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14830670 No.14830670 [Reply] [Original]

/toy/ - tinyurl com ihatedolls
/jp/ - tinyurl com dollfaq
Old thread: >>14716599

How about we talk about doll accessories like necklaces and earrings and bracelets.

>> No.14834484

thats horrifying stop that

>> No.14834855

why are we still not using the better faq links?

>> No.14835288


Do handcuffs and leashes count as accessories?

>> No.14835845

I said they are still too small. Plus she is the worst girl. Plus plus I am experimenting.

I just copied from the last thread. Post new ones immediately and hopefully the next thread will copy those.

Yah sure but I have only seen handcuffs. Much to my dismay. But to each there own.

>> No.14836394
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anyone know what sculpt this could be?

>> No.14836562

modified DDH-03

>> No.14838575

Jeez I know I'm probably the only one who thinks so, but Cake is so cute. I don't actually have an issue with the way she dresses. Admittedly, I have no sense of style. I do think she could use some variety in hairstyle though.

>> No.14839958

Thanks. She is my first and still my favourite. Also replaceing the khakis with jeans might look better I don't hate or disagree with what everyone says just some of it. I probably won't change her hair though I have an incredibly hard time changing wigs they make up so much of the girls personality. Only Tofu's wig is on the chopping block not sure were I want to go with that need to see how I feel when her new outfit arrives.

>> No.14840027
File: 233 KB, 1156x1630, 20160227_1907542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I have only seen handcuffs

Well now you've seen a chain leash as well as handcuffs.


Long black hime-cut is objectively the best choice and the one you should be making.

>> No.14840073

Thats the wig I was considering. Maybe I should look around for one.

>> No.14840133


LeekeWorld has a few hime-cut style wigs in their range of varying lengths and curlinesses. The LR-138_E seems to be a good place to start looking.

>> No.14840183
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So Cherry rocks a reddish brown Hime cut that extends down to the top of her butt. That one you linked looks shorter. Do I aim shorter? Or longer or about the same. It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma covered in a cute wig.

>> No.14840222
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As much as I want to say longer is always better, when it gets so long that she's standing on it you're gonna run into problems. My Kanojo's wig is a damn mess because if she's not stepping on it one of her sisters is.

A shortish hime-cut is still a hime-cut though so even if it is only half way down her back that's still a good choice.

>> No.14840302
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Yah but you have mostly/just? MDDs. I can go to the back of the knees in length on a DDIII. My longest wig on Waffles extends down to the hem of her skirt, longer if it was straight and not curly.

That said if I was randomly asked who had the longest wig I would have said cherry. The ponytail and curliness to Waffles wig makes it seem shorter. So a similar length wig that is just straight might look too long?

Also Tofu is semi-white any worry of the wig hair staining her? She tends to show more skin as of late.

>> No.14840332
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Really buddy it's up to you how long you go or don't. Just keep looking until you find a style and length you like. You literally cannot go wrong with hime-cut length that's the greatest thing about them.

>Yah but you have mostly/just? MDDs

I have four dolls, a Parabox 40 and 47 and an Obitsu 48 and 50 and they have, respectively, thigh-length, butt length, bob-cut length, oh my fucking god get your feet off my hair you bitch-length

>> No.14840339
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Hahaha I almost want to try this.

>> No.14840355

So I like MDD I own but fuck I love my Obitsu 50. It is the perfect size compared to my other DDS/2/3. It also makes me like my MDD more because it's less of a sudden drop in hight.

>> No.14840471
File: 188 KB, 1632x1224, 20160221_105116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah nah


And the Parabox 40 is the perfect size to compliment the Obitsu 50. Personally I think the 50 is a bit of a leg monster and even just with the 20mm shorter legs the 48 has it looks so much better proportioned, especially when naked.

>> No.14840501


Hahaha yah no. Seems the wig I want is sold out till April. Might check some other places.

Hahah the 50 looks like it has stub legs when compared to a DDIII. Still I like the legs so it's all good for me. But you really have some great looking girls. And in my opinion better body's then a DDS.

>> No.14840574
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Question for you, are you not American or just pulling an all-nighter?


>> No.14840645

Man I like your girls eyes.
But anyhoo I am from the cold land of Canada. But I work nights and as I have a hard time with sleep as it is, switching back and forth from nights and days would kill me. So I am up all night on my days off also but I do sleep In a bit if I can so I can join the wakeing world till 1pm on my days off.

>> No.14840756
File: 129 KB, 693x1039, CcMiD5lUsAAq_qL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>works nights

I'm so sorry

well not really cause that puts you on straya time which is simply just a better time to be on

There's just something about girls with long black hair that causes spontaneous erections and it's not even my oedipus complex acting up because mum was a blonde.

>> No.14840813

I really enjoy nights. It is a nice change from 11 years working retail. So should I buy the leekeworld wig and just chill until apr when it will ship. Or do I go else were. I can not lie I am not patient like at all.

>> No.14840819
File: 84 KB, 744x1024, hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT weebs that have no idea what a hime cut is.

>> No.14840937
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Wig bought. Fuck waiting.

>> No.14840941

That's the wig you bought? ehhhhh

>> No.14840957

Sure what's wrong with it?

>> No.14840987

That's gross, looks like a mullet in the making

>> No.14843323
File: 103 KB, 693x1039, CcOZ0dEVAAA4AvH.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where did you get that from?

>> No.14843489

More information about these?

>> No.14843529


>> No.14843542

Oh yes, thanks!

>> No.14843695
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If loli doll abuse is your thing, another good page to check out is https://twitter.com/irwin_savero

>> No.14845421
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>> No.14845631
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That second layer is far too wide.

>> No.14845666
File: 91 KB, 693x1039, Cb5g0KkVAAAaKV7.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is truly my favourite. I wish I knew how to put together a similar doll.

>> No.14845717

How do you mod a doll to make it do this?

>> No.14845721

picking up my first girl in a few days, pretty excited. you guys got me in the spirit. gonna grab an azone to start with, any suggestions? been looking at a few on amiami.

>> No.14845776

Congrats anon. I'm not very familiar with the Azones so I can't offer any help with your question but I hope you'll be happy with her.

>> No.14845787

what do you prefer? Im starting out so I dont wanna spend too terribly much on a first, considering i could potentially stain her, improper care, etc. wanna know what im doing and start slow.

>> No.14845821


When you say Azone do you mean a Pure Neemo or an Obitsu 50?

>> No.14845875

uguu... dunno know my terminology that well. this might help. good starter and in line with the budget i planned for a first.

>> No.14845887

I've only ever had Dollfie Dreams. Staining is an issue but I've never had any of my girls be stained beyond repair and that's even after a serious accident with a stain monster of a maid outfit.

>> No.14845897

If you're looking for a 1/6 scale anime styled doll then your options are limited and Azone might be the only option? Perhaps other anons know more.

>> No.14845915
File: 326 KB, 1100x1496, SilentCaay1456101469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So here's an owner pic of that, you decide whether this is what you want. Often times the doll doesn't look quite as good as the sample photos as they are A) faffed about with for hours to get perfect and/or B) shooped.

And yes that is a Pure Neemo line doll. So when you search for clothes, search for that.

>> No.14845936

mmm, I cant tell if thats photography, or what. the eyes look so flat, she doesnt have that same... energy compare to these in that photo. nothing like
those look nice, and what i really would like to do. maybe i need to wait a bit more?

>> No.14845960

Azones generally have decal eyes, there are some notable exceptions in their 1/3 range like Kanojo but for the most part the eyes are painted on.

The ones you're linking to are MDD dolls and will set you back a bit more though you could go for a hybrid MDD head and 40cm Obitsu body to save some cash.

>> No.14845964
File: 101 KB, 693x1039, Cb0fZZ1UUAEE4GO.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bear in mind these things are tiny so there is only so much detail you're going to get on such a small space.

Those are MDDs. All I can say is: good luck

>> No.14846028

hmmm, from what ive gathered, those are the ultimate devotion and spirit of the hobby, correct? heh. quite pricey too, but look so worth it. maybe i should research more before i decide. thank you all!

>> No.14846089
File: 672 KB, 1440x2160, hello2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like accessories but I believe there's a lack of doll rings out there. Hard to make them look nice and to scale maybe?

Absolutely, too much research is better not enough research when it comes to big purchases like these. Look up more user photos of 1/6 Azones, the one in >>14845915 is not a very good one I feel.

>> No.14846374

Just ebay. We will see how good looks

>> No.14846905


Dear god is there nothing that can stop you from making horrible decisions about your dolls?

>> No.14847001

i think he genuinely has some brain problems.

>> No.14847345


Yes because we know it's bad without seeing it. And if it is bad I will just buy the exact same style from leekeworld when it's back in stock in April.

>> No.14847515

Pretty sure that was a criticism of your use of ebay rather than what we think it'll look like. Still a criticism based on assumptions, but you don't have a great track record!

I do think that wig will suit neither Tofu nor your terrible outfits.

As long as you're happy, I guess it doesn't matter.

>> No.14847536
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So I never thought to post it here but I got a Pure Neemo in Japan. There is a Azone store below Volks Doll point.
So here are some images. As you can see they are much smaller then DDs. The black skirt is my MDD and are the size you were linking to in your other post. Over all I like the detail in the clothes but it does not look as good as a DD.
Also how do I manage this fucking things hair!?! It's thick and waxy I kinda hate it a lot.

>> No.14847560
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Over all it is neat to use as a Doll for my girls. But I won't be buying anymore. To be honest if you really like the look of the larger dolls you see here and want more of that look I can't really recommend a Neemo.
That said if you want a small easy to take care of and nice looking doll Pure Neemos are neat.

>> No.14847628
File: 102 KB, 588x588, trnk_bet-img588x588-1456651944cdyp7i4065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post pic of bigger doll abusing smaller doll. Do it.

>> No.14847885

Gosh she is the prettiest doll I have ever seen. Is she yours? I'm still new into the hobby, so would you mind telling me what face/body she is? And post more pictures please! She is so gorgeous.

>> No.14847918

Not that anon, but she is theirs. Head is a Dollfie Dream Kisaragi Chihaya repainted by White Dolly Story, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.14848666
File: 675 KB, 1440x2160, chihaya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's mine. Thanks! That picture was taken a while back, pic related shows how she looks right now.

This is accurate. Her body is a DDS body with a M bust, I find that to suit her better than the default SS bust.

>> No.14848732

Did you keep her name as Chihaya?

>> No.14848965

Oh wow this is great!! I totally dig this look! That hat and shirt are my fave parts!

>> No.14849158

Thanks anons! Wow that really shows me how much the face-up can change a doll's looks. Chihaya hardly caught my eye when I looked at the default model, but yours is so pretty.

>> No.14849380

I did initially but she doesn't look like Chihaya anymore so now she prefers to be called Charlotte. Totally a coincidence that they both start with Ch.

Yeah, a new faceup can totally transform a doll. I browse the DD group on flickr occasionally and I can't recognize some of them if they don't include the name in the description or tag the photos.

>> No.14852838

Did you do the faceup yourself or was is a commission?

>> No.14853360
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mostly a robot body with a few doll parts

>> No.14853397

Shit, there go my dreams.

>> No.14853632
File: 84 KB, 800x1067, id4qunhlpe507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went and bought another doll head, even though I just got Melty (who I now call Yumi). Bought it on Y!JA, and probably spent way too much.

I think Aya will have to be a floating head for a while, until I can afford a new DDS body.

>> No.14853679

And it begins. Yumi is a cute name you should post pictures of you got her dressed yet.

>> No.14853686

She's been dressed since I got her! I'm still trying to make my girls' wigs look presentable, but I don't have a lot of time for that.

>> No.14853761

Show the QT3.14 girl. Also wigs truly can be a pain I have just finished Battle with cookies wig shit sucks.

>> No.14853769

Is Aya the QT3.14 girl?

>> No.14853894
File: 931 KB, 2093x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but also Yumi because you said she is dressed. Post all girls with body's.

Or detached heads that's cool too I guess.

>> No.14853915

Sucks that these things always make a shit ton of noise. Why can't engineers create a miniaturized silent actuator already?

>> No.14853931

I only have the two girls right now, unless you count the two 1/6 girls I have sitting in their boxes in my closet. I started collecting figures and ran out of room for them.

Maybe I'll take a picture today. I keep saying that then flaking because I'm having a style crisis.

>> No.14853940

I just want people to post there girls. I like seeing other peoples styles and likes.

>> No.14854145
File: 755 KB, 1204x903, CRW_0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick/bad picture of Aya. I don't like this wig much, but I wanted to see her with light hair again and all of my others are dark.

Didn't notice until I looked at the picture, but you can see some of the putty I used on the bottom of her right eye. I hate putting eyes in.

>> No.14854324
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>> No.14854571

Ohhhh shitttt blonde with red eyes. That is mad adorbs!! She looks very cute.

Dolls with dolls is kinda neat. Maybe I should take more images of Cake with that Neemo.

>> No.14854587

>That is mad adorbs!!
you're like an old man trying to fit in with elementary school kids

>> No.14854878

But I talk like that to other adults. Plus I like to believe due to the cost of DDs were all adults.

>> No.14855162
File: 65 KB, 612x816, 20150712_162552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dolls with dolls
>doll abuse

best combination

>> No.14856257

May i ask what realdoll that is?

>> No.14856418 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, 1456795216803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His twitter showed him shopping at arte tokio, considering the elf ears that might just be a distributor for ds-doll.

>> No.14856595


I recognize that smaller doll! It's a libidoll, the DD sized doll that you can fuck! How is it?

>> No.14856604
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Lower right corner. Woody's expression as the abuse goes on. Priceless.

>> No.14856651
File: 213 KB, 1776x1184, CcbY7T6WwAAsj09.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14857069

Was a commission from White Dolly Story.

She looks lovely and if that's a bad picture then I can't wait to see a good one!

>> No.14857730

>She looks lovely
Thanks! I've taken like 3 pictures in the 6 months I've had her, so I'm not sure if you can expect to see a good picture ever.

>> No.14859432

You should take a lot more images. It's the only way!!

>> No.14859498

But I'm always busy doing other nerd things.

>> No.14859638

Okay so I want to buy a gothic-looking doll. I've never bought a doll before so what site is best?

>> No.14859864

Wow you asked such a large question. One after thinking on I dont have the best answers . I am sure others can be more helpful.
What I can say is there is no one site. You should spend a lot of time looking at your opinions and doing research. Even after I bought my first head it took for ever to deside on a body and now 7 dolls in I am still learning.
I spent a lot of time on the dollfiedreams questions part of there forums reading. From there I read other sites. I want to be more helpful but I have a feeling I won't be.

>> No.14859916

What is your budget?
>2k USD - check yahoo jp auctions or ebay.

<2k USD - build it yourself with parts and bits from here and there, various shops.

>> No.14859960

Do you want an anime looking doll or a more realistic one? What size?

What do you mean by gothic looking? (just clothes or do you want it to have heavy makeup too?)

>> No.14862107

For the anon who in the last thread asked when Volks restock MDD parts, if you're in NA, Volks USA just reopened their webstore and they have a bunch of stuff available. Both base bodies and option parts.

>> No.14862197

where do you guys buy these dolls? Where can I get one?

>> No.14862236

Kind of all depends on what exactly you want.

I'd recommend extensive internet research. Most of the dolls we post here are called Dollfie Dreams, if you didn't already know.

>> No.14863199


Like this person said >>14862236
Lots of research. That said if you live in Trump Land VOLKS USA just had a restock and all of the base body models are available. I own two base model girls myself if they are to your liking I recommend starting your research there.

>> No.14863713

not him but are the standard models a good first buy? i don't want the trouble of waiting for a lottery, buying one secondhand or building one and commissioning a makeup artist.

>> No.14863751

They are a good buy if you like them. But You still will need to supply them with clothes. Also you can change the wig and eyes more to your liking. Changing wigs is easy but changing eyes is harder as Volks uses what seems to be hot glue to hold them in.

>> No.14863910

only buy dolls you love. you'll regret it otherwise.

>changing eyes is harder
that said, changing default eyes still isn't hard.

>> No.14864319
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Also smart doll on sale one day only mirai and some shirts only

53400 for mirai

>> No.14866823

>only buy dolls you love. you'll regret it otherwise.
Almost entirely true. Another option is to buy a sculpt you love, the faceup can be changed. It's hard to know if you love a sculpt though just by looking at stock photos. See if you find photos of customs and see if you like them.

>> No.14866900
File: 300 KB, 933x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left is so cute!

>> No.14867762

They both are cute but yah that left one is a cut above.

>> No.14867794

By the way everyone looking to let a jointed woman into your life, those prices for base DD models really aren't bad for what you get. Look around, something for everyone there. I was stuck for a bit as far as girls go, but eh, in a month, its truly feasible if you truly want to do it..

>> No.14870120


>> No.14870260
File: 26 KB, 220x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her outfit is definitely a dead ringer for Alice.

>> No.14870491

She looks like a bundle of love and mischief!

>> No.14871742

I love her little moe fang. If I ever get a doll, it's gonna have one like that for sure.

>> No.14872070

That's an amazingly styled wig for a doll that's upside down!

>> No.14872716

How many times do you guys wash clothes to colour-lock them?

>> No.14872866

One unless I know from other reports that the item in question is known to stain very very easily. I use a lingerie bag and the delicate cycle on my washer.

>> No.14873120
File: 530 KB, 1330x3166, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hay so I really like the new wig. Problem is I am sure no one will like what she is wearing. So you guys get this until I get her new outfit arrives in the mail... That you will also probably hate.

I did not put her in her maid outfit because her hair won't stand out well.

>> No.14873385

We already know how bad your bikini + baggy slacks outfit looks. You might as well show us now.

>> No.14873522
File: 638 KB, 1632x2857, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is wearing a shirt so you are wrong.

>> No.14873534

perfectly fine. if she's working in construction or something like that. but then she would have to tie her hair

>> No.14873539

i weep for your dolls

>> No.14873553
File: 167 KB, 821x1229, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why 4 of them look fine. And I am still waiting on clothes for two of them.

>> No.14873583

all of your girls look have something that looks weird and you can't even tell!

>> No.14874870
File: 159 KB, 1024x1532, CXlxu1RUMAETuOV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of your girls look have something that looks weird and you can't even tell!

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

fashion-kun's dolls are all fine. It's not like daddy doesn't care he just needs practice. Most any new father is the same and don't try to pretend you weren't a hamfist when you first became one.


Put her in the maid outfit you mong. Long black hair + maid is objectively the best combination except maybe for blonde loli vampire

>> No.14874891

So what's the ballpark base price for a MDD? As in building one with only one outfit to start.

>> No.14874911
File: 487 KB, 850x3041, dd7002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok the base body if you can get it at retail price is 27,000jpy (good luck)

this head sold for 193,000jpy

have fun saving

>> No.14874946
File: 409 KB, 850x2669, dd7003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And an outfit will run from $40 to $400 depending on the quality and how elaborate the set is. For example I just bought a set of MDD lingerie that set me back $32 on their own, but you can buy a complete set off ebay for that price. Of course the quality will be different but hey it's your doll and money.

>> No.14875311

thanks that's me.

>> No.14875891
File: 117 KB, 600x900, 18213492494_4709da99b5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're in Trumpland or any of the lesser neighboring countries then Volks USA has both the MDD base body and MDD Rena, pic related, in stock. Rena is $429 and just the body is $275.

DDH-01 heads often goes for crazy prices as >>14874911 mentions but you can get a nice head for ~30k yen. Alternatively go for MDD Rena if you like her or see if you can find a faceup artist you like and commission them.

>> No.14875907

Anyone here into Little dolls? I'm looking to sell my Lil Fairy Erunoe with an outfit or two.

>> No.14875972
File: 159 KB, 1224x1632, 20160305_110235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a Vel and I think it looks really adorable and is a good size to be a doll for my dolls but the body I have will not stand up on its own, the hips are really weak. Does yours pose properly and it's just mine that's faulty or are they all like that?

If I had the money I'd consider buying another but I don't think I can afford what would be a fair price for a doll + outfit/s.

In other news my box from Amico arrived and it had this cute Alice-style dress set in it so I took Mei out of her leash and handcuffs and put it on her.

>> No.14875986

Mine is a little loose but she can stand alright. The knees can buckle sometimes though.

>> No.14876025

>this head sold for 193,000jpy

So you're saying I should quit my job at the bank and start painting doll heads for a living?

>> No.14876043
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If you can make cute little kitty girls like pic related, speak English and ship globally then yes, you should.

I don't know how many hours of work go into making such a detailed faceup but I think it's worth every yen paid.

>> No.14876048

I can't get into this hobby because the doll would just make me feel ugly and inferior

>> No.14876071
File: 202 KB, 1224x1632, 20160305_105640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that feel bro. >>14875972 used to be a mirror-backed dresser but I hated seeing myself in it every time I played with my dolls so I ripped the mirror out and put a piece of MDF board in its place.

>> No.14876076

If I'm gonna spend thousands on dolls maybe it's better just to get clothes/surgeries for myself

>> No.14876118
File: 199 KB, 1024x1536, CceYC4kUYAACNr_.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I put myself on a diet, shaved my head, grew a beard and started riding a bicycle to lose weight. All so that I could take photos of my dolls with me in them one day and not get a hundred comments on how fat my fingers were.

Your mileage may vary but you could try those things.

>> No.14876121

I've spent much more on doll clothes than clothes for myself the last year or two. Surgeries are a different matter though, take care of your health!

>> No.14876234

I look girly looking straight on but masculine from the side so I want a surgeon to take a chisel to that

I already got laser hair removal for my face, just legs left to do

>> No.14876254

by that I mean my nose

>> No.14876441
File: 84 KB, 600x900, 1411837985316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm amazed that insulting someone on the internet for being fat worked.

You're restored my faith in harsh justice, thank you citizen. Your fat has not been spilled in vain.

>> No.14876469

There aren't enough catsuits for dolls.

>> No.14876555
File: 166 KB, 1224x1632, 20160305_135217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hate to break it to you dudebro but I'm a statistical outlier amongst statistical outliers. The usual response to being called fat is to get fatter.

>> No.14876616
File: 121 KB, 1000x750, IMG_4088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture since I was away from my computer when I posted that.

>> No.14876654

One soul saved for a thousand irredeemable ones already lost.

>> No.14876744


She is too cute.

>> No.14876793
File: 99 KB, 618x1023, CUeMNdqUkAE7Hx-.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My main concern now is accidentally becoming attractive to women and having one or more try to latch on and get between me and my dolls. The thought alone is terrifying. A female human working at the cash register of the local store complimented my beard after I'd finished growing it and I ran out of the store crying.

>> No.14876822

Just start bringing a doll around with you. She'll let those filthy "women" know to back off.

>> No.14876832
File: 127 KB, 345x337, Neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My main concern now is accidentally becoming attractive to women and having one or more try to latch on and get between me and my dolls


>> No.14876932
File: 202 KB, 1024x1205, Cck_Y7RUkAAkKEs.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not funny man I'm seriously stressing out about it. I can feel them watching me when I walk down the street or am at work and they walk past and stare. I hear horror stories from the plumbers and electricians I work with about being propositioned by housewives and daughters when working on homes and it is truly scary knowing that one day it might happen to me.

>> No.14876940

Here's a link to more pictures and details.

>> No.14877234
File: 67 KB, 500x961, 2260354_140617175237_075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it makes you feel any better i wouldnt touch you with a 10 ft pole

>> No.14877319

How many dolls do you guys have?

>> No.14877325
File: 569 KB, 800x1202, 3445967-image7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14877330

It's not like the opinion of a tripfag is important though.

>> No.14877339

Then what are you doing here, anon?

>> No.14877369
File: 41 KB, 800x531, 1395704595510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving every picture I see. Soon I shall strike.

>> No.14877418

Two, soon to be three!

I feel the same as them, if that helps.

>> No.14877429

Just act completely oblivious to their antics. You could even just act gay for a while, I did that once; problem now is that my mother thinks I'm actually gay

>> No.14877432
File: 30 KB, 405x609, ghost--biscuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like 13 what happened to my life

im cute af tho with the body type you dream of

>> No.14877451
File: 104 KB, 693x1039, CcxC6zMUMAEVSNX.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Four complete dolls, three floating heads and a box full of spare body parts that still won't make one full one.


Good advice I'll try that. Should I find a smooth/slender to pretend to be my boyfriend when I go out in public?

>> No.14877461

Just 1 Miku DD, getting the Snow Miku DD later this year

>> No.14877538

Too many, I'm scared to count. More than 10. In theory I want to reduce the number but in practice I don't want to get rid of any of them.

>> No.14877574

jeez, how much money do you think you've spent on clothes alone?

>> No.14877665

A lot. Then there's the shoes, so many shoes. But at least the ones that are on display look nice! Well, to my eyes at least.

>> No.14878575

Hey she actually looks rather nice! Well, her hair and face do. I personally never found anything wrong with the cargo pants but the shirt is really lackluster. Have you considered getting her a cute princess-type dress to go with the hime-cut?

>> No.14878675

Six but I plan to get a seventh in May.

>> No.14878696

Those aren't cargo pants. They're just pants!

I don't think it's a hime-cut wig either, but it's hard to tell in that picture.

>> No.14878729

1 but she's kinda neglected

>> No.14878886
File: 44 KB, 446x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neglected dolls are the saddest.

>> No.14878971
File: 2.90 MB, 1024x576, Volks collection.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14878983

jealous of your nanoha

>> No.14879174
File: 683 KB, 1656x2949, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I am trying. That said I have put her back in her maid outfit and given her back her hammer.

Thanks I like the pants and will use them. The shirt just fucking sucks but that's fine I have a new use for it.

>> No.14879479
File: 832 KB, 1000x1333, miku-meets-cat-boogers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried to take some photos with a living prop and she picked her nose with poor Miku's fingers. What sad/unexpected things have happened to your dolls during photoshoots?

>> No.14879812
File: 142 KB, 1216x760, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Easiest way to make a doll look nice is to make her a maid with long black hair. It is a universally compatible style.


Just the cat photobombing the frame

>> No.14880182


Normal stuff like doll falling over, weapons dropping out of hand, being constricted by snake, etc.

>> No.14881814
File: 1.70 MB, 1376x2319, lizanna-ruby-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lizanna is doing a one-day offer of 18mm and 20mm doll eyes. I'm doing up a ton of mockups to see how they'd fit.
God help me.

>> No.14882059

Is there any solution to dolls' legs giving them this inverse hips appearance?

>> No.14882476

Lizanna eyes are stunning in person, definitely in my top three.

It's mostly a bad angle I think. And proper clothing makes it not noticeable at all.

>> No.14884755

How do you even do eye mockups?
Like how do you know how much to scale the picture of the eyes down to make the proportions accurate?

>> No.14885097
File: 524 KB, 861x1000, eyes-ruler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lizanna published how tall the irises are for each of the sizes. That's the real saving grace here.
I took a photo of the empty head next to a metric ruler and also roughly measured the height of the eye hole in real life. Miku's eyeholes looked to be about 10-11mm at the very tallest. I'm pretty sure these mockups aren't super accurate, but they're enough to give me a rough idea of what I want. At nearly $40 a pop, I don't want to buy a pair of eyes I'm not in love with.

Pic related-- part of the photoshop magic.

>> No.14886795

Anyone know whats going on with the Volks USA site. Seems to be down on my end of things...

>> No.14888240
File: 291 KB, 1185x1495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I really want to get her a white wig from leekeworld. But I don't fucking know what one. I plan on here wearing these shorts and probably a t-shirt. Also considering glasses also but I don't know.

>> No.14888948

its fucked, check their facebook page

>> No.14889264

I know a regular DD bust will technically fit on a DDS body, but does anybody know if it still looks good?

I set up a thing a while ago to notify me when volks restocked their DDS S bust and got the email while I was at work last night, but now it's already sold out again.

>> No.14889333

Turns out there web host fucked up the store database.

Then Deleted it.
And the backups.

It's quite sad really they just re launched too. Time for a new webhost I guess.

>> No.14890134

Does anyone else think that the volks usa thing is just an elaborate lie? I'm a bit skeptical

>> No.14890428

So let me get this straight. They took down the webstore for three months to improve customer service and they couldn't even manage to find a host that keeps off-site backups? Wow.

>> No.14890465

It'll look fine, I have a DD bust on my Chihaya. The shape is a bit different but it's not noticeable unless you really know what to look for and who knows, you might even prefer the look of a DD bust over the DDS bust.

>> No.14890479

What's the best way to get remove semen discoloration? Is there a special paint matched to her skin tone?

>> No.14890517
File: 122 KB, 850x875, sample-7098174a27e193ba2d0efe2951d37051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyve only complained about their webhost before so if it took them this long to get rid of them im not too sympathetic

>> No.14890614

I wonder if they didn't pay their dev or something and this is their punishment.

Another option: the reason they took the site down for 2 months was so they could work on their site live. Since it's live, no need for backups, right? Hire shitty web people, hire shitty server people, get shitty results.

There should be no reason the developer of the website can't get the copy of the site they worked on back up within a day.

>> No.14890623

From what I heard, the previous host promised to fix problems if they kept increasing their service plan. (which ended up not solving anything)

Now apparently they changed servers and everything got accidentally wiped

>> No.14890630

As far I know the devs are in house, because they always reference their Japan HQ whenever I asked them details about their web-store issues and if they wanted me to help them with solving any issues (with compensation of course)

>> No.14890848

So then surely all the code is in their VCS right? The facebook page says that all the work done in the last months is lost. Are they referring to migration data? Seems fishy.

>> No.14890875

okay it was a new host and it was definitely not VolksUSA's fault

they just got REALLY fucked over

>> No.14890880

maybe they got so many orders they closed to the site to stop people from ordering
I'm pretty sure there was a bunch of people waiting to order when it reopened
they should of just used Squarespace

>> No.14890894

Maybe it's not their fault technically or legally but they could have prevented any major issues if they had someone on payroll who knew what they were doing.

>> No.14894861


People are hating on Cake?

I remember the first time you posted her, I still think she's adorable

>> No.14895666
File: 1.73 MB, 3091x4880, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that People dislike how I dress her and my other girls.
Also still looking for wig styles for her. >>14888240 I would like to buy it before I buy her.

>> No.14899682

people actually like Cake?
then again I suppose that guy is the only one keeping these threads alive

>> No.14899745
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>> No.14899753
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>> No.14899757
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>> No.14900395

These two will both be mine.

>> No.14900670

So I signed up for DoA, but I can't post. What do I do?

>> No.14900709

Wait for your account to be approved. Might take a few hours up to a few days depending on the mood of the mods.

>> No.14901171

Any predictions on the VolksUSA online opening again? I'm curious. How long was it down for in the first place? Should be more hasty this time around, considering that PR blunder.

>> No.14901202

they lost all the work they put in during their like 2 month "fix the website" break
so they'll either put up the old website again or spend more time remaking what was lost

itll likely be a while

>> No.14901233

Well.. If that's the case, is there any other webstore that has their offerings on DD's and what not. ~500 is a lot to put forth willynilly to an dealer other that whats deemed to be an official retailer you know?

>> No.14901254

Volks Intl.

Alternatively you could check Dollfieworld, though they are known to mark up the items they have. But they are reputable.

>> No.14901618
File: 240 KB, 1224x1632, 20160310_165814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg Mandarake wp

no re tho

>> No.14901654

I don't get it.

>> No.14901795

What did you get?

>> No.14902028

Anybody know where I could get a black tank top that isn't a stain monster? I bought one a while ago, but no amount of washing seems to stop dye from immediately rubbing off onto my doll.

>> No.14903234

>Doll Accessories
>(For Personal Use Only)


Two sets of underwear, one MSD and one SD size that was labelled as an MSD and now either needs modifications or to be resold, and a pink fluffy adorable feminine dress set.

>> No.14903316

Isn't it awful that the contents are posted right at the front of the box? Thankfully, my mail clerk apparently doesn't read it.

>> No.14904989
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>> No.14904993
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>> No.14905002
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>> No.14905008
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>> No.14905070

i wish i could afford dollies ;___;

>> No.14905631

you could if you sacrifice unimportant luxuries like snacks and alcohol!

>> No.14905798
File: 102 KB, 693x1039, CdG0y1EUIAIWZDw.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And food, the rent/mortgage, electricity bill and internet connection. All unnecessary expenses.

Also consider trading your sanity, health, well being and lifespan for pitifully small monetary gain at one of the numerous slave holding/leasing facilities in the area. It takes a lot out of you effectively leaving you an empty shell of your former self but hey at least you can afford dolls if you do it long enough.

>> No.14905825

worth it all for true happiness.

>> No.14905866

I see your girl so often and she is an absolute heart melting knockout cutie. what model or parts is she based from? shes so impressive and you should be proud to have her as a daughter. Your devotion is to be admired.

>> No.14905927
File: 145 KB, 693x1039, CdMPJYzUMAANQNA.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok just to be clear she isn't mine. Her name is Kaoru and all her photos are stolen from and reposted without the permission of https://twitter.com/LunuPointerEx

One of my dolls is >>14876555

>> No.14906273


Ah man she is super cute

>> No.14907894
File: 1.00 MB, 720x5343, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I desided to get a LR-142_E in White from leekeworld probably going to order that soon. A ponytail would be cute.

>> No.14908145

Almost as good as a twin tail.

>> No.14908210
File: 252 KB, 933x1400, 1452938851222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Im about to go in on a DD dy and Im wondering, do they feel like theyre worth 500 dollars in your hands? Are they sturdy and well made or do they require more delicacy when being posed etc.

>> No.14908247

They're pretty sturdy; I think you'd have to be a massive retard to break the body while trying to pose it. Even if you do break something, body parts are easily replaceable.

Always be careful with the face, though. You don't want that to get dirty or scratched.

>> No.14908287
File: 521 KB, 816x1088, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a twin tail already. They are great

In other news I may post some images I saved from earlier threads. First up one of the cutest girls that does not get posted here enough.

>> No.14908320

yeah but i posted her like last week stop complaining!

>> No.14910320

Pics of the dress?

>> No.14910335

Requesting pics of dolls in underwear

>> No.14910412

What is the difference between the standard DD's and the DD dynamite? I cant seem to tell, aside from bust size.

>> No.14910444
File: 1.03 MB, 1375x2048, ddII-vs-dddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite the difference. There's a post in the Dollfie Dreams forums that very helpfully shows the differences in multiple photos/poses for DDI/DDII/MDD/DDDy. Here's one photo from the set. The DDDy is on the right, and the Rei (left) is a DDII.
The bust cut is the most obvious sign, but the waist, hips and thighs are wider as well.

>> No.14911383

Does the Volks International site restock on order or what? How does that work? Anyone have experience ordering from them? Shipping details, all of that.

>> No.14911386

They restock randomly. Shipping is EMS only.

>> No.14911397

Any time frames on restock you've noticed? weeks, months? Sorry if i'm being too intense with questions, just truly curious. My first order was going to be from the USA storefront but we all see how that went.

>> No.14911572

I think maybe a month, but they aren't consistent. I use an extension called visualping to monitor pages if I need to.

>> No.14911808

What stands can you guys recommend? I need to buy a couple.

>> No.14913139

The Coolcat stands are really nice. Alternatively, if you're into wooden bases then the Volks stands are pretty solid. Avoid the plastic Volks stands though, they're garbage.

>> No.14913537
File: 435 KB, 1067x1600, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.14913911
File: 198 KB, 1224x1632, 20160313_090418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go.

I kind of understand my sister in law's pain now. Finding properly fitting bras for a busty girl is really difficult. Those washboards have it lucky, just about any camisole or t-shirt does the job but when you're carrying a big ole' pair of hooters around that's just not an option for any extended period of time.

>> No.14914206
File: 244 KB, 1224x1632, 20160313_101855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm considering taking her back to an M-bust. Her huge tits make putting clothing on a pain, nothing intimate fits properly and they are just more trouble than they are worth and to be honest I like my little washboards better anyway. I just made her busty since she's meant to be the adult sister to the other girls in my dungeon.

You can't see it but her blouse isn't actually buttoned up since it simply would not stretch far enough.

>> No.14916599

So I've read faq and just don't get from where you guys are buying that mega-cute dolls like this one >>14905927

I looked into what DD has in offer and the heads, eyes and wigs feel rather cheap. Guess they're custom builds dolls? If you're totally new to that hobby, how did you know which parts and from where to buy - and what with makeup, do you do it by yourself?

>> No.14916930

>how did you know which parts and from where to buy
There are a lot of different places that sell clothes, wigs, eyes, etc. Some are listed in the FAQs. Eye and clothing sizes depend on what exactly your doll is, but all DD heads generally wear 8-9 inch wigs.

>and what with makeup, do you do it by yourself?
You have a few options for getting a dolly with a custom faceup. You can paint it yourself (dear god don't do this if you aren't skilled), find a faceup artist you like that takes commissions, or bid on something on Yahoo Japan Auctions via a proxy service. Heads on Y!JA often go for a lot of money, though. Occasionally custom heads will turn up on Mandarake, too.

>> No.14917199

The DDs produced by Volks are generally lower end quality but for a high price (Since they are a newer company iirc). Better cost efficient options (and higher quality) are SQ Labs, Smart Doll, Azone, Obitsu and some of the Luts dollfie are some long standing companies. Try looking there first.

>> No.14917243

i can't tell whether you're grossly misinformed or if this is some kind of meme

>> No.14918160
File: 907 KB, 600x899, unamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low quality
>New company

8/10 made me reply.

>> No.14919094
File: 475 KB, 1920x1080, 16c83bd4718b8f4ccc1a5ba53ffc3606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought Chitose, couldn't resist that face. I wonder if the body vinyl quality has improved since Kizuna though.

>> No.14919554
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>> No.14919560
File: 463 KB, 1688x3008, CLXttGEUYAANQzL.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14919564
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>> No.14919569
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>> No.14919601

Ugh I don't like those pants. From what the site says I think all the girls will come with them I guess I better buy Ebony soon.

>> No.14919634

Presumably there will be an essential edition of all dolls so you could buy that and add the denim jeans instead.

>> No.14919890

She's a beauty. Post more.

>> No.14920616

what if she doesn't want to be seen by you?

>> No.14921162

But that costs more

>> No.14921168
File: 285 KB, 576x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is but she is not mine. I am just an admirer.

>> No.14921248

My math might be off but I think 50000 + 8900 < 62000. You don't save a lot though, that's true.

>> No.14921361

Underwear, Shoes, shirt, and socks. Plus Ebony is still listed at 60,000

>> No.14921461

why would you post that gross picture i took only to show how i messed up her bangs

>> No.14921563

I don't have any more to post. She is darling though.

>> No.14921834

Why dollfie dream is simply gorgeous but every other BDJ doll creepy and obscure?

>> No.14921846

Dolfies are gross man. Only Azone makes cute dolls.

>> No.14921939

Why do dolls have such long necks?

>> No.14921994

[_]So they can ask if their master is frustrated
[_]So they can "Nope"
[_]They are pro-rokurokubi propaganda
[_]Ayy lmao

>> No.14922038

dollfie dream and azone make gross dolls. danny choo makes best dolls.

>> No.14922229


Put your doll in a $500 dress and get her a nice $500 head from yahoo japan auctions. She will then feel like $500 in your hand.

>> No.14922259


Dollfie dreams have cartoony faces, while seems harmless. Most other creepy BJDs I've seen are too realistic and have that uncanny valley effect.

>> No.14922512

>danny choo makes best dolls.
Are his doll worth the prize? I remember how everyone used to hate him when he started his smart doll project.

>> No.14923328

They're easily available and Kizuna and Chitose look better than the default DD models. Vinyl feels cheap and brittle except for the bust and head and the rest of the doll range is very samey. Clothes and shoes are excellent but expensive. Worth it? Maybe, depends.

>> No.14923451

He puts more thought and effort into each doll that he hand makes himself. You actually can see the blog posts of him making the dolls. Volks on the other hand... Nope. Everything is just so secretive and hush hush

>> No.14925200

If you like the sculpts, I guess it could be worth it. I don't really like the twig arms or the heads they have on offer right now, so I won't be buying a smart doll. If they ever make a mature-looking doll, maybe in tan, I'll be interested.

I guess personable marketing is fun, but I don't think Volks being "secretive and hush hush" is really a negative like you seem to imply. Do we need fun blog posts about how every product is developing? Also maybe you just misspoke, but Choo definitely doesn't hand make the dolls. He oversees their production.

>> No.14926177

Well I bought my Ebony. Thinking of nameing her Cappuccino maybe.

>> No.14927145

But what about the pics of him working on them

>> No.14928698 [DELETED] 

You're a Fucking loser

>> No.14928997
File: 935 KB, 864x1536, DSC_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm modding a ddh-01 head if anyone is interested or cares

>> No.14929197

I'm always interested in your work!

>> No.14929211

It was scary taking a knife & sandpaper to the head

>> No.14929270

I'd defo like to see the end result, DDH-01s can be super adorable.

>> No.14929815

make a tutorial while you're at it

>> No.14930929


>> No.14930935

im sure you're too ugly to have girls want to sleep with you. dont worry about that.

>> No.14930939

Can DDH03 fit standard DD bodies and look ok in proportions?

>> No.14931088

Yep. The standard model Yukino is a DDH-03 on a regular DD body.

>> No.14932772

Well I can't take pictures from the past but ill post pics when there's further progress

>> No.14933726
File: 195 KB, 450x600, Agon1393230716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was wondering if anyone knew if there is still a way to get this dress and jacket. From what I can tell on google it had a super limited release.

>> No.14933734
File: 250 KB, 450x600, Agon1393230714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14937551
File: 158 KB, 1776x1184, Cdo6QJ0WIAAfld9.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomf ~ !

>> No.14937556
File: 178 KB, 1776x1184, Cdy3IRzUEAAamFm.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14937736

These are cute.

>> No.14940074

does anybody have any fluffy girls?

>> No.14940595

hey guys,

I was lurking /a/ for a while and I just dicovered this is a thing.

any .stl files for 3D printing ? it could be much cheaper than 400 fucking dollars.

>> No.14940614


>> No.14940751
File: 266 KB, 683x1024, 17321524322_224a171d64_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HI guys, is this a custom mode?

>> No.14940789

It's a M.O.M.O with a custom faceup

>> No.14940802

Well rip ;_;


>> No.14941043

>Well rip ;_;

You better not be talking shit about Melocotón. She is amazingly beautiful and I will find and kill anyone who disagrees.

>> No.14941074

i think anon just feels defeated because he wants a doll just like her.

>> No.14941517

True, anon won't get a doll looking exactly like that though since any self-respecting faceup artist won't copy another faceup 100%. But they could commission a similarly looking one.

>> No.14942539

>since any self-respecting faceup artist won't copy another faceup 100%
What if you comissioned the same artist that did the original and just asked them to repeat their job?
Or is this about every doll being original and not about copying other artists?

>> No.14942754

So where you can find good-looking, painted custom heads to buy? Mostly on yahoo auctions?

>> No.14942798

It's mostly about not copying other artist but even in this case it would depend on the circumstances. If the owner of the doll had no input on the look then sure, you might be able to get the artist to repeat the faceup. If the owner provided, say, drawings etc and/or requested a very specific look then it's a different matter.

>> No.14942815

Yeah, yahoo is pretty much where it's at. You may be able to find 2nd hand heads at Mandarake, the DD forums or other marketplaces though.

>> No.14943039
File: 477 KB, 2048x1152, 25054079854_dbe55a4cc0_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How utterly terrifying.

>> No.14943586

Actually I feel in love with her ;-;

>> No.14943593


>> No.14943640
File: 798 KB, 2048x1365, 14274615119_6994fad1f3_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well that's okay then. We can enjoy her freckles together.

>> No.14943884
File: 148 KB, 814x637, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this real?

>> No.14943898
File: 51 KB, 533x800, FIG-DOL-8651_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>79,920 JPY

It's just a bad dream, anon-chan.

>> No.14943937
File: 511 KB, 750x720, 1433019081515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I thought so.

>> No.14944771


Once in a while I see them on ebay too. There's one or two hong kong based seller who tries to sell them there, and once in a blue moon a northern european seller. Most of the stuff that gets sold on ebay are probably not the best of the best, but some are decent and they tend to be priced appropriately.

>> No.14946065
File: 110 KB, 693x1039, Cd1nZ1qUAAAKO6W.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be honest, I am a fan of the Obitsu body and anime-style heads that aren't porn stars are always a good thing for that body to have. However I can't in good faith recommend someone spend nearly 80k on that doll, even if they like the character.

>Obitsu48 body 20,000
>retail - a manufacturer would get parts for less
>not even the newer AZ02 version
>pink bob cut wig wig 2,500
>20mm blood orange animetric eyes 3000
>50cm school uniform let's be generous and say 5,000 if you have to get one commissioned
>head ??? (but not that much)

There's about 30-35k worth of stuff and it's being sold for over 2.5 times that amount. If you were a fan of Momo, you could buy everything you need including a blank head, send it off to be modified and have a faceup done, and you'd get a higher quality product for significantly less.

If you want me to help you find places to buy things I can. Often the online stores with good stuff are tiny little nooks hidden away on the internet, so it is not unreasonable for someone to be unfamiliar.

And shit it doesn't even really look like Momo. You can do better for less.

>> No.14950975
File: 157 KB, 326x286, uGUGYzQ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14951058

cuuuute. I love fussing with my dolls' hair :3

>> No.14951729

but how

>> No.14952642

Has anybody else found that Leekeworld's 8-9 inch wigs are too tight on DDs? I keep buying them at that size because people say it's a perfect fit, but the ones I have are all super difficult to put on. I feel like I'm going to ruin the fibres every time I even try.

>> No.14952874

I haven't bought any 8-9 but I have a few 9.5-10.5 and I find them to be a bit too big, even with wig caps. But I suppose that's still better than being too tight. Wonderful wigs though.

>> No.14953285

What dolls did you try them on?

>> No.14953318

DDH-06, DDH-07, and Melty heads.
