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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14998942 No.14998942 [Reply] [Original]

Shiruka Bakaudon is a cute girl!

>> No.14998970

Overdid it on the lipstick there.

>> No.14998993

>hiding her face
Can't even own up to her degeneracy.
Some people man.

>> No.14998999
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Udon-chan receives American hate mail! Leave her alone, white pigs!

>> No.14999191

Is it true Hana Hook is a girl too? I just can't picture that

>> No.14999352

Not that surprising considering the content

>> No.15000920

And they say doujinshi artists are poor and barely make enough money to cover the printing and travel costs.

There has to be at least 200 copies there, each one sold for 1500 yen; and that's not even counting all the copies sold in online stores.

>> No.15000945

Yeah, she has a slice SOL manga that got somehow popular.

>> No.15000955

>she has a slice slice of life manga

>> No.15000961

You saying you don't know about double slice of life manga?

>> No.15001001

One exception doesn't make the rule anon.

>> No.15001025

But she's not even one of the most popular ones.
She's barely above average in terms of doujinshi artist popularity and that's the amount she's able to sell.

>> No.15001053

That some pretty brutal stuff she's drawing. I didn't expect that from a female.

>> No.15001216

It's not too surprising if you imagine she just got bullied and school and she just daydreams about the bullies being raped by homeless men.

>> No.15001248

I wish she was my girlfriend. We could draw ryona of each other's bullies. I feel really alone.

>> No.15001384

This makes my dick even harder

>> No.15001391

please remain professional onegai

>> No.15001426

I don't get why people get all weird when they see cute girls draw good R-18G and other sick shit.

From what I've seen female dojinshi artists usually go all out with their fetishes. It's why you see vomit necro dojinshi for fujo-heavy series like Osomatsu-san more often than your moe moe precure shit. They even tend to be really creative in acting them out on the page.

It's my own theory that because there's numerically fewer of them, female fetishes don't have large community opinions that set the L.C.D. of what is an acceptable kink for everyone, meaning that they're more likely to develop their fetishes and kinks in isolation than in constant contact with other people with similar tastes.

I could be wrong and would like to hear alternative opinions.

>> No.15001434

*numerically fewer of them, female fetish artists

>> No.15001437
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That's pretty hot, I wish I had a xmas cake doujinshi-artist gf

>> No.15001446

Until she'd start fullfilling her weird sexual fantasies on you.

>> No.15001488

I'm not sure what it is. I draw porn and women(100% verified) are the ones who request the most fucked up stuff.

Maybe just like men can brutally kill other men in videogames and not feel much, girls can look at ero guro and not think much either?

>> No.15001571
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She's also an inmufag!

>> No.15001580

surely the degenerate male artist paid a grill to sell his sick doujinshi for him

>> No.15001586

Are there any cute girl femdom artists?

>> No.15001606

Leaving the ``degeneracy'' meme aside, if you actually read her works you'd realize they're anything but degenerate. They may be shocking, but portray a strong sense of moral and righteousness. The victims are often very evil or suffer because of societal problems (isolation, drugs, commoditization of human relationships).

>> No.15001675
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>This cutey patootie made a scat doujin

>> No.15001710

who's to say that the person at the table is the artist.

>> No.15001712

>most fucked up stuff.

>> No.15001731
File: 70 KB, 804x1024, female clothes CWZ5esXVEAAGIug.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has many other pics.

>> No.15001743

A dog eating a toddler, lolis exploding, choking, necrophilia, death by monster birth, abortions, etc.

Men mostly ask for vanilla or traps.

>> No.15001749

I dunno myself. It could be social isolation, a simple numbers game like I said in >>15001426, or it could be because bullying amongst teenage girls involves more psychological torture than outright fights (which is something I see carry over into adult life to a large extent)

>> No.15001754

I'm seeing a pattern here...

>> No.15001758

The mere fact that people here are talking about her and know her name show she's somehow popular. Most artists sell less than 100 copies of what they made during a comiket day, and travel fares if they live far from tokyo can easily cost more than 40 000yen

>> No.15001773

That's actually my kinda thing.

So yeah, women aren't the only ones who enjoy that kind of content.
But what does that say about me?

>> No.15001776

>She's barely above average in terms of doujinshi artist popularity
That's ridiculous.

>> No.15001782

You're actually a girl on the inside

>> No.15001792

>numerically fewer of them
Doujinshi culture has been primarily dominated by females. They probably have some of the wildest fetish stuff because they've been doing it longer and maybe because their sensibilities are just different from men. I would also bet they're more sexually repressed than men are in Japan, not that the men aren't as well, but the women are so repressed that it's made many of them "rotten"; it might explain why they need to translate everything into a frame gay rape, or loli rape or something. The kinks of female artists seem primarily oriented around power. Just something I've noticed, but then again I have my own tastes.

>> No.15001798

kill this bitch

>> No.15001811

Be sure to check out my new manga "Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls At RyonaCon?"

>> No.15001827

It's called Ryonaket.

>> No.15001844

And funnily enough, the illustration on the front page (http://www.ryonaket.com/top.html)) is by a woman.

>> No.15002090

Well men tend to focus more of visual cues (penis, vagina, tits etc.) while women are more into feelings. So it's not that surprising to see them into weird emotional stuff. Some anon also mentioned that females bully with psychological torture and generally they can be cruel beyond belief. Lesbian couples have the highest rate of domestic abuse, feminists are obsessed with power. Don't think it's just japanese women, it's just a difference between men and women.

>> No.15002165

All people want power, it's a difference between the expressions of power.

>> No.15002302


>Well men tend to focus more of visual cues (penis, vagina, tits etc.) while women are more into feelings.
I disagree. In the end pornograpy is all about how it makes you feel. Women and men focus these feelings in different ways, that's the reason because most writers and consumers of erotic novels are women.

>> No.15002336

>Lesbian couples have the highest rate of domestic abuse, feminists are obsessed with power
Yes, I mentioned that *one* source might be bullying, but social phenomena in general (and human sexuality in particular) usually can not be traced back to one root cause, such as an obsession with power or whatever. Usually it's a whole host of causes or aggravating conditions.

Like how the average western diet will make a person unhealthy, but not radically more prone to heart disease, cancer, and so on if having a diet high in carbs, salt and fat and low in nutrients is the person's *only* problem. You only see a high incidence of disease when you double up dietary problems with problems such as living a sedentary lifestyle, having a high-stress job, poor access to quality health care. When all of those things converge then you see your modern-day health crisis.

Same with our "rotten" women. You have a host of things - residual Japanese taboos toward open female sexuality, smaller numbers of fujoshi available to share and consume H art, the anonymity offered by a large fandom - all of which both coincides with AND feeds off of pre-existing differences in female and male sexuality and connotations of power and dominance.

Let me give two hypothetical case studies to show what I think exists. A typical male otaku (I'm including western geeks here for the sake of brevity) might feel social pressure for indulging in his interests. However, even if his habitat doesn't have an existing community of otaku, he can simply rely on a large virtual community centered around male-oriented media: Spess Mehreens, moeblobs, elves, whatever. Off and online there's going to be enough people who share similar interests that he can interact with. Steeping him in this much media, much of which is sexualized (nothing wrong with this, just a fact), means that his own formative sexual tastes will be sculpted by the prevaling sexual trends of the community. And given that the community is so large, dojinshi artists that draw primarily for men usually create things that are vanilla or not too far away from vanilla - catgirls, milfs, big tits - in order to draw in as many viewers and customers as possible. Hence, his tastes will wind up being sculpted by the lowest common denominators of tastes, which cuts down on the proportion of male otaku with extreme fetishes.

All of the compounding factors I mentioned above, from what I understand, suppress the above process in fujoshi: smaller numbers, differences in sexuality, a tendency towards backbiting behaviour in social groups, and social taboos in Japan. So when they start developing sexually and turn to the internet for anonymity, fujoshi have less outside influences on how their sexuality develops, meaning that there's more opportunities for extreme tendencies to grow in isolation rather than be moderated by community influences.

Again, this is just an educated guess I'm making.

Also, from what I've seen most yaoi dojinshi does have ample focus on abs, asses and cocks.

>> No.15003459
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>It's one half fiction and another half of real life experiences.

Makes you wonder what kind of real life experiences she have.

>> No.15003511

Does that mean Freud was right?

>> No.15004147

200*1500 * twice a year is $5400/year

Is this rich you to?

>> No.15004192

He was wrong about a lot of things but...

Well, I've pretty much always been uncomfortable with physical intimacy and sexual contact and stuff and I feel this repression has translated into some pretty sick kinks, many of which happen to be satisfied by sick female artists, so I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.15004243

Because women are monsters 2d or 3d.

>> No.15004272

to you*

I don't really believe actual girls have sexual desires. Just desire for money and attention

Fat/ugly ones don't count

>> No.15004347

It wasn't her; she was inspired to write it after a literal retard was spared jail for a similar situation.

>> No.15004371

>All of the compounding factors I mentioned above, from what I understand, suppress the above process in fujoshi: smaller numbers

Huh, they seem pretty numerous to me

Go into the yaoi half of Toranoana and it's full of dull vanilla BL.

>> No.15004449

Freud has such a bad reputation these days. All psychology is pretty much untestable hypotheses and a lot of his stuff makes sense.

>> No.15004486

I think there is like a 55 to 45 split between female artists to male ones at comiket. If I remember that one article right where they analyzed one of the few surveys the made. Interestingly I think it also said that woman tended to be more in the categories of people losing money. Which could have a number of reasons, like drawing despite having no talent, a tendency to overestimate the amount you sell, more willing to come from further away and stay at more expensive places or simply drawing very niche stuff. Still one survey is barely a significant number to make exact guesses. Interestingly, the one time I went to Reitaisai, I don't actually remember seeing that many women, so Touhou is probably more male dominated.

Other than that, I know from a friend who went to japan who speaks japanese, that according to him he overheard many young men talk about GirlsForM magazine the most. So there might be something true about the thing that male japs are very much into NTR and being M.
My experience from conventions in the west is that fujoshis will buy anything at ridiculous prices, but are also more likely to eventually sell it off again. There was always big amounts of BL at the Bring&Buy and sellers told me they are always able to sell BL at high prices to youngf girls.

>> No.15004571

>All psychology is pretty much untestable hypotheses
This is so wrong and Freud and his ilk have such a terrible reputation precisely because they've done such irreparable damage to the public face of the field. People were already doing psychophysical research on sensation/perception before Freud was even around. And in an age where we have machines that push the limits of cognitive science, I'm frankly just baffled that people still think psychology is nothing more than Freudian nonsense.

>a lot of his stuff makes sense.
It "makes sense" because you explain things in retrospect with it. It's hindsight bias. It's also quite easy to rationalize things using explanations that can be easily generalized, but not falsified. Like magic and fantasy and mind-control hypnosis, it might make for interesting stories, but it's terrible, terrible science.

>> No.15004593

>It "makes sense" because you explain things in retrospect with it. It's hindsight bias
And personally that all I believe psychology in its current state is capable of

>> No.15004630

>個性があって可愛くてピンクのマカロン食ってても ブサイクと同じケツの穴から汚いうんこひねり出して生きてるねんから 夢も希望もないぽよ〜『私、うんこしてませんから〜』みたいな顔しながら生きてるやつ見るとケツの穴に生卵入れて下痢うんこ出させたい平等にうんこするくせに気取るな


>> No.15004975
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That feel when I can't get this out of my head

Comic should have been entirely about that.

>> No.15005139

Depends of the fantasies, anon

>> No.15005203

Man, this thread makes me want to go to comiket and find a dirty-minded fujo to drug and rape...it'd be so erotic to give her my filthy diseased gaijin NEET sperm...

>> No.15006387

What you believe frankly has nothing to do with what it actually is. If you actually care might I suggest you read up on psychophysics, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, biopsychology, psychometrics, and/or neuroscience. Just pick a couple and read about them lightly. That you can use psychological findings to make valid predictions about brains and behavior demonstrates pretty clearly that it's not hindsight bias. I would recommend looking into psychometrics especially since many people tend to be skeptical at how psychologists measure "immeasurable" things like intelligence or personality.

>> No.15006512

>I suggest you read up on psychophysics

Is that about telekinesis, psychokinesis and such?
Cause if that's the case, sing me up.

>I would recommend looking into psychometrics
>Psychometrics is a field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement. One part of the field is concerned with the objective measurement of skills and knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality traits, and educational achievement.

So it's kinda like in an RPG?

>> No.15007580
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What is the connection?
Unless its ALISON, that comes out of nowhere.

>> No.15007619

>wanting to fugg ugly stinky chicks

whatever floats your boat dood.

>> No.15007960


>> No.15008373

lmao rekt

>> No.15008442

Her stories suck. What do people get out of reading stories about retards raping little girls?
This, too, what a weenie.

>> No.15016502


Only wohaito piggus bump dying threads.

>> No.15016600

It's just porn you faggot, don't think too much about it.
