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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14555211 No.14555211 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>14527648

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Please avoid shitposting and being off topic - follow global and local rules. Instead of replying, report and ignore!

If you have a question about a certain item, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help. Usually, your measurements, equipment and habits are our best indicators. Please avoid using broad terminology such as "average" when discussing size - use numbers instead to make it clearer. Don't forget to use proper units!

Please read the guide before posting. Don't forget to use the archive to search for posts and reviews.

>> No.14555297

onahole a shit

>> No.14555300
File: 466 KB, 660x996, 1449628079059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you guys do directly after the first time you used an onahole?

I couldn't help but try to suck my sperm out of it.

>> No.14555312
File: 171 KB, 1600x1527, 587877f5fe21a2e6417e53bee13d1b8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for a Kupa LO. If anyone finds some somewhere let me know.

>> No.14555321
File: 48 KB, 400x300, mocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still kindly looking for any feedback on Puni Fuwa Mocchi!

Since she is eating it too and...
personally, I would not recommend eating the lube and cum, but... if you want to, for science?
Although Egashira already tried out some lube;

>> No.14555323
File: 333 KB, 600x580, c16158ec0015835c64d5754e638d8306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I asked an English onahole vendor in Japan who I shall not name (for now) if it would be possible for me to have other items delivered to them from other vendors and have it included in in my purchase from them, thus saving me having to pay for 1 more international shipping. They said it was alright and I'm just waiting for a confirmation on the address I should have it delivered to.

I'm now wanting to buy some TOMAX onaholes from Daimaoh.co.jp but don't know what 2 I should get. If you could choose 2 TOMAX gonaholes, what would you get?

Also what other things do they sell at daimaoh? I want to buy a eromanga too or something neat.

>> No.14555379
File: 64 KB, 540x270, miracle-angel-hips-butt-ass-masturbator-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone own Miracle Angel Hips? Can't link cause spam warning, but I must know how this glorious booty is.

>> No.14555473

Venus Real Soft and the Venus Clone Regular.

Also I'd suggest getting a pillow hugger too so you can mount the onaholes without using your hand.,


>> No.14555516

It was my first hip i ever tried. It is great for the price (on sale when i got it), and the ass on it makes it awesome to grab. Sadly i cant get much use out of the actual holes on it, if i get even halfway in i end up coming out of the other side of the hole (makes for easy cleanup tho). However i am 7-8 so mileage may vary. I got a Cocolo later and it is amazing, if only it had an ass like the Mocchi it would be my favorite.

>> No.14555542

Looks pretty good, but how do you clean something like that up?

>> No.14555550

Hey anon thanks for answering me. That video made my sides hurt but also made me disgusted. I think I'll stop eating it now.

>> No.14555603

i want to make a cunnilingus asmr video using my onahole as a model. which lube tastes the best?

>> No.14555613

Flavored lube

>> No.14555726

the kunoichi soft I ordered is too soft.. and the virgin age admission hard I ordered is way too hard.. I think I'll only stick with "normal" holes now

>> No.14555810

Alright Goldylocks.

>> No.14555824
File: 3.41 MB, 522x293, 2k16-2can.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new yeah /ona/, here's a toucan, you deserve it!

>> No.14555923

You too.

How much cum did your onaholes extract this year everyone? I think I got around 8 liters.

>> No.14555932

Thanks, that pillow hugger looks very useful. Anyone else object to the 2 onaholes this anon mentioned?

>> No.14555933

I'd really like this one (linked in quoted post) or https://www.toydemon.com/magic-face-oral-masturbator - is it smarter to begin with a smaller, more desecreete sleeve as your first item, perhaps?

>> No.14556106

The Seventeen Bordeaux Soft has the same internal tunnel as the Seventeen Bordeaux, but has a softer and stretchier outside?

>> No.14556347

why do my toys always break... I take good care and even go very slow most of the time but in the end they always end up tearing.
Are there any toys you guys have used that are extremely durable?
This time I'm thinking of getting something atleast $100-130 if it will help with durability, avoided it because they always broke.
Maybe i'm doomed.

>> No.14556400

Do you use a condom?

>> No.14556454


>> No.14556525
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1426896835638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ona/. Would you guys be interested in a much more detailed guide, hosted as a google doc instead of plain text, for accessibility and more available depth, similar to the buyfag guide? This way, Rjob and I won't take weeks for updates if we share or update information if we both have editing access to it, and we can actually have pictures without needing to link. I can see that there's already a lot of questions, especially regarding medical concerns, that don't get answered at all in the guide.

>> No.14556538

Yeah I'd like that, I think it would look a lot better than the pastebin.

>> No.14556539

Go for it. Just make sure that it isn't a laggy piece of shit like google docs often are.

>> No.14556575

It will be difficult to work out why or recommend anything without knowing your size, anon. That said, R20 is extremely durable and, according to the Pastebin, Tomax holes are as well.

>> No.14556623

Normally in the tub. Run water into it to wash it out, then dry the inside with microfiber cloths. Some peroxide or rubbing alcohol if you really need it clean.

>> No.14556636

Hey guys, so im thinking of replacing my sleeve that i've had for about a year. It was some pipedream brand one I bought at a local adult store. I'm thinking of getting the Maria Ozawa one from toydemon. You guys think I should go for it?

>> No.14556647

Opinions on You're My Idol? I've seen it compared to Lolinco, is it as hard to clean as that is?

>> No.14556686

Is it safe to use 90% isopropyl alcohol to clean an onahole even if its mixed with water?

>> No.14556693

Just creampied my onahole

Happy new year.

>> No.14556711

Do not use solvents on your plasticunt.

>> No.14556721

I use Hoppe's to clean mine.

>> No.14556744

Just use hand soap and if you want to, ona clean. Ideally clean it shortly after climax. Even the harder to clean holes like lolinco never seemed like much of a hassle to me.

>> No.14556763


Alright thanks guys, duly noted.



>> No.14556772

I like CLP

>> No.14556781

What do you guys do with tight onaholes and cumming inside them? it feels weird to cum inside mine since it feels as though there isnt enough room for it.

>> No.14556798

>it feels as though there isnt enough room for it.
Isn't that half the fun? Filling up your fake vagina full of cum that it can barely handle.

>> No.14556817

What are the best tight holes? Assuming average size dong.

>> No.14556840
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1451493653524s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex-neet who's trying to spend his wagecuck bux for the first time here. Are Meikis still worth getting these days? Thinking of getting YYY and Sarah.


And looks like there's a triple-layer Meiki now too.

Help a senpai out here desu.

>> No.14556875

Best I've tried was lolinco. Deliciously tight. Haven't tried any others that are meant to be super tight though.

>> No.14556881

>deliciously tight

For the first few uses, maybe.

Virgin Age Admission is a dick bully.

>> No.14556899

Asked this last thread but didn't get a reply, hopefully ill have more luck in this one. Has anyone tried any onaholes for the a10 vorze? The official sleeves durability is just awful.

>> No.14556951

>Virgin Age Admission is a dick bully.
my dick has a hard time dealing with the virgin age, apparently i hear theres a hard version of it, I dont think i could handle that.

>> No.14556954

I know J-list is a shit site, but they have a much wider selection of onaholes these days, is it still a bad idea to shop from there?

>> No.14556958

I'm sure it's lolitastic.

>> No.14556961

>I know J-list is a shit site...
Could've stopped there and answered your own question. Only reason to use them is if they've got something there you can't readily find elsewhere.

>> No.14557139

>want one
>live with parents though
I'm far too much of a coward to risk having my family think even less of me by having them see it arrive in post.

>> No.14557278

I live with my parents. I also forgot my onahole on a counter after cleaning it. It "magically" appeared in my room later. No one said anything about it.

You know your parents, so you be the judge.

Going "hard" for my next one seems like not a bad idea. Is it more painful for those who have tried one? Seems like a good change of pace.

>> No.14557307

I got the va:a hard yesterday in the mail, and I don't recommend it at all, shits extremely tight and painful, my dick felt like it would've bent in half if I made one wrong move, and it also kept forming a vacuum and it would basically fart and spit lube out everywhere
I'd rather just stick with my trusty lolinco

>> No.14557318

I kind of like it when my va;a farts while im fucking it.

>> No.14557340

its way too tight though, im afraid of hurting my dick, like when I was looking at it after pulling out it was a whole shade lighter
its too much pressure and it doesn't feel very good
and on the other hand, the kunoichi soft is wayy too soft and I feel barely any pressure at all... and after cleaning it with ONLY water it got really sticky and starting melting into itself
what a waste of money..

>> No.14557345

Anybody use a vibrating bullet in their butt?
Thinking of buying one

>> No.14557355

Bullets have really flimsy wires and can snap at a moment's notice. Just get a dildo, butt plug or prostate stimulator with a vibe function. Alternatively, rewire it yourself and make your own with the toy kit on NLS.

>> No.14557455

Not really interested in a dildo or vibrating prostate massager being I already own a helix syn.
Nls labels this as anal goods: http://en-nls.com/pict1-42314?c2=13001010
But the last thing I want to do is lose something in my arse as I'm pulling it out.
Never going to stick something in me that I've made from a diy kit.

>> No.14557460

Just poop it out, it's what your butt does.

>> No.14557528

I've currently own: kunoichi, tsurupeta soft, MoT and Rina.

Planning on get venus real in soft, another bootle of lube and I've place for one more onaho but I can't decide what get. I would rather not buy lolinco because I can't handle tight holes for more than 3min and I think it would be a waste.
I'm thinking about squemate hole, flat laboratory/you're my idol or lilith uterus, opinions? Or maybe should I get that hands-free kit from tomax or there's some good hole I missd?

>> No.14557538

how big exactly is the puni hole dx? like does anyone have a picture of a size comparison or anything? I want to eventually get one, but the only thing that worries me is storing and hiding it

>> No.14557642


>> No.14557692

I wish I could transform into a girl to be used as a fucktoy

>> No.14557931

>tfw I could get the kunoichi to make me cum super fast
It's all about learning how to use the hole.

>> No.14558063


I'll be working on formatting in the future, making it look pretty, bullet points instead of numbers, adding pictures. I'll include reworked images to be included in the document instead of opening externally. I'll be adding the missing text when I get to it.

>> No.14558095

What can I use for cleaning apart from liquid hand soap and a specialized product?

Receiving soon, I hope, my first toy

>> No.14558106

Your mouth and suction.

Alternatively you could use my mouth

>> No.14558141


No, that's not good

>> No.14558161

Thank you for the feedback anon!
I'm average sized, so I guess the head might still poke out, but I'm really curious about it.

First item as in an onahole or a large hole/hip?
If you are new to the experience, I'd definitely recommend using a few smaller onaholes first.
As for the two in question;
Magic Face is more difficult to clean since it's not an open ended hole.
It also seems to fall forward from its own weight so I'm not sure how comfy or easy it would be to hold/mount/fuck.
But check out the review onahodouga did;
The included game is a nice addition, but you can find the images on exhentai anyway.

Both items have the same amount of extra lube, but Mocchi's canal length is quite short.
For this price range, I'd personally choose the Puni Fuwa Mocchi. 2 holes, a hip is much sexier, but maybe I'm a bit biased since I've been eyeing it for a bit now.

>> No.14558163

Just plain warm water is fine; nothing else is required.

>> No.14558265

How do you clean hips?

>> No.14558326

With your tongue.

>> No.14558335


>> No.14558336

Is it needed and wise to clean before the first use?

>> No.14558341

Needed? Not necessarily. Wise? Of course. Wash it well anon.

>> No.14558350


Wondered how the fuck to clean it.

>> No.14558375
File: 57 KB, 594x598, 1451525648406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't bother and I've still got my dick

>> No.14558394



>> No.14558407

Is there any good loli holes that are tight but soft too? Any I can think of is gitb only.

>> No.14558417
File: 53 KB, 500x333, pillow_hugger_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tested that?
If I insert onhole to that, isn't it tighter due to being squeezed?
how much does it weigh?

>> No.14558427

Anyone tried prostate simulators/simulation or butt plugs? I'm quite curious to know how it is.

>> No.14558444


So I just found out that marketplace vendors on amazon.co.jp actually do ship internationally

>> No.14558453

Holy fuck amazon.co.jp marketplace is actually cheaper than en-nls

>> No.14558498
File: 10 KB, 281x182, Screenshot 2016-01-01 at 3.32.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14558502

what did you order?

>> No.14558516

Just changed my order, now is a Rina

Here's some data

Rina via amazon.co.jp marketplace:
3,178Yen / 24.3 Euro total

Rina via EN-NLS with e-packet
3,935Yen / 30 Euro total

>> No.14558533

Big Rina or normal Rina?
OtonaJP has 8% off

>> No.14558549

Normal Rina

On otonajp normal rina with cheapest shipping to my place is 32Eur

Did some more calculating, for small orders of one hole only the amazon.co.jp marketplace is by far the cheapest (I'm talking 20% cheaper here, shipping is like 7 Eur / 900Yen), if you have 3 to 4 holes in a single package it's about equal to en-nls, for large orders en-nls is cheaper

>> No.14558563









>> No.14558568 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 700x309, 1451660121190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is pic related?

Can't find the Nippon name of it so unable to view reviews while I did manage to find reviews of their other products.

>> No.14558579

>Vagina Flesh

God bless you japan

>> No.14558582

Thanks man, now I can look up the reviews

>> No.14558650

>let's buy something from otonajp and see how they hold up
>oh what's this Daisuki Hold one

>>A Daisuki Hold is when the girl hugs you very tight during sex. The word "Daisuki" is basicly translated meaning that someone likes you, so it si the very tight hug a girl that madly loves you would give you during sex.


fuck you

>> No.14558752

What? But amazon doesn't worldwide ship.

>> No.14558761

Marketplace does, http://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=sr_pg_1?me=A3WHBVER6NZHX&rh=i%3Amerchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1451661688 for instance

>> No.14558856



>> No.14558879

I didn't know what the fuck a >大好きHold is supposed to be you unbearable faggot

>> No.14558887


How can you not understand what that means?

>> No.14558906

Did you ask them to remove box packaging, or are you chancing it?

>> No.14558997

Well I just tried ordering some onatsuyu to Canada and it says it won't ship to my adress

>> No.14559000

I'm actually laughing right now

Have a link to the specific product? Maybe that one's an exception

>> No.14559030

Guess they just aren't shipping to canada, one bottle of ona tsuyu is ¥ 2,115 total to europe

>> No.14559045

Don't think you can ask them to remove packaging, but since the shipping is so low it'll be considered a low-value package where I live, meaning customs don't give a shit

>> No.14559080

>tomax hole lasts as long as my entire bottle of ona tsuyu, and said tomax hole is the only hole I've been using in months
>still no tears or anything

>meanwhile shitty magic eyes dual layer holes break down after a dozen uses

>> No.14559135

that thing is super short, like 4 inches total length, so the tunnel is probably only 3.5 inches long, and its $70 usd.

IMO not worth it unless you have a tiny dick and like throwing money away.

>> No.14559200

As a Britfag, our customs may give shits nonetheless given what our loli laws are like.

>> No.14559280


The only time customs have opened my package was when I ordered a Seifuku and it looked like an illicit bag of cocaine, or something, how they'd wrapped it.

>> No.14559296


any amazon link for this?

>> No.14559325

I am seriously considering starting a small amazon.de marketplace, I've already got a company running on my name anyway.

Germany doesn't have super strict loli laws regarding packaging, so I could import from JP (and assuming I haven't missed any hidden costs I could massively undercut omochadreams) and since I'm selling from Germany Britbongs / EU citizens won't have to deal with customs

Omochadreams seems to be doing really well and they're essentially overpricing by 50 fucking %

convince me not to

>> No.14559360

Think anyone objecting to starting competition is a dumbass.
Competition is good, go for it.

I think a lot of euros (myself included) would appreciate competition to the current sellers

>> No.14559379

I know this is late as all hell, but what type of 'size comparison' would you be looking for? Compared to one's hand? To the box it comes from? A pillow..? To one's dick?

Give me some grounds to work with you and I can see about getting a picture comparison. If you want multiples, let me know. Do note I don't exactly have a good camera so it'd all be cellphone snaps at best.

Microfiber? I have Puni so I just run it through (I can fit my hand enough inside to grab the other end of the towel and bring it through).

What >>14558341 said. I personally say clean it. Don't risk it anon, we had a guy last thread who got a kidney infection due to using old cum as lube.

What >>14559360 said. You just gotta know the marketplace. If there is demand, and you provide supply, there is profit to be made for the wise man.

I'm not EU yet but I will be eventually so if you do let us know anon, I might want things in the future.

>> No.14559431

Cant say i agree on the R20's durability. My R20 has a pinhole on the back and now leaks lube when in use. Worst of all is that glorious vacuum effect is ruined.

Its only 6 months old and used it maybe once a week.

>> No.14559482

>Germany doesn't have super strict loli laws regarding packaging

They sell the Cocolo without the packaging though.

Buy yeah the EU could use some more onahole sellers.

>> No.14559487

That's dictated by MagicEyes and their distributors though

>> No.14559509

I just found the thread randomly (never go on /jp/) and thought, hey, this looks pretty neat. I have a pretty strong oral fetish, so that's why I'd consider that one in particular (largely from appearance). Otherwise I'd probably go with a smaller, more regular onahole of some kind (maybe the whatever it's called, 17 double sleeved thing).

It'd be like a moving-out-of-home-present, since I'd have the freedom to actually use something as silly as a male masturbatory toy whenever I wanted to without having to schedule several hours where I'd be sure everyone was away.

>> No.14559529

Does anyone else find it a shame to order without the packaging? The box art for many onaholes are kinda cute.

>> No.14559548

teach me your techniques!

>> No.14559562

if you could have a side by side picture of the hip next to a normal shoebox, I would really appreciate it anon!

>> No.14559590

>convince me not to

Why would anyone in this thread do that

>> No.14559609


Shit, I was pondering to do this in Spain, but a few things were keeping me from doing it

>> No.14559620 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 1280x960, 1451678494139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shoe box

Uhhh... does a box for boots work too? Size US 10 1/2. I don't have normal shoes anymore, working on farms for so long (8yrs) got sick of sand and other shit sitting in the bottom of my soles.

Included Puni box as well to help.

Let me know if you need anything more and I'll try to accomodate best I can.

>> No.14559629

What was stopping you?

>> No.14559633


The loli factor, I really have a problem with that

I know it's a toy, but makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.14559642

thanks anon, the picture still helps, but I just have another small question, can it fit inside of a toy bag? how do you store it?

>> No.14559659

If my bed was any indicator, my room is a bit of a mess. I just keep it in the box and put said Puni box into the original packaging box and slide it under my bed.
Then again, I live practically alone minus a few visitors/family on Saturday, so I get luxury to stuff things wherever.

I'd need an idea of what type of toy bag we're talking before I can say yay/nay.

>> No.14559661

Have you tried putting a vibrator on the end of the Aneros while you have it in?

>> No.14559678

Takes a while to get used to, and it's not great for everyone. That said, I enjoy it a lot. I got the Helix Syn as my first toy and still use it more than my high end massager. Have you tried using your fingers at all yet?

>> No.14559722
File: 2.58 MB, 413x400, Happy-New-Year-Images-Animation-Images-28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toss the hip, fuck the boots. Those are HOOOOT AF girl!
Seriously tough, why not something everyone has at home that is standardized, like a dvd box.

>> No.14559737

Do it, faggot. Customs-free shipping within the EU would be your main selling point. From a central point - Germany, you could ship everywhere quickly. Maybe see what deal you can get with someone like DHL, and shipping door-to-door to countries that normally don't do that much should be affordable to you as a company.

Why not? Do it. You can probably get some small business incentive thing (money, help to get started) if you can convince them that you have a market for the stuff you're planning on selling.

>> No.14559743

not the same person you're responding to but can you tell me how you use yours?
I tried lying down to my side and trying to "massage" it using my pc muscles but it's either I'm not doing it right or i just don't feel it rubbing against my prostate. I ended up using my hands (thrusting it in and out) instead but it only made me pee as I kept doing that. maybe i thought about attaching a bullet vibrator like >>14559661 suggested or get the vibrating ones (which are pricey) or larger sized one

>> No.14559747

I'd literally just be using (prime capable) amazon fulfillment / storage / shipment EU wide, it's dirt cheap

The main issue seem to be the fucking japanese bulk suppliers / wholesale, they really don't care about anything that's not japan

>> No.14559761

If he wants it (or anyone else) I'll grab it. It's a good point to try to stick to standardized things for comparisons.

Boots are nice, I used to have S&W boots for a while but those wore down too easily. Got both for deals though so I ain't complainin'.

HNY and all that. I'll hopefully be seeing your folk before the end of 2016, planning on movin' to Denmark (I ain't going to move to Germany with this whole refugee shit). We can go grab beers or someshit sometime.

>> No.14559788

>I'd literally just be using (prime capable) amazon fulfillment / storage / shipment EU wide, it's dirt cheap
Well I don't know what you use to ship with.

Maybe you should come up with some numbers, start small and see if you can get somewhere. Bah, I'm probably not helping here at all. I really think you should try it, though. Good luck!


>> No.14559798

i meant the toy bag from en-nls, but if u could make a dvd box comparison that'd be p. cool too

>> No.14559832
File: 169 KB, 600x507, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the repackaged australian version

>> No.14559846

She looks like she is 20 years older..

>> No.14559851

Fuck this gay country.

>> No.14559855

top kek

>> No.14559872
File: 141 KB, 600x480, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14559879

Am I only one who picks based on box artstyle?

I really like the girl on Lolinco box. Anyone knows the artist?

>> No.14559885

If i had starting capital, i would've already done it. Even if i stock only popular holes, i can offer a "request" service for special wishes. Starting to stock tomax, magic eyes and toys heart's most popular holes and after enough profit slowly build up a little assortment. My advertisement would beginn at reddit, the more basement kid i can appeal to the better.
>I ain't going to move to Germany with this whole refugee shit
Good boy, take me with you, i can cook.

>> No.14559894
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>> No.14559902 [SPOILER] 
File: 124 KB, 1280x960, 1451682712924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, don't have that toy bag to be accurate, but the toy bag extra large is listed at 34cm... roughly 13 inches. That's a very close call if it'll fit... The long end of a DVD is 7 1/8'', and that doesn't even account for height, which the Puni is fairly hefty. Google search DVD size if you want.

Here's an image with the DVD boxes, I pulled whatever was quickest, I actually found out from this I have more VCR's in my home than DVD's... which is astonishing.

Hope this all helps. In any case, you'll likely need the extra-large bag if you want to store it like that, and that bag would be very filled with the Puni alone, if it happens to fit.

>> No.14559912

What's a good high stimulation onahole? I have the Zero Spiral in hard and I love it. Looking for something else, tighter I guess, more suction.

>> No.14559951

thanks again anon for the pictures and everything! I have a good feel about the size and all of it, I'll most likely order one down the line and these pictures were very helpful

>> No.14559958

This is a shoop you made right? I can't believe they're selling that anywhere on the planet

>> No.14559981

You just need to find a way to get the perfect amount of lubrication and suction so it hugs onto your penis all over, and doesn't want to let go during thrusts.

>> No.14559986

Glad to help, it's frustrating that while highly recommended, there's so little review data on it for people to base their judgement on.

I'm tempted to find a video recorder that isn't of shit quality as my flip phone is and just do a 4chan anon review for people.

>Good boy, take me with you, i can cook.
Actually, I have intentions to work on some things mechanical/engine related in the future. If you had skills in that and what was it, a Eurozone work pass or someshit? I think I could bring you to Denmark when I get there on grounds of employment that way.

But this is getting a little silly to fill up Onahole central with our ramblings (not our blog). You're a fun anon to talk to, got a means to chat about shit or even just yammer about how bad things've gotten?

>> No.14559991

How is cleaning of that thing?

>> No.14560010

>If i had starting capital, i would've already done it.
You don't have any small business/entreprenur programs in germany to help you get started? If there's a market for it, they should be interested in helping you out.

>> No.14560033

Microfiber or paper towel (prefer former to avoid damage), lay it flat, angle it 45 degrees, wrap it up into a slim form, push into hole gently until nearly wrapped up inside, open up back hole (it's rubber, it can stretch), grab other end, and pull...

And once it comes out, repeat for other hole, even if not used. Since both holes conjoin near the end, fluids will spread so it's best practice to clean both regardless of use.
You can actually hold it upside down, put water down one end (vag/anus), and have it come back up through the other if there's enough water pressure, as an example. So just clean both.

Also, as said in the guide, when cleaning the outside, PAT with whatever you clean it with. Don't rub, drag, pat it. That's about it. Takes me all of like... 2 minutes total after use, then I put it back in packaging and slide it under bed.

>> No.14560044

Well I just found out why EU-based onahole retailers are so fucking expensive

It is literally impossible to do business with japanese bulk supplier. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these shops are importing from en-nls directly

>> No.14560065

>Can't find the Nippon name of it...
For similar searches in the future just find the product on the english version of NLS, remove the first "n" from "en-nls.com/productid", enter and copy paste name in bold letters and you're set.

>> No.14560079

I think the camera of a flagship smartphone is good enough for this purpose, the only hindrance for me to do this too is the lack of an additional arm.

As european you can work in every EU country (there are some exceptions). After 3 months you should get a visa, which is no problem as long as you have an employment and health insurance, so the goverment sees you're not just a wellfare collectiong hobo or some shit (that what i've read and heard at least).
I'm still waiting for that /ona/ irc to chat with some folks. (would also decrease the traffic of the general)
Enough off-topic for today or i'll get called a cunt again.
Yeah they have, but they want to see a bit of start capital and a 2 years plan on your expected incomes and expenses, stuff like that.
Well, i've just started to get my high school diploma so i've less time next to part time job and professional masturbating to start a bussines.

>> No.14560114

I'm having a friend in Japan order me Rina. Will there be any problems sending it and getting it through customs?

Won't get stopped for loli right?

>> No.14560121

This is being sent to the US.

>> No.14560127

you're gucci, freedombro.

>> No.14560140

Okay, I'm trying to work out hotpowers. I clicked the order button down the bottom and it gave me two choices. I think 1 of them added the product to my cart? How the fuck do I get to my cart now?

t. non-jap speaker

>> No.14560141

Is Cocolo supposed to be a hip or a large onahole? Is it any good hands-free?

>> No.14560162
File: 39 KB, 626x440, 1429455352188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're going to try a different format we need to go through some design choices and other information. We already tried this once and that project went belly up.

We could do a discord server or something.

>> No.14560174

Do burgers also pay 20% customs like the yurops?

>> No.14560175
File: 83 KB, 400x300, 1_1441689290_m_DqBuV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so you are new to onaholes.
Definitely go with something smaller and cheaper first.
If oral's your thing, then browse the blow-job types;
You will alo soon stumble upon Mouth of Truth, but that's really not intended for first-timers.

Personally I've been eyeing the "F&F Fella & Fxxk" too as of late.
It looks cheap, but thinking about breaking both holes makes me diamonds.
Which reminds me, did anyone try it yet?

>> No.14560185

we pay nothing besides shipping. unless its over a certain amount which is somewhere in the 1000s

>> No.14560194

wait what

holy fuck how is that fair in any way

>> No.14560209
File: 449 KB, 540x707, spicy fuckin meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not. Its a perk of being in freedomland.

>> No.14560214

Worth a shot i'd say.

>> No.14560216

Germanfag here, please do it.

>> No.14560227

Australia is the same. No extra cost unless you go over 1000.

We're one of the most taxed nations in the world too, but somehow we dodged this kind of tax. Not that it has stopped the protectionists from trying. The last 10 years has seen a ton of calls for import taxes on small goods because ebay is killing small business or something bullshit. Basically Jews complaining but our population just wants cheap shit so they lose.

>> No.14560228

It's the same in Australia too. No Customs import fees unless it's over $1000. It's so people who shop internationally aren't punished, but businesses are.

>> No.14560251


>> No.14560307

Please help, the hotpowers guide begins at the cart.

>> No.14560322

Looool, what a joke nation.

Does anyone know of any vibration plates/surfaces/tables that can be used to give oscillating motion to hips? All I can find is expensive work out equipments around $1000.

>> No.14560358

Meanwhile I'm about to pay the highest rate import tax in the world next week.
Plus handling fees, so it will be around 1/3rd of my total order.
Sad times.

>> No.14560437

You from Hungary? Well, at least you aren't a Slav.

>> No.14560460

Made a server, first time using this chat programm.
I guess i have to share this link to invite buddys???

>> No.14560487

dont let your parents get a chance to open the box

>> No.14560517

EU Fags:

Are you always paying the ~20% VAT, or are you getting by if you declare the onahole package as gift?

>> No.14560582
File: 103 KB, 280x280, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It "magically" appeared in my room later.

I am already bothered by the fact I'll have to explain a fuckhuge box from Japan(puni ana) without actually showing the contents, because if I'd claim it to be figures, as it is labeled, my mother would probably want to see them. Being secretive about it will make me look like a retard, but I that's how it is. I'll probably just claim it to be a boatload of hentais.

>> No.14560626
File: 106 KB, 1018x790, otonajp_chat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the shop you buy from, pic related claims there is a high probability of avoiding custom taxes plus they declare a lower value, so that's pretty good. Not like anybody at customs knows the real value of these toys if they'd actually look inside.

>> No.14560630

>20% VAT
buy onaholes thats under 22€

>> No.14560633

At least it's not labeled rubber toy and lotion. Thanks NLS not obvious what's in side at all

>> No.14560646

Alright, if you only pay customs in worst cases a EU based oneshop is always going to be more expensive than simply importing

Not omochadreams level of expensive, but paying 20% sometimes vs paying 20% always makes quite a difference

>> No.14560664

Looks like I'm the first one in /ona/ to order from here, so if you guys don't hear back from me within 2 weeks, then shit hit the fan drastically.

Depends on price regulations, but I've had variable experiences above the no-VAT threshold.
The higher the value, the more likely they'll want your money, gift or no gift.

>> No.14560665

alright, eurofags.
what would the declaration be for a box with only a bottle of onatsuyu inside?
it's a reseller on Amazon.de, they don't seem to have any information on the packaging

>> No.14560674

Wait, you are buying it from an EU based seller, right? You don't have to declare shit.

>> No.14560675

Which reseller is it? Please don't tell me you're buying onatsuyu for 30 Euros from that "HENTAI" shop

>> No.14560709

Had a rebate, so it was €23,07 on the receipt.
Still expensive, I know. I regret the purchase, but oh well.

>> No.14560740

isnt that thing like 5€

>> No.14560745

>not just buying glorious Gleitfreude

>> No.14560823

Crunched through the numbers

If I were to bulk-import a decent number of holes (which massively reduces shipping cost) I'd be able to offer EU-based shipping with a few days of delivery time while staying competitive with japan imports

I could sell a Mouth of Truth for about 40 Euros + shipping if you're not in Germany (though amazon EU shipping is only a few bucks), Omochadream price being 50 Euros + 5 EUR shipping

For comparison importing from otonajp with 10 days shipping costs 35 Euros (+20% VAT if you get unlucky)

Is it worth it? Is not having to deal with customs and faster amazon shipping from inside the EU worth paying 40 - 45 Euros compared to 35EUR when importing from japan?

>> No.14560827

did it again

>> No.14560831

The bird wasnt lying about Onatsuyu

I Only issue is now that I am experimenting for the perfect amount, I am wasting some of it. And this shit should not be wasted

>> No.14560839

If you wrap the bullet in a condom this can help with retrieval. Still, as a seasoned anal anon, I don't think a simple vibrating bullet will actually be very stimulating. The Nexus Revo or a vibrating butt plug will definitely work better.

Honestly I used to think exactly like you, but I eventually found that the best way to cum from anal / prostate play is using a dildo, with a magic wand vibe on the glans when I want to finish.

>> No.14560845

It's worth it for me. The more uncertain shipping times are, the more discouraged I am from buying holes due to living with parents and all that shit.

>> No.14560847

eufag here, i actually prefer otonajp

>> No.14560860

Caved and ordered a Cocolo. It'll be my first hip, this better be good.

>> No.14560895

So to help me keep from fapping too much, ive decided to only use my virgin age admission for masturbation.
It feels uncomfortable to use, but perhaps if i start masturbating weekly instead of 4 or 6 times a day, my dick would get used to the hole or at least tolerate it more.

>> No.14560902

>mfw gonna buy 10 to 15 holes with my new paycheck

>> No.14560907

I've even used the Omochajew just because I wanted my shit fast and without hassle, so yes, faster shipping and no customs does justify a little extra €. If you think just paying the +20% is the worst you didn't get the mail "lol we don't see tha bill, its only chinese or sum shit xD" and experience mind numbing phone calls to ascertain the location of your fucking onaholes. The bill was clearly visible outside for Christ sake and they made me suffer for no reason.

Just get some core stock, viral your shit and see if business picks up. Onahole are a pretty stable investment actually. Prices never go down lol.

>> No.14560916

This. Not having to worry about being fucked over by loli laws at customs is worth paying extra.

>> No.14560918

>Onahole are a pretty stable investment actually. Prices never go down lol.
Someone get the word out to governments. In case they want to do away with the Gold standard.

>> No.14560922

why not use otonajp then, it offers package removal so u dont have to worry about loli images

>> No.14560939

Faster shipping within EU.

>> No.14560945

Onaholes literally lack a second hand market, because no one wants to use impure holes and the more well endowed among the male specimen seem to rip them apart on a regular bases judging from these generals(never came even close, the fuck) so there is a constant demand for more. Add to that general lust for new pussy. It'd be a good market even without new customers, but I think it's generally growing even more so in the future when more and more males will be effected by the toxic societal climate. Also, VR soon.

>> No.14560950

Alright, so there seems to be some interest.

If I get lucky the japanese onahole wholesalers grace me with a response to my business inquiry and I can buy from them which would cut my prices by an additional 20% or so, I'd essentially be at jap import pricelevel, but I don't think they're gonna bother with a small amazon shop

Either way I've written a quick and dirty script that observes current amazon onahole stock levels of the more reasonably priced holes such as the 35Euro Rina. If there's at least SOME holes being sold over a reasonable timespan, I'm gonna go ahead with my plan.

>> No.14560951

as for right now, i belive otonajp is the best reseller for EU customers

>> No.14560980

>never even came close, the fuck

My Rina which I got almost a year ago is still in decent condition, but holes like Lolinco definitely have shit durability.

>> No.14560993

Which onahole feels the most realistic?

all these onaholes with ridges and stuff feels very "artificial"

>> No.14561016

One once said that lolinco was the most realistic acording to his experiences, other say 17 bordeaux.

>> No.14561140


My mouth of truth is still fine, but certainly getting worn down, but the internals on my Rina were torn up from moderate use, so I just pulled them out. Mouth of truth is considerably larger, so that stands to reason I suppose.

>> No.14561186

Anyone got an idea of how are packages treated in France? (especially EMS shipping)

Also, what kind of things are included with the Puni Ana DX Hard and Mouth of truth?

>> No.14561198

Why not use one which is specifically modeled after a real one?

>> No.14561201

I would assume everything is treated with a little more caution post-Paris, more so if they're heavier packages with hips in them.

>> No.14561251

But having only the hip and mouth should be safe right? It's my first time buying some of these so i have no clue how it's handled by customs.

>> No.14561274

>And this shit should not be wasted
The bottle is huge and not particularly expensive, stop worshiping it. The bigger issue is that you get less enjoyment out of your experience when you use too much or too little lube.

>> No.14561334

Dude, I have a similar problem. Package got stuck in customs (because Christmas or something so they were to busy sending it to me after they checked it), so now I have my roommate drive me to their building.

Problem is that moment of panic I told him I ordered a giant bunch of sweets from Japan.

Like how do I explain to him, that not only can he not have any, but wont even be able to see them? How I know him he expects me to instantly open the package and eat some as soon as we get the package...

I'm so fucked

>> No.14561344

Have NLS list it as books or some shit, then go to a bookstore and buy some manga to hide until you open the package

>> No.14561346

Not sure if that is habit in all EU countries, but the real world limit lies by ~26€ because they don't expect you to pay VAT that is under 5€

>> No.14561369

Wow, that was a terrible lie. Why did you not have something prepared before asking him? Did you not realize he might maybe ask what he's driving you out to go get?

You can still salvage this though; find a way to get out to the local Asian market without his help and actually buy some candy so you have something to share with him later. If he asks you to open it right away tease him for being impatient. Also, don't let him see the content declaration or feel the weight of the box at any point.

>> No.14561444

>Is it worth it? Is not having to deal with customs and faster amazon shipping from inside the EU worth paying 40 - 45 Euros compared to 35EUR when importing from japan?

Honestly, I'd even be fine with Omochadreams-level markup as long as you actually stock newer releases and / or holes that aren't available on their site. Not having to deal with customs (and free shipping since I got Prime) would definitely be worth it.

>> No.14561450 [DELETED] 

i mean, you shouldn't be in trouble because its a fking toy you bought?

>> No.14561460

i mean, you shouldn't be in trouble because its a fking toy you bought?

>> No.14561468

You might want to get the packaging removed, not sure whether France tolerates fictional naked little girls. Is that Puni the one with the loli CD included?

>> No.14561479

Because I didn't even had to ask. He was the one who went to the mailbox and got the paper slip that informs you that the toll has an item for you ready to be picked up. ()

So he was the one who asked unexpectedly, what I ordered and if he should drive me for pickup.

>> No.14561512

You could act surprised and maintain the sweets lie when it's opened?

Unless there's an invoice, in which case time to introduce him to your masturbation habits.

>> No.14561521

I appreciate your efforts and it's nothing personal, but I don't think I'd order from you, sorry.
It may be worth it for heavy orders and for those with amazon prime, but it really depends on a lot of factors.

I've decided on a 95 Euro spending limit.
Checked all stores in the EU and at least motsutoys offers free shipping on orders above 80 Euros, however you can only get 2 holes from them for around 90 Euros.
Meanwhile on NLS I managed to get 4 onaholes, 2 cup sleeves and 2 bottles of 145ml lotion for barely 10,000 Yen, which is roughly 76 Euros.
It was worth taking a chance, because even now that I have to pay VAT and thus reach my 95 Euro limit, I'll still get more items.

Personally, I don't mind the long delivery time, so going by your example of 1 Mouth of Truth, ordering it from NLS with e-packet would cost me only 32.5 Euros, shipping included.
If I get lucky with customs, that price stays, but even if I get taxed the total would be around your price with shipping included.

Even if your package is VAT-free, customs can freely decide to open and inspect anything. If they do, there's a chance you'll have to confirm that you ordered artificial vaginas and the whole process will take a few days (or a week) either way.

>> No.14561522

No idea but i asked them to remove anything that isn't the hip and mouth, that should do the trick.

>> No.14561524

You mean "buy onaholes that are below 22 EUR minus whatever shipping is" since you pay customs on item value and shipping.

You still have to deal with customs. I don't know what it's like in other EU countries, but in Germany it's Russian roulette depending on which customs office is responsible for your address, and sometimes even which officer in the same office is handling your package.

I've had to deal with three different offices so far, and they ranged from "I don't really care, just send me an email with your invoice, we'll forward the package and have DHL collect the fee" to "Sorry, but you will have to drive those 70km to our office and open the package while I watch so I can make sure that you're not importing something illegal".

>> No.14561565

I have to add that my order from NLS also contained the 2700 Yen shipping fee within that 10,000 Yen total.

>> No.14561575

that's the downside of using DHL i guess, i ordered with SAL and got no problem at all.
if you dont mind waiting go with SAL

>> No.14561697

Those were EMS / airmail actually (normalfag imports or stuff like CDs or figures), which are handled by DHL once they get past customs. Those few times I ordered something from NLS I used e-packet, which luckily didn't get stopped. But I also always stayed below those 22 euro, so that might have been the reason.

>> No.14561869

>Law, especially pedophilia laws
You're never safe.

Welp. The rest of what I said still holds water if you can get your hands on some weeb snacks.

"Wow, a box of full rubber vaginas and rubber vagina accessories? For me?"
Not super believable. I mean, I guess he could just come clean at that point, and it's not like buying masturbatory aids is the worst thing ever but it doesn't sound like he wants to do that.

>> No.14561871

I've modelled it after the buyfag guide for the time being. If you are reffering to the website, it's modelled too much like a retail site, which is fine but is very decentralized in Information. We can do a sort of wikia for it, as well. What are you thibking of?

That sounds like a good idea for quick questions and whatnot. I'll look into that server.

>> No.14561891

I thought about risking it and shipping to the UK with loli box art, because I like the box art. Ended up chickening out.

>> No.14562001

>Helix doesn't reach prostate

>> No.14562345
File: 113 KB, 540x540, 0e54c8ba-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried and is happy with GitB?
Heard it have boring structure, yet onahodouga give it 5 stars.

>> No.14562362
File: 94 KB, 357x317, 1451601166434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus real soft
Now, that that is through, what onahole replicates anal best and or most realistically?

>> No.14562389

> biggest holes are like, 15-17 cm long
> that's about six, maybe seven inches
So uh....what if you're longer than that.

>> No.14562468

you get a date with a real woman.

>> No.14562496

Say it's a late gift for family members, seriously dude you suck at lying

>> No.14562638

Couldn't be bothered searching even the previous thread, huh? Try >>14550834

>> No.14562710


That's.. kind of cute actually

>> No.14562799


Welp, I actually managed to get in contact with a jap wholesaler and they're interested in getting more stuff to europe, even if it is not a lot

No concrete numbers yet, but this could actually get me to or even below japanese import prices.

However, so far, not a single hole has been sold via amazon. Looking at google interest graphs and such it doesn't look too good either
I'd need to sell about 1.5 to 2.5 holes per day consistently to have enough turnover to keep my stock current.

So yeah, not gonna happen, not enough interest in jap holes by yurops

Since multiple people thought about starting a shop: It's definitely possible to massively undercut omochadreams, especially if you can get a hold of a japanese bulk supplier. You don't even need that much of a starting capital to get a decent stock since buying in bulk MASSIVELY cuts shipping costs, you could make a profit even if you're ordering with regular en-nls prizes. Like, I'm talking less than 1000 Euros for your first order of about 30 to 40 holes to get to the point where shipping costs are about 1/6 of what regular customers pay, that'd Get you 1000Yen - 1500Yen profit per hole on shipping alone

Issue seems to be preference / brand awareness of shitty tenga / fleshlight products compared to the obscure japanese stuff. So you'll have to calculate in costs for marketing your shit (which is probably going to require an actual website and not just an amazon marketplace shop), which is going to drive your prices straight back to omochadreams -levels

>> No.14562882
File: 58 KB, 1126x560, 1422548374174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am told that when buying from Diamaoh.co.jp you can use English letters for the delivery address part. Has anyone done this when ordering from them?

I am looking for tips on camping Diamaoh for the Venus onaholes too. What time do they become available? How fast do they sell out? I just subscribed to their email thing that tells me when they come back in stock.

>> No.14563201

Read that, but I wanted more opinions. Nobody's talking about gitb when the lolinco come out and even it's looks great I don't want hole that will squeeze me after 3min.

Nobody likes lolinco when they released it and now it's recommended everywhere.

>> No.14563377

>However, so far, not a single hole has been sold via amazon

What do you mean, do you have anything listed on amazon? If so, I can't find it.

>> No.14563390

There's a seller on amazon.de who has 2 or 3 holes with OK pricing, see


Almost everything else he offers is overprized as fuck though (cocoro for 230 Euros, holy fuck)

>> No.14563419

Yeah, I've seen that one but as you mentioned, those prices made me not even consider a second look at their store. Also, only a few of their items are shipped directly via amazon and since they list a Japanese company address, I figured they ship from Japan.

>> No.14563455

I got the regular version, and I wanna say it was worth the money. As previously mentioned, it's tight and soft and feels quite nice.

The only problem I've encountered is that there's some sort of plug cut into the hole at the upper end, which is only thinly connected to the main part. After like 10 uses I ended up ripping part of that connection, so now I don't have any vacuum effect anymore (not that bad, it still feels awesome) and using the hole always ends up in more or less of a mess, unless I wrap it into a tissue or small plastic bag.

No idea if that plug is intended like that or not, but having to pay attention to not spray your load across your desk and displays kinda takes away from the experience.

>> No.14563461

All of the Amazon.de listers ship from Japan, they just blow up the prices for no reason apart from "we can".

These are the other ones I know of

Funnily, the one I got my Rina from is no longer on Amazon.

>> No.14563467

>meanwhile 40Eur+ fleshlight and tenga shit is selling like hotcakes

>> No.14563506

>it's tight and soft
How would you compare it to, let's say Rina?

>> No.14563570

>buying aneros

i dont blame you, their marketing team is too effective. Refund that shit asap and get a proper plug.

Tell them to take the box art off and wrap it in brown paper and put it at the bottom of the box. I ordered two loli holes to AUSTRALIA which has customs that literally cant keep their noses out of packages and loli is illegal and it passed without a hitch.

>> No.14563590

Loli is illegal in Aus? Never knew.

>> No.14563695

Really curious about our lurker : poster ratio


>> No.14563768

I set my email refresh to 5 minutes on my phone and desktop client and waited. just go with japanese characters, you'll get them anyway if you use a forwarder.

>> No.14563797

stuff an onahole full of gooey brownies and fuck it

>> No.14564180

Really want to grab the Squamate mermaid hole, and I love the box art.

I can't imagine that would raise any red flags in the land of maple syrup and hockey, would it?

>> No.14564674

Unless the packaging shows a 30 year old holding her birth certificate you could potentially have lots of problems getting it into Canada, they're as bad as the UK

>> No.14564685

this is what a jewish orgasm sounds like

>> No.14564708

oy vey

>> No.14564709

A couple of months ago there was a guy convicted in the UK over just having loli porn on his hard drive.

Around the same time there was that guy arrested for importing Cocolo into Canada with packaging.

>> No.14564739

Jesus, I hate this fucking country.

I'm fairly certain the Squamate or Hot Gimmick wouldn't cause any issues in customs, but with how retardedly SJW this country is about pixels and "depictions of minors" I'm not sure if I should even risk it.

I might just take the safe route and get a Lilith Real or Lilith Uterus (I'm thinking soft?), since my only other holes are the R-20 Puni, and one of the Campus Life ones.

>> No.14564747

Err, Venus Real*

>> No.14564802

You could just ask for it without the packaging. If it's just a piece of rubber they can't complain.

>> No.14564822

That's true, I just really liked the box art of those two. Oh well, I guess some things just can't be avoided.

>> No.14564832

Importing loli holes into Australia is the scariest thing. The whole 2 weeks you're waiting for it to arrive you're just on edge the whole time. If they decide that shit doesn't fly, then they come raid you or some shit and find your 100gb of loli doujins, you're fucked for life.

I still do it though.

>> No.14564838

That deserves a Thug Lyfe toucan.

>> No.14564842

Is it tough in Australia too? Can't imagine it being worse Canada or UK.

>> No.14564850

That Lilith Uterus or Venus Real is actually sounding pretty good, they both have great reviews. Anyone have experience with them?

Goddamn, you're hardcore.

I guess I'll just buy what I want and not give a fuck - and hope my door doesn't get kicked in.

>> No.14564854

"All sexualised depictions of children under the age of 18 (or who appear to be under that age) are illegal in Australia, and there is a "zero-tolerance" policy in place.[8]

In December 2008, a man from Sydney was convicted of possessing child pornography after sexually explicit pictures of children characters from The Simpsons were found on his computer. The NSW Supreme Court upheld a Local Court decision that the animated Simpsons characters "depicted", and thus "could be considered", real people.[9] Controversy arose over the perceived ban on small-breasted women in pornography after a South Australian court established that if a consenting adult in pornography were "reasonably" deemed to look under the age of consent, then they could be considered depictions of child pornography.[citation needed] Criteria described stated "small breasts" as one of few examples, leading to the outrage. Again, the classification law is not federal or nationwide and only applies to South Australia.[10]"

>> No.14564864

>animated Simpsons characters depicted, and thus could be considered, real people

That doesn't follow at all.

>> No.14564874


The pedo witch hunt is insane here, we're one step away from lynchings in the street. Bogans don't care if that kid was real or some zipperhead drew it.

>> No.14564878

That's some spastic shit, Melbournefag here. Thank god I don't live in SA

>> No.14564885

If the issue came up in any other state court the ruling would very highly likely be the same anyway.

>> No.14564896

Yeah cause precedents. But I've heard it's especially brutal in SA.

>> No.14564901

Australia is just a retarded nanny state. Talks of banning smoking for anyone under 25, bans on cage fighting, lockout laws, etc. Shit country desu.

>> No.14564912
File: 218 KB, 359x334, Thug lyfe toucan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14564959

I've purchased two(2) Lilith Uterus'. They're great. I got the soft and then the hard. I much prefer the hard, soft feels like fucking a marshmallow. They're durable as hell and feel great. The uterus gimmick is very nice and you can actually feel the womb. My favorite non hip ona for sure.

>> No.14565135

Fucking a marshmallow sounds fantastic, I'll have to get one. I'm used to Toys Heart hardness, so it'll be a new experience.

Major thanks, anon.

>> No.14565389

I just ordered from NLS for the first time. It was surprisingly cheap for fast shipping, although I won't know the exact amount until my bank converts the currency.

Will I have to be present to pick up and or sign for the package? I don't know if I'll be home when it arrives. Also, my billing and shipping address are different and I keep worrying they might mix the two up. Will they send me a confirmation email with tracking and stuff? Sorry for asking such basic questions, but I've never ordered something internationally. Shipping to USA if that matters.

>> No.14565420

Any recommendations, I have Venus real and Lilith uterus soft, lolinco, va admission, mouth of truth(shitty meme), puni dx(also a meme), and roa hard.

I don't know if I'm just unlucky but both the lolinco and not had off center tunnels.

I bought a bottle of toucan, I hope it's better than pepes.

>> No.14565454

>puni dx

How is it a meme, it's a fun hip to use

>> No.14565473
File: 134 KB, 1862x516, shill 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wouldnt steer your wrong anon.

>> No.14565537

I want to make my own onaholes.

I have no idea where to start as far as mixing polymers though, but im hoping I can someday utilize 3D modeling to create the inside insert which id then yse a 3D printer to finalize the intsert, the insert would go into the polymer cast to create the cavity for the hole. Anyone know what mixtures of plastics etc is needed to create a skin like texture?

>> No.14565546

>boutique holes

you have my approval

>> No.14565566
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, commie-tasogare-otome-c397-amnesia-02-386ed436-mkv_snapshot_10-58_2012-04-17_20-49-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using a forwarder but they gave me their address in English. They say it should work with Daimaoh but I asked again for it in Japanese just to be sure.

>mfw I asked them 2 emails ago to give me their address in Japanese and now I'm having to ask again

>> No.14565624

I don't like the hole at the end, it causes issues after climax. Cleaning is nice, its a good starter hip though. I bought a meiki plush and that's quite an interesting experience.

I hope so, I'm on a trip and it comes back the day I come back, 10 days of nofap. I use Pepe now and its alright, bit thick and dries a bit fast.

>> No.14565635

I don't think it's on amazon. Queen adult cat toys sells it on their website.

>> No.14565765

Guise, my mother has just discovered the place where I hide my onaholes... what to do?

>> No.14565771

South Ausbro here. Yep, it's fucking retarded.

>The whole 2 weeks you're waiting for it to arrive you're just on edge the whole time.
You worry too much, anon. Just make sure that you ask for the packaging to be removed and relax. I've received six packages from JewDemon (with packaging) and five from NLS (without), over a three year period, and haven't had any issues.
>they come raid you or some shit and find your 100gb of loli doujins, you're fucked for life.
Use disk encryption - something that requires a separate password, such as the last useful version of TrueCrypt (7.1a, which I still trust more than any of its actively maintained forks). If nothing else, it means that an unsuspecting friend or family member doesn't stumble across it and start asking questions.

>> No.14565778

Either change your hiding place, or secure it. Even if she knows where it is, she can't do shit if there's a lock on it.

>> No.14565791

This. Just use a safe and hide it in your cabinet or something.

If you're extra paranoid, get a large one and throw some normal stuff in there along with your holes so they don't get overly suspicious

>> No.14565821

I've locked the onahole in a bag, but the lube didn't fit in it, so i had to put it in an other pocket (which isn't locked) now Im sure that my mother think that there are dildos in the locked pocket...

>> No.14565836

Easily one of my favorites, Ive had two over the last few years and they both suffered from the same issue of durability in the entrance and the part where the arms cross in the back always gets frayed and dirty somehow.

>> No.14565856

I'd say lolinco was the more realistic of the ones I tried. The 17 bordeaux has insane suction so I wouldn't say it felt real, unless the girl has a vacuum in her womb.

>> No.14565857

What about a metal suitcase?

>> No.14565867

A part of me feels like wanting to buy another Lolinco just to feel that first-time insane dick bullying tightness again.

>> No.14565885

Just bought one off of taobao for twice the price. What's the chances it's going to be a chinese ripoff?

>> No.14565914

Me too, but I was scared as hell when I ordered the first one, and I got rid of my onaholes and am trying to resist the urge to get more. This thread doesn't help.

>> No.14566003

>got rid of my onaholes

Why? Aren't they like discovering masturbation all over again?

>> No.14566034

They were getting old, and even though I loved them I decided it was for the best to purge them. I also don't live alone so it gets annoying not having that freedom. I don't find it enjoyable to masturbate by hand anymore so I'm pretty much no fap. I've gone from never having wet dreams before to having them every so often now, it sucks. It's also risky to order most of the holes I'd like to try because of shit laws.

>> No.14566060

Anyone have the "NEW Half-mature Succubus Pink", or the "Half-mature Succubus Pink 2"?

Their tunnels look really nice, but some reviews would be great. Just browsing nls for some nice holes to grab.

>> No.14566255
File: 10 KB, 233x215, 1292220108533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rip apart shitty 50$ amazon powered onahole thing
>Finally get the motor and shit figured out
>Realize I can replace the shitty cheap ass chinese shit with something bad ass and have this thing rip my dick off
>tfw I broke half the shit trying to figure out the motor

I am the baka.

>> No.14566943

This is me any time I disassemble anything ever. If I pull something apart, I do it under the assumption that it ain't goin' back together again afterward.

What'd you find for $50 on Amazon though?

>> No.14567006

An onahole must look good when spread, i hate unattractive holes

>> No.14567010

I have the puni and a roa, ran out of lube so i thought what the hell might aswell buy a new hole and try it. Mines coming tomorrow, ill tell you how it goes

>> No.14567139

im conflicted between getting a expensive hip or just a grab bag of small stuff (holes, tengas, lube, etc)

what do /ona/

>> No.14567164

Hips are pretty great, that goes without saying. But I feel like a bagful of little ones are a better option.

>> No.14567165

If you think the hip is good enough to be better than the holes then go for it. Just make sure what you're getting isn't shit or you'll regret it.

>> No.14567213

Just came for the first time in this Lilith Uterus soft, didn't feel anything. I was skeptical about getting the soft and was thinking about getting a reguar or hard one, I am usually pretty aggressive when i masturbate so is it worth it to get a venus real hard?

>> No.14567233

I wouldn't recommend it, the material doesn't work the best with the design.

>> No.14567247

Been digging around onahodouga, and found a few more holes that seem really promising.


Deciding which ones to get is going to be a nightmare, they all sound great.

Sounds good anon, let me know. Which one did you get?

>> No.14567256



>> No.14567267

Depends, do you intend to do a one-buy, or you going to dump more money than you are now later on in life?

If you intend to spend more later on, get the small group. Even as someone who went straight for a hip, I'd recommend going a bunch of small, but varied stuff. I only did it because I was happy with getting just one toy and wanted it to be high quality.
By buying a varied package, you can see what you like. As I've said before, "different kicks for different dicks." You will like things others might not enjoy, and vice versa.

If you're planning on going one-and-only-one, I'd recommend anything that's highly recommended by the guide and that is durable, whether a hip or a hole.

TL:DR- Buy varied set of small ones if you plan to pick up more later on, buy a highly recommended/more expensive one if you only want to get one toy for the long haul.

>> No.14567270
File: 75 KB, 819x460, doushio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the two i had my eye on, but i wonder if putting together a grab bag would be a better option

>> No.14567271

Chimera plus is fantastic if you like the meiki monster series. It was my favourite one out of the meikis I tried, those being the wakefulness and regular chimera. Not sure about the others.

>> No.14567286

I've never tried the series, honestly. I'm a bit of a newcomer to the scene, and don't have much of a collection yet.

It sounds really damn good from what I read, though.

Would you recommend it?

>> No.14567318

I've heard the bottom one is shitty, I can't say from experience though

>> No.14567320

If you plan on spending that much on onaholes and you're still a beginner, then you should probably make the grab bag. You still don't really know what you like yet, and realizing that you don't like a 80 dollar hip is much worse than a 30 dollar hole. Unless you know what you like and know you'll like the hips, then get them.

>> No.14567325

Absolutely, I enjoyed it, and it's not very expensive.

>> No.14567331

I heard the bottom one is shitty, so you should read a few reviews first before you buy

>> No.14567353

Awesome, thanks anon. The price definitely seems great.

So far it looks like I'm getting that and a Lilith Uterus. Need to figure out what else to grab from the overwhelming amount of seemingly good holes in front of me.

>> No.14567574

What are the tips for dying my onahole? I ripped my lolinco by stuffing paper towels into it.

>> No.14567614

Slightly moist skin can help lubricate your fingers to move through, yet dry really quickly upon spreading. Stretch the opening, don't drag things through it. Don't bother with air drying unless you can fit a 40mm pc fan in the opening and wait a few hours, or let it naturally sit for a day, which isn't really worth it, depending on your living conditions. Also, don't stuff, pat dry the insides, or let a roll of paper towel inside, then knead and roll the hole to cover the walls.

>> No.14567635

OK. So what I do now is drag paper towels in and out. That's done quite the damage where I'm looking for a new onahole.

Instead I should try to spread the hole with my fingers and try to pat down the insides?

Also, what's a good hole to follow up my lolinco? It's so tight I cum instantly and I want one to endurance fap with and cure my death grip. I was thinking of the Seventeen Bordeaux

>> No.14567638

Anyone happen to know what otonajp SAL shipping to California is in USD? Say half kg?

>> No.14567652


Hit SAL on the options. JapanPost even has EMS rates.

Try to fit a thick, folded up piece of paper towel with one end folded around your index. Use the fold to push the remaining part of the towel inside, then knead and roll. Gently pull the towel out, then repeat if necessary.

You need to know your dick specs then go for something soft and get used to that one. Alternatively, get used to lolinco and take it slow and easy. Can't rush the solution to DGS.

>> No.14567815

Better yet you can use a microfibre towel to clean it up.

>> No.14567865

can't you just tell your gov through dick unity?

>> No.14568012

Has anyone seen something like a slime girl onahole? I remember seeing one a while back, but can't for the life of me find it again.

>> No.14568106

>I am usually pretty aggressive when i masturbate

death grip syndrome, google it

>> No.14568190

>I am usually pretty aggressive when i masturbate

Ya, don't masturbate for a time, and when you're aching for it use the lilith until you get accustomed to actual sex feeling.
Just like other anons may have pointed out, it's death grip syndrome.

>> No.14568280

But what if you do like it rough and have some hard onaholes for it?

>> No.14568286

You only like it rough because your dick isn't sensitive anymore. Just let it rest a while and enjoy actually feeling things again.

>> No.14568653

>what if you do like it rough

Put sanding paper in your gfs pussy

>> No.14568670

pretty much

>> No.14568710

It might be this one

It has pretty bad reviews from /ona/, though. There's none in the pastebin, but an anon long ago pointed out that it was hard to clean, got ruined pretty quickly and wasn't a good fuck.

>> No.14568793

22$-ish. I hate paying in shipping what amounts to the price of another toy. Gotta pay to play though.

>> No.14568819

I've searched thread and the link in op but didn't see anything so I must ask. I've been looking at the cute hips DX dual type onahole and it looks very appealing. I'm hovering over the checkout button but can't pull the trigger.

I can't help but feel the (relatively) low price of $60 means that it will not live up to expectations. I can't find dimensions either. Does anyone have any knowledge or opinions they can share?

>> No.14568828

I get off fucking my GF just fine without having to beat off, but hardly ever have I cum from a BJ in my life...is that death grip syndrome? I suppose my GF is really tight so maybe it doesn't matter there.

>> No.14568889

you don't belong here

>> No.14568919

Now that looks impossible to clean.

>> No.14568922

Having a GF means I can't enjoy a plasticunt too?

>> No.14568931

well your existence makes us more sad than need be

no offense really, we're just sad and lonely and jealous

>> No.14568935

Has anyone tried out the gichi gichi tight virgin. That small dual layer cervix and uterus vacuum at the end seem interesting, but would it beat up someone with a gwai-lo girth dong?

Also been looking at the Campus Life Athlete... I'll admit it's mainly the box art that does it for me, but has anyone tried it out?

>> No.14568944
File: 80 KB, 600x600, mecha-shiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Project G the Apple of onaholes?

>> No.14568946

Oh sorry. That wasn't my goal. It's just annoying to not be able to get off from head and I think it gets demoralizing for the girl which is never what you want from sex. If death grip was some part of it and I could recalibrate my dick with something as easy as a soft ona, well I wanted to check.

What does death grip syndrome matter if not how it affects you with a partner? If you aren't with someone just beat off however you want right? Or am I missing something?

>> No.14568954

I ordered some off Amazon. Same technique of spread hole with fingers and insert finger with towel wrapped around?
My dick is Jap size. I tried going easy with the Lolinco but it milks me everytime. Any recommendations on technique and hole to cure dgs?

>> No.14568955

Stop arguing with normies and PLEASE RESPOND

>> No.14568969

No, Tenga is

>> No.14568973

Do not buy this, it WAS impossible to clean and the material is like those slime hard things you use to own when you were a kid, it breaks down and the material started to go off.

>> No.14568978

Do they call it smokey because after you blow one load in it the goo becomes smokey and opaque and impossible to clean?

>> No.14568981

I can't even last 1 minute to fap heroes, I'm so sad.

I got snipped within the last year because of phimosis and now I'm far too sensitive to really enjoy my current/old holes. Should I get some soft holes and try to work on it from there?

>> No.14569004
File: 45 KB, 520x594, k buys an onahole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puni Ana DX is confirmed good hip

>> No.14569005

I'm pretty sure it's a meme

>> No.14569012

How does this get 21 5 star rating guys?
But it's too small that I'm worried it may not a good choice for me.

>> No.14569036

Could someone do the dvdbox comparsion with SPDX/moe body?

>> No.14569159

Poor guy

>> No.14569163

That fucking sucks.

I always thought the selection of both Omocha and Mytenga is pathetic compared to their US colleagues especially since neither of them sell anything from Out Vision stuff which fucking sucks if you want a Puni Hole DX/SPDX without breaking the bank for shipping and EU bullshit taxes.

>> No.14569198

Dream job for Tokyo prostitutes.

>wait he's not gross
>I don't have to fuck him
>pays just as well

>> No.14569213

So guys, do you have a compilation of which are the best imitations of real pussy and which are the best lubes for them?

I take it a hole warmer is a must for this, so it's considered too.

A sample of a wide variety of pussies, tight or not, would be welcome.

>> No.14569224

Never found an ona that was anything like a real pussy, and that's not a bad thing. A plasticunt can provide sensations you'll never experience with a real clam trap.

>> No.14569230


Maybe, but a good imitation will be gr8 for my little masturbatory problem

>> No.14569340

I got a Rina 2 weeks ago and used it quite a bit, and it quickly became really sticky on the outside. How do I make it generally less sticky? I tried corn starch, it works perfectly but as soon as I use my hole, I wash it and it becomes as sticky as before, unless I reapply corn starch. I'm lazy so is there a way to make it overall less sticky without putting corn starch every time?

>> No.14569347

Just ignore it, I can't last to fap hero for more then few minutes yet I'm still able to get 1-1,5h sessions with soft holes. Just get warm, relax, train and know your limits.

>> No.14569354


>> No.14569428

That's kind of the point of corn starch, and why people in this thread make a meme of family/friends asking "why do you have a bag of corn starch in your room, anon?"

I'm lazy, so I wrap my Rina in paper towel and put her down in a ziplock bag.

>> No.14569476

Has anyone tried stuffing one of the holes of a hip with a bullet vibrator while fucking the other one?

>> No.14569574
File: 37 KB, 1000x1000, lady-finger-bla_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got no hip, but I hold this close on my Rina with my hands or 2 hairbands and it works fucking wonders

Ain't the nicest looking thing in the world, but holy shit the vibration feels good

>> No.14569616


>> No.14569728
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 12072011_52a30258aec58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know whether pic related is any good? Or can recommend other clear ones.

>> No.14569758

Yeah same technique, or you can just shove it in.

>> No.14569970

Anyone here tried the Roa hard version? I currently have Rina and really like it and want to try something similar

>> No.14569981

Why are you guys so fucking concerned with having you packaging intact? Just get a photo printed sheet if it really means something to you.

>> No.14569997

Haven't you seen that ausbro who put his packagings into photo frames?

>> No.14570061

Because it looks nice.

>> No.14570068

New thread:

>> No.14570186

Sauce? I'd imagine they're like trophies for him though, if he got them into the country.

>> No.14570187

You're a few hours too early. Try not to create two threads at a time and maximize the life of one thread. Page 8 doesn't mean we should make a thread, since this one is still perfectly viable and usable, yet you get replies on the new thread. If you want to be the next OP, do tell.

>> No.14570220

My Trousseau became one of my favorite soft onahole, but it's easy to tear.

>> No.14570273

What is that? Link? Any other vibration recs?

>> No.14570290

Getting a hip later this week, I will stick a vibe in it and see how it feels.

>> No.14571107

Any holes someone can recommend if you are short down there? Or are they all the same and i'm just being too self conscious about my size

>> No.14571141

Virgin Age Admission is pretty small. Also a dick bully.

>> No.14571181

Thanks for the suggestion, ill most likely pick this one up and the virgin age graduation next month. What was your experience like with it?

>> No.14571229

Very tight. It doesn't crush your dick like Lolinco, but until I got used to it I kept cumming very early.

I got mine about half a year ago, still in good condition after occasional use.

>> No.14571307

Getting your dick crushed sounds fun, ill give that a try aswell

>> No.14572824

do you eufags think nls is better than otonajp? not sure where to order desu, austriafag here btw

>> No.14572959
File: 8 KB, 120x140, 1_1358918140_m_wngJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried this?

>> No.14573068

Is that the meiki wet monster real?

Its good, highly stimulative, a little extra flaky skin bits at the entrance, but pretty sturdy. A bit too shallow for my liking thought (im 7ins). Fits pretty/works well in the Meiki Plush Doll

>> No.14573076

Wet Monster Shin

Shin = Real?

>> No.14573082

Does anyone know about good shops from France or shipping to France that isn't crazy overpriced?

>> No.14573088

Sucking it out would be great if not for the lub.

>> No.14573088,1 [INTERNAL] 

Ok so THE PUNI ANA LOLI GREW UP! Isn't this thing magical? (i accidentally posted in the old thread) I mean i have tits and i want to spend 400 bucks on this thing its the most perfectly shaped torso I've ever seen

>> No.14573088,2 [INTERNAL] 

the W is not an extension of your general thread

>> No.14573088,4 [INTERNAL] 

No one's using the site for anything else so who cares
