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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 719 KB, 1575x993, green-tea-field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14539348 No.14539348 [Reply] [Original]

Any tea anons out there? What are you drinking?

>> No.14539357


>> No.14539377

I'd just like to tell you something I learned in my health class today. All you tea drinkers out there, who think they are getting great health benefits are idiots. You are drinking leaves, how is that healthy? Your just drinking chlorophyll!

90% of the people who drink tea on this site are just fucking WEEABOOS. You drink tea just because the JAPS do it. Well, the JAPS have you conned. The other 10% are just britfags, and you are excused, because you are naturally fucking morons. Tea is just a LEAF! Japs aren't smart. You see how shitty their Yen is? You think that someone, who can't even keep a good economy, has the intelligence to know how good tea is? Bullshit.

Enjoy your diluted organic particles and chlorophyll, you've all been conned by the crafty, yet idiot NIPS.

>> No.14539418
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, mint tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint tea

>> No.14539854


t. Coffee drinker

>> No.14539986

Some no-name Himalaya black tea because Darjeeling is too expensive, Genmaicha and chinese Gunpowder - always nice to have.

>> No.14540219

Green, oolong, jasmine, chrysanthemum, and ginger.

>> No.14540450

earl grey

>> No.14540463
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>only brits and japs drinks tea
You are amerifat, don't you?

>> No.14540478

By the time you discover /jp/ you should be able to tell copypasta from regular post easily.

>> No.14540483
File: 123 KB, 560x365, yang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black tea with brandy.

It's actually pretty great, you should try it.

>> No.14540500


>> No.14540658

what kind of black tea ?

>> No.14540679

Just some cheap no-name teabags. I'm at my parents' so I have to settle for whatever is in the cupboard.

>> No.14540733

Tea noob here. What are your thoughts on Lipton tea?

>> No.14540824

My semen

>> No.14540864

I'm drinking Luzianne unsweet tea while listening to Rush on record and the wind blowing outside

comfy as fuck

>> No.14540890

I just got some hojicha

>> No.14540952
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What album?

>> No.14541005

Genmaicha because it's a perfect tea for the winter.
I want to try sencha with barley next.

>> No.14541067

I bought Asatsuyu Sencha from Yuuki-cha for Christmas, it has the nice bitterness of green tea but with a surprisingly sweet aftertaste and smell.

>> No.14541100

Family friend works at Teavana. Getting those overpriced tea balls for free really makes it more tasty.

>> No.14541784

I'm looking to get into loose leaf tea, what strainer or teapot do you guys use? Does any old one work?

>> No.14541857

Hemispheres, now I want to find some more of their records

>> No.14541904
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This ones mine you just put the leaves in there's a strainer inside

>> No.14541971
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Bought some green tea in Senzu, Shizuoka after taking the Ōigawa River railway. Tastes nice, but I should have tossed in a bit more money into a proper expensive tea while I was there. I'd bought way too much already as presents for my family so I didn't want to go overboard.

Bought the container at an Ito En store in Koshigaya Laketown. I like how there's these dedicated stores for all your green tea needs.

>> No.14542298
File: 410 KB, 1536x2048, shincha_gyokuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking mostly some sencha from o-cha and matcha from multiple different places (not sure of the specifics). I've been meaning to put in an order for some good stuff, since I haven't ordered any good gyokuro or anything since first flush this year.

I did just get some of ippodo tea's obukucha as a Christmas gift from my mom. After getting that, I decided to order some of their new year's matcha, since I haven't tried any of theirs yet. And since I can't justify picking up only one thing when shipping from Japan... I ordered some Hosen (100g) and Kanro (50g) to try.

I haven't really tried much outside of green tea (some whites and a bit of black; but not much); although, I just got some corn silk (?) tea from someone. It looks kind of gross, but we'll see after I steep a cup.

This picture is the one I always post when there's a tea thread. It's from a really good first flush gyokuro I got a few years back.

>> No.14542349
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Are there distinct differences found in higher quality sencha?
I've been trying "Silver" grade myself, from what I can tell it's the quality of the leaves which are the biggest changes. For example your average grade will have scrappier parts of the tea leaves, while you see more of the "needles" in higher grades up to silver and gold.
And of course, tea bags are pretty much the sediments that are left over after the leaves are steamed. Not that I'm saying it's garbage, there is a use for everything as my chefs tell me.

>> No.14542354

>my chefs
You some kinda princess or something?

>> No.14542362

who is grading it silver and gold?

>> No.14542422
File: 8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, you flatter me.
Chef in training.

Maybe I have made a mistake. Does Japan have an official grading for tea like the British?
I am referring to this brand for the grades.


I go to a Japanese specialty shop in my city, and they stock many kinds of teas. These seem to be the "highest grade" there however. One pack of Gold quality goes up to $30 CAD.

>> No.14542443

>One pack of Gold quality goes up to $30 CAD.

Jesus... how much is in 1 pack?

>> No.14542459
File: 65 KB, 640x640, matcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there is an "official" gold/silver rating; its probably just that some companies grade that way. How much are you getting for $30CAD? I pay a lot for some of my teas (even before import fees), and $30 isn't too far off for some mid to upper range greens at 100g

>> No.14542474

I think it's around 100g per package.
It is pretty expensive which is why I went for silver, but for one person it's lasted me about 6 months since I don't drink tea too frequently. I might try the gold grade the next time I go down just to see if there are any significant differences.
Do you recommend any I should keep an eye out for? If they don't have it there, I could always try my hand at importing a few types.

Besides, that is nothing compared to certain packages of Oolong I've seen.

>> No.14546826

i saw this on /ck/ is this new pasta?

>> No.14547560

I mostly drink expensive Chinese jasmine tea and Italian espresso varieties. I've tried many teas and coffees, these have become my favourites. Japanese teas are generally quite hard to make so that they turn out as good as Chinese, and less infusions are usually possible.

>> No.14553403

Where do you buy your Chinese tea from? Where can I look to find reputable sellers of good Chinese tea as china isn't known for being honest or having a standardized grade for their teas so you have no idea how they distinguish their good tea from their bad tea.

>> No.14553491

Can you grow tea plants, like, in a pot? Not just theoretically but is it viable in practice?

>> No.14553525

Possibly, depends on which plant you want to grow in a pot. To promote plant growth, as far as agriculture is agriculture is concerned, you would need to plant in a large area where its roots can grow as well as supply the plant with nourishment (fertilizers, vermiculture, etc). Some plants like mint do well in pots, assuming the pot is large of course, but some plants will never really flourish when planted in a pot. If you're really insistent on using a pot I suggest you put the pot over a rich garden soil, along with other plants, to promote their own micro environment and encourage plant growth.

>> No.14553539

I would also like to add that I have no real experience growing tea plants aside from some flowering plants and herbs.

>> No.14553590

I was mostly interested in the 'Camellia sinensis' plant.
The reason for the pot is, so that the plant could be moved indoors during the winter period.
And then of course I'd need to dry it, which is a process in itself.

>> No.14553742

Wish decent green tea would be more readily available here. Everything I've bought has been mildly disappointing for the price although not terrible, just ok. Everything I've bought on trips to moonland has been better and generally cheaper. Guess there just is no market for this stuff here. Such is life in a coffee country.

>> No.14553842

breakfast tea with milk

because I'm not a faggot

>> No.14555648

where is "here"

>> No.14555988

Ah yeah I forgot about winter season, don't particularly live in a place with that season. I've read a lot about them though, and how gardeners handle winter frost. If I could chip in, you should plant in a large pot and if possible plant that pot in a garden along with other plants. I've done this before for some bougainvillea seedlings and replant them on the soil once their roots are mature enough. This method also acts as a good way to ensure minimal weeds and other plants robbing nutrients from your plant. You'd pretty much have to cut feeder roots from your plant once you have to lift them back up and store them indoors for winter.

>> No.14556445

How do you get the leaves out? Is it not too difficult?

>> No.14557707

Are you a fucking dumbass, drinking Japanese tea will cure cancer you moron. I thought this was just common knowledge, keep drinking your shitty coffee faggot

>> No.14559420

cleaning it is easy you just scoop them into the garbage then rinse with hot water
