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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1499755 No.1499755 [Reply] [Original]

I've taken to smoking Japanese brand cigarettes now. They are superior to American brands due to it's mild and smooth flavor.

>> No.1499780
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There's this scene in Akagi after the rules of Washizu Mahjong are explained, and somebody asks Akagi, "What will you do?" he pulls out a lighter and lights up a ciggy in an indescribably cool way, it made me want to take up smoking too.

>> No.1499785
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Smoke Lark. Alice does it, and you want to be cool like Alice, right?

>> No.1499819
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Maybe smoking would help /jp/ be more social

>> No.1499885
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Smoking is bad for your lungs. Plus, kissing someone with cigarette breath is disgusting.

>> No.1499950
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>> No.1499757

You're a retard.

If you wanna smoke good shit, go to fucking countries that are known for great tobacco.

>> No.1499759

Like Cuba.

>> No.1499760

First off, it'd be its. However, you're talking about a brand of cigarettes, and they probably produce more than just one cigarette, meaning you should use the plural, their.

>> No.1499761

Go Marlboro. It makes you look like a tough ass cowboy.

>> No.1499762

Real weeaboos smoke Lucky Strike.

>> No.1499770

If you want to be classy you smoke some Benson and Hedges.

>> No.1499783

How do Japanese people feel about cigars?

>> No.1499789

I smoke a pipe.
Oriental Balkan tobacco = god tier.

>> No.1499790

I'll stick to my hipster Parliaments thank you very much. People think I'm a tortured soul when I smoke it and show off anti social behaviors.

>> No.1499791

lol fagfags

enjoy that phallus in your mouth

>> No.1499793

I wish there really were musical cigarettes.

>> No.1499796

I wish I could find that cig case that Snake uses in MGS4. Then I would be a total badass smoking.

>> No.1499825

Nobody likes a smoker.

>> No.1499837


...Everyone likes Snake and he smokes

>> No.1499844

Smokers portrayed in anime and vidya are actually cool, whilst smokers IRL are not.

>> No.1499854

dammit, every time I stand at a station waiting for a train, there's always some faggot who lights up that shit right next to me.

I wish I could just get myself to tell him to fuck off, but I usually just move a couple of meters.

It's actually worse when I'm actually on the train and someone who just reeks of that harsh smoke comes in and sits next to me, though. I can't really get away.

>> No.1499871

Fuck you, they've already been banned everywhere. You whiny shits had your way.

>> No.1499884


WHA?! You're a smoker, athens-chan? I never would have figured.

>> No.1499908

Why don't you like cosplayers again?

>> No.1499911

get cancer, please

>> No.1499912

athens baby, you smoke? Oh, the horror...

>> No.1499918

You smoke? How sad.

I could never love a man who smokes.

>> No.1499925

the only good thing about smoking is the ability to reveal hidden laser traps.

other than that, it's disgusting.

>> No.1499932


You say this like any of the smokers on /jp/ are kissing people.

Anyway, fuck off. I roll my own or smoke Pall Malls because I'm broke as hell. I'm also steeped in malt liquor and awful whiskey because it's the only way I can get drunk off two dollars.

>> No.1499940

Why Lucky Strikes?

>> No.1499956

Riiiiiight gotcha.

>> No.1499962


Plus they were featured in Cowboy Bebop and other anime.

>> No.1499967

>You say this like anybody on /jp/ is kissing people.


>> No.1499970

I don't usually go around remembering stuff like that, but you're probably right

>> No.1499971


Spike smoked Marlboro reds in the anime. At least, that was implied with the case.

>> No.1499973

Man, a forty of Miller High Life is only a little bit more than a forty of malt liqour, seriously man get drunk off something at least A LITTLE better.

>> No.1499980


Olde English 800 tastes pretty ok, is 2 bucks, and has a higher alcohol content than most malts that aren't high gravity.

Honestly, I'd rather drink an Olde English than most other cheap beers.

>> No.1499977


Faye did.
