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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14526226 No.14526226 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14526233 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14526269
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>> No.14526281


>> No.14526291 [DELETED] 
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you ar ea fucking immebcile your on jp hahaha fucking retard wipe the drool off ur face

>> No.14526332

Based Moogy-hecka-dunno

>> No.14526342

so moogy is getting off his fat weeaboo ass after al these years?

>> No.14526367

Moogy has nothing to do with the translation.

>> No.14526426 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14526432

Hey, he translated like 20 lines several years ago!

>> No.14526454

Licensed by JUST. Expecting release after Seinarukana, Sumaga and Muramasa!

>> No.14526456 [DELETED] 

licence THIS

*whips out cock*

>> No.14526463

JAST/MG/SP aren't involved, at least for the time being. It's just KeroQ and the TL team. It's possible they might end up using J-List as a distributor or something, but that's not decided yet.

>> No.14526469
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SP confirmed?

>> No.14526474

That's a relief. Moogy doesn't know Japanese.

>> No.14526477

my post on the shithole /vn/
Things read from IRC:

>Probably not going to be released through MG/JAST/SP or anything like that
>No Kickstarter since translation is all done
>They're being paid a flat sum (which is why no KS needed)
>Seems like Japanese VN companies are looking to directly work with English staff, instead of going to publishers like MG. (For example, Conjuerer's secret project)
>Moogy and Co. will announce further details in 2016 since they/TLWiki are also planning on pursuing more projects in the future.

>There's actually only 2 months worth of work maximum left in Subahibi: editing/QC and some image editing.

This does not mean that subahibi is going to take until 2020. Since herkz-sama is being paid now, he'll have a reason to work on it and release it faster. Announcement was at end of 2015, so it'll probably release halfway through 2016 since there's really no work to be done.

>> No.14526489

I don't like this trend of my secret hieroglyphics porn powerpoints getting translated

>> No.14526498 [DELETED] 

>no KS needed

Not SP confirmed.

>> No.14526517

It's been going on for 15+ years, I wouldn't call that a trend anymore

>> No.14526527

Don't worry, they'll never be able to translate them all. Just pretend some other game is the pinnacle of human achievement until that gets translated too, rinse and repeat.

>> No.14526543

They're getting fewer and fewer though, it's kinda depressing.
The cool kids already moved on to light novels the situation with eroge is so bad.

>> No.14526550

As someone who learned Japanese for LNs and have been reading them for 8+ years, that worries me more honestly. I had a shock when I saw habluka mention Sareryuu on twitter.

>> No.14526559

Sorry, I mean hadler, not habluka, I'm getting my attention whores mixed up.

>> No.14526896

>use machine TLs
>get pretentious
>suddenly real translations exist

>> No.14526949

>>There's actually only 2 months worth of work maximum left in Subahibi: editing/QC and some image editing.
Even after all the stalling they still haven't actually finished up the editing and QC? What have they been doing all this time?

>> No.14526971

Doesn't worry me I guess, other than that the exposure to western audience may taint the medium if the Japanese developers decide to acknowledge the howaito piggus.

>> No.14526976

Kill yourself.

>> No.14526983

Over what?

>> No.14526991

A fire, preferably.

>> No.14526993

It's okay kamige still come out as fast as english eroge translations.

>> No.14527005

Eh. Looks like you're the one in pain, buddy. It's hilarious to think that people like you consider themselves to be the elite of the fandom.

>> No.14527011

My sides are in orbit.

>> No.14527025

Please stop trying so hard to cover up the fact that you said something so embarrassing thinking it would make you fit in.

>> No.14527034

I have no idea what's going on anymore. I'll excuse myself.

>> No.14527050

Who are you and how do you know this?

>> No.14527058

I'm not really sure why you replied to me.

>> No.14527062

I'm moogy. Revere me.

>> No.14527116
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WOW. so he fucking gave up? after all that hard work at 98%? thats why we didnt get it this Christmas? or is this game not subahibi and something else?

>> No.14527121

What fucking jews, another game for 2025.
this all went to shit with this "official" fan translated vns.

>> No.14527125

>buh i want it freeeee

>> No.14527141

>sitting on a translation for years on the off chance you might make some shekels
Getting real tried of this desu

>> No.14527145

Yeah and I want a actual inflow of translated vns that are the same fucking translation but faster, which what was happening before this shit started

>> No.14527152

>>buh i want it freeeee
But there is nothing is to stop me from getting it free when it is released.

>> No.14527153

This is such a joke, people have begged for this game for years while it was at 98%, and then he waiting like 3 years till this happened.

>> No.14527156

What are you talking about? The fan translation was sold to KeroQ, and now herkz and co. are putting some final polish on it before releasing it officially.

>> No.14527157

>the same fucking translation
I've got news for you....

>> No.14527158

Hilarious that now when you people are actually getting one of the best VNs out there, you're salty about it.

You'll be able to pirate it anyway, so what's the big deal?

>> No.14527161

They want to cling to their texthookers and pretend that they're better than honest EOPs for having something they don't.

>> No.14527162

Well inst it completely translated by the guy anyway? besides editing it what else can they do it? they aint fucking redoing it.

>> No.14527164

Because it's going to be another 5 years before it's released.

>> No.14527170

We could have had this years ago is why we are salty. They slowed down and then did nothing for ages in the hope of them getting it officially released. Without that it would probably have been released by now. On top of that it will probably delayed even further now, as the people publishing will probably add a tonne of red tape to it all.

>> No.14527171

I actually cant wait for this since its been hyped up but its not...

once this is out all thats left is root double and that crazy nazi hitler game that cant be translated or some shit.

>> No.14527172

Can you please write sensible english and keep your train of thought to a single argument?

>> No.14527174

People get buttmad due to convincing themselves they're entitled to it now. It's how a child thinks, essentially.

>> No.14527177

Of course they're not redoing it. It's done. It's been done for months. All that's left is negotiating the specifics with KeroQ and making sure the scripts are in a state fit to charge money for (and from what I hear, they're already very close).

>> No.14527178

Why are you selecting the VNs you're hyped about based on what's meme'd the most on 4chan?

Of course Muramasa and Dies Irae are great, but I doubt your desire to read them is based on anything tangible.

And you're missing out tons of other great stuff.

>> No.14527180

>they aint fucking redoing it.
Happened with Steins;Gate where it was basically done and even had a full patch come out. So is the precedent that is can happen.

>> No.14527182

Up until a few months ago, the delays had nothing to do with hopes of an official license, and everything to do with vvav being a lazy sack of shit.

>> No.14527192

because they have a story and they seem interesting , which a lot of actual vns dont have without teenager shit. starwars is even doing it now.
and i really dont think Muramasa and Dies Irae are memes, they are rated far to high, they set the bar like james Cameron it seems.

>> No.14527200
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>they set the bar like james Cameron it seems.
Bonus joke at the end?

And oh friend, so many VNs have stories, you don't even know.

Btw your hero Kastel recently taught you Dies Irae is about teenager shit.

>> No.14527205

B-but I heard it was about hitler and nazis, /jp/ you fucking lied.

>> No.14527210
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>You'll be able to pirate it anyway, so what's the big deal?
You will make moogy cry if you do that.

>> No.14527212

So you have no reading comprehension, great

>> No.14527220

Wonder how they'll distribute it

>> No.14527223
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>you face when starwars is just as bad as anime teenager shit.

>> No.14527225


>> No.14527238

Futa on steam? I'm in.

>> No.14527250

Are you trying to tell me the Kastel-described Dies Irae layer cake of
Gorthe/Nietzche -> shounen action story -> chuuni Nazis
isn't "teenager shit"?

If it weren't "teenager shit", the top two layers would be something different.

Note that I said Dies Irae is great, I'm not saying it isn't, just don't delude yourself about it.

>> No.14527251

did this game have sex? dont tell me we will be getting a chopped up steam version, fuck.

>> No.14527257

Yes, also bestiality, incest, rape and million other things. And there's no way it can be all removed, it's interwoven into the story. No Steam release this time.

>> No.14527260

steam is getting uncensored yuri so

>> No.14527262

One sex scene (very nasty rape to make matters worse) is central plot element. You cannot remove it.
Some other sex scenes play major role in plot too.

>> No.14527263

I recognize this writing style. /Who/ could be behind this post?

>> No.14527269

Well I'm no English VN community e-celeb, if that's what you're implying. I always post anonymously.

So are you saying my posting style is similar to someone? Or is it recognizable even when among anonymous everyone?

>> No.14527276


>> No.14527277

Wait really, what? I thought this was just a fucking story like game, like the infinity series.
What the fuck.
So is this vn THAT high on the vn chain for some other reason?

>> No.14527283

Nobody actually knows what subahibi is actually about, only that its in the top 5 vns or someshit. I dont even know.

>> No.14527284

That's because you don't know japanese.

>> No.14527289

There are like what, 10 total h-scenes in the game? Total amount of h-content by lines is very tiny compared to story stuff.

>> No.14527290

It's about cows.

>> No.14527296

Then who am I?

Yes, some Japanese eroge readers appreciated how it combined a great plot and messages with said porn. Because normally people tend to have the same idea as you, I guess. That porn and great story ultimately don't mix. So when an eroge manages to do it, it's a thrill.

Also, when you accept its main message (幸福に生きよ!), then there's no way you can't be happy about it all. Even some English reviews mention this. One guy ends with something like
>100% Screw the point total, reading this made me totally happy.
So no wonder it's popular.

>> No.14527301

Its about Ayana, the only real character in game besides that random astronomy club classname whose name nobody even remembers, daydreaming weird shit while skipping classes.

>> No.14527307

>Then who am I?
Some guy with a particular writing style who says silly things.

>> No.14527313

Then what other posts are mine in this thread?

Name 7, since there are 7.

>> No.14527315

> when you accept its main message (幸福に生きよ!), then there's no way you can't be happy about it all
That "message" is such a bullshit. You can't just 幸福に生きよ being born in Mamiya family or being Zakuro. Unless you have down syndrome and unable to comprehend abuse and sorrow.
I fucking hated how Tomosane accepted his mother in the end.

>> No.14527320

You could also say you can't just 幸福に生きよ when you're Kusanagi Naoya, and even that somehow worked out in the end.

>> No.14527328

Wittgenstein seemed to accept it on his deathbed despite his bitterness. Tell them I've had a wonderful life.

Very powerful :)

>> No.14527337

Let's try living in a way that ensures we can say the same.

Although the true secret of Kusanagi Naoya is that he realized you'll be able to say it no matter what happens.

>> No.14527343

No, but I can give you my gloss.

>> No.14527359
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I try to! Apparently it's actually a method of modern psychology. Just subtle changes to your 'inner-monologue' can make a huge difference in mental health and your life.

>> No.14527369


thank you Akira "moogy" Amamiya I will be sure to buy a million copies of your game in thanks for you raping us on Christmas

>> No.14527374

Delicious weeb x neet rape. むむむむむむむ

>> No.14527532

There's literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.14527540

Yes there is. Herkz is getting money.

Aside from that, I'm all for it.

>> No.14527544

Wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.14528761

Kindred Spirits isn't graphic though. Everything is obscured by their skirts etc., while Subahibi is graphic >>14527257 and wouldn't be allowed unless it was cut. They could put the 18+ version out on a different site though.

>> No.14528780

I'm nominating Muramasa as the next eroge we hype to make the EOPs cry and then say it's shit once it comes out translated.

>> No.14529224

All that's left is another editing pass and QC

>> No.14530316


Is that Soukou Akki Muramasa or something else?

>> No.14530842

Considering that's the only VN released with "Muramasa" in the title, I'm not sure what else it could be.

>> No.14531419


>> No.14531844

So 5 months after they said there was a months worth of work left they say there are 2 months of work left. Sounds about right for something herkz is involved in.

>> No.14531855

No, you're misunderstanding.

Someone wrote, "HOPEFULLY, this takes around only a month"

That person underestimated the amount of work left.

Secondly, herkz said there is AT MAX 2 months worth of work left.

Talks for official release occured some time in october so thats when there was no reason to continue working immediately so it was purposefully stalled.

>> No.14532544

Here's that 80% patch that someone posted before. https://mega.nz/#!u0xQnbgR!gE9aVEmslpcvb_oFbmaXx5ThrGjBpSXj1UVq-WhqtGE

>> No.14533037

What's the missing 20%?

>> No.14533060

It's pretty funny that all the usual suspects are chuffing to themselves on twitter about how "/jp/ must be going nuts in anger over this" when this is pretty much the only thread on it and it's pretty lukewarm on a scale of giving a shit. You know it's good when herkz has to stop being a colossal faggot and point out that screencaps are from /vg/ and not here.

>> No.14533517

Giving a shit goes against the /jp/ "take it easy" M.O.

>> No.14533870


>le /jp/ brigading le reddit XDDDDDD

>> No.14533882
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>> No.14533891


>le faces when we le downvote le moogy we are le sekrit 4chan brigade army am i le rite???

>> No.14533902
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>> No.14536189

The last 20% of the game. The game turns into Japanese like a third of the way through Jabberwocky.

>> No.14536650

makura contacted herkz in the month of october when Sakura no Uta was released. yep Sakuuta hype baby!!!

>> No.14537039

this shit's been on my backlog for years, should I play it before the translation is released and all is ruined forever

>> No.14537083

yes, enjoy わりかし and 様に while you still can
