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14525935 No.14525935 [Reply] [Original]

Let me ask this one last time before the year ends:

Why is there still no Touhou/Vocaloid anime?

>> No.14525942

Black rock shooter is the vocaloid anime. There have been several Touhou animation projects, it's just that none of them were official.

>> No.14525946

Because anime is a waste of money

>> No.14525948

Touhou because ZUN doen't want to work with greedy and stupid executives that will force fanservice and a male MC in the anime.

I have no idea on vocaloid, seeing that we have BRS and idolmaster.

>> No.14525960

Because anime is for secondaries.

>> No.14525967

Because it would be shit.

>> No.14525994 [DELETED] 

anime must die

>> No.14526000

because yamaha is a disjointed mess
they can't even motorcycle correctly

>> No.14526818

Vocaloid anime would destroy the idea of Miku being a blank slate of which a producer can project their own designs, behaviors, and ideals towards her. That's why there are so many different types of Miku. Sweet Devil Miku is not the same as 1925 Miku. Trying to give Miku or any Vocaloid for that matter a canon personality would be a trainwreck.

See: Miku Mix where KEI can make watching paint dry seem more appealing than that fan manga.

>> No.14526844

Including BRS, the animes Mekakucity Actors and Mikagura School Suite are based off their respective Vocaloid series.

>> No.14528368

What's wrong with Memories of Phantasm?

>> No.14528389

Why would you even want that? There's no way they would make the deep and complex touhou anime we need, it'd be moeshit pandering to the lowest common denominator.
It would also bring in horrible secondaries

>> No.14528403

According to your logic, the anime version of miku would be no different to her advertisement counter-part. Anime is a business you faggot, unless there's some quiet, unspoken hate against an animated adaption for Vocaloid in the community there's no reason not to have one aside from lack of ideas.

Having an anime wouldn't make that personality anymore official than the marketing gimmicks they use her for.

The anime would also just be attaching their own ideas on Miku.

>> No.14531733

>Having an anime wouldn't make that personality anymore official than the marketing gimmicks they use her for.
There IS an "official" Miku personality, obnoxious fans just like to shove their own in everything.

>> No.14531750

There's not enough of it. Why can't Japs use the chink equivalent of kickstarter to fund the damn thing?

>> No.14531981

That'd go against ZUN's guidelines. Touhou is to remain doujin.

>> No.14532006

Can't doujin be crowdfunded?

>> No.14532019

No Rin-chan Now! anime makes me sad.

>> No.14532025

It's an interesting idea, but if ZUN wants to keep Touhou doujin, that is, non-commercial in its derivatives, how is he going to enforce that by allowing someone to crowdfund.
That touhou smash dev did that mistake, thinking it's okay to crowdfund.

>> No.14532033

Do you want to turn everyone into a slimy nip Jew like AQUASTYLE and Strawberry Bose that spend more budget on a crappy DRM and just copypaste the same game over and over?

>> No.14532035

The concept of crowdfunding as seen in the west might be a little too foreign and troublesome, manpukujinja could just call for donations and get away with it.

>> No.14532068

Money is not an obstacle. An IP that has two entire conventions a year would not have problems getting funding. ZUN is not sitting on his hands thinking "Gosh, if I just had a few more million yen I could commission an anime!". ZUN knows what he wants Touhou to be, and an anime is not part of that.

>> No.14532189

By not allowing it? Pretty sure you can't crowdfund a fangame for ANY franchise out there, doujin or not.

>> No.14533088

>make the deep and complex touhou anime we need
I'm fine with the "A Summer Day's Dream" approach of cute girls doing cute things, Touhou is really not that deep.

>> No.14534510

Speaking of commercial products, what kinds of alcohol does ZUN's brewery sell? I wouldn't be surprised if the whole brewery is dedicated to satisfying his growing thirst for more alcohol.

>> No.14534922

He brews his own named like the characters, not even joking

>> No.14535173

>manpukujinja could just call for donations and get away with it
They couldn't. By doing so they've 1) effectively exited the realm of doujin work by using money that isn't theirs, 2) tried to make funding off of an IP that isn't theirs, and 3) violated Touhou's freedom in creating doujin derivative works due to #1.

>> No.14538789

Could one get around the legal issue if they crowdfund and produce an anime project outside Japan?

>> No.14539351

Do like chinese people, shove staff in a boat sail to international waters and profit

>> No.14539368

Considering most anime gets outsourced to China and Korea you wouldn't even need a boat, I don't think those countries would give a damn about some Japanese drunkard complaining.

>> No.14539990

Named after actual Touhou characters or just with the same sense he names his songs and stuff?
