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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1451078 No.1451078 [Reply] [Original]

That Japanese porn is actually Korean porn but rebranded as "Japanese" because it sells better that way?

>> No.1451144
File: 40 KB, 270x346, 2007100800376_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean Woman

>> No.1451080

Yes. Yes I did.

>> No.1451081

Why are they speaking Japanese in it?

>> No.1451087

nice find OP, didn't know.

>> No.1451094

You know, I wouldn't mind seeing some Korean porn come to think of it, but it's much less common.

>> No.1451124

The average Korean woman are alot worse looking than the average Japanese woman. Enjoy your squinty eyes, thin lips and box faces.

>> No.1451126



>> No.1451247
File: 76 KB, 880x496, pursue981029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1451151

please please please be a troll

>> No.1451158

Lol, no.

I've been stationed in both Korea and Japan and Korea definitely has better looking women. The thing about going to Japan that I found sad is that America has hotter women on average than Japan.

>> No.1451160



>> No.1451174

Ever wonder why doujins sell so well in Japan? indeed "2d women are better than 3d women"

>> No.1451178

Oh you!

>> No.1451179


>> No.1451182

so is anime actually Corean as well?

>> No.1451183

korean anime > japanese anime


>> No.1451189

corea invented the universe itself so i assume anime is actually a corean invention

>> No.1451190

chinese anime > korean anime > japanese anime

>> No.1451195

>Chinese anime

enjoy watching a million shows about lu bu, cao cao, liu bei, etc bullshit.

>> No.1451194


>> No.1451197

hard to tell the difference really ... small dicks are still small.

>> No.1451232

Korea has the most oldest history in the world.
Provably it is 10000years.
And korean is the origin of human being.
It is common knowledge in Korea.

>> No.1451241

haha I know that's a troll but I bet this is what coreans actually believe.

>> No.1451245

Koreans where the first civilization to invent writing by making marks in bamboo, therefore they are the first civilization to record history, therefore their civilization is the oldest existing civilization.

>> No.1451248

as opposed to the renamed Chinese characters, or characters based off of Chinese characters that, that Japan seems to use constantly?

>> No.1451258

>>1451232 korean is the origin of human being.

Woah, I'm Korean!

>> No.1451272

what characters are based of chinese characters? only character that I can think of is goku.

>> No.1451279

that's what japanese nationalists spam everywhere

>> No.1451294

i think some niggers in africa would like to argue that point with you, but yeah recently korea is becoming really popular with japan again for beauty and fashion. They stole a whole lot of western and japanese themes and redesigned them and young japs are going nuts atm. and japanese women think korean women are more beautifull than them.

>> No.1451292

America owns your shitty chink countries.

>> No.1451299

What I want to know is, if China and Corea is so superior to Japan, why are there so many Chinese and Coreans on this board about Japan? Surely they should be off discussing Chinese and Corean shows and games, since they are so much better?

>> No.1451307

because moot is a faggot and he won't give us our superior boards.

>> No.1451308


>> No.1451321

send moot an email demanding a /corea/ and /caocao/ board

>> No.1451328

Didn't you know?
Japan doesn't exist!

>> No.1451329

Janan gurantee freedom of religion and speech.
Of course hentai.

>> No.1451354

>Japan gurantee censored porn and hentai

Fix that for you.

>> No.1451907

this thread made me emo, lol and rage

>> No.1451950

Good thread anon, you've made me laugh several times.

>> No.1452730

all porn is Amerikkkan porn rebranded

>> No.1452772

Because most of us aren't weeaboos and come here to laugh at the whites.

Though I'm only here for the VN's and Touhou. I couldn't really give two shits about these kind of arguments.

>> No.1452808

>japanese women think korean women are more beautifull than them

>> No.1452820

And that Korean porn is full of references to Starcraft?

"Oh, you are Zerg Rushing me!!"

>> No.1452844

People make themselves feel better by making generalisations.

>> No.1452871

US Cartoon studios outsource to Korea.
Japanese Anime studios outsource to Korea.

America = Japan. Mindblown.

But Jappo's don't like their own porn anyway, it's all censored and mosaiced. Uncensored porn was an underground black market exploited by private enterprises and the Yakuza until the internet and off-site hosting made it possible for Japanese hentai to be uncensored for "export".

However, the Japanese porn industry still has to contend with laws governing the distribution of porn on Japanese soil. Even foreign-made porn like that of Yulia Nova destined for the Japanese market was censored. Export versions are rare although a few private companies have tried such as Oriental Dream.

>> No.1453698
File: 39 KB, 699x567, 1223940408571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1453665

>That Japanese porn is actually Korean porn but rebranded as "Japanese" because Japanese girls are not slutty whores?

>> No.1453677

fuck japs and especially fuck that kimshit garbage

>> No.1453701


>> No.1453719

Enjoy your sickly pale flat-faced mongoloids.

>> No.1453724

This is awesome.

>> No.1455815



>> No.1455835

Made by a dumb racist jap. But nonetheless, quite funny.

>> No.1455837

And the dinosaurs!?

>> No.1455841

similar to swedish porn - danish porn

>> No.1455848


Stork can get any woman he wants.

Oh wait... he'd have to be winning stuff, wouldn't he?

>> No.1455863

Korean women are far more attractive than japanese ones. I would notice.

>> No.1455871


