stop begging in every thread.

>> No.15026724

I think I've only made one post per thread

but /jp/ is pretty slow I guess, sorry.

>> No.15026739

FYI it's shit posts like these that make me unmotivated to rip and tag albums like >>15002857

>> No.15026754

Why? They are just asking nicely. It's not like they're demanding.

>> No.15026774

>beggars asking for money politely
Still annoying as fuck. Like the majority of world I ignore beggars.

>> No.15026785

You don't have to upload anything then. Get your stick out of your ass.

>> No.15026792

How many albums have you uploaded here? You should get the stick out of your ass.

>> No.15026798

Nobody "has" to do anything any more than they "have" to stop doing things but it doesn't stop some behavior from being desirable and some behavior from being annoying.

>> No.15026804

Who cares? This isn't your personal circlejerk. You aren't entitled to have an ego trip just because you upload shit.

>> No.15026805

pls stop encouraging shitposts

>> No.15026817

Why do you care so much about my opinion? It's not like I'm demanding that they stop shitposting. You aren't entitled to power trip because you protect beggars.

>> No.15026857

Some of us ask for stuff because we can't find anywhere selling it, if it wasn't for the fact I can't find it for sale anywhere i would have bought and uploaded >>15002857 myself. These threads are about sharing very niche music that's not easily available outside Japan, if you have something that others don't and have no way of getting hold of it makes you a supremely selfish dickhead to withhold it just because once or twice a thread someone makes a post you find disagreeable, this is 4chan no matter where you go you'll find someone posting something you find annoying.

>> No.15026868

You make it sound like your original post wasn't a shitpost in itself. You're shitting up the thread just as much as they are.

>> No.15027362

I see, I haven't played "Hello, world" yet. It's on my backlog forever...

>> No.15027434

Same can be said about you.

>> No.15027440

>not sharing makes you a dickhead
go back to /pol/ bernie cuck

>> No.15027721

A quick look at EGS tells me you're right. Heart breaking mistake.

>> No.15027771

>Why do you care so much about my opinion?
Because you came to complain about it, besides the original poster was literally asking for requests
>come at me bros

First, discussion about denpa and otaku culture annoyed you, now people requesting CDs annoy you, everything annoys you. If you want everyone to leave go make a Skype chat group or something.

He didn't say that, he's talking about withholding material out of pure spite because someone's asking for it. And you should go back to /pol/, where the fuck did "bernie cuck" come from?

>> No.15028190

Damn guys, I was hyped to see 17 new posts, to see people arguing about nothing. Who cares, asking about a denpa CD is denpa discussion, if you don't want to upload anything then just don't.

Back on topic, M3 is coming soon, any anons going? What new stuff are you looking forward to?

>> No.15028196

>saying it's okay to shitpost about requests
>saying it's not okay to complain about shitpost requests

>First, discussion about denpa and otaku culture annoyed you
Where did I say I was annoyed about discussion about denpa? Begging for music isn't a discussion about denpa.

>withholding material out of pure spite because someone's asking for it
As far as I can tell, nobody is withholding material out of spite.

>asking for free stuff
Literally bernie cuck.

>> No.15028211

You should know by now whenever there's over a dozen posts in a day it's either event/upload day or shitpost day.

I'll be stopping by M3. Still haven't gone through everything that'll be released. Definitely going to pick up mameichigo's full album.

>> No.15028449 [DELETED] 

>>saying it's okay to shitpost about requests
How is requesting denpa in the denpa thread shitposting?

>Where did I say I was annoyed about discussion about denpa?
Discussing about denpa has been banned from this thread ever since people started arguing about the definition of denpa.

>>asking for free stuff
>Literally bernie cuck.
What the fuck are you even going on about? You're schizophrenic as fuck, go back to /pol/.

These threads are dead. Modern denpa sucks balls, too.

>> No.15028513

>How is requesting denpa in the denpa thread shitposting?
When you ask for the same shit thread after thread.

>Discussing about denpa has been banned from this thread ever since people started arguing about the definition of denpa.
There are plenty of ways to discuss denpa without arguing about the definition of denpa.

Since you seem to be having some problems, I'll give you some examples:
>Upcoming releases
>Recent finds/mixes
>Composition/music theory

>What the fuck are you even going on about?
>Modern denpa sucks balls, too.
Why stay here if you don't even like contemporary denpa? Take your ad hominems and go back to /pol/ you crossie.

>> No.15028514

What a fucking monster, this guy.

No, don't think this is food for you, monster!

>> No.15028518

Wrong thread, friend.

>> No.15028739

I should have never asked for that album

holy shitposts

>> No.15028750

It's kind of ironic how the actual Japanese denpa/moesong/doujin music scene is super polite, cheerful and inclusive but whenever I take a look at these threads theres always petty arguments and bickering about literally nothing.

>> No.15028821

Present argument aside I have no idea what you're talking about. I keep these threads open 24/7 and they're quiet most of the time, and frequently go days or weeks without any argument. There's also more interesting posts when events are happening.
How long has the present argument been going on, a day? This thread is almost 6 days old. I can only recall like 2 or 3 arguments this whole year so far.

>> No.15028848
File: 81 KB, 480x338, Hinabita_and_Coconuts_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the replies is hilarious.

On a more thread related note, bought some of the older hinabita albums. I enjoyed most of the songs but I forgot how most of it wasn't cutie headshaking sounds.

>> No.15029141

Wow. I was just grumbling a bit like. I'll upload maple doll when(ever) it arrives.

I'm not sure what it is that maple sugar has, but they stands out for me in the moepop crowd, somehow.

>> No.15029614

What's up with the girl in pink?

>> No.15030046

An essay by yohine of Innocent Key about the concept of "Denpa song".


>> No.15031663

I just got a digital copy of Akiba-Pop Recollection on Amazon but it seems their digital collection of denpa music is pretty small. Is there anywhere else where I can pay for and legally download digital copies of denpa music?

>> No.15031991

Depends on the artist/group. Some use proxies like amazon (e.g. nanahira), while other's use their own store (e.g. iosys and forestpireo).

Is there any specific artist you are looking for?

>> No.15036406

You would be labeled as paedophile and freak. I do not recommend.

>> No.15040482 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 300x297, tumblr_static_8sb5a0o1c4kko80408g4wko8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Released on 春M3

with crossfade:

>> No.15040486
File: 151 KB, 300x297, tumblr_static_8sb5a0o1c4kko80408g4wko8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Released on 春M3


>> No.15040499

I'm still trying to get hold of their last CD, hopefully I might have better luck with this one.

>> No.15040951

Does anyone know where I can get BLENHEIM's 「帰ってきました、日本の遊び心と萌えキュン電波製造所が大変ヒドイ有様になってきたんで相変わらずソレ系がお好きなキミたちは反省しながら誰にも言わず1人でコッソリ聴くと良いんだよ!!」 or 「最近久しく萌えとか電波とかやってなかったけど、いっちょやってみっかぁとやってみたら何だかヒドイ有様になってきたんでソレ系がお好きな猛者はフヒヒッってなると思うから誰にも言わず1人でコッソリ聴くと良いよ!!」


Last time I was in Akiba I looked everywhere but アキバおお, I don't think it was there though.

>> No.15041573

That Wakasagijirushi no Sashimi-chan song (+ PV) at the end is brilliant.

>> No.15041880

Anyone hear new the Precure OP and ED?

>> No.15044294

I'm looking to fill up on all that I can from Odenpa Studio. Links desired.

OPCD-1003 おでんぱ運動会
OPCD-1005 ろりパンでみっく
OPCD-1011 おでんぱ幼女合唱
OPCD-1012 おでんぱスタジオ ~もう4ちゃい~
OPCD-1015 白い○人
OPCD-CDR01 ときめきほたるたん デモCD
OPCD-1021 うぉーたーぱーくパラダイス

I have everything in between, if it could help anyone. Though, likely it all came from either here or RTL. Could have overlooked some there, too.

Also wanna check out these 2 from ODENPYTHON:
ODPT-0001 フュージョン幼女ぴとんちゃん
ODPT-0002 フュージョン幼女ぴとんちゃん2 ~ライバル幼女らとるちゃん登場!?の巻~

>> No.15044302

>OPCD-1021 うぉーたーぱーくパラダイス

I think this is it. https://my.mixtape.moe/aoromn.zip

Haven't opened it yet, no idea what's inside/quality of files, 15mb seems a little small

>> No.15044463

Only 2 tracks, that's correct. Nice rip, too. Crazy file names, splendid! Thanks.

>> No.15044574

>OPCD-1005 ろりパンでみっく

>OPCD-1015 白い○人

>> No.15044579

Too sweet!

>> No.15045092

Why do Odenpa always release 1-2 tracks CDs? It's becoming hell to keep track of it all, couldn't they just wait a few events and release at least 6track CDs?

>> No.15045114

Because why sell something once when you can do it 3 times? :^)

>> No.15045941

New show Ahare! Meisaku-kun (by the same people as Kayochu, if anyone remembers that) has a Denpagumi.inc song as ED.

>> No.15045969

what the fuck did I just watch

>> No.15049228
File: 739 KB, 700x694, tumblr_static_an75quvkqlckg8sw840oc44w0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chokos third solo album
Released at 春M3

promo page and crossfade:

>> No.15049335




>> No.15049392

Huge help. Amazing.

>> No.15049403

I must have missed the 2nd one!

>> No.15049455
File: 694 KB, 600x600, tumblr_static_d8gkvuljo0g8gco844ccsw0ws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this one, highly recommended:


>> No.15049649

Damn. Can you sneak me a dl link?

>> No.15049687



>> No.15049706


>> No.15050023

Thank you, but please love the creators rather than me.

>> No.15050661
File: 120 KB, 640x575, 46ec7317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Released at 春M3

One song uploaded

>> No.15050800


Thanks for this, listening to MOSAIC.WAV makes everything else sound like shit. The production quality, lyrics, concept and composition is always of a much higher quality than all the denpa that currently comes out. ちぃむdmp, おでんぱスタジオ, ななひら, etc. etc. all ends up sounding boring and homogeneous in comparison.

>> No.15055132

That's because it's boring and homogeneous. It's not in comparison.

>> No.15055346
File: 571 KB, 700x700, beephp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vocals by Momobako, Nanahira, Suzushiro, Gakiko

promopage & crossfade:

>> No.15056392

Very interesting, thank you.

>> No.15056721

Welp, track 3 and 5 are rehashes from other albums, the MMBK track sounds boring, and the others are no vocals, it's pretty much nothing

>> No.15059205

Are there any other forum-type places on the Internet where people talk about denpa, except jaypee? I know there's a thread on bunbunmaru but it's pretty fucking dead.

>> No.15059401

What.cd doesn't appear to have a denpa thread, so that's out of the question.

You could probably make one on DS and it'd probably survive.

>> No.15061061

Is this uploaded anywhere?


>> No.15062329

I discovered denpa music a couple weeks ago but didn't look into it until now.

I guess I found what my life was lacking, in a way.

>> No.15062567

I welcome you to your newest obsession. I used to only listen to metal, but now my iTunes library contains 100+ denpa albums.

>> No.15063443

The same happened to me. I find that Black Metal and denpa can be very similar.

>> No.15063652

It's in the mail.

>> No.15063912


>> No.15064164

I went from speedcore to denpa.

>> No.15064183 [DELETED] 

yo hook a negro up with new japanese tv streams, the hk boys are getting touchy

>> No.15064197 [DELETED] 

yall know my cipher

>> No.15065757 [DELETED] 


>> No.15068074
File: 1.32 MB, 856x850, kurotama_jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vocals: Choko (twinkle) & Manamo

promo page & crossfade:

>> No.15068100

>mosu cover art

my dick

>> No.15068146

Both sound like ear cancer to normal people, have disturbing lyrics, and sound like pop music once you get used to them.

>> No.15068627

I've been listening to Black Metal for a good number of years, but it still doesn't sound like pop to me. I get your point, tho.

>> No.15068666

You're probably just not very susceptible to influence

to me 180bpm is what I consider a moderately paced song now

>> No.15069298
File: 1.27 MB, 2725x2552, aeeihpog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone able to transcribe any of this? The online text recognition sites are giving me fits.

>> No.15069347 [DELETED] 

My Name is Yamato
My Wishes, With These Hands
The Proud Queen Advances Today as Well
Miracle Destroyer, Yukikaze-chan
Operation Ten-Go

Composers: Aikawarazuna [Unchanging] (#1.5), Mizoguchi Yuuma (#2), Heavy Lemonade (#3), High-Speed Nabla (#4)
Lyrics: Hiromi (#1.3.), Mizoguchi Yuuma (#2), Nejipiko (#3, 4, 5)
Illustration: Hiromi
Design: Pneuma Record

>> No.15069383

My Name is Yamato
My Wishes, With These Hands
The Proud Queen Advances Today as Well
Miracle Destroyer, Yukikaze-chan
Operation Ten-Go One

Vocal: Toromi
Composers: Aikawarazuna [Unchanging] (#1.5), Mizoguchi Yuuma (#2), Heavy Lemonade (#3), High-Speed Nabla (#4)
Lyrics: Toromi (#1.3.), Mizoguchi Yuuma (#2), Nejipiko (#3, 4, 5)
Illustration: Toromi
Design: Pneuma Record

Also I just now realized you asked for transcription and not translation, but I'm not able to type Japanese on the computer I'm using now.

>> No.15069384

Hey, thanks for the translation. But, I mean is this the right Kanji?

1. 我が名は六和
2. 希望をその手に
3. 慢心女王 今日も征く
4. 奇跡の駆逐艦 雪風ちやん
5. 天一号作戦

>> No.15069390


>> No.15069393

Mostly right, corrections needed are 六 -> 大, 征 -> 往

>> No.15072615
File: 623 KB, 1300x1400, 1459930411670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a site you guys use to keep track of denpa albums? Specifically, if I want to look up a group/artist and see their entire discography, what would you recommend I use?

>> No.15072663

I don't think such a thing exists

>> No.15072762

I regret buying this CD, the 1st album was so much better, Gonna buy the 3rd still I think

>> No.15072781

Someone from here with some knowledge in web design should make one. Maybe a wiki?

>> No.15072794

Wikis are pretty terrible for data management.

>> No.15073704

Setting up a site is probably the easy part. The hard part being gathering all the information you'd want to display on such a site. So someone should do that first, and if they need help with the website side of it later I'm sure someone can help. I'd be willing to help for one, I coded an imageboard from scratch a while back so I learned a lot from that.

It could be a useful site, I was having some trouble figuring out how to label MMBK albums a while back since some of them seem to have different artists listed on different source with various combinations of MMBK, Kamel-Camellia, Nanahira, Confetto.
It would also be cool if there was information on which circle, if any, was involved in the album.

>> No.15073877


>> No.15073934

If anything comes out of this, it has to be called DenpaDB.

>> No.15073968

Information is pretty fractured - you could probably find denpa covers on an utaite wiki, then various touhou releases on vgmdb, and some releases on discogs, but the rest would be searching through old comiket catalogs and people's download folders.

>> No.15074131
File: 118 KB, 500x500, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

艦これ やりました。 / とろみせ屋さん+ぷねうまレコード


There's a glip in Track05 that is native to the disc, not a product of my rip.

>> No.15074372

It's great. I didn't hear anything wrong with track 5.

Will you make a lossless rip at some point?

>> No.15074379

This discussion is turning pretty interesting. I hope something good comes out of this. I have zero knowledge in web design and creation but I could contribute to this potential /jp/ project by covering the domain and hosting fees if an anon ever decides to make this.

Is there really no jap database though? I find it a little hard to believe. How do denpa otaku in japan stay up to speed and get a good sense of who made what and when?


>> No.15074386

Mostly twitter I guess. And I think the denpa otaku crowd is very niche but almost all of them are really hardcore about a few circles they like. I was amazed when I went to the Twinkle show last summer, there were not more than 150people but almost all of them knew all songs of most artists by heart.

>> No.15074439

What do you think about the idea that lossless quality should be only for those who have purchased the media?

I'm down with nothing lower than 320 or a classy VBR tho.

>> No.15074540
File: 213 KB, 804x800, PLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this ever uploaded?
I-I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.15074610
File: 51 KB, 500x432, シュリンピーグライコ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anypone gonna up that new 33.turbo yet?

>> No.15074961

New denfes PV
A new ARM album is going to be released there.

>> No.15075047

New album looks pretty damn good based on the tracklist.

Eagerly awaiting a crossfade.

>> No.15075639

Please don't bring moralfaggotry to 4chan.

>> No.15075856

Thanks man!

>> No.15077284

>ちぃむdmp, おでんぱスタジオ, ななひら, etc. etc. all ends up sounding boring and homogeneous in comparison.
This has been a serious problem for me ever since I've been listening to this stuff. I always end up getting so incredibly bored by most of the "denpa" artists here cause they rarely hit that feeling like MOSAIC and other older artists. I think the only other groups I listen to with any regularity is ave;new project and toromi. I like odenpa studio because their music sounds rough and underproduced, but the artists that fall in that in-between where it's not "amateurish" anymore and sounds clean and polished and like really generic EDM with moe vocals ends up getting dropped with the quickness. It makes me feel absolutely nothing. It's just so trite. At this point it's like I can predict what an album will sound like just from the cover.

MOSAIC, please save denpa!

>> No.15077380

I don't agree, circles like Poyahchio, haru*ama*nya and IOSYS keep releasing good complex stuff that doesn't sound like generic moe EDM. I think some stuff like marine stars or mameIchigo are also less generic than you might think if you listen carefully to all the background sounds going on, it's more than moe edm

>> No.15081042

New Confetto stuff coming out at M3.


>> No.15081287

Mogra's Denpa Song Daisensou pt 2 is the night before denfes

>> No.15081848

This looks pretty cool

>> No.15081952
File: 749 KB, 617x600, 886549_ffafbe5bda8c4759badfe02cd27048a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maple Doll:

>> No.15082215

Where do you live?! Please tell me so I can come and suck your dick.

>> No.15082933
File: 338 KB, 800x635, 29484088974ecc71bed1949c0a03f196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.15083054

It's here!

>> No.15083160

So, how did everyone feel about Maple Dolls presentation as an album?

>> No.15083206

I'm looking to hear more from ave;new project, if you can help with any links. There's probably some stuff I'm not aware of, along the lines of what I've listed:

A La Mode

>> No.15083234

Unmemorable, really.

>> No.15083500

>serious problem for me
>so incredibly bored
>makes me feel absolutely nothing
>It's just so trite
>Unmemorable, really.

There's a dicksucker who would disagree.

>> No.15083555

I found the 3rd track kind of relaxing. As an album, it's actually kind of neat, if you ask me.

>> No.15083586

I don't think it's that bad. It's a completely moepop take on some gothic-sounding themes with lighthearted motifs tossed in here and there. I think it's interesting to listen to.

Maybe it's just my cognitive dissonance speaking, from having bought the cd.

>> No.15083662

First and fifth tracks are stuck in my head

>> No.15083691

Those should all be in RTL.

>> No.15083717
File: 218 KB, 500x339, 1452005043043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it denpa?

>> No.15083763
File: 410 KB, 411x400, 886549_6f0993ce060249eea98492bb3c701618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maple Sugar『Maple Princess』
Released at 春M3

Promo page and crossfade:
(For some reason the spam filter hates wix dot com pages)
maple-sugar dot wix dot com slash maple-princess

Sounds great imo, and so does Mepus solo CD.

>> No.15083765

There's a Taiko Drum Master soundtrack that I'd really like to get from that pan.baidu.com site, but I'm not sure how it works.

[20120321] 太鼓の達人 オリジナルサウンドトラック「フルコンボ!」.rar

>> No.15083771
File: 278 KB, 800x525, cfcd0011_info01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anison covers with Kokon Koko and Momobako on guest vocals

promo page and crossfade:

>> No.15083832

I really like this one.


>> No.15083837

You need an account, just make one and then you should be able to download.

For some reason it didn't work on Firefox but worked fine on Chrome.

>> No.15083890

This is aggravating to me. I can't figure out how to make a login. Seems to require a phone number, weird. Did you actually download it? It's two discs. I'm listening on youtube this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDU_M3KLdjMVgKWkMsnoXaWgbogHzm4WM
There seems to be enough denpa-esque stuff on it that would justify an upload to this thread, if you had the time or energy to do it. Damn, I really want this!

>> No.15083910

Yes, I have these. I'm looking for others similar. Sorry, I could've been more clear.

>> No.15083917


>> No.15083921

I didn't download it from there because I already have all of those files but I tried downloading your file and it worked fine for me

anyway here you go here's a reupload took forever to find a pomf clone that lets you upload huge ass files


>> No.15083954

I'm getting it now, man. A huge THANKS to you!

>> No.15083998
File: 34 KB, 499x499, taiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels really awful that I linked the wrong file. I'm not even sure which one it could be, from that whole group. It's the "Donderful!" one I'm looking for. What a waste of your time! I am very sorry.

>> No.15084014

It's this one, damn.

[20111221] 太鼓の達人 オリジナルサウンドトラック「ドンダフル!」.rar

>> No.15084231
File: 9 KB, 318x407, Screen Shot 2016-04-16 at 13.42.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to be rude or anything, but FYI, all the zips you're making get mojibaked and if you happen to be using 7-zip I know a way to fix that.
When you're in the Add to Archive screen add this in the parameters box.
Ignore this post at your own leisure, just letting you know.

>> No.15084301

I use 7-zip (diff anon) and just a couple questions: By mojibaked, do you mean the garbled text?
Also, does it help to switch the format to zip? I've always left mine at 7z and kept the compression level setting at "Normal".

>> No.15084304

Just putting stuff in a 7z should be enough to not make it mojibake, as far as I know.
But if you're making a zip you need cu=on

>> No.15084382

Oh great, we can talk about good denpa again, you might be interested in this denpa Taiko collection:


Also better late than never but Haitai Nanafa full ED by Ayase Rie (=Shirasawa Rie(ave;new)) was uploaded last year in case anyone missed it:


zip would make things worse as it doesn't even write the encoding information in the metadata. 7z *should* work as it uses UTF-8.

>> No.15084400

Also talking about Taiko, reminds me of クルクルクロックル. The lyrics are literally meaningless gibberish.


>> No.15085233

Oh here you go then


>> No.15085244

not rude at all. thank you for the information. My system locale is japanese so I didn't notice the issue.

>> No.15085715

You've been really great. Thanks.

>> No.15085775

Very nice! I was just listening to CHUCHU ALICE the other day. Also, it was me who was asking about more ave;new.

But I did not know this
>Ayase Rie (=Shirasawa Rie(ave;new))
Thank you~

>> No.15086824


Crossfade for mmbk and Miko's upcoming album.

>> No.15087215

How come there hasn't been a new post on the denpanosekai since C88?

>> No.15087319

I assume because DnS has been busy or uninterested. Stalking his soundcloud reveals that he's been following mostly just hardstyle recently.

>> No.15087635

Yeah, I feel that there is a bit of a there starting with their albums as a whole. From Maple Sugar to Maple Land, now to this. I'm starting to try to imagine what Maple Princess is gonna be.

>> No.15088683


I'm glad I'm not the only one. The only denpa that doesn't bore me rigid is MOSAIC.WAV, Ave;new/DreSS, UNDER17 and U/Ultra Prism/Funta because they keep the original denpa vibe. The only way for me to hear new denpa is to go back over old late 90s/Early 00s eroge OPs.

The rest always just feel like they're making a different kind of music with generic moe-pop lyrics and the same vocal style in every track, even toromi doesn't do it for me anymore.

I heard that in the denpa polls now MOSAIC.WAV is excluded because their production level is so much higher than everyone else that nobody got a chance to win. Some people said it's because MOSAIC.WAV are now on a major label and should be called a different genre (Akiba pop) but the reality is that most of their discography is independent and their sound didn't change when they went major anyway, it's just sour grapes from the moepop camp.

I wish the GWAVE or TECHNORIDER TAMMY series would do another compilation but it's been so long.

>> No.15088703

Sounds nice, better than MMBK's last solo album at least. I hope I'll get to like it as much as their older albums

>> No.15088743

Yeah, her last album was pretty meh.

>> No.15089896

both MOSAIC.WAV and ave;new project fairly consistently use similar instrumentation, musical progression, and vocal style in their discographies though.

they're just better produced and maybe more unique, but I don't think they have any more range than some other producers of denpa music.

>> No.15090342


MOSAIC.WAV have a much greater variety of sound than pretty much any denpa artist.

Magical Hackerくるくるリスク
脳・内・再・醒 ~ecphoric dance~
Nursery Time
電気の恋人 /* I am Programmer's Song */ (DREAMY IC MIX)
The anthem of Online
Anything with アキバトラー

These are all very, very different styles of music. MOSAIC.WAV are way way more varied than basically every other producer in this thread. As for ave;new, they're also very varied but I can forgive you for thinking this as most people think the CHU! stuff they do for Twin Angel is representative of all of their work. Nobody into denpa really cares about the rest.

Please do name me one denpa group/artist with more variety or a greater musical range than MOSAIC.WAV. Thanks.

>> No.15090603

I've only heard the CHU! stuff and some generic sounding j-pop from ave;new, though I admit I haven't looked too much into it. I'll take your word that they have more varied tracks.

I'm not convinced that mosaic.wav music is particularly varied. They have a very signature crazy sound, and the vocalist has a fairly consistent range of voices that she does. I think their main strength is the big/orchestral sounds and the stories they tell in the lyrics. I have a similar opinion of ARM (of IOSYS): they also have signature sounds and themes.

I was looking at kasokaso the other day and some of the arrangement and mixing he did for various denpa/moepop albums. I'm not as underwhelmed as you seem to be.

I think, on a technical level, quite a few of these producers have similar levels of talent (ability to write in different styles, etc). Some of them fall into the trap of writing the same song over and over again, some more than others, but I think even ave;new does that to a fair degree, and you can still overlook that.

>> No.15090645

>I'm not convinced that mosaic.wav music is particularly varied. They have a very signature crazy sound, and the vocalist has a fairly consistent range of voices that she does.

You can't have listened to anywhere near their full discography then. I've given you a list above with some very varied tracks in it, certainly moreso than IOSYS, odenpa, chm etc.

MOSAIC.WAV are simply the best denpa group, nothing comes close and everything is trash and homogenized in comparison. This might sound massively exaggerated and I would think the same if I didn't know better but the facts are the facts - 99% of 'denpa' is churned out 'HAIHAI' moepop, MOSAIC.WAV break the mold in so many ways.

Just listen to everything they've done beyond the popular hits. They've even got a double album of chiptune BGM from TWGOK that nobody seems to know about.

>> No.15090766

Your entire post sounds like a whole lot of confirmation bias to me. I only have the larger mosaic.wav albums, which contain I presume mostly their hits, but I hear other tracks of theirs here and there, and I certainly recognize a few of the tracks in the list you provided. (But thank you, I work my way through the rest of your list, because I do like what mosaic.wav makes)

I'm not going to sit by and let you pretend that comparing the best of mosaic.wav with "haihai moepop" is a fair comparison between mosaic.wav and everyone else. You are literally taking your best impression of mosaic.wav and comparing it with your worst impression of an entire "genre" of music.

I might as well argue "oh it's mosaic.wav with the a-k-i-b-a motif again" or "oh it's ave;new with the churuchuchuchu again"

If you listen to something representative of mosaic.wav and something representative of say ARM, I don't think you could say either breaks a mold moreso than the other.

Even U had some "hai hai" moepop nonsense, back when she was alive.

>> No.15090788

Ugh. The point you're trying to make just describes the kind of superficiality and vacuous fandom that kills the spirit of music. You look at one band as the savior of a whole brand and try to popularize your view by making all these narrow comparisons. It makes me sick to see an opinion become such a disgusting motive of perpetuation in one's mind, to wanna glorify this one band's music and label it as "the best". Ugh, that just kills the spirit of music. I mean, really, at a deeper level, you are killing it.

>> No.15090890


>> No.15090926

Dude, I don't know if you are false-flagging or what. I agree that MOSAIC.WAV has a great variety of songs and styles and to me no one else can even come close, but you're going too far with this shitflinging at other groups. You're just going to bring forth animosity.

>> No.15091018

>I might as well argue "oh it's mosaic.wav with the a-k-i-b-a motif again"

But that isn't the case and if you listen to MOSAIC.WAV you'd know this. Just do your research before you throw assumptions around.

Answer my question - Give me a denpa artist more diverse and better produced than MOSAIC.WAV.

>Even U had some "hai hai" moepop nonsense, back when she was alive.

U is still alive in Ultra Prism/Koike's solo works, the former hasn't seen much activity for a while though.

>I mean, really, at a deeper level, you are killing it.

What's killing denpa is the 'accept-all' attitude that allows it to be saturated by shitty, regurgitated, unoriginal, homogenized moepop that carries absolutely none of the denpa aesthetic and yet tries to lay claim to the genre's identity by making songs about pantsu and tsunderes.

The people who don't challenge this are the ones who are killing it, the ones who sit back and let it slide because "Oh well, I like it" are the ones killing it. At a deeper level, you're killing it because you're killing the meaningful dialogue that allows the genre to evolve. You're no different from the people who exclude MOSAIC.WAV from the denpa polls because "Boo hoo, it's not fair, they're too good and we're not - it must be because they're on a major label now". These people, both western and Japanese will find any excuse to cover their misgivings and now we have more people wondering why denpa is becoming more and more generic.

There's your reason right there, you put sycophants in charge - people who would rather hide from quality and pretend it doesn't exist to make themselves look better rather than challenge it and create something amazing. The simple fact is that MOSAIC.WAV simply IS better than almost everything that passes for 'denpa' nowadays and the reason that sounds like a 'false flag' is because everyone has swept it under the carpet for so long.

Fuck your cheap ten-a-penny laptop denpa, you're not even on the same frequency as MOSAIC.WAV. The people doing the album covers are more talented than the artists themselves.

>> No.15091140

>But that isn't the case and if you listen to MOSAIC.WAV you'd know this. Just do your research before you throw assumptions around.
You've missed the point spectacularly. I was parodying your argument style to demonstrate your double standard. When you claim that "nothing even comes close to MOSAIC.WAV", you cannot cherry-pick the best of MOSAIC.WAV and the worst of everything else. That's the exact opposite of what you need to show.

>you put sycophants in charge

For all of your posturing about challenging the norm and creating something new, you're sure backward-minded about what denpa can be and what it can sound like.

Camellia, Mamyukka, and Poyahchio are all doing different things from what MOSAIC.WAV do. ARM has his distinct style, and I've noticed talent and skill in arranging from kasokaso. All of them are capable of writing music in different styles, but they all have their own signature sounds. This is what any good music producer can do, as a matter of course!

Fuck off with your strawmen and your confirmation biases. MOSAIC.WAV deserve better fans than you.

>> No.15091284

>Camellia, Mamyukka, and Poyahchio are all doing different things from what MOSAIC.WAV do. ARM has his distinct style, and I've noticed talent and skill in arranging from kasokaso. All of them are capable of writing music in different styles, but they all have their own signature sounds. This is what any good music producer can do, as a matter of course!

None of these are any better than MOSAIC.WAV and I say this as someone who owns the entirety of ARM's and Camellia's discography (physical).

You can cherry pick the best of these artists and they don't come close to MOSAIC.WAV's worst. Just because they're doing different things doesn't mean they're doing better things.

>I was parodying your argument style to demonstrate your double standard.

But there isn't a double standard because MOSAIC.WAV aren't a one-trick pony.

Fuck off with your fake denpa /a/ shit. Fuck off back to /a/ with your le epic meme classy jazz /b/ros. You don't even understand the denpa aesthetic, so you don't get to talk shit about it. I have you numbered in denpa and I bet I have you numbered in anime too.

>> No.15091310

I was holding off to listen any of the new MOSAIC.WAV that particular site has upped in 128kbps - until the desired number of likes has been reached on their facebook page. Then, I'll get to hear it in the precious 256 bitrate, yay!

>> No.15091311

Weird how a post glorifying one group and calling everything else shit in comparison resulted in flinging of just that; shit.

>> No.15091316

Thank you for your valuable contributions to this thread.

>> No.15091358

>None of these are any better than MOSAIC.WAV
My mistake. I thought you were legitimately asking for your own sake. I didn't realize this was a "name some things so I can say they are shit" game.

>But there isn't a double standard because MOSAIC.WAV aren't a one-trick pony.
Neither are most producers of "denpa".

>Fuck off with your fake denpa /a/ shit. Fuck off back to /a/ with your le epic meme classy jazz /b/ros. You don't even understand the denpa aesthetic, so you don't get to talk shit about it. I have you numbered in denpa and I bet I have you numbered in anime too.
Fuck me. I thought I was talking to a human being, and not the bastard son of the trudenpa autist.

>> No.15091372


>MOSAIC.WAV and eroge had OG denpa
>MOSAIC.WAV has largest variety of denpa
>new denpa all carries the same aesthetic of moe denpa
>quality of denpa is based on artist/producer talent, not enjoyment of music
>breaking the mold makes quality denpa
>generic denpa is not denpa

Let me apologize for barging in on your elitist shitstorm of a discussion, but you seem to be butthurt that denpa has found an aesthetic that you don't like.

>> No.15091409


There's nothing wrong with flinging shit as long as it's flung in the right direction.

These threads have nearly always been like this, nothing has changed in the years I've been away. They were only good in the very beginning. It starts off with people who enjoy actual denpa music and know what it is, then suddenly the thread catches the eye of the /a/tards who decide that they have to consume absolutely all of it because it's 'lewd'.

But instead of actually caring about the aesthetic and understanding the music, they just widen the goalposts on what should be considered 'denpa' and start sharing it. Then you end up with blogs with hackneyed names like RTL trying to be the ground-zero of the movement. The same thing happened when the chart guy began aggregating upcoming anime from MOON PHASE and turned himself into a persona.

The problem isn't that some people are wrong, it's that some people are wrong and try to teach others that they are right. The anon above couldn't answer my question about MOSAIC.WAV because he hadn't listened to enough of them, he's not a true fan of denpa - he's just someone who thought that because it sounded like a brazen statement to make, it must be wrong. Mistake number 1: Know what you're actually talking about before you engage in a debate about it.

We now have a 'denpa' idol group trying to play at being 'otaku' who are representing the music to the masses, meanwhile smaller artists are making inroads into the commercial EDM sound. Is this really where we want denpa to go? It used to be characterised by lyrics, themes and aesthetic - it used to be ambiguous, now if it has a kawaii-desu vocalist and an anime album cover, people are willing to call it 'denpa'. This is how the genre becomes homogenized and weak, people would rather force it into a box and categorize it neatly than take the time to understand it artistically. Next we will have denpa K-Pop groups and pretty soon the americans will be at it too in their typical crass way.

It's not denpa, it's niwaka music for niwakas. The type of people who need pantsu and tsundere references, who need brightly coloured album covers to identify with the music. How many of these people would know momoi if it wasn't for Ferris-nyan? or Ootsuki if it wasn't for SZS? I'll fling shit at them all day if I have to.

>> No.15091419

>Let me apologize for barging in on your elitist shitstorm of a discussion, but you seem to be butthurt that denpa has found an aesthetic that you don't like.

Denpa already has an aesthetic, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it's changed. If you can't tell the difference between MOSAIC.WAV and odenpa studio then that's your fault.

>> No.15091449


>> No.15091473

>nothing has changed in the years I've been away
please leave again

>> No.15091498

>I'm not convinced that mosaic.wav music is particularly varied.
It's simultaneously varied and consistent. So you can always tell it's a mosaic track, but within those tracks they explore a pretty wide range of sounds and musical influences from metal and classical and super robot OP rock jams, jazz, and pop all blended into their signature style. There's also lots of Chinese progressions and at least a couple with some Irish/Celtic (?) melodies and such.

>I have a similar opinion of ARM (of IOSYS)
That's another guy (and group) that has a very consistently high quality output but with a lot of breadth.

I think one of the biggest points of difference is that older groups didn't work to "make denpa." It just so happened that their music churned out denpa songs. More recent artists are definitely jumping on the "denpa" bandwagon and treating it as an actual genre. When you do that, you homogenize many of the elements. Another point is that most recent artists simply haven't been around as long as MOSAIC or IOSYS.

>> No.15091511

>The people doing the album covers are more talented than the artists themselves.
Christ, it's true...

So many times I get suckered into downloading something because of the nice art but then the music ends up being so underwhelming.

>> No.15091560

>circles like Poyahchio, haru*ama*nya and IOSYS keep releasing good complex stuff that doesn't sound like generic moe EDM
I agree, I just wouldn't categorize most of it as "denpa." I'm just not feeling the electricity, you know? I don't listen to much IOSYS, because I'm not into Touhou music, but I like ARM's production and his is about as close in quality and zaniness as MOSAIC as one could get without being MOSAIC. Their last denpa compilation was fantastic. So yes, props to these artists who are simply doing their own thing and making neat music. But I'm not really talking about them. I'm talking about this wave of people who are really pushing a "denpa" image and style that has risen in the past few years--denpa in a "generic" moepop-centric sense (I think everyone knows what I mean by this). By doing that, they're consequently producing homogeneous and ultimately boring music. That's not really what "denpa" is about. It was never really a /genre/; that's what made "denpa songs" special.

>> No.15091573

>denpa has found an aesthetic that you don't like
Denpa is its own aesthetic and has been distinct from the moe aesthetic even if there's some overlap due to akiba and otaku themes. The point of contention is really around the fact that people are not only are people erroneously conflating the two, but that there are people who push for the subsumption of one aesthetic over the other. That kind of has an effect of limiting variation. It's stupid because it's not like mosaic doesn't borrow moe themes and aesthetic, it just adds it to its own, which comprises a much larger, denpa-oriented aesthetic. People got it twisted. Making boring music and slapping moe loli girls on the cover simply does not make music "denpa."

Who are you even quoting?

>> No.15091625

Even if we are to hold MOSAIC.WAV to be the prime example of what good denpa is all about, really they've been the entry-level band for me in my explorations to find the most challenging forms of the denpa song. I think this is because they are so technically proficient and highly produced, they have more of a mass appeal. But I get the whole argument. Artists like twinkle, mmbk, and others with fewer releases, they all seem to aim for the same kind of aesthetic. But, I've been underwhelmed far more times by the stuff that IOSYS or MOSAIC has put out. I just don't get the point of them being the "best" at it. Aside from a handful of songs that I've heard from either one of them, I'm always looking for something completely different.

>> No.15091632


>> No.15091674

Personally what keeps me coming back to MOSAIC.WAV and ARM and the like is both their unique composition and the themes their songs convey, especially the latter. It's hard to appreciate denpa if you don't understand Japanese because lyrics are a huge part of conveying that sort of "unsettling" or "off" feeling denpa is about. I could never get into groups like chiimu because most of their songs have all the same themes: loli, imouto, maids, etc. It isn't bad and I'll even listen a few times, but after a while it gets stale and leaves me wanting more. I just don't feel any emotional attachment or sense of amazement at all when I listen to these kinds of songs.

This would be perfect if it weren't for the excessive moaning. I want to listen to music not masturbate.

>> No.15091711

>This would be perfect if it weren't for the excessive moaning. I want to listen to music not masturbate.


>> No.15091850

If anywhere were to ask what is the quintessential "denpa" group, it's probably MOSAIC or IOSYS. But frankly, getting bent out of shape over "denpa" is a waste of time. People should like whatever they like and there's no point in forcing oneself to like denpa songs. What I don't like, however, is people liking something different and then trying to call that "denpa" to fit in or something. There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking moesong! I like moesongs too and I think they have a deserved section of the denpa music. I just don't think that a song is denpa simply because it happens to be moe. I also don't like artists who milk a played-out aesthetic and potentially further the misconception. Basically, I liked denpa because it was DIFFERENT, not because it was more of the same. Anisong and moesong stuff is incredibly common. Denpa song, not so much.

>lyrics are a huge part of conveying that sort of "unsettling" or "off" feeling denpa is about
True. Though I think that's one part where even MOSAIC's composition shines through since it's rarely ever totally consonant and "right." I tend to get a feeling of suspension listening to them. I also like how they have lots of space and technology themes. Electromagnetic kind of stuff. THAT'S denpa.

>> No.15091861

If anyone*

>> No.15091899

In a sense, I'm glad that I don't understand the language, in terms of being able to understand the music better, I've always felt that lyrics just get in the way. But, the sound of the voice is very important. I can't stomach nanahira, but I find Toromi to be delectable. Also, I like it when vocalists get to be paired with various producers, and you get all these fresh combos each time. Maybe I'm wrong to think that MOSAIC.WAV doesn't do this very often, though it could explain why I frequently tire of them. There's a lot to be desired, just musically, from a lot of these artists. I thought Maple Doll was very boring, vocally and musically combined. So, I wouldn't even care about what they're singing. Even in a song which I did like, to know word for word what is being sung is a limiting thing. I don't get the sense that any of the denpa themes are very deep anyway, so it's not a bother.

>> No.15091922

>Basically, I liked denpa because it was DIFFERENT, not because it was more of the same.
cue emamouse song

>> No.15091949

I, too, prefer denpa because I can't understand what they're saying.

It's also for this reason that some of the only rock songs I have are in various European languages, so I don't have to worry about cringing to some awful lyrics.

>> No.15091983


I totally understand enjoying music with lyrics you don't understand to focus 100% on the sound, but I think understanding denpa lyrics can be a bonus. I'm still not great at japanese and and a lot of denpa song parts are really hard to understand, but understand the lyrics even just a bit can add another interesting dimension.Especially stuff like IOSYS, with lyrics as crazy as the music. For moe-poppy songs it's hit or miss, can be funny but they can also be fucking annoying

>> No.15093045

Honest question. What drug do i need to enjoy denpa?

>> No.15093056


>> No.15093085

depression helps

>> No.15093092


>> No.15093112

woahhh holy shit

>> No.15093616 [DELETED] 

>late 90s/Early 00s eroge OPs.
The eroge scene is still pumping out good denpa in 2016, thankfully.

>> No.15093638

>late 90s/Early 00s eroge OPs.
The eroge scene is still pumping out good denpa in 2016, thankfully.

There's even some metal shit which used to be common back in the day.

>> No.15093867

I interject to say that I completely agree with you because I've felt the same way. I liked it when some people had an interest in the culture surrounding denpa, I even remember someone translating some Japanese articles, 2ch threads and lyrics so others could understand what it was about. I also translated a few songs (or attempted to). There were some people interested but not many; it seems others don't want that discussion here and just want to pirate the new hot album with a cute loli on the cover.

That said, I've been more lenient and kept calm because:
1. Interest in this niche subculture, which is mostly dying anyway, requires some special kind of autism and investigation.
2. We're foreigners and we weren't there for the denpa "golden age" from the mid-00s, we're also not in a Japanese cultural context, and not knowing Japanese doesn't help either, which overall makes everything really hard to grasp, and very few people (if at all) here have the authority on the matter.
3. The sad truth is that most don't care anyway, they just want to listen to cute music and denpa just seemed like the perfect word to use for it. I'm probably bitter and wished that more people got interested in it (it's probably your case too) but I can't force people to do everything I want. I used to think I'd never see the word denpa in /jp/ at all, I think it's not all that bad.
4. It wasn't that different before, the first threads here were about the second Team dmp album, and the /bun/ threads were mostly about sharing albums. Although they had piled up old stuff, that was nice.

Now, indeed artists calling themselves denpa were a mistake; if you look back, denpa songs were always rare and mostly born out of an accident or a joke, which is why 2channelers had threads set out to find those songs that had that special combination of vibe, lyrics, music and cultural context, and put them on a list. Spontaneity is, by definition, something you can't replicate.

This phenomenon doesn't seem to be exclusive to denpa though, but rather the whole akiba/otaku culture and industry, which is struggling to survive, and trying to replicate a working formula seems to be the quickest and probably only way to keep the ship afloat.

That said some nice songs have come out of it, I really liked おねがいすにゃいぱー (y0c1e) and VAMPIRE FLOWERS OP (doujin artists, although comissioned for anime and eroge respectively), so the "rate" of new good denpa songs maybe isn't that different today than it was before. There's just more noise, which I'd say is exclusive to a chunk of the doujin scene.

That sounds biased; the talk page of the Japanese wikipedia page for Denpa song was full of shitflinging before it got deleted. I've also seen shitflinging on Twitter about it, especially from some users who also seem bitter about it. But again, this isn't exclusive to denpa. They also seem to be more obsessed with it and by being in Japan they have more going on and nice things to talk about. We on the other hand have to struggle to get information about it or to even listen to it.

>> No.15094117

>in terms of being able to understand the music better, I've always felt that lyrics just get in the way.
That's contradictory. You can't claim to understand more about denpa without knowing what the songs are about. I understand not caring about the lyrics for songs that consist solely of "moe moe kyun", but there are songs that go beyond that. For example, many songs tend to have specific motifs or characters that go with the song. MilliRobo.beta has some dark and unsettling themes. MOSAIC.WAV in particular has many songs that are based in science, technology, and the otaku subculture. Don't get me wrong, you can still enjoy the songs even if you can't understand the lyrics. I'm just getting the impression that you're proud of not comprehending what you're listening to.

This should be a genre in itself.

>> No.15094277

You guys should read yohines post about denpa. If you don't know japanese try google translate. I tried translating it and got around half way, but stopped because I didn't like how I worded a lot of things really literally. I might finish at some point. It's a fun read.

>> No.15094559


It wasn't that good and was almost entirely just opinion pasted as 'This is what I think, don't you agree?' but there wasn't much substance, just a lot of 'inclusive' bullshit which doesn't do much to actually take a stand on the issue, the only worthwhile thing said was about how the quality of denpa should be better. Was there even any mention of Momoi in there? I don't remember so.

>> No.15094568


That first link is barely even denpa and it's not good.

>metal shit which used to be common back in the day

No it didn't? Maybe more frequent than it is now (depending on if you count nonsense metal doujin stuff) but not 'common' ever.

>> No.15094605

>True. Though I think that's one part where even MOSAIC's composition shines through since it's rarely ever totally consonant and "right." I tend to get a feeling of suspension listening to them. I also like how they have lots of space and technology themes. Electromagnetic kind of stuff. THAT'S denpa.

You are correct.

>I think one of the biggest points of difference is that older groups didn't work to "make denpa." It just so happened that their music churned out denpa songs. More recent artists are definitely jumping on the "denpa" bandwagon and treating it as an actual genre. When you do that, you homogenize many of the elements.

You are very correct, this is the biggest problem, I think.

You're also correct.

You haven't listened to enough MOSAIC.WAV. Take a step outside the stuff posted on RTL or wherever and dig deeper. Some of their best tracks are B-Sides or on maxi-singles that don't get uploaded.

>I could never get into groups like chiimu because most of their songs have all the same themes: loli, imouto, maids, etc. It isn't bad and I'll even listen a few times, but after a while it gets stale and leaves me wanting more. I just don't feel any emotional attachment or sense of amazement at all when I listen to these kinds of songs.

The silly thing is they just flog a dead horse. MOSAIC.WAV and even momoi have done songs about these sort of things but they do them once, do it well and then move on. Their tracks are memorable because of this.

Chiimu et al just continue to go on about the same tired anime tropes that everyone got bored of in 2005. Loli pantsu and tsundere meidos are old now, nobody who has been watching anime or playing eroge for any substantial period of time wants to hear some old shit about onii-chan's naughty milk all over again when it's ground that has already been trodden by much better artists long before.

>> No.15094724


New ARM album xfd out.

>> No.15094747

>figyu@mate ARM remix

>> No.15094749

I gained a new level of appreciation for MilliRobo.beta after reading translated lyrics. The dark themes with the cute, unassuming vocals.

>> No.15094792

Holy shit, I never thought we would get a full version of these.
Seems like most of the album is just remixes of Bemani songs instead of ARM originals unfortunately. I'm rather partial to the Gacha Gacha Cute remix.

Yeah, chiimu really needs a new song writer or something. I think the last album of theirs I listened to was Denpa School, and it was disappointing. It was pretty much anisong-tier (again, nothing wrong with anisong, but I was expecting denpa from something called Denpa School).

>> No.15094872

>Loli pantsu and tsundere meidos are old now

>> No.15095295

>You haven't listened to enough MOSAIC.WAV.
Fuck off, man. I counted all the releases I've listened to that are in my collection, and there's 52 (not counting what I have in appearances and other loose mp3s.) You're just like an old guy who's bitter about how things have changed and never stops complaining about the same shit over and over, wow. I'm sick of reading about it. It sucks!

>> No.15095433

>'m just getting the impression that you're proud of not comprehending what you're listening to.
I'm sorry to come across like that. What I mean to say is that the theme of the song, the lyrics, they're just an extraneous thing to me and not the main focus of my enjoyment anyway. Sometimes I'd like to know what they're saying, but I think ultimately that would cause me to tire of a song more easily. Just an effect words have on me, so I am happy (not proud) to still be able to enjoy the music this way.

>> No.15096310
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>(45) /jp/ - Denpa Thread
>"Oh boy, new releases!"

Just autism

>> No.15096382

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15096392

The thread watcher and myself. Was it not obvious enough?

>> No.15097000

>not good
Just go back to /a/.

>> No.15097017

>突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! - long ver. -
>jkパラダイス - jk hell mix -
>ガチャガチャきゅ~と・ふぃぎゅ@メイト - ARM remix -
Oh my fucking god.

Damn those posters who want to talk about denpa instead of just posting pirated albums for you!
Thanks for proving his point.

>> No.15097257

ちぃむdmp hasn't put out any cds for 2 years now. You can stop droning on about how much you hate them and listen to the stuff you like instead already.

>> No.15097559

Kind of underwhelming, especially the fig@ remix. Sounded like the OG track with "harder" kicks and bass lead tossed in.

>> No.15097560

If you managed to go through mosaic's entire discog and couldn't find what you were looking for, then I would probably say this genre as a whole isn't what you're looking for.

>> No.15097567

Maybe just open up a MOSAIC.WAV thread, then there you could talk about all the denpa you want.

>> No.15097579

It pains me to make this type of solicitation - again - for any of you to go place a like on that dude's fb page (I will link if you need) so that his goal of 2000 may be reached, thereby unlocking 4 recent MOSAIC.WAV releases in glorious 256k.

>> No.15097587

Do you actually expect jaypee to have facebook accounts

>> No.15097597
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Isn't it a funny thing? ...no, I didn't.

But just in case!

>> No.15097676
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Or maybe you can get out of the denpa thread if you don't like denpa, sounds more logical to me!

>> No.15097840

Honestly, as the thread's OP, I'd rather have you leave than the other guy.

>> No.15097888

You don't have any more authority than any other poster in this thread just because you happened to make it, and especially people who've been here since the first threads. Suck it up and learn to take some criticism.

>> No.15097890

There's criticism and there's shitting up a thread by arguing that everything is shit except Mosaic.wav for two days, tho.

>> No.15097924

Please link me.

>> No.15098023

KOTOKO is pretty /a/ tough, she does J-pop and has sang openings for anime like to love ru.

In any case that song is good and is denpa

>> No.15099029

I understand it's difficult for you to pick up on social cues because of your autism, and I don't hold that against you, but please realize that even people in this thread who share your sentiments now think you are shitting it up.

Maybe share some more recommended MOSAIC songs, or recent releases, or write about some nuances in some particular songs that you liked. I'm personally curious to hear about the evolution from their early works to nowadays: have they been influenced by the moepop scene? or any other style of music, over the years? Do you see a direction MOSAIC.WAV is headed in?

>> No.15099483

This has to be the most backwards thing I've ever read. I suggest you leave the thread if you're neither interested in denpa discussion or music. Contrary to what you seem to believe, your musical illiteracy is not something to be proud of.

>> No.15099566

Why are you so buttblasted, mate?

>> No.15100641

I'm not him, I'm one of those who agreed with him. As >>15099483 said I just found it really backwards to try to eject denpa discussion from a denpa thread, no matter how bitter about it he might sound.

>> No.15100746

I think >>15097567 was just responding out of exasperation and sarcasm. People in this thread should take it easy more.

>> No.15100815

9tensu @ facebook

>> No.15100876

Where to find this? Pretty new, and not good at this stuff.

>> No.15100939

First you will have to wait for it to be released.

M3 (spring) is April 24th. Go there and buy it, buy it later from vendors who stock doujin music like Toranoana or wait for it to surface in this thread or somewhere else on the net.

>> No.15101154
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>> No.15101170

>registrations permanently closed for them :v

>> No.15101173

Honestly I've been listening to the chorus of it on loop for hours.

>> No.15101496

I'd be interested in helping with this if people are actually wanting to do something like this. I could do anything except web/design and creation.

>> No.15101880
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Love you

>> No.15103568

Which M3 releases are you guys looking forward to the most?

>> No.15103580

Got my eye on Nanahira's La La Fav
And Choco Holics

>> No.15103858

Sounds super-polished and thick with instrumentation, as usual. They are the ornate chandelier in a room full of denpa smalls. Every candle lit. I'm stoked!

>> No.15104316
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>> No.15104384

Released in February?

>> No.15104408

Why was I thinking there would be a new cd?


>> No.15104444

nvm i just derped

>> No.15104476

It's ok, I posted it in the wrong thread anyway, I just want to believe someone might upload it for M3.

>> No.15104852


I've heard full blown noise music on college radios. there's really nothing that's off limits.

>> No.15104872
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>> No.15105163
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Probably a long shot, but I figured I'd at least ask if anyone has this cd from m3-2014

There was an warosu thread that had a mega link for it but of course it was dead.

>> No.15105166

Really hyped for IOSYS's release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tVxfulh7dk
Also looking forward to MOSAIC.WAV as usual, curious to hear MameIchigo since it sounded better than their last album in the crossfade. Also looking forward to ポヤッチオ's stuff but it doesn't sound so amazing. I loved the previous MMBK & Miko albums so I'm hoping this new one will be this good.

Probably won't be denpa but I'm curious about the Nanahira anison CD, I'll defenitely check it out. I'm a bit burned out of twinkle but I'll still give it a listen.

山本椛 is releasing an album with monotone, but I don't think I've seen links for the previous album, anyone knows if it's uploaded somewhere?

>> No.15105232

You can buy おにいちゃんえっせんしゃるVol.1 as a download online now.


They take PayPal and stuff. I got it from there when Aa-tan put it up.

>> No.15105242


>> No.15105283

Surprised takeshi mentioned Sayonara wo Oshiete in his blog. Damn I really wish denpa eroge had survived.

>> No.15105341

Warosu's back up dude.

>> No.15105359

I think he meant the mega link.

>> No.15105414

Found it on Warosu, but the link is dead :v

>> No.15105505

Uploading to Mega, slow internet tho so itll be like an hour

>> No.15105598

Check out the inverted crosses on that cover! This must be real DEVIL MUSIC.

>> No.15105633

>Probably won't be denpa

Sheriff back in town.

>> No.15105736

Got it right here

>> No.15106230

>denpa eroge
I'm interested to explore more of it, beyond the low quality mp3's I've heard across youtube. Do you know of any nice downloads I can get?

>> No.15106321

Have there been only 2 @usamimi_ribbon releases thus far?

Their twitter is fucking crazy with the level of incessancy since 2014, I guess. Wow, just like, scrolling and scrolling.......!!!!!

>> No.15106757

She's clearly harming that poor yellow hamster thing. Someone call PETA!

>> No.15107014

I also have that cd and the booklet says it's copy right free which is interesting. It also had really big oniichan sample pack to make your own shit

>> No.15108221

Idk with all the syringes and band-aids in the picture they might actually be helping them. Anyways, I would like to be in the yellow guys position.

>> No.15108257

>tfwywn smell mmbk's feet

>> No.15108580

Helping?! These kids are clearly playing a game of EVIL. The IV bag is marked with a poisonous substance, while the cat is obviously being squeezed of its essential liquids. They probably keep them within an inch of dying, because being a nurse is such a FUN POWER TRIP. This must be real denpa!

>> No.15108638

>tfw nanahira will never be your imouto

>> No.15108649

I've always thought that the shape of the heads and the large eyes in anime art is just part of the Big Agenda, you know, to condition us for all the coming hybrids.

>> No.15108709

Denpa music is designed to eat away your moral resistance to the new evolution, while keeping you unwittingly entertained. You really have no idea of the message that's being encoded on these sounds until you find yourself strangling a neighborhood cat for its life essence. Trudenpa, y'all.

>> No.15108719

Only a band like MOSAIC.WAV can truly save you.

>> No.15108746

>tfw you will never fill any of the SHAKING PINKs with cum

>> No.15108893

>you will never be squeezed to an inch of your life by two cute denpa vocalists dressed as maids

why even live?

>> No.15108919

It's a cold, bitter world out here

>> No.15108998

He's locked inside the fetish, where it feels safe and warm. You know, tfw...........THEY GOT YOU RIGHT WHERE THEY WANT YOU.

>> No.15109271

Nice. I gave it to a friend of mine and he cooked up this OC: https://a.uguu.se/xmigpv.mp3

>> No.15109301

Needs more "oniichan" and it'd be perfect :v
Kinda wanted to do something like that. But im probably just gonna end up making some osu! skins or something with them

>> No.15110020

Nice and epic high quality greens and memes.

>> No.15110345

The M3 article is up on denpa no sekai.


Personally I'm most looking forward to Mepu's solo single, I think.

>> No.15110852

Usamimi3rd, yes!

Their voices together are so cute, and the music shines bright and simply. Their first two are the creature comforts of my denpa collection to date. Mmm like eating a warm cookie... Yum!

>> No.15111202

True. Caramel's voice really grew on me and I can't get enough.

>> No.15111375

I want to caramel Caramel's caramel.

>> No.15111399

I admit that it's such a bonus attraction whenever it is learned that one of these cute vocalists also does the jacket illustration, I get an enhanced appreciation for the artist and her connection to the character, and the whole experience is enriched by it.

>> No.15111503

True, I like the same part of the albums from Cinnamon Sugar, Rameru, and Abe Youko.

>> No.15111542

Oh yeah, also Sakura Saori from ave;new!

>> No.15111928

They all do the illustrations and voices as well? Nice.

I'm still falling in love with this art form. It's all about the cuteness and warmth giving me comfort and the sweet pop sounds that feel so genuine. When I am in the middle of listening sometimes, I think about the adult humans making the voices and servicing me this way. It endears me to no end, to think of the fun they will be having to create this fucking magical stuff. Looking at the art, and to know that it's self-made, is a precious thing. I adore this denpa, and I think that it's good to this day. It will come around to evolve more challenging forms, let's be sure... Sometimes it feels like I'm under a spell and I don't know what could ever break it.

>> No.15111989

Whenever I listen to good moe denpa it fills my heart with warmness. The way the tone of the voices, the composition, as well as the cute and endearing lyrics all come together is magical. I really love ave;new because all their songs bring forth this overwhelming feeling.

>> No.15112002

One of the nicest and most relatable posts I've seen in these threads. I agree totally. When it comes to the doujin stuff, it's often a form of escapism and fantasy for the singer as much as the listener. I always felt like people who nitpick the singer's real lives and looks are missing the whole point of a fun escape from reality. In the case of denpa doujin music, it's usually so genuine and fun.

>> No.15112026

What do you think are the best ave;new songs for that feeling? I like

Not all of my favorites from them, just based on pure moe level.

>> No.15112080

Why was Side Protea so good

>> No.15112084
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They aren't nearly as hyper as their other songs but I love the melody in these.

vivid affection
Not denpa but still gives me a similar endearing feeling.

>> No.15112101

This is probably the best thing they've ever done.

>> No.15112110

GO×9極上ごっくんロール!! あべにゅうぷろじぇくとver
Sorry to double post, I can't believe I forgot this one. The chorus is amazing in this one.

>> No.15115050

I have to believe it. So fun-loving and easy-going, evokes a warm emotional response. It is perfect!

What are some of the things that are spoken? (I understand there are at least a couple versions of the song.) And what is that recurring ave;new chant exactly?

>> No.15116167

It's mostly like:
"Naughty/cheeky strawberry milk!"
"I won't give any to you!"
"No, I absolutely won't give any to you!"
"It's naughty strawberry milk!"

>> No.15116529

Haha so cute n weird. Thanks!

>> No.15116792

So what are some good moe pop groups like ave;new or 33.turbo? I tried chiimu, mmbk, and odenpa and while they aren't bad they don't quite do it for me.

>> No.15117171


>> No.15117175

Didn't the guy who composed these songs die a few years ago?

>> No.15117541

team dmp? shaking pink?

>> No.15118550
File: 971 KB, 850x850, 1428504040412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the merci box album by merci box? I looked around but couldn't find it. Rediscovered the moelectronic denpamix mp3 on my HD and this song has been in my head for weeks.


>> No.15118741

Couldn't find it anywhere either, but I went ahead it threw it up on the 9tensu request page. So something miiight come of that over the next week.

>> No.15118860

Waiting warmly, thanks.

>> No.15119914

Looks like it all worked out

>> No.15120306
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