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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14462182 No.14462182 [Reply] [Original]

I'm Japanese high school student.I use 4ch due to studying English. Do you have question?

>> No.14462189

Did you have a chuunibiyou experience?

>> No.14462192

Do you have any sisters?

>> No.14462193
File: 98 KB, 712x800, smurfette.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you find pic related attractive?

>> No.14462204

Are you a virgin?

>> No.14462214

Learning a language from imageboards is a very bad idea unless your vocabulary is beyond 5000 words and you can discern certain inane bullshit.

Imagine be going on 2ch with no knowledge of jap and thinking all those memes are real words.

>> No.14462223

Hey at least you learn some useful slang like orz and ktkr

>> No.14462226

Do you know you have to be over 18 to post here?

>> No.14462238

How good are you at math?

>> No.14462250

I know.
I had to repeat two years at school because of family reasons.
So,I'm 20

>> No.14462253


>> No.14462264


>> No.14462269

Will you wear a skirt and pretend to be a girl for us?

>> No.14462278

How important is kanji handwriting skills? How quickly do you read /in wpm (japanese)?

>> No.14462279

yes,I am ashamed of been chuunibyou

>> No.14462281

No I have one brother

>> No.14462289

most of Japanese high school student are virgin.
So,I am virgin

>> No.14462296

wanna be penpals?

>> No.14462313

it is difficult question.well......at least,I can solve differential&integration without any trouble

>> No.14462315

Does your teacher hit you?

>> No.14462346

>due to studying English

>> No.14462368

Why do you think that pig dog Koreans lie about war crimes?

>> No.14462394


>> No.14462412

well.....Just doing in killing time

>> No.14462420


>> No.14462430

Why did you think /jp/ is the the best board for your time?

>> No.14462443

What do you think about ISIS?

>> No.14462470

Do you like Takoyaki?

>> No.14462477

I thought there are many people who are interested in Japan.

>> No.14462481

I like it !!!!!
but I like Takayaki rather than takoyaki

>> No.14462501

Are u gay??

>> No.14462502
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Can we move to Japan?

>> No.14462508

Do you like Touhou?

>> No.14462516

wow, you're a retard.
I laugh at you.

>> No.14462530

I dunno.you should Japanese government

>> No.14462531
File: 26 KB, 320x480, le_holy_hoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you pray to the Holy Hoho?

>> No.14462538

Yes I like it

>> No.14462541


>> No.14462542

I like girls >>14462508

>> No.14462543
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>> No.14462548


>> No.14462584
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Did you know that, although there is octopus inside takoyaki, taiyaki has no sea bream in it?

>> No.14462591
File: 72 KB, 640x427, Howa_type_89_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on the Howa Type 89?

>> No.14462593

Did he fucked you?

>> No.14462615

Do you masturbate

>> No.14462618

No lol lol

>> No.14462627

My Japanese cartoons have taught me that siblings in Japan have sexual intercourse since early age, it doesn't matter the gender they still have sex

>> No.14462630

You can't have dual citizenship when you want to live in japan, also you must actually be of worth to get citizenship and not some fat neet piece of shit. Stop using japanese culture to enable your terrible lifestyle

>> No.14462641

there is red beans inside taiyaki.
taiyaki looks like sea bream.So,Japanese call taiyaki

>> No.14462687

Do you like Hatsune Miku? What is your opinion on her and other Vocaloids?

>> No.14462702
File: 57 KB, 581x800, Wojtek_the_bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you have soldier bears?

>> No.14462708

Have you ever held hands with a girl?

>> No.14462728

Older or younger?

>> No.14462860
File: 29 KB, 400x400, Ringo.%28Touhou%29.600.1944550.jpg.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite touhou project character?

>> No.14462907
File: 238 KB, 444x343, 1447231566303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Touhou character would you have sex with?

>> No.14462908

what do they teach about south america in school? like countries or important events and shit or just nothing?.

>> No.14462972

Why are japs so stupid?
they can't learn one of simpliest languages
I lurked 4chan on daily basis since i was 15 and english isn't my native language

>> No.14462987

English isn't that simple, it can be a pretty confusing language.

>> No.14462988
File: 869 KB, 460x258, Mugi is spoogy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen K-on? If so, what do you think of it?

>> No.14463057

>my native language
what's your native language? You need to consider that the transition from some languages (like spanish) to english is "easier", so to speak.

>> No.14463087
File: 2.44 MB, 400x320, 1439133461954-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm polish
I learned most from watching chinese cartoons with eng subs

>> No.14463092


>english isn't my native language
It shows.

>> No.14463161

i bet you don't even know japanese, pleb.

>> No.14463162

>giving a fuck about gramatic on anonym board
>dot at the end
how urs autism?

>> No.14463173

He says he watches chinese cartoons with subs so of course he doesn't know Japanese.

Clearly not as bad as yours.

>> No.14463181

I'm virgin,but I had a girlfriend.
Since,I held her hand,kissed her.

>> No.14463193

older than me two years

>> No.14463216

What do you think of black people? Jews?

>> No.14463223

WHAT? You've tried taiyaki already?

>> No.14463245

>I'm polish
So I guess you have a good base thanks to your english classes in school and you improved that with the eng sub+4chan, right?

Well, in japan you have a situation where the teacher is speaking, everyone is nice and quiet, but nobody is listening. Also, japs don't have lone letters, like b,c,d...etc., they have ka,ke,ki,ko,ku, you won't see any words with just a "k", unless it's "a,e,i,o,u" or "n".

The fact that they use Katakana doesn't help, for example: taxi, they will write it TAKKUSHI or at least that's how is going to sound for them in japanese, now go from taxi=takkushi to all the other english words, so in the end there is a lot of shit.

>> No.14463257

I like "nazu-rin" "ru-Mia" "wiggle Nightbug"
But,I don't have sexual preference for very young girls.Simply,the girls who I liked is little girls

>> No.14463289
File: 62 KB, 549x549, conceited guise of an oriental maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But,I don't have sexual preference for very young girls
Of course you don't.

>> No.14463317

Have you used an earthquake to masturbate?

>> No.14463337

Do you think your teachers are dating each other?

How do you feel if your teachers date each other?

>> No.14463339
File: 490 KB, 1000x1600, 1445511900771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like "nazu-rin"
good taste!

>> No.14463341

>But,I don't have sexual preference for very young girls.

Sure you don't, buddy.
And there are no lolicons on /jp/.

>Simply,the girls who I liked is little girls

What a crazy coincidence, huh?

>> No.14463348

post kotatsu with timestamp

>> No.14463353

>jap schoolboy got farther than me
How does dating and courting work for japanese adolescents?

>> No.14463358

Certainly not lol lol lol

>> No.14463379

How many students smoke cigarettes? Do people use vapes?

>> No.14463388

No offense OP, but if this is the level of English in Japan, in highschool no less, the situation really is grim.

>> No.14463401

It's pretty good for what I've seen here of non-natives, besides it's casual conversation, not a damn thesis

>> No.14463410

This is a serious question. Tits or asses?

>> No.14463412

From what you have seen so far, what is your opinion on 4chan?

>> No.14463413

Coffee or green tea?

>> No.14463425

my teachers almost have wife or husband.if you have girlfriend or boy friend in spite of having wife or husband,you are disliked by a lot of people.With that in mind,I don't like it

>> No.14463433

Do you watch anime? If so, what's your favourite?

>> No.14463436

>green tea
It's called leaf juice.

>> No.14463446

you should listen thishttp://youtu.be/BTkfSH8kGNs

>> No.14463469

big black man fucking my mother right now lol

he has big dick lol

>> No.14463479

Can you tell us what you used to do as a chuunibyou?

>> No.14463490

Do you hate Coreans?
What about Chinese/Russians?

>> No.14463510
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Sorry to hear about that. I've had similar problems earlier in my life. Now I'm going to college to study engineering. I hope things turn out well for you later in your life, don't let the past destroy your dreams.

>> No.14463527

please answer that

>> No.14463551

Between Niconico and YouTube, which do you and your friends use more often?

Between Nico Live and Twitch, which do you and your friends use more often?

>> No.14463553

I dont plan to have sex

>> No.14463557
File: 182 KB, 850x1000, tumblr_ntee17FFAL1uqe0lgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Shimakaze?

I've found that the Asian country with the best English is China. The high schoolers and even the middle schoolers are damn near fluent. I hear its because Chinese translates well with English whereas Japanese is much less so.

>> No.14463569

lol'd hard.
Must underrated post. The wording alone cracks me up, I don't even know.

>> No.14463586

Food for thought:
I am a native English speaker. After a year of Spanish classes, I could shitpost in Spanish with little issue. With only online experience, I can read most Western Romantic languages without great trouble, while looking up nouns occasionally and verbs rarely.

After four years of Mandatin Chinese, I am a little better than I was with Spanish. Bilibili is pretty sensible, for instance. Even with a decent hanzi -> kanji base from learning traditional characters, reading Japanese is always a chore, yet alone listening to it.

I imagine it's the other way around.

>> No.14463668

I think Russian, Chinese and Korean are human.So,I don't hate them.but,someone hate them

>> No.14463692
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Because she has nice body

>> No.14463712

>I think Russian, Chinese and Korean are human.
70 years of forced liberalism in Japan finally pays off

>> No.14463717

I saw it on tv.that was interesting

>> No.14463722

most of student in my school don't smork

>> No.14463738

yes, my recommendations is
"Ano natude matteru"
"koi to senkyo to chocolate"
"Red date girl"
"chuunibyou demo koi ga sitai"
"tamako market "

>> No.14463741

What do most kids think about english class? Is it basically a rest period or is it taken seriously like math?

Are people who are really interested in foreign countries weird?

>> No.14463746

As if it is any reasonable to hate on something that is:

A) 50++ Years ago
B) Does not affect the latest two generation AT ALL

Its like still hating on germany for WW2
I realize some backyard faggots still do so, but.. come on, the current generation has nothing to do with anymore. Not even the current political generation.

If there is a reason to hate on china and koreans than only if there is something to hate about them in this age and time.
(Honestly, there is quite a lot and many reasons... but I am just trying to prove a point here)

>> No.14463757

Japanese English ability is shit.
as you see me.im japanese.

I love shimakaze

>> No.14463764

>is it taken seriously like math?

If they took it seriously they wouldn't be near the very bottom in the world ranking of English proficiency..

>> No.14463770

He was being sarcactic, in case you couldn't tell.

>> No.14463793

I have questions to you.
How do you study how to pronounce English?
How do you pronounce English well?

>> No.14463802

You're pretty much one of us then

>> No.14463803

Meh, despite all /jp/ is still part of 4chan after all, you never know. Especially with politics.

>> No.14463805
File: 250 KB, 1100x1100, 0f71304ab2d49a672231c039c30214e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, I like you. You got some good taste in 2hus, friend.

>> No.14463846
File: 208 KB, 600x600, cc0a1c4bf960b323e85ac377d5705c9abf0e6494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a favorite character? Pic related are mine (I can't decide between them).

>> No.14463869
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minami kana(minami-ke)
she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute

>> No.14463878
File: 82 KB, 500x605, emboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this I can get behind.

>> No.14463921

This is pretty great taste.

>> No.14463924

Have you ever been to any doujin events like Comiket? Do you have any favorite doujin circles?

>> No.14464169

forget everything you know about japanese when speaking english

>> No.14464264

Learn IPA

>> No.14464373

>I'm Japanese high school student
how boring is high school over there?

>> No.14464403

I'm not japanese

but those are also my favorites

>> No.14464530
File: 160 KB, 889x603, besttrapeva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trap? Do you like trap?

>> No.14464585


How old is your house? 68-69 years old?

>> No.14464630

How do I learn Japanese

Please respond

>> No.14464650

Please answer.

>> No.14464747

For example,
I wrote cool words I feel difficult "kanzi" or English.
I tried to bandaged on my arms.
I came in contact with friends.

Sorry,I don't want to remember that lol

>> No.14464764

>I came in contact with friends.

I had one mistake.
I came in contact with friends listlessly

>> No.14464785

Answer this, OP.
And how many doujinshi do you have?

>> No.14464790

I'm Japanese
read a Japanese book
listen a Japanese song
voice chat in game and Skype
go to 2ch or Twitter

anime song is my recommendation
it's lyrics is written in easy Japanese.

Light novel is my recommendation because light novel is written in easy Japanese.

>> No.14464809

Do you ever visit onsens? If you do, when you are there do you look at other people's penises? I don't mean in a gay way, just out of curiosity.

>> No.14464824

I have been to comic market for 4~5 times. I hate summer,as usually go to in winter.
my favorite circles are.....well.... Famous circles.....

>> No.14464826

I have more than 50

>> No.14464828

Grandma fell in love with a jap soldier in ww2.

>> No.14464829

I've heard that spoken dialogue in anime shows aren't really what the Japanese actually speak?

As in, if you tried to learn from, or speak like anime characters do, you'd either get laughed or receive awkward stares?

>> No.14464890

I heard they laugh at you if you use ore. Beyond that I don't know though.

>> No.14464899

What do girls think about otaku?
What does society think about otkau?

>> No.14464987
File: 428 KB, 639x568, やらないか.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14465019

I never understood this talk like anime characters meme.

I never picked up on a way that anime characters talked. I know there's a way some weird characters have unique ways of saying things, but not something as generalized as anime talk.

The closest I have come up with is kansai-ben(which people in Kansai may or may not actually use, but foreigners probably expected not to speak it) or ojou talking.

>> No.14465092

Lurking 4chan gave me straight As in my english classes. It's extremely useful because you actually learn how people talk.

Obviously you want to avoid all the cussing in class, but still. Nothing helps you learn a language better than actually speaking it and 4chan comes pretty close to the real life experience.

>> No.14465524

Good taste.

>> No.14465602

Do you like visual novels? If so, which are your favorites?

>> No.14465628


>> No.14465646

What kind of phone do you have?

>> No.14465656

god fucking damn, never come back

>> No.14465660

>I never picked up on a way that anime characters talked.
That means you still haven't heard enough of them.
After a while you'll be able to hear the difference. There are dozens of common phrases which you won't otherwise hear in a decent japanese movie. And then you go and listen to some non-animu related japanese songs and realise you can't understand shit.

To OP;
What kind of school-clubs have you been part of?

>> No.14465662
File: 105 KB, 739x742, 1418946048135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.14465670

This is actually a really entertaining thread, good job, koukousei.

>> No.14465677

study english harder, champ

>> No.14465685

Do you use tampons or pads?

>> No.14465740

Polish to english is hardly the same as japanese to english you retard.

>> No.14465983

Haven't been to much of asia then huh

>> No.14466102
File: 482 KB, 1214x1756, 6324281_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you write len if there's no le in hiragana?

>> No.14466112

Have you watched the recent interview with Yoland Strumn?
He explains it really well, every true Otaku should know about him

>> No.14466181

You treat japs like they are idiots that can't learn language not similiar to their own

>> No.14466219

Let's start this : How do we get Japanese girlfriends?

Or more like, what do you think of the girls in your country?

>> No.14466255

it's just projection

>> No.14466291

Can I give you a cummy tummy?

>> No.14466423

You were the one calling them idiots because you had an easy time learning a language very close to your native tongue. And that's just a dumb thing to say.

Also I'm not treating the japanese like idiots at all, I didn't even talk about them.

>> No.14466497

Yeah, they also don't take you seriously/laugh at you if you use the "-sama" honorific (unless you're writing a letter to a business), or if you say "gomennasai" in the business world.

Or so my Japanese professor has told me.

>> No.14466543
File: 256 KB, 500x480, 759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, that's why they looked all funny at me when I used ore-sama for myself.

>> No.14466637

>I had to repeat two years at school
welcome to the family, anon-san

>> No.14466794

I'm op
What's your wpm?
What's your vocabulary?

My voca is 3700
My wpm is 144

>> No.14466878
File: 161 KB, 1280x960, 20110120 - 1711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you trains?

>> No.14466886
File: 512 KB, 300x169, 1386626532050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaniard (Europe) here
25900 vocabulary
did only 5 wmp test, average 800wpm

I wonder if natives actually know what words like tatterdemamilion mean.

>> No.14467099

how will japanese companies (or society as a whole) react to the fact that you are behind in school for your age?
do you feel that your future consists of more than becoming a wageslave

>> No.14467118

Then how did that sack of shit Debito Arudou do it? I bet Japan really regrets it now.

>> No.14467624

Which touhou would you fuck?

>> No.14468052

>Spaniard (Europe)
Doesn't Spaniard mean you come from Spain wwwww you don't have to say you're from Europe wwwwwlmao

>> No.14468138

Wriggle is a boy...

>> No.14468202

In my case, voca is 11,100 words and wpm is around 450.
It may be important to note that English isn't my first language either.

>> No.14468631

Are you still here?

Please recommend me some japanese bands.

>> No.14468641

do you like idols?


>> No.14468768

>Debito Arudou
I think Debito-chan is confused. The process he describes on his blog (http://www.debito.org/naturalization1.html)) is for being a permanent resident. Unless he can prove he has Japanese passport I cannot believe him. But if he does post such proof, USA might revoke his USA passport. I do not think both passports can legally exist.

>> No.14468850


wiggle is so cute girl

>> No.14468852

where is your question?

>> No.14468886

I sometimes go to onsen.i like onsen.
I'm not gay, but if I see man's big ducks,
I talk to myself "uh.......his duck is so big"
my duck is pretty big,this is my embarrassed point. As,seeing someone's big ducks calm down me.

>> No.14468909

what do you think about IVs? Junior Idols?

>> No.14468916

thank you!!

>> No.14468920
File: 297 KB, 1024x768, 62078-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this picture?
also who's your favorite AV actress if you have one?

>> No.14468925

Yeah,I am going to try to study English hard

>> No.14468953

Sorry, I want to say dick instead of duck.
I think this picture of duck is so big.
My recommendation is "hashimoto maya" and "hatumi rion"

>> No.14468958

Are there a lot of pantyshots in school?

>> No.14468993

In middle high school,
Track and field
In high school

>> No.14469023

>my duck is pretty big
How big?

>> No.14469027

dude, you'll become a level 30 wizard. And then add to japans decreasing population issue.

>> No.14469034
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you smoke weed

>> No.14469036
File: 57 KB, 641x428, shoefiti[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is this in Japan?

>> No.14469038

please answer this

>> No.14469055
File: 262 KB, 1103x1020, 1445370909141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now property of muh real nigga youmu.

Ya dig?

>> No.14469060

A girl once say "give me 14cm and hurt me." so I fuck her twice then hit her with a brick.

>> No.14469070

14cm is pretty tiny, bro. Good thing you had that brick.

>> No.14469080

What do you think of your current prime minister?
What is happening to the warez(割れ) scene there?

>> No.14469297

No, I have 7cm. That's why I fuck her twice

>> No.14469414

>I came in contact with friends.
>Sorry,I don't want to remember that lol
Well, you're definitely in good company here.

>> No.14469476

When writing in Japanese how do you indicate accents?
