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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14920942 No.14920942[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> mfw editing a qt exchange student nippon girl's english essay on Canadian-Japanese cultural fusion
> mfw I am a true white Canadian
> mfw I got her a basketball as a gift and she said it was the happiest she's been since coming to Canada

Really I just want advice from here. I already want to memorize a Vocaloid song to sing for her at karaoke sometime.

>> No.14920947

Better start preping the bull.

>> No.14921008
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>doing a girl's homework for her
>giving her gifts
>for free
>probably has hope he'll someday receive sexual favors in return for his kindness

Didn't even need to say anything about Canada we already knew.



>> No.14921016
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Marisa get out of jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.14921023


>> No.14921024
File: 86 KB, 200x227, 742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to memorize a Vocaloid song to sing for her

You cringefuck don´t dare to do that shit.

>> No.14921039
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1300936663106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le who da F*CK XDD r joo quoTAIN??!!! XDDD

Stop embarrassing yourself you newfag retard at least start up your brain and give it a minute before rushing to be the first with your epic maymay. "D-do I fit in yet g-guys?" *looks around nervously*

Shoot yourself.

>> No.14921042

Dude, if you haven't fucked a girl on first or second date, don't bother.
You sound like a huge beta nerd. And why would you edit her essay?

>> No.14921045

You do know normal nips hate otaku culture right?

>> No.14921046

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

>> No.14921073

This is not the place for any of this. Really this guy should fuck off back to /r9k/ or whatever shithole he crawled out of. Why would you defend this trash?

>> No.14921111

nice blog OP, upvoted ;)

>> No.14921119

Actual idiots already came to /jp/ and left a few years ago.

>> No.14921121

Uh you do realize vocaloid is normalfag shit in Japan right

>> No.14921132

Chinese aren't white.

>> No.14921140

Come on, try harder! I don't think you've become part of le epikk /jeep/ seekrit vanguard yet!

>> No.14921144

And to think you go around asking other people to shoot themselves.

>> No.14921203

How old are you?

>> No.14921211

Why don't you go be 12 somewhere else? You'll probably fit in more at /v/ so go there.

>> No.14921234

this whole thread has been reported

>> No.14921260

this thread makes me embarrassed as a canadian

>> No.14921280

>I got her a basketball as a gift and she said it was the happiest she's been since coming to Canada
Is Canada that bad?

>> No.14921288
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>> No.14921298
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>> No.14921624

in all seriousness, stick to acting within your own culture. what she likes about you, as a friend or otherwise, is very obviously 'canadian'
co-opting bits of her own culture will just put you in a bad light next to any of the guys back home for her. you can't do anything Japanese that the actual Japanese guys can't do 1000x better. don't be stupid. play to your strengths. memorize some canadian music like bieber or something. you might not enjoy it as much, but she's the one who chose to travel to canada. sing to her of your maple leaves and moose if you must sing.
you probably shouldn't sing at all but you get my point, anon.

>> No.14921637

...no but very seriously don't sing unless you're actually good at singing. I can't even stress that hard enough. Go ahead and sing if you take voice lessons and are even moderately good, but since you're 'wanting to memorize' a song in a different language and posting about it on /jp/, you're not a musician. Don't do this. You'd be shooting yourself in the face harder than both of the previous off-topic randos itt should be doing

>> No.14921648

You should have been embarassed long before this thread.
Dude weed lmao.

>> No.14921676

Thread should have ended here. Really. Whiteknighting hard for a girl and expecting her to hook up with you just like that? And an exchange student, to boot? Ridiculous.

>> No.14921724

where's janny when you need him?

>> No.14921747

I want someone to make a pasta thread now.

>> No.14921844

What this guy said. She's there for Canada. Not for Japan. Give her Canada.

Fuck off, this "a leaf"/"dude weed" shit stopped being funny post election. Unlike Yankees we don't jack off over pictures of politicians year round. Alternatively if you're not a Yankee, stop acting like one.

>> No.14921855

>Fuck off, this "a leaf"/"dude weed" shit stopped being funny post election.
You're right.
It's much better to laugh at Canada importing "refugees" and selling off their gold reserves, while their oil industry goes to shit. Even funnier when he didnt even deliver on the weed.

>> No.14921871

A siren goes off in the secret /pol/ club room whenever medio falls asleep or deploys her onahole

>> No.14921914
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