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14567729 No.14567729 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14558132

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Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs:

Equipment upgrade values:

Voices, Sprites, Furniture Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
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KanColle Viewer (yuyuvn successor): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer/releases

PS Vita Game was delayed to 18 February 2016: http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-Kasumi and an unspecified Mutsuki class ship will get their kai 2 sometime this month.
-New Year's season has started with new and returning season themed furniture.
-4 new limited time quests have been added.
-Katori, Fusou, Shioi and others received New Year's CGs for the new year with returning old ones.
-Many new voice lines for New Year's for many ships.
-You can now have up to 8 preset fleet templates.
-New jet engine item has been added for a future plane conversion.
-Oboro received a permanent remodel sprite.
-New ship level cap increased to 155.
-KanColle Arcade has been delayed to Spring.
-KanColle will add Android support in Winter.

>> No.14567739
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First for Kasumin

>> No.14567776 [DELETED] 

>Anon's guide
Fix it already you fucking shitter.

>> No.14567781
File: 1.93 MB, 1200x1730, horrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14567793

I am a fucking retard and can't figure out a 6-2 composition that uses 2CV

The wiki is giving a
>B-F-E-H-K : 2CV or 2CLT, 2CA(V), 1CV, 1BB (29+ Refined LoS guarantees H-K)
which doesn't work at all

I looked over the branching rules a bit, should I just be leaving the BB out?

>> No.14567804
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>> No.14567845


>those tags

Poor Ikazuchi. ;_;

>> No.14567850

2 CA(V) 2 CLT 2 CV. Don't bother with the BB.

>> No.14567854


>> No.14567919
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>> No.14567944

I don't usually click off a douin when I start it, but fuck, this was hard to read.

>> No.14567955

Damm, this is brutal. I guess I am going to stick with my NTR Shocucku doujin.

>> No.14567977
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>> No.14568171

After some runs, I quit using 2CA 2CLT 2CV and use Musashi instead of CLT to tank everything.

>> No.14568269
File: 170 KB, 802x482, Shimakaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimakaze, Yukikaze, Fusou all in one day and it's my second day playing. I can vaguely feel that this is some incredible luck.

>> No.14568278


Some people go months or even a year+ without Shimakaze or beaver so count your blessings.

>> No.14568351


Been playing since 2014 and haven't gotten a Yukikaze yet. Maybe I should start doing my daily 250/30/200/30 again

>> No.14568428

I got 2 Shimakazes and a Yukikaze in my first week; months later and 45+ levels later, only one sub from a drop. RNG-sama has no mercy for me

>> No.14568437

>1 month in
>already scrap/feed into modernization Shimakazes on sight
I just know that RNG will punish me on other fronts.

>> No.14568454

What's the better option for Shioi, LSC or 6-1?

>> No.14568469

In my experience, I keep getting speedsluts and beavers every time I do 250/30/200/30 (last time for Katori).

>> No.14568568

What's the chances of Tanaka changing the soft cap to this instead?

y = x when 0 ≤ x ≤ 150
y = 149.5 + √(x - 149.75) when x > 150

>> No.14568573
File: 280 KB, 360x480, subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thank you for this offering I'm about to receive.

>> No.14568581

So, Maya or Haguro? Haguro seems to have slightly more offensive power down the line while Maya seems to have better armour.

>> No.14568583

Bisko LSC attempts.

>> No.14568593


>> No.14568598

Maya is required to not get assfucked in events.

>> No.14568599

If it wasn't for the arrow, I almost thought she was Fubuki from the thumbnail.

>> No.14568629

There's no comparison. They both serve completely different purposes.

>> No.14568632

Ain't they both Heavy Cruisers? Looking at their stats, they seem quite similar

>> No.14568633

>completely different purposes
Maya does everything that Haguro can do, all but Bm1.

>> No.14568635

Low level TTK here, was dicking around with weapon development and got a Type 3 Shell. Is it good, and if it is what kind of loadout do I use it with?

>> No.14568637


Didnt you ask this question yesterday? >>14564000

>> No.14568639

Oh shit, look at that. Don't remember much of yesterday due to circumstances.

>> No.14568643

It's required only against installation bosses (4-5 boss and various other event bosses) but other than that there's no use. You'll want to have 6 of them for events and 4 or 5 for 4-5

>> No.14568645

These are only good against installation type bosses. Usually you want 2 or 3 of these for events.

>what kind of loadout do I use it with?
2 guns, plane + type 3 if you have air superiority. Else change the plane for a radar of boiler or your favorite placebo.

>> No.14568647
File: 34 KB, 228x256, TheBeav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out, she'll steal all the boss kills if you let her.
It's good against installation-type bosses. Very rarely needed, but you need a handfull for events or seaport hime and friends will wreck you.

>> No.14568654

Haguro is the second most powerful CA offensively (Choukai is number 1). Use her to smash things. Maya is the most powerful anti aircraft ship in the game with the correct setup. Said setup also neuters her offensive capabilities. Like I said, completely different purposes.

>> No.14568677

>Haguro is the second most powerful CA offensively
Woah, a bit more FP than the other Myoukouses when Takao and Furutaka can get the job done for cheaper!

I ain't surprised that statfags like the crybaby tho.

>> No.14568702

Are you done being a complete fucking moron here? It doesn't fucking matter that the lesser CAs are cheaper. Her being number 2 offensively is hard solid facts. How about you read the flow of the discussion before interjecting with something completely fucking irrelevant next time?

>> No.14568712

>statfag mad at getting told
I've read everything, you fag. You only need Haguro for Bm1, for the rest you rely in the armor roll of the enemy ship, the FP is just placebo for idiots like you.

>> No.14568739

>moron proud of having terminal brain cancer
I laid out the objective differences between Maya and Haguro. I never once said any of them was absofuckinglutely necessary.
Then along came some fucktard who wanted to show off how much of a hipster he is for not using elite ships. Then again I suppose I can't expect much from one about to fucking die.

>> No.14568747

Not ironic +1

>> No.14568752

Nobody likes a hipster. Go brag about how fucking special you are somewhere else and let the adults do the talking here.

>> No.14568755

The "objective differences between Maya and Haguro" is that you need one for Bm1 and other for AACI. Stop projecting your literal brain problems over other people.

>> No.14568757

So Haguro having the second highest offensive stats among CAs is not an objective fact? I suggest going back to kindergarten and learning how to count.

>> No.14568763

Problem with Choukai and Haguro is that you have to build up their luck stat, or else they'll be only be good for Type-3 and DAs.

>> No.14568771
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>> No.14568772

Is an irrelevant fact.

You don't keep Haguro for the FP, unless you are a retarded statfag or you like crybabies.

The only reason to keep her is Bm1. But seems that's too hard to understand with your brain tumor.

>> No.14568782 [DELETED] 

>irrelevant fact
Says the dumbfuck. Facts are still facts no matter how much you try to hipster your way around the argument. You want to know fucking retarded you are being right now? It's like being mad at the fact that 2+2 is 4.

>but I don't want it to be 4. I'm a hipster and 4 is like, soooo overrated.

>> No.14568791 [DELETED] 

Irrelevant for the answer he wanted. Nobody but you and other unsorted stafags care about FP.

Why are you so mad throwing insults everywhere? Take you pills statfag.

>> No.14568800 [DELETED] 

It's only irrelevant because you decided it is. And you know what you have? An opinion. Last time I checked, opinions are worth jack diddly shit. You don't get to decide what's relevant information for someone else. You lay out all the facts and let him decide for himself. Now take your hipster anti-elite agenda and jump off a cliff.

>> No.14568812

>It's only irrelevant because you decided it is
I know that thinking isn't your strong point, but FP is irrelevant when deciding which ships you need when you need one for AACI and other for Bm1.

There are other "important" facts like Maya dressing in green and Haguro having black hair. Why didn't you addressed these? Let me guess, because you are obsessed with the stats.

>> No.14568815 [DELETED] 

>why are you so mad
The last bastion of a loser with zero grounds to stand on.

>> No.14568820

And who the fuck decided the only criteria was BM1 and AACI? Oh that's right, the hipster with an opinion nobody asked for. Yeah we're done here.

>> No.14568831 [DELETED] 

Good job quoting a small part of a post, truly "the bastion of a loser with zero grounds to stand on", except you also look like a crossie.

>And who the fuck decided the only criteria was BM1 and AACI?
These are the most important parts if you have limited slots. Easy events and screws, the stats are irrelevant.

>Yeah we're done here
Yes, try to take the moral high ground now, statfag. You are going to keep replying until you get the last word anyways.

>> No.14568854 [DELETED] 

Moral high ground my ass. Learn the meaning of the phrase before using it like some throwaway jab. I wasn't trying to take any moral high ground I was trying to call you a dumbshit.

>oh yeah? well, you're the one who's the poopyhead
Running out of things to say? You know I'm right. Scrap whatever dignity you have left off the asphalt and try again when you're not up against someone in a vegetative state. Maybe then it'll be a fair fight.

>> No.14568858 [DELETED] 

>you're not up against someone in a vegetative state
Fuck. Meant to say when you're up against someone in a vegetative state. Ah well. You're still retarded though.

>> No.14568867 [DELETED] 

Thought that "we're done here", but seems that after having nothing to argue you keep throwing insults and shitting the thread. As I predicted.

>> No.14568906

That was fun.

>> No.14568908
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Seems this "rush ti clear 5-3, 5-5 and 6-1 for the new year quest" wasn't a good idea.

But guess I can spend some buckets, right? Next event is months away!

>> No.14568912 [DELETED] 

>as I predicted
You want a fucking cookie bitch?

>> No.14568925
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>> No.14568972

I haven't gotten any Maruyu in days. Give me maruyu!

>> No.14568975

Tell me this is 5-5.

>> No.14568982

I mean 5-4.

Anyways, that was Bongo being yasen'd in 5-3. Maybe I should unleash the Bisko or something.

>> No.14569007

Just use subs and fodder DDs.

>> No.14569008

You need 1 of each ship in case of branching rules

>> No.14569018

But I don't want my ships sinking.

Also I wanted to get some S victories, since I need Naganami.

>> No.14569022

leveling at 5-1 is so boring.

>> No.14569026

In that case you're going to spend another two months there. Might as well bring boss support at hope it kills the flagship.
You can get her from either 5-4, or at event maps. 5-3 isn't the kind of map where you can dick around.

>> No.14569028

Naganami drop at 5-4.

>> No.14569030

Naganami drops in 5-4

>> No.14569033

>you're going to spend another two months there
g-Guess I can use subs and 2 fodder DDs!

Also seems I have brain problems.

>> No.14569049
File: 569 KB, 803x482, unlimited kuso works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck. It only took me about 30 sorties (inlcuding a rare taiha and compass fuckery).

>> No.14569052

>you're going to spend another two months there

Took me a day without being a kuso, get good.

>> No.14569063

Well with 2FBB 2 CA and 2 DD I got like 3 victories in 12-15 sorties, only one S rank tho (green T), since the sub is a bitch.

>> No.14569069

You're supposed to ignore the sub if you use 2BB 2CA.

>> No.14569072
File: 1.19 MB, 1023x1377, CRMNEERUkAAPUTO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the sachuki hype

>> No.14569074

Don't even bother with the sub, just go line ahead with that comp.

>> No.14569081

I was trying to get S ranks for Naganami, that's my mistake since I didn't realized she's easily farmable in 5-4.

Guess I'll wait 90 minutes for the quest reset, sparkle my girls and finish it.

>> No.14569133
File: 489 KB, 1029x579, 77a13f11ded3dd18cf9116d497ae020c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it have to be like this? I can feel less hate now because of the cute fanart.

>> No.14569179

Good. 5-3 difficulty is highly overrated.

Maybe if you suck more than wikiatards

>> No.14569194

At least he actually made it to 5-3.

>> No.14569196

Next you'll tell me to be impressed that someone made it to World 2.
Getting to 5-3 is just a part of natural progression through the game.

>> No.14569216

Is 6-2 worth it?

I haven't cleared 6-1 yet and I was wondering if the last quest is worth it or not.

>> No.14569223

You never know if the Skilled Pilots will be very important for the jets.

>> No.14569226

Of course. You should have cleared 6-3 already.

>> No.14569263

Well yeah. Maybe I've seen too many actual retards who can't even make it past world 1.

>> No.14569276
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I'm sorry anon. Have a whale.

>> No.14569320

Which Mutsuki is getting the Kai Ni?

Place your bets /jp/.

>> No.14569324


>> No.14569328

>Fight along Fumizuki
Satsuki for sure.

Anywhere to level DD? 5-1 is a F5 hell and 4-3 is not working with plane rank.

>> No.14569335

My heart says Mochizuki, but it's going to be Satsuki.

>> No.14569339

>4-3 is not working with plane rank.
Use a fighter/bomber.

>> No.14569373

Mocchibro, don't despair. The fact that they're giving more Mutsukis K2s is good hope for the future of our cute little daradaraboat.

>> No.14569378

Ooyodo is dead.

>> No.14569381
File: 428 KB, 694x351, KanColle-160103-11552754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says bring 4 BBs, why can't I clear it?

>> No.14569386

Oh you.

>> No.14569387

apology for poor english

when were you when ooyodo dies?

i was sat at hq sorting mutsukis when /jp/ posts

‘ooyodo is kill’


>> No.14569389

Try getting rid of the Fusous, maybe BBVs don't work.

>> No.14569398
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See >>14569386

>> No.14569413
File: 424 KB, 700x495, a08dd7014698c4b3a362c6c0293930a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best trophy DD.

>> No.14569415
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>> No.14569416

I'm pretty sure he got the joke.

>> No.14569419

No one gets anything around here.

>> No.14569421

Yes, should be fine now. Now get those S ranks out of the way so you can have fun at 6-2.

>> No.14569429
File: 286 KB, 688x225, 2016-01-03_21-15-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's Satsuki. That would leave only Fumizuki out of my favorite Mutsukis to get a Kai Ni.

>> No.14569450

shes no a trophy, at least as good in asw. Isokaze in otherwise

>> No.14569451
File: 252 KB, 900x949, 1450545258035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated gumo.

>> No.14569459

ASW stat is irrelevant.

>> No.14569461

Yet another week ruined because of Ooyodo Anon. ;_;

>> No.14569473

Why is Shioi such a piece of shit. What's the point of having any armor on a sub when they get one shotted to 1HP from anything with ASW gear during red T?

>> No.14569483

ChokeKai is objectively the best CA. The 4koma agrees, don't bother fighting it.

>> No.14569489

Ashigara gives victories and Prinz kills the hardest bosses. Choukai is just another CA.

>> No.14569495

Because of how damage mechanics for the player works. Unfortunately her position of the tanky-est sub means that she's the worst in doing that job.

>> No.14569515

Because of high HP and shit evasion.

No - because of how OP Abyssal ASW is. Weak enemies can't penetrate subs stronger than Maruyu while strong enemies oneshot every sub.

>> No.14569520

What he means is that with high armor and HP, strong ASW coupled with a sufficiently high armor roll will have Shioi take the full brunt of the ASW attack to taiha instead of triggering the player protection mechanism like all other subs do.

Though the ridiculous abyssal ASW is part of it, too.

>> No.14569522

Abyssal ASW being strong is why weaker subs are stronger. Having lower hp and lower armor for floor armor rolls means a much higher chance of overkill protection kicking in. While evasion does factor in for scratch damage/miss overkill mechanics are the reason why Shioi fails more often.

>> No.14569535

What does the 4koma say? I'm kind of behind on it.

>> No.14569557

Way back in the early chapters.

>> No.14569633

70% chance of Nagatsuki since Nagatsuki has 20 luck.
30% chance of Satsuki

>> No.14569636


>> No.14569684
File: 583 KB, 1100x777, c2c88d0ba2518f5428cd15412c982194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beautifully slick hair
>sweet tummy
>super smart
>very polite and very ferocious
>very strong
I'm not fighting it.

>> No.14569702


>genetic defects
>bad luck
>personality and voice copy/pasted from Haruna

chokekai a shit

>> No.14569727

Her glasses look stupid.

>> No.14569735

Her design is atrocious and voice doesn't fit her at all. People like her only because of her stats, it's disgusting

>> No.14569741

People like her because meganefags.

>> No.14569744

I like the idea of Choukai going first to battle with DA while Prinz gathers Ki for cut-in, effectively combining powers of two best cruisers.

>> No.14569747

That's even worse.

>> No.14569751

So they like her glasses, but not her?

>> No.14569754

I'll swear they run this shit.

>> No.14569756

Reminder that if a ship is from Naga she's bound to be the strongest in her class.

>> No.14569762

I liked her before the kai 2. I nearly cried when I saw the huge improvement, I could not believe it.

>> No.14569764
File: 84 KB, 347x112, 2016-01-03_23-01-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiyoshimo is love!

>> No.14569765

Yes. ChokeKai is so bad that even her glasses are better than her.

>> No.14569770

>Level 84

>> No.14569778

Training DDs is hard, there's so many of them.

>> No.14569784
File: 120 KB, 641x142, WAKE_ME_UP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14569799

>not love
Do You even Remember Love? 84 was the year one of the greatest movies in the history of mecha premiered, no number could represent more love than 84.

>> No.14569802

Mikawa is stronk, you don't have anything to worry.

>> No.14569820

I'm glad those quests are gone from the log. I was tired of seeing Ikazuchi in my fleet.

>> No.14569821

I wish someone would translate the others. My dick loves this artist's stuff.

>> No.14569842

I'm still not free of the Akatsuki 5-1 one after 70 runs, decided to drop it altogether.

>> No.14569859

Really? I can't read this guys shit at all, not after the Reisen one.

>> No.14569878

And then the jet engine will be locked behind 5-1 quest.

>> No.14569881

The Reisen one is actually one of my favorites.

>> No.14569895

Please no. Please. That will probably be enough to make me quit again.

>> No.14570102
File: 597 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-00201098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiso is so fucking shit.
She didn't dodge a single hit while missing twice in shelling.

>> No.14570167


>> No.14570231


>> No.14570236
File: 197 KB, 427x467, PURGE EVERYTHING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14570362

I finally broke through 6-1 after 4 months of pretending it didn't exist. Now I can't find a carrier comp that will actually make it to the boss node on 6-2 for the new year's quest. How do I get through so I can finish my quest and reach the mythical land of fluffy dragons and pink-haired DDs that is 6-3?

>> No.14570374

So if I want Yahagi, I just spam the minimum LSC recipe?

>> No.14570380

2 CAV 2 CLT 2 CV

I cleared 6-2 with 2 CA 1 BB 1 CV 2 DD though.

Or you can spam 6-2.

>> No.14570383

yes desu senpai

>> No.14570393
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160103-17444092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got her recently too is she that good or something?
(still new)

>> No.14570406

She's a decent DD, good for early stuff. Also the only way to upgrade quints later, so keep her around.

>> No.14570411

I got Agano instead of Yahagi. Feels bad.

>> No.14570428

One of the best you can get before your other DDs hit Kai2.

>> No.14570466

2CV 2CA CLT Hotel. Use hotel to tank everything and keep Consistency in reaching boss node.

>> No.14570485

>Use hotel to tank everything
Define "tank everything" because that rarely happens.

>> No.14570491

Maybe he's taunting them with the mega searchlight

>> No.14570495
File: 474 KB, 715x1000, 52513586_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had her forever and I love her to death.

>> No.14570498

She's got the second highest night battle power if I remember correctly and she's only at kai. Not high luck though, which is more important at the moment.

>> No.14570500
File: 717 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-01495925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14570505

Apart from the outfit, this looks nothing like the speedy meme girl.

>> No.14570508

OK. It just work for me. When I put Hotel in my fleet, everyone suddenly endured ridiculous shelling at preboss better and make it to the boss node.

>> No.14570511
File: 1.16 MB, 867x1227, 1445283282051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14570516

That's it, she'll get one if she wants it so much.

>> No.14570524
File: 88 KB, 402x118, KanColle-160103-15174659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her to step it up.

>> No.14570538
File: 420 KB, 1890x1576, 51806819_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sounds like her though.

>> No.14570541

>not using the slider

>> No.14570546

If I were using slider, I would have run out of screws ages ago.

>> No.14570556

Please teach me senpai.

>> No.14570557

So you burned 9 screws for nothing instead of 8 to remove chances of failure from +6 to max?

>> No.14570560

Use slider +6?

>> No.14570579

You use the slider when the gamble is simply not worth it. Assuming you were using the daily, it just takes 2 failed attempts at improving an OTO to use the same amount of screws as doing so with the slider.

>> No.14570585

Not exactly. Without slider I'm using 2 screws per day. With it the cost would double. Even if I did all weeklies and monthlies, I would be losing screws and OTO isn't even in the expensive group.

Yeah but what are the chances? I always thought average failure:success rate is lower than 2:1. Are there any studies?

>> No.14570606

Chance of failure skyrockets after +6 and gradually gets worse until max to the point where sometimes it feels like odds are against the upgrade, the slider is worth it for a lot of equipment after +6, especially for those that eat 41cm or rarer things.

>> No.14570611
File: 7 KB, 55x56, ss (2016-01-03 at 08.13.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you hoard them.

Not any reliable ones, but with how disgustingly common failure is with improvements above +6, I'd sooner consider using the slider than wasting the daily on consecutive failed upgrades.

>> No.14570612

You're using 3 screws even if you get one back you moron. You can easily fail 50% of the time after +7 so it's better to use the slider even if the cost is 1

>> No.14570617
File: 33 KB, 818x420, 给.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14570625

Why CAV over CA? I'm not having a problem getting AS and I don't need to carry barrels around for once.

I wish I was so lucky as to have hotels.

>> No.14570631

For that extra bit of fighter power I guess. I have ranked zuiuns to throw around so I didn't care about them being shot down anyway.

>> No.14570633

I once failed at +4.

>> No.14570635
File: 96 KB, 528x328, fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is working fine for me
Try switching yamato with another CLT
don't bother with CAV, you're just wasting bauxite

>> No.14570637

I'm 101 HQ and still don't own Akashi. What did I do to make her hate me?

>> No.14570641

Just farm 2-5 already

>> No.14570642
File: 43 KB, 818x417, 给2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14570648

I'm not farming an EO so close to an event.

>> No.14570653

Needs to be in japanese, that way everyone automatically believes you.

>> No.14570656

Is it considered close to an event already?

>> No.14570657

Event is months away.

>> No.14570658

They haven't even announced it yet.

>> No.14570659


>> No.14570667
File: 37 KB, 818x420, 给日本version,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14570670

With 35.6cm, 38cm (used slider for final upgrade), 38cm Kai, 41cm and AP Shell it wasn't too bad, some failures happened but successes were clearly more common. I had a terrible luck with first Akizuki gun but after I got second and third ones to +9, not using the slider turned out to be slightly cheaper.

I wish. I'm sitting at 41 screws and most of those came from present boxes.
Daily isn't wasted, you get the screw back even upon failure.

What parts of "per day" and "Even if I did all weeklies and monthlies, I would be losing screws and OTO isn't even in the expensive group." didn't you understand, cretin?

Thanks a lot!

>> No.14570683

It's more than a month away, retard.

>> No.14570689


>so close to the event
>hasn't even been announced yet

yeah ok

>> No.14570690

Just having Akashi for one month is more important than any recent event rewards

>> No.14570705

How to S rank 6-2 ?

Most of the time i got taiha in the preboss node ( damn those two Ru in double line)

Even if i reached the boss there are Ru kai and Wo kai and Tsu elite to fuck everything up.

The lack of ammo does not help either.

>> No.14570711
File: 266 KB, 1300x1816, 54013820_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14570716

This. Especially since last event was fucking worthless in screws regard. Everyone who didn't do weeklies because of the event actually lost screws.

>> No.14570717
File: 101 KB, 695x590, 6-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, try getting AS+?

Or maybe you didn't sparkle your ships enough.

>> No.14570720

Does sparkle even work ?

>> No.14570725


>> No.14570726

High evasion ships and AS+, OTO on CLT for the small amount of armor they gain.

>> No.14570740

That's a lot of green tea.

>> No.14570784

What is your CVs load out ?

>> No.14570815
File: 68 KB, 1397x765, Upgrade_Failures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Fixed

>> No.14570841

what the hell is the pink zone supposed to be

>> No.14570846
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>> No.14570848
File: 735 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160103-21163067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, did not expect to get a second Taigei like this.

>> No.14570850
File: 113 KB, 631x482, 1376184936582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely pure

>> No.14570853

So innocent.

>> No.14570856

A pure Akashi never fails upgrades, anon.

>> No.14570862
File: 519 KB, 930x361, cranes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bombers, reppuus and a saiun.

>> No.14570865

>not putting the Saiun on turkey for extra AS
Get a load of this wanker.

>> No.14570871

You're missing out on those sweet placebo stats by using boring old Reppuu.

>> No.14570895

>no Iwamoto
You have no excuse.

>> No.14570908

Why is the A in about capitalized in the second sentence?

>> No.14570911

wait, you can get two murata?

>> No.14570915

Not anymore

>> No.14570917

One from the summer event quest, another from the conversion quest.

>> No.14570923

Event quest.

>> No.14570943

Honestly this loadout looks pretty shitty, it's a wonder how your slots don't get killed.

>> No.14570952


>> No.14570954

That's actually pretty smart compared to the idiots here who suggest using seaplane bombers for 6-2

>> No.14570957

What are you talking about? Fighters suck but setup is good.

>> No.14570958

He dumb, dont worry.

>> No.14570965

Because I made that image in the most convoluted and stupid way possible and by the time I noticed I screwed up the capitalization, it was too late to fix it and there was no way to go back.

>> No.14570966

I'm just not a fan of having one bomber. It just gives Tsus a single slot to kill.

>> No.14570990

Completely pure is obviously only true when y = 0, so Akashi is born with a filthy mind from the get go.

>> No.14570997

Don't AA CI work in terms of planes shot down per slot? Having all the bombers in one slot should reduce planes lost from AACI, not increase them.

>> No.14571007
File: 1.63 MB, 2109x3039, LOST_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one will get the ring?

>> No.14571008

You never looked at amount of bombers? Abyssal AACI is separate for each slot.

>> No.14571025

Her reputation is ruined forever.

>> No.14571040

So what determines the number of planes shot down? Percentage?

>> No.14571041

She recovered from getting brainwashed and beat the villain dick.

Can't say the same for most NTR heroine.

>> No.14571043

She's too good for this world anyway.

>> No.14571147

It's probably RNG. Either a randomly generated percentage or a randomly generated flat number.

>> No.14571183

best composition for 4-5¿
im using kuso class, tone class, maya and kaga, this works but i wanna try something new

>> No.14571199

I went with 2 Hotel 2 Naga 1 Kaga 1 Yu

>> No.14571202

1BB(V) 3CA(V) 2CV

>> No.14571224

6SS, you dirty spic.

>> No.14571226
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-08545457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this fleet since both cranes got their k2. I rarely have to retreat due to random crits along the way but when reaching the boss it's been an easy S rank every time.

>> No.14571228


>>14571202 this, and switch to 2BB 3FBB 1CV for the final kill.

>> No.14571230


>> No.14571254

Looking at those levels, have you considered the fact that you've been just getting lucky?

>> No.14571255

This >>14571202
But do NOT listen to this >>14571228

>> No.14571261

How can you see levels from that screenshot?

>> No.14571274

scroll up

>> No.14571276
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151226-17141381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he's getting lucky he's not the only one. Getting through random crits on the way is the only hard part, it's a guaranteed S rank once I make it to the boss. 5 kills in 5-8 sorties every month.

>> No.14571291

Seeing this makes me feel guilty for abandoning leveling Nachi for the sake of stats.

>> No.14571294

You need Nachi for the monthly.

>> No.14571295

Does anyone know if sparkling applies to PvP?

>> No.14571302

You are right. I am still fairly new and I'm scrambling to grind levels of all of these ships. Nachi, Maya, ABKM, Tone, etc etc.

Now that you reminded me that Nachi is needed too, I am glad (because I like her) yet bitter that there is yet another ship on my list to level.

>> No.14571305

Maya and Mutsu have HP boost from marriage.

>> No.14571314

Friendlist when? I just want to have a friend in Hitokkapu.

>> No.14571324

I just want to call someone's shipfu shit.

>> No.14571325


I hope the friends list never comes out because I'm on Saiki and people would bully me for starting after the winter event.

>> No.14571331
File: 326 KB, 962x580, Iwagawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iwagawa top rankers look dramatically different. Did they actually ban people like the tweet said or is it just a new year thing?

>> No.14571336

who needs friends when you have your boat sluts

>> No.14571347

New Year's reset, so no more taking it easy until way later.

>> No.14571348

>tfw your actual KanColle buddies are all in different servers

>> No.14571360

Nah, from what I've seen on twitter most of them just retired with new year. 天津風, the previous top ranker apparently admitted that he was using tools but he isn't or at least hasn't been banned.

>> No.14571369


My god, I can't even conceive of that. I can't consign my shipfu to digital oblivion.

>> No.14571372

Are you me?

>> No.14571385

Just because they can be married doesn't mean they will be.

>> No.14571387

who Oominato here?

>> No.14571395

I need Sendai to unlock 3rd fleet and I'm thinking about continuously farming 1-1 with 2 ships to keep supply cost low, would morale become a serious problem if I do this?

>> No.14571396

That's because the people who rank at the top are those that care more about the boner they get from being at the top of the chart than their ships, most likely.

>> No.14571400
File: 454 KB, 672x374, 相片.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just beat 6-2 twice with CV in my fleet and finished the questline, what comp should I use for the final kill? I don't want to waste too much bauxite

>> No.14571401

The drop rate is pretty low so you might want to try other areas. Might want to check kancolle-db for areas with higher drop rates

>> No.14571406

i rank to shitpost here :^)

>> No.14571411

The one with 1 CV

>> No.14571414

Either same comp or 1 BB 2 CA 1 CV 2 DD

>> No.14571415

The reward is 2k bauxite, go wild.

>> No.14571416

I can funpost just fine without ranking.

>> No.14571422
File: 325 KB, 566x800, 53830978_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like slavery. How sad. I want to rehabilitate those damaged goods.

>> No.14571425

Just clear maps normally and do daily constructions with all-30 recipes, she'll pop up eventually.

>> No.14571435

post ur rank scrub

>> No.14571442

I'm silver II, you?

>> No.14571466
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>> No.14571470

Do you have Yamato yet?

>> No.14571475

Jets when?

>> No.14571477

7 Jan

>> No.14571481

Next event かも

>> No.14571491

I have 6 present boxes unopened, how many screws is that?

>> No.14571495

Next update is the big update, I can feel it.

>> No.14571497

6, shocking isn't it.

>> No.14571498

Next update only if you have the engine and keiun.

>> No.14571503

5 or 6 depending on the autism level.

>> No.14571516

Hey /jp/ does anyone have a link to the famitsu interview from 2013 where Tanaka mentioned American, English, and German ships?

>> No.14571521


>> No.14571522


>> No.14571555
File: 130 KB, 400x240, 1413893989694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>opening your placeholder

>> No.14571593

I opened all my mochi, presents and chocolate, fight me.

>> No.14571649

Premium subscription that give boosted exp/resource rate when?

>> No.14571661

it's called scripting, and its free!

>> No.14571665

I will quit the game if it ever happens. Half the reason it's still alive is because you can play without buying anything and doing that bullshit will eventually lead to cash shop only ships.

>> No.14571671

There are some games where you can pay to bot.

>> No.14571677

But I want to support the game and don't want to get banned.

>> No.14571696

Premium consumable ammo.
Premium equipment.
Premium CG.

>> No.14571705

Marriage rings were created for that exact reason, even if it's a one time purchase.

>> No.14571717

What fleet did you use? I'm still stuck.

>> No.14571736
File: 54 KB, 391x140, ss (2016-01-04 at 12.56.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first batch. Who do I use it on? "Your wife" is not an applicable answer.

>> No.14571737

You're wife.

>> No.14571741


you're waifu

>> No.14571744

Your favorite ship.

>> No.14571745
File: 373 KB, 800x994, 1430178579990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super KTKM-sama!

>> No.14571749

Submarines benefit the most from luck boost so either Goya, Shioi or Ro

>> No.14571751

She's shit anyway.

>> No.14571753


>> No.14571755


>> No.14571756

That's stupid, everyone knows Maruyus are best used on CVs, BBs and Akashi.

>> No.14571767
File: 303 KB, 800x480, god_tier_taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14571786
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>> No.14571789
File: 572 KB, 1200x1600, 狛那 - 阿武隈 (49548908) .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do it for her voice.

>> No.14571795

Can't wait for Kinu K2 so I never have to use Abushit ever again.

>> No.14571802


>> No.14571803

>implying Kinu will be able to use Type A

>> No.14571810


>> No.14571815

>not wanting to use both
I'd kill for a 2nd CL that can carry daihatsu.

>> No.14571819

I would like to, but efficiency precedes personal bias.

Useless on CLTs.


Might as well.

>> No.14571833

>Useless on CLTs.
Are you uneducated, or just trolling? kitakami literally saved me in summer 2015

>> No.14571842
File: 253 KB, 820x1448, THANK YOU MEGA ABKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated?

>> No.14571844

You used CLTs against AAHime?

>> No.14571848

not E7, some other level
but it was super important at the time

>> No.14571849

I need 1 more world 2 boss kill and my subs won't go to the boss

>> No.14571860
File: 718 KB, 700x933, 914906e6663fc4048d3d7a23d0eb83fb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell Ooi about this.

>> No.14571861

Stop using subs then.

>> No.14571872
File: 214 KB, 1000x1258, qmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the proliferation of doujin featuring Ooichi getting NTR by ABKM.

>> No.14571899

There is nothing luckmodded CLTs can do over CI DDs. They break the yasen cap with a CI so the extra firepower is wasted, while a DA setup comes pretty close to the cap anyway. It's vastly ineffective feeding them Maruyus.

>> No.14571923

E3 and E6 are both so easy that you can clear it with ease even if you use Kiso double attack.

On the other hand, having ABKM was key for E7.

>> No.14571974
File: 418 KB, 634x352, E7 16_08_2015 10_38_15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking w0t m8

>> No.14571992

You didn't have to expose your kusoness to us.

>> No.14571993

>no abyssal wife

Where can I find one who will take mercy on me, adopt me, and make me their love slave?

>> No.14572006

To be fair there was no middle ground with E-7, you either did it on hard or not bother with it at all (read: choose easy). Medium was literally not worth attempting.

>> No.14572012
File: 13 KB, 261x220, shimakaze laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kuso mode
You can even beat it using a fleet of Mutsukis.

>> No.14572014

>Kongou in escort fleet
>wasting a spot for a better CA with Maya instead of putting her in the first fleet
What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.14572015

Your waifu, holy shit. If you married a carrier, you deserve it.

>> No.14572016

But the funniest stream was on medium.

>> No.14572019

Medium is kusomode too.

>> No.14572034
File: 307 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-01224953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of Kamo.

>> No.14572035

>funniest stream

>> No.14572051

Probably that one crazy american streamer who took money from others to buy shit, failed to clear E7 and then pretended to cry on stream.

>> No.14572053

That's the HARRUNAH HARRUNAH faggot from Kon right?

>> No.14572062

What's the easiest and safest way to hate my money? I'm really hurting for the extra dock slots, but I have no idea if the wiki's instructions are outdated

>> No.14572070

rings and +10 ship slots

>> No.14572073

If DMM accept your credit/debit card, you can do it through there. If not, like me, just buy WebMoney and use a VPN to see the WebMoney payment option.

>> No.14572074

Just pay with your credit/debit card. You even get 500pts for registering a card to your account

>> No.14572096

I'll think about it when I get to that point

Is there any reason it doesn't take certain cards? It's rejecting mine without an explanation

And I have no idea how to WebMoney, shit looks daunting

>> No.14572101
File: 646 KB, 800x1131, 1412712818998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bot do you use for expedition?

>> No.14572108

Because filthy gaijin. WebMoney is easy, just pick how much you want, pay and it gives you a code. Take that code to the DMM WebMoney option and put it in. The wiki is still somewhat up to date besides minor changes to the website layout.

>> No.14572111

Buy webmoney from playasia or cn-usa.

>> No.14572118

>and safest
Use a credit card that lets you generate temporary numbers with fixed spending limits for online shopping.

>> No.14572131

I just bought some points through Paypal earlier, fast and hassle free.

Credit card should work too, but not all debit cards. They didn't accept my debit card for some reason.

>> No.14572145

I'll give it a shot then

I doubt I really need too cautious, I just don't want to get fucked because I got some instructions wrong

I'm not touching Paypal ever since it swallowed 20 bucks from me and then didn't let me access my account ever again

>> No.14572147
File: 791 KB, 1200x855, s - 1875132 - ^_^ 1girl abe_kanari behind_tree blue_skirt blush brown_hair closed_eyes coat facing_viewer forest fubuki_(kantai_collection) k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fubuki!

>> No.14572150
File: 608 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-02034282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The work of a tanking sub is very dangerous.

>> No.14572152

Whats a good 5-4 team thats cheap on repairs?

>> No.14572155


>> No.14572166

>tfw spent $30 on game for slot expansion
>would spend some more but really nervous about randomly getting banned one day because of KC3 plugin or some other stupid reason

kuso kaisha don't deserve anymore of my money

>> No.14572167
File: 122 KB, 348x421, 1449540008435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw I will never purge the meganefags from /jp/

>> No.14572168

Open up your bank and your heart will follow

>> No.14572170

At what point does bauxite become scarce?

I've heard that carrier, especially basic Akagi consume a lot of it but I'm running 3 carriers and my bauxite stock keep going up.

>> No.14572171


>> No.14572173

Are you bored, anon?

>> No.14572174

Isonami is cuter.

>> No.14572178

Yes, very.

>> No.14572179

Try dmm.co.jp (or something along those lines, basically the +18 site), it accepted my debit card when the main site wouldn't.

>> No.14572187

It actually doesn't if you keep getting AS or AS+. The Akagi bauxite meme only started because some are just terrible with plane management, which should be hard at all.

>> No.14572188

You should be able to register your CC in the english DMM page.
Then just cookie up and buy it straight up on the JP page.

>> No.14572192

When you do multiple of the following:
-run AS instead of AS+
-encounter Tsu
-craft radars
-do LSC

Don't worry about it. The bauxite will disappear when it does, no need to worry until it happens.

>> No.14572193

Akagi being a bauxite vacuum is just a meme. You lose 5 bauxite for every single plane shot down, so it's completely independent of which carrier they're equipped on. Bauxite takes the biggest hits when you keep losing air superiority. Just keep bringing enough green planes and running expedition 6 every now and then and you'll never need to worry about it. Until you try crafting Taihou.

>> No.14572194

Would they be generous enough to give more free ship spaces?

>> No.14572198
File: 265 KB, 1784x1267, 1419568604846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee you have at least 4 of them in your fleet.

>> No.14572200

They didn't do it for Christmas and they didn't give it out for this NewYears quest line.
So I'm inclined to say no.

>> No.14572202

Other devs would have given you 20 slots.

>> No.14572208
File: 597 KB, 794x472, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14572210
File: 661 KB, 1784x1267, 1416770550660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14572212

But anon, you can always do with more bauxite!

>> No.14572213


>> No.14572216

Is it the dragon's quest or marriage quest? Take 2 CA for dragon's quest.

>> No.14572220

I tried that but it kept sending me to the whirlpool.

>> No.14572225
File: 47 KB, 472x472, 870859e11301263452f624c74695696f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's true when people say the glasses are part of their identity, because that looks like shit. I don't even know them anymore.

>> No.14572228

Kirishima really looks like a different person here, love it.

>> No.14572232

Really? I recognize most of them. From left to right:
?? with Kuso Ichiso face

>> No.14572233

It's Maya with her hair grown out.
Captcha: select all boats

>> No.14572236

The tall Amazonian is a grown up Ro.

>> No.14572237

Use 6BBs to be extra sure

>> No.14572243

>Makigumo & Hacchan mixing up each other's wardrobes
>Mochizuki suffering from migraines
>Musashi addressing thin air
>Choukai failing to see the book she's holding
>Haruna as an instructor

It's all on your head, anon.

>> No.14572250

What does the gold/rainbow background for some ship mean? Rarity?

>> No.14572262

Theoretically rarity, but honestly it's not a particularly good indicator in terms of drop rates or availability.

>> No.14572291


Rarity, but this was back when they pretended it was a card game. It doesn't actually correlate though.

>> No.14572300

That's it, I'm never remodelling

>> No.14572305

This 5-1 Inazuma/Ikazuchi quest blows. The odds of getting the boss node are fucking abysmal for me.

>> No.14572312


>> No.14572315


>> No.14572316

Think about it this way, 20% chance of boss on a quest that will never go away is way better than a 1-2% chance on a time-limited map.

>> No.14572322

I think that's Musashi

>> No.14572333

That's true. It's just annoying that I'm so close to finishing all these quests at last and just this one is left.

>> No.14572351
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151219-16494424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easy comp
>Inazuma hits Ta for 3 damage
I got super lucky, I don't deserve the win.

>> No.14572365

I'm sure my girls could handle it, I just can't get that lucky compass to route to the boss node.

>> No.14572400

Do I need to keep 2 copies of the "good" ships like Maya/Haguro/Choukai or 1 is enough?

>> No.14572409

1 is fine. You only need dupes if you're rushing event maps before everyone else (or want to be as efficient as possible with expeditions).

>> No.14572442

If you're a jew about buckets, yes, but generally it's a waste of time. At least you can get quints out of CLTs, CAs give jack shit.

>> No.14572456

Some people do it for events that has shiplocking, but I personally won't consider it. Aside from wasting of time, I want the other girls to have the spotlight as well.

I always sortie Mutsukis and Yuugumos on E-1 and it's refreshing to hear their excited MVP lines.

You can farm for their equipments though. I just went through 3 Mikumas and threw them as a fodder when I got their guns.

>> No.14572478
File: 129 KB, 314x278, 1448684302046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been on 2-3 quest for 3 days
>sub in Chitose A for branching
>10 sorties to the north node

>> No.14572494

At what point do I stop doing 250/30/200/30 recipe?

I've already got Shimakze and Yukikaze as well as most of the keeper DD/CL, but I have 0 submarine. Should I try another recipe that has higher SS rate?

>> No.14572498

that's way too much for an anime browser game you play to feel good about anime girls. if you want to try hard, do it out of love, like the TTKs who clear events with nishimura, megane, mutsuki-class, etc.

>> No.14572506

250/30/200/30 IS the best recipe to get subs. Either keep going until you get at least 3 different ones, or farm 1-5.

>> No.14572516

Well, you could always be that one guy that keeps 48 Naka

>> No.14572550

Farming is probably better. I got something like 8 subs out of 200 crafts when I was (stupidly) attempting to craft Katori a while back.

You'll go back to that recipe though once you finish the Z1 quest line and try to get Z3.

>> No.14572563
File: 42 KB, 931x435, 1446792939440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with my 3-5 fleet, guys?

I'm 0/13 tries with it.

>> No.14572587

RNG harder
I usually use guns on ABKM (when I take her, I prefer Jintsuu for 3-5) and I put night battle gear on some of my DDs.
You can try that if you're having trouble at night, but you're probably just getting messed up on the way to the boss node. Nothing you can do there, it's just luck.

>> No.14572603


give abkm guns

>> No.14572604

Wait for preboss luck or try a compass-sensitive formation with a CAV or multiple CL.

>> No.14572638

Just go north nigguh.

>> No.14572651
File: 220 KB, 666x931, laughing ducky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do.

>> No.14572659

>Run 1CAV 1CL 4DD for first three kills, works great every time
>Get sent north at least 6+ times for last kill until I give up and go back to 1CL 5DD

RNG is such a bitch sometimes

>> No.14572669

How do I grind 1-5 effectively?

2 ship I want to level + 2 throw away fodder and use them for modernization after running out of fuel?

>> No.14572670

ouch. I always do the pre-final with Hoppou though.

>> No.14572673

Why not just to north route?

I use 10cm HA guns on my DDs. Same FP, but +7 AA, and they still trigger night DA

>> No.14572687

Throw all 6 ships you want to level at the first node. Fatigue or no, 6 ASW ships will kill the sub 95% of the time.

>> No.14572735

Poi or Choukai.

Not true, cut-ins can still deal almost as much even if the CLT is chuuha. And that is what only cut-in CLTs can do.

Hacchan looks cuter with her glasses removed.

Maya maybe, Haguro and Choukai aren't really worth keeping dupes for.

Sparkle all your girls, it makes all the difference at 3-5.

4/4 with Fubuki in my fleet, git gud.

>> No.14572799

How come your eq sucks so much with those levels?

>> No.14572945
File: 761 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-13271265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most evil thing in the game?

>> No.14572974


>> No.14572980
File: 576 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-22282394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this marriage quest.

>> No.14572984

Is your love strong enough, anon?

>> No.14572995

It will be. I didn't spend three months hunting subs and another month doing LSC every 1.5 days for nothing. I've been at this fucking quest so long doing it as my dailies every day (seven months) that Bismarck is now Lv151.

All I get are shitty compass fairies and Red-T at boss.

>> No.14573009

Do not bullshit.

>> No.14573014

Clonefags are the worst. They introduced locking to make you use your other ships, and not the same whores over and over again. Don't be a kuso.

>> No.14573016
File: 129 KB, 653x474, 1450006816972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14573021

Since July, so maybe a little less than seven months. But I fucking hate this map.

>> No.14573030

>rely on me more (◉◡◔)

>> No.14573097

I'm starting to think you don't have to care about morale on 5-1. 16 fights, 2 shouha, 3 taiha, mostly in red morale. Yes, they miss more but without BB S ranks weren't guaranteed anyway.


>> No.14573106

What the fuck, anon? Stop being so goddamn awful at this game, drop the shitty CL. Why do you have 2CL at 4-3? Do you hate Bisko that much? Why are you Line Ahead??

4-3 is a fucking joke, lol. take 2CLT with ASW, double line, or use 3CVL, line abreast. Either one will absolutely shit on the enemy with opening strike and then eat the sub.

>> No.14573111

>not marrying Souryuu so you can complete both the marriage quest and the Souryuu quest at the same time

>> No.14573117

>not doing Souryuu quest the moment she hits lv78 as your highest leveled ship

>> No.14573125

Not everyone will have unlocked the Souryuu quest by then, anon.

>> No.14573128

People should play the game more.

>> No.14573132

I don't know, maybe Hiryuu refuses to drop for them or something?

>> No.14573134

That can't be possible. I had Crane quests ready long before I found them, which was 3 months into playing.

>> No.14573136

>high probability of troll sub + hankousen
>picks line ahead
Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.14573141

Oh, this way. Maybe. I had Hiryuu day after Akagi, as my fourth CV.

>> No.14573146

Not him but Hiryuu wouldn't appear for me until I was 5 months in, but I crafted 3 Souryuus and dozens of other CV(L)s.

>> No.14573154

Is it worth modernizing girls prior to their final remodel?

>> No.14573156

If they're more then a couple of battles away from remodel, yes, always.

>> No.14573158

For all ships: yes for armour.
Subs: yes, at all times.
Others: yes if >>14573156

>> No.14573184

SO I need those Sendai sisters, but only have like my tenth Naka and no Jintsuu nor Sendai, do I just keep grinding 250/30/200/30 or is there a place where they drop often?

>> No.14573198

>tfw got all the Sendai-class girls before I got my 2nd CA
I'm sorry.

>> No.14573206

I asked the same question earlier >>14571395 and literally after that post I got Sendai drop in 2-4-A so try that maybe. Got a lot of Jintsu from grinding 1-5 and 2-4-A as well.

>> No.14573207

Are you seriously spamming that recipe for CLs? You only use that for subs and rare DDs.

>> No.14573212

Just take it easy and don't grind for them, they'll come eventually. Also ask less questions or you'll be through your /jp/ quota quickly and rude things will happen.

>> No.14573235

Well shit, figures

Oh, sorry, I'll stop asking then. I don't even visit JP like, ever, so I don't know the rules over here.

>> No.14573268

To be fair CLs are one of the failure crafts of that recipe

>> No.14573281

Yeah but it's insanely inefficient.

>> No.14573341

As long as your questions are valid, thought-out, and not easily answered by the wiki feel free to ask them. If they aren't all three or if you ask too often you'll be shit on in no time.

>> No.14573376

That's disgusting luck.
I tend to get Naka or CAs with that.
I don't have the resources or patience to use that regularly.
I do have Yukikaze though, and Fusou was my first BB and my highest BBV.

>> No.14573380

If all the questions he asks fulfill the conditions I don't mind if he asks too often.

>> No.14573414 [DELETED] 

new thread

>> No.14573468

How bad is the waiting time between activities in this game?

Can I catch up to older players fast in term of ship level if I have nothing better to do but play a browser game 10 hours a day?

>> No.14573475

You can become a rankfag in no time!

I'll say most people play this casual browser game casually, so you can become a rankfag in no time. Then you'll need 28 hours at day, like the Moon people.

>> No.14573482

>Can I catch up to older players fast in term of ship level if I have nothing better to do but play a browser game 10 hours a day?
If you're truly committed to 10 hours a day, you'll get pretty far. With some good dedication and planning you can have a bunch of high-leveled girls.

I think the problems most new players will run into are not enough blueprints and lack of exclusive ships.

>> No.14573497

>lack of exclusive ships
Most of them ain't even good for rank/statfags.

Purin would be great for new TTKs tho.

>> No.14573498

>Ten Naka.
You have 38 more to go catch that idol guy.

>> No.14573509
File: 84 KB, 800x480, [Iris Heart] 2016-01-04 18-15-05 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

37. Then again, I've used almost all but one of them for modernizations.

>> No.14573513

I see rankfags using the Unryuus all the time senpai.

>> No.14573515
File: 568 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160105-00505620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm a tad stubborn when I get salty. I managed, though, thanks to Naka.

>> No.14573519

Apart from the beginning once you get your economy running you can sortie 20 hours a day and still increase your resources if you know what you're doing.

You can catch up in levels in about a month or two if you play a lot. Blueprints will take a while to acquire. Event exclusive ships will force you to farm event maps three times harder than veteran players but it's manageable. There are event and rank reward exclusive gear that will be difficult to get, although on the newest server ranking is more manageable than older servers.

>> No.14573524
File: 279 KB, 1065x627, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News from yesterday. I didn't tried to cheese 5-3 with subs and stopped giving fucks about S rank the boss.

4 sorties for the last 2 kills, Ashigara delivered after a daily red T and skilled fairies are 1 step closer.

>> No.14573525

It's not like more than 20% of people clearing all hard do ranking. Ranking rewards aren't important.

>> No.14573528
File: 2.11 MB, 1600x1441, NKB48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I found the screenshot of it. IIRC, he plans to K2 all of them and marry them when he gets around to it. Not sure about the extras after 48. Probably remodeled his Naka with them.

>> No.14573532

Based Wolf.

>> No.14573536

Didn't like the first marriage cost nothing and all subsequent ones were real money only?

>> No.14573537

Has anyone actually married 48 Nakas?

If so, that would be extremely amusing.

>> No.14573540

¥700 per ring

>> No.14573543

Yes and?

>> No.14573554

So that's about five and a half yurobucks a piece. I think they needed to be level 99 to be marriageable, if I remember correctly.
That would be around 33€ for six of them and 264€ if he plans to marry all 48 one of them.
Shit, talk about commitment.

>> No.14573556

True, but you can clear every event on hard without any blueprint ships either. If you care about catching to older players you might care about getting a proto 51 or two as well so I mentioned ranking rewards.

>> No.14573557

A bit expensive for a bad joke IMO. But he probably doesn't need the money that bad.

>> No.14573559
File: 178 KB, 752x1062, teruqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I catch up to older players fast in term of ship level
Most people hit end game by the 2nd to 3rd month. Once there you basically just play idlecolle and PVP.

You basically can do whatever the veterans are doing including clearing the last event map on the highest difficulty except showing off with trophy boat like kamo, exclusive items like shinden, 53cm hull or reppuu kai and 4memedals.

Remember, it took them 1year to cycle through last year trophy boats.

>> No.14573602

>Most people hit end game by the 2nd to 3rd month. Once there you basically just play idlecolle and PVP.

>> No.14573736

Do the servers go down often in this game?

>> No.14573751

No, it's usually just you.

>> No.14573754

Login servers from DMM side sometimes go down but otherwise it's just the regular maintenance when servers go down.

>> No.14573763
File: 381 KB, 750x1100, 1398348192681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scheduled maintenance maybe once or twice a month for like 6-8 hours, and very rarely there's an unexpected server problem but otherwise they're pretty rock solid.

>> No.14573815

>Most people hit end game by the 2nd to 3rd month
If endgame means "let me marry my shipfu and call it a day" then no.

>> No.14573824

Please say what you define as endgame because it must be completely different from my own.

>> No.14573829

25% my ass, more like 75%

Fuck 5-5

>> No.14573834

Chance for east is 20%. Chances for patterns are 33%.

>> No.14573836

Fuck this picture.

I didn't even get Teruzuki.

>> No.14573838

You're just fucking asking for laughing dragons.

>> No.14573845

What does Teruzuki's breasts feel like? I want to hug her.

>> No.14573846

I know that feel senpai, I didn't get Zep or Arashi last event.

>> No.14573848

Literally how. The boss on scrub mode virtually killed herself.

>> No.14573854


Seriously? Man i must have the shittiest luck: 1 boss kill in 7 runs.

>> No.14573867

Post fleet, maybe we'll be able to help. Though 1 in 7 could be perfectly normal with some east fuckery.

>> No.14573871

I've finished 5-5 6 times and I've only ever been directed to dead end 3 times.

>> No.14573884


its not my fleet ive killed Re fine everytime, just the compass being a bitch. Though i just got another kill so 2-7.

>> No.14573888
File: 390 KB, 674x745, laughing torpedo lesbians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14573892
File: 27 KB, 827x421, 2016-01-04_18-56-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second 5-5 was pic related.
Now I'm clearing the map without supports in 1x runs every month.

>> No.14573902

What's the point of making these spreadsheets?

>> No.14573905

Better than my first time where I got sent back from the pre-boss node 12 times in a row with support and fully sparkled fleet.

>> No.14573909

Venting frustration.

>> No.14573910

The little comments make me feel uncomfortable.

>> No.14573912

Posterity and a way to keep sanity.

>> No.14573922
File: 17 KB, 248x248, 1393158210555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5-1 quests

>> No.14573940

They're all easy, git gud.

>> No.14574019

The 20% chance to get to the boss node with the Kongous composition is the problem.

>> No.14574140
File: 542 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-19474447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14574165


>> No.14574170

Is this one of those hacked in alt-sprites?

Enjoy your ban, gaybo.

>> No.14574173

I don't give a fuck about how cute she looks, I only care about stats

>> No.14574181

She's a big girl.

>> No.14574198


>> No.14574203

Can't get over those gloves.

>> No.14574206

What's the best way to grind low level subs? I haven't cleared 2-4 yet.

>> No.14574210

Just keep sending them to 2-3

>> No.14574231


Jesus Christ why did you have to make me scroll through the entire thread to find a reply?

I used 4BB, Taigei and Ryuuhou. Got SS rank and Amagi dropped.

>> No.14574238

>Taigei and Ryuuhou
ayy lmao

>> No.14574245

Bullshit, SS rank only drops german ships.

>> No.14574274

Akagi you god damn fat ass I hate you so much

>> No.14574279

So mean!

>> No.14574333
File: 44 KB, 633x248, ss+(2016-01-04+at+08.42.18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After clearing 2-5, they gave me an item. What is it ? Nothing on the wiki.

>> No.14574335

Candy, click one of the buttons in the middle to use it.

>> No.14574338

Are you serious. Whatever, it's a shiny object to keep in your inventory

>> No.14574339

Gonna want the top option.

>> No.14574351

It's obviously a medal, which you want to keep until you get 4 for the blueprint.

>> No.14574352

>Nothing on the wiki.
Try again

>> No.14574353

It's a medal. 4 of these can be exchanged for a blueprint which is needed for certain remodels.

>> No.14574401
File: 774 KB, 1000x1000, tibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make that two.

>> No.14574483

Thank you! Weaker one but still very good.

>> No.14574502

>It's a Nissan March
Fucking lost it

>> No.14574544
File: 76 KB, 736x342, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to murder Kaga and Hiyou

>> No.14574547

Kaga is a good girls, she gives more AA than other useless carriers.

>> No.14574554

Hiyou did nothing wrong.

>> No.14574558

Use 5.2k bauxite.

>> No.14574565

Good god Atago is FAT

>> No.14574572



>> No.14574577
File: 449 KB, 766x1000, Top heavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where it counts.

>> No.14574580

In the wrong places. I bet she has a flabby stomach.
Also, Akagi too is a fatty and a dockfreak. Kaga too.

>> No.14574599
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1195, 48729131_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ro-chan has the best kind of FaT!

>> No.14574609

There's none. Also, I don't like her final form, not at all. Pedobait the whole thing.

>> No.14574616
File: 345 KB, 669x1000, 50557027_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's [almost] none.
That's the point!

>> No.14574621

Why did this dumb girl spill yogurt all over her?

>> No.14574623

Never noticed she had steel slippers.

>> No.14574624

From glorious German beauty into some puerto rican pedobait slut.

>> No.14574627

They're crocs.

>> No.14574628


>> No.14574629

Sun, good food and some free time does weird things too people.

>> No.14574631
File: 571 KB, 620x930, 48776369_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the cutest and most wonderful

>> No.14574634

Yeah, sun and good food didn't ruin me that badly.

>> No.14574640

Are you tanned and happy?

>> No.14574642

No, I'm white, it's snowing outside, it's cold and I'm miserable.

>> No.14574649

Guess you didn't had enough sun and tasty food then.

>> No.14574650
File: 590 KB, 1024x1365, 1441401595363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheer up anon. It can only get better, right?

>> No.14574657
File: 455 KB, 600x821, 49992943_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she just woke up, these things happen.

More like from autistic abused child to confident perfect loli beauty. Duplicate file exists. >>14574631 oh well

That's why you should take example from Ro-chan. Look at that pure blissful face!

>> No.14574658

I secretly want the U-511 so I can Kai Ni her because she's damn adorable in both forms
What am I doing with my life

>> No.14574662
File: 386 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-11102960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14574665

I used to dread the day that I would finally have to remodel her, but I like Ro so much I can barely remember why I even wanted to hold on to 511.

>> No.14574666

>puerto rican
Nah, she's Egyptian.

>> No.14574668

Whoa, how did he get two Hatsushimos in one fleet?r

>> No.14574670

Nice Yabun.

>> No.14574712
File: 31 KB, 739x131, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much. It was worth scrapping 30 41cm guns for this

>> No.14574722

Good, now you have a nice armored CV with an unfitting voice.

>> No.14574766

2-4A dropped me a big, fat Atago.

>> No.14574767

Has anyone actually been banned for refreshing when you get a wrong compass roll?

>> No.14574774


You won't get banned unless you're sitting there spamming F5

>> No.14574806

5-5 > 3-5 > 4-5 > 2-5 > 1-5

>> No.14574833


>> No.14574850
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>> No.14574860

Why are you bringing DDs?

>> No.14574864

Dragon quest

>> No.14574865

3-5 is easy as fuck south route if you use AV and ABKM. I do it for world 3 weeklies about once a day

>> No.14574871



>> No.14574917

Anon please, 4-5 is even easier than 3-5
...at times.

>> No.14574934
File: 24 KB, 323x214, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck's sake.

>> No.14574935

>1-5 harder than 2-5
>3-5 harder than 5-5
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.14574945
File: 645 KB, 800x480, Time to panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I actually made it and I only made Ikazuchi the anti sub. Double line or Anti Sub formation?

>> No.14574947
File: 281 KB, 800x800, Ryuujou.(Kantai.Collection).full.1639116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14574951

Line ahead.

>> No.14574954

why are you getting drops
that takes time

>> No.14574959


>> No.14574961

The last time I made it I used anti-sub and then got no sub and everybody missed

>> No.14574966

Yeah, you have a 66% chance to not get a sub.

>> No.14574972

I'm not trying to rank, I'm lightly leveling some ships while also trying to get Uzuki.

>> No.14574978

2-5 2 DD, ABKM 3 CVL are easy as fuck, otherwise you can get rekt at first node in 1-5

now with both cranes, Taihou/Kaga, Kirishima, Roma and Bismarck 5-5 is so fucking easy

>> No.14574985
File: 395 KB, 800x480, Freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to reward them with one big orgy

>> No.14575063

You're retarded. You can't clear 5-5 in five-six runs without supports or sparkling. On 4-5 it's a norm with semi-heavy fleet.

>> No.14575072

>so fucking easy
Yeah, tell that to the compass.

>> No.14575082

You're just going to scrap them.

>> No.14575088

>You can't clear 5-5 in five-six runs without supports or sparkling.

Right. Tell that to my last month clear, As long as Amatsukaze does not fuck you up, its easy.

>> No.14575091

>last month
You can stop shitposting now.

>> No.14575092

Why should I? I have enough slots to collect them all.

>> No.14575105
File: 1013 KB, 683x1539, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the retarded here are you anon, this map is so fucking easy, just 1 retreat in

>> No.14575109

How is that shitposting.

>> No.14575111

Did you sparkle?
Did you use support?

>> No.14575117


>> No.14575122

just sparkle the first run

>> No.14575123

He's basing the opinion on one month. It's worthless, only means he got lucky.

>> No.14575127

See? So it wasn't easy. You don't sparkle for easy maps. Especially for "so fucking easy" maps. If map is fucking easy, you can clear it with mediocre ships without problems.

Learn how to use words, cretin.

>> No.14575136

That's 7 runs.

>> No.14575140

>Learn how to use words, cretin.

That's pretty funny coming from the guy who said you CAN'T do 5-5 in 5-6 runs without support or sparkling

>> No.14575142

>sparkling is so hard anon
use support expedition for sparkle

>> No.14575152

Did they announce the event already? How much more? Do I stockpile now?

>> No.14575153

Reliably. I disregarded super lucky scenarios. One EKaze is expected result from 5-5 clear and don't tell me you don't expect a single taiha from Re. But yes, I could have been more specific. The difference between me and nitpicking idiot like you is, I can admit it.

That's not the point, strawmanning retard.

>> No.14575158

Event is months away.

>> No.14575170

>The difference between me and nitpicking idiot like you is, I can admit it.

Take a deep breath and calm down before posting, please

>> No.14575180

Just stop saying stupid shit like "5-5 is fucking easy" because you lucked out once.
Unless you mean you're a different person - in such case it's even worse because I don't want to believe there's someone willing to defend those two idiots.

>> No.14575183

Not yet, it will probably be in late February again.

>> No.14575196

Just learn how to use words properly if a reply about a lucky clear bothers you this much

>> No.14575199

I'm not the one you should give this advice to.

>> No.14575203
File: 101 KB, 798x478, 2016-01-04 8.37.59 p.m..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first run in 4-5

>> No.14575210

We'll probably never see each other again, Admiral.

>> No.14575219

Is it wrong to keep not repair a chuuha whale because I enjoy salivating all over that damaged CG?

>> No.14575232

My Kamo has been at 1 hp for a few days now, she looks like she enjoys it too.

>> No.14575257
File: 384 KB, 800x772, 50449818_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't she enjoy humping Taitei-chan?

>> No.14575430
File: 2.63 MB, 2410x1492, 1438702053196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw my kamo will never have 3 taitei-chan

That said if I did I might have run into trouble trying to get Prinz with that reward FuMO, so whatever.

>> No.14575453

>tfw mine won't either because I'll never get around to kai-ing her

>> No.14575474
File: 773 KB, 1500x1500, 50272353_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay you only need 2 Until we get the "scrap 2 taitei to turn into super-taitei" quest a teitoku can dream

>> No.14575499

I never even used one, the few times I used her I stacked OTO or yasen equips. Will these things ever be useful?

>> No.14575524

They are basically a super recon plane that doesn't even do bombing, so no.

>> No.14575528
File: 351 KB, 480x480, XZ8dpM9V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14575533


>> No.14575535


>not fat anymore


>> No.14575536


>> No.14575538

She's already fat, lose weight.

>> No.14575546

a new boat and no event, thanks Tanaka wwwwww

>> No.14575552

Is she some new NPC?

>> No.14575593

What benefits do I get from Z3 zwei?

>> No.14575605

1 more picture coloured in in your collection book thing

>> No.14575606

A DD that costs more than Shimakaze to run and is weaker than Kisaragi.

>> No.14575607

New same card in KantaiDex.
Training those two shits is suffering.

>> No.14575614

Flak M42 + Kantaidex entry

>> No.14575647

The honor to scrap her after zwei.

>> No.14575664

Tanaka give us the option for alternative costumes already you fuck.

>> No.14575670


>scrapping your trap

>> No.14575676
File: 255 KB, 600x450, 1426618200537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Monkeyman.

>> No.14575716
File: 71 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160104-20053119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, another one down.

>> No.14575779

One of the best Kai Ni designs. Too bad that after poking a bit and few levels she gets forgotten again.

>> No.14575798

What's with the eye cancer though?

>> No.14575799
File: 119 KB, 800x480, kumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After too long, my starter finally blooms.

>> No.14575803

Ayaki should never draw girls again.

>> No.14575813

Is it just me or are her legs more thick than her torso?

>> No.14575822

They are. Ayaki became worse than Yadokari in 2015.

>> No.14575825

Congrats Anon. My Murakumo just needs another 70k and I can give her the ring.

>> No.14575830


I like how they got the livestreamer of the 5 to host the thing

>> No.14575864

It's her searchlight.

>> No.14575876


>> No.14575890
File: 2.23 MB, 1301x2000, 1436594523923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'll be able to remodel mine too.

>> No.14575898
File: 2.44 MB, 1968x2755, 49782586_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never noticed her buttplug anchor before.

>> No.14575903
File: 1.40 MB, 3214x2405, yande.re 319813 hattori_masahiko kantai_collection samidare_(kancolle) seifuku thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine too.

>> No.14575921
File: 250 KB, 606x826, 44482559_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with mine.

>> No.14575931

That's a big dream.

>> No.14575932

She's a tsundere, after all. It's tight up there. But it feels great.

>> No.14575938

For you.

>> No.14575957

Blame Akatsuki for delaying the starter kai 2 wave.

>> No.14575964
File: 992 KB, 1074x1517, tsundere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't lie, that's why I chose her as a starter.

>> No.14575983
File: 491 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160105-02503402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I ever be free from this hell?

>> No.14575984

It's funny because when I spent so much time worrying about the lottery I never gave any thought to my starter, so when I got in I didn't have much to go on when I had to pick. But I still easily figured out that Murakumo was the best girl and picked her.

>> No.14575988

What are you even doing?

>> No.14575998

Training DDs. The ones I like a lot and the ones I want to get done with.

>> No.14576006

I think he's asking what's with the weird half-assed shopping on your pic. Or maybe that's what I want to ask, what's up with that?

>> No.14576008

I initially picked Murakumo because she had a spear. Now that it's gone her K2 feels empty.
How did Ayaki fuck up so badly?

>> No.14576015

I just wanted to avoid confusion about who my post refers to and didn't have a better idea. Seems like I got the opposite effect.

>> No.14576018

It's way faster doing 4-3 morale swapping or 5-4 flagship.

>> No.14576026

Next time you want to avoid confusion, try using your fucking words.

Instead of typing
>When will I be free from this hell?"
try saying
>Fuck leveling these crossdressing German boygirls.

>> No.14576028
File: 284 KB, 817x1200, 000163420140301110841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I like Murakumo, I regret making my starter decision based on pic related.

>> No.14576032

I think he's surrounded by boyships.

>> No.14576037

Wow, rude. Urakaze is not a boy.

>> No.14576043

It's incredibly inefficient if you look at [total DD exp] and [DD exp per resources]. Furthermore I'd rather have someone more lovable as flagship.

That's rude though.

>> No.14576054
File: 459 KB, 574x879, muh_dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I the only person who prefers her K2? Sure she's kind of anatomically challenged, what with her legs being twice as long as the rest of her, but I can deal.

>thighs bulging through the rips in her pantyhose

I can't contain this boner

>> No.14576065

No, I like the design a lot more. But I don't have any particular attachment to the spear thing so I didn't flip out over it like a lot of people did. The fanart is amazing though, which is what really counts.

>> No.14576076

The legs need to be shorter and it will be great.

>> No.14576077

Her design is better, the sprite is not.

>> No.14576090

I had a wet dream about Zuihou, I feel like I cheated on my shipfu.

>> No.14576096


>having wet dreams

Are you a monk?

>> No.14576120

2hu syndrome

>> No.14576136

>combine 50 transports and world 4 weekly
>go to the boss every time
I don't want to believe it is rigged, but sometimes I think it is.

>> No.14576140
File: 370 KB, 500x897, 49840786_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like the bit of muscle definition on her abs.

>> No.14576145

Finishing up to 6-3 and have all ships except for a select few.
At this point in the game you are only doing EO maps at the start of every month and doing LSC or farming for that last elusive ships.

>> No.14576154

I want to spank that belly with a riding crop.

>> No.14576168
File: 45 KB, 565x800, CRQQ5KYUkAAthUV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be she'd say something like, "If you peek, I'll kill you!"
That's what makes it so hot.

>> No.14576190

There's no way you can achieve that in 2 months. You won't have resources to farm the event this hard, you'll be missing a lot of ships with just one event (or none). Or if you do have resources, your ships won't be strong enough.
I'd say your definition is quite lax.
I'm missing just five cards from the Dex (all remodels) and I'm not entirely sure I can call my situation endgame yet. I still have a lot to do, with mere six destroyers above level 90.

>> No.14576221

Not to mention better equipment > more ships. Collecting them all is pretty much worthless if they can't perform at their best.

>> No.14576233
File: 86 KB, 311x486, 1382402068276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being a statsfag
>not colleing all the kans and loving them all equally

you're cruisin' for a bruisin' buster

>> No.14576239

>There's no way you can achieve that in 2 months
Definitely achievable. I was only missing Hiryuu and Nagato on my 2nd month. There aren't really much to do unless you want to farm for shitkawa or burn resources at LSC.

>> No.14576245

Why is information so scarce on 6-3. I'm still not sure if anyone figured out how many training cruisers you're allowed to bring. I've got to farm this shit if since basically all the ships I'm missing drop here.

Is DD, DD, CT, CT, AV, CL (ABKM) a viable comp or am I looking at fun times with ne-chan at node F?

>> No.14576246

Don't worry, I refuse to keep Bismarck and Yamato.

>> No.14576247

>I was only missing Hiryuu and Nagato on my 2nd month.
And when did you start, 2 years ago? Times have changed grandpa.

>> No.14576258

Did you have Bismarck, Taihou, all decent+ K2s, all auxilaries with dozens of those at 90+? I doubt it.

>> No.14576278

Is Hashirajima still open for new players still?

>> No.14576282

End game is when you hit 50m exp, nerd.

>> No.14576295

Yeah, I wouldn't even think of endgame without having all the essential eq like 20.3 (x), Akizuki/Poi guns, Bisko guns, 41cm, AP Shells, Quints or OTO at minimum +4, in numbers enough to equip any realistic fleet, 12+ RK or better torpedo bombers, enough RK/S12A or better bombers to equip Kidou and two supports, 8+ Reppuu or better, FuMO, several T32 and T33, two night scouts, 20+ pieces of T3/4 ASW, 8+ pieces of good ASW (minimum Zuiun 634) for mid/heavy ships...

>> No.14576307

Highly doubtful he could.
A second catapult takes 80hours expedition.
The entire Bisko quest line takes over a week. Not to mention getting subs and rolling the LSC dice.

>> No.14576314

Devs just tweeted that the server is full for the moment and opening hopefully later this week

>> No.14576318

>have all 4 big LSC ships
>don't have Shioi or Yahagi

what do?

>> No.14576321

Do more LSC or go to the world 6 maps.

>> No.14576342

I didn't get Yahagi till long after all the other LSC ships. Just be diligent and do LSC a few times each day/week depending on what you can afford resource wise.

>> No.14576372

Farm them in Winter.

>> No.14576400

You will get plenty of Yahagi when you start a Maruyu farm.

>> No.14576421

Hahaha no

>> No.14576434

I assume 40 minLSC are nothing and it's perfectly normal to get 4 Maruyu and 0 Mikuma?

>> No.14576450
File: 704 KB, 1060x1485, 50501332_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maruyu a cute

>> No.14576452


>> No.14576455

No that's terrible mikuma luck

>> No.14576469
File: 66 KB, 328x497, maruyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maruyu is about 15%.
Mikuma is 2%.

>> No.14576493
File: 51 KB, 418x336, KanColle-151224-13054178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm really good at this game

>> No.14576509
File: 268 KB, 490x490, ca6f453a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14576517
File: 296 KB, 490x490, ba76f2b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14576525

Is Suzuya with her?

>> No.14576551


Suzuya is a good girl

>> No.14576559
File: 298 KB, 1440x900, Start 2015-12-12 02-52-07-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I could tell instantly where the background was from?

>> No.14576590

Were there edits with Noshiro?

>> No.14576630
File: 425 KB, 746x623, Literally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

No because Noshiro is PURE

>> No.14576667

Noshiro doesn't look as slutty as Agano with her new clothes.

>> No.14576681

6-4 when?

>> No.14576699


Fuck that, 6-5 when? I need my preboss Antizuki nodes.

>> No.14576712

2-6 with transport gauge when?

>> No.14576715

I'm using up all my luck
With Zuikaku as secretary, I recently got Shoukaku from regular crafting
With Shoukaku as secretary, I did a min LSC and got Mikuma

>> No.14576717

Nah, try 2x elite Tsu every node and carriers are mandatory.

>> No.14576724

All the Agano are pure.

>> No.14576726

>preboss Antizuki nodes
It's going to be light fleet only with Chi kai as boss and PT Imps.

>> No.14576763

Shocucku isn't that rare contrary to what you read from doujin.
Rankers scrap both of them daily.

>> No.14576783

Throw one this way bro.

I'm HQ level 100 and still don't have one.

>> No.14576789
File: 93 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160105-00170901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pleasant surprise, dropped the first time I figured I should stop being a lazy shit and do 4-5. Now I'm only missing Amatsukaze for my kagerou collection.

>> No.14576817

Are DD/CL/CLT mostly used in event?

I'm grinding a bunch of them in 1-5 and they still suck everywhere else at lvl 40s.

>> No.14576833

CLTs are strong once kai ni. CLs and DDs are great to do dailies/weeklies cheaply.

>> No.14576837

Nowachi a cute, I'd like to level mine one day but so many ships to remodel.

>> No.14576838

You're going to regret ever saying this, at some point.

>> No.14576839

Yes, CL not so much. CA and carriers are more used in events on average.

>> No.14576841

Better K2 and level all elites.

>> No.14576855

No, 4BB2CV steamrolls everything.

>> No.14576866

No. They are the most used class.
-weekly world3 quest 3-5
-daily world2 quest at 2-2 or 2-5 if you dont want to fight compass or do olel
-monthly 2-5
-weekly 4-2
-weekly 4-4

>> No.14576927

That depends if you like her or not.

Me? I love them. The two German DDs are my highest leveled destroyers. I take them everywhere. They soloed 3-2 for me, got me out of all sorts of trouble in summer, saved my sanity when all my CI DDs were being insufferable taiha magnets in fall.

>> No.14576968

The German DDs really need a drei to fix how terrible they are.

>> No.14577038

They are going to have to get in line again because there are too many deserving DDs waiting for their remodel.

>> No.14577054

best way to use the onigiris for 1-1 expedition sparkling?

>> No.14577070

that sounds like a shitty wasteful idea.

>> No.14577081

Scrapping them.

>> No.14577110

I mean what else are you going to use them for. During events I only sparkle with Mamiya/Irako anyways if I have to.

>> No.14577176

Based on my research the target event range is between February 5 and February 18. The 5th and 12th are Fridays, the most common day for events.

>> No.14577202
File: 4 KB, 226x80, whales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to buy more slots.

>> No.14577315

How do I motivate myself to level all my girls? My whole fleet needs levels but it seems so daunting I can't get myself to start.

>> No.14577322

Level a DD at 4-3 with a CA,BB,CV(L) and 2CLs. Levels will come when you only focus on one at a time.

>> No.14577333

By having a motivation.

>> No.14577339

Sell your soul. I have 4 pages of 95+ ships and a lot above 70.

>> No.14577346

Fail the next event miserably and miss out on an important girl and valuable equipment, and then you'll have motivation to level up for the next one.

>> No.14577357

Is there a worse feeling than spending an hour sparkling fleet to get taiha at first node 3 times in a row?

>> No.14577361

This has been me for three of the last four events. The only event I completed this year was summer, thanks to both German DDs executing triple gun CIs and Bismarck DA

>> No.14577365

Sparkling Akitsumaru or Kamo is way worse.

>> No.14577367


>> No.14577370

Give them jelly donuts.

>> No.14577373

>tfw my Akitsushima is perpetually at 100 morale

>> No.14577385

Just send a maruyu escort.

>> No.14577404

I only missed Graf because my resources buckled like four times under the weight of RNG.

>> No.14577410

Oh wait, I didn't see important.

>> No.14577419

Graf drei will be the strongest carrier in the game due to night battle.

>> No.14577428

Carriers doing yasen damage is incredibly irrelevant, there will never be a situation where you need one and you have to sacrifice 2 slots for the guns.

>> No.14577445

My Mutsu did the clutch finish. Thank you Mutsu.

>> No.14577482

When will we get Karin?

>> No.14577510

Thigh-high stockings Kongou when

>> No.14577627
File: 387 KB, 480x598, agano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabu Rabu Weechi Agano

>> No.14577635

Agano is a Hufflepuff!

>> No.14577637

Have the nips given her Hamakaze's banana yet?

>> No.14577640


I don't know if she's a Hufflepuff but she looks like she's eaten a lot of creampuffs.

>> No.14577644

She's got some nice creampuffs if you ask me.

>> No.14577651

How does ranking work?

>> No.14577657

You do 5-4 until you feel like dying all month.

>> No.14577664

For some reason I feel like all of them would end up in Gryffindor

>> No.14577689

Ravenclaw, this is undebateable
Toss-up between Snake and Lion
Expelled by McGonagall (^:

>> No.14577705

Actually this makes more sense. Why couldn't Sakawa be hired as the groundskeeper?

>> No.14577737
File: 368 KB, 480x598, agano3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this one

>> No.14577801

How does it take you an hour to sparkle a fleet? That's at most 20 minutes.

>> No.14577803

I want her to put a curse on me.

>> No.14577823

I want her to poison my dick.

>> No.14577839

I farm boss node 5-4 for uzuki 4 times and I didn't gain a single point (127) so obviously I was doing something wrong so that's why I asked here

>> No.14577856


Rank updates when pvp updates at 3:00 and 15:00 JST

>> No.14577864

>4 times
Because you're suppose to do 400 to 600 total runs including EOs.

>> No.14577885

The calendar is out now right? I wanna get it, but wanna see the pictures first before buying.

>> No.14577896
File: 819 KB, 1756x1684, 1450506297236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but wanna see the pictures first before buying.
Here's most of them.

>> No.14577902

New thread >>14577888 now with a decent Chiyoda image.

>> No.14577933

>Myoukou with her hair down
Someone call 9-1-1.

>> No.14577936

It's 119, nigger.

>> No.14577968

It takes me 100 buckets to do my EOs, is that bad?

>> No.14577975

Yes, you brought a shame to yourself and your ships. Go commit ritual sudoku now.

>> No.14577980

Isn't it normal though? It takes me about 40 to do 3-5, and 40 to do 4-5.

>> No.14577987

>40 to do 4-5
Are you bucketing scratch damage or something? I don't use that much even on 5-5, and my fleet is 50% potato.

>> No.14577992

>It takes me about 40 to do 3-5, and 40 to do 4-5.

No, that's not normal.

>> No.14577994

It takes me about 45-50 buckets for EOs except 5-5 (because the people who clear it every month are retards) and monthlies, and 4-5 has awful RNG going on, so it's normal. I don't see why are you so fixated with muh buckets when you can get them in two weeks tops anyways.

>> No.14578015

>missing 3 blueprints a year
No, anon, you are the retard.

>> No.14578020
File: 52 KB, 546x258, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get to boss


>> No.14578023

What else did you expect with unremodeled subs?

>> No.14578027


This tbfh.

>> No.14578028

Should've used a real fleet dechi.

>> No.14578037

Yeah, she was my first K2 CA and I was training Kinugasa too, until I looked at CA stats. Goodbye cute girls, hello wolf lady.

>> No.14578111

Fuck off and do some actual calcs.

>> No.14578119

You stayed with the cute (woman) without going full stats. That's good.
