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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1482991 No.1482991 [Reply] [Original]

So with proposition 56 being voted on in the national Gensokyo ballot in a month, how do you guys feel about it?

If you vote yes, Touhous would be ranked based on magical power and the more powerful ones would have to be nationally registered and have a magical limiter put on them.

If you vote no, powerful Touhous would be free to be rampage and bully other Touhous and force them to their will.

How will you vote /jp/?

>> No.1483022
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I think we need a free magical market. Instead they should focus on a reasonable anti-bullying bill for the weak youkai that don't stand a chance and let the strongest in Gensokyo sort themselves out.

>> No.1483045
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I vote for power levels based on cooking ability.

>> No.1483051
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Hi, it's Ran with Danwow! You'll be saying wow every time you use this danmaku! It's like a spell card! It's like Reimu's balls! It's like curtain of bullets! Regular danmaku doesn't work against opponents who can graze - this works against those who rarely play danmaku and seasoned pros. This is for not just easy moodo, but even lunatic! Danwow covers 20% more of the area than normal danmaku. Look at this! It just does the work! Why do you want to work twice as hard? It doesn't miss, doesn't waste a spellcard. You use it, and pick it right back up once things are calmed down again. It is made in Mayohiga, you know the Youkai there always make good stuff. You can reuse it, use it for playing, let your CHEEEENNN use it, use it as fireworks. Professional danmaku players, they use it instead of master sparking. Here's Wriggle...Cirno...Daiyousei...Mistia. Not only is the damage gonna be tops - there's the icicle fall (easy moodo). That is going to miss! See that? The weakest damage. We're gonna do this in real time! Look at this! Give Cirno Danwow, let her go! Without even teaching her how to use it, she really becomes The Strongest! You follow me, cameraguy. Even using her icicle fall (easy) she can defeat Reimu! It acts like a high level spellcard! And look at this - virtually impossible to graze! See what I'm telling ya? Danwow! You'll be saying wow every time!

>> No.1482997

I thought this was a secret ballot.

>> No.1482998

I vote no to rping.

>> No.1483007

I vote yes

Powerlevels forever
Shitstorms forever

>> No.1483002

I vote no. Because magical limiters are for faggots.

>> No.1483008


>> No.1483009

blank ballot.
wait, nevermind. that book was boring.

>> No.1483011

I vote yes. If powerful touhous can do whatever the hell they want, think of all the feudalism that would be going on

>> No.1483021

I'm more concerned about prop 52 that puts harder restrictions to the immigration to gensokyo since i'm planning on getting a working visa to work as a chicken meat flipper by end of this year.

>> No.1483042

Yeah, wouldn't it be great if a system was created so humans could have a chance against strong youkai? Like, you know, a system that doesn't solely rely on physical strength alone, and forces the Touhous to not use their abilities to their full potential?

>> No.1483043


>> No.1483050

What's wrong, did you get banged in the ass?

>> No.1483108

I would vote no. Too much government control is bad

>> No.1483118

im going to vote no cause there is a danmaku shortage going on and with the subprime lending on spell card thats been going on we can't afford to be clamping down on our largest danmaku and spellcard producers like this cause next thing you know bunbunmaru will be reporting a drop in the markets and then bam a recession will kick in.

>> No.1483187

ITT morans

>> No.1483203

You fucking Touhoucans are too much.

>> No.1483213

ITT faget.

>> No.1483283

well you Touhoucrats are even worse with your danmaku and spend policies and lose morals and control of the media the bunbunmaru is nothing but a liberal rag pushing your agenda on the unsuspecting masses

>> No.1483401

As a touhoutarian, I want less inteference from the Shrine and responsible laws to hold the high power youkai accountable for their actions without limiting their danmaku freedom. The shrine maiden that works least, works best.

>> No.1483416

Oh my god
