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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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146741 No.146741 [Reply] [Original]


Does this make anyone else terrified of Japan?

Imagine if you actually fucked up bad... Like drained the bathwater or something, or pointed at someone. You would probably have to commit harakiri because of the shame.

>> No.146746
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Zoom Japan would like to have a word with you.

>> No.146750

i don't think those things apply simultaneously, all the time

>> No.146756

If I ever went I'd memorize it all, seriously.

All those customs, there is a certain order to society I like. Rituals and customs that have to be followed. I can also imagine suppressing your power level in Japan would be a hell of of a lot more important.

>> No.146820

Unlike the majority of british scum that surround us, we do practice manners very similar here

>> No.146872

heh, indeed. if we take chavs out of the equation england is pretty compatible with japan. maybe its an island thing

>> No.146886

ITT faggots come to Japan and try to follow all the rules.
Protip: I can't count the times I've been drinking with Japanese friends and another foreigner, and that foreigner does something peculiar with their chopsticks or whatever, making the Japanese ask "Oh. Is that what you do with chopsticks in America/ Britain wherever", and then the foreigner says "No. Isn't this what You guys do? I read about it on the internet."
And then we all have a big laugh into our rice.
There's a few things you shouldn't do in Japan though.
Actually, that's about it.

>> No.146937

do you mean speaking or texting? i don't see much problem with texting on a train.
and i'd only talk on the phone if the train wasn't a crowded one, and even then, keep things quiet and polite

actually bringing things into /travel/ territory, how much do japanese trains cost, in england they are grossly exploitive in pric. inter-city tickets can cost as much as £120

>> No.146949

Texting in fine, but of course here it's "email".
Talking, though, will get you the fucking dirtiest looks ever.

Trains are reasonably expensive here, but it depends on the line. JR lines are quite expensive. I travel from Machida to Shinjuku
and I don't think it's that much, maybe 600 yen or so return? I haven't checked the price for years, since I use their little rechargeable Passmo card.

>> No.146957

Dom Jolly, in Japan, on a train.

You know it makes sense.

>> No.146969

been years since triggerhappy has been on television (unless its on a crappy sat/cable channel now)
is he still going?

>> No.146989

>Avoid excessive physical and eye contact--forget the back-slapping,
prodding, and pointing directly at someone with your finger (use
your hand to point, if you must).
>Japanese often use silence for communication as much as speaking.
>When Japanese start work at 9 AM, they START WORK at 9 AM.

Is Japan a whole country of aspies?
