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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1494496 No.1494496 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you on /jp/?

No, seriously, I think there are enough different reasons to talk about this.

>> No.1494505 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1494508
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>> No.1494536
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>> No.1494539
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This is why.

>> No.1494626
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>> No.1494727
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>> No.1494757
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< --- This

>> No.1494509

the internet?
my computer?
my chair?


>> No.1494520

Because I get to chat with other little girls like me.

>> No.1494522

Because I never leave my bedroom and I have completed all of my videogames.

>> No.1494525

Because I somehow enjoy /jp/ more than 80% of VNs and animu. And I've already finished with the other 20% for now.

>> No.1494531

I have no other place to go when I get home from my university.

I feel good here.

There's never a line at the cash register, never some idiot in my way like when I'm walking in the mall.
Sure, I might not always get sauce when I ask, but I'll live with that.

>> No.1494534

Why are YOU on /jp/, bro?

>> No.1494537

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.1494541

I don't know why I come here so often. I know I enjoy watching animu and playing the vidya more, but I can't stop myself from screwing around here all day.

>> No.1494555

I used to come here exclusively for the lolis and loli imouto threads. What ever happened to the guy who fapped in his imouto's hand? The last thread of his I saw was the one where he helped her with a school project.

>> No.1494562

where else should I be?

>> No.1494577

I'm lonely and I like to pretend you guys are my friends.

>> No.1494585

I'm anon's friend most of the time

>> No.1494593

Most stimulation for the least amount of effort I have been able to find online.

>> No.1494601

I came for the lolis and stayed for the graph paper.

>> No.1494607

>I came after seeing the lolis and used the graph paper to clean up the mess

>> No.1494845
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Because it's there.

>> No.1494622

I move where the Touhou goes. Pooshlmer is mostly useless now, /a/ folded under it's weight.

But now... yukkuris are everywhere. I don't know if I can stay here for long.

Also, I am a huge fucking weeaboo. I even run my own manga publisher! In Argentina, though.

>> No.1494631

Does that make you a living?

>> No.1494648


Eh, not really. My father provided funding. I still live with my parents. But hey, at least I'm not fat!

I'm only 21 years old, though

>> No.1494661

I'm 21 years old too, but other than that we have little in common on the topics you mentioned.

>> No.1494685

Because it's requires zero effort.

>> No.1494878
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I see you went there...

>> No.1494691

Occasionally interesting threads, Meltan, SWR, and to lament at how terrible I am at Touhou (I can't beat PCR on Easy Moodo).

>> No.1494714

I like the userbase

>> No.1494731

I hate the user base

>> No.1494733

Drifted here after I thought this board was for foreigners living in Japan, since I had some problems regarding natto.

Now I'm just here when my watched 2ch threads don't get any replies for 20 minutes.

>> No.1494745

>Drifted here after I thought this board was for foreigners living in Japan, since I had some problems regarding natto.

Joke's on you, fag.

>> No.1494754

What do you publish?

>> No.1494938
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Nah, es que estuve viviendo unos años por ahí, pero bueno, nos salimos del tema.

Don't worry, you should feel great. After all, capitalism is built on delivering what people want at the price they're willing to pay, even if they don't need that stuff.

And, you know, some people like circular logic. It's also part of the crime investigation genre, so it's not like we didn't expect that part.

>> No.1494813


Nothing at the moment. First book hits the prints next week. Starting next year, though, Naruto, Death Note and One Piece

I'm so sorry :(

>> No.1494822

that's probably where the money is, so I can't blame you

>> No.1494844

Well, good luck with business.

>> No.1495026
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>>1494972 Maybe I'm just behind the times?
Nope, it's just that you expected a manga not to be over-the-top (as in, completely unbelievable if judged by realistic standards). You've got to look at it like american TV series of that genre like CSI or Miami heat, which sometimes can just end up being unbelievable but still enjoyable to watch.

Try "Monster" if you want a somewhat "Christiesh" or "Doylish" crime investigation manga.

Well, either that or Detective Conan if you want to see what happens when Sherlock Holmes is turned into a shounen manga but that series is even less believable than Death Note.

>> No.1494859

¿Tienes un buen traductor? Lo digo porque suele salir caro.

Also, I believe two of them are actually good, regardless if they're overrated or underrated.

The first one, however, deserves its bad reputation, but I can understand that it's likely to get you money.

>> No.1495055
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Oh, yeah, Mr. Argentina, before I forget. Perfect business plan:
1.) Grab Rights to publish Quino's work in Japan.
2.) Go to Japan and publish "Mafalda"
3.) ???
4.) Profit!!! Well, ok, maybe bankrupcy

>> No.1494873


Lo tengo cubierto, no te preocupes :)

And if anything I'd consider DN the worst of the bunch. I can enjoy Naruto in small doses, for what it is. One Piece is pretty fucking awesome, though I don't know what /jp/'s consensus is

>> No.1495072
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I appreciate the good parts of Detective Conan. Halloween mask ball chapter (in the middle of the sea) was the greatest chapter I've ever seen. And then there's Kaito Kid, though he actually used to have it's own series (still oficially does but releasing a new manga/tankoubon every 15 years isn't exactly a great pace).

But yeah, there's a big ocean of shit between those great moments in Conan and the main story is slow as fuck.

>> No.1494885

Visual Novels. MELTY BLOOD.

>> No.1494887

Bueno, lo preguntaba porque había trabajado durante un tiempo traduciendo anime en España pero bueno, si ya lo tienes cubierto no te molesto.

I don't know how far you got reading Naruto but it gets unbearable at a certain point. It's true that DN has its low points but at least it's somewhat interesting throughout the whole series and its high points are incredible.

One Piece is mostly regarded as fucking AWESOME, though 4chan is kinda tsundere towards admitting it

>> No.1495088
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>Publish mid-fifties Argentine-specific political satire? In Japan?
Refer to my picture to what I think on the idea.

I love that comic and think it's timeless (then again, I grew up with it during the years I lived over there).

>> No.1494893

What's up with everyone using that squared picture?

>> No.1494896

The games for the most part. Notably touhou and VNs like about half the people here. Pooshlmer seems only good for the music thread now.

>> No.1494904


Esto es Argentina macho, no usamos Español Ibérico ni Neutro.

Death Note is never has "high" points, it's just a bunch of circular logic running circles around itself.
It's bad and you should feel bad and I should feel bad for profiting off of it.

>> No.1494907



>> No.1495146
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Rika threads. Everyone loves Rika.

>> No.1494972


I can't say I'm very familiar with examples of circular logic in crime investigation genre, as you put it, but I'm old school like that; Christie, Poe, Doyle.
Maybe I'm just behind the times?

>> No.1494977

>crime investigation genre

I believe the word is "mystery", chip

>> No.1494988

I go where Touhou goes, but I find that the fans get ever increasingly annoying, sometimes even worse than Narutards. I guess I can always just make a super elitist community.

>> No.1494997


while at that, enjoy some funny threads.
3D threads reminds me how horrible my life in reality

>> No.1495007

FUND IT!!!!!!

>> No.1495028

I feel the need to belong to a community. /jp/ happens to be the one that makes me laugh the most and rage the least.

Because of the anonymity, I can feel at home; my brain filters and collects posts so that it seems like /jp/ is filled with a bunch of like-minded/superior individuals (with just a smattering of retards). I hate tripfags because they dispel this happy myth.

I enjoy a level of complexity in my interaction with fellow members of a subculture that requires a lot of previous knowledge of the subject matter; /jp/ has pretty much zero tolerance for the uninitiated.

The information I can sift from the bickering on /jp/ is generally far more valuable to me than reading a more concise blog post by any one individual.


>> No.1495046

And yet, that very myth is a lie as it applies to almost every board on 4chan that isn't /b/ (and maybe /r/ and /r9k/)

>> No.1495056


Unbelievable and fantastic I can handle. It's the circular logic that kills me. Refer to the "I am behind you" DN pic. I made it to the fifth volume or so before I had to put that shit down it was giving me so many headaches.

Monster is indeed awesome and my number two favourite manga of all time. BLAME! is number one. Don't judge me.

Detective Conan has some really, REALLY good bits, but since it's flooded in a sea of fail it's hard to appreciate.

>> No.1495065

Well, the content of the posts does have something to do with it. If there is too high a percentage of idiocy, I can't filter it.

>> No.1495068

Publish mid-fifties Argentine-specific political satire? In Japan?


>> No.1495263
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That's the primary reason I'm here too.

>> No.1495078

I fucking love DN.

That is all.

>> No.1495101

Shit son, I think it's brilliant too, but I keep the books I like at home, where they belong. I seriously doubt this shit would fly in Japan.

Can I interest you in a rioplatense version of DN to help with your spanish?

>> No.1495103

I would buy it.

>> No.1495105

Yeah, I know it wouldn't fly.

Still, thought flashed through my mind.

>> No.1495108


>> No.1495122

My mind has been blown.

>> No.1495126

Mine too.
After typing >>1495103, I did an Amazon check. Damn, Amazon has everything.

>> No.1495140

I guess we were just 50 years late.

>> No.1495141

I like Japanese stuff other than anime, and /a/ is only allowed to talk about anime now. So I go to both, but primarily here because its slower pace is more comfortable.

>> No.1495144

Well, it's still in spanish. You could still do a japanese translation.

>> No.1495150

According to the Japanese wikipeida:
- Mafalda was aired on NHK under the title "Mafalda and Friends"
- She used to be the mascot for Tono Shinkin Bank

Guess she's actually popular/somewhat known here?

>> No.1495160


>> No.1495163

I like animu/mango, but /a/ is shit.

I think that's a simple enough reason. Oh, and Touhoues.

>> No.1495167


This... this is a lot to take in.

I need to lie down.

>> No.1495183

Mafalda... being Argentina's main export product since 1968.

>> No.1495200

/jp/ - Argentina/Mafalda

>> No.1495214

Back on topic, I normally avoid most of the usual stuff people come here for (Touhou, VNs, etc.) and just lurk to see if there's some interesting or informative thread about Japan.

Also, because every know and then there are some links to stuff which helps learning the language.

>> No.1495219

I come here because /a/ is shit. Also I like VNs.

>> No.1495283


This. I'm interested in Japanese culture, am trying to learn the language, and am generally a shameless weeaboo faggot, at least by /b/'s standards.

Also because I like slower boards.

>> No.1495499
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>> No.1495506
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>> No.1495508
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>> No.1495521
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normalfag cancer

>> No.1495523
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>>Strip club

>> No.1495543
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The stereotyping of women as sex objects.

>> No.1495329

Because nobody else would understand or support my love for a two dimensional girl with a funny hat.

>> No.1495560
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There you go again with that 'he' thing ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1495572
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This is our super secret anime club. No girls allowed!

But seriously, pragmatism. Man until proven otherwise.

>> No.1495363

Nowhere else to go. There's no good place on the internet to talk about Touhou.

>> No.1495383

/jp/ is one of the few boards left on 4chan that isn't overrun with normalfags. I used to browse /v/ until the spillover from /b/ turned the board to complete shit, then I moved on to /a/ which has since suffered the same fate, so now I'm here in /jp/. /jp/ anons are also the best posters on 4chan and actually have a sense of humor that isn't centered around stupid memes and "so random XD" posts like every other board. Basically /jp/ is one of the last boards that still has some of the appeal of old 4chan.

I also come here to discuss visual novels, but I even read threads I would normally have no interest in because anon usually posts interesting and humorous responses.

>> No.1495388

I'm here because /jp/ is the new /a/

>> No.1495393


>> No.1495396

>best posters on 4chan and actually have a sense of humor that isn't centered around stupid memes and "so random XD" posts
I just vomited all over my monitor.

>> No.1495401

>a sense of humor that isn't centered around stupid memes and "so random XD"
Indeed, ours are centered around "LOL DICKS, SEX, SEX, DICKS, VAGINA!".

>> No.1495413

>humor that isn't centered around stupid memes and "so random XD"
I guess you don't look at Touhou threads.

>> No.1495416

Mostly dicks, though.

>> No.1495424

I'm pretty sure that's /r9k/.

Instead of a sense of humor /jp/ has people who get all bent out of shape when someone posts something that isn't Touhou or a VN, or uses a word they don't like.

>> No.1495427

I come here to learn whether or not Shiki can kill servants.

>> No.1495437

Have you ever seen a Touhou thread?


It's like listening to a bunch of high schoolers.

>> No.1495441

You are correct.

Try looking at the other boards sometime. There may be a good amount of shitposting on /jp/, but compared to any of the larger boards we easily have the best userbase.

>> No.1495449

This is just damn terrible then. We may be good in comparison, but as a standalone board, we're pretty trash.

>> No.1495455

>Try looking at the other boards sometime. There may be a good amount of shitposting on /jp/, but compared to any of the larger boards we easily have the best userbase.
This is true. I started visiting almost only /jp/ when it was first created but now I've started going back to other boards again and was rather amazed at the difference. I also hide all Touhou threads even though that was why I came to /jp/ in the first place.

>> No.1495470

Even in comparison to online communities outside of 4chan I can't think of a better place than /jp/. You could say that this only proves how shitty the internet is, but if you really thought /jp/ was that bad you wouldn't be here.

>> No.1495485

>if you really thought /jp/ was that bad you wouldn't be here.
Like I said, I don't have anywhere else to go.

>> No.1495493

Actually, I obviously have choices where to go, it's just that the whole internet sucks.

>> No.1495742
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how come this thread hasn't been janitor'd when this thread was

>> No.1495515

u a girl?

>> No.1495517

Because there's no /vn/ board.

>> No.1495518


>> No.1495532

Problem being?

>> No.1495538

He's playing feminist.

>> No.1495540

Because she's a girl.

>> No.1495546

Ha ha ha.
I told you to ignore the casualfaggot!

>> No.1495549



>> No.1495552

Exactly what else are you suggesting you women are?

>> No.1495556

/jp/ has the least amount of newfags flooding in from Facebook, but it also has a lot of crap, specifically Touhou, threads on old VNs, and Jpop crap. And image dumps.

I come here for the off-topic threads and hope they don't suck.

>> No.1495564

Hook us up with some cash nigger.

>> No.1495590

spic, not nigger. Learn your slurs.

>> No.1495599

So basically you come to this board to not engage in any of it's intended content. Good job.

>> No.1495604


Notice how /jp/'s actually the most educated of the boards and how we know proper English grammar and spelling? Other boards are absolutely ATROCIOUS in this regard.

>> No.1495605

I have no fucking clue. I don't even like Japan.

>> No.1495610

I don't really visit much of any of the other boards. Like most everyone here, I came from /a/ originally. The rest of them can't be that bad right?

And I'll be damned to actually click on them and find out myself.

>> No.1495611

It's because our median age is college not highschool, by virtue of being oldfags.

At least, I hope so. I might just be projecting myself onto you.

>> No.1495617

Well, you are correct in that I'm 22. I believe most people here are probably in the 19-26 range, yeah. I think moot and the mods should go through and permanently ban anyone that fucks up on a simple homophone, or a completely horrid spelling of a simple word (such as definately, definetly, masterbate, etc).

>> No.1495623

Eye dont no what ewe ar toking about

>> No.1495628


Or how about misusing: it's, its, your, you're, there, their, to, two, too, etc.

>> No.1495633

26, myself.
I like the way you think.

>> No.1495638

>I have no other place to go when I get home from my university.
Something kinda like this, ish.

>> No.1495642


Yes I've noticed that too, and is one of the reasons I come here.

It sort of helps when any posts with a hint of underage B& netspeak gets sagebombed to oblivion, and said thread gets completely derailed. That, or it was a good troll.

>> No.1495936
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Timezones are wrong. It's in the middle of the night in Europe right now.

>> No.1495656

I did say
>fucks up on a simple homophone
That's what a homophone is, by the way.

>> No.1495683

I refuse to believe you're a lesbian.
I'm a lesbian and I'm not as retarded as you.
Therefore you can't be a lesbian.

>> No.1495684

Or you know, you could stop being a petty child about spellings and grammar on the internet. It's not a fucking spelling contest.

Fair game if it's awful to the extent that you can't read something, like "lol u tk him 2 da bar?", because stuff like that is a real pain to read.

But if it's only a minor mistake that doesn't really make it hard to read, such as an incorrect letter, you should stop being so childish about it. Nobody's perfect.

>> No.1495690

I never seen such a fallacy in all my borned days.

>> No.1495698

Uneducated newfag.

>> No.1495712

It is only made possible by the internet; if I want to believe that all the retarded lesbians on the internet are actually male trolls, I can do so.

>> No.1495731

I agree with this man.

But only because my keyboard is usually in some inconvenient position that I can't be bothered to retrieve it from, so I reach out and type akwardly with one hand then forget to fix the typos.

I do make an effort to use words I can type properly with one hand. Like sage.

>> No.1495748

Well, that's just lazy.

>> No.1495848

That /b/ could easily be replaced with /a/. Oh wait, /a/ is always shitty.

>> No.1495852

Why'd you add the "/a/ is always shitty"? I don't see the difference.

>> No.1495860

A fair point. /a/ - Anime and Random

>> No.1495943

Middle? It's only just starting.

>> No.1496221

>It sort of helps when any posts with a hint of underage B& netspeak gets sagebombed to oblivion
Sagebombing does not help anything at all. It's recent faggotry that is weakening this board's poor immune system.

>> No.1497037

Looks like what we need is inverse AIDS.
