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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14903745 No.14903745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to get more into textboards. Which ones should I avoid?

>> No.14904046


>> No.14906111

You're a moron.

>> No.14906208

All of them.

>> No.14906707

I don't see the appeal of them aside for feeling "retro", imageboards let you express yourself better and are plaing better as long their UI is clean like 4chan's and not messy crap like 8's.
And it's not like textboards have better people if that's your reason, people will shitpost and flame regardless.

>> No.14906733

All of them except the AA ones.

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>> No.14906957

Wizchan has a good one.

>> No.14907036
File: 406 KB, 636x475, 911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eightchan has some decent ones

>> No.14907037

bbs.progrider.org could always do with more users, if you're into programming

>> No.14907038

A friendly reminder that linking a website you like on 4chan is condemning it to death.

>> No.14907042

I, too, enjoy mingling with a bunch of teenage /v/ idiots (which is why I come to /jp/ hoihoihoihoi XD)

>> No.14907049

there are more cummunities there, mostly irc circlejerks with their own boards, lot's of it is /jp/ related though.
i think the /v/ and /pol/ people stay at their boards just like here

>> No.14907059

>i think the /v/ and /pol/ people stay at their boards just like here

>> No.14907069

You were the one you asked for textboards.

I could name you better ones too, the letterbox is nice. I
But i guess you won't find it

>> No.14907091

The /v/ermin stay where they belong but most of the userbase is /pol/ and their shit is all over every board.

>> No.14907130
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