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14497806 No.14497806 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14489025

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Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs:

Equipment upgrade values:

Voices, Sprites, Furniture Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer/releases
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KanColle Viewer (yuyuvn successor): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer/releases

PS Vita Game was delayed to 18 February 2016: http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-There will be maintenace on the 28th.
-Kasumi will get her kai 2 sometime in Winter.
-Tanikaze, Ooyodo, Littorio and others received a Christmas sprite. Old sprites also returned.
-New permanent voice lines for Takao, Musashi, Sakawa and others.
-Oboro received a permanent remodel sprite.
-New Christmas furniture and BGM has been added.
-New ship level cap increased to 155.
-3 new composition quests have been added.
-Littorio temporarily drops from 4-5, Ooyodo from 3-5, and Kawakaze from 1-5, Tanikaze at 1-6
-New monthly rewarding a Skilled Crew Member to be added sometime in the future.
-KanColle Arcade has been delayed to Spring.

>> No.14497819

Android support got cancelled?

>> No.14497831

Weird, it seems the last sentence got cut off. It still planned though.

>> No.14498219

Delete thread

>> No.14498228

Delete yourself. From life.

>> No.14498231

Sorry /kcg/fag, I meant remake thread.

>> No.14498236

I'm even more offended that you think i'm him. I thought you were him. Seems we're at a mutual misunderstanding.

>> No.14498240
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>> No.14498244

Oh well.

>> No.14498254
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>> No.14498255 [DELETED] 

I checked and there was a real thread made at the right time but our stupid janitor deleted it.

I will remake it if nobody else does.

>> No.14498268

Poor Reppuu dog, noone uses him anymore.

>> No.14498283

By the looks of it we are stuck with the shit thread.
Good luck, I'm boycotting it.

>> No.14498299

Not the OP but how is this thread shit, beside people only posting in it to say it's a shit thread?

It's a virgin thread, if you want to make it good just post fucking good content instead of whining about who made it.

>> No.14498304

Somewhat botched OP.

>> No.14498312

>3screws->5screws to guarantee

>3screws->7screws to guarantee

Why the fuck is this allowed? Akashi, it is up to you now.

>> No.14498351
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Hatsuharu can be amazing at times.

>> No.14498357

I love getting those well-deserved B-rank victories.

>> No.14498369

true ojou-sama

>> No.14498478

Can someone guide me how to test the FuMO accuracy bullshit? I have time but don't know what exactly to do.

>> No.14498488

Get some level 99 BB to red fatigue (preferably single digit morale like 0), then give her a FuMO and nothing else, and make X runs at 1-1-A. See how many times her shelling hits. Repeat for a surface radar like the T32, as well as for the BB only radar, and also for nothing at all (the last one is the control group).

For added accuracy, split the results depending on which DD you encounter at 1-1-A (there are 3). You'll probably need a few hundred runs for each encounter and each equipment setup, so prepare to make a few thousand runs in total.

>> No.14498498

>in 4-5
>5 BBs + CV with two hotels
>9 runs on last kill alone
>either T-cross disadvantage or parallel engagement
>hotel getting taiha'd on opening air phase
>miss attacks
>ships can't even double attack even in air superiority
>attacks from hotels always absorbs by Ru-kai or boss, it's scratch
>resource bill per run is 1k+, not including the repair cost
>actually getting rank C
This is the most bullshit 4-5 I ever experience.
Maybe next week, I can be luckier.
This week is horrible.

>> No.14498500

>no CAs
>1 CV
You asked for it.

>> No.14498504

I cleared last dance with Red T using 1BB 2CV 3CA(V) this month. I think you just need to git gud

>> No.14498505

>meme fleet
>city of hotels
You're just asking to lose.

>> No.14498507

Got it. But my resource is not enough. Maybe later.

>> No.14498512
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>> No.14498517
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>using useless hotel

>> No.14498519

>not bring Cranes + 4 CA(V)

>> No.14498531

You can do one set of runs now and more a week later or something, it would be easier this way. I would appreciate it if you would be able to carry out the test. I wish I could help.

>> No.14498576

Still progressing through the early game. Grinded ships up to Kai in 3-2, got all the Bongous from it and unlocked the 4th fleet.
Should I be striving for anything in particular, or just progress as far as I can?

Also, I was told to stop trying to craft carriers and instead go try to get the ones I want (Shoukaku and Zuihou) from 5-4. I see they drop in 4-4 too but I guess the drop rate is much lower and not worth it?

>> No.14498579
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>> No.14498582

Put all 3 extra fleets to expeditions and start crafting ASW gear and planes.

What BBs do you have?

>> No.14498591

Hold it. Do you have any Kai2 ship?

>> No.14498592

4-4 has somewhat dangerous first node and quite dangerous preboss plus the chance of going to boss is only 50%.
On 5-4 you have guaranteed routing and getting taiha on the way is very rare unless you use ships with low armor.

You should try to get Sendai, Abukuma, Yuudachi, Shigure and possibly Ayanami, Jintsuu, Akatsuki and Kiso to Kai Ni on 1-5 before you reach HQ80.

>> No.14498605

Been using the dailies for ASW gear, so far got about 3 sonars and 2 depth charges.
BBs, the most leveled/modernized ones are Kongou, Mutsu, Fusou, Ise and Hyuuga. The last three are BBVs now. Kirishima is catching up.

Not yet.

>> No.14498614

If you are NEET, here how you can catch up to the veteran.
Do your dailies, weeklies and monthlies.
Spam 2-3 with your subs 24/7 when you have nothing to do.
Cleared up to 5-4.
There will be 2 farming location depending on who you want.
5-4 will have most of the carries that you want.
3-3 will have Nagato.
Do 250/30/200/30 until you have everything from there for your dailies and then move on to LSC once you got every ships in the game or when you have too much resources from spamming 2-3.

>> No.14498624

2-4 AP Shells (in general, asap) and 3 Sanshiki (for 4-5 this month and Winter event in February) are absolute necessity. Later you'll want six.

Good advice. 3-3 drops normal carriers pretty often as well and is a good place to use CAs (they have to be Kai and modernized though).

>> No.14498628

Where the hell did you get Myoukou? She's the only thing stopping me from getting the fourth fleet.

>> No.14498651

What this guy said.

Also once your subs are level 40 - 50, you can spam 3 of them at 3-2 for that ~100 steel resource node.

>> No.14498664

Why would you farm steel?
4-2 is far better anyway because you do weeklies there.

>> No.14498670

4-2 gives you a lot less and is far more annoying to farm. You will need steel especially if you rank or do LSC.

>> No.14498671

Because it's extremely lucrative there and he'll need it for repairs, development, and LSC eventually.

>> No.14498677
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I see.
And that's nice, have all of those except Abukuma. Time to grind.

I will save these objectives and follow them as possible.
That reminds me, this is probably a dumb question, but how do submarines work? Only have one (I-58), put a torpedo launcher on her but she never attacks, even after shelling phase.

She dropped from 3-2 for me.

Many thanks for all the helpful advice.

>> No.14498683

I only had problems with steel in first two weeks of playing. Even for Musashi crafting bauxite is harder to get than steel.

4-2 is at least useful.

Subs only attack in opening torpedo strike, closing torpedo and in yasen. before lv10 they need midget sub to perform opening attack.

>> No.14498684

Doing 1-1 repeatedly is going to fill your morale isn't it?

>> No.14498685

Subs level 10 and up, or with Type A Ko-Hyouteki (midget sub) do pre-emptive torpedo strikes.

If they're not chuuha'd after the main battle phases, they will do a closing torpedo strike.

DDs and CLs will be forced to attack subs, and if you have any Zuiun-equipped ships or CVLs with dive bombers, they will be forced to attack enemy subs too.

>> No.14498686

Not if you retreat after first node.

>> No.14498688

>CVLs with dive bombers
All bombers on CVLs attack subs.

>> No.14498691

>even after shelling phase
Moderately damaged ships can't fire closing torpedoes. They can perform pre-emptive torp attacks, though.

>> No.14498693

Subs are torpedo-only ships; they'll just fire a closing torpedo, and an opening torpedo if they're L10 or higher (or are equipping a minisub). No shelling at all.

>> No.14498697

Oh. I've always had dbs on my CVLs if I intend them to attack subs, but ok.

>> No.14498699

For what purpose. You've just been crippling their ASW performance.

>> No.14498706

How would dive bombers with ASW stats cripple my CVLs' ASW performance?

>> No.14498709
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My dick.

>> No.14498710

Torpedo bombers tend to have better ASW stats. For example Tenzans 12 have +6 ASW.

>> No.14498712

Because torpedo bombers generally give better ASW than dive bombers. Look up the stats.

>> No.14498716

If his only blue planes are Ryuusei Kai or something he might as well stick to red planes.

Not like CVLs' planes do much more than scratch damage to subs anyway. Even if you had Tenzan 931. I ended up grinding plane ranks by using them as mules at 1-5.

>> No.14498721

That's true. With proficiency, CVL overcrits do way more damage than the plane ASW stat itself.

>> No.14498732
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Damn, what a clean run.

>> No.14498757

CVL with 931 and three Autogyro has 34 ASW.

>> No.14498760

>931 and three Autogyro
Enjoy your red T at the boss.

Also autogyro isn't something I'd expect that guy to have.

>> No.14498772

>Enjoy your red T at the boss.
Sure. I have yet to get an A rank on 1-5 in past four months since I stopped using Saiun. Though recently I just use CAV instead of CVL.
Saiun is only needed if you lack T3 ASW.

I know, I just wanted to say that CVLs can do more than scratch. Getting 21 ASW is quite realistic with four planes and that setup can oneshot elite Ka-class half the time in doukousen.

>> No.14498778

Now if only the boss node didn't crit my CVL all the time.

>> No.14498784

That's why CAV is better, they are sturdier and can attack in chuuha.

>> No.14498786

Just put bulges and saiun on your CVL. CVL is far more useful as a tank than playing dice hoping to roll crits

>> No.14498796

Also, when using CVL, you should use
This way CVL gains 16 morale during the sortie BBV maintains 49 by getting MVP on first node and DD/CL shoot last in second shelling to assure boss dies.

Things get fucked up when you use double chevrons Seiran and autogyro on BBV because she gets MVP half the time or even more often.

That's stupid. Crit won't care about your bulges.

>> No.14498846

good 1-5 strats
CL T4x3, T3x1
BBV T0x3, helicopterx1
CVL lv1
DD lv1 with shitty asw equips

>> No.14498870

Are we really arguing about 1-5 now?

>> No.14498873

1 cvl fodder + 3 cl/dd fodder

>> No.14498881

Why not?

>sinking AA mod material

>> No.14498884

Where is your super sonar?

>> No.14498888

I just realized I never pay attention to what my 1-5 setup is, I just throw tb and dbs on CVL, 4 zuiuns on BBV for no reason at all and just standard ASW on 2 CLs and it didn't fail me.

1-5 is piss easy anyway except for the sniper on the first node maybe

>> No.14499008

RJ is 10% drop at 5-4

>> No.14499045

I can't wait for Kaga kai2.

>> No.14499057

I can.

>> No.14499128

>hit 80 HQ over Fall event
>Want to go level Hagikaze
>finally have to use 4-3

Stop sending me to J node please.

This shit costs so much resources jesus fuck.

>> No.14499130

5-1 is waiting.

>> No.14499168

>not grinding 5-4

>> No.14499225

i find if DD is below 120ish, chance of retreat is very high

>> No.14499246

Give your CLs 20.3cm/So/Dc and equip your CA with Mgun/Mgun/seaplane/radar to minimize the risk of retreating.

>> No.14499278

I have no idea what you're doing wrong.

>> No.14499304
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Tell your DD to git gud.

>> No.14499327

He's sinking subs.

>> No.14499361
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Then I realized he probably married them just to save on resources.

>> No.14499369

I don't see anything wrong with doing it for that reason. Only the first ring counts.

>> No.14499376

Littorio, Tone, or Katsuragi; who should get my next blueprint?

>> No.14499379


>> No.14499382

Tone is the only useful one of the three.

>> No.14499386

Tone for usefulness, Littorio for equipment, Katsuragi for her ass and 5-4.

>> No.14499403
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A node is easy peasy, and now I've even got a way to cheaply kai up luck fodder.

I should've gotten into this ages ago.

>> No.14499405

>not doing all three nodes

>> No.14499414

M-muh bucket efficiency

>> No.14499418

You only do the first node if you're leveling slow ships.

>> No.14499421

I think I'll give it ti Littorio, the next CA I want to train is Kako and I don't rank.

>> No.14499423

I spend maybe one or two buckets every 5 full runs.

>> No.14499449
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>> No.14499454

not everyone can get as lucky as you

>> No.14499458

Maybe with married fleet.

>> No.14499460

qt ooboro

>> No.14499463

Truly fabulous. But now who is the ugliest girl?

>> No.14499469

You don't need to repair until you get a chuuha.

>> No.14499470

no its all luck
lv135-140 average DD BB CA CAV 2CV
use 1.5 buckets per run
unryuu class/CA(V)s are shit and always go red/orange at boss

>> No.14499472

I always think Bono looks like she's vomiting.

>> No.14499473

No shit sherlock.

>> No.14499474

>lv135-140 average DD BB CA CAV 2CV
Does this look like a married fleet to you? >>14499304

>> No.14499477
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We need more Pasta ships. Enough with these nazi whores.

>> No.14499478

Kusoboner or one of the Asashios.

>> No.14499479

That's not even the boss node.

>> No.14499481

The boss node is even easier.

>> No.14499484


>> No.14499485

Because you do 5 runs a day and repair scratch with Akashi.

>> No.14499494

thats why i said you're only getting lucky
not everyone has as good luck as you

>> No.14499502

As someone who has done nearly 600 runs this month, you are full of shit. Rarely were perfect S ranks a thing and rarely did the BBs miss.

>> No.14499503

Bad players are just unlucky

>> No.14499509
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help I feel something awakening inside me

>> No.14499524
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Man I must be amazingly lucky then because this is the first run of the day.

>> No.14499535

It's a pleb taste. Don't worry, it isn't terminal.

>> No.14499536

First runs of the day are always good you insufferable idiot.
The problem comes from scratch accumulating over consecutive runs but to know that you would have to play this game for more than an hour a day.

>> No.14499540

Idlecolle is life.

>> No.14499542

The scratch damage builds up over time, so you are always left with 1 light damage and the other just getting started and the cycle starts. That's where the 1-2 buckets per run comes from.

>> No.14499545
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>german engineering

>> No.14499549

Barring improvements and Orel, how many quints are enough for practical purposes? 4? 6?

>> No.14499553


>> No.14499558

I have 5 max and 3 triple oxygen torpedoes max. I think that's enough since you want to have someone use guns anyway during events. Some might say 12 total.

>> No.14499563

Assume ban on CLTs.
Fleet is:
Abukuma, 2DD, Bisko/DD, 2CA
You want to use stashell and maybe searchlight.
2 Quints for Abukuma, 2-3 Quints for each DD. With CAs you have multiple options but in hardcore scenario you would want them to use torp cut-in as well.
6 Quints are absolute minimum. It's good to have ~10.

>> No.14499567 [DELETED] 

are you a cop? seeing those niggers run loose and not in jail must have triggered you

>> No.14499568


2 for ABKM
6 for 2x CA
4 for 2x DD


>> No.14499576

>first time doing LSC
>get Taihou

>> No.14499578

Fuck you kindly, anon-san.

>> No.14499590
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>> No.14499592

Why couldn't luck be a shop item? I am so mad that I Maruyu doesn't want to show up.

>> No.14499594

>first time doing construction
>get Nagato
>first time doing LSC
>get Musashi

>> No.14499597

You want the game to become pay2win?

>> No.14499625

It just gets frustrating when I only need 1 or 2 more to complete the set. I'm lucky to get all 5 within 3 months.

>> No.14499651

>first time loading up the game
>get Bismarck

>> No.14499653

I really wish there was some news. I know the event just ended, but something to look forward to while I'm grinding would be nice.

>> No.14499655

Fuck you, I'm gonna go over 100k baux with next try.

>> No.14499673

>not getting Taihou as a Christmas gift from Tanaka

>> No.14499679

Nice. Maybe I should save some dev kits for christmas eve and do some Bismarck attempts

>> No.14499682

I don't even know who to use as flagship.

>> No.14499706

155 Fubuki. Has to be the only one married, you need to scrap/sink your other waifus.

>> No.14499713

She's lv72. I got her to Kai Ni in March. Would other shibafu ship work? I have one at level 143.

>> No.14499721

>marrying shibashits

>> No.14499722
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>Trying for Musashi
>Have Max as secretary for no good reason
>Get Bisquick
>Hotels never
T-thanks... I guess she can wait in line with all the other ships I don't have enough blueprints for.

>> No.14499727

Only Abukuma and Cranes have priority over Bismarck.

>> No.14499736

Of course not.

>> No.14499740

Why the cranes? Just out of curiosity

>> No.14499744

They're the best carriers in the game.
They're armored carriers.
You get Iwamoto.

>> No.14499749

I've already got ABKM done. I'll put her in line behind Shoukaku and Zui.

Sorry Littorio, maybe next time.

>> No.14499759

Are there any considerably viable strategies for clearing weeklies/monthlies without subs? For example, 2-2 for transports, but what setup would be efficient?

>> No.14499760


>> No.14499795
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You can look forward to the worst possible candidate for a remodel.

>> No.14499805

I tought we are getting Kasumi instead of a shitbafu, a shame then.

>> No.14499812

But I thought Kasumi was getting a remodel.

>> No.14499813

You're just jealous, kuzu.

>> No.14499833


That's not kusoboner

>> No.14499857

She's even shittier than Abukuma. I won't be surprised if she's the first DD able to equip minisubs.

>> No.14499865

Actually, kind of am.

>> No.14499871

I hope she gets a godly design and ridiculous stats with blueprint remodel and we get lots of hatefucking fanart out of it.

>> No.14499916

How do you usually take care of your 50 transport weekly? Orel noticed that's the only quest I had so it only sends me to the boss node now.

>> No.14499919

2-2, if even that fails: 5-4

>> No.14499921

4-3 while you level your DD/CL

>> No.14499926

What do you usually run on 2-2?

>> No.14499929
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I just want more suffering images. It's the only thing that satisfies me anymore.

>> No.14499944


>> No.14499945

Man, I like Kasumi's design alot. I always played with no sound, so I didn't know she was talking shit the whole time.

>> No.14499950

Dont listen to those shitters, they are butthurt kusbonersfags, she's a great daughteru in need of a father figure.

>> No.14499953

Stop the slave abuse.

>> No.14499958
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Just lost Kitakami because I accidentally pressed continue while looking at 4chan. Am I a bad TTK?

>> No.14499959

I ran my subs out there and got sent north which apparently has a line abreast formation, so all I got was 5 bauxite, a torch, and an injured Hacchan

>> No.14499960

Are you seriously implying they exist? Everybody with brain dislikes Kasumi.

>> No.14499963

I hope she didn't have good equipment.

>> No.14499964

Kasumi and Akebono are both shit.

>> No.14499970

Luckily the equipment wasn't too valuable but I don't think I can face Ooi

>> No.14499974

I'm asshurt the kai 2 could have gone to Ooyodo, Senkan or Asashimo, except it goes to this literal bitch. I knew it was coming, but I still hoped it wasn't true.

>> No.14499975

Midget and two 15.5 then. Grind up another KTKM, you'll be doing it in the future anyway.

>> No.14499990

I've been doing 10/251/250/10 the whole week and I haven't gotten a single 41cm gun. How the fuck am I supposed to upgrade Bisco guns like this?

>> No.14499995
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I wish I could get rid of them fast enough.

>> No.14500003
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Hagikaze is cute

>> No.14500005

I don't get offended by little girl banter, if she was a grown up BB or CV then I might dislike her.

>> No.14500009


>> No.14500015
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>> No.14500043

That's gay.

>> No.14500044

Grab a Mutsu from 3-3, 4-2 or 5-4 and do 30 sorties to 5-4-A.
You have three guns at low cost.

>> No.14500054

You're a terrible person for dismissing opinions of younger girls.

>> No.14500109

Spam Bw1 on 1-1 Then do the rest of my dailies. Either I get more Transports or I work on getting 5 bosses in 2-3

>> No.14500188

450 points until im in top 20. Will I make it?

>> No.14500208

No, the autism gets worse the higher you get.

>> No.14500240

>I'm asshurt the kai 2 could have gone to Ooyodo, Senkan or Asashimo

>Senkan or Asashimo
>kai 2


>> No.14500258
File: 144 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151218-08251694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnngh exp

>> No.14500325 [DELETED] 

>nigger in pvp

>> No.14500340

When you get there you'll realize most of the top 20 haven't cleared any EOs yet.

>> No.14500356

I hope you're ready to grind up another 2000.

>> No.14500384


I'm like 140 points out of the top 100 and I've given up.

>> No.14500408

>Nishimura fleet comp hinting on Kancolle twitter

What's a good comp to farm Asagumo on 1-6? Preferably node B.

Level your Yamagumos.

>> No.14500416


>Leyte for anything but summer

highly unlikely

>> No.14500422

What? I only see the Shigure figure.

>> No.14500424

Far too soon for an event announcement, especially one of Leyte magnitude.

>> No.14500459

Would Ten-Go be a Winter or Spring event?

>> No.14500472


>> No.14500479
File: 57 KB, 215x301, doomed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>can't sortie CV(L)s during the entire event

>> No.14500502

>carriers dead end you
>air denial all the way through
Get the lube ready, having no CLT is nothing compared to having no carriers.

>> No.14500511

But we'll be able to bring Akitsumaru again :^)

Fuck you Tanaka

>> No.14500512


>bring a bunch of BBVs and CAVs with chevron Zuiuns to get parity
>elite Tsu at every node


>> No.14500517

I had to use chitose and chiyoda for E3

>> No.14500522

Anyone else getting constant catbombs?

>> No.14500543

Elite tsu at every node accompanied by Wo Kai IV

>> No.14500547

No, your server is complete shit.

>> No.14500549

Lucky you.
I only had Mizuho and FastSuck

>> No.14500648 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 411x462, 1450403872710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys haven't been trying for Taihou.

It'd be a shame if you ran out of bauxite.

>> No.14500652


>only had Mizuho

yeah go fuck yourself

>> No.14500655

Why bother? They are low cost in both sortieing and repairing.

>> No.14500683
File: 2.37 MB, 1780x5000, fall15losses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more sinking reports.

>> No.14500707


>the guy who married imuya

great thread

>> No.14500714
File: 60 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151217-21110594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LSC for Yamato
>Minimize after completing so I can find out who it is based on the line
>"Who the hell is that"

Can't complain.

>> No.14500717

Nobody sinks anything anymore, not even for desperate attempts anymore.

>> No.14500719

I can check through the comments at the wikia; haven't played a drinking game in a long time.

60% of it is probably about Graf/Prinz

>> No.14500723

I want second Seiran but already have all the BB, what would be the best way?

>> No.14500732

I don't get how people sink ships after misclicking, why don't they just refresh after realizing their fuckup

>> No.14500773
File: 335 KB, 462x367, 2015-12-18_03-32-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

142 damage in doukousen.
Upgrade your Pasta guns.

>> No.14500788
File: 7 KB, 52x55, KanColle-151217-20382145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting there.

>> No.14500797

>all of those easy clears
I'm dying here.

>> No.14500804

I'm getting nervous just seeing less than 20 screws. Hang in there anon and do your weeklies, including World 4 -> 5.
New quest chain gives 7 screws total so there's that too.

Devs should introduce new weekly or at least a monthly, shit is hard when you want to go beyond +6. The good guns need 4+ screws and Quint slider requires 7.

>> No.14500858
File: 21 KB, 720x317, Kashima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell whether real or not though.

>> No.14500861

>Not Zuiun

What the hell

>> No.14500868

>there exists people that don't pay attention to what ships they're using to modernize

why is this allowed?

>> No.14500869

I already have 233 fighter power.

>> No.14500881
File: 289 KB, 756x1051, 1449748864878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far would you go with her?

>> No.14500895

I can't cheat on the flagship of my heart.

>> No.14500906

My wife already has the sexiest body out of all the shipgirls, so I can't be stolen by other girls. Their bodies just don't compare.

>> No.14500907


so how did Nishimura TTK fair in this event?

>> No.14500924
File: 205 KB, 728x1996, KTKM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again I can't confirm validity.
He sounds like an attention whore, but all wikia comments are like that.

I'm gonna need another bottle soon.

>> No.14500926

Mogamin won him the medal.

>> No.14500934

His comment during final kill of E5
>so, who will get the kill?
Says a lot about the event when he doesn't even consider the possibility of failure.

>> No.14500944

I didn't know 13 year olds played this game.

>> No.14500948

Hardest part was E4, after that finishing was a given.

>> No.14500965


He was stuck on E-4 forever.

>> No.14500968

>she wasn't red
Every time.

>> No.14500988
File: 59 KB, 395x401, 1435493541591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy who accidentally married imuya
lmao that shit was golden

>> No.14500993

Why? Lack of ASW or did he once again put just Fusou and Yamashiro in main fleet?

>> No.14500997

>2nd time sink KTKM
These faggots. Nice work; even alcohol isn't enough for me to put up with wikia.

>> No.14501040

The TTK going nuclear on his fleet is depressing. I don't know what drives people to do mass scraping. Reminds me of the Valentine's Day massacre from Winter.

>> No.14501061
File: 90 KB, 1550x208, even him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that nobody has an excuse to have not gotten Eugen

>> No.14501103

Why does he type like such a faggot?

>> No.14501114

average purinshitter

>> No.14501118
File: 88 KB, 894x890, 1448680876586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't honestly believe that was him instead of some other guy fucking around considering the state of his fleet and how long it took him to clear E3.

>> No.14501123

Everyone goes stupid during event time.

>> No.14501127

Node M wasn't hard, and he had the type 3 shells as indicated by that picture. His main main fleet such as his battleships could have been a lot higher level than his destroyers. Such as his Takao there, which is 71.

>> No.14501136
File: 31 KB, 720x346, Suzuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one.

>> No.14501149

The Imuya marriage was golden

>> No.14501157

Are you actually reading all the comments? I only got to 2 pages before I started cringing hard.

>> No.14501162

It wasn't particularly hard if you're familiar with the game, but that guy was barely bumbling through E1-E3 while having his hand held the entire time. For him to S rank that node on his own, on the first try, presumably on easy with the diamond formation stuff, while also getting Prinz is like winning the lottery tier luck. I find it far more believable it was just someone trying to piss off people even more considering how many found the guy annoying during the event.

>> No.14501193

Does anybody have the Spring 15 losses collage?

>> No.14501207
File: 74 KB, 480x740, 1b4cac4899cb5cba802bbfb33ae05220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14501221

LOL wtf boss cuttin 168 damage too full health Haguro instantly sunk

>> No.14501227

My wife

>> No.14501256
File: 63 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151218-12303671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying time

>> No.14501265

Good taste. I like you anon

>> No.14501284

Shit taste. I dislike you anon

>> No.14501289

How do you bully Hoppou with subs and carriers?

>> No.14501293

>using 4 kanmusus

>> No.14501294

But she's my wife too
I think that's before shelling

>> No.14501296

>4 kanmusus
But there's 5. I clearly see Taihou, Shoukaku, Zuikaku, Goya and Ro there.

>> No.14501299

By rendering her rigged shelling powerless and sailing past her while laughing at her silly hat

>> No.14501317

Ro doesn't count because she's a nigger

captcha: select all boats

>> No.14501320

Check your eyes, there are clearly four there.

>> No.14501397

How do I keep the motivation to play the game?

I'm so burned out I don't even want to send out expeditions.

>> No.14501408

Don't stress over it too much. You can take a break since the event is months away.

>> No.14501413

I dont know, I barely send expeditions now, 2 years is way to much for something that can barely be called game.
Right now Im having a blast with Turok Ex dancing to the bongos.

>> No.14501445

Use your motivation for something more useful and log in when you're bored.

>> No.14501483
File: 21 KB, 701x251, Izuzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another.

>> No.14501485

Nothing will prevent retards from being retards.

>> No.14501501


tool users confirmed for wikiashitters, join the in-browser master race or be laughed off of /jp/

>> No.14501525
File: 61 KB, 798x477, 11219238_1530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason this got posted in the fall comments.
If the alcohol isn't affecting me, this is from summer

>> No.14501534


>> No.14501545

Holy shit, Beaver escapes death once again.

>> No.14501550


Worth it in the end but he had no way of ensuring that their sacrifice wouldn't be in vain.

>> No.14501561
File: 329 KB, 701x368, living the dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14501565



>> No.14501570

Also 2 memedals

>> No.14501574


Unless he hibernates that isn't bad for his HQ level.

>> No.14501576
File: 164 KB, 1124x507, Fubuki+Akigumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, why is there so many?
I thought Fall would be lean pickings, but I just keep finding them.

>> No.14501584

But I need some place to train my CVL.

>> No.14501594

>spent my whole resours building new ship
I don't know what to say, how do you fuck up that badly?

>> No.14501611

Tone > Littorio > Katsuragi

>> No.14501619

2 for CLT
2 for CL
2 for DD
2 for DD
3 for CA
3 for CA

Total: 14

>> No.14501629

Does 3 torpedoes on a DD lower the luck cap for cut-in or was that a dumb myth I heard?

>> No.14501634

Having everyone do torpedo cut-in in combined fleet is not a good idea.

>> No.14501636


Did you skip summer?

>> No.14501639

Are there any charts showing the failure rates of upgrading different equipment? What are the odds of failing Quints to get to +7?

>> No.14501644

Yeah, I preferred to have someone actually hit something in day.

>> No.14501659

>that many memepedos

>> No.14501675

I have never failed a quint and have 4 at +9 and another at +5, but I have failed an OTO upgrade at 5, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.14501679

I don't really see the point of using cut-in on KTKM and Ooi. If I'm calculating right they already hit 285 with double attack, which is really close to the 300 cap. Better for CA who can just barely hit 300 with the cut-in.

How badly do the returns diminish over 300? It's not a hard cap right? How much higher than 300 does KTKM cut-in do?

>> No.14501680

If I scrapped my very first starter ship and got her again from the drop, will leveling this ship ease my former starter ship's soul?

>> No.14501683

No she'd just get pouty

>> No.14501685

At chuuha they can deal almost as much damage with CI as they can with full health DA, I think it's worth it for that.

>> No.14501692

Also yeah, it's a soft cap, where excess above 300 is square rooted. With 2 quints KTKM can deal 308 damage at CI.

>> No.14501694


>> No.14501696

Knowing the devs, they might actually do that.

>> No.14501705

You can hit cap with 2 torps and a 20.3 on a CA.

>> No.14501745
File: 158 KB, 644x361, xdL2j1J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I've ever seen one.

>> No.14501747
File: 19 KB, 717x208, Nenohi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is probably the last one.

Reading those wikia comments was harder that the event itself.

>> No.14501784
File: 817 KB, 1210x1360, Xenzul's profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.14501793
File: 235 KB, 750x750, 72d0022970d6afbd511d3c6024d23d54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably never avenged her.

>> No.14501794

Why'd you include my post saying I ignored farming for Graf Zeppelin? That meant I didn't even bother with easy at all.

Also I thought there were more than just those few people to have cleared E4 on easy by mistake.

>> No.14501799
File: 1.17 MB, 800x699, 1436362341668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14501820

>l-look guys, im gonna show you how sad those fuckers are
>o-obviously that im not the sad one here wasting time doing this in literal nobodies
The whole compilation thing is a giant sack of faggotry, pay no attention to it.

>> No.14501862

Aww don't say that, or else he might not make one next event

>> No.14501863
File: 175 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151218-15214869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty cheap for 3-5 north

>> No.14501867

Even if it's mean in some ways the end of the day it's all in good fun.


>> No.14501871

No shit, you married everybody.

>> No.14501877
File: 315 KB, 700x900, CWQuKgIUAAAnhFg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take responsibility for my drunk escapades

>> No.14501884

Kuntsumi hit 70, should I keep going?

>> No.14501886

80 is the safe number, 75 if you are lazy.

>> No.14501922
File: 123 KB, 800x480, hello_where_are_the_single_ship_fleets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job girls, you tried your best.

>> No.14501923

She won't be that OP to require such high level.

>> No.14501936

I hope kasumi k2 still sucks so i can continue to scrap her on sight

>> No.14501944

Do people even keep Ushio?

>> No.14501956
File: 262 KB, 700x860, 49217084_p31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14501987

Where do you get your imags from?

>> No.14501998
File: 669 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151218-02151634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying marriage scenes with seasonal art is always entertaining.

>> No.14502120

It turned out better than I was expecting. Good thing that guy who married Imuya saved the event.

>> No.14502170

Doesn't want to play anymore, most likely. As long as they're there, there's always a pull. But if he gets rid of everything, the pull is gone.

I kept mine. Not the strongest, but she's cute.

>> No.14502351
File: 532 KB, 900x554, 54095002.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14502376

She looks incredibly malnourished, disgusting.

>> No.14502380

That kind of girl is called fit everywhere not burgerland.

>> No.14502393

Alright whatever, I just don't find the ribs and all the bones sticking out appealing to me.

>> No.14502405

Ribs work that way when you stretch your torso and arms up like that unless they're covered with a lot of fat, I'm not a fan of ribs either but it makes sense there.

>> No.14502548

Neither Ooyodo, Senkan, or Yankeegumo were the flagship for Rei-Go. Deal with it faggot.

>> No.14502553
File: 329 KB, 1023x565, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14502568

Fuck you I still have that married Imuya because of you

>> No.14502571
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here for you.

>> No.14502580
File: 30 KB, 416x222, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May the two of you have a long happy life together.

>> No.14502585
File: 652 KB, 797x482, green t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake me up

>> No.14502586
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1443279906637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't feel so bad. Not him, but you made me laugh heartily when I was in despair and about to give up during farming.

>> No.14502588

Use support.

>> No.14502599
File: 542 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151218-23145272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14502602

Akashi can't fix that useless crane.

>> No.14502606


>> No.14502609
File: 217 KB, 640x904, vsZq4D92cBf3OR67seVT5Kda57HPV2lV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14502613

Anon, easy, it's only 1-2 buckets per five whole runs!

>> No.14502616
File: 193 KB, 640x904, xZqO32aXiiXZYOYKQi2Mea6PIV6XukJO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day Jintsuu will not be able to return.

>> No.14502622
File: 3.64 MB, 2500x4700, spring15losses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for all the wikia screenshots. I'll do a little more searching today and get version 2 together.

What did you mean by "You aren't alone"?

There must have been more. I missed a lot around Thanksgiving and posts that don't include the words sink/sank/sunk are more likely to be missed.

A sad waste of time would be when I sparkled an entire combined fleet plus both supports in 1-1 last winter.

It seems mean to those who are still pure, but many kuso teitokus find it therapeutic.

She's one of my top destroyers.

Congratulations, anon. A toast to the lucky couple. I never thought a happy victory would become the highlight of one of these.

>> No.14502628

I still can't believe people lost anything other than dupe Goyas during Spring.

>> No.14502655

>What did you mean by "You aren't alone"?
I meant he wasn't the only one since there were so many poor sods doing the same thing as him.

I probably phrased it poorly though.

>> No.14502666

Mad Indonesian detected.

How many ships did you sink in winter?

>> No.14502704

Those of you who got a second Akashi, did you keep her or merely took away her cranes?

>> No.14502708

I haven't gotten around to leveling her yet but I plan on scrapping her after I get her second crane.

There is very little point in keeping the second Akashi since keeping her will only let you repair one additional ship. It is only once you get to the third that you can consider keeping them since then you'll have more cranes than one Akashi can hold.

>> No.14502709
File: 648 KB, 800x478, My dearest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally! Best ship get!

My heart is satisfied with Nachi

>> No.14502710

Scrap, I don't keep dupes and being able to repair one extra ship at the cost of an expedition fleet doesn't seem worth it.

>> No.14502714

>No hourlies
Sucks to be you man

>> No.14502715

People here have been making compilations since the earliest Kancolle threads, it's a time-honoured tradition to mock the kusos of the Facebook groups, then the Wikia, and now even some in the /jp/ thread after the game got big.

If anything, it's a testament to the superiority of the playerbase here(seriously) over those and probably every other Kancolle-playing group I've seen out there because of effective information sharing, a high level of game mechanic knowledge, and a culture of prudence.

>> No.14502716

At least he isn't me. No hourlies and christmas line for my shipfu hurt.

>> No.14502719

Keep her at base form and marry her, once I'm done with my first Akashi, who's halfway through level 98 now.

>small c

>> No.14502721

How about no hourlies, no christmas line and the married secretary line is reused from equipping.

>> No.14502723

who is this

>> No.14502746

Aoba, apparently. But I'm pretty sure there are more ships like that.

>> No.14502767

pick your poison guys

>> No.14502769


>> No.14502772

Himebutta, at least it has that fish guy doing shoops. (unless he's just reposting in which case fuck him too)

>> No.14502775


>> No.14502777

I miss the days when Himeuta was the big yet harmless boogieman.

Dealing with Wikia now that they are the primary source of believable but dangerous misinformation is an annoyance and a half.

>> No.14502782

Reddit. At least they don't use small c exclusively.

>> No.14502791

leddit and himebuta still acceptable too some degree, but fb and wikia is a complete cancer

>> No.14502799


Is this even possible to complete?

>> No.14502803

Support expedition.

>> No.14502811

Her sister is better so it's fine

>> No.14502815

>Kinugusa better than Aoba

How can one man be so horribly incorrect?

>> No.14502846

It is. One try without support here.

>> No.14502868

But he's right, Kinugasa is cute as hell. Not that Aoba isn't cute, Kinugasa is just cuter, mate.

>> No.14503030
File: 224 KB, 533x1014, Screenshot_49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-5 virgin here. Should I keep grinding before I attempt it or is it worth giving it a shot? Also, what's the bucket consumption I should expect?

>> No.14503060

Defintiely less than 100 buckets. Maybe below 50 depending on luck.
You should be fine, I cleared it without Bisko or Cranes. Sparkle everyone, consider route support.

>> No.14503066

Levels don't matter there.

It's also become a lot easier there now with ranked planes. Expect ~50 buckets tops.

>> No.14503097
File: 87 KB, 800x480, [TTK] 2015-12-19 03-01-30 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal Love for Kashima apparently.

>> No.14503174
File: 57 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151218-13510681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14503212
File: 87 KB, 600x512, 42224356_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Goya your tomodechi?

>> No.14503213

Fuck you that's why.

>> No.14503218

just wait til later to face him

>> No.14503232

I wish I could sort the ships in the equipment menu by ship type, having to find them by level is cancer.

>> No.14503240

How the fuck do I craft Z3?

>> No.14503242

By reading the wiki.

>> No.14503243

dechi is like cockroach
dirty, can find everywhere, and can survive even if you wanted to sink her

>> No.14503251
File: 318 KB, 808x409, 2015-12-18 4.17.27 p.m..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? what happened?

>> No.14503258


>> No.14503260

You're in Orel.

>> No.14503261

Welcome to the abyss.

>> No.14503271
File: 601 KB, 795x480, murige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got nigged
pic related

>> No.14503280

5-1-A or 5-1-B routing for the Nishimura fleet quest?

>> No.14503293

Just bring one more CA(V).

>> No.14503298

>Two CA/CAV to guarantee sortie start->A, and H -> I (boss) route
>Having at least 2 CA(V) will always send you to node I.
>Otherwise, there is a 80% chance to go to node E instead.

>> No.14503302

It's just that the lack of AS is making me consider taking the trollsub route.

>> No.14503307

Well sure you can take the trollsub route.

And then never reach the boss ever.

>> No.14503311

>lack of AS
I went with 2 zuiun on each BBV and CAV no problem.

>> No.14503327

How does Makigumo even shoot without fingers?

>> No.14503330
File: 105 KB, 800x480, 2015-12-18 21-50-40 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub at first node
Hello D-rank, my old friend.

>> No.14503335

>lack of AS
This isn't first half of 2015 anymore.

>> No.14503336

>no Tone
>not even remodeling Fusou
>not even kai what's her name

>> No.14503337

Most ships can shoot their guns with just their mind.

>> No.14503341

Cockroaches aren't as dirty as you think.
You uneducated pleb dechi hater.

>> No.14503345

>>no Tone
>>not even remodeling Fusou
No blueprints, I'm >>14503030.
>>not even kai what's her name
Literally just dropped while sparkling for 5-5.

>> No.14503353


How do you not have blueprints, did you skip EOs all the time?

>> No.14503356

>Trying to do 5-5 when you can barely do 5-1

>> No.14503360

Looking at his IDs he's one of those people who never sorties and only do expeditions and daily crafting and constructions

>> No.14503364

>no Tone or Fusou
You went full retard.

Nobody is forcing you to do Nishimura quest now, wait until February or enjoy wasting resources.

>> No.14503371

I haven't played for that long, and I actually had a 3 month break from the game. I'll admit Italia was my fuckup, her low remodel level tempted me.

>> No.14503389
File: 104 KB, 800x480, 2015-12-18 22-07-11 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That said, do I remodel Yamashiro with my freshly acquired blueprint or wait for Fusou to reach level?

>> No.14503414

Difference is small, but I like Fusou better so Fusou.

>> No.14503428

Yamashiro is love, Yamashiri is life.

>> No.14503456

Yamashiro is shit but gameplay wise they're almost identical.

>> No.14503460

You're shipfu is shit.

>> No.14503482

None of my shipfus are Yamashiro so you're wrong, sorry man.

>> No.14503495

Your loss.

>> No.14503504
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, 54060781_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You married her right?

>> No.14503508
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>> No.14503523


>> No.14503526

Wrong finger Tone, wrong finger.

>> No.14503534

Good taste.

>> No.14503535


>weakest BB
>guns can't be upgraded


>> No.14503546

Her not so dumb sister is superior.

>> No.14503548
File: 1.67 MB, 1984x1403, b401a41afcc1948f340b4a425ca0157f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We agree that Kirishima is the better Kongou, right?

>> No.14503553

>highest firepower

>> No.14503556


Fuck off back to your hole, meganefag. Haruna might be awful but at least she isn't repulsive.

>> No.14503563
File: 622 KB, 888x888, 67e0fd81ed06b2fdf47fc480ab47fd2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I didn't say I hate Haruna, however I would dick Kirishima first everytime.

>> No.14503573
File: 55 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141231-12432486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Pure love.

>> No.14503583

Just look at that confidence, of course she is.

>> No.14503587

What other changes would occur to the game if there was no sinking immunity?

>> No.14503592


The biggest change would be that no one would play.

>> No.14503594

Craftable Damecons

>> No.14503601

Purchaseable items to revive a shipgirl, tanaka becomes billionaire overnight.

>> No.14503605

I probably wouldn't play.

>> No.14503611
File: 579 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150716-20401850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many get the ring under my command, but she did.

>> No.14503628
File: 1.08 MB, 874x1240, 46924042_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man it'll be our one year anniversary soon. Maybe I'll just get her something for christmas and call it even.

>> No.14503702

How many ships do you need to sparkle for exp 21? Just 4?

>> No.14503730


>> No.14503796

How do I get steel without running exped 37? I already have a lot of ammo.

>> No.14503797

Taihou doesn't exist, right?

>> No.14503801


>> No.14503802

Run ex38?

>> No.14503803
File: 404 KB, 509x750, 183_xmas_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>base art is better than kai art
Why is this?

>> No.14503804

Ah fuck me, why do I have to level shitty Asashio class for catapult?

Fuck this crane's remodel can go fuck themselves.

>> No.14503811

What made you think so?

>> No.14503812


>> No.14503817


>> No.14503833

Keep doing it? Why is having more bad?

>> No.14503902
File: 608 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151218-17105522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you win PvP matches with your waifu fleet?

>> No.14503905

I only have four and one is a carrier so it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.14503975

>one is a carrier
It's not really hard to win pvp with carriers.

>> No.14503986

PvP is easy in general but I don't want to waste bauxite and not using planes on CV is a crime.

>> No.14503989

>no S-rank

>> No.14504006

I use green planes and saiun for AS at least.

>> No.14504012
File: 2.49 MB, 3541x2507, 261f65adc5ca5419b53fe6617872f89b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I married the genki Brit.

>> No.14504014

Yeah, but who didn't?

>> No.14504018


>> No.14504019

Everyone does their cut-ins except Hacchan, despite having the highest luck in the image.

>> No.14504022

Literally everyone with good taste.

>> No.14504024
File: 134 KB, 800x480, XXXIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends.

>> No.14504025
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>he didn't marry best girl

>> No.14504027
File: 223 KB, 568x388, floor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing.

>> No.14504034

There's a ton of ships to choose from, so a lot?

>> No.14504041

I read that as Genki Butt

>> No.14504042

How does it not melt?

>> No.14504051
File: 550 KB, 716x925, 50d831077358077144eef17297c9e1ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genki Butt

>> No.14504084

It's a LED candle.

>> No.14504101

>yankeegumo is by far the best gumo
>weaker than kisaragi


>> No.14504138
File: 406 KB, 800x1132, ee59cb7493889eea1a2280a2c158d6d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's all bark and no bite. She's almost Tenryuu tier, almost.

>> No.14504142

So she's also fun to bully

>> No.14504246

Does anyone know what Graf's christmas lines say?

>> No.14504250


>> No.14504274

How do I get Yahagi?

>> No.14504281

By trying to build the big Yahagi.

>> No.14504282

By trying a lot.
Or being a faggot with shit taste who doesn't like her and gets her within first five min recipes.

>> No.14504289

She eats something and likes it.

>> No.14504292

Why don't you just scrap her and start with a new Imuya?

>> No.14504305

I was never able to warm up to Kongou. I like her design and voice, but using her never gave me that warm feeling inside.

>> No.14504348

Being loved by a girl doesn't make you feel warm and happy inside?

>> No.14504351

>sparkling absolutely everyone for Akatsuki 5-1 quest
It feels like a futile attempt, but I really want to scrap the worthless Akatsukis.

>> No.14504365

Sparkling is a waste of time when there's a 80% chance you wont hit the boss node after the preboss.

>> No.14504371

It's okay anon.
There are many ships I was unable to warm up to as well. Everyone prefers something different.

>> No.14504382
File: 2.78 MB, 2460x4420, fall15losses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Version 2. If you read the first and all the wikia posts earlier, the only new one is Harusame in the top right.

>> No.14504383

Imagine getting to boss and failing because ASW DD gets taiha'd.

>> No.14504423


>> No.14504462

To this day I remain convinced that Chino and Hibiki are the same girl.

>> No.14504513
File: 625 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151219-01420191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% my ass.

>> No.14504563

It is less likely when you have world 2 quests active.

>> No.14504579
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1412, 46411109_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also got Zekamashi and Nachi/Ashigara in the same show

>> No.14504629
File: 440 KB, 480x480, BQrMBRAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good.

>> No.14504641

The outfit really is slutty.

>> No.14504642

What type of ship should I use as flagship when trying to craft type 22 radars?

>> No.14504650

Look's like mochi season is on the horizon.

>> No.14504652

BB or CV, but it's too rare to build them, so I farm 5-4 for Yuugumo.

>> No.14504657

Even if I have nothing else to waste resources on?

>> No.14504664

You should aim for T32/T33.

>> No.14504666

Hinamatsuri is on March 3rd.
This is probably a calendar thing for March

>> No.14504681

I have been, got four T32 and only one T22. I only want them for upgrade fodder.

>> No.14504772
File: 590 KB, 800x480, never trust niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17/17->1/17 one hit
simply epic

>> No.14504781

Hmm, the dumb thing that I posted isn't in there. That's good, I guess. Although I did the exact same thing as two other people.

>> No.14504797
File: 451 KB, 480x480, ura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14504816

Link it.

>> No.14504820
File: 783 KB, 601x715, 1440607350423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need baby Yamato and the headless mexican to escape from LSC, please send help.

>> No.14504825
File: 437 KB, 676x368, 2015-12-19_04-23-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these quests have to require shit girls?

>> No.14504830

I want to eat her buns.

>> No.14504843

現在展開中の「艦これ」クリスマスmode及び期間限定艦娘ドロップは、【12/28(月)】実施予定の次回稼働全サーバ群メンテナンス突入時迄です。また、家具屋さんでの冬のクリスマス季節家具の取り扱いも同メンテ迄です。冬の「艦娘」もどうぞよろしくお願い致します! #艦これ

>> No.14504855


Reminder that Natori has had seasonal art.

>> No.14504856
File: 74 KB, 517x750, CV3MoxOVAAAmpup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14504859

Meh. Too fast. I might not be able to re-re-rescue Hatsukaze.

>> No.14504864

Translate it weebs.

>> No.14504869

Christmas stuff is getting removed on the 28th.

>> No.14504871


>> No.14504903
File: 14 KB, 175x170, Can This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Can this" Christmas mode and time-limited ship daughter drop currently being deployed, [12/28 (month)] it is until the next time running all server groups maintenance rush of planned. In addition, the handling of winter Christmas season furniture in the furniture store's also is to the same maintenance. Winter "Kanmusume" also please thank you! # Ship this

>> No.14504910

See, I got that, but I can't understand it because Google translate a shit.

>> No.14504939

What's the deal with her? What makes her special that others did not achieve?

>> No.14504945

What is this? #CanThis

>> No.14504946


She was the only reward ship from an event that anyone gave a shit about, and basically everyone got her. That combined with a lewd design and voice results in tons of fanart.

>> No.14504950
File: 386 KB, 683x375, 1435962102732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I didn't expect to use Isuzu either.

>> No.14504972

You're taking it too far, poor girl is already bullied by devs more than anyone else
>gold background
>shit stats
>no planes
>awful unique AACI despite it being her supposed forte
>only fifth best at killing subs despite it being her supposed forte
>literally the worst choice for killing subs on maps like 5-3 due to short range

>> No.14504994
File: 148 KB, 629x800, 8a574e2f7ce6d473ec33e00b8fd12c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully Natori, she's stronger than Sendai and Agano class, it's not her fault her design is shit. Just wait for Kuro to fix her, you will see.

>> No.14505018

Kai Ni is her only redemption, if they fuck that up then it's over

>> No.14505043

Is there a way to do the furutaka and friends quest on 2-5 when they're a bunch of level 5 ships?

just tried that shit they got one-shotted on the first node

i just want my carpenters for that kotatsu

>> No.14505052

modernize them

>> No.14505055
File: 585 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150330-02224574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get them to kai already.

>> No.14505057


The kotatsu will probably still be there after the update so you have time to level them up. If not there will be another one with tangerines or something.

>> No.14505061

Yes, by levelling them.

>> No.14505105
File: 144 KB, 800x960, Sixth Squadron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remodel and modernize.

>> No.14505109
File: 1.15 MB, 2480x3507, 1432613659585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natori is cute. But there are many CLs I like more so she just sits at her Kai level.

>> No.14505156

I just let a ship sink for the first time while sparkling and now I feel dead inside. What can I do?

>> No.14505165

kill urself

>> No.14505168

you sink yourself also

>> No.14505169

Cry a bit.
Sparkle more
Switch out fodder whenever they get chuuha'd.

>> No.14505180

Sink yourself.

>> No.14505182
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, fubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to sparkle mutsuki ships

>> No.14505184
File: 577 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151219-06031495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After just one shot (into Nu-class).

>> No.14505190
File: 1.69 MB, 250x140, 1450480900499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entertainment expo vending pricing for one machine is around $10,000

I'll get one next time I guess

>> No.14505198

What's the problem? They'll come out of it shouha and you chuck em in the docks for half an hour. Easy.

>> No.14505206

Damn, she got wrecked.

>> No.14505207

Crit torp from CL can taiha a Mutsuki. Even without crits, if Mutsuki targets CL in shelling, it might survive and C rank is quite possible.

>> No.14505213

Never had a Mutsuki taiha'd by that CL.
Cs are minor annoyances.
Not that bad.

>> No.14505235

You haven't sparkled much then. I learned to give Uzuki three upgraded Akizuki guns because otherwise she's too unreliable.

>> No.14505256

Parsley is my god.

>> No.14505266

They're no harder to sparkle at 1-5 than other destroyers.

>> No.14505268

When is Akeboner getting her K2?

>> No.14505328

Not before Spring event considering her New Year's sprite will return in nine days.

>> No.14505358
File: 392 KB, 443x589, -7202235_5674cd76572a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any of you buy the official calendar? Artwork looks good

>> No.14505361

My dick.

>> No.14505366

Oh shit, now I need it.

>> No.14505371

Something is wrong with Isowind.

>> No.14505382

>relegated to background
This is what happens when ship drops on 1-5.

>> No.14505383

Is it me or does Hamakaze look like Shigure.

>> No.14505386


It's you

>> No.14505388

Not just you.

Soon, even shibafu will be drawing kujoface.

>> No.14505401
File: 384 KB, 440x585, -7202235_5674cd7586906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if there are quality scans yet, but here are some snapshots of it


>> No.14505402

More. I can't be teased like this.

>> No.14505404

>worst DD
>looks like my shipfu

>> No.14505406
File: 64 KB, 360x600, 1447808070379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Myoukou with her hair down

>> No.14505408
File: 57 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151219-01182479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker back in my PVP list with the same asshole fleet as yesterday in the middle of a saturday.

>> No.14505411

Who the f is that on the left getting her hair done

>> No.14505417

>Who the f

>> No.14505418


>halloween Italia sprite

fucking hell muh dick thank you based jiji

>> No.14505419

Would you prefer who the hell? It's just a letter

>> No.14505425
File: 819 KB, 1756x1684, asdadfasdfsdaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to click on the link

>> No.14505427

those myoukous look really off for some reason

>> No.14505432

Super cute. But Haguro and Myoukou's eyes and face look weird.

>> No.14505433

I want to have sex with a whale

>> No.14505441

>Hoppou being that cute
This shouldn't be allowed

>> No.14505446

>Littorio in Halloween costume
My dick can't handle all these.

>> No.14505449

The Mutsukis grew up.

>> No.14505450

Damn, bob is losing it.

>> No.14505459


Myoukous look absolutely terrible.

>> No.14505464

Mutsukis look much worse, but I'm used to Yadokari being bad.

>> No.14505468

they always do

>> No.14505504

That Haguro.
I am disappointed.

>> No.14505517


bobgod is dead, all hail parsedgod and nuDrew

>> No.14505520

>no shitbafu

>> No.14505522

January has Kaga.

>> No.14505523

>just bought 4th ring and 4th repair dock
Feels good.

>> No.14505528

Can Yuubari have a kai ni soon? Right now she's not much more than a 4-slot DD with the CL tag.

>> No.14505533

Jiji > Fujikawa > Ugume > Akira > Yoshinori > Parsley = drew > Ichiso > bob > Yadokari

>> No.14505550

When will we get to fight CLT Home, who can torpedo cut in on the entire fleet in night battle?

>> No.14505555

fuck, I can't even spell hime

>> No.14505560

Chi kai is more likely.

>> No.14505566

Yeah but no Humikane either so it's still shit.

>> No.14505567

Or Ni-class elite.

>> No.14505569

Fuck, meant Ni-class flagship.

>> No.14505573
File: 155 KB, 962x1280, 1445943353595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14505589


so akagi is december right?

>> No.14505594

Akashi my wife, please wear something.

>> No.14505597

January, Santa Hoppou is December

>> No.14505599

The factory gets hot.

>> No.14505605

No, Akagi was in this years calender.

>> No.14505632

That Hoppou.

What if Abyssals are actually the good guys, and we are the bad guys all along?

>> No.14505637

Nice try, Wo.

>> No.14505639


But that's the truth

>> No.14505646

We all thought Hitler was the bad guy in WW2 and look how that turned out. Do you want to fight on the wrong side of history again?

>> No.14505649

Manufacturing plants also generally have hot metal fragments and sharp edges everywhere, hence protective clothing.

Would you like to weld while naked?

>> No.14505652

New thread >>14505643

>> No.14505662

They don't even tell us what they want.
