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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 377x269, 1168560474203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1461059 No.1461059 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1461066
File: 898 KB, 1600x1200, Summoning Circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, you are the best servant ever!

>> No.1461083

I couldn't browse /jp/ this week, does the english was released?(how about the uncensored CGs?)

>> No.1461085

I wish she was real. I would lock her up in a cage and never let her out, forcing her to rely completely on me for her survival and socialization.

>> No.1461094


No, no.

>> No.1461106

It never gets old.

>> No.1461460

Hod do you get the bj scene again?

>> No.1462005

After some petting, she suggests it.

>> No.1462151

How does loli know to suggest blowjob?

>> No.1462161


Older brother?

>> No.1462300

You get the bj on the 3rd day right? Iam still stuck on that, got everything else though

>> No.1462329


Kids grow up so fast these days...

>> No.1462334

No, you get to the blowjob in the third day, when she's wearing the green shirt. You push her on her back, and fail to J-J-JAM IT IN, then cum on her stomach.

>> No.1462360

She doesn't have a brother.

>> No.1462392

I can get the scene using the chapter menu right? Or do I have to play through the whole thing again, cause Ive tried a bunch of times now and still have not got it.

>> No.1462396

...do you have the expansion?

>> No.1462413


>> No.1462426

Get the fuck out.

>> No.1462432


>> No.1462477

I have the Hizashi no Naka no Riaru v1.5 extended version, is this right or am I missing the expansion?

>> No.1462998

This is the latest one right?

>> No.1465115

The greatest game ever made.

>> No.1465136

Yeah it is.


>> No.1465175

Thanks Anon.

>> No.1465843

What are you supposed to do with the pen?

Besides just placing it on her vagina.

>> No.1465852

I still can't get the pen scene, how do you go about doing it?

>> No.1465869

Download the complete save.

>> No.1465875

Have a link?

>> No.1465898

Treat her really, really nicely up to the final day. Last day, do all the prep with the eating and reading. Get her to do the standing/clothed option.

Treat her nicely, then take off her panties. Treat her nicely until she starts moaning and then stop doing anything. She'll automatically suggest the scene and you'll change without prompting.

For the scene with the panties still on, I think you have to unlock the panties-less scene first.

>> No.1466172
File: 563 KB, 847x1200, 1224181328883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this game. It was hard as fuck to get her to start moving on her own.

>> No.1466124

Alternatively, download the complete save

>> No.1466134

Just what's the point of the pen scene? Since you can't stick it in her

>> No.1466152

Okay, I used to hide these threads but I do not hide threads anymore since I am not a faggot: Tell me all about this game, excluding name and sauce, that shit I know. I have it on my harddrive somewhere. Now: Is there a plot? Is it for anything but fapping? Is it translated? I'll go ahead and assume that the answer to all of these questions are "No". So, tell me about it.

>> No.1466163

It's not translated. There is some text with I imagine the plot in it.

Do you really need more than fapping?

>> No.1466174

Duuno dude, I was just curious since I see these threads from time to time.

>> No.1466316

By treat her really nicely you mean you have to do everything super slow right? Even when you're touching her in her sleep?

>> No.1466328

Well, you have to touch her super slow while she sleeps or she'll catch you. Gosh anon, don't you know anything about molesting

>> No.1466331


>> No.1466507

Link to complete save please

>> No.1466777
File: 15 KB, 672x286, 1224190168629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting an error when I unzip the file. Any clues?

>> No.1466525

Ive tried all the complete save files on /rs/. What do you do with them? Just put them in the data folder? Cause they havnt given me anything new so far.

>> No.1466541


>> No.1466547


>> No.1466920
File: 30 KB, 340x340, 1224192179451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1466669

You have to replace the old save files with them. Your old save files are hidden somewhere in your application data. Just do a search for the filenames.

>> No.1466929
File: 40 KB, 640x360, 1224192272732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm happier with the censored version

>> No.1466948
File: 82 KB, 512x670, 1224192530453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I looked around for stuff I had left after I deleted, and found a screenshot. No troll, try again.

>> No.1466999
File: 11 KB, 231x196, 1224193212125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's...not the holy grail.

>> No.1466785

re DL the file, possibly corrupt

>> No.1466793

Change your locale if you can, sometimes english windows has trouble with japanese filenames.

>> No.1466825

Ok Ill give it a shot later, off to class now. Thanks for the help.

>> No.1466829

That happened to me, I just ignored it and it still worked fine

>> No.1466875

I tried doing a search for mu09.sol, but I still cannot find it. I'm on Vista.

>> No.1466879


Sweet, so that is its name.

I have it on my PC somewhere, but I don't read moon runes, so I just had it labelled as "Pedo Fappan 04".

>> No.1466885

I finished this game, in Japanese with a walkthrough, uncensored. Then I deleted it.

>> No.1466896


Would you like a medal?

>> No.1466907

Sure. Help would be nice too.

>> No.1466908


Nice try.

>> No.1466921


No sorry, I really did have it. No idea if that was such a big deal until months later here on /jp/.

Everything was uncensored, blood at the penetration scenes, pussy fluids, every single thing.

>> No.1466931


You found the holy grail! Who could have known that the vessel from which jesus drunk would take such a form?

If you drunk water off the surface of the hard drive you had it on you would probably become immortal.

>> No.1466933

Not all of us are fucking morons that fall to the first troll in sight.

>> No.1466935

So wait, is there and english patch or not? If so..........I'm very happy.

>> No.1466958


Whatever man, this is a useless discussion anyway.

>> No.1466953

Everyone knows that there are uncensored individual images. Stop trying so hard.

>> No.1466957

The blood only makes my penis harder.

>> No.1467060

Damn, I missed the uncensored pic. Can someone post on notfourchan?

>> No.1467805

I just got back, seconded.

>> No.1467878

What are the names of the old save files?

>> No.1468129

Exactly the same as the new ones, silly.

>> No.1468152

lol, I was using the newly downloaded one, there were no saves. Got it working now, thanks again Anon.
