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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1460218 No.1460218 [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing on Sunday tomorrow? As for me, I'll probably just sit here like I always do and wonder what's going on.

>> No.1460230
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Same thing I do everyday, download Hatsune Miku pictures and music. She completes me.

>> No.1460258
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>> No.1460304
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>take it easy

>> No.1460309
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>> No.1460226

Get a job!

>> No.1460234

Going to University just like everyday except Sunday.

>> No.1460236

Go down to the Japanese supermarket and stock up on curry pouches

Down to 15

>> No.1460237

At first they said they'd definitely get in touch with me, they told me they'd call me the next day.

They never called.

>> No.1460241

Browse /jp/ and /a/
Watch animu
Browse /jp/ and /a/
Watch animu

In that order

>> No.1460245

I'm currently procrastinating on 3 midterms, a prospectus, and project that are all due either today or tomorrow.

I guess this is my punishment for doing nothing over the last 2 weeks.

>> No.1460247

Gonna go get wasted with my friends and try and get laid

>> No.1460252

Wake up
Sleep and hope I don't wake up.

In that order.

>> No.1460256


Get another!

>> No.1460259

Gonna go to bed in a few hours when /jp/ starts being shitty, then I'll wake up late and realize I'm wasting my life. Then I'll get on the computer again and dick around doing random things, mostly browsing /jp/.

Please tell me you're not the guy who bought 50 curry pouches 3 days ago

>> No.1460262

funny you should mention that. According to my work schedule, tomorrow really IS my Sunday.

>> No.1460266

Sleep 4 hours. Play some Persona 2. Sleep another 4 hours. Post on /jp/ in the evening and play P2 and other games. Sleep some more hours.

Now? I'm gonna go take a nap.

>> No.1460267

Wake up late afternoon
Sit at computer until sunrise
Go to sleep and repeat

>> No.1460270

Also, I wish I could enjoy anything I do.

>> No.1460272

Me too. ;__;

>> No.1460280

>Please tell me you're not the guy who bought 50 curry pouches 3 days ago
you have a good memory

>> No.1460284

Actually, fuck. I have this deadline (rentacoder.com) for... pretty soon. Well, crap. Guess my Sunday won't really be a Sunday.

... Even though I'm most likely going to procrastinate.

>> No.1460290

didn't the cirno tripfag sleep like that?

>> No.1460291

I'd rather just take it easy and not find another job where I may be doing something unpleasant.

>> No.1460299

I do the "realize I'm wasting my life, promise myself I'll do something productive tomorrow, NO SERIOUSLY THIS TIME" then go to sleep, wake up and go on computer. Repeat.

>> No.1460313

funny, this is how almost all of my days end up being.

Lacking motivation to even playing video games sucks ass.

>> No.1460315

Actually I remember that too. Mostly because when I read your post I had just gotten back from shopping and was pissed off because I couldn't find curry anywhere at the grocery store. Strange coincidence.

Unfortunately I'm not a neet so tomorrow I have to go to classes, do homework, and study in between sessions of browsing /jp/ and playing Kanon.
