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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 18 KB, 400x300, barack-obama1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1482553 No.1482553 [Reply] [Original]

Barack Obama is going to steal Japanese car-making jobs.

Japanese favorable views:
Obama = 48.6%
McCain = 13.3%


>> No.1482604
File: 8 KB, 230x156, 1224469708110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are an idiot.

>> No.1482755
File: 15 KB, 566x321, 1224472025380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more of a landslide in electoral votes. Anyway, where do you get your 8% from?

>> No.1482782
File: 225 KB, 418x358, 1224472533035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sure is fucking gay. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1482582

Who do the other 61.9% support? Ron Paul?

>> No.1482585

someone called "sumimasen"

>> No.1482586

I'm certain the fact that there is also a city in Japan called Obama has nothing to do with this.

>> No.1482587

48.6% + 13.3% + 61.9% = 123.8%? What.

>> No.1482588

Well he's not going to be leading their country so it doesn't really matter what they think about what effect he might have on their economy.

>> No.1482595

The #1 brand of the UK's #1 food (chips) is McCain

Doesn't mean the UK supports McCain

>> No.1482596

In before 200 posts.

>> No.1482864
File: 36 KB, 350x350, 1224473241089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN endorsed Obama.

>> No.1482602

Pretty much every country supports Obama by a landslide, except America.

>> No.1482881
File: 21 KB, 1000x1000, 1224473367273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to see vaguely related to Japan threads that are really just excuses for you kids to talk about politics on my /jp/. The only ones acting like fucking faggots are you fucks who keep replying to this shit.

>> No.1482612

lots of states are moving that direction. we're just kinda slow on this shit

>> No.1482617

Technically he's right. Our president has an effect on them, but what they have to say about it doesn't matter, because they can't vote for him.

>> No.1482621


>> No.1482622

The Japanese like Obama because they
know that America is a country full of
racist rich white guys.

Its pretty funny that the Japanese
think discrimination is so prevalent in
the US and that it doesn't exist in Japan.

>> No.1482628

Not only can't they vote for him, but they'd be voting for him based on the effect he might have on THEIR country, not ours.

Which is exactly why they can't vote.

>> No.1482629

Well it depends on whether or not you consider 8% to be a "landslide". Compared to the 2000 and 2004 elections, yes.

>> No.1482922
File: 166 KB, 556x556, 1224473852719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CurryButt !CIELBE/jzM

Oh you.

>> No.1482652

Putting priority on your own country over everyone else's isn't exactly that uncommon of an idea.

Although their preference of non-Americans isn't ENTIRELY irrelevant.

>> No.1482657

It sort of makes sense when you look at it a little more closely.

Because America has such a wide variety of citizens (and other residents), racism is a very real part of its daily happenings. As a result of that, America produces a lot of media discussing racism and everyone's ideas on how to deal with it. Our cultural exports include many Hollywood movies and TV shows that talk about racism, and so other countries get to see that about us.

In Japan, the vast majority of the citizenry is Japanese, and minorities are very small. Because they don't have to deal with people of different races and cultures interacting and creating racism every day, they have no need to discuss it. They see America talking about it all the time, them talking about it almost never, and come to the conclusion that we have more racism and they don't have any.

The truth, of course, is that they are more likely to be racist and even xenophobic due to lack of contact with different people, and also due to a culture that emphasizes conformity. They just don't see it that way because America is always discussing racism.

>> No.1482664

I thought they were scared of black people. But I guess no black person ever dropped an atomic bomb on them, am I right?

>> No.1482667

I know it's common, but it's a selfish way to vote for the how a country will be ruled, which is why other countries shouldn't be allowed to have a voice in a country's government.

>> No.1482668

Sorry Japan. I am not voting for a Negro ever.

>> No.1482676

....but they already aren't allowed.

>> No.1482686


Fact: The KKK votes Democratic and supports Obama.

(The main reason? Even a nigger is better than Hillary Clinton.)

>> No.1482950
File: 12 KB, 170x170, 1224474419876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 athens

>> No.1482689

Try telling that to the U.S.

>> No.1482687

funny thing, there are actually a significant number of racists voting for Obama for whatever reason:


>> No.1482953
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>> No.1482697


>> No.1482698

McCain is just another damn puppet.

>> No.1482704

When you see "favorable" polls, they almost always mean they asked TWO kinds of questions, one for the favorability of each candidate separately.

>> No.1482729

The United States has a long history of meddling in the national affairs of other countries.

>> No.1482724

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Bro Fist

If You Dont Post This To 5 Bros Then You Arent A Bro

>> No.1483000
File: 140 KB, 786x537, 1224475083877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lurks some already, which is why she can draw me touhous so well. I don't know about posting though ಠ3ಠ

>> No.1482730

Sup', underage banned.

>> No.1482735

That really doesn't have anything to do with foreign opinion polls, or the voting process. Or anything in this thread, really.

>> No.1482760

>which is why other countries shouldn't be allowed to have a voice in a country's government.
>....but they already aren't allowed.
Those are the statements I was replying to.

>> No.1482761

You don't get a party nomination without being the party's puppet.

>> No.1482774

Oh, I was referring to the democratic process in those statements

>> No.1482794

/jp/ - American Politics

>> No.1482808

''Surprisingly'', you're the only one in this Thread who acted like a real faggot.
Go suck a dick, man, you won it today.

>> No.1482838

You've obviously never learned US history nor isolationism

>> No.1482911

Sure, Mod, want your cock spiced, or bitter?

>> No.1482939

It's the only reasonable explanation for why you aren't banned.

Hell, if I were even a lowly janitor your posts would be gone the minute you posted them.

>> No.1482936

At least, you can reply with humor.
Cool, tripfiend, cool, good tripfiend, now, fuck off.

>> No.1482944

Let's continue our discussion of gender in this /jp/ American politics thread.

So yes, there are ronery females and female NEETs posting in /jp/.

Also, VNs tend to appeal to all sorts of sexual orientations and sexual fetishes, so people (either straight or gay) have reasons to stick around here.

>> No.1482945

Sup' Wattson.

>> No.1482947

That's Dr. Watson to you, boy.

>> No.1482948


Me too, even if it cost me my position. It would be worth it for the currybutthurt that would ensue.

>> No.1482951

I spammed the shit out of a thread with bro fist until it was on autosage earlier today and I didn't get banned. The only explanation is that mods never come to /jp/.

>> No.1482961

Isolationism ended with WWI. Throughout the Cold War the US went into every country they could to "fight the evils of communism." If you think the US is still isolationist you have a lot to learn.

>> No.1482966

Did you guys see how much turmoil and crap went down in the economy in the last month? Japan's economy took a pretty big hit even as they're in the midst of their own recession. This crap could've been avoided if the Untied States had regulated and kept their sub-prime estate shit in control. This includes both Congress oversight of the market AND the Executive doing its job by enforcing regulations. If one or the other, but especially the Executive branch since it was really the duty of the Executive to enforce regulations, had shut down this housing boom in its bud, we wouldn't have had to borrow Billions from the future to pay. And Japan wouldn't have had to do the same.

>> No.1482974

That was you? Good job. It's about the only way to get rid of non-/jp/ related threads (like this one) since there are no mods.

>> No.1482976

>Did you guys see how much turmoil and crap went down in the economy in the last month?
You'd have to be living under a rock not to. Global economy, etc.

>> No.1482985

Hey CurryButt, you should get your girlfriend to post on /jp/. We think that she's a pretty cool girl.

>> No.1482986

50 years = long history, well i guess it's true if that's about 1/5 of the history of the country, sry my bad.
