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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1452263 No.1452263 [Reply] [Original]

Hey jaypee. I'm thinking about moving to Hawaii. It's a beautiful Island Nation that is right in the middle of the two Nations I love the most (Japan and America). Plus it has a high demographic of Japanese and Asian women (Because I'm a typical weeaboo faggot I only like Asian women).

Is moving to Hawaii a good idea?

>> No.1452291
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>> No.1452326
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>> No.1452436
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Honolulu and Diamond Head circled

>> No.1452451
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I just noticed something

>> No.1452454
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>> No.1452267

sure, go for it.

>> No.1452272


enjoy your island paradise

>> No.1452273

it is the only idea

>> No.1452280


>> No.1452284

I should move to Hawaii too.

>> No.1452285

If you don't mind being outnumbered by Asians/Pacific Islanders and getting called Haole instead of Gaijin, then sure.

>> No.1452289

Plus it rhymes with kawaii!



>> No.1452293

We have plenty of asian women. Tons of them. Heck, we even have the original Anna Millers.

...But beyond the japanese tourists, you're not gonna find any real submissive women here.

All the second-generation and on kids raised here don't share the same values or mannerisms of their japanese heritage. So don't come here expecting to be treated as anything more than some jerkass tourist to be milked for money.

>> No.1452294

Geez, everyone is moving to Hawaii now. Two people I know already moved to Hawaii! What the hell...

Do they sell manga in stores there? How much does a small bottle of Coke cost there?

>> No.1452297


$1.39 for a 20.oz

>> No.1452300

Enjoy everything costing 2X more and high unemployment.

>> No.1452301



>moot agreed, don't bother him about it

Oh, never mind, I forgot about this. Carry on then.

>> No.1452304

How popular is the otaku scene in Hawaii? Is it like California?

>> No.1452306

why the fuck do you care?


>> No.1452307

woah, that's more expensive than in California...

>> No.1452315

a) I'm not a weeaboo, b) I despise cosplay faggotry, and c) I just want to know if Animu is popular in Hawaii.

>> No.1452317


We have a high concentration of liberals here too. The state constitution regarding the 2nd amendment is the same as the original, but our gun laws here are second only to California.

>> No.1452320

The Pearl Harbor incident is a lie by the United States government created as propaganda to rally up western hatred for Japan. The horrendous bombing of Japan was unprovoked, another hidden atrocity in the brutal history of fascist America.

>> No.1452330


Can't really say.

From what I've experienced, anime and weeaboo stuff in general is definitely more mainstream than it is in California. That's to be expected from the high percentage of Asians living in Hawaii and relative proximity to Japan.

Of course, there's Asians who don't really care for weeaboo stuff as well, so you'll still get weird looks if you don't suppress your power level.

>> No.1452328

They have Japanese TV channels broadcast there, so I imagine it is

>> No.1452360


There are plenty of used bookstores and some dedicated shops.

However, it is not a huge phenomenon here.

There's a reason you don't see much animu conventions held here.

>> No.1452389

Are there really Anons from Hawaii lurking this thread?

>> No.1452481

we have more good looking hapa girls
and no its not a good idea
at the typical places such as borders and barns and nobles and some animu/mango shops like loltoysnjoys and collectors maniacs
i would think its just like anywhere else

>> No.1453603

Big part of Asian folks here already blended in. Majority of them are 2+generation, they look Asian but act and think like the rest of America pretty much. If you like Asian folks just cuz of the looks, then idk what to tell you. Our gas price is THE highest in the nation, and our rental/real estate cost is on of the highest.

tl;dr don't do it.

>> No.1453649

I've heard there's a rough underground martial arts scene on some of the Hawaiian islands that survives to this day. Something about restrictions during the war and shinto temples being used to train secretly.

>> No.1453671

You'll go to Hawaii for the Asians.

Then you'll realise it isn't all that.

But you'll stay for the matsumoto shave ice.

>> No.1453691

How about the job market?

>> No.1453749

do you like eating purple paste?

>> No.1453973
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Exercise releases endorphins too. One of my sub fetishes is girls who have had the relevant chemical signals artificially or magically crossed, so that exercise feels like sex, and they can barely stop a workout once they begin.

>> No.1453805

Like you'd actually get a job, you NEET.

>> No.1453813

I'm looking, that's why I asked. Where I am, the market sucks: even though I have a college degree, I'll probably end up working a cash register.

>> No.1453823

I'm looking, that's why I asked. Where I am now, I'd probably end up behind a cash register, even though I have a college degree, it suck that bad.

>> No.1453839

I heard it was almost 10 dollars for a loaf of bread, is this true?

>> No.1453852

What about tropical storms and shit? How bad is it? Gotta board up your windows every month?

>> No.1453875

Hawaii is a weeaboo paradise. Signs in Japanese everywhere.

>> No.1453878

I'm white, but I'm moving to Hawaii for social reasons. You see, I just don't get along with other whites for some reason.... It's different with Asians --I just seem to click with them, you know? All of my friends are Asian, and once this girl said to me that in my past life I was probably an Asian, because I act just like an Asian. In fact, I think I'm even starting to look more Asian. I really don't like being white, and i feel no connection at all to other white people. When I get to Hawaii, I'll never be lonely again!

>> No.1453880


I guess you could say I'm white on the outside, yellow on the inside! LOL

>> No.1453886

I know you're trolling and everything.

But God does it boil my piss knowing that there are people out there who are honestly like that.

>> No.1453894

Since this is already a Hawaii Anon, where do most of you live?

I used to live in the UH Manoa area before I moved to California. I kind of regret not finishing my Senior year at Punahou.

>> No.1453913

Since this is already a Hawaii Anon thread, where do most of you live?

I used to live in the UH Manoa area before I moved to California. I kind of regret not finishing my Senior year at Punahou.


Poi is pig disgusting. That's one Hawaiian food I won't miss.

(OK, I never really tried it. But it does look like shit.)

>> No.1453925

Moving to Hawaii is expensive. If you actually have the money to blow to do something like that you're better off spending it on name brand clothes and gym membership or whatever it is to make yourself more attractive and to pick up gold-digging whores where ever you already live.

>> No.1453951


at the gym, i find free weights totally intimidating! ugh, they scare me so hard. if i stick to weight machines, can i still make decent progress?

(whenever i pumping iron, i always get boners... oh no.)

>> No.1453960

If you have tons of money then go for it. I've lived in Hawaii all my life. Living expenses are not cheap. It's almost impossible to live on one income unless you have a high paying job and even then I doubt you'll find a good place. I mean fuck my family's electric bill this month was $500 and there are only 3 people living here and we don't use the a/c and try to conserve as much as possible.

What the fuck? I don't know who is paying $10 for a loaf of bread but you can get a loaf for under $3 (depending what brand and where you go).

Yeah the only fucking con we have here is called the KAWAII KON. I went to the first one and it was just horrible. Never going to that shit again.

>> No.1453964

Punahou? Fucking richfag.

>> No.1454165


Haha, spoken like a true Hawaiian local.

>> No.1454272

I was on the north shore surfing and I stole this kid's wave and he hit me in the back of the head with something. I went under and end up washing up on the beach blowing bubbles. The kid proceeded to give me mouth to mouth but then when I finally came to, he said, "don't ever steal my wave!" and punched me out.....wtf?

>> No.1454329

Haha sorry man. Didn't think I would find you here of all places!

To tell you the truth I didn't mean to hit you that hard.
I only meant to punch you hard enough to hurt but I guess I underestimated myself.

>> No.1454364


That's not the problem. It's the fact that you nearly drown me, then save me, then knock me back out...
Waking up with man lips on me and then getting punched in the face is not cool.

>> No.1454369

...Hawaii IS in America.

>> No.1454419

Uh yeah...?

>> No.1454425


>> No.1454427


Perhaps he was being facetious?

>> No.1454433

makalaka heine ho

>> No.1454439

He meant continental USA

>> No.1454443


Get it right faggot.

>> No.1454511

I have an opposite question. I'm Asian and I hate white people, I was thinking of moving to Hawaii or British Columbia to get away from them without leaving North America. Which is the better choice?

>> No.1454584


>> No.1454618

Not Hawaii. Enjoy watching horny white dudes acting like huge sexual predators out in the open.

>> No.1454643

Depends how much the rain bothers you; the real concentrations of Asians are in the rainiest bits of BC.

>> No.1454649


stfu gook.

>> No.1454682

Is it a reality to have a low-end job and live in an apartment in Hawaii?

>> No.1454685

Somewhere on Oahu, if possible.

>> No.1455250

Ey. I'm a gook too. You gotta adapt to white, blacks and spanish folks or you aren't gonna get anywhere. Just saying. That includes Hawaii(I live in Wahiawa).
