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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14976326 No.14976326 [Reply] [Original]

Post sleeping touhous

>> No.14976342

Sleeping in a group like that always seems really comfortable.

Has anyone on /jp/ tried it? What's it like?

>> No.14976392
File: 115 KB, 850x770, 23216821_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, /jp/!

>> No.14976475

I wish I had cute friends to have sleepovers with

>> No.14976483

/jp/ would have to have friends for that to be possible

>> No.14976495
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sleepover a shit

Every time someone sleep at my place, it means trouble.

>> No.14976501
File: 633 KB, 1078x1500, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have friends! It's just they they're all online, since nobody who lives nearby shares my interests. I've met up with them before but was too shy to try for cuddling.

>> No.14976519

Too warm and sweaty. And you always need to be prepared for someone to punch/kick you whilst sleeping. It sucks.

>> No.14976522
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i'll be your cute friends to have sleepovers with

>> No.14976536

But you'll try to get me pregnant. :(

>> No.14976545
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I want a couple of cuddly pet 2hus to go to bed with

>> No.14976568
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>> No.14976581
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>> No.14976587
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>> No.14976665

I wish I had friends.

>> No.14977184

This guy and his monday morning pictures give me a reason to live.

>> No.14977322

Aya seems really comfy to just lie down with. So does Mojo.

>> No.14977352

When you have RLS, are sensitive to certain noises, and generally have a difficult time falling asleep, bedtime is something to dread.

>> No.14978314

This is mage reminds me of that time when someone confused flandre with rumia.

>> No.14978759

I wish I didn't find people of the same sex repulsive (kind of self-hatred though so I know some women feel the same)

Then I could have friends

>> No.14978913
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You could, but not necessarily means that you would. As you'll be looking for another excuse not to befriend anyone.

And self-hatred is bad.
Bad people can accept who they are, so why can't you.

>> No.14979012

I just want to be around cute things and I don't find 3d people cute except for some girls and can only have one of those really

I should just get a cat

>> No.14979702

A cat probably won't care about you beyond your ability to provide for it.

If you want a pet who can also be your best friend you should get a dog.

>> No.14979742
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>busty Remimi

>> No.14979918
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secret janny hate thread

>> No.14981204

My dog was even less interested in me than my cat back when I had pets

Pretty much all he cared about was walks and food and he'd get snappy if they weren't on time

>> No.14984174

Online everyone seems cute but then in real life being around other otaku feels like a congregation of internet paedophiles

>> No.14984916
File: 435 KB, 1280x1175, a certain magical janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen this person?

>> No.14985077
File: 1.30 MB, 2011x900, Patchy Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14985104

I tried it. With boys tho. :(

>> No.14985115

Do you have pictures?
Did it feel comfy?

>> No.14988365

Why'd you have to point that out. It was basically perfect before you made me aware of it.
