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File: 466 KB, 700x1000, copulate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14452694 No.14452694 [Reply] [Original]

Routing her edition

>> No.14452711

Reminder that doubles is fun and you're missing out on half the game if you don't try it!

>> No.14452712

Send me money to get a second PEE m8

>> No.14452778

random is cheating

>> No.14452787

Send me money for a second FP7 then.

>> No.14453023

i think a bit the same tho

>> No.14453182

someone sell a turbocharger on amazon so i can use my amazon credit card to buy it

>> No.14453189

Is there a way to play on a P2 side setup but make it so the lane is on the left side of the screen like P1? I have this setup where my DAO is on my keyboard tray so I can't move it around, and I want to practice on P2 side but I can't help but polaying aligned with the left side of the screen

>> No.14453246

There might be a specific LR2 skin but you'll have to dig deep for it, for arcade data it's not possible

>> No.14453252

On AC data? No, because it's not physically possible. Most LR2 skins should probably have a setting for the turntable side.

>> No.14453259

I ended up moving my screen the most I could and it's not that bad I guess, my vision points a little to the right of the center. Maybe I'll get back to setting LR2.. Also is it normal that I can't clear 4s on p2 side when I can clear 9-10s on P1? Makes me want to kill myself just a little

>> No.14453265

i do think lr2 support that, not sure about iidx
try endless circulation skin

>> No.14453272

I have 25 12s cleared and I can just barely pass 7s on 2P side.

>> No.14453274

Not really. Plenty of bemani do weird things like seasons or upper or append. It just means it might be a bit longer.

>> No.14453288

DDR 2014 is literally just a UI update for 2013

>> No.14453371
File: 66 KB, 400x564, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of this StepMania noteskin? It looks nice.

>> No.14453378

Yeah but that's the exception because no one in japan plays ddr so they don't really care about the series anymore.

>> No.14453409

It's true

>> No.14453427

pop'n is the only fun bemani game

>> No.14453456
File: 518 KB, 1280x720, LR2 2015-12-06 18-55-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix my LR2 HD? I tried to install some HD skin, I think it was the LITONE4 a while ago, and this happened.

>> No.14453458

tfw your dog starts humping you and makes you fail the the last song in 6th dan.

Captcha: Bluegrass
Thanks Everdred

>> No.14453592

It's included in the official installer if I remember right

>> No.14453608

Oh god this is so stupid, none of my HD skins have the option to do so, but most basic SD ones (even the basic LR2 skin) have options to be P2 on the left lane. Why is this allowed

>> No.14453670

Litone is for regular LR2, not LR2HD.

>> No.14453712

>Also is it normal that I can't clear 4s on p2 side when I can clear 9-10s on P1?
Failing 4s seems a tad extreme of a drop, but yes, you can normally expect to be knocked down at least 3 or 4 levels of what you're normally accustomed to. I'm a 10dan who fails 9s on 2P side, even after playing DP for three months. I'm just not used to having to reverse my positioning and having to rely on my nondominant hand to do most of the work.

>> No.14453831

>Finally break the 10's wall
>Have been clearing a decent amount of 10's for some time
>Clear all the Pendual/Spada/Tricoro 10's songs
>Go back to Gold/Troopers/Empress
>Get rekt by even some 9's

I think the wall is not broken yet :(

>> No.14453914

What are some good hd lr2 skins?

>> No.14453987
File: 947 KB, 600x929, pNLTGGa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average BEMANI user

>> No.14453996

seriously who the hell is this faggot?

>> No.14454028
File: 847 KB, 1200x1200, a2364991568_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Renard Queenston, the God of Furfag music, while also being a furfag, they also play Bemani games.

>> No.14454110

what the shit in on his legs

>> No.14454181

i think they're stockings/tights or something

>> No.14454190

eh, I'd still fuck him

>> No.14454197

wait, renard is lapfox?
i knew both of them for a long time and i just put it together, holy shit i'm retarded.

>> No.14454219

did you know renard is also furries in a blender?

>> No.14454249

why the fuck doesn't he just use one goddamn name for his music

he has like 20

>> No.14454299

Tfw I haven't been able to do an o2 or bms edition in like 3 of these threads


>> No.14454345
File: 549 KB, 720x534, 1446685661477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is the 10 wall

why are so many players on /jp/ affected by it

>> No.14454351

When you're stuck on 9s and feel yourself failing at making any progress breaking into 10s

>> No.14454405

when the fr*ck is hinabita coming to iidx.....

>> No.14454418

Why the fuck don't Bemani artists use a goddamn name for their music? they all have like 20.

>> No.14454933

You're running a 1080p skin in LR2HD, which runs in 720p. Download the original LR2 and use the skin's patcher to get it to use 1080p.

>> No.14455010

What's the easiest 11 in IIDX
Harmony and Lovely looks like I might be able to clear it

>> No.14455014

miracle meets

>> No.14455034
File: 541 KB, 640x480, happy sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you are making good progress with your homemade controller.

>> No.14455039

What else? I fucking suck at butterflies but I could do fine at everything else

>> No.14455048


What kind of progress is there during a controller build anyway? You just order buttons, order arduino/arcin/whatever, order wires, machine a faceplate, then put it all together and wire it up.

Post pics anyway.

>> No.14455104

I think he means progress in-game

>> No.14455140

empress 9's are fucking hard

>> No.14455175
File: 389 KB, 983x1446, cable stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some pieces of acrylic that I need to cut and build the box.

>wires soldered
Laziness and I suck at electronics. I still need to buy more crimps for start, select, 6 and 7. Those in the picture were some I had at home.

I use a Joystick library for the Arduino Leonardo and a 600ppr encoder for the turntable (I didn't build the turntable itself). All the code works as it should.

Not yet.

>> No.14455184

Are those the cheap buttons that are like 27$ on eBay? Are they any good?

>> No.14455190

What makes the "cool" text rainbow in Pop'n? Is it just based on streak?

>> No.14455202

full gauge

>> No.14455256

>Are those the cheap buttons that are like 27$ on eBay?
They are. I bought them on AliExpress.

>Are they any good?
They are ok. Maybe a bit hard to press for me but that's because I'm used to playing with the keyboard, and I can't compare them with arcade or Dao because I never tried those.

>> No.14455530

Originally, "Great" became "Fever" with a full gauge. When they introduced modes with cools, they made the text rainbow instead.

Now that cools are always on, the fever text is only used for the panic ojama.

>> No.14455727

Anyone tried SDO-X here?

>> No.14455964

They work just fine, I have them in my modded JKOC. But I Strongly recommend buying new switches/springs. At minimum remove the springs they came with and use the switches only

>> No.14456043

>remove the springs they came with and use the switches only
This. I have the same switches, and they have an actuation force of 200g without the springs. For reference, real IIDX machines are 150g with both the switches and the springs installed.

You may feel like they're "a bit hard" right now, but once you actually start playing, you'll realize it's absolutely unplayable.

>> No.14456154

Am I right in assuming Pendual songs won't be on the terminal anytime soon?

>> No.14456427

good for learning, bad for passing

>> No.14456438

keyboard is cheating

>> No.14456448

good for typing, bad for pretending to be a dj

>> No.14456587

Real talk, what's wrong with osu!mania compared to SM or LR2?

>> No.14456719

The first 11 I ever cleared was Afro Knuckle. You can try that.

>> No.14456752

Play a different VSRG than o!m for a while.
Come back to o!m then and realize what cancer you have been playing all the time.

>> No.14456753

Holy shit fuck this game. I was sick of not progressing and tried playing on P2 side for 1-2hours before I fucked off, but I was so bad I had to play 4-6s instead of 9/10s. Now I go back on the P1 side and I'm worst than before, I feel uncomfortable even after an hour playing and the patterns feel more overwhelming than ever after being exposed to easy songs for a while

>> No.14456765
File: 713 KB, 1924x1080, sakuranamiki no kaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't clear a song, the entire chart feels like it's backwards.
>set it to mirror and immediately pass it with half the misses.
Who are these people making these backward ass charts.

>> No.14456793

The most obvious issue is the charts are terrible. It's simply random mapping based on the original beatmap. You will almost never get quality charts like that. Also osu!mania was such a pain in the ass to get it to register my fp7.

I also don't like the scoring system.

Switching sides that late isn't gonna magically make you better. Just try to finish up 8s you haven't done/failed with random on. Then do 9s again. Also consistent play leads to improvement, even if it's just 20 minutes a day.

>> No.14456914

>cardboard faceplate
>acrylic box

Funny, I did the exact reverse.

Everything else is the same , used a joystick library but my encoders are these cheap 20ppr ones that somehow read as 80ppr.

>> No.14456920

The switches can be lightened.

If we're all talking about the same switches I got (QMSRON, NO only) then just crack them open with a fingernail, pick out the spring, clamp both ends with pliers, and stretch very gently out to 20mm, which is what I used.

The result is about 50-75g from feel.

>> No.14456925
File: 32 KB, 734x336, optical-encoder-quadrature-1234[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20ppr ones that somehow read as 80ppr
that's just how quadrature encoders work, note how one pulse corresponds to 4 states

>> No.14457052

>random mapping
If you're playing auto-converted charts then they will be shit, no doubt. If you download beatmaps made for the specific mode, you'll find they aren't nearly as bad (usually)

>> No.14457069

That's the issue, a majority of the charts are converted, the mode just doesn't get as much love as the other modes. The people who use the editor are generally new or don't know much about beatmania so you tend to get stuff that is either average LR2 stuff or worse, and LR2 content is already pretty bad. Also doesn't help that most people inspire to make o2jam like charts.

>> No.14457390

What miss counts do you guys use to judge whether to try hard/ex hard on a song or not? My limits are 50 for HC and 15 for EXHC.

>> No.14457549

Do you guys use the FAST/SLOW indicator while playing IIDX?
It's nice to know what kind of mistake you're making and being able to adjust. On the other hand it's kinda distracting for me

How do you feel about it?

>> No.14457566



>> No.14457581

spaced 60 for HC and 10 for EXHC unless it's 10 in a row.

Yes but I ignore it unless I see I'm getting nonstop slows or fast in a section than I try to adjust.

I mainly use it for the result screen to see how I'm doing.

>> No.14457676

>DA mind mapping remix still not in iidx

Not cool

>> No.14457802

This. Random is a learning tool. If you keep rerolling randoms to get around a hard note layout, you are cheating and I don't understand how anyone could see it otherwise.

>> No.14457810
File: 101 KB, 320x320, 1430573553084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The charts, mostly.

>> No.14457848

most of the charting community comes from o2jam

it bleeds into 4k and makes my inner stepmania mad

>> No.14458049
File: 139 KB, 1280x956, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I didn't express myself well.
The acrylic is for the faceplates and I also need to make the box, which is going to be made of wood.
I want to make something like pic related.

>> No.14458054

Nonran is cheating.


>> No.14458191

Towel is cheating

>> No.14458230

I'm cheating

>> No.14458446

Can you really call it a pass if you had your gauge on a non clear rate for more than half of the song?

>> No.14458454

Did you use the tutorial that some Italian dude made?

>> No.14458463

Yes, I use it because the timing on my setup changes each time I start the game and ranges anywhere between -3.6 to -5.0 and above, so I have to play a song and then restart the game if I'm getting absurdly slow hits

Also it's nice to see what kind of mistakes I make if I'm reading a pattern wrong.

>> No.14458473

Okay, that makes sense.

Make sure you make a bigger scratch then that guy did if already have the capability to cut acrylic.

>> No.14458648

I watched the video for reference. I was going to use a gamepad for the buttons before I knew there was a library for that for the Arduino Leonardo.

>> No.14458653

I don't see why not, I only had issues in one part near the beginning and it takes a while for the gauge to build up from 4%. With the performance I did I probably could've hard cleared it. I would just need to pass one part near the beginning.

>> No.14459537

what's the mei of popn

>> No.14459551


>> No.14459664
File: 188 KB, 377x394, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my clear

>> No.14459669

enjoy ban

>> No.14459734

Nigga if you hate all 3 of them then what the hell do you like

>inb4 bemani elitist response

>> No.14459738


>> No.14459767

It feels good slowly progressing in popn from getting stuck at 25s to starting to beat some 34s and 35s.

>> No.14459803

Thinking about getting the SDVX controller from Dao's US warehouse because it ships quick and seems to be the cheapest option overall. The goal is to get that one for now because I don't have a controller and get one of the black Virgoo controllers later for the better internals. Has anybody used a stock (no upgrades) dao SDVX controller? I wanna know if it's decent enough to use until I get a nicer controller or if I'm literally wasting money.

I just wanna play some damn whooshknobs, I don't ask for much

>> No.14459846

Just save up for the Turbocharger +, it's not really worth buying two controllers, plus shipping with Virgoo is always free, where the SVSE 5 will run out of stock in the US storehouse and shipping will be expensive as fuck from china.

>> No.14459861

I like IIDX and I can tolerate, enjoy, and regularly play LR2 because there are some gems but I won't actively look for new songs or download packs. I tend to just stick with the normal/insane scales. I download the yearly BoF but I'm usually disappointed with half of the charts.

After that it's o2Jam and Osu!mania.

>> No.14459874

>dao sdvx buttons

>> No.14459892


>> No.14459931

> that song thats been giving you trouble that you finally pass
Whats her name jp

I wanna try out doubles cuz I have an rbc2 and a koc but the lag and shitty scratching on the koc kinda kills it

>> No.14459942

Vulkan [H]
Kept failing it and passed it first try today.

>> No.14459959

Mermaid Girl [Hyper] on pop'n

>> No.14460176
File: 7 KB, 112x138, 8421-0107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for playing.

>> No.14460231


疾風迅雷 [L]

>> No.14460272

I was planning on getting two anyway since my girlfriend plays as well and sharing isn't our strong suit. My intention was to use the dao for now with ksm so I at least have something and build a cabinet for the turbocharger+ to use with ac data (I do woodworking so why not). Sounds like I may just get two turbochargers though if the stock daos in the US warehouse are really that bad, jesus. It's a shame, that 4 day shipping was really enticing.

>> No.14460321

wrist scratching is cheating
keyboard is cheating
random is cheating
baby powder is cheating
bar raping is cheating
gloves are cheating

did i miss any?

>> No.14460356

playing is cheating

>> No.14460485

Swan Lake 裏

I pushed it under 70 misses yesterday and cleared it today

I'm literally guessing at some parts though

>> No.14460547
File: 276 KB, 1298x762, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart is a fucking hellspawn and random only makes it worse

>> No.14460568
File: 6 KB, 535x524, anal fisting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conflict [A]

It's a fun song until it stops being fun.

>> No.14460797

It's fun on Tone Sphere tho desu senpai

>> No.14460846

bar raping? is that a ddr meme or something no one cares about that game

>> No.14461658

Alstroemeria DPA. I remember playing it five months ago when I was first getting into doubles and got a D with like 300 misses. Now I got it down to 82 with a clear and -36 or so from an A.

Also, if you ever get the chance to play DP, you totally should. It's like a whole new game.

>> No.14461686
File: 545 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14461849

kill yourself

>> No.14461852

He asked which of the 4 I prefer. I can't mention the 4 without saying osumania.

>> No.14461862

never mention osumania no matter what the consequences. we don't talk about things that don't exist.

>> No.14461905


>> No.14461922

but you just did

>> No.14461928

Is it time to get osu/osumania sued to oblivion or not, I have my letter to konami legal department ready for a while now

>> No.14461953

ur autistic dude

>> No.14461973

>wah people like bad games.
If you're gonna osu sued go all the way and take down LR2 as well.

>> No.14461974

It's not about bad games, osu is actually doing an illegal thing by hosting content they don't own (music) and making money off of it ("donations")

LR2 hasn't got that issue at all, since it's pretty much just a utility and the few things they pack in officially are songs by artists who do it for free

>> No.14462000

ur autistic dude

>> No.14462131

I always thought 4 key stuff looked really boring but I started playing StepMania a few days ago and it's actually pretty fun

>> No.14462293

do it faggot

>> No.14462314

Copula soundtrack when?
Routing full version when!?

>> No.14462772
File: 66 KB, 200x200, 111111111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has good quality P*light files, like Yellow splash!! or Funky summer beach?

>> No.14463129

Is psun down? Can't use eamuse right now.

>> No.14463142

I just used it 10 minutes ago and it was fine, could be that it's down though

>> No.14463309

so putting bms files on a ramdisk cuts their loading time in lr2 by 75% ([xi]halcyon 38 → 9 sec, mei 8 → 2 sec)

though i don't know why that should be necessary at all considering even the fucking ps2 games can load any song within a few seconds

>> No.14463352

Even AC rips loads the songs faster, and instant song previews while in song selection...

>> No.14463369

It's probably just handled badly in the game and poorly optimized.

There is probably a BMS player out there that loads previews and songs nearly instantly.

>> No.14463537

When did you play o!m? nowadays there are a decent amount of charts.

They're not as good, though. (but at least they aren't auto converts)

>> No.14463573

>I have my letter to konami legal department ready
oh man what a internet tough guy
you think they don't know it exists? they already issued takedowns on all the konami songs last year.

>> No.14463584

>that MFF thread
so is literally every developer and person of authority on sows as furry

>> No.14463699

Welcome to the Bemani community.

>> No.14463701

actually a decently long time ago. The last time I played is a few months ago when demo had a get together on it and I had little to no interaction with it for a few months prior to that.

Had to use joy2key because it didn't want to register I was using my fp7.

>> No.14463821

Honestly I would have a few noodles over a bunch of jacks and stupid shit

>> No.14463843

jacks and stupid shit are actually fun though
noodles aren't

>> No.14464161

So, I heard o2mania is awful. Is there another option to play o2jam offline?

>> No.14464294

What is "cs-style song delay"

>> No.14464336

Changes the timing.

>> No.14464353

that's pretty vague

>> No.14464361

It's a bit better now, there are more maps and stuff. Not sure if you should go back and give it try, since LR2 is probably still better anyway.

>> No.14464433

no it doesn't

it just makes it so that holding start at the beginning of a song makes the hi-speed adjustment last forever rather than starting the song after 5 or so seconds

>> No.14464441

gives you unlimited time to adjust fhs/sud+. the song won't begin until you release the start button.

>> No.14464485

>there are more maps and stuff
that doesn't matter since all of the maps are all still shit quality

>> No.14464494

1 in every couple hundred is decent

>> No.14464971

don't think i can make it to 12land lads
i know i was thinking the same way when i first started trying 11s but this really is something else

>> No.14465210

I didn't think i'd get to 10s any time soon, and after less than a week (4 days to be exact) i started clearing 9s. Breaking the 10 wall right now.

>> No.14465223

Even after you're AAAing 12s, some 12s are still impossible. Have fun.

>> No.14465422

it doesn't help that clickagain, while good for 10s and 11s, has become basically useless for 12s
i have 25 of them cleared, median 12.4, but i can't clear ristaccia consistently and my hardest clear is the 12.8 electric massive diver, which didn't even strike me as hard; i cleared it on my first attempt

>> No.14465956

keyboard rhythm games are gay and are dumb

>> No.14465963

Some of the original DJMAX and Trilogy were nice tbqh

>> No.14466378

12s are really fickle since they can be easy as piss for most of the song and then kick you in the balls at the end. I've passed dozens of them and have some hard clears scattered around but I can only consistently do a handful of them, but I think that's because I don't grind out 12s feverishly since I'm giving equal playtime to SP and DP. Also there are still a fuckload of 11s that are harder than most of the entry level 12s to clear/hard clear that I still cannot consistently do (Saber Wing, D, Flying Rerun, Critical Crystal, four pieces of heaven, Beastie Starter, etc.).

>> No.14466425

What's an easy 10 to clear

>> No.14466454

re:generation SPA or idk ZZ SPH

>> No.14466719

Wait which Mods are furies? I only saw like ryurabbit or somthing.

>> No.14466881

all of them

>> No.14466932

elisha lol

>> No.14467026

This, by far the easiest, unless you can't grasp holds at all. Don't even bother with 10s if you can't clear this

>> No.14467027

heres a question to the pig site users long story short some people who were banned somehow have some data (that just came out recently) and are running it openly at a local arcade wat do to stop them?

>> No.14467033

If they're not actually connecting to psun I don't think there's anything you can do. It's not like anyone will care if you call the police and tell them your arcade owners are making money off illegal software

>> No.14467034

I think he wants an actual 10 not an 8 mislabeled as a 10

>> No.14467062

If they're not on Psun they can't do anything,

They're probably running it with ealocalserver and there's nothing we can do about it.

>> No.14467374

how do you know they were banned off of pigsite

>> No.14467590

pkgingo and mousish, the psun devs, were at MFF

>> No.14467596

light shine

>> No.14467663

get some help from konami-senpai

>> No.14467666

Tfw no tomo kun bf

>> No.14467711

he'd probably fuck you if you asked him

>> No.14467733

Just came to know of a IIDX 22 Pendual cabinet 20 minutes from here.
I've never played on a controller, which levels should I start off with? I know it's a completely different thing, but I can clear up to Insane 01-02 songs on keyboard.

>> No.14467760

Start with a 2, just in case.

>> No.14467787

Playing pop'n in an apartment at 3 AM!

>> No.14467827

Start with 3s, i did that and got used pretty quickly.

>> No.14467829

What keyboard layout do you use?

>> No.14467833

I'd cal you an asshole, but I've played DDR in an apartment at 3 AM.

>> No.14467852

I feel like pop'n is actually worse

>> No.14467857

inb4 sdf space jkl

>> No.14467863

Not when you have Chinese neighbors in the apartment below and Korean ones in the apartment above.

>> No.14467908

i used that and i'm clearing 10s right now on controller.

>> No.14467910

What did you start with? You can help answer anon's question.

>> No.14467924

already did, i started on 3s.

>> No.14467938

*nekomata master synth bagpipes play in the background*

>> No.14467983

>nekomata was mysteriously replaced by sota in museca

>> No.14468018

lshift sdf space ./rshift

Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.14468078

I know it's demoralizing, but you'll probably have to start on 2s and 3s or so. It won't be long though, just until you start to grasp the whole two rows concept and then your progress will start going a lot faster.

>> No.14468142

Should i wait until Sound Voltex III data is a thing (if we ever get it that is) to buy a controller, or should i buy one and use it for SDVX II (which i already have).

>> No.14468151

Just buy it now, why wait? Who knows when SDVX 4 will arrive and if we will get grav wars

>> No.14468403

if you're that desperate to play songs from 3 i'm sure there are probably ksm converts anyway

>> No.14468477
File: 260 KB, 1300x762, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more welfare 10th dan for me lmao

>> No.14468502


>> No.14468603

It says it right in the center of the image

>> No.14468645

hi jp do you like o2mania?

>> No.14468781

keyboard rhythm games suck senpai

>> No.14468787

Thinking about picking up a DDR mat for pc to try at get fit while playing muh rhythm

Whats the best quality product I can get for a relatively cheap price?

>> No.14468897

if you're not playing nonstop charts for 20 minutes each, you wont "get fit"
join a gym, fatty

>> No.14468908


Any physical activity is better than no physical activity, anon.

>> No.14468936

where the hell did yoshitaka go

>> No.14468944

It's alright, but you should really try to use O2Solo or a private server instead :D

>> No.14469289

>Just came to know of a IIDX 22 Pendual cabinet 20 minutes from here.
Where do you live.

>> No.14469512
File: 113 KB, 960x720, 1449036848666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fucking spent 4 hours trying to figure out why pendual stopped working all of a sudden only to find out that it was because I had my arcade stick plugged in... Someone kill me

>> No.14469610

Can anyone tell me where I can customize the little character thingy? I've been having this fucker since Spada and never tried to figure out, time for some kawaiiness :3

>> No.14469620

Thank you for playing.

>> No.14469667

wut game over?

>> No.14469768

nvm I found out about it. I only knew about port 8082 but not 8081

>> No.14470054

mate, that's supposed to be secret.

>> No.14470066

I'm gonna mention as much as I can
I hope the entire english-speaking rhythm game community burns

>> No.14470078


>> No.14470097

because it's a terrible community

>> No.14470233

and no community at all is better option?

>> No.14470279

in this case of one as bad as this, yes.

>> No.14470326

Fuck you Bemanigirl

>> No.14470334

try again

>> No.14470350

nobody cares except me

>> No.14470691

ugh lapistoria when?

>> No.14470695


>> No.14470712

ITT: Edgy kid hates community

>> No.14470714

gitadora FUCKING when

>> No.14470728


>> No.14470751

Never because nobody cares about GFDM

>> No.14470764

but it's fun

>> No.14470772

museca lineouts when

>> No.14470818

nice argument dude

>> No.14471004


>> No.14471008

tuxdude would suit this better imo

>> No.14471046

I don't think tuxdude hates the community that much, he doesn't even hate jp that much with how much we talk shit about him

>> No.14471055

Look at the thread before you came in here. It was just fine. The community is terrible because of people like you.

>> No.14471060

I wasn't talking about the thred

>> No.14471324

Asked him about when hes getting a controller all friendly and shit, and he screamed at me like a fucking autist lol

>> No.14471437

want to play iidx but i've aaa'd all the songs i like
all that's left are 12s i can't play and bad songs
what do i do

>> No.14471439

I offered him my uskoc and he was like k thx bye

>> No.14471446

get good

>> No.14471460

Tried to play iidx with a pop'n asc
Well that was interesting.

>> No.14471479
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>> No.14471483

>there are people who will pay 38 dollars rather than cum on mayumi or draw cindy
>the they'll get banned anyway because they paid

How can someone be this incompetent?

>> No.14471490

fucking cringe

>> No.14471635

Who's so gay as to not cum on Mayumi?

>> No.14471748

was it fun

>> No.14471900

I'm having some issues trying to fix my offset in pendual. Some songs I'll play with my regular offset which is +4.0 and I'll get equal fast and slow, so it seems fine. Then there are other songs that even on the max + offset, I will get more than 300 fasts and like 100 slows. Do I just need to practice my timing or is something fucking up somewhere?

>> No.14471921

Might be something fucking up.

For me, Gold Rush would always give me like 300 slows, even at -5.0, but the next time I started up the game I got decent timing at -4.2

>> No.14471957

Naturally I tried restarting. Just closed the game and came back in, didn't work. Restarted my whole computer, had the minimal amount of things running, didn't work either.

>> No.14471978

Switch between HD and HD* and see if that changes anything.

Doubt it will, but might as well.

I'm out of ideas, aside from just hitting later.

>> No.14472073

>the they'll get banned anyways because they paid
do you think they just instantly know as soon as you get invited how the fuck do you possibly get caught other than saying "I bought an invite"

>> No.14472109

>admin buys invite
>bans guy who invites him
>and the entire tree


>> No.14472190

Doesn't look like it did anything. I'll just play with expand-judge on and just have fun then.

>> No.14472196

who are you quoting

>> No.14472222

what's your current green number?

try playing with a faster scroll speed
it looks like you're hitting too early

>> No.14472296

if they're serious sellers they won't do it just through 1 account they'll have many accounts so it reduces the chance of getting banned

>> No.14472436

you're doing it wrong

>> No.14472492

USKOC/JKOC? If so, good luck with that...

I always had really varying number of fasts and slows when I had USKOC, there was nothing which helped with this. After getting a real controller with proper USB interface, my fast/slow ratio became about equal after finding the correct offset.

>> No.14472495

98% all the songs. also, play the 12s.

>> No.14472541

Dao FP7

>> No.14472577

Sounds like a hardware issue.

Is your framerate stable during the monitor check around 60 +- 0.05, last two digits stable? Fullscreen or windowed? USB sound card?

>> No.14472596

With all programs closed, the framerate is really stable. Fullscreen, using a usb headset.

>> No.14472613

There's probably some way to artificially induce a constant latency on all your keypresses, seeing as you're hitting consistently early.

Alternatively just turn on lift/hidden or something that will compensate for it.

>> No.14472620

Yeah, I'm consistently hitting early, but only on a few tracks. Like I said, some songs are perfect but there are a few songs where I just get a ridiculous amount of fasts.

>> No.14472631

If it's only those few tracks (I'm assuming they're all either high BPM or all low BPM) then just adjust your green number downwards or white number upwards for those tracks.

>> No.14472635

why is sniping scores viewed badly in the vsrg community?

>> No.14472670

gimme some chill songs
like cradle, cosmic raise (most of it), being torn the sky

>> No.14472698

Other than scratches, yes.

>> No.14472756

What does that even mean? Seeking out songs with low scores so you can beat them?

>> No.14472804

My guess is that a lot of score snipers are high level players who can't keep up with their own level's scores, so they go on easier songs and try to get top score, leaving the low level players out.

>> No.14472899

I want yoshitaka to come back from the war.

>> No.14472910

but this is good practice for accuracy

>> No.14473377

Honestly, you just sound bad, or you're trying to play by audio instead of visually or something strange. There's not really any other explanation for hitting that early all the time unless you're hitting early. A laggy game might make you hit late, but not early.

>> No.14473393

I don't know if you're reading my posts or not. I'm hitting 4x as many fasts as slow on around 3 charts that I've tried, all pendual charts, every other song I've tried, I get an equal amount of fasts and slows.

>> No.14473495

Where do you live. I'll come play on your setup.

>> No.14473823

because Stepmania is bad

>> No.14474618

Don't use any USB sound device. Best is to use mobo-integrated audio.

Also if that's not the issue - try playing songs a good bit below your skill level. Like if you're working on 10s play 6s, and songs which are easy to time. Don't try to adjust for jgreats just play along and hit notes when it feels you should hit them. Adjust offset accordingly. Of course this assumes that you are sticking to a GN/WN you're used to and comfortable with.

If you try to clear a song and barely do it your fast/slow can be way off depending on the song, it's natural.

>> No.14475595

who two-encoders-on-an-arduino-and-upside-down-iidx-controller for sdvx here

>> No.14475693

SVSE5 is only $160 man even if it is shitty

>> No.14475750

plus 90 dollars shipping for a grand total of 250

>> No.14475768

Free shipping if in the US while supplies last

>> No.14475812

with dao buttons that stick and knobs that will probably fall apart after a month

>> No.14475946

Working for me

>> No.14475969

Diverse System x Bemani collab when?¿

>> No.14475994

please, im still wondering why I can't hear announcer voices in pendual

>> No.14476002

Turn off any 5.1 surround and go down to pure Stereo sound.

>> No.14476005

or spend $249 on a Virgoo Turbocharger + with Omrons which costs the same as a Dao FP7 with stock everything from the US Storehouse.

>> No.14476038

how can i do it?

Also i cant hear them using either usb headphones, monitor speaker with HDMI or earbuds with mobo's integrated audio. everything in spada worked just fine

>> No.14476172

it isn't, unless by "vsrg" you're trying to say "stepmania and osumania"

i don't know why people see it as bad there, but people see it as bad in osu!standard because you have to play something a few times to get a FC (and a score worth something) and most osu players are somewhere between 13 and 17 years old so they need something to bitch about

>> No.14476177

I thought the korean beatmania community also despised it, no?

>> No.14476215

LR2 is still fun using a keyboard, DP is still enjoyable.

You don't really *need* two controllers for DP, but it's optimal.

>> No.14476254

the korean anything community is worse than any other.

>> No.14476259

fair enough

>> No.14477089

i don't know if i like the game enough to spend money on a controller yet

hell, i just now bought a fp7 after dealing with a uskoc for two years, and that's with iidx being a game i play every day

>> No.14477119 [DELETED] 


>> No.14477187

Bemanitools is exremely picky about other usb devices plugged in. Im not sure what could be interfering with announcer voices though. Make sure you dont have anything else plugged in that use drivers dealing with input/sound. Maybe try the new bemanitools if all else fails.?

>> No.14477192
File: 1.56 MB, 500x282, 1391604923078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8th Dan boyyyysss!!

>> No.14477221

When in doubt, just disable everything you're not using.

This applies to network adapters, input devices, soundcards, etc.

>> No.14477231

reminder that jhlee is a god

unemployed stepmania players btfo

>> No.14477246

9s are objectively the comfiest to play

>> No.14477773

mfw I got in just because I'm cute
>people actually cum on pictures of anime girls just to get in to a private tracker

>> No.14477963

What the fuck is score sniping.

>> No.14478163

does any kb player come even close to him?

>> No.14478197

>person A gets scores (probably WR)
>person B is generally a lot better than person A
>person B looks at all of person A's best scores and steamrolls them

>> No.14478290

who cares kb rhythm games are dumb

>> No.14478296
File: 10 KB, 370x295, speed faggat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478322

still can't beat his harlem shake or 25 disney songs score lmao

>> No.14478718

I just asked and got one.

>> No.14478820

What could possibly be bad about a worse player being beaten by a better player.

>> No.14478835

a lot of people think its a douchey thing to do, I don't know why they care but some people consider it to be a rude thing to do.

>> No.14478852

that just sounds funny

>> No.14478884

How is it a douchey thing?

I'm confused.

If person B is better, then they should get WR, correct?

>> No.14478904

it's considered douchey because person A is beating the scores of person B for the sole purpose of beating them, it's considered douchey when person B goes out of his way to look for the scores of person A just to beat them.

>> No.14478907

Weaker people beating a better person's scores is just a signal to the better person that they have some low hanging fruit that they need to improve.

>> No.14478912

>person A is beating the scores of person B for the sole purpose of beating them
Well that's awfully rude of person A!

>> No.14478916

Woops I screwed that up a bit

it's considered douchey because person B is beating the scores of person A for the sole purpose of beating them, it's considered douchey when person B goes out of his way to look for the scores of person A just to beat them.

>> No.14479072

osu!mania is the best vsrg!!!!

>> No.14479078

more fun than bass key simulator tbqh

>> No.14479197

So? People get encouraged to improve their scores, it's all good.

>> No.14479265

it can lead to a one sided rivalry where both people can't push themselves to improve if they aren't fully committed to it

>> No.14479411
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how is it possible for one body to exude so much raw sexual energy

>> No.14479613

I don't get the point of "score sniping." If I'm way better, I should already be winning. Do you go out of your way to play really easy songs?

>> No.14480408

>it can lead to a one sided rivalry
From the sound of it, it's already one sided since the other person is obviously much better. Sounds like the shittier person should get better rivals.

>> No.14480584

I think it's a thing to assert that you're better than someone, even if it's already common knowledge

>> No.14481145

where can i get songs for taiko jiro?

>> No.14481584
File: 276 KB, 424x412, hamster_sunbath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're downloading Pendual without partaking in any of the sows shit
You can't stop the signal.

>> No.14481624

>tfw I can't find pendual translation without partaking any of sows shit

>> No.14481697

>partaking in sows shit to get data
you dont have to "partake" in anything. all you have to do is keep upload, which is easy if you're not fucking retarded.
you get the data instantly right from the source, instead of having to search around for a leak months after release.

stay mad because you cant even get into the not-so-secret club

>> No.14481723

>tfw in sows and don't have to partake in any bullshit
>tfw downloaded pendual on release day

>> No.14481811

>oh god help im literally fucking retarded

>> No.14481916

Fuck I just realized that sows = pigs right? And cindy is a pig.
Why does l0k like pigs so much?

>> No.14482075


>> No.14482492

bemaniso was the original name and the .ws domain was chosen as a joke
the joke took off

>> No.14482494
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Isn't he in the bunch of furries as well? Some people just have their things I guess
Cindy a cute tho, pic related was my entry to sows

>> No.14482706

What anime is dis

>> No.14482805

i thought he chose .ws because it was the cheapest

>> No.14482806

lrn10reverse search

>> No.14482808


>> No.14482967

>Isn't he in the bunch of furries as well?
there's a thread on vip where he posts pictures of cindys people have drawn for invites that he's printed out and cummed on

>> No.14483107
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When's the Christmas freeleech?

>> No.14483297

What an unrealistic photo

>> No.14483343

Jan 1st?

>> No.14483376


>> No.14483480
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>> No.14483602

>when is christmas

>> No.14483902

Someone that I don't even know who's way up my invite tree did something bad and now me and all my friends are banned from sows :(

Any sows staff here? I've been idling in # all day and the place is empty

>> No.14483907


>> No.14484318

Why is Expand-Judge even an option. I can get MAX super easily and its essentially just a cheat to get scores that don't save (rightfully so). Does anyone actually use this option?

>> No.14484362

I guess it helps you get through songs you can't actually pass so that you can get used to the patterns.

>> No.14484449
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>mfw the osu community complained about peppy trying to introduce a less shitty score system

How the fuck can anybody defend a combo based score system in a rhythm game?

>> No.14484475


they've used it for so long that they refuse to accept any change even if it's actually good

>> No.14484499

Because osu players can't time, so the leaderboards would be full of C ranks.

>> No.14484506

I'm pretty sure the ranking wouldn't change, just the score value

>> No.14484707

The only issue is its multiplayer only so have fun

>> No.14484761

Does anyone know of a LR2 theme that has the 8 columns symmetrically laid out and of equal width? I'm too old for these gimmicks.

>> No.14484819

I don't think there's any... LR2 is meant to be played the same way as IIDX after all.

>> No.14485140

Programmed world hyper feels more like a 10 than a 9 imo

>> No.14485752

I'm such a causalfag for playing pop'n on 5 buttons, but I'm kinda new to it.

>> No.14485768

It's a hard 9 yes
The difference between hard 9s and easy 10s was blurred in the last few games, especially with the 2hu 10s they're really easy
I don't mean shit like elisha though that's just a mistake

>> No.14486419

Are there any sites for downloading user-made 7key BMS files preferably of non-beatmania songs (but I do welcome other bemani songs though)? I don't know any and I'd like to have more variety available. Insane pack is too hard for me.

>> No.14486511

Insane pack has non insane stuff but you need to use GLAssist so songs can be sorted into folders from a difficulty table.

>> No.14486547

good song, bad difficulty rating.

>> No.14486669

I remember some people having done an arduino based IIDX controller here. Could anyone who knows how to do this link any resources related to this and how to pull this off?

>> No.14486700

>wire up buttons the way buttons are wired up, aka GND and NO to pins
>steal joypad/gamepad code off the internet
>change pins to whatever pins you wired it up to
>plug into computer


>> No.14486739

is there a torrent for all the bms songs here?


>> No.14486744

where do i get pendual download
i dont have sows

>> No.14486763

for 1-20
21 and 22 are separate torrents

cum on mayumi or lurk in IRC and draw cindy

it's really not too difficult as long as you're not a dick about it and obviously there for data only

>> No.14486963

you mean the korean bms community?

>> No.14487262
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holy fug
