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14487639 No.14487639 [Reply] [Original]

how come sword girls in eroge are always the best but when the west makes warrior girls they're always the worst?

>> No.14487644

Female commander Shepard isn't a bad character.

Also, I really liked Cass from New Vegas.

>> No.14487655

neither of those characters are cute at all

>> No.14487683


There are very few "proper" cute characters in western media.
Obvious beta nerd bait like Tali in ME try to pull that card, but they always fail pretty miserably.
It's sad when in WRPGs the most interesting characters end up being only the males, because the females are stuck in badly executed archetypes, while the men actually have a background and a story to go with them.

>> No.14487726

>the females are stuck in badly executed archetypes
And this is compared to VNs?

>> No.14487738

my completely baseless hypothesis is that the difference is that sword girls are based on the ideal of a samurai's wife so they have an element of submissiveness to them, but in the west the fighting girl archetype is entirely focused around rejecting gender roles and showing submissiveness or dependency is forbidden.

>> No.14487754

The West's idea of feminization is to masculinize women.
But they can't steal the spot of the male protag (i.e. being more manly than the self-insert protag) so they end up being redundant (removing the character would have little to no consequence overall) or underwhelming.

>> No.14487757


While you are right, I'm just disappointed after I've played through some recent WRPGs and not really getting all the hype or fame.
I guess it is unfair of me to gloss over the sea of bad VNs and only consider kamige as the standard of the genre, while also generalizing the other side.
Still, when it comes to archetypes, I've yet to see a western game pull off cute, although that can be accounted for in cultural differences.


I guess that has something to do with it, but I wouldn't say submissiveness is the main appeal of them, but rather duty, valor and honor.
In WRPGs, those traits are more associated with males that are your battle brothers, while in eroge, the standard samurai girl embodies them. Warrior women in WRPGs also seem to overcompensate for not being a woman quite a lot, ending up unlikable.

Yeah, this is right.

>> No.14487765

Don't onna senshi exist in eroge for the sole purpose of being brought low

>> No.14487778

if all you play is rape nukige, sure

>> No.14487781

what I meant is that while sword girls in eroge have strong personalities, once you set their flags they're very devoted. with western characters it always feel like they never settle down.

>> No.14487791

> worst
Just kid on the left and adult on the right. The rest is depends on the reader's age.

>> No.14487883

>I've yet to see a western game pull off cute
The west does not want "cute", it wants "sexy". It sees cute as qualities reserved for children and animals, and totally unmanly.

>> No.14487898

>I've yet to see a western game pull off cute

Have you played Dishoroned?

>> No.14487939

western heroines aren't very sexy either though. I always get the feeling that developers here have a kind of pretension where they think that their characters should be likable only based on their writing, and that any kind of visual appeal is cheating or admitting that your writing isn't good enough.

>> No.14487960


I did.
I think I'll go back and replay it, it was pretty darn cool and I don't remember much.

>> No.14488038

>Warrior women in WRPGs also seem to overcompensate for not being a woman quite a lot, ending up unlikable.
this x1000000000
I swear every time, they introduce themselves with "And I'M just as strong as ANY man!" or something of the like. Then later down the line they just fucking beef it over and over again and have a greater tendency to just get kidnapped and need rescuing because they're being stupid as fuck and trying too hard and go into shit solo or something.

Western female characters are junk the vast majority of the time. Unless they're played up for the apex of hamminess like say, Rayne from BloodRayne or something. Then they're likable. Female Duke Nukem is the best Western female. She just goes in and kills Nazi vampires and spits oneliners and doesn't talk at all about how she's a stronk womyn who don't need no man.

It has gotten worse in recent years. We went from Jaheira, who sucks horribly but for reasons related to her personality rather than how I'MMA STRONG FEMALE she is, to that one bulldyke in DA:I who sucks entirely because that's her -only character trait.-

Anyway you won't find good -recent- WRPGs. You gotta go back. Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 1&2, Neverwinter Nights 1 (2 is okay, Storm of Zehir expansion is great), Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, etc. Some will argue for The Witcher series, I will not.

>> No.14488060

Japanese sword girls suck though, they're all the same. Muh serius muh sword japanesu spirittu bla bla.
Even worse if they suddenly have a 180° personality flip if they meet the male MC.

>> No.14488440


>> No.14488481

>western heroines aren't very sexy either though.
Are you sure your opinion on "sexy" isn't "loli"? Western media is stuck thinking big boobs and masculine jaw are the epitome of sexiness.

>that any kind of visual appeal is cheating
Did they stop making half naked women warriors or something? I haven't played western fantasy games in a long time.

>Then later down the line they just fucking beef it over and over again and have a greater tendency to just get kidnapped and need rescuing because they're being stupid as fuck
Yet, if they were Japanese characters, it'd be moe.

This too.

>> No.14488488

Are you implying that feminine jaw = loli?

>> No.14488510
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>> No.14488529

No I'm implying western sexy women look like men with boobs, whereas his/your idea of sexiness might be young girlish features.

>> No.14488531

Someone explain how her hair works.

>> No.14488571

>Did they stop making half naked women warriors or something? I haven't played western fantasy games in a long time.
these days drawing a half naked heroine is considered rape. your typical modern western female character looks like a goblin with pink hair.

>> No.14488600

>Yet, if they were Japanese characters, it'd be moe.
No it wouldn't. It's still be stupid and an annoying character trait. That shit just isn't appealing. Pride is nothing without the oomph to back it up.
mubrub character hair doesn't work.

>> No.14488717

I remember reading a really old japanese review of muv luv alternative talking about how the story was much more about the courage and determination of the women around Takeru than anything else. Makes sense to me.

>> No.14488919
File: 59 KB, 299x215, 1285238579294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself back to /v/ with this shit.

Actually, just kill yourself and stop shitting up this site.

>> No.14489267

it's moe when the strong warrior heroine becomes emotionally dependent and tells the protagonist to take responsibility for making her weak

>> No.14489291

Cuz female warrior is double boring. Chicks are best for classes that are interesting on their own so if you wanted to roll one as melee you'd wanna make her like a paladin or something.

>> No.14489542

So on top of being stiff and boring, she'd be a moralfag too? How horrible.

The only good thing about warrior girls are when they're those old fashioned acting samurai type that have problems adjusting to things that aren't fighting.

>> No.14489546

This one knows what's up.

>> No.14489954

>No I'm implying western sexy women look like men with boobs
Only in video games, most models are still very feminine.

>Yet, if they were Japanese characters, it'd be moe.
A character can be moe but a situation can't, it would still be stupid as hell.

>> No.14489961

Gap moe is truly the worst.

>> No.14490080
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Japanese devs make attractive/cute women because they like attractive/cute women.
Western devs make ugly women, because attractive/cute women, make western women feel threatened because they cant compete. Jap women probably aspire to be like the women they see, western women dont want to change becuase thats effort, so they wish to drag everyone down. Hence you have fat acceptance bullshit, because standards make women sad.

Allthough the west isnt entirely lost.

>> No.14490087
File: 504 KB, 1094x1063, Lucifer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it wouldn't. It's still be stupid and an annoying character trait. That shit just isn't appealing.
>Pride is nothing without the oomph to back it up.
Fuck you. Lucifer is moe as based entirely around pride.

>Lucifer is the oldest sister and therefore the leader of the Seven Stakes. Because of this, she claims to be the strongest of the sisters, but she's secretly aware that she's actually the least talented. However, she has always acted arrogantly in an attempt to hide this fact from the others. Her great fear is that her sisters would sneer at her if they ever found out. She's very haughty and arrogant, but she actually feels pleasure from submission.

>> No.14490094

>She's very haughty and arrogant, but she actually feels pleasure from submission.
literally the worst archetype ever

>> No.14490102

No, the worst archetype is yanderes, given they are almost never done right. Worst yandere being Tharja who is not only babies first yandere, but her entire reason being "I saw you in a dream".
Oh and you sister who you eventually find, isnt blood related.

>> No.14490136

Building a facade that is the diametrical opposite your weaker, true self in order to hide it is something very real. It's just something exaggerated in game and anime.

>> No.14490147
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shantae devs are breddy cool
people complained about some of the sexy outfits and one of the artists said if people keep complaining, they'll make her naked

>> No.14490263
File: 235 KB, 451x1100, 1445043783501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I think it was just someopne complaining about the starfish bra, so they removed the starfish bra entirely.

VtMB is probably the only other western game with attractive women. Even then Jeanette is a crazy slut, and V.V is just trying to manipulate you. Oh and Femme Malk.
They are all still hot though.

>> No.14490267

Dus Ex had cute girls. Well, girl. Also, I think she's dead canonically, even though you could save her in-game.

>> No.14490356

Cuteish, but apparently that thing on her face was a pericing.... I dislike moles, but a piercing is far worse.

Yeah they killed her off. Apparently the new pilot is a black guy. Fucking ubisoft.

>> No.14490446

>you sister who you eventually find, isnt blood related
While it is bait and switch, incest is still kinda gross. That kind of thing should just be "stepsister" and left at that.

>> No.14490468

Looked it up, and ugh. What low standards.

>> No.14490475

>make western women feel threatened because they cant compete.
But western women are the ones that are cute, unlike jap women...

>> No.14490484
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, TW3-Ciri[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciri is my waifu.

>> No.14490502
File: 191 KB, 333x336, nofapday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always laugh at Western women complaining about video games/VN girls being supposedly submissive when half of the 2D girls literally can kick any man's ass. I think that they somehow think that being submissive and being cute = being weak.
The irony, when you know that the cuter and younger a 2D girl is the more magical powers and sometimes other physical burst strength they seem to have. My favorite archetype is the princess fighting with a 2handed sword twice to third her size.

For some reason this one is my favorite. The top being pushed by the cleavage just makes it better.

>> No.14490546

>Western feminazis being insecure towards 2D characters who look submissive but powerful

Hoo boy

>> No.14490557

Don't laugh. They're trying to push the human rights agenda onto 2D girls if you understand what it means for the future.

>> No.14490581

>But they can't steal the spot of the male protag (i.e. being more manly than the self-insert protag)
There's no such thing as a woman stronger than a man. Women in the military would have trouble beating an average Joe physically. They could MAYBE overpower a jaypee skeleton but not a jaypee big boned boy (read: fatty).

>> No.14490601
File: 5 KB, 184x184, a bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dus Ex had cute girls
Are you fucking shitting me mate.

>> No.14490608

Thank you for this post, once again proving that you have to be a feminist and you should also hate video games, to be a real /jp/ user.

>> No.14490611

This. Only you're cute.

>> No.14490615

You can like as many video games as you like but you shouldn't talk about them here unless they're /jp/-related.

>> No.14490632
File: 656 KB, 612x792, DX3_MalikConcept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it's overdone. WHy do all the "But it's your sister" stuff, when it's not your sister?
Also I played YMK and the devs teased the fuck out of adopted sister route. There wasnt one, I felt betrayed.

>Not liking Jeanette or V.V

Women should be ignored when it comes to vidya, They praise people like Chell, Samus and Faith. All of which have no personality, and could easily be robots. (Robots in Portal 2 giving the exact same experience as with Chell).
Yet at the same time you have a character with lots of presence and a strong personality, and they hate her. Bayonetta for example. She is confident with her body, she kicks ass, while sexual it's always on her terms given shes dominant as fuck. Basically, everything should be fine with feminists. But no, she's still evil and sexist, despite being designed by a woman.

You know how Fatal Frame 5 was censored for being "objectifying"? The objectification was there, to show how objectification is a bad thing and can hurt the person being objectified. But this went over feminists heads, and they censored the scene and now the meaning is lost, and it's all nonsensical.

And sexbots

In a fantasy world of magic they can. Or if there are cybernetics envolved. I only have issues with women beating men when it's pushed as "realistic", becuase unless it's shooting guns, women just cant compete in combat.

He's talking about Malik from HR. he was cute in conept art atleast.

>> No.14490635


He looks pretty bad for an Arab ladyboy.

>> No.14491040
File: 257 KB, 703x1130, TvCRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And sexbots

What? I do not understand. If anything, sexbots would be the best thing to happen to feminism since then women would not needlessly have to sexualize women when they could rather have their femmebot that they could have sex with which has the advantages of not causing social problems like unwanted pregnancies, prostitution and bad relationships.

It would bring about a new age where women will be chosen not by their looks, but by their intellect and charm. Won't that be grand?

>> No.14491090

They don't want women to be chosen by intellect or charm. They want guys to choose ugly women or not have sex with women at all.

>> No.14491166


It makes a lot more sense when you realize that the point of feminism is simply to make men miserable by any means necessary.

>> No.14491170
File: 841 KB, 1064x1500, 6e7c6531b782f5aa0cc81db821288d76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western female characters tend to be driven by feminist politics. There's a need to be "inclusive" and make "strong female characters" in order to promote "equality" and fight against "misogyny" and "empower" women by "representing" them. Pedophilia hysteria ensures the character is a mature adult, and her appearance is determined by whether the developers are sex negative or sex positive feminists. Cuteness and femininity are seen as weaknesses by feminism, so those are out.

Japan of course has a very different approach to things, and produces infinitely better characters.

Saitou Tamaki talks a bit about this difference between the West and Japan in his book Beautiful Fighting Girl.

>> No.14491266

Japanese women wont accuse you of sexism by sitting with your legs open on a train, or asking them out for coffee. White women may look better (unless they are fat), but they are more batshit.

Simple anon.
>How can I lure men into serving me when my vagina's market value just crashed?
Sex is a tool, women know this and make the most out of it. Without being able to ransom you with sex, they will lose a lot of value.
Have you never had that friend in HS who was pussywhipped by his gf and became a faggot, purely becuase he wanted to fuck her?

If a girl has big tits, she is unrealistic. If she has small tits, she is pedobait.
Feminists really need to accept body diversity with women, and stop bodyshaming them.

Feels good when you can use their own bullshit against them.

>> No.14492113

Why is /v/ so insecure about women to the point where they blame all their problems with video games on them?

The reason is the West isn't into kawaii uguu moe stuff and doesn't make characters that are like that. They see cutesy characters as cloying and childish, and the idea of a warrior having a cute side probably doesn't occur to them except for the sake of irony and gags. There's this obsession with maturity both in actions and in content, so anything that seems like it might not be mature has to be eliminated. For females, if it's something where you can get them or some other western equivalent of waifus, all that matters is how sexy they are and how they appeal to some preference, if it's not, then they aren't really anything but men given tits to say there are also females in that world.(Not just to appease the feminist boogeymen, but so it won't be a sausage fest and maybe get females to play too)

Any feminist ideas are just derived from the preexisting culture.

>If a girl has big tits, she is unrealistic. If she has small tits, she is pedobait.
This is how anime fans think though, not feminists. It's why that divide between tittymonsters and total flatness exists in a lot of media.

>> No.14492133

>This is how anime fans think though, not feminists.
DoA shows otherwise.
"Objectification, those tits are too big, you pigs. It's so unrealistic."
So they release Marie Rose
"She's for pedophiles, anyone who likes her needs to be locked up."

To a feminist, only mediocrity is allowed. Unless it's mediocre tits on a pretty girl. Then it's bad. Then the girl needs a burka anway.

>> No.14492145

Nice /v/ thread.

>> No.14492212

>"Objectification, those tits are too big, you pigs. It's so unrealistic."
Shit that never happened.

>"She's for pedophiles, anyone who likes her needs to be locked up."
I've never heard anyone but /v/ say this.

If anything, they released a flatter character to appeal to a wider audience than just 13 year old Japs with a titty fetish. Did you forget the first DoA volleyball, one of the most objectifying parts of the series, was rather popular with women?

>the girl needs a burka anway.
Yeah, you're retarded.

>> No.14492356

your paranoid mccarthyism belongs on /v/ and not here

>> No.14492416

>Shit that never happened.
>I've never heard anyone but /v/ say this.
you havent been around the internet much then

>> No.14492428

Go back to your not-4chan sites.

>> No.14492790

>one is from a porn game to please your dick
>one is from a game made for the western normie audience

>> No.14492982

what makes characters feminine? sword girls like saber and meiya are definitely female, but if you were to list out their traits they would sound pretty androgynous.

>> No.14493222

Why is this /v/ shit still here?
Why is this shit on 4chan at all?

>> No.14493225


The Air Intakes improve her maximum velocity by 44%.

>> No.14493631

2D are being threatened of extinction by modern 3D women. This is very /jp/ or 4chan related.
Go back to your SJW forum or something if it triggers you that much.

>> No.14493658


That's Ahsley, not Shep

>> No.14493692

Fuck 2d women and fuck oculus rift too. They distract from making cute robot maids and catgirls. Everyone's so focused on going to the 2d world instead of bringing it to the 3d one.

>Anime doesn't work in 3d
It doesn't work with real women. Figs work in 3d. All we need to do is animate them.

>> No.14493730

>They distract from making cute robot maids and catgirls.
Society isn't going to allow this.

With 2D you could still argue that they are just fictional and yet it still didn't stop people to start talking unironically about 2D girls rights.
Having robot maids or catgirls would just be treated as a direct objectification of women which will result in more articles and petitions like :

Besides, even in /jp/ mods will randomly delete threads about it. I mean, even fucking 4chan now silences the subject.

>> No.14493755

>Shit that never happened.
Hello shill.

>> No.14493894

>Society isn't going to allow this.

So? Who cares what society allows? Society isn't going to stop you from 3D printing a gun or a waifu. All we need are the robots and you can customize them to look or do whatever afterwards. You think they're going to track the components you purchase and arrest you on the grounds that you might be assembling a "12 year old robot sex slave"?

Also never forget western society is not the world. Furthermore people are always looking for free labor. If they made robot maids, no one would give a fuck what feminists said about it.

>With 2D you could still argue that they are just fictional and yet it still didn't stop people to start talking unironically about 2D girls rights.
No one cares about their rights, nor about protecting anyone. People just want to ban all forms of pornography but can only get at "unacceptable" forms. 2D lolis just happen to be the next boundary they can try to press against. Even then, no one's going to even care about anything that doesn't look like a prepubescent kid, even if the character is <18.

I'm sure some people will whine about being replaced but they won't be heard over the sound of vacuum power catgirl blowjobs.

>which will result in more articles and petitions
Yes, because those work so well.

>even in /jp/ mods will randomly delete threads about it.
Delete threads about what? Off topic whining about women? Off topic threads about wanting to fuck children? I wish mods would delete this thread but you can see it's still here.

>> No.14493997

What is it with you grasping at lolis and children arguments? I never mentioned any of those.

Besides, if you genuinely think that society is not going to care, or that feminism or women activists have no political power whatsoever then you really need to get out of your house more.

People always laugh at the state of things in Quebec for example but they fail to realize what it means for the future.

>> No.14494039

so you complain that no one outside /v/ says that, but you've never been outside 4chan

>> No.14494786

What the fuck are you talking about? I was just saying that you have to be a good ally in order to be a good jay-pee.

>> No.14494851

is this /v/

>> No.14494881

/v/irgins get out, am I right!

>> No.14495716

Censoring your games is not political power or relevant to anything.

>> No.14495831

This, it's just video games, haha

>> No.14497769

Oh look it's the fat Gamergater autists. Leave us alone.

>> No.14497773

Who's US?

>> No.14497805

Judging by how we never have threads about this shit, /jp/.

>> No.14497924 [DELETED] 


>> No.14497948

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/593678
