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14470928 No.14470928 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday the english patch of 2hou 14.5 was finally released
you can download the patch here

>> No.14471181


>> No.14471189

Nice. Can't wait to play it.

>> No.14471191

Has anyone been beating this game and HM in one shot, for each character? Already did HM.

>> No.14471313


>> No.14471404

I'm not touching that until Derek tells me it's not a virus.

>> No.14471409

They should make a patch to make that game less shitty instead.

>> No.14471493

Is this a real english patch or another botnet always online turd?

>> No.14473473
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>> No.14473518
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the lag! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.14473543


>> No.14473614
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>> No.14474052
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I want to wager my balls with Futo if you know what I mean.

>> No.14479185

How the fuck did those crap guys manage to convince everyone that their patches are good anyway? I miss the good old patches.
sorry jay I accidentally this thread for another day

>> No.14479206
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Is THCrap a botnet?

Sorry I'm new

>> No.14479283


>> No.14479295
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Byakushit on the other hand is terrible.
>Byakushit: "Hurr durr these orbs are the work of the devil. We must seal them! (like another evil thing I could name)"
>Miko: "Actually I can store them in my sanctuary and study how they work and how to dispose of them."
>Byakushit: "NOOOO MUST SEAL!"
What is wrong with this youkai enabler?

>> No.14479410
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Look at the rest of the game man, everything is failed.

When you look Kasen in flashy pink summoning ridiculous monsters looking like pokemons, byakuren with her fucking bike, absolutely everything about sumireko, the terrible music arranges (except those in the beta), etc... you understand that you just need to uninstall it.
The beta looked interesting, I was really expecting something nice.
I've never been that disappointed by a touhou game. I've never been that disappointed by any game actually.

I just hope that this episode will be the last of the serie and that they will work on another plateform if they want to make new fighting games.
Or simply make a hisoutensoku sequel.
>if only.

>> No.14479486
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>I just hope that this episode will be the last of the serie
>make a hisoutensoku sequel.
Do you think that if people made a petition, this could happen?
Seems that everyone hates it anyway so I don't think they will make third episode out of it, hopefully.

>> No.14479581
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>> No.14479587
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>> No.14480127

it's not a botnet but it is a shit

>> No.14480534
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>> No.14480561

Wow I am impressed how they managed to create the menu.

>> No.14480568

What a cutehou.

>> No.14480625

Why did they use balls instead of a more powerful round word?

>> No.14480636
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Wow finally I can read a fighting game's story

>> No.14485120

Every fighting game series has nice story sinc forever, except capcoms shit.
Touhou fighters all had very nice storylines before.

>> No.14485151

Occult ball.

>> No.14485580

Oppression orbs

>> No.14485683

Just as bad as a botnet. I wish someone would do ACTUAL translation patches instead of that POS

You are my brother.

One day we'll get another Hisou style game. Too bad Tasfro has gone MEMES MEME MEMES over everything.

Sumireko could be salvaged but everything else is trash.

>> No.14485684

They should make a game with the new sprites but with iamp/soku system. Without fucking weather.

>> No.14485708

Are you implying that you don't like Sumireko's theme?

>> No.14485893
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>> No.14486259

why is that game's balance so terribad anyway? I'm not surprised if fightan game with 30-40 characters has 4 or 5 that are under or overpowered and it's a matter of future patches from the devs to balance it out because that kind of stuff is hard to detect in betatests until competitive scene goes into action. But you could expect that game that has even less than 15 of them would at least provide some even challenge. What's the point of giving 3 different specials to each character if it's always piss easy to point out which one is clearly stronger than the rest? And differences are huge between char's bests too, ranging from spells fired at awkward angles, with no range, slow wind-up, lacking dame output and easy to predict to zero-frame nukes that suddenly take away 1/3 of opponent's health.

>> No.14486638

Does the patch really works, I am tired of finding shit patches that don't work.

>> No.14486654

Does TH 14 already have a english patch?

>> No.14486730
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The whole gameplay feels boring and pointless, when I started to play I was like "meh." and I got bored after a few minutes.

Hopeless Masquerade was already "not that amazing" but still correct, I really thought they would improve it with this game and they managed to make it worse.
They made the gameplay even poorer, removed a lot of things and the only things they added were shitty.
I mean how could you fail something so hard without doing it on purpose? It's even worse than LoL at this point.
>Literally the only good things in this game is the quality of the artworks and the first 3 OST like >>14479410 said. These things are really good, but they're the only ones.

From my game experience, seeing everything added since the demo, the new techniques, the new ost's, the new char's design, concept, story, ability, tech, name, etc... I can only come up with 3 explanations:

>Either the team working on the game got bored and wanted to finish it fast because they didn't want to invest themselves anymore.
>Or they got mad with the direction and they just botched the rest of the game because they didn't even give a fuck.
>Or they changed team, people left or they fired them (maybe because new contract or other reasons) and the new one was retarded.

>> No.14486783

heh, actually the weather system is not bad, for example when you play with weaker friends, it can give them a chance, and it also spices a little bit the fight.
>Actually, this system challenges the "capacity of adaptation" of players.
Sometimes it can be frustrating when it suddenly happens at the worst moment like just at the worst second possible, but it's so rare and you can actually prevent it by looking at the next time or change it before it happens.

The system is actually cool and makes the game less repetitive.

And I really prefer Soku's sprite than the new ones. They're just in a better res.
But if they made the old soku sprite HD they would even better. The new ones are nice too and well animated, the "artistic direction" sucks however (choice of colors, design, etc...), but I really feel that Soku's sprite were more filled with emotions.

>Talking about that, important question:
>Is there a way to edit sprites from hisoutensoku?
>I mean an extractor that could decompile the sprites into .png, allow you to edit them and change the resolution via text files and recompile them or tell the game to load these png and files instead.
There is already a way to change musics with SWRSToys, so there must be a way to edit sprites too.
I'm an infographist + drawer and I already edited sprites to make them HD, respecting the original strokes, if someone told me how to do, I wouldn't mind spending 5000+ hours of my life to re-draw all the sprites in HD and give a new breathe of life to Hisoutensoku.
Any infos are welcome (I might create a thread just for that to ask the same question actually).

>> No.14486959
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Tasofro has gone way worse than "MEMES", they just went full retards like stated many times in this thread.

And yeah, the day I win lottery, I'll bribe the developing teams or ZUN with billions to make them release a sequel to hisoutensoku.

But if you think we could "salvage Sumireko", I don't think we're brothers, this character has no reason to exist, she looks like a lame commercial anime sterotype for retarded western kids.
She looks like a copy of Renko, like if Tasofro had no idea to make a new character and ZUN didn't want to help so they just took an existing character and modify it.
She's just a human and she comes in gensōkyō like if it was nothing, just for the "anime stereotype" of the young teen who discovers she has powers and enters into a hidden magical world.
And her powers... "psychic powers" come one man, they really didn't think about anything better? Even her attacks look like copied or inspired from Yukari's attacks.
And "using our world's stuff to attack" doesn't make any sense when you play her in other stages than hers, because unlike Yukari, she can't teleport them from our world to gensōkyō.

Many characters lately released are not very good, but this one is so bad that I refuse to accept her as an actual tōhō character.

In that case the petition should probably be written in japanese, and spread there (even if ZUN seem to care more and more about the western communities...).

>> No.14487063
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The game already patched !!!

>> No.14487202

I like a lot of the stuff 14.5 did. It's kind of dumb and kind of memey, but it's FUN. Besides Byakuren's tits, of course, but those were in the last game too.

>> No.14487232

Please don't sexualize my mom.

>> No.14487246

Why do you say thcrap is bad? If you only say it's shit without more details, we won't be able to do anything to enhance it.
BTW, there's really few programmers working on translation patches in the Touhou community. Making patches for danmaku is extremely easier for me on thcrap than with a static patch, and I prefer to have my games in French. These 2 reasons are more than enough for me to work on thcrap.
If you want a static patch for the older games, please do it yourself, car the ones who worked on the older translations patches seems to be okay with thcrap (or maybe they're retired).

thcrap supports th14, so you can patch th14 in English with thcrap. But if you absolutely wants a static patch, no, there isn't any for now.

>> No.14487255

>A game about urban legends containing memes was a complete shock to me

You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.14487273

To my opinion, touhoucrap is mostly bad in the quality of the translations.
>prefer to have my games in french
Then I assume you're the one who posted that site >>14487063 .
The touhou's french community is even worse than this one, this is incredible, 100% of the french people I met around this game were completely retarded and/or total asshole with a superiority complex.

Anyway, I happen to speak that language too and the translations are very bad on thcrap, as bad as the english one actually, but with more mistakes.
It's incredible that the community of players is so big around these games and no one is able to make proper translations for the games.

>If anyone can teach me how to patch the games myself by changing the text, I'll post the results.

>> No.14487352

The entire point of thcrap is that anybody gets to translate anything they want. The text of the games is sourced from the thpatch wiki.


Knock yourself out.

>> No.14487386

And that's precisely why it's crap, Captain Obvious.

>> No.14487495

>Then I assume you're the one who posted that site >>14487063 .
No, that wasn't me.

>It's incredible that the community of players is so big around these games and no one is able to make proper translations for the games.
Yeah, that surprises me too. But this have nothing to do with thcrap. I have a few examples of bad translations in static patches, and some translations patches take their translations from a wiki (for example, the translations of the static patches for HM and ULiL are mostly from en.touhouwiki.net).
But if people who complain about the translations of thcrap don't fix them on the thpatch site, sure, it won't get better.

>If anyone can teach me how to patch the games myself by changing the text, I'll post the results.
You should be able to change most of the texts of the danmaku games using thtk: https://github.com/thpatch/thtk/releases/tag/thtk-7

>> No.14487538

>and the translations are very bad on thcrap
This. I speak spanish and the translations are terrible.

>> No.14487540

Everything without a gate is crap (see also: 4chan) but if enough dedicated and knowledgeable people care you can create something useful anyway.

>> No.14487662

ONE person able to speak japanese and another language with translating skills would be enough.
That's how you get almost all the games and programs translated.
But when you give the pen to a hord of autistic morons that think they know and write anything just for the fanservice, it's logical that you get shit.

And the problem is that when skilled people look from far to something and "it has already been translated" they won't bother to try to invest a lot of hours if people already use other translations.
Same happens with fansubs for movies, series and animes, so many are made by people who don't even seem to speak the source language.
Especially for japanese stuff when you get retarded weebs thinking they speak japanese when they don't and trying to translate when they shouldn't even try.
>half knowledge is worse than ignorance.

It's weird to see so many quality things in the japanese fan community but when it comes to western works it's just shit.
Well, I say that but even the names in official games are mistranscribed...

>> No.14487839

That's...a very good point, actually.

>> No.14488701

Has there been a proper wiki or guide somewhere with the BnBs and other commands not mentioned in the pause menu?

>> No.14488726
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Marisa has really nice legs.

>> No.14488949

From the topic of the irc. The game is dead on there though, so I have no idea how complete it is.

>> No.14489154
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How has it taken THIS long for English patches ? Legitimate question these games have been out for months and the Touhou fandom isn't small.

Are the western fans just fucking useless ?

>> No.14489683

The game is dead everywhere, man.

>> No.14489894

Well, the western fans are —mostly— useless or talentless, yes.

But for this case I think it took this long mostly because almost no one play this game and no one wanted to bother to waste their time to make a patch for it. The whole game got no hype and is probably one of the biggest flop from all the touhou games.

>> No.14490177 [DELETED] 

AFAIK The game is loaded with security measures so people wont fiddle with its innards
But what would I know about how computers know

>> No.14490187

This one has vertical text. Quite annoying to deal with making it go horizontal text

>> No.14490197

AFAIK The game is loaded with security measures so people wont fiddle with its innards
But what would I know about how computers work

>> No.14490202

Has it been that long? It took 7 months. To take some other examples, MoF and SA patches took 1 year and 6 months. SWR patch took 2 years.
Patching takes time. Translation takes time. And going through tasofro's overencrypted archive files and annoying anti-cheat stuff have taken a lot of time.
Life takes a lot of time, too.

>> No.14490204

For a long time nobody was able to hack it open but I think a Chinese team opened it up like half a year after it was out.

In comparison, most of the shooting games basically look the same under the hood and can be cracked in a day.

>> No.14490223

Soku was also a disappoiting sequel.
Get some taste crossie.

>> No.14490257

RIP wrongblock pushback the greatest mechanic ever invented

>> No.14490265 [DELETED] 

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

>> No.14490273

>Playing SWR/Soku
>Not IaMP
>Complains about game design in the newer games
baka desu senpai

>> No.14490573

Then where is the translation for 14? did I miss it?

>> No.14490593

mtl :^)

>> No.14490628

>noone posts a single gameplay flaw of ulil
>praising soku even though its just as dead

well memed

>> No.14490654

>Soku is dead

Man how this happened?

>> No.14490667

>Soku is like 6 years old
>ULiL was this year
>Anon is an idiot

>> No.14490811

Why is it impossible to have a nuhu fighting thread without ceaseless whinging from the outdated players?

>> No.14490823

I liked HM, but ULiL really have some balance issues.

if the soku group somehow revive I will gladly join again.

>> No.14490869

Every game has balance issues, what's your point?

>> No.14490914

But ULiL is the worst case so far. That's my point.

>> No.14490929

>People playing for "muh balance" instead of enjoying the story

Fuck off to melee or skullgirls you secondaries

>> No.14490986


Dude that's cancer incarnated.

>> No.14490992

That's my point
