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1475921 No.1475921 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we flame Chaos;Head.

I hate Chaos;Head because the main character reminds me of myself all the time, minus the waifu thing.

I Don't like playing a waifu loving version of myself because I can predict all of the main character comments and this game becomes 99% predictable.

All of the Chaos;Head is overrated comments that flood /jp/ , I summon you to gather here.

>> No.1475929

Can't believe I didn't catch that at the start of the game.. I felt stupid after making it to the end and figuring it out.

>> No.1476128
File: 16 KB, 225x128, 1224365793332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never be as cool as Takumi. No other character will ever be as cool as Takumi.

>> No.1475939


>> No.1475951

Chaos;Head's story was lacking, admittedly, but it was at least told in a pretty captivating way. The pacing was generally good(not that it didn't drag its feet at times) and on the technical side of it could be downright inspired at points. Of course these things alone can't carry a game, and the whole thing felt like it could've been so much better. The majority of the cast didn't really strike me as being interesting, the story just kind of petered out at the end, and the delusion system felt a bit gimmicky.

Overall, I'd say that I'm glad I got the chance to play it, but not much more. Within a few months it will, for the most part, have faded from my memory. However, it was a success in that it kept me thoroughly entertained for a few hours, which is all I really ask of these things anyway.

Bottom line: it was good. Not great, not shit, but good.

>> No.1476139
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>> No.1475957

>because the main character reminds me of myself all the time
Are you just as unrealistic as Takumi? Wow.

>> No.1475961

You're funny.

>> No.1475962

Alright, here's the principal flaw for me:
Too much foreshadowing, it killed all the BRICKS.
It could have been awesome but the revelations were just badly done.

>> No.1475971

Sage for self-diagnosed moron.

>> No.1475972

You're funny.

>> No.1475974

Stuff near the end was awesome, The actual endings themselves were shit and all chapters before he gets his Di-sword sucked ass.

>> No.1475980

Stuff near the end was too sudden, they should've atleast tried to build it up a bit instead of the rushed bullshit they pulled off.

>> No.1475984

I liked the YES/NO part a lot.

>> No.1475989

That was good yeah, but the stuff before that was just horrible. And I never actually got what the fuck Takumi did to Suwa when he was getting killed, it was vague as fuck.

>> No.1476169
File: 20 KB, 225x300, 1224367133542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lets see... I graduated from school 4 months ago, and did not even look for a job. I never worked a day in my life.
I am an introverted person. I shut myself in my room for long periods of time. I'm a virgin. I barely talked to girls in my life.. lets say not even 2 digits. I don't have many friends, and I barely meet them. I fap 7 times in 2 hours,and only on animu girls and hentai. So on and on...

But I have been enlightened. I'll go into the Army in about 2 1\2 months. I will probably die on duty; But hey. I'll have a life.

35% I guess.

>> No.1476249
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>> No.1476292
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1224369324119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me predict it for you. He exercised !

He did 600 push-ups a day.
He did 1000 Crunches in 2 hours.
He ran miles when people were not around
He went to the Gym when the crowd was small enough.
He stopped eating shit in front of his computer all day.
He cut off the time he spends on his pc by 1/3.
His mommy bought him weights to lift because he wouldn't go out and buy them himself.
He consulted a psychiatrist.
He took medicine.

This the legend of ARMY ANON, Unlimited Anon Works .

>> No.1476299
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, 1224369424366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm so anxious i could just die. actually, i'm applying for Navy officer candidate school and...and...i think they will eat me alive and they will eat me alive and they will eat me alive and they will eat me alive.

okay, i'm going to get a personal trainer.

>> No.1476307
File: 31 KB, 380x288, 1224369561834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1476136

Let's play a game, compare yourself in % to Takumi.

I'd say I'm about 60%.

>> No.1476137

He body swapped with the power of his IMAGINATION!

>> No.1476153


>> No.1476342
File: 594 KB, 797x1198, 1224370234874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIVER ME PENIS, IT'S LADY YUNA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

>> No.1476171

Fuck the army, join the navy, you get to serve on cool ships.

>> No.1476176


>95% I guess.

fix'd that for you

>> No.1476180

I'd say around 40%. I have a few friends,don't give a shit about animu figures and i am able to put up a decent conversation. I highly dislike going out ,i am virgin,introverted and lose a LOT of time on MMORPGS though

>> No.1476188


Oh wow! Congrats on joining the army! What'cha gonna do? watz yr MOS?

Also, I am curious how you prepared yourself physically for joining the army.... Do you follow some type of training regiment? What exercises do you do and what goals did you set for yourself?

thanks dude

>> No.1476191

I used to be about 80%, MMO, figs, not doing anything.
Now I'm just 50%, I stopped playing MMO.

>> No.1476192


Nice effort, troll again.

>> No.1476216


FUCK YOU! I'm no troll, and I'm sincerely interested in learning how a fellow j-dork got in shape for basic.

I'm considering attending Navy OCS, and so this 4chan introvert's experiences working out and enlisting in the Army is very relevant to my interests!


>> No.1476217

Speaking of Chaos; Head, I'm currently installing it. slowking.jpg, gtfo, not C;H tech support, etc.

Installing DivX, and I've encountered a problem. Now, in regards to installing it, I've the .net framework installed, but I can't make head or tail of the 'Use "/installmanageddx" command line parameter if using DXSetup.exe' line. /r/ing help, plox.

>> No.1476224

I find the lip sync oddly creepy and think the character design really fucking sucks and does not go with the game at all. I think that's what they wanted, but it really, really, really does not go with the game.

>> No.1476228


fuck, i messed up the grammar. Experiences is a plural noun, so I should have wrote "are very relevant". Sorrys

>> No.1476238

yeah, i want to learn how he got in shape for the army too!

>> No.1476231

He imagined he was the one throwing the stakes. Because Suwa, Kozue, and Sena were all having a delusion, the delusions synced up.

Takumi's delusion happened to override all of theirs and them bam, it became reality.

>> No.1476240

Yo! How'd you get in shape for teh army dawg?

>> No.1476245


I want to know too!

>> No.1476248

as do i!

>> No.1476254


Me too! Oh, won't you please tell us your workout routine...?

>> No.1476264

Yes, this is something I'd like to know more about. I hope he gives us the informations.

>> No.1476274


I have some friends and a fairly good social life. I even had a gf back in high school. But as fucked up as it is, I prefer to stay home and watch animu/play games/do nothing than go out and drink/socialize. I have a mild social phobia and if other people wouldn't talk to me I'd most likely stay silent all the time.

That makes it around 50% I guess?

>> No.1476279

You know, you don't have to be uber healthy to go to basic.
Endurance is where it gets hard.

>> No.1476282


i'm an insecure, unconfident loser and I also want to know how to get strong for joining the army. maybe if i make it through BT and become a soldier, i will be undergo a huge personality change and i turn into an alpha male and everything would be like Final Fantasy X and I'd be basically the splitting image of Tidus and every woman I fuck would reflect Lady Yuna's essence is some fashion and then my life would suddently have meaning and have meaning....

i'd never feel worthless again.

please tell me what you did to prepare yourself for the Army basic training. please... ;_;

>> No.1476287

It's fucking basic training, you don't have to be rambo to get in.
You have to be able to run for a while without getting tired, able to do pushups, squats, pull ups, just hit the gym if you're that anxious.

>> No.1476301

Compared to Takumi? 200%, atleast.
