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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 163 KB, 922x542, ANIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14986434 No.14986434 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain what happened to Japanese art after the 19th century? Why do their characters look so European

>> No.14986453

Anime doesn't look European either

>> No.14986470

They are based on Disney, anon. This is fairly known fact that the first manga drawings were done imitating the style of those cartoons. You can find articles on it online.

>> No.14986480
File: 293 KB, 392x464, 143745645645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time you saw a human born without a jaw, eyes larger than golfballs and heads like bowling balls if they were shaved.

>> No.14986506


that makes sense, but why wouldn't they try to make them look asian? it's like they have a fetish for white people

>> No.14986523


The truth.

Manga and anime takes its origins from imported Disney cartoons during the post-war reconstruction.

Osamu "The God of Manga" Tezuka considered Walt Disney a major inspiration and frequently made homage to him.

>> No.14986527


"The distinctive "large eyes" style ofJapanese animationwas invented by Tezuka,[27] drawing inspiration from Western cartoons and animated films of the time such asBetty Boop,Mickey Mouseand otherDisneymovies."

>> No.14986535


>> No.14986546
File: 444 KB, 1000x1000, 1166105297426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime eyes are usually drawn slanting inwards or drooping outwards, similar to Asian eyes, even if large.

They usually have rather flat looking faces too. The only thing western looking is that they almost all have double eyelids.

>> No.14986550
File: 320 KB, 750x501, hiroshima-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the war, Japan received a massive kick to the balls regarding their nationalism and pride in their own culture. Perry's forceful opening of the japanese ports was a gentle caress compared to the heavy casualties and wholesale destruction of their cities. The japanese once considered themselves protected by the gods (Remember the origins of the word kamikaze), and this broke their spirit. They got westernized BIG time and they did not resist.

>> No.14986555

>And they did not resist
Besides the violent protests against occupation forces you fucking historically illiterate retard?

>> No.14986566
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>> No.14986571


no one deserves to be proud of anything

>> No.14986584
File: 251 KB, 900x1244, 1453239434015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean cultural, anon.Culture.

As for the revolts, that's what the occupying american troops were for.

>> No.14986678


Wow rude post.

Though it is rather laughable of you to suggest that the Japanese spirit wasn't broken in a meaningful way. Silly nerd.

>> No.14987508


>> No.14987546

>Besides the violent protests against occupation forces
I'd like to hear more about these.

>> No.14987561

There are various styles of manga, those who look western have become popular because it's more aesthetically pleasing than mongoloid or super deformed physical features, there's a biological reason for that.

>> No.14987599

I was unable to find anything about said protests regarding westernization that didn't happen before 1900.

>> No.14987600

nice shitty ahistorical post

>> No.14987622

You couldn't find ANYTHING about the Japanese Student protests?
You suck at research.

>> No.14987630
File: 243 KB, 1204x1228, candy20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, sometimes I wish people told me what is wrong with what I said and learn something in the process than just another variation of 'ur a fagt'.

>> No.14987667

Not about westernization, anon. Just some students against the idea of America using their country as training exercise grounds.

>> No.14987769
File: 397 KB, 787x1200, candy13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i liked candy candy my nigga

>> No.14987800
File: 140 KB, 618x960, candyending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>candy candy
Didn't we all.


>> No.14987985

That doesn't look asian at all honestly. Faces aren't round enough and lack of asian wide crooked nose gives completely different impression. It's like they hate their asian noses.

>> No.14988237

The Astro Boy manga first appeared in 1952—64 years ago. Not only was that a long time ago, but Tezuka did not simply copy Disney. If we follow your logic that he copied them and that nothing has changed since then, we should not be able to discern much if any difference between the characters of Sailor Moon and, say, The Beauty and the Beast. But of course we can discern a difference, and they look nothing alike. Anime has an instantly recognizable style that sets it apart from other animation, and while Tezuka may have been the God of Manga and the God of Anime he didn't set things in stone and wasn't the only one who developed them. Sailor Moon doesn't look anything like Astro Boy except for some very vague similarities that identify both of them as manga/anime.

Why weren't Betty Boop and Popeye made to look like real white Americans? Did the designers curse their white heritage? And why so many anthropomorphic animal characters? Were they made by furries?

And why do people always assume that if a character doesn't look "Asian" (it's ok to be specific and say "Japanese") they must look white instead? Why should characters even need to look like any real people in the first place? Betty Boop and Popeye didn't look like real people either. And neither do anime characters.

This assumes that American cartoon characters looked like real people, which they didn't.

Astro Boy's eyes look similar to Betty Boop's, but again development of manga and anime didn't just start and end with Tezuka, and I think the stereotypical anime eyes were actually developed by shoujo manga artists.

You are really just projecting Western attitudes onto the Japanese. Westerners now consider it shameful to be white and to display any national pride, but I've never seen anything to suggest the Japanese feel the same way about themselves.

Westernization of Japan started in the 19th century by the way. The reason why it was so fast and successful is because the Japanese themselves embraced it. They knew the era of swords and sandals was over. Westernization was popular until the 1930s.

>> No.14988253

There have been studies on this. People see generic cartoon features and process them as what they perceive as the majority.

A cartoon character will look white to you unless they're drawn with obvious racial traits. However, that same character will look asian to a Japanese person. That's why all the foreigners in anime have blond hair, blue eyes, and angular noses.

>> No.14988270

I had never thought about the race of anime characters until I heard someone claim they look white, which struck me as bizarre. I just took it for granted that they are whatever the story says they are (so usually Japanese).

>> No.14988279
File: 436 KB, 602x641, abc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All races think they have small noses and that the other races have big ugly noses. Also none of the left faces significantly differ in shape from the right side faces.

Pic unrelated but I don't have much chance to post it.

>> No.14988304
File: 264 KB, 794x635, Tamako delicious brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime characters barely have noses regardless of their race.

>> No.14988356
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20100709221628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime girls, you mean.

>> No.14988360

Thank god there are some sane people on this thread.

>> No.14988376

is this porn?

>> No.14988422



http://nhentai.net/g/135266/30/ is a prequel

>> No.14988473

Fucking lol'd.

>> No.14988529

>Astro Boy's eyes look similar to Betty Boop's, but again development of manga and anime didn't just start and end with Tezuka, and I think the stereotypical anime eyes were actually developed by shoujo manga artists.

That's your own opinion, but feel free to read the source that says otherwise.

>> No.14988546

>like bowling balls if they were shaved
When was the last time you saw a bowling ball with hair? Maybe you're talking about island bowling, which uses coconuts instead.

>> No.14988560

It's self-evident that the character design of manga/anime didn't start and end with Tezuka, and when I say that the stereotypical anime eyes were developed by shoujo manga artists I don't mean just having large eyes. Astro Boy had large eyes too, but they were more simple. Colors and shapes have also changed since Astro Boy.

>> No.14988587


Yellows think animes look yellow because of the noses.

Whites think they look white because of the eyes and variety of hair/eye colours.

In reality, yellows don't have single pixel noses and whites don't have fist sized eyes nor most of the colours of hair/eyes that can be drawn.

The design philosophy for cute anime girls is a highly refined exploitation of the human perception of females and infants that makes them appear cute and in need of protection, instead of annoying and killable as they would otherwise be seen. It wasn't invented by anime either, the same principles were used for breeding domestic cats, for instance.

As for colours, they allow for a greater distinction of characters, as is important in any simplified art form - using the whole spectrum provides far more options than natural colours only. Colour palettes can be tuned to completely change the appearance of a character, or even an entire show. The alternative is exaggerating physical features.

>> No.14988600

There is literally no point in arguing this as people will always be dead set on believing what they want.

>> No.14988755


The point in debate is not to change your opponent's opinion, but to influence the audience.

>> No.14988821

Anime is its own race in its own dimension.

>> No.14988880

European's faces are flat and low nose?

>> No.14988904
File: 150 KB, 406x500, tyth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a master race?

>> No.14988909
File: 128 KB, 952x477, manga girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best dimension

>> No.14988914
File: 334 KB, 1367x2000, 1930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14988942

We all agree that Chen is a proud aryan warrior though, right?

>> No.14988980


Chen a cat.

>> No.14989190


I think drawing the full outline of the nose makes it look a lot bigger than it would in real life. I feel like the nose receives a lot less attention compared to the eyes and mouth in 3D space. Putting a thick line around it on a 2D drawing raises its prominence to other facial features when it would normally have less impact. Partial or limited, broken outlines look better to me. When you look at someone's face IRL, how often do you actually notice their nose when it's not a giant Toucan Sam fume hood?

>> No.14989231


I remember reading a few years ago that Asians look at the nose instead of the eyes. I don't think this was where I first saw it, but it agrees:


>> No.14989304

Fucking bullshit. If anything Japan focuses solely on the eyes. Something about portraying emotion using mostly the eyes.

after reading the article, the "focus" I used (concerned with) is different from the focus of the title(center vision on)

In any case >>14989190 is kinda right. Look at schnozzmaster up here >>14986480
The only really prominent line of his nose is the nostrils. Arguably the right side (of the image) of the nose could be a thin line if you were going for a more realism approach, but it'd be better off as shading rather than part of the outline. For her >>14986584, only the triangle coming from the eye would be needed, and you could probably get away with just the darkened part at the tip of her nose.

>> No.14989499

I think the only argument that stands is that japanese drawings have big eyes which is completely ironical considering they have chink eyes, but nowadays almost all drawing styles use expressive big eyes so thinking this is in any way racist is not knowing how cartoons work.

>> No.14990234

In the first half of the 20th century Japan started copying Disney's artstyle for animation and over time evolved it up until present.

>> No.14990473
File: 583 KB, 1150x1123, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can man-faced european woman even compete?

>> No.14990682

That pic is the embodiment of drawings enhancing reality. These faces are hideous.

>> No.14990750

Left one is One Piece.

>> No.14990758

holy shit this is a perfect example of how horrible white women look

>> No.14990820

If you cherry pick the ugly ones, sure.

>> No.14990944

Leave it up to idiots to try to stretch 2D to 3D. The "racial features" you're seeing are just you projecting yourself onto them. Unless they're explicitly coded as being a particular race/ethnicity, they're just anime characters: Cute girls with rainbow hair and impossible proportions. Stop trying to ruin the fantasy with your distorted reality.

While it's true that Japanese animation starts with Disney-type animation and art, this practically ends with Tezuka, his style, and the limited animation practices he initiated for television animation. Yes, Disney practically wrote the book for animation, but I think somehow people are overestimating the influence in this case. Manga had already existed in rudimentary forms before DIsney and anime became a distinct form quite early on. No doubt this is encouraged by the limitations of the medium, studio structure, and workflow.

>> No.14996272

You could prove anything with suach pictures if one or two examples were enough.

>> No.15005626 [SPOILER] 
File: 374 KB, 640x360, 1459448711805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to appear to hipsters.

>> No.15005786

Enlarging the asian eyes once again.

>> No.15006113

>I think the stereotypical anime eyes were actually developed by shoujo manga artists.
Tezuka was a shoujo manga artist too, anon.

>> No.15006160

Mau mau! Meow!

>> No.15006360

I always thought they made the eyes so huge to show emotions off way better. Same goes with the mouth. And the nose isnt really a ln aspect of emotions and thats why noses arent drawn or just a bit

>> No.15006366

Chen Saw goes

>> No.15006448
File: 71 KB, 535x677, nadia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking stupid? How come that look White?

Manga has an oversimplified drawing style
that blurs discernible racial trait. Bug eyes are as distant from White traits as from Asian ones. Lips are usually not drawn. Noses are just a line. Hair has absurd colors and textures.

Look at Nadia, a nigger.

Saying anime looks White is as retard as saying stick man looks White.

Don't try to even post that image comparing a "Japanese" Naruto/Raito with the original ones. It just sets the standard design as White from nowhere and then, someone draws a more realistic looking character saying that's how Japs should be portrayed.

>> No.15008643

>Why do their characters look so European
Because Japs are attracted to white people

>> No.15009030

>Look at Nadia, a nigger.
How dare you. Nadia is beautiful! Beautiful!!

>> No.15011685
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>> No.15011690
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>> No.15011706
File: 638 KB, 555x1730, 1166673651927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no race in anime

>> No.15011752

I meant artists other than him who had a different style.

>> No.15013916

>even the bear

>> No.15013921

There is one thing that sticks out, though, literally, and that's the prevalence of pink nipples in hentai.

>> No.15013996

same color as the vulva

>> No.15014011

Apparently it's a sign of youth and they get darker when they're older.

But then they tend to draw them on darker skinned women too...

But then hentai has all kind of bad anatomy accepted as standard.

>> No.15014077

I never tire of gazing at the second most beautiful sailor girl.
Simply amazing.

>> No.15014370

Last time I checked white people had no natural blue or pink hair.

>> No.15023056

>It's another white people can't comprehend the concept that people of a different race might have a different standard of beauty that doesn't glorify their innate traits thread.


>> No.15023077

You bumped the thread so we could see your epic crossboard meme?
You're a pretty cool guy.

>> No.15023236

He also didn't even bother to read the OP, so his epic meme is a non sequitur.

>> No.15023479

You guys are idiots. If you want back 100 years ago and looked at most of the cartoons coming out of America, France and son. You would notice they have the same cartoonish style. The Japanese just did what everyone else did. The only difference is Japanese people kept it going far longer than westerners who post ww2 started producing some really terrible shit.

>> No.15023506

>Fucking bullshit. If anything Japan focuses solely on the eyes. Something about portraying emotion using mostly the eyes.

The eyes are the windows to the soul

>> No.15023515


Ok, there ARE Japanese girls with pink nipples. The thing is their definition of pink isn't "pink" pink, they're just light in tone. They're not as brown as a mole.

>> No.15026468
File: 1.08 MB, 1062x666, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the new sexy beach game came out I was disappointed with the more realistic way characters looked. I wanted them to look more anime like sexy beach 3. in this picture the left is the default face. on the right is one I made using some "what white people look like" image I found on /pol/. which one looks more anime?
