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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1443467 No.1443467 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody been surfing 2ch the japanese seem really pissed off at us right now for the whole G7 conference and theres even some guy /r/ing anti American themed anime. Just thought i would share that tidbit.

>> No.1443509
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>> No.1443533
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and heres the guy opposed to the G7, boring thread though

>> No.1443566
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Let me guess... you've had it with the Baka Americans and are booking a flight to Japan?

>> No.1443473

Yet no link?

>> No.1443482

>G7 conference
What? Something happened?

>> No.1443484

here4s the guy /r/ing the anti American anime

>> No.1443491

nothing ever happens at the g7

>> No.1443493

Everyone tell him Code Geass

>> No.1443495

good. less reverse-weeaboos.

>> No.1443501

What is G7?

>> No.1443502

This is a shitty thread. I don't have anything else to add.

>> No.1443506

In before someone goes over there and posts the same old tiring nuke joke

Also, it's not just Japan's idiots that blame the US for the crisis, while they should be blaming their bankers for being just as stupid

>> No.1443508

Actually, this G7 is quite important because the countries had to come up with a solution for the banking crisis. Not sure what they decided on though, besides the US turning their position around and taking direct equity stake in banks.

>> No.1443514


We should've nuked them 5 times.

>> No.1443520

what are they going to do about it? NO MILITARY LOL


>> No.1443523


Just because it's called 'self defense force' doesn't mean it's not a military. Baka baka baka.

>> No.1443526

self defence force? we have that too its called police!

>> No.1443536

police? we have those too: a bunch of drunken lardos that write parking tickets

>> No.1443539

your police have fighters and tanks? where do you live, China?

>> No.1443546


The JSDF isn't really as strong as you see them in Evangelion.

>> No.1443550

why fight when you can trick someone else into fighting for you? Enjoy dieing for a bunch of chinks Amerikkkans.

>> No.1443551


To be completely honest I don't give a shit about what Japs think, I couldn't care less for their society/culture or anything else, just give me figures and animu.

>> No.1443560

thanks for sharing

>> No.1443891
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>> No.1443563

So Japan has a shitty economy because of homegrown problems and they're mad at Amerika? Seriously, Japan has been having problems way before we entered the picture. They even had their own little economic crisis years ago.

>> No.1443565

It's the WTO's fault for being lazy asses and not accomplishing anything.

Also Fukuda.

>> No.1443580

Countries placing all of the blame on America when in fact they are just as at fault as America is?

Unheard of

>> No.1443944
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>> No.1443598

It is Americas fault, the economic collapse is because of Amerikkkans spanding more money than they have, disgusting how every stupid Amerikkkan is 200,000 in credit card debt.

>> No.1443624

I thought every anime was anti-american themed?

>> No.1443631

not all, just most

>> No.1443637

I don't even have a credit card, I own everything outright. Don't pin this bullshit on me.

>> No.1443647

This time was a meeting of world leading countries' Financial Ministers. It was in the USA, even though most of the meeting people live in Europe (lol).

It appears that they're pissed off at the US for not solving the problem with a snap of our fingers. Again. Nipponland has more problems to worry about than the world's stock markets falling proportionally to their previous levels.

Except Iceland; they're fucked.

>> No.1443649

Don't you mean $20,000? That's quite a difference. And there are plenty of Americans who aren't in debt at all, the exceptionally stupid consumers just bring the average up.

But really there are plenty of reasons for people to hate the United States. I live here and there are a lot of things I hate about it. Although a lot of people who hate the US have never even been to the country, which makes them as bad as your average American.

>> No.1443655

Its still your fault, its called collective responsibility, just because you are too stupid to control your spending does not mean the whole world has to suffer, o wait it does, thx a lot stupid americans, this is why we can't have nice economies.

>> No.1443656


>> No.1443664

>collective responsibility.

!= "blame everybody"

>> No.1443671

collective responsibility = blame everyone involved.

For example Germany is collectively responsible for the holocaust while some Germans may not have participated.

>> No.1443686

he has a point you know

>> No.1443689


>> No.1444073
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>your understand of grammar
>your understand

>> No.1443738


Collective responsibility is a concept or doctrine, according to which individuals are to be held responsible for other people's actions by tolerating, ignoring, or harboring them, without actively collaborating in these actions.

I really wish Highschool fags would at least use wiki before spouting bullshit.

>> No.1443760

I personally haven't been effected by this so I really don't care.

>> No.1443774

you are already effected you just don't realize it yet.

>> No.1443771

And if you proudly claim to be a German, as >>1443671 suggests, you would be part of the collective responsibility of the Holocaust.

>> No.1443786

Sounds like an incredibly stupid concept to me.

>> No.1443798

>But really there are plenty of reasons for people to hate the United States.
Such as the fact that some of them actually believe McCain can make a good president.

>> No.1443816

Ahh, this shit again.

I may even agree with you, depending on your definition of responsibility. I'm responsible to see that this sort of thing never happens again in Germany, but the Holocaust certainly doesn't legitimate shoving up millions of €s up Isreals arse or shouting at anybody voicing concern over violent immigrants about how he's such a nazi like it's all the rage these days with political correctness and such.

>> No.1443824


>> No.1443841

no prob dood enjoy your dieing of starvation.


>> No.1443843

I'm not trolling at all, some idiots in the southern US actually, truly believe that McCain is a better choice than Obama. I'm not making this up.

>> No.1443844


>> No.1443849


>> No.1443859

yeah no shit.

dear eu fags; please come to america and fuck our sisters, we need to stop the in breeding.

they're cute this generation, but next they'll look like shit. seriously the gene pool is getting thinner and thinner.

Save the world, Fuck a redneck chick.

>> No.1443864

i believe this guy is not a troll

>> No.1443871

You rate me like I'm a troll, but how can the truth be trolling?

>> No.1443876

Only niggers are stupid enough to vote for Obama.

>> No.1443877

Hahahahaha. No.

Enjoy living under the rule of a half-nigger you stupid fucking racist.

>> No.1443881

Mccain would actually make a good president?

>> No.1443884

No, the truth being that people actually believe he would.

>> No.1443896

Wasn't it G-8 just a week ago?


>> No.1443901

Mccain would make a good president why would people not vote for him?

>> No.1443903

Keep the old /n/ bullshit out. There's nothing more sad than a bunch of hikikomori pointing fingers at the rest of the world.

>> No.1443904

because of Palin

>> No.1443918

Because he would fuck over the economy. He has no grasp on how to fix America's economic problems.

Oh, and like >>1443904 said, Palin.

>> No.1443919

the vice president has no power

>> No.1443927

>fuck over the economy

so buying up the bad mortages that are causing the banks to lose money is fucking it over?

>> No.1443930

Usually not, no. But with McCain's health history, it's not good, because if he goes in for surgery or a medical procedure or anything, the moment he's unconscious, she's president.

>> No.1443939

Yes, have you not been doing your reading? The people end up paying for it anyway, because the money to buy the mortgages comes from TAXES. So instead of the people that can't pay their mortgages paying for them, the people that can pay for their mortgages pay for theirs and the ones that can't be payed for.

>> No.1443948


>> No.1443952

Ironic he'd suggest that, after the YEARS he's spent working for laissez-faire economics. Then, when shit hits the fan, give billions of dollars to the people that made all the wrong decisions.

Yeah, that's really helping the economy.

>> No.1443968


The reason why there are bad mortages is because of falling property values, by buying up the bad mortages he is temporarily inflating the price of real estate so people will be able to keep their homes + banks would have money to lend to businesses.

>> No.1443979

>temporarily inflating the price of real estate
OH, you mean exactly what got us into this mess in the first place? Gotcha, all for it then.

>> No.1443983


Didn't really want to get involved but you don't know anything.

>> No.1443985

no the reason for the falling price of real estate is because of consumer spending

>> No.1443999

So, the artificially inflated real estate market had absolutely nothing to do with it, you're saying? Odd, that's exactly what my economics teacher described as one of the main causes of the problem. I think I'll trust the guy with the masters in economics.

>> No.1444001


better than Barracks HURRRR lets give money to companies like Lehman whose CEO banked 500 million in 5 years.

>> No.1444003


Utterly hopeless

>> No.1444005

"Any animu where the US is the villain?"

"What are you sayin, man? The US is an ally of justice!"


>> No.1444012

You've got your causes wrong. The reason there's bad mortgages is that banks have increasingly tried to be more 'competitive' with each other by buying bad loans, partially affected by Clinton's "every American must have a home" bit.

The reason the USA is in such a shitter is that people have been taking said bad mortgages to an extreme; even borrowing up to 500k when they can only _maybe_ afford a 50k house with 20% down.

So USA real estate prices burned up like hydrogen in the sun and like, everyone who doesn't know how to spend money (read: the bulk of the US) just walked away from their mortgages and said "lol banks, you can have it since I don't want to pay for that shitty house anymore that costs 2/3 the price as 4 years ago."

By buying bad mortgages, the government saves the huge skyscraper of greedy banks from falling over sideways, causing a chain reaction of shit going boom. Sucks to save them, but it's necessary for letting everyone live in a recession, not a depression. I hate the banks for being a bunch of greedy fags, but what are you going to do if they have your country's nuts in their hands, prepared to rip them off when the banks finally die?

>> No.1444013

Honestly guys, if you ever learned ANYTHING from political science, it should have been that Republicans are elected in financial high times because they spend like fiends and don't raise taxes so they generate deficits, while Democrats spend frugally and generate surpluses.

McCain is not what the country needs right now. There's no way he and his party will have the foresight to get us out of this shit when their practice is putting us in shit like this, whereas the Democrats always have to clean up after the GOPs, so it's just another chance for them to do what they're good at.

>> No.1444017

>by buying bad loans
I meant approving.

>> No.1444018

I hate politics threads. Everyone walks away raging. Including me.

>> No.1444020

So guys, if McCain's plan is right, why don't economists agree with him? They're all agreeing with Obama except for a small handful, as far as I've seen. I think you guys are just idiots.

>> No.1444031

Bailing out the banks is like giving a blowjob to the fat Russian mobster who kidnapped your loli just so he'll cash your ransom check so you can take your loli home. Yeah it sucks but it has to be done, otherwise no one will get anywhere.

>> No.1444032

One of the reasons they approved the loans so readily is because the prices were so inflated. Default = they end up making money anyway because the property was worth so much. So, when the actual housing prices start to drop ever so slightly, it brought everyone back to reality, and the inflated prices dropped back down to what they really should have been, making an effective large drop in housing prices. Hence, why people all of a sudden couldn't pay their loans, because the loans were worth more than the value of the house.

>> No.1444034

American consumer spends too much then buys mortgage for a house( house bought during real estate bubble)

American consumer defaults on payment banks lose money

Banks give less people home loans

Less people buy homes, people scared property values drop

property values drop causing banks with current mortages to lose money

banks cannot afford to lend money to business

business failed people unemployed
Barracks plan

>> No.1444045

Can you at least learn to spell his fucking name? I now know I can't trust anything you wrote.

>> No.1444055

>I now know I can't trust anything you wrote.

you can't grammar nazi if your grammar sucks

>> No.1444064

More like you can't be a grammar nazi when your understand of grammar is wrong. The post is fine.

>> No.1444070

What's a person who can't even capitalize know about grammar? And that's not grammar, that's spelling. Completely different.

>> No.1444076

>when your understanding of grammar is wrong.
Fixed because I know someone's gonna bitch about a typo.

>> No.1444080

ITT trols troling trols

>> No.1444082

>understand of grammar is wrong.

You have just lost all of your credibility.

>> No.1444090

A more understandable error than "Barracks" which doesn't even have an apostrophe, don't you think?

>> No.1444096

Now know != Know now

>> No.1444101

"I now know" means "I have come to the understanding". It's completely correct and you're a retard if you think otherwise.

>> No.1444106

>Completely different.

Sentence fragment.

>> No.1444110

Excuse me for typing on 4chan like I speak. Didn't know I had to treat every post like a thesis paper for grammar.

>> No.1444125

Now know suggests that you already suspected but now you are sure.

Know now suggests that you did not suspect.

Since this is a anonymous board the correct term to use is "Know now" since users have no identity.

>> No.1444128

Nothing new here :
The whole world hates America.

>> No.1444133

I always suspect other Anons are idiots until they prove themselves worthy with good logical intelligence. Hence, "now know".

>> No.1444134

You are not excused.

>> No.1444145

Like I care whether or not you excuse me. I'm better than you anyway.

>> No.1444148

>"I now know" means "I have come to the understanding".

You lost have already lost all of your credibility by showing that you did not know the difference between "Know now" and "Now know".

>> No.1444157

Talking like an idiot makes you better than me? The irony of your post is amusing to me.

>> No.1444167

lol u tk him 2da bar|

>> No.1444168

Lemme ask you this. Where do you live?

>> No.1444172

You mean "speaking like an idiot," idiot.

>> No.1444174

I dk mah bff jill

>> No.1444187

/jp/ petty flame wars

>> No.1444197

I have nothing else to do before I go to work. Rather show up already hating life than let work do it for me.
