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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1456780 No.1456780 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow (32 hours from right now) I have to give a presentation about Touhou and how vast its presence is in Japan and especially its effect on Japanese internet culture. I'm probably going to be giving this to only 10 people at a Japanese anime/culture club, but I want this to be good, and like get these people into Touhou and not have them be just meme-spouting fans.

So, if you don't mind, /jp/, I'd like to request pictures or information about Touhou stuff in the real world (stuff at shops, cons, et cetera), info on memes that Touhou started (I know plenty but help here is appreciated), and cultural references that Touhou has made in the games (but I also can get these from the wiki I suppose).

And I can summarize whatever I have for info so you can tell me if I've got anything down incorrectly.

>> No.1456795
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>> No.1456797
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>how vast its presence is in Japan

>> No.1456811
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Rozen Maiden was inspired from Touhou, I think.

>> No.1456827
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>> No.1456834
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Dio was here

Sakuya is a loser

>> No.1456871
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>Japanese anime/culture club

>> No.1456890
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The fanart that Zun's horrible character art inspires is probably worth mention. Some side-by-side canon/fan-art comparisons would be, if nothing else, mildly amusing.

Picture related.

>> No.1456788

You should fuck off.

>> No.1456794

If you don't want them to be meme spouting faggots, don't even go into memes. Let them find them in their own time or tell them if they come to you, interested in learning more. Stick just to the games and their cultural importance.

>> No.1456800


>> No.1456801


>> No.1456818

I used to think the same but the Rozen Maiden manga started in 2001 while PCB was released in 2003. Back then Alice's dolls weren't known enough

>> No.1456819

The best about this pic is Remilia
I don't think so.

Tell them how such an mediocre shooting game got so popular.

>> No.1456823

No. It was mainly inspired from the gothic lolita fad; Touhou is more of Japanese mythology with gothloli costumes thrown in by some pedo drunk.

>> No.1456837



>> No.1456839

Yes, I don't want to get into the memes any further than "It starts a shitload".
Thanks, I wish I'd have saved this earlier.
Trying to avoid that, sir.
Yeah. Damn Peach-Pit had an original idea for once.

Considering how many Touhou characters are youkai, I think I'll probably have at least one slide devoted to that near the beginning. You know, right after the "what's a miko" slide.

>> No.1456864

Yeah, the Japanese supernatural creatures turned into lolis angle works well.

Your probably going to have to dip into shmup culture a bit as well.

>> No.1457031
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I praise you for spreading the good news about shoot-em-ups. Even Japanese ZUN smiles upon you.

Here are some reposts. Perhaps you can mention that the official Touhou manga sell quite well.

>> No.1456869

In before your vs you're

You would probably benefit by having some FLIP-FLOPS doujinshi on hand.

>> No.1456875

Yeah, unfortunately I don't play enough shmups, so I really lack knowledge in this department. Any help here would be appreciated.

Does it really only take big eyes and biscuit hands to make a series popular in Japan?

>> No.1456880

>I have to give a presentation
>I have to

This club of yours sounds pretty gay.

>> No.1456883

Not really, what drew people in was the high difficulty and the music. Then the characters. Then the metric ton of doujinshi.

Start with a lunatic level spellcard for your presentation.

>> No.1457060
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Notice how the store uses Raymu to advertise their products.

>> No.1456893

Why the hell is it so popular anyway? I mean, I like Touhou, but I'm not even sure why.

>> No.1456894


If you do this, make sure it's a spellcard that forces at least some movement across the screen. Moving back and forth on the same spot may actually be difficult, but looks lame.

>> No.1456897

Don't have any hard copies of doujins; I'm poor.
The club isn't bad, I volunteered to give it but I put it off until now because I was loaded down with reports to write for class. So they're expecting me to still give it at the meeting.
I thought most real shump-players said that Touhou wasn't that hard, but I know the music is a draw as well as the characters. I get what you mean about doujin, but people had to play the games to make the doujin, and I want to look at those original fans first.

And yes, I plan on bringing a few good spell card videos to demonstrate what danmaku really means.

>> No.1457073
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>> No.1456898

Whatever you do, just don't put too much attention on IOSYS, lest they become a bunch of meme spouting fags.

>> No.1456899


For some it's the gameplay, for some the music, for some the characters, for some the lolis, etc.

>> No.1457082
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Seriously, Touhou only has an important presence in the current, ever-changing otaku subculture, not in Japan. In fact, it's presence is cumulatively vaster outside of Japan in terms of fanbase, if not user-created content.

Anyway, this is from the front page of White Canvas, one of the major independent Doujin stores in Akiba, taken just now. Count the Touhou.

>> No.1456908

Just bring scans.

The thing with the spellcards, back then it was a new thing to have a memorable name for a bosses attack pattern. What's more, the attack pattern was very well made and looked beautiful. Combined with unique music for the bosses, it really stuck to a person's mind.

>> No.1456914

The best feature of the Touhou games is the replay saving.

>> No.1457088
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Masturbating like the fist of the north star jesus christ

>> No.1456917

I think Suwacko is a good choice, her music is decent and her spell's pretty.

>> No.1457099
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>White Canvas famous for Touhou doujinshi

>> No.1457100
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>> No.1457106
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So i herd u liek armpits.

>> No.1456948

Spellcard names are useful for discussion purposes, but the announcement animation seriously weakens the game. There's a delay of over a second where you are doing nothing at all. You don't see this kind of time wasting in Cave games. This kind of thing is the real reason people call Touhou games "slow paced", not the actual bullet speed which is often reasonably fast.

>> No.1456956


Oh please...

>> No.1457114
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>> No.1456965


>> No.1456982

In Cave games you only get a pause before the mid-boss, a pause before the boss, and a pause between levels. There is no other delay between patterns, which means the games require much more intense concentration than Touhou games. This makes them better.

>> No.1457130
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>> No.1457134
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>> No.1456996


To someone like me who can't even beat Normal SA yet, this sounds like the difference between getting raped in the ass, and hearing "I'm going to rape you in the ass!" half-a-second before getting raped in the ass.

>> No.1456998

Then how are you qualified to judge STGs?

>> No.1457141
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>> No.1457007


Different anon. I'm not judging anything, just pointing out that the distinction seems rather silly.

>> No.1457145
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>> No.1457148
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>> No.1457011

It only seems silly because your skill level is too low.

>> No.1457151
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>> No.1457153
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>> No.1457155
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>> No.1457067

Notice how there is a Cirno to the right of the Raymu used to advertise their products.

>> No.1457074

I hope OP dies slowly and painfully in a very embarrassing way.

>> No.1457076

touhou prints money

>> No.1457079

Notice how Reimu advertises Kodomo no Jikan.

>> No.1457081

How well, exactly? It didn't make it to the charts. Any exact data?

>> No.1457085

Notice how Reimu advertises Kodomo no Jikan and is even dancing the KnJ Ending dance.

>> No.1457087

I'd just as soon fewer people know about Touhou.
Anon, don't give your presentation, I mean, if they're in this club and they don't already know about it, why would we want anything to do with them?

>> No.1457089


>> No.1457093

>Corpse Party Chapter 3
Sons of fucking bitches

>> No.1457108

>the current, ever-changing otaku subculture

So, basically, the only part that matters?

>> No.1457122

Oh god yes.

>> No.1457124

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1457298
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To feel special, apparently

>> No.1457138


>> No.1457157

remilia faget

>> No.1457158

got rapidshit of the cosplay babe?

>> No.1457183


>> No.1457187

pig disgusting ayaka

>> No.1457244

torrent here: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=14347

>> No.1457279

>Tomorrow (32 hours from right now) I have to give a presentation about Touhou and how vast its presence is in Japan and especially its effect on Japanese internet culture. I'm probably going to be giving this to only 10 people at a Japanese anime/culture club, but I want this to be good, and like get these people into Touhou and not have them be just meme-spouting fans.

Explain why the hell you're doing this in the first place.

>> No.1457300

You are the reason people think anime is for faggots

>> No.1457613
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>> No.1457564

Sorry, left for a few hours.

@Remilia: Thanks, but I don't know how much Reimu cosplay I can put in before everyone thinks that people only cosplay as Reimu.

@Anyone saging etc.: Go away, I'm trying to take the faggot out of these anime-faggots.

Does anyone have that picture of the SSiB set-up at some shop?

>> No.1457619

> Does anyone have that picture of the SSiB set-up at some shop?

You mean the one from Akiba blog?

>> No.1457641

OP doesn't know how sage works.

>> No.1457642

Yes, that one, thank you.

Did any of the other manga get large displays like this? Also, anyone have pictures from Reitaisai?

>> No.1457654

Where do you get those/what are they called again?

>> No.1457670

Does anyone have this book? I've always liked the cover art but have never bothered to look for it.

>> No.1457678

Touhou Mascot Keychain and figure.
This is a picture of C72.

>> No.1457695

Aki*Eda does the art; the book/series is Silent Sinner in Blue. Check Gensokyo if you want it or other stuff by Eda.

>> No.1457819

That Reimu cosplayer is hot....
