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1464093 No.1464093 [Reply] [Original]

From Chaos; Head

>> No.1464101
File: 6 KB, 175x138, 1224131423614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she takes a hearty nibble on her burger.

>> No.1464114
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 1224131595593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1464132
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>> No.1464137 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 797x568, 1224131986601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know your place, Nanami.

>> No.1464143
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>> No.1464160
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>> No.1464239
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>> No.1464100

Need a hand?

>> No.1464325
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>> No.1464327
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>> No.1464122

chaos head XD

>> No.1464343
File: 320 KB, 861x600, 1224135302011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have taken better care of you sister.

>> No.1464124


Hikikomori no naku koro ni

>> No.1464136

I finished it for the first time today.
How do I get other endings?

>> No.1464142


Is it so bad that I wanted to fuck her while she was dying? I bet her convulsions would make her super tight.

>> No.1464165


>> No.1464432
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>> No.1464456
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>> No.1464264


I love that.

"Okay what ryhmes with 'wikipedia'? Wakapedia, Jackopedia...PEDOPHILLIA!"

What we would call an interesting Freudian slip.

>> No.1464524
File: 320 KB, 861x600, 1224137889321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did we ever get invite to Takumi's party? I had work to do...

>> No.1464580
File: 166 KB, 797x474, 1224138567734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, her voice is giving me a boner.

>> No.1464581
File: 301 KB, 578x600, 1224138575080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1464318


>> No.1464330

I want a sister like Nanami or Sara. ;_;

>> No.1464592
File: 283 KB, 721x600, 1224138779182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm Feito...

>> No.1464334


I wish to be the burger.

>> No.1464443

Hey, somebody spoil the B end for me so I don't have to play it.

>> No.1464463


>> No.1464469

Don't worry, it's just a delusion.

>> No.1464473

Thank god it was all just a dream.

>> No.1464550

Her eating a fish burger is cute

>> No.1464589

This bitch and Sena's mom were the most out-of-nowhere creepy shit I'd seen in a long time.

Seriously, wtf?

>> No.1464601


I dunno, Hazuki's orgasm face made me rock hard instantly.

>> No.1464608

Sena was the best Chaos;Head.

>> No.1464621

Nothing beats the imouto

>> No.1464777
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>> No.1464796
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>> No.1464733

Should I watch the anime while waiting for them to release a stable patch for this game?

>> No.1464736

No we didn't, Takupyon was being rude and ignored us while he was talking to Grim about Ensue, unyuu.

>> No.1464752


There is no Chaos;Head anime... It'd be nice if someone made one though.

>> No.1464767

While they're on it, they should make a Tsukihime anime too. That'd just be awesome. There's no way it could fail.

>> No.1464769


Dont watch the anime. Play for the brickshitting factor, then go back to watch anime.

Everyone was saying FSN is shit but I know you guys will fap over it if you guys didnt find out from the anime who Archer is.

>> No.1464770

Why do you RP faggots have to shit up EVERYTHING?

>> No.1464773

but grim is just that awesome その目だれの目

>> No.1464774

It could always be worse.

>> No.1464783

It just got worse.

>> No.1464799

Its only time before we get someone with the shogun or grim trip.

>> No.1464818

Not being able to fuck the shit out of that imouto is one of the greatest sin known to mankind.

>> No.1464847

take it easy Knight.

>> No.1464885

So, where do you get the patch?

>> No.1464914

Just wait for the final already, it's out soon.

>> No.1465076


>> No.1465106

Aww she's cute

>> No.1465122

Needs more wincest.

>> No.1465132

why did this make me smirk?

>> No.1465155

How do I turn on transparency for the ED?

>> No.1465492
File: 223 KB, 671x600, 1224167202931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go.


>> No.1465474

/r/ing Nanami's ringtone, it really helped make the scene both brick shittingly amazing and hilarious.

>> No.1465480

but その目だれの目

>> No.1465489


Hmmmm. VDZ gave us a rapidshit link yesterday. Let me see if I can find it.

>> No.1465504

>(need a hand version)

>> No.1465505

Does that have the crosswalk theme?

>> No.1465510



>> No.1465511

It's kind of meaningless when you spam it. The point was that it appeared out of nowhere in random places.

>> No.1465515

It was spammed on imageboards all the time. It appeared randomly in real life/in delusions.

>> No.1465529


I love you anon, many thanks

>> No.1465531

Let Me Pass and Suwa's ringtone freak me out.

>> No.1465538

well as said
and since I have nothing better to do
anyways その目だれの目

>> No.1465546


If I actually had a cell phone and friends that would actually call me on it. This would be my ringtone.

>> No.1465549

And if I heard your ringtone, I would then laugh at you.

And then discuss chaos;head.

>> No.1465579


Its a date!

>> No.1465586

my ring tone's the boss theme from MM9, though I have both the mm2 and 9 OSTs on my cell phone to mix thing sup if I want.

God, I'm a faggot. Should I just throw on a Protomen song instead?

god, I'm a faggot.

>> No.1465612

I have the vs. Duo boss music from MMBN 4 as my ringtone.

Welcome to the wonderful world.

>> No.1465633

I don't really get the point of the B route. I have no urge to play it after getting the AA ending.

>> No.1465644

You need to lurk more, there was one for days.

>> No.1465653

Because AA was shit.

>> No.1465655

well B is shit as well oh well it allowed me to finsh my CG set at least その目だれの目

>> No.1465663

Don't, it was a fucking waste of time.
Spent 1 hours skipping through the game trying not to miss the その目だれの目 delusions and I got a mediocre and very forgettable ending in the end.
