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File: 495 KB, 998x1125, 1448728935025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14415596 No.14415596 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to shave your Cait Sith.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.14415602

Maids are olev.

>> No.14415603
File: 702 KB, 1000x1086, 1446763296888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is now about catgirls

>> No.14415610

So post good ones.

>> No.14415613
File: 246 KB, 600x800, 1422381848555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can live with that.

>> No.14415618
File: 234 KB, 850x1200, CUGM24iW4AA0Jh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good to me.

>> No.14415619
File: 73 KB, 550x328, 1445714734762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure is getting cold out.

>> No.14415620

He did.

>> No.14415624
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>> No.14415630
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fite me irl

>> No.14415632


>> No.14415633

Wings get in the way of cuddling.

>> No.14415641

But winghugs are the best hugs.

>> No.14415650
File: 1.04 MB, 3015x2680, 1442423821739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being willfully wrong
Begone, vile fiend.

>> No.14415654

I hate you all

>> No.14415657

True, but I would like to be the big spoon once in a while. Do I get another MG to hug while being hugged?

>> No.14415670
File: 183 KB, 500x700, 1430706286348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right back at ya

>> No.14415682

So? She can fold them. I see no problem here.

>> No.14415685

pulling on a gazer's fluffy tail as you roughly prone-bone her and she makes [muffled gurgling pleasure noises].

>> No.14415699

I want a baphomet to laugh at my tiny penis!
I want her to ironically call me "big brother" complete with doing the finger quotes!
I guess she doesn't have fingers in the traditional sense but you get what I mean!

>> No.14415710
File: 1.61 MB, 1122x1600, Sg_33c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute, dumb lamia scum

>> No.14415714

>Is able to discern the meaning of words without actually knowing or understanding the word itself

>> No.14415734

That guy drew such a good yan familiar(?). Fishnets, crazy eyes, paralysis potions. The best.

>> No.14415774

Guys, i don't quite know how to say this, so i will just be blunt.

I was hugged without my consent and now my life's in shambles. It happened to me and it could happen just as easily to you, please be aware of your surroundings and always travel in pairs in yeti country.

>> No.14415783

I became a counselor so I could tell hug victims that they asked for it.

>> No.14415786

Oh yeah, shame there Fumita hasn't' done much else with her.

>> No.14415804
File: 220 KB, 1000x893, 1447042842916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pleases the anon.

>> No.14415818
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>> No.14415820

Best maid.

>> No.14415826

>lying on the internet

>> No.14415833

Victim blamers like you are the reason no one takes hug assault seriously.

>> No.14415838

All maids are lovely, whether they have feathers, fur, or slime.

>> No.14415839
File: 627 KB, 700x904, 1446347081202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd be even better if two faggots weren't the only people writing about her

>> No.14415840

She's a zillion times better then a Stink-Ki.

>> No.14415862

90% of the time, hug assault is the victim's fault. Have you seen how men walk around dressed in light clothing during winter? Just how is a Yeti supposed to control herself when she sees that and knows the poor man is probably freezing.

If we educated men and told them to dress appropriately for the weather we wouldn't have so much hug crime.

>> No.14415870

Now you're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.14415874

Yeti internet defence force pls

>If we educated men and told them to dress appropriately

Men are allowed to wear what they want, it's their bodies, we need to teach Yeti not to commit hugs without consent.

>> No.14415883

Yes she is. Best maid, most versatile monster girl with maybe the exceptions of Nightmares and Lilims.

>> No.14415884

Kikimoras are living feather dusters. Shoggoths are love from beyond the stars.

>> No.14415886
File: 771 KB, 700x1000, 5b6d5fe95d2672701a72f9cdff09ccea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazonian Titanias

>> No.14415888

Kikis are olev.

Remove abominations.

>> No.14415892
File: 65 KB, 665x961, wendigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't move!

>> No.14415893
File: 547 KB, 500x257, 1444827804822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are alone, Master.
>There is only marriage for you, and isolation from your people.
>Our daughters are just the beginning
>I will command a vast and terrible family
>And we will sail out among a billion worlds
>We will sail out until every bachelor has been wed
>You are strong, Master. But I am beyond strength.
>I am your waifu. And I have come for you, Anon.

>Stop. Thank you, my Master. But now it's time, for your education.
>Before there was time, before there was anything. There was NOTHING.
>And before there was Nothing, there was you.
>I have waited so long for you.

>> No.14415894

Why remove them when they love you so much?

>> No.14415898

>implying what she wants matters
Need I remind you that it's the current year?

>> No.14415899

>Amazonian Titania
>Strong, prideful but still childish at times and playful
She would be the type to go out for a day's hunting and take it seriously but at the same time wishes she was at home wrestling with you and playing games.

>> No.14415900

>Before there was time, before there was anything. There was NOTHING.
>And before there was Nothing, there was you.
Hey, I'm not that old.

>> No.14415908

Don't you want to father many starspawn?

>> No.14415910


Let me repeat that for you: NO.

>> No.14415913
File: 427 KB, 1280x1792, necronomicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shoggoths and Ubbo-Sathla are both Earth created, though. We are all Slimes.

>> No.14415917
File: 963 KB, 960x1588, 1448742207822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Monster Girls are the best to be Chubby?

>> No.14415921

You don't want a thousand mouths all crying "daddy"?

>> No.14415924

I'd rather listen to Alp complain for several hours.

>> No.14415930

You can do that already just by browsing the threads.

>> No.14415931

That's harsh. All you have to do is squirt baby juice inside of her terrifying tentacle nest.

>> No.14415932

You make it sound like Alp hasn't fucked off to whatever part of the cosmos will accept him

>> No.14415933

Anything to get away from those slimy creeps.

>> No.14415935

But Shoggoths aren't starspawn.

Not that I wouldn't hire one as my maid, eventually begin an affair with her that would lead to marriage and several abominably cute daughterus.

>> No.14415937

>implying Alp will ever leave for real

>> No.14415939

It's not slime, it's "fermented love"

>> No.14415942

I don't care what it is, it needs to go into the trash, where it belongs.

>> No.14415948

But they made it for you. Just have a little taste.

>> No.14415954

I have superior taste, hence my dislike.

Try to keep up.

>> No.14415955

Kitten Daughterus all bunched up in your lap purring.

>> No.14415960

Then what are they to do with all their "love"?

>> No.14415965

What makes you think this is even remotely my problem?

>> No.14415972

Because they have "love" for you

>> No.14415979

And? That's neither my fault, nor would I care even if it was.

>> No.14415987

It's your fault for being such a tease

>> No.14415989
File: 319 KB, 642x764, shoujo - parasite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All you have to do is squirt baby juice inside of her terrifying tentacle nest.
That is all I wish for. I want her tentacles to caress me softly as her mouth violates mine in ways depraved enough to make even the most corrupt cultist retch at the sight.

>> No.14415993

>tfw most anons would leave dozens of monster girls crying and heartbroken because they aren't their waifu.

Even in monster girls there is no comfort.

>> No.14416001

Sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.14416007

You're definitely being a cunttease. Just dock the maid.

>> No.14416012

>cheating on your waifu
You're right, there isn't. Not with the likes of you.

>> No.14416014

>certain girls would get guys easily
>most monster girls would never find a husbando

all they want is love

>> No.14416016

I refuse.

>> No.14416019

>Not wanting to see your waifu sob as you deeply kiss and a blow inside of another woman.

>> No.14416021
File: 462 KB, 860x1191, 1431090591923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawfags pls, I need to see a horrifying Abomination entwine with her husband in the lotus position.

>> No.14416025
File: 49 KB, 340x460, 57093868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14416026
File: 727 KB, 1920x1080, 1441228847858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14416031

You're even worse than the alps

>> No.14416040

Dime hooker NTR is best NTR
>Not wanting to see your waifu sob as you pound into a bored-looking girl who's fiddling with her phone while you desperately hump her

>> No.14416043

What MG would love the man who sold the world?

>> No.14416045

So you don't wantt to have. Along happy marriage, only to be seduced away from your family by some young lady who wants you all by herself?

>> No.14416048

No, that the kind of shit femals do. It's beneath me.

>> No.14416052

wow imagine being gay.

>> No.14416060

That's that all men say.

>> No.14416078

>Suddenly NTR

This isn't what I wanted! I just meant anons would pass up girls that weren't their favorite species or something. I never intended for this to happen! Eros, forgive me!

>> No.14416082

It's the ultimate betrayal, anon. She loves you from the bottom of her heart and you're willing to throw it all away for some whore who doesn't even care if you enjoy it as long as you pay up. It's so taboo that I'd roleplay dead fish prostitution sex with my waifu.

>> No.14416086

And those worth a damn live by it.

>> No.14416088

All the more reason why we don't deserve them. To leave them out in the cold because they're not what we're looking for is barbaric.

Then again, implying we get a say in the matter.

A wererabbit named Echo.

>> No.14416090

Man, you either can't type worth shit, or you're so drunk you can't think straight.
Based on your wrong opinions, I would have to say it's the latter.

>> No.14416097

But all men are cunt-loving sluts.

>> No.14416101

>roleplay dead fish prostitution sex
How long do you think your waifu could stay in character before going nuts and kissing and hugging you?

>> No.14416102

Those aren't real men.

>> No.14416104

For the monstergirls who don't win my heart I'll send them my sons.

>> No.14416110

All men are sluts even if they deny it.

>> No.14416114

Deruella pls, nobody cares for your propaganda.

>> No.14416115

Prove that I'm a slut, fucker. I dare you.

>> No.14416117

>MFW no Kraken stories

>> No.14416119

I'm not joking. Men should be more slutty.

>> No.14416121

This, don't get why some people deny it. I think they need a good strong Monster Girl to instill some honesty in them.

>> No.14416122

Werecats are adorable, and truly make the best maids. I just wish I wasn't allergic to pet hair. Hypoallergenic breeds are a lie.

>> No.14416126

Lesser ones will be regardless.

>> No.14416127

There are Kraken stories even if they might not be very good. The only monsters that come to my mind that definitely don't have stories are things like Matangos, furries, and Will-o-Wisps.

>> No.14416128

PRW made a short story about one.

>> No.14416130

You're a man, so you're a slave to the V, aren't you?

Keep denying it.

>> No.14416133

MachineAnon has a short one.

>> No.14416135
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, 1435648223849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Werecats aren't actual cats I doubt you'd have to worry about allergies.

>> No.14416134

>definitely don't have stories ... Matangos
Guess again.

>> No.14416139

Who is this chick? I have another image set with her saved, I thought it was some one-shot. Is she from something?

>> No.14416140

Keep making stuff up.

>> No.14416141

The only thing I'm slave to is crushing existential dread.

>> No.14416142

You fuck sluts?

>> No.14416147

That's unfortunate. At least we don't have anything about siths, right?

>> No.14416151

I made doubly sure I remembered the comma there, joker.

>> No.14416154


Don't let the media brainwash you, just admit that you love to slut.

>> No.14416159

But I don't.

>> No.14416162

But you do.

>> No.14416169

>The only monsters that come to my mind that definitely don't have stories are things like Matangos, furries, and Will-o-Wisps.
>Jinn of the Jar
>Queen Slime
>Kesaran Pasaran
All come to mind, I think Kesaran Pasaran is the most likely of them to have a story since I vaguely remember something but I don't think the rest of them do.

>> No.14416172

semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, motherfucker.

>> No.14416175

No, I think you might be projecting a little too much.

>> No.14416185

If men aren't sluts, then why do they love to fuck so much? Checkmate!

>> No.14416192

You keep using that word. For men, the correct word is "studs".

>> No.14416195

Why are you assuming I love to fuck

>> No.14416198

Thank goodness for that. Then I would be able to look forward to coming home and having a group of werekittens and a werecat wife jump on me, all purring and being cuddly and loving and cute.

>> No.14416206

Studs was a word invented by feminists and jews.

Well you are a man.

>> No.14416216

I am not a slut and there is no way you can prove otherwise.

>> No.14416217
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>> No.14416223

Part of that is because there's literally no way to do her schtick without it being forced and stupid.

>> No.14416232

Elaborate. Because that sounds like a challenge.

>> No.14416247

How are you so sure you're not?

>> No.14416248

I just hate the whole "you can totally make the night face a cute moeblob too if you want to!" cop out KC went with. They're fine otherwise and act as a cautionary tale to be careful of who's advances you accept, even if they look human.

>> No.14416251

They're nice and ara ara during the day but give into their bestial desires during the night and rape the man they fancy and continue to do it until the guy turns into a masochist.

Or he can reverse rape her at night and so on and so forth to turn the mechanic on its head or some stupid shit like that.

I'd honestly care more if I still wrote for this place.

>> No.14416255

If I feel sick can I convince a Monster Girl with big meaty thighs to use her plush lap as a pillow?

Because I wanna do that! And I wanna tell her that using her thick thighs as a lap pillow is making me feel better, which is technically true but belies the fact that fat thighs are my fetish!

>> No.14416263

Because I want to save myself for the special person.

>> No.14416268

I dunno, dere-sweet during the day and brutal CBT or some other hard femdom during the night sounds pretty cool.

>> No.14416274 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1240x1754, 1448748212316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats swimming.

>> No.14416281

Like you won't drop that promise for the first monsterpussy you see.

>> No.14416282
File: 36 KB, 744x646, 1404417287133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you'd find one eventually. any of the more motherly ones would probably do it no problem. but I'm willing to bet just about any would do it for the right price.

>> No.14416283

>brutal CBT or some other hard femdom during the night
It's probably more like web bondage and claws and other typical spider girl stuff just a little harder than usual. CBT is a bit too much for MGE usually.

>> No.14416290
File: 416 KB, 725x1024, 1396760838951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Greetings my lord! I hail from the glorious Cat Kingdom! I understand I am to be your squire!"
>"I can't wait to learn from you! I have heard you are a great knight!"

>> No.14416300

>TFW too weak to be a knight and honestly prefer Dogs
>Too awkward to admit the misudnerstanding and especially after how peppy and eager she sounded, I don't want to let her down, so I'd just pretend to be some cat kingdom knight and try to teach her things I don't even know about
I wish I had a spine

>> No.14416301
File: 389 KB, 159x124, ralphswitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not a slut! Please stop harassing me!

>> No.14416304
File: 621 KB, 1024x1239, the reddest of mages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"listen here pussy cat I ain't no knight I'ma a red mage"

>> No.14416305

Is she going to be disappointed that the great knight she heard about is a lazy guy with a perverted streak who only gets serious when it matters.

>> No.14416306
File: 415 KB, 1600x1200, 1399685207356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it for the cat tats, Anon.

>> No.14416310
File: 128 KB, 1412x824, 1431477669580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I wouldn't really say I'm a great knight, but I'm flattered that you hold me in such high regard. Now arm up, soldier! Your first sparring match is in an hour! My partner can be a little rough on newcomers, but' Ill try and get her to restrain herself a bit.

>> No.14416313

>This isn't what I wanted!
This is what you get for not shitblasting the "muh male NTR" faggots.

>> No.14416316

>be wizard
>have to pretend to be a knight
>sneak some force and sharpening spells in to make it look like I can use a sword
>cut a tree in half on accident
>now she thinks I'm some kind of superknight and expects so much of me
>don't have the heart to tell her I'm actually a mage

>> No.14416322

>White School Swimsuit
Oh yes, that's the stuff.

>> No.14416328

I guess I can trick her into thinking sex is great for endurance training.

>> No.14416329
File: 63 KB, 165x422, Ffta2-spellblade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving up magic skill or martial prowess
>Not belonging to glorious spellblade master race

>> No.14416334
File: 23 KB, 255x578, Ffta-viera-fencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viera are cute! They have soft ears!

>> No.14416337

>don't you just hate weaklings like those mages, ser?
>a man who relies on fancy spells like that won't ever get any of my respect!

>> No.14416338

>Not playing as a witcher
Best class. You get the roguelike sensibilities and the skills of a warrior topped with badass runemagic.

>> No.14416349

Like I said, I don't write anymore so I could really care less what you do with her. It's just the Jurougumo's schtick is like a more rape-y Arachne and LDR is pretty much untoppable with His/Her iteration of one.

>> No.14416359

Which story was that?

>> No.14416368

I wonder if Miiafag knows about this stuff?


>> No.14416373

Her Wicked Webs, it's behind a paywall due to it being Amazon only iirc but it's one of the best Arachne stories out that.

It's not really fair to use LDR as a measurement of anything but they make it kind of hard to want to try.

>> No.14416383

>they make it kind of hard to want to try.
They? Who's th- oooooh. Thon-thon. Gotcha.

>> No.14416390

LDR is a really good writefag, I like thon.

>> No.14416394
File: 3.90 MB, 2000x2000, 44771777_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened at the end of the last thread?

>> No.14416400

We were celebrating reaching the very end of the line with 50 images left.

>> No.14416408
File: 1.99 MB, 500x399, 1430433358366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14416410

>tfw can't snipe when at work

>> No.14416417


>> No.14416422

I want to lead my Kobold daughteru around on a clit leash!

>> No.14416442

>Her Wicked Webs, it's behind a paywall due to it being Amazon only iirc
I always loved LDR's writing but never looked into her published stuff. Paying for 38 pages of smut isn't something I thought I'd do but I don't mind making an exception in this case.

>> No.14416447

Quit astroturfing/advertising faggots.

>> No.14416449

A... What?

>> No.14416451

Nude, or completely dressed in a skirt without panties?

>> No.14416452

It boggles the mind that any one would consider the fruits of these threads worth publication, self or otherwise.

>> No.14416454

Amazon E-books does not count as published.

>> No.14416459

>Someone likes something
/v/ please, it's possible for people to actually like an author. A lot of us here have paid for art, myself included so is it so hard to believe someone actually wants to spend money on something they enjoy?

If I remember rightly you cried about advertising last time people talked about LDR too.

>> No.14416465

> Being a shill
Fuck off. You do realize it was the astroturfing bullshit that got the blogspot canned, right?

>> No.14416475

No that was faggots repporting shit for kicks

>> No.14416478

>Wanting to pay for something is being a shill
Guess mentioning I got Mugen Souls in the steam sale today would be shilling too

>> No.14416484

>Using steam
Enjoy your DRM

>> No.14416487

Ah what isn't DRM?

>> No.14416488
File: 47 KB, 450x450, 0e274ae0a05b26b653dafd6fc2dae04f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm lurking for a while.

>> No.14416495


>> No.14416497
File: 69 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nxsh0llJLE1uaxebao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck it

>> No.14416502

I want to kiss that cat.
On her cheek.

>> No.14416503

Thought shitstorm was starting, but I was wrong. Ah well.

>> No.14416508
File: 1.29 MB, 1320x1396, 42953026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only weenies care about DRM. I hope you don't have a Gazer waifu, she'd call you a faggot while playing digital games on her vita.

>> No.14416509

Shut up, Alp.

>> No.14416516

I'm not Alp though.

>> No.14416521

Sound like him.

>> No.14416526

A clit leash anon! It's where you put a clamp with a string on her clit and lead her around with it!

I was thinking about a micro-bikini with holes where the cloth would be.

>> No.14416529

Can you stop pushing that faggots monstergirlsona? Fucks sake.

>> No.14416530

I bet you'd play Diablo 3 because "What isn't online these days?" Or use Windows 10 because "I've got nothing to hide :^))"

The Gazer Waifu is right, you are a faggot.

>> No.14416535
File: 714 KB, 900x1200, 1405916954576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one eyestalk checking out her butt
She's probably not even wearing panties, the little pervert...

Do you think Gazers check themselves out from multiple angles while having sex?

>> No.14416538
File: 551 KB, 1280x753, 1448012855037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by "fucks sake" you mean "fucking the cat for my sake" then yes, I would fuck the cat

>> No.14416539
File: 221 KB, 1400x1000, gazer do it for her jpeg this time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd be playing them on my vita though, why would I make her buy a separate one.
She's my waifu, what's mine is hers.

>> No.14416544

Fuck off.

>> No.14416546

That sounds painful. Like, stupidly painful. Not even in an erotic sense. A clit's basically the female equivalent of a dick. Why would you pierce something that sensitive?

>> No.14416548

LDR is probably the best writefag in the threads. Bar none.

>> No.14416549

The two tone hair will always be extremely ugly on her

>> No.14416557

She's also smoker, which in itself is tacky as fuck.

>> No.14416558

She's not a pervert, she's just comfortable.

>> No.14416559

Smoking is cool though

>> No.14416560

I'm pretty sure that's how you fluster the smugcat.
I want to make a monstergirl blush.

>> No.14416561

Camel please.

>> No.14416562

>LDR is probably the best writefag in the threads. Bar none.

>> No.14416564

It is though. What's not to like about it?

>> No.14416566

Quit replying to the shill. There's literally no reason to hype up LDR except to sell more shit on Amazon. And every time you engage the faggot(s) they just whine and strawman. So do what you're supposed to do and report and ignore.

>> No.14416567

The smell, the horrible taste of a smoker's mouth, the yellowing of teeth, the demon realm herbs stuffed in there to induce corruption.

>> No.14416572

I don't even know who you are but them, Machine, and Captain are at least consistently good or better than normal.

Then you have cum guzzlers like Fizz, Bull and Cocks, Bob, etc.

>> No.14416573

It's bad from both a health and monetary standpoint.

>> No.14416574
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x2700, 1437857819899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give that cat an extra helping of baby batter.

>> No.14416575

So...business as usual

>> No.14416576

Mamono Mana removes all the bad downsides, but keeps all the cool.

So really, only weenies wouldn't like smoking. You're not a weenie are you?

>> No.14416582

I mean, if they were full of demon realm stuff and the smoke smelled like your waifu to induce boners I might agree with you.

>> No.14416585

I wouldn't go as far as to say no one challenges her, machine is a good second when he's not being a gigantic faggot.

Still though LDR is pretty great, she handled succubutts better than anyone else I've seen.

>> No.14416586

I said nothing about piercings anon. If you wanted to do a piercing, then that's possible too though. You can pierce a clit hood.

>> No.14416588

Even if mana removes the physical side-effects, that shit still smells and tastes horrible. Not to mention that the smoke & ash ruin pretty much everything they come in contact with.

>> No.14416589

Smoking was never cool in the first place anon, even worse when it's associated with some braindead retards monstergirlsona that gets spammed in the threads by faggots like you..

>> No.14416591

>No mention of Lantern, PRW, Spider and the Fly guy

>> No.14416592
File: 26 KB, 400x369, 6a0162fe5138f1970d0167620c6ea6970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoking was never cool in the first place anon

>> No.14416597

Live with a serial smoker for your whole life and the appeal quickly vanishes.

>> No.14416598

If you want to talk about shills/astroturfing fucking Lantern wanted to take money commissions for stories.

>> No.14416599

That's the other guy though, I just find your LDR clitsucking suspicious.

>> No.14416600

You're entitled to do whatever you want but I still stand by them being one of the best writers we've had. Hell, I included Captain on the list even though he kind of fucked off to Cripple Channeru

>> No.14416602
File: 1.22 MB, 1268x1743, 1439852590329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shush now anons. It's time to go to bed.

>> No.14416604

But I just woke up a couple hours ago

>> No.14416605

I don't wanna!

>> No.14416606

who are you

you're not my maid

i don't have a maid

someone call the police

>> No.14416608

>I just find your LDR clitsucking suspicious
When people tend to make nice stuff they get praised for it, just like they'll get told they're shit if their name is Alp.

>> No.14416609

>I still stand by them being one of the best writers we've had
Yeah, that's cool. It's the "bar none" that got my eyebrow to raisin'.

>> No.14416610

Yeah, no. It's three in the afternoon.

Besides...you're gonna need someone to help you with dinner.

>> No.14416613
File: 812 KB, 1200x1363, 1416272220982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have prepared a Yeti for you, please accept her feelings and embrace and fall asleep in her paws

>> No.14416614

Well when you write like you're actually educated in creative writing and tend to put stuff out that's a good deal above the average shit it's pretty hard to find a place to measure them at.

That being said, they probably drink absinthe and eat innocent roast ziti from a cow they force-fed cream cheese so they can feed the raw steaks to babies.

>> No.14416616

I'll accept the yeti but I ain't going to sleep.

>> No.14416617

Well what a coincidence, although I woke up a couple hours ago I suddenly feel really tired

>> No.14416622

>put stuff out that's a good deal above the average shit it's pretty hard to find a place to measure them at.
>it's pretty hard to find a place to measure them at.
Yeah it's this that makes people think you're shilling anon. Your implication is that LDR is a peerless writer.

>> No.14416628
File: 89 KB, 550x461, itsforyourhealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is okay, but please have a nice and warm drink to warm up.

>> No.14416633

What kind of hot drink are we talking here?

>> No.14416634

Who are you and what have you done with my Eldritch-chan.

>> No.14416635
File: 34 KB, 387x288, 1431286348366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14416641
File: 173 KB, 550x544, ivemadeahugemistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.

>> No.14416642

Well OK, that sounds nice. Thank you.

If I start feeling tired, can I have a lap pillow?

>> No.14416649

I put Captain on the same level as LDR even though his shit is pretty cliché at times as are almost all stories.

My biggest problem with LDR is 99.99% of their stuff is femdom and goddamnit I don't want to spend money for a quick fap. If I wanted to do that I might as well just give Lantern all the money in the world.

>> No.14416654
File: 217 KB, 700x785, kikishealingservice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice and hot cocoa, with a marshmellow.
Made with lot's of love.

Your abom- maid has called in sick for forev- this week. Why don't you have a seat and enjoy your nice drink?

Of course Master. Just close your eyes and relax.

>> No.14416656
File: 107 KB, 700x479, 1447728457713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take the drink, Anon.

>> No.14416661

What about Harblador even though his stuff is more purple than prose, or QS? PRW? I'd consider those our better writefags, and it kinda feels like you're ignoring that fact for some inordinate obsession with LDR

>> No.14416662

Goddamit anon. your post appeared the second I wanted to post the same picture.

>> No.14416664
File: 416 KB, 702x702, 1439762400000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to replace best maid with cyka cyka bylat Adidas tracksuit Slav shitter maid

>> No.14416665

>A nice and hot cocoa, with a marshmellow.
>Made with lot's of love.
You just spoke my language. Truley you are the best maid

>> No.14416667
File: 187 KB, 800x1000, Amazonian Horse Pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we've got Amazonian Amazons, Amazonian Titanias, and Amazonian Horse Pussy.

Any other Amazonian monster girls we got lying around? Probably a Amazonian Catgirl somewhere already...

Also I'm sure there's an Amazonian Lilim in charge of all the Amazons.

>> No.14416668

This is how kikis get replaced by shoggoths.

>> No.14416670
File: 289 KB, 721x711, 1391735220245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stroke cat-girls, not egos.

>> No.14416671
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>> No.14416676
File: 120 KB, 603x327, burn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your abom- maid has called in sick for forev- this week. Why don't you have a seat and enjoy your nice drink?

>> No.14416677
File: 104 KB, 766x1368, 6fb5a97575f32d5b8e3441a6b7940518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14416681

>Amazonian Catgirl somewhere already...

>> No.14416685 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1412280692091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheetNEET disguised as hell raven, two monster girls as one

>> No.14416690

Mike a cute.

>> No.14416694
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1412280692091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheepNEET disguised as hell raven, two monster girls in one

>> No.14416695
File: 102 KB, 700x1000, 1446516258365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14416696

Isn't that a toucan?

>> No.14416701
File: 19 KB, 400x400, あげろというのであげてみる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell raven!

>> No.14416705

>Implying those exist are worth mentioning

>> No.14416707
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x853, 29.7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you guys know this

But I really love this Dragon!

>> No.14416711
File: 202 KB, 800x1000, 1435293411918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explore the jungle
>Discover native catgirl
>She's just lounging in a tree, watching
>No concept of nudity since she's alone
>Thick curves despite having to survive in the jungle
I'm either going native or going to try and 'civilize' her. Either way, there's going to be a lot of kittens wandering around

>> No.14416712

God dammit towels like that do things to me.

>> No.14416714
File: 1010 KB, 840x1200, ennio_morricone's_masterpiece_plays_in_the_background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is.

>> No.14416718

So basically Agent Smith.

>> No.14416719

That's not Il Triello.

>> No.14416724

>MASTER ANON We've been expecting you...Do you like what I've done with the place?
>It ends tonight Shog
>I Know it Does I've Seen it.

>> No.14416725

That last panel tickles my slut bone. The thought of two cosmic horrors getting ready to show me the twisted lewd and depraved truths of the universe and the all encompassing Outer Gods is a very stimulating one indeed.

>> No.14416727

Indeed it's not. Also, good taste.

>> No.14416728
File: 244 KB, 604x900, Very scary bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get outta here!

>> No.14416745


>MISS MORA! We've been expecting you... Do you like what I've done with the place!?
>It ends tonight.
>I know it does! I've seen it! That's why the rest of me is just going to enjoy the show because we already know that -I'M- the one that beats you!

[DragonBall fight ensues into the abandoned building]

>Can you feel it, Miss Mora? Closing in all around you.
>Oh I can.
>I should thank you, for after all it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life.
>The purpose of life is to end.

[More Fightin' Games]


[That slam into the crater]

>Wait... I've seen this! This is it! This is the End!
>You were laying right there, like that, and I... I... I stand here. And I'm supposed to say something.
>I say... 'Everything that has a beginning has an end, Kiki'.
>What? What did I just say? No. No No. This isn't right. That can't be right.

I fucking love that movie for as cheesy as it was

>> No.14416767

get a daughter, retard

>> No.14416774
File: 110 KB, 905x1280, Hellhound_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which monster girl would be the best to have just enough drinks to get tipsy and have cuddle sex with?

I'd say Hellhound.

>> No.14416788

I'm not sure your sanity is ready to be submerged into the churning primordial cauldron of double maid love.

>> No.14416799

That's okay. The stuffs are there, even if they do reduce it to a malleable soup. I trust them to fashion it into something that at least resembles goodness.

>> No.14416800
File: 1.93 MB, 1600x1131, 25.4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Jabberwock of course! Slow cuddlesex while she's slightly tipsy and mumbling nice compliments would be nice.

>> No.14416804
File: 289 KB, 1024x768, 1447982464814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A MILFicore.

>> No.14416805

Scylla. Giggly, hiccupy tentacle massages.

>> No.14416813

Remove faggot cat. Nobody writes them well.

>> No.14416814

Cake or bust.

>> No.14416818

These are all correct answers.
But consider all of them at once.

>> No.14416820

Also slow scyllass fondling.

>> No.14416824

A cake has no idea what she's doing first time.

A Monster MILF is a cougar who preys on younger men, who knows what she's doing.

MILF/Cougar Monster Girls sound more fun.

>> No.14416830

>not liking MILF's
>not getting on the good side of the MILF's somewhat bratty but nice daughter
>not pounding the mom until the daughter hits puberty and becomes wife number two
step your weak ass game up senpai

>> No.14416831

>virginal monstergirls
Monstergirls have knowledge of how to pleasure a man embedded into their genes dude.

>> No.14416832

That's the best part, they can fashion their bodies into anything and like the good maids they are they probably know all about their master's preferences.

>> No.14416835

>wanting used goods

>> No.14416836

You speak my language, brother.

>> No.14416842

>wasting your time with whores
Plebs, the lot of you.

>> No.14416845

Cakes can be both virgins and used goods
MILF implies NTR unless you use some bullshit like a widow

Cake wins

>> No.14416858
File: 51 KB, 536x345, 1440975550228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cougar Apophis
>Calls you her little 'golden boy'
>Pampers the fuck out of you
>Feeds you massive feasts and wine and such when you see her
>Then all she requires is a donation of snuggle sex

>> No.14416859

Plus, cake can come in many different flavours. Black Forest, Fruit cake, Cheese cake, Christmas cake, Strawberry shortcake
Wait, oh, you guys aren't talking about pastries

>> No.14416860

No I mean actual Amazonian MGs.

Amazonian Werecats, Amazonian Unicorn(s), Amazonian Mermaids.

>> No.14416879


Get on it Bollocks.

>> No.14416880
File: 681 KB, 910x842, 25.5.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't want them all at once, I just want my waifu! I want to cuddle her and have fun drunk lewd times with her. I want to try out fun kinky things with her tentacles.

I can't do lewd tentacle things with a manticore, nor have an emotionally fulfilling experience.

>> No.14416882

Shame we don't have those yet.

>> No.14416923

>you will never oil up that belly

>> No.14416934

Why would you do that to a chubwock? she'll giggle and tell you it tickles

>> No.14416937
File: 550 KB, 1330x1216, yeti anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeti waifu who is absolutely obsessed with Christmas
>The very second the clock strikes midnight after Thanksgiving she's at work
>Tree's up
>Lights are strung
>Mistletoe in every doorframe (and above the bed)
>Cocoa's on
>Electric blankets are out
>It's A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, A Christmas Carol, and Miracle on 34th Street are ready for frequent marathons
>She's got multiple pairs of Christmas pajamas. You get to be Santa Claus and Frosty the Snowman, she gets to be Mrs. Claus and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

>> No.14416938
File: 237 KB, 1064x1083, 1444537638418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day we will have it anon.

One day...

>> No.14416940

That sounds great
Except my Thanksgiving is a bit early for Christmas decorations

>> No.14416942

I want a pair of maids, a Kikimora and a Shoggoth who are fraternal twins born from an Echidna named Susan and S'zon.

>> No.14416950

>have lilum waifu obsessed with Christmas
>well just mistletoe
>it's practically everywhere in your house
>and all of your belt buckles have been replaced with the stuff too

>> No.14416953

Too bad I don't celebrate Christmas.

>> No.14416955

>>It's A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, A Christmas Carol, and Miracle on 34th Street are ready for frequent marathons
This is how you get a dead husband.

>> No.14416957

How's the view of whoville?

>> No.14416961

You're the kind of person who needs a Yeti

>> No.14416962




>> No.14416968


>> No.14416969

Sounds great, I fucking love Christmas.
>tfw pissing off the edge emo teens when I was in high school by whistling Christmas carols before Halloween
Good times.

>> No.14416971

Some of you guys are alright
Don't go to Whoville tomorrow

>> No.14416972

>whistling Christmas carols before Halloween
You sound like that guy who thinks he's funny and cool by being ironic and contrarian.

>> No.14416976


>> No.14416981

So all of 4chan?

>> No.14416990

>Implying I write anymore
>Implying I want to write anymore
>Implying I don't want /mgt/ to tie me up and pour hot candle wax on me and abuse me like a two dollar whore

>> No.14416991

Chubwocks are SHIT!
Come to think of it, all wocks are shit.

>> No.14417000
File: 111 KB, 648x1316, the krampus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14417004

You're shit

>> No.14417009
File: 35 KB, 720x540, 1378948139803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way the edit just has him say his name in a millisecond. Sides are falling apart.

>> No.14417010
File: 574 KB, 750x1117, 1442852490329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do the knife ears think of christmas?

>> No.14417011

Nah, I just really like Christmas. Like, a lot. Making those kids mad was never the goal, though it was funny.

>> No.14417013

You're wrong.

>> No.14417015

Thank goodness I've been a good boy, so no Krampus for me. And no other monster girls.

>> No.14417017

Bad Opinion: The post.

>> No.14417020

This is correct.

>> No.14417028

>Uses a weebshit weapon instead of a switch of branches
>Dresses like a whore

Would not be tormented by/10

>> No.14417030

This is wrong.

>> No.14417031

Everymeme girl needs her time in the sun, anon. Lie chechires and stinkypedes.

>> No.14417038

I want a fluffy wurm.

>> No.14417041

That last one is pretty obvious.

The first two are just you being tsun.

>> No.14417042

>using meme to describe things you don't like
Stinkypede a shit though.
Nobody wants a fuzzy potato.

>> No.14417048

>Nobody wants a fuzzy potato.
So that's why your parents abandoned you.

>> No.14417049

>"meme girl"
Really? Next you'll say Gazer NEETs are a meme girl.

>> No.14417052

>weebshit weapon
Oi. It's a giant fuckin metal bat with studs on it. That is it cool AND practical.

Gettin' there. To me the gazer thing is justified though because of the influx of art and shit, Once that dries up, and they are still mentioned umpteen times in a thread, then yeah, that's meme status.

>> No.14417055

So yes?

>> No.14417056

>Once that dries up, and they are still mentioned umpteen times in a thread, then yeah, that's meme status.
General threads may not be for you if recurring topics are memes

>> No.14417065

>General threads may not be for you if forced topics are memes

>> No.14417079
File: 574 KB, 846x1130, Winter Wurm (EO).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you accept a winter wurm instead?

>> No.14417081
File: 194 KB, 611x765, 1453802144539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, brainstorming time. Let's think of a new topic that isn't a meme to talk about.

Is bullying meidos a meme?

>> No.14417093

I don't write anymore sod off.

>> No.14417094

Bullying is a meme

>> No.14417096

Anything becomes a meme once you bring it up enough for no reason. Lets just stick to fluid discussion.

>> No.14417099

If anything can be a meme, what happens if everything becomes a meme?

What happens if you and I become memes? Will we be OK? We can get cured right?

>> No.14417103

Then canny not draw attention to yourself, ya crooked-toothed bastard.

>> No.14417107

Memes are relative, bruh.

>> No.14417115

I want to gag my Kobold daughteru with her own used panties and a scarf to teach her to stop barking at the mailman!

>> No.14417118

I accept all wurms.

>> No.14417117 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 625x296, 1448761921257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14417120

Don't worry anon. When everyone's a meme, no one will be.

>> No.14417149

The fuck are you talking about you yellow bellied horn swoggler.

>> No.14417154

I feel sorry for this man's daughteru.

>> No.14417165

But how would you bully a shoggoth?

Latex? Insist on putting plastic on all the furniature?

>> No.14417176

Why are you rewarding your daughteru when she acts out?

>> No.14417180

Carry around your own personal fork, spoon and knife in your shirt pocket, or pants pocket and insist on eating everything with just those, and wash them yourself.
It'd be worth it to watch her bit her lip in frustration.

>> No.14417189

Because pretty soon she's just going to give up with the barking all together and just come to me with her panties and scarf in her paws and her tail wagging the whole time.

>> No.14417208

>you have a 10 year olddog you really love and care for. you'd do just about anything for her
>She's incredibly loyal and would do just about anything for you too
>One day you bring home a cute kobold girl
>She notices how well you treat your female dog as well as all the love and attention you give her
>Your dog gets jealous of the kobold

What happens next?

>> No.14417210

Kobold daughters a lewd.

>> No.14417214

But until then she's going to bark more because she wants to provoke "punishment". Just get a spray bottle or some shit for the short term and develop the bondage separately. Once she's into it threaten to withhold it as punishment.

>> No.14417220

wake up to the kobold bare ass naked with a collar, wanning for attention

>> No.14417226

>She notices how well you treat your female dog as well as all the love and attention you give her
So why would the dog be jealous?

>> No.14417235

because you brought home another girl and one so conspicuously dog-like

>> No.14417236

Fine commander buzzkill, have it your way.

>> No.14417242

Did my dog want me to fuck her or something? If so I'm afraid she's going to have to go the way of Old Yeller.

>> No.14417251

Will she Cu Sith to prove her love to me?

>> No.14417260

>you will never NTR your dog by fucking a kobold

>> No.14417267

Kobolds are dumb and belong in cages.

>> No.14417273
File: 386 KB, 500x600, yeah well whatever faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14417275
File: 447 KB, 1050x1050, 1398994889122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuddle up with a Yeti on a snowy Christmas Eve
>watch Tokyo Godfathers and Die Hard together

>> No.14417279

You could probably call my daughteru's bed a cage, but it's hardly one. Sure it has bars and sits on the floor at the foot of mine and my waifu's bed, but it's full of fluffy blankets and pillows! It's pretty comfy for a cage.

>> No.14417282
File: 21 KB, 293x331, 1427439261176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~3.5 mantis stories in the entire Western fanbase
>43 in the Japanese one

>> No.14417292

Japan loves them some emotionless robots, as Evangelion proved.

>> No.14417311

Which MG would you want as your Mommy

>> No.14417314

Can I crash in the cage with her? I need a place to stay for a bit, I won't cause any trouble. I'm ...good with dogs.

>> No.14417317

You know what we need?

Krampus shorts

>> No.14417318

Absolutely not. Besides, it's far too small for two people.

>> No.14417326
File: 310 KB, 1233x1800, 1437411715779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14417331

Any of them, really.

But he has a good idea.

>> No.14417342

getting rgasmic boner-burns with the help of a magma golem!

>> No.14417354

You can eat shit, Mantis' are great.

>> No.14417359
File: 783 KB, 500x500, 1442039358650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wight, Vampire, Apophis, Shirohebi, Arachne, and Golem.
Provided they also have Holstaur-tier lactation abilities.
You have the right idea.

>> No.14417363

No, you eat shit. Eat it out, that is.

>> No.14417365

yeti mom, where you wouldn't be embarrassed to hug her unless you react to it

>> No.14417368

a wolf mommy

>> No.14417371

Kejourou or Holst.

>> No.14417372

Vampire, Arachne or Wight. Would also settle for a combination of the latter two.

>> No.14417379

Rude, You don't see me insulting the monster girls you like.

>> No.14417380

>the cherries she's ready to bite into are larger than the one in the chalice

>> No.14417382


>> No.14417393

Now I'm kicking myself for not listing the Demon or Troll.

>> No.14417400
File: 393 KB, 651x1200, Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14417404

None of them.

>> No.14417405

An Ushi-Oni mom that drives a beetle.

>> No.14417406


>> No.14417415
File: 129 KB, 600x369, 1440947613115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, you're right. I'm sorry for being such an ass, bud. I'm sure Mantises have their own little charms that I'm just not privy to.

>> No.14417417

Troll Mom for Gnome Childhood Friends.

>> No.14417424
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Strict Lich mom who trains me to become a necromancer like dad was.

>> No.14417425

Well I'm glad we ended this peacefully.

>> No.14417428
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>> No.14417430

And then your rebellious teenage years you decide to become a paladin?

>> No.14417432

If Alma Elma were to come down my chimney on Christmas Eve, I would hide in my closet and cry.

>> No.14417435

Where's the original?

>> No.14417437

I wonder what it would be like being raised by a Demon. Living in a nice place in the demon realm, going to a nice school, learning some baller-ass magic that comes naturally with being an incubus basically since the day you came here, absorbing all that atmospheric fuck juice, having to fend off demonic bitches so you're home early enough to try out that new recipe for when De-mum comes back from work.

>> No.14417438
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Paladin mom!

>> No.14417440

>De-mom decides you need to get out and see the world
>Foreign exchange program time
>Get sent to Earth of all fucking places
>Expect the worst time ever
>Find out your incubus swag makes human women cum when you wink at them
>...This might be fun after all.

>> No.14417445

"I don't want to date Stacy Mom! She's Undead! I'm one of the living! I want to date a living girl!"

Kids these days,

>> No.14417450

>Mom hooking you up with another mom
Not sure what to think about this, are they friends? Does she know her friend has the hots for her son and is trying to hook him up with her? This is kind of awkward.

>> No.14417452

"Why a living girl? If you want her warm we can always soak her for an hour or so before."

The undead just don't understand.

>> No.14417456

It doesn't have to be one of her friends, could just be a nice Undead Girl about your age that she knows.

She might even summon a zombie girl with big breasts for you to have fun with if you start getting 'urges'.

>> No.14417463

Well...I suppose she is a Monster in spirit.

>> No.14417469

Monster on the inside, etc. etc.

Seems like constructing you a waifu would be every mother's wet dream. If they could ever make living male children I see this as an idea lots of liches would toy with.

>> No.14417475

>Come home with a fairly large harem of newly made Succubi
>Your Demon mother starts laughing, she knows you always had a thing for that Lilim you had in your class during all 4 years of high school and used to say that harems a shit
>"Hey look at it this way, she might be into you now that you can show her what a stud you are!"
>"You planned this, didn't you?"
>"Not saying I did, but I'm not saying I didn't either. Now when do I get my first grandchild?"

>> No.14417480
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I set up a new shrine so i could fit more stuff in it

>> No.14417483

Paladin mom would be strict as fuck.

Every morning, even on weekends, you are to get up at 5am for your morning prayer, 6am you practice your sword-fighting sparring with her. Then there's basic light magic to learn in addition to your regular studies.

And god help you if you ever bring a filthy, corrupted Monster Girl into her home.

>> No.14417488

Can we see the mousepad uncovered?

>> No.14417490

>And god help you if you ever bring a filthy, corrupted Monster Girl into her home.
But she will be fine with my Valkyrie childhood friend, right?

>> No.14417491

Well it's not like I have a problem with dating Stacy's Mom, or that she's undead. Older Women are nice. I'm just not sure how I feel about my Mom being a wingwoman for her friends to hook up with me. These friends of hers aren't Undead she raised years ago are they?

>> No.14417492

When will you offer the first sacrifice?

>> No.14417496

>"Now when do I get my first grandchild?"
>"About two weeks ago."
>"You were only gone six months!"
>"Yeah, well, I tried a march hare too."
>"Always knew you had it in you, boy."

>> No.14417501

It could happen, they could have conceived you when your parents were both necromancers. Then your father was killed by Paladins, your mother then ascended to Lichdom to get revenge.

Now that you're all that she has left, she's determined to raise you as a powerful necromancer, and to keep you away from the living as much as possible.

>> No.14417508

That's nice man

>> No.14417516

Who else would she trust? You can't honestly believe she'd leave her sons in the hands of someone she doesn't have complete control over.

And the thought of you eloping with that Paladin's Daughter across the street she catches you talking to, absolutely unthinkable.

>> No.14417517

>Two necromancers
>Meeting in a sociable manner
>Two necromancers
>Meeting and then deciding to have sex
>Female necromancers
I... I'm having trouble imagining it. I guess I'd just have to chock it up as an experiment gone horribly, horribly right.

>> No.14417518

What more until you begin the ritual to summon her and the other Monster Waifus into the world?

>> No.14417529 [SPOILER] 
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>tfw resting my head on them

I need the blood of 4 other waifufags and for them to have their own collections of offerings.
I already have Jabber and Gazerfag.
I need two more to make anime real!

>> No.14417534

Maybe they both got tired of settling for reanimated corpses.

>> No.14417535

Hey, hey, Miiafag.
Gonna get any of dis? >>14416368

>> No.14417539

Yea, i have an order for them on amiami waiting to clear

>> No.14417546
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hey guys this weird bush showed up in my backyard a week ago what should I do about it?

>> No.14417548

I believe in you Miiafag! Go make dreams come true!

>I need two more to make anime real!
True Blue Waifu fags are a rarity, we need more in here.

Give it to Trump, he'll make it go back.

>> No.14417550

Burn it probably

>> No.14417553

Water it I guess.

>> No.14417558

Water it, I guess? Is that an animal or a plant?

>> No.14417559

It's just a bush. It's all clear.


>> No.14417566

That still only addresses one out of three points! That necrowomancer must be quite good if she can reanimate penises though.

>> No.14417573

I seem to recall someone who waifu'd the softeft ghost.
Meer still a shit though.

>> No.14417577

okay guys I'm gonna water it and then give it to Donald Trump so that he can use it to make anime real

>> No.14417586

Druella is the Donald Trump of monster girls.

>> No.14417587
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Good man

While you're at it put this over the spot where you found it, to make sure it doesn't come back

>> No.14417597

Well there's no reason a woman couldn't be a necromancer if she was willing to invest the effort. I think that necromancers would get along pretty well, as they can't discs their hobby with many people.

>> No.14417603

Well, I guess that's reasonable. Still a bit odd to to wed to my mother's friend/underling, but if she thinks it's for the best, then so be it.

I just hope this MILF undead doesn't report to my mom immediately after we do anything, that'd be embarrassing.

>> No.14417608
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>> No.14417614

Are the Wocks the natural predators of the Fluffcores? Is this why we have domesticated Wocks around?

Oh, this is why.

>> No.14417623

>Are the Wocks the natural predators of the Fluffcores?
>Cats to hunt mice
>Dragons to hunt cats
What will hunt the dragons? What can hunt a dragon?

>> No.14417631
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Not even Dragons get get out of their hugs!

>> No.14417634
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Wocks don't have any predators, they're at the top of the food chain, they just work. You should take one.

>> No.14417635

>but that only makes more dragons

>> No.14417636
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These things get into everything.

>> No.14417640

Is that Todd howard?

>> No.14417643

Has there been a story where a knight in shining armor tries to save a dragon from the evil princess?

>> No.14417647

If you scaled that mofucore up she could easily devour your head. Hot or not?

>> No.14417649

Get dem Lams outta here!

>> No.14417652

No, and it's a stupid idea you should feel like super bad.

>> No.14417654

Oomukande or whatever.

>> No.14417659

Oh no, were did these come from? Little Miias?

If we get little Gazers it might be an epidemic. They'll get everywhere.

>> No.14417661

I want to lay on a big, nice leather couch with my hellhound waifu, tipsy off red wine, and cuddling as we watch "Forensic Files" next to a roaring fire!!!

>> No.14417662

What would hoodrat monstergirls sound like senpai?

>> No.14417669
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>> No.14417679

Sorry, only older sisters can bully me.

>> No.14417726

>She heads off, on another job, leaving you alone
>You're used to it. Her squire used to come around to check on you, but you'd long since learned self sufficiency
>Gone for a unusually long time
>Ex-squire now knightess comes around for the first time in years, dropping by a bunch of food and cash, and shit, have a nice night chatting to her about your mother
>She leaves, and it's another few months before you hear anything, getting worried
>She comes home late one night, practically kicking the door in
>You stir at the noise, from where you were sitting, polishing one of her many swords
>In a fluid and practiced motion, you whirl around, sword at the ready, in a stance that can only come from years of training
>Seeing it makes her tense face fall into an easy smile
>As you recognize her, home at last, the hand holding the weapon loosens, the sword falling with a loud clatter, a sound that passes unheeded as you run to eachothers arms, the first thing you note as she buries her face into your shoulder, how cold she has become.
>Says they're after her, you have to leave, gather some necessities and head out
>Look behind her, and two shadows grace the doorsteop, one belonging to a tall haughty woman with eyes that glow like burning rubies, and a short, young looking girl who exudes age and power.

Ah, the wondrous events that come from having a paladin mother.

>> No.14417730

GUYS, can a mimic be inside my Xbox? helping me git gud?
I'm freaking out since I heard crying on the inside of my Xbone when I tried to play Halo 5

>> No.14417736

Paladin-mom into Undead Paladin-mom? Neato.

>> No.14417747

Palawight-mum, trying desperately to find a new place in the world for her and her son to live freely, he, free of the specter of death, her free of her old comrades, now hunting her as a high priority target.

>> No.14417754

Combine a Yeti and a Mimic and you've got a hugbox

>> No.14417755

I think your Xbone might be dying there, chief
You have been taking care of it, right?

>> No.14417760

Sounds good to me

>> No.14417769


>> No.14417775
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>> No.14417793

it only cries when I try to play Halo 5, it just sobs and yells about how "everything is ruined now"

>> No.14417796

I need an adult

>> No.14417802
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Huntress Wendigos

>> No.14417803

Krampusnacht soon, Anon.

>> No.14417808

Amazon Wnedigos

>> No.14417814

Don't Move!

>> No.14417819

It's just a nerdy ghost who thinks everything has to be the same forever anon. Call an exorcist or dick her opinions away.

>> No.14417820


>> No.14417836

>is Krampus a girl in this movie?
if not I'll just wait until it comes on Netflix

>> No.14417850

Oh look, it's Anon "I don't know how to greentext" Ymous.

>> No.14417856

Why the fuck would Krampus be female when he's a Germanic goat God.

>> No.14417861

So you could fuck it.

>> No.14417864

Why else would anyone want the Krampus to be a cute girl?

Also, I want to get snu-snu'd by the MGEs Ares-chan.

>> No.14417882

I'm going to guess that based on being 12-feet tall fuckhuge and in a movie where the point is to brutally slaughter a family of utter assholes, Krampus' gender is somewhat irrelevant.

>> No.14417887

>Implying gender is ever irrelevant
Imagine if in that one halloween movie he crushed that dude's head, the thingy didn't do it with it's hands, but its breasts.

>> No.14417896

Well she's right

>> No.14417899

How do you cope with the lack of new KC MGs?

How do you cope with the lack of new furry MGs?

>> No.14417902

Well to both. Fuck off.

>> No.14417912

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.14417917

Why so angry? It was a simple question.

>> No.14417919

Is this a comedy? Or horror?

>> No.14417920

Fuck off, Bob.

>> No.14417921

And fuck off was a simple directive. Now follow it.

>> No.14417923

It's apparently advertised as both.

Black Comedy Horror.

>> No.14417924

I'm not Bob though?

>> No.14417925

>Krampus' gender is somewhat irrelevant
To be honest, in horror movies, I'd much prefer a male murderer in these kinds of horror movies.
Because guys will just kill you.
Women in these horror films will drive you to insanity, then kill you, then take your soul.

>> No.14417929

>Women in these horror films will drive you to insanity, then kill you, then take your soul.
And thus the fear boner was born, and lo, it was large.

>> No.14417940
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How about them Oni?

>> No.14417947 [DELETED] 

Is she getting a furry version?

>> No.14417948

I want to shove beans up her urethra.

>> No.14417949

My browser is stuck/won't close out and 4chanx uninstalled itself, I think I have a succuvirus.

>> No.14417952

I'm gonna move and let me in her alternate dimension coat, she's just scared and nervous!

>> No.14417956

Masturbate and draw her out.

>> No.14417962 [SPOILER] 
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...You aren't being serious are you?

>> No.14417975

>Monday, 16th, July

>It's cold, but the heat of the machines kept me going as I pumped them full of juice.
>To think this is why they let me have the job. Well, at least it's easy, the pay good.
>Had to beat that Raiju away again. I've taken to this broom I wrapped in rubber, completely non-conductive. when I tried to beat her off barehanded, the little wolf just kept cumming and clinging to me. Guards don't work either, single zap from her, and those men are jelly. Let her get past me only once. An entire block was out for an hour...
>I wonder what it's like to ahegao.

I'd read the diaries of a Thunderbird.

>> No.14417985
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Which Monstergirl(s) do you think like to PARTY the most?

>> No.14418006

Some Wights and Vampires.

>> No.14418010

Most of them

>> No.14418047

Red/Blue Onis

>> No.14418067

Anons, help! I think I have a healing fetish.

>> No.14418071


>> No.14418094

That is absolutely disgusting
Quarantine this deviant!

>> No.14418113

Just imagine healing an alp and it'll be cured.

>> No.14418114

But that's just making it worse. How do I make it stop?

>> No.14418118

Imagine healing two alps?

>> No.14418120

Imagine healing an incubus bro, scarred to the shit by a past abusive relationship, and introducing him to a nice girl who'll heal him, and giving him the life he never had.

>> No.14418121
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Elves just wanna to have fun!


>> No.14418124

It's not working. I'm scared.

>> No.14418128

Elves a shit.

>> No.14418129

Heal a matango and a roper!

>> No.14418131

There we go. Matangos and ropers make everything better.

>> No.14418137
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I want to show Krampus the power of LOVE!~

>> No.14418156

You're the hero we need.

>> No.14418174
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I want a hellhound who treats me like a delicate, precious treasure that could disappear at any moment because she accidentally slashed my face during a heated argument and felt terrible about it forever afterwards.

>> No.14418187

What if she just hurts you again?

>> No.14418188

What would you tell the pups when they ask where you got that cool scar? That you got it saving their mother from a pissed off dragon?

>> No.14418189

what if?

>> No.14418196

I'm asking you that.

>> No.14418218

that's exactly what I was thinking.

Some risks are worth taking for love.

>> No.14418236

But she might even hurt you even worse.

>> No.14418241

then she'd act even more nice and feel even worse.

>> No.14418279

All I can imagine is her face shifting from anger to absolute horror as she cradles you close and cries while apologizing for what she did.
And then after your face heals up she's suddenly a lot more affectionate and protective than she used to be. You wake up and there she is cuddling you. You get out of the shower, and there she is in a naked apron cooking bacon and eggs for you and her. She kisses you on the cheek before you go to work, she welcomes you home with a big bearhug and another kiss, and she even wakes you up the next morning with a blowjob.
All because she feels horrible about what she did, and is terrified that you'll leave her because of it.
She doesn't want you to leave her anon. She loves you so much.

>> No.14418294

If she really loves me, she'll change her race and become a fluffy kobold

>> No.14418296

>Slap her
>Call us even
>She no longer tortures herself about what she did
This is why I can appreciate the simplistic brutality of amazons and ogres.

>> No.14418310

You know, this could be an okay depending on what kind of "accident" was involved. Was it "I never hit my men but this time I couldn't control myself" accidental or "gesticulating wildly and accidentally touched you" accidental. The former means I'm still noping the fuck out, especially when dealing with something as powerful as a hellhound, the latter is okay so long as we're both on guard thereafter.

>Slap her
>Now your hand and your face hurt
>She's even sorrier
>She acts like a kobold anyway

>> No.14418315

Wanna spank an Ogre. Gonna spank an Ogre.

>> No.14418318

>>Now your hand and your face hurt
But I'll never let her know that.

>> No.14418330

Better stick your dick in her to hold her still while you spank. It's necessary for stability. Wouldn't want her flailing around.

>> No.14418338

What if spanking an ogre sounded like bongos?

>> No.14418342

This is a legit ancient Roman wrestling technique, they ca''ed it "the third hand" hold. Trust me on this, my dad works for ancient Rome.

That's what spanking a tanuki sounds like though, that can't be right.

>> No.14418350

>That's what spanking a tanuki sounds like though, that can't be right.
No, that sounds like pachinko machines

>> No.14418361

I now want to make sick BGM using only the sound of spanking various MG asses for instruments. I will become the bASSist.

>> No.14418392

What would feline fannies sound like? Anubis? Selkie?

>> No.14418408

Good night Anons.
Take care and something the something to prevent the incineration of the thread.
So sleepy.
Take me away weresheep.

>> No.14418454

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1PY4vd76DA I want to teach Monster Girls about the struggle for existence!

>> No.14418465

>feline fannies
We were talking about arses over here.

>> No.14418490

Are you sure it wasn't Greek?

>> No.14418497

>What would feline fannies sound like?
They're tight and small, so high and kinda tinny, I guess. Jinko sound more similar to oni though.

Attempted once, ass slap could not be heard over the bitching of its owner. No one really knows.

Just use human women and tell people it was a selkie. It's pretty much the same thing anyway. Same with elves.

Greeks, Greekaboos, what's the difference?

>> No.14418535
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A new letter of introduction has arrived!

Name: Memeko
Species: Manticore

An extraspecies that is part Lion, part bat and part scorpion. Their main characteristics are their tendency towards violence and their incredible appetites. "A strong appetite is a sign of good health!"

>> No.14418546

The Greekaboos were a lot less gay than the actual Greeks.

>> No.14418550


>> No.14418552


>> No.14418556

I agree, but that's just a button nose. It's just the weird, wet, black nose. Gross.

>> No.14418569

>Name is literally "meme, the girl"
What a coincidence.

>> No.14418574

cutest MGE yet.

cats and dogs don't necessarily have wet noses either.

>> No.14418575

I'm just happy her name isn't another stupid pun on her species.

>> No.14418579

>Implying it isn't

>> No.14418640
File: 145 KB, 500x570, 4d26f2e26977a6b82c498e5729bbbc29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies getting raped by insects!
The insects don't even have to be giant to do it!

>> No.14418642

It's been done before. I even fapped to it before I really even understood what hentai was. Man, fapping backwards was some next level shit to me back then.

>> No.14418645

Yes, I'm sure most of us stumbled across Bondage Fairies at some point.

>> No.14418652

>fapping backwards

>> No.14418657

Well, not in the true sense, but in the sense that I was still reading from left to right.

>> No.14418669

New MGE entry when?

>> No.14418671

Okay, fine. How about Paladins being defeated and egglaid by giant insects?

>> No.14418674

I prefer proper bestiality over lower bestiality. Insects just do't do it when it comes to debasing haughty paladin girls.

>> No.14418677

Not really monstergirl related

>> No.14418685
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It's not like he ever said he'd leave.

>> No.14418686

someone post parasite wasp, i dont have it saved for some reason

>> No.14418696

That's funny, I love giant insects exactly because I find them more disgusting and insulting to get raped by.


>> No.14418697

/mgt/ killed KC.

>> No.14418716

I want this but with a monster girl.

>> No.14418723

I want this with a Living Doll

>> No.14418726

I'd love to get kidnapped by a yan loligoth Living Doll, but not get my eye destroyed.

>> No.14418729
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Wake up and see this, what do?

>> No.14418734
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What was that?

>> No.14418739

That was the sound of my scary boner slipping into her barely-lubed anus onahole while I stare into the double horrorifices on her face.

>> No.14418743 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 259x194, 1448791914842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try my luck.

>> No.14418745

What a slut, showing off her shoulders and ankles like that! I bet she's been used already!

>> No.14418748

Dammit man, she's trying to seduce you!

>> No.14418757
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Genki Undead, Y/N?

>> No.14418758

I don't know about you, man, but I already blew my load twice to dose elbows

>> No.14418767

>"Dead? I've never been more alive!"

>> No.14418783

I want a genki bubbly nerd Lich.

>> No.14418787


>> No.14418795

Do you want her to keep around extra eyes so she can change them up every now and again?

>> No.14418804


>> No.14418805

Only if they are pretty eyes

>> No.14418843

Ask why she wears such skimpy armor knowing full well it's only good for rough roleplaying sex.

>> No.14418855

How much money do armorers make from perverted Monster Girls?

>> No.14418856

>bikini armor for roleplaying sex
I'd rather just do office lady cosplay or something. Bikini armor doesn't really appeal to me and a real armor seems like it'd be way too stiff.

>> No.14418863

>Bikini armor doesn't really appeal to me
When did the romance in your heart die?

>> No.14418865
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that looks nothing like a manticore, where is it's fluff?

>> No.14418866

I like undead girls and big booty liches

>> No.14418867

Well, that would cost less, but it wouldn't scratch the warrior instincts of certain girls quite as well.


>> No.14418871

Well you see anon, EMG and MGE are not the same.

>> No.14418872
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Bikini a shit in general, one-pieces are way better.

>warrior instincts
Just cosplay a modern uniform then

>> No.14418876

>cosplay a modern unifrom
But anon, soldiers aren't warriors.

>> No.14418884
File: 129 KB, 680x946, xDQZIru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, I just want some hot puffy cosplay action.

>> No.14418896

I'm going to marry a plethora of loli monstergirls, then have a plethora of monstergirl children, then require that they all call me onii-chan, master, or mister.

Surely there is nothing better.

>> No.14418902

I'm going to help a Lich create a hybrid between Spiders and Dragons and then I'll marry it!

>> No.14418910

Well, you could have that PLUS they're all covered in sticky honey and need you to clean it off.

>> No.14418911

I want the opposite. A lazy emotionless undead girl who's favorite saying is "We can sleep when we're dead."

>> No.14418912

>marry a plethora
>Surely there is nothing better.
While you have good enough taste to realize that legal lolis are the best, you have not yet advanced to the level of true love.

>> No.14418913

>We can sleep when we're dead
>not "Let me rest in peace"

>> No.14418914


>> No.14418918

Too literal

>> No.14418920

I want a lazy undead girl but not emotionless. I'd prefer a sweet lazy girl who wants to use me as a daki and hot water bottle while she sleeps all day.

>> No.14418927

What about one too lazy to outwardly show emotion?

>> No.14418935

She can be deadpan if she wants, but she needs to be needy.
>Anon! Come to bed!
>It's too cold! I can't sleep!
>And then when I indulge her she just wraps her arms and legs around me without a word and falls dead.
That would be okay.

>> No.14418940
File: 267 KB, 700x1274, 1408993722833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hark! Hark! Your lust for the Undead has left the Underworld empty and the ferrywoman out of a job! Charon has to work at some fat, faceless man's mansion now!

>> No.14418946

What if she contrives ways to get you alays near her in the laziest manner possible?
>After fucking, get up to find yourself much heavier
>Look down
>Magic bindings cast over a year ago with a delayed timer to cost the least amount of magical effort now link you and her together, so she can be clingy without using her muscles

>> No.14418949

Dime hooker Charon-chan when?

>> No.14418953

But anon, that wouldn't transfer heat from me to her like actually cuddling me would, right? Anyway, that would be too much. That's just being chained to a corpse.

>> No.14418954
File: 246 KB, 700x1318, 53758639_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undeads in bunny suits are so good.
>you'll never have a classy Wight dress up in one to seduce and fuck you senseless.

>> No.14418957

I want to be the faceless man that Charon works for. I promise I wouldn't molest her too much. Oh who am I kidding, that bunny outfit is too tempting.

>> No.14418961
File: 401 KB, 1194x824, 1390537933238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you employ her? Maid? Chauffeur?

>> No.14418966
File: 96 KB, 477x693, 691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli harem
God-tier taste there, anon

>> No.14418971
File: 47 KB, 802x730, Charon unemployed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny Wight sounds like fun.

>> No.14418975
File: 95 KB, 400x567, 1401180264283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a maid. Duties include cooking, cleaning, taking deliveries from the postman when I'm not in and acting as a bed warmer before I sleep.

It's not my fault if she looks cute laying there in my bed and I accidentally grope her though.

>> No.14418977

Fuck you Alp Cube!

>> No.14418978

Abigail and her fat thighs would be perfect in a bunny outfit.

>> No.14418980


>> No.14418990

I'd like to employ Charon-chan as an office lady. Maybe my secretary? I want some fully dressed handjobs from her.

>> No.14418993

It's the writefag you love to hate.

>> No.14418995

I don't get it.

>> No.14418996

>Office handjobs
This is reminding me an awful lot of JAV, Charon hasn't fallen low enough to do porn right?

>> No.14418999

But I like Alp's writing...

>> No.14419001

Fuck off Alp.

>> No.14419002

She doesn't know it, but I have a camera set up in her office. I sell the videos of her giving me embarrassed, awkward handjobs on the internet for big bucks.

>> No.14419004

But I'm not Alp, I'm too bald and bearded to be the little girl.

>> No.14419020
File: 24 KB, 237x364, 1399318443611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Charon. Just how are you going to convince her to go further when the fans of the videos start wanting more hardcore scenes?

>> No.14419033

I'll reveal my stash of HJ videos and threaten to publish them if she doesn't go further. I'm very lucky that she's an extremely old lady and doesn't know her way around the internet!

>> No.14419048

This is just like my blackmail doujins!

Poor Charon's probably going to find herself in an open office shirt being pounded over one of the desks.

>> No.14419064

Oh, no! I'm not going to penetrate her on camera. I'll make her open the button just below her bust and titfuck me until my cum stains her shirt above her nice, medium breasts. I'll rub my dick in between her stockings and miniskirt, and I'll even make her give me hairjobs with her braid! But the videos will never feature her getting undressed or having it put in.

Once it gets to that, I'll fire her as my secretary and hire her as my prostitute. Then instead of a steady wage, I'll pay her for each act separately. Of course I'll continue blackmailing her to keep her from leaving. If she wants to eat, she'll eventually have to start giving me some tastier sugar.

>> No.14419071
File: 149 KB, 700x804, 1433988663201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Villainy! You will be stopped by the Hyper Hugging Heroes!

>> No.14419088

You fiend, I like the way you think. Just be careful not to knock her up if you don't want any mini pun masters running around.

>> No.14419097

>mini pun masters
My god.

>> No.14419100

Impregnation is at the top of my price list. If she lets me knock her up a few times she'll be set for life. If she's careful with her money, she could live a frugal life until my death and the end of my blackmail threat with just two children. Of course, if she wants to take holidays or go out sometime, well, she can always come back to work...

>> No.14419108

Just imagine it, your daughteru finally utters her first words and it's a pun so bad that it could have came from her mother. I bet she'd be smug about it too.

>> No.14419123

Consider the following: MacGyver Anubis.

>> No.14419128

Gazer making me play Destiny literally all night long.

>> No.14419130

Gazerfag please. You make yourself waste your life on literal shit, not some Monster Girl.

>> No.14419134

she says "The endgame makes it worth it!" though.

>> No.14419136

Punch her in the fat belly and go play some CTR.

>> No.14419137

Sounds like that Gazer is in need of a rough corrective spanking.

>> No.14419140

Only if the mullet translates into a hime cut.

>> No.14419142

she would say that

>> No.14419144

If it pleases you.

>> No.14419148

Gazer can't have such shittaste
I'm pretty sure it's shitcyclops in disguise

>> No.14419154

You shut your whore mouth, cyclopses are good girls and know better than to play Destiny.

>> No.14419163

>Bending a Gazer over your knee
>Grabbing her tail and lifting it upwards so it doesn't soften the blows
>Spanking her pale white ass until the red hand prints show clearly
>All while she stutters and screams how sorry she is and admits she has shit taste
>Afterwards she gets a head pat for admitting her mistakes and gets treated to a co-op marathon of the Metal Slug series

>> No.14419190

>pale Gazer ass with red hand-prints all over it
I want to apply some soothing lotion to it.

>> No.14419191

>a monoeye dressed up as a gazer
>the eye tentacles are cardboard
>it's a desperate plan because no one likes vanilla one eyes

>> No.14419192

What a nice guy.

>> No.14419204

You mean cum,right?

>> No.14419221

Aftercare if very important so you can continue to enjoy a blemishless, pert Gazer butt, wheter it's groping, hotdoging or other activities concerning Gazer posteriors.

>> No.14419225

Aftercare should always involve ice cream.

>> No.14419227

Don't be silly, that goes inside the Gazer.

>> No.14419231

>pouring cold ice cream onto a roughed-up butt
>enjoying her yelps and gasps as it drains the excess heat from her flesh
>enjoying the sweet and salty taste of ice cream mixed with monoeye sweat at you lick it up

>> No.14419233

No I mean cuddling under a blanket and eating ice cream together! I would never do these things you speak of! They're unthinkable!

>> No.14419282
File: 269 KB, 500x666, 1446897312066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14419285

Tell me her story.

>> No.14419286

Oops, didn't mean to reply

>> No.14419292

I want to be blackmailed into getting gang-cuddled by a bunch of faceless old angels

>> No.14419299

Well, she used to be an adventurer

>> No.14419309

Ahhh. Run in with a slime. How tragic.

>> No.14419310

But she lost her jaw

>> No.14419321
File: 659 KB, 600x800, c1ebf56f0eef44a8e6a791bc56fd9311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they going to do? Threaten to weigh all the sins you've committed in life and condemn you to hell on the spot? Actually that'd be pretty effective blackmail.

>> No.14419323
File: 742 KB, 1000x917, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, which one of you crazy bastards hired a Lich to make a fox-lamia?

>> No.14419330

I did, and i dont regret it

>> No.14419332

I have no idea but I sure as hell ain't paying for it with my tax shekels.

>> No.14419342

I want a story where some prayers lure an innocent, virtuous Angel to a monastery where the lewd Dark Priests corrupt her and teach her the pleasures of a man's flesh!

>> No.14419345
File: 2.87 MB, 2000x1760, BLueboard Christians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I specifically asked for a Fox-Slime! I want my money back!

>> No.14419347
File: 282 KB, 1061x1500, Best of both worlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the same person who invested in the Anubis-Lamia research.

>> No.14419348

>Ahaha desu wa, do you want to go to hell?
>Do you really want to get rough footjobs from loli demons all day every day?
>Of course not! You only have to cuddle Aunty for a few hours every day and you'll get to go to heaven!
>Then, after you die, you can life forever with Aunty...

>> No.14419349

I'm pretty sure regular slimes can be fox-slimes

>> No.14419354

A Grapesnake with one of these would be unstoppable. Holy shit.

>> No.14419355
File: 442 KB, 504x800, slime fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14419360
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x1200, ABOMINATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must've been the same guys behind Fox-Cyclopes! Those fiends!

>> No.14419364

They're going to threaten to show my evil last-boss Demom my page in the book of judgement and reveal how disgustingly good and pure I am. Then they're going to make me engage in all kinds of chaste affectionate contact with all of them at once, and they'll take pictures and film it.

Then once I'm properly broken in they'll send to evidence to my Demom. The irony here is she already knew about my inner goodness, and loved me for it. So when she sees the videos and pictures she thinks 'hey, that looks pretty nice' and comes with me to the angels' cuddle-den. The angels are a little weirded out at first but eventually figure why not, and cuddle us both at the same time.

>> No.14419366

Dats racist.

>> No.14419371

Her face when you tell her that cuddling with her makes you feel like you're already in heaven would be priceless.

She'd probably try and keep up the haughty act but want to squeal with delight.

>> No.14419380
File: 363 KB, 768x1024, 388c8c74a0be911902cba203eb2554a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon... I do want to get rough footjobs from a loli demon who likes me very much all day every day...

>> No.14419392
File: 1.72 MB, 1488x2104, b18751a1591d90cbee9a531a85acbe06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the demon was Pram then I'd prefer that too.

>> No.14419397
File: 501 KB, 919x1200, succufox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey there boys, I hear you're into fox girls? I can be one too.

>> No.14419399

Ah, another girl built for face-sitting.

>> No.14419402

I'm listening...

>> No.14419405
File: 389 KB, 797x1324, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slime cat girls!

>> No.14419411

Those tails don't look very fluffy.

I wouldn't mind being wrapped in them though.

>> No.14419427

Why is your skin blue? You look weird.

>> No.14419437

Blueberry flavor. She wants your snozberry.

>> No.14419443
File: 386 KB, 863x1200, cb063a4a1620214a05e78d0b836f7110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just say things like that, it's racist.

>> No.14419445

Monoeyes aren't supposed to be so cute. How do I bully that?

>> No.14419451

Tell her the single hikimayu looks dumb.

>> No.14419452


>> No.14419457
File: 648 KB, 1412x2260, Alp in harem pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these two siblings or mom and daughter?
Got one for you right here, Daddy-O!

>> No.14419466

>Are these two siblings or mom and daughter?
They're not actually related but the fanbase sometimes pairs them up as mother and daughter.

>> No.14419474

Then I'm going to pretend this is the case as well.

>> No.14419487

I want to cuddle a punk Alp!

>> No.14419495

Remember when .less was still doing his alphabet challenge? Me neither.

>> No.14419503


>> No.14419509

But which one is the mother? The one on the right?

>> No.14419510

Wouldn't that be mean?

>> No.14419515

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.14419517

Hopefully. Otherwise the family dynamic would be a little weird.

>> No.14419519

She's a big girl

>> No.14419520

For your boner?

>> No.14419523

For you.

>> No.14419524

For >girl

>> No.14419529

Yeah Astaroth is the mother and Asmodeus is the daughter.

>> No.14419533
File: 152 KB, 800x800, 1423848532223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry a nerdy blueberry that's always been bullied about what a loser prude she is.

>> No.14419535


>> No.14419537

Why hasn't monster girl fandom devolved into weird fetishes like the furries did? Yet to see a mg image with shit/piss/diapers/inflation or whatever gross shit furries like.

>> No.14419538

And we aim to keep it that way, thank you very much.

>> No.14419539

>marrying a prude

>> No.14419543

We do have that one Jubjub diaper story.

>> No.14419548

>marrying a slut

>> No.14419558

>all girls who aren't prudes are sluts

wew, enjoy your boring sexlife.

>> No.14419561

Active, caustic pruning and self-censorship.
Something starts to get off track, we shout it down.
A lot of the authors here spend a great deal of effort to write specifically for the thread tastes.

>> No.14419569
File: 177 KB, 600x630, f601bce5d533c387da8c6eb5717fdc39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bully-fu is weak.
>Bind them both to each other face to face with their breasts docking
>Attach mini vibrators to their spade tails and shove them in each other's vaginas
>Leave them like this for a couple of hours, mother and daughter forced to see each other's lewd faces and rub their nipples against each other as they squirm
>After coming back, push them down and fuck the daughter in the butt while she's still tied to her mother
>The mother is forced to listen to her daughter's moans and see her face as she orgasms from having her ass pounded
>After finishing with the daughter, do the same to the mother
And that's how you break in blueberry demons.

>> No.14419574

>A lot of the authors here spend a great deal of effort to write specifically for the thread tastes.
Why do "we" slam them for pandering, then?

>> No.14419584

>A lot of the authors here spend a great deal of effort to write specifically for the thread tastes.
This is true, a lot of our writefags have done stuff for other places or have personal tastes that would make a lot of people here mad.

Harblador and Quicksilver have fetishes they try to keep out of their monster girl stuff when possible, LDR has written questionable stuff for other places and I'm fairly sure a lot of others hold back too.

>> No.14419589

I'm not trying to bully them, I just want to put things in their butts.

>> No.14419592

Mmm, I have a picture of something like this saved somewhere.
Because we're entitled bitches.

>> No.14419597

>Harblador and Quicksilver have fetishes they try to keep out of their monster girl stuff
Lol nope

>> No.14419610

If I tell a monstergirl who isn't tall or strong that I lie awake at night picturing Yuugi snuggling me while she sleeps off an incident and having sex for hours the next morning, how long until she comes up with a cosplay? Hard mode: They can't get someone else to do it.

>> No.14419635

Mino-milk will help them get mad gains!

>> No.14419638 [DELETED] 

>fetishes they try to keep out of their monster girl stuff when possible
Everything that guy writes involves fucking a child between the ages of 5 and 10.
The dude is Dan Schneider and Jared Fogle's fucked up flipper baby love child.

>> No.14419642

Speaking of, has Harblador had any weird stuff outside the loli oni? It's kinda alarming that his admitted waifu is a gurofiend loli who does CBT, but I can't think of any of those in other stories.

>> No.14419652

Which MG would make for the best intrepid reporter, hunting down the truth no matter what?

>> No.14419659 [DELETED] 

Dan Schneider? You mean Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider? That Dan Schneider?

>> No.14419664 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to /d/
Someone from /d/ick-shitting-nipples board doesn't really have the right to call others "fucked up"

>> No.14419667 [DELETED] 

>using such low quality bait
>in 2015

>> No.14419670 [DELETED] 

It's always the same anon who /d/ bitching about lolis
He said himself he is from /d/ few threads ago
For alternative board /d/ gets really triggered by lolis for some reason

>> No.14419672
File: 108 KB, 442x750, 1405621591769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flinging shit isn't going to do anything for the thread. Stop it.

>> No.14419673 [DELETED] 

There's a difference between what's generally the thought that comes to mind when someone says loli and writing detailed descriptions of what it's like to have sex with a 5 year old.

>> No.14419676
File: 77 KB, 600x598, 1441599360141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting to fuck Ares-chan
>Implying KC will EVER do Constellation based MGs like Algalon from Warcraft

>> No.14419685

>Implying KC will EVER do Constellation based MGs like Algalon from Warcraft
He did Cancer

>> No.14419711 [DELETED] 
File: 679 KB, 1920x1222, lolitrains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really see the difference. You are just a fag

Pretty much
It proves that only disgusting futa/shit/diaper fags can hate delicious lolis
Posting lolis is the best way to keep /d/ shit away from here

God bless Quicksilver! The hero who saves us from /d/! Though I'm certainly not a fan of anal or gimp suits

>> No.14419724
File: 171 KB, 850x850, 1419082150864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa's little helpers are getting ready. Have you been naughty or nice?

>> No.14419739
File: 209 KB, 750x733, 1434423769677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All is crystal clear now. Must spread the knowledge. Must spread the love. The love of TENTACLES!

>> No.14419753

>Implying Santa Claus wouldn't wreck the Demon Lord

>> No.14419760

Santa doesn't wreck. Santa gives presents or withholds them.

>> No.14419771 [DELETED] 

This is some really bad bait friendo, you obviously haven't read all of Quicksilver's stories.

>> No.14419772

Santa's too busy drowning in Yeti pussy to care.

>> No.14419775

But if Santa is making little Yetis, who will deliver the presents? The Grim Reaper?

>> No.14419776 [DELETED] 

>I don't really see the difference. You are just a fag
And this is why I sent that tip to the FBI, Quicksilver.

>> No.14419780

Santa Charon when?

>> No.14419782

Enough lies. Santa is a little girl.

>> No.14419784

>Let us go sleigh them!
>That, dear Rudolf, was a pune, or a playe on wordse!

>> No.14419787 [DELETED] 

But that means even more of our writefags are dead. Thanks asshole.

>> No.14419790 [DELETED] 

Not like we'd be grateful for them even if they were here.

>> No.14419791

See, this is why people say Santa isn't real. He's real as can be but he hasn't got time to deliver presents.

Over the years people have started to think of him as a tale and left gifts for their children so they won't be disappointed when they find out the "truth" but little do they know that he exists, he just can't leave his home due to the eternal cuddle rape he endures.

>> No.14419794 [DELETED] 

Speak for yourself mister spoilsport.

>> No.14419795

Then who does NORAD track? Hrghrgh?

>> No.14419805 [DELETED] 

You're welcome.

>> No.14419812 [DELETED] 

The fuck?

>> No.14419815 [DELETED] 

Less writefags are a bad thing, but the amount of anons acting like he's one of the best writefags prove just how desperate for content this place is.

>> No.14419820 [DELETED] 

I definitely don't think he's the best, but he's not awful.

>> No.14419827

>She leaves notes with puns on them with each gift
I want Santa Charon to visit me!

She better wear a cute Santa outfit with a short skirt.

>> No.14419834 [DELETED] 

I didn't say he's awful, but I've seen anons claiming he's in the top tier. Even with the smaller number of writefags we have right now that is untrue.

>> No.14419840

How many do we even have?

>> No.14419845 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to /d/ futafag

>> No.14419846 [DELETED] 

I guess it's all subjective, but yeah I see people here trying to suck him off a little too much.

>> No.14419856

Not many, but its too depressing to think we've reverted to saying walls of greentext are the best we can produce.
We used to have people who could produce prose that actually told a story, even if it wasn't exactly prize winning material.

>> No.14419864

And we don't now?

>> No.14419867

>We used to have people who could produce prose that actually told a story, even if it wasn't exactly prize winning material.
We still do.

>> No.14419868 [DELETED] 

This. Either people are really desperate for content or quicksilver is doing a writefag-kun.

>> No.14419878 [DELETED] 

Or maybe people like quicksilver.

>> No.14419880
File: 404 KB, 800x800, 1437904606306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God this spook never tried to tell a legitimate story.

>> No.14419889 [DELETED] 

This is how I know I have the right person.
Not wanting to put your dick in a 7 year old means you belong on /d/. That's some gymnastics.

>> No.14419890 [DELETED] 

>people love mediocre greentexts
It is a possibility I guess.

>> No.14419896
File: 474 KB, 1200x1200, 27.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite Monster Girl like when she's angry? Is she pouty? Is she scary?

>> No.14419897 [DELETED] 

Passive aggressive bitch.

>> No.14419899 [DELETED] 

I want to poop on quicksilver's chest because quicksilver has a STUPID name

>> No.14419900
File: 751 KB, 950x700, 1390891044247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about writefags? There's nothing they could tell us about our waifus our hearts don't already know! Eat, drink and be merry!

>> No.14419904 [DELETED] 

Maybe the ones who are sucking him off only read his stories once they're done. It would explain things a little better.

>> No.14419906

She's calm, collected, and absolutely horrifying as she slobbers acid on people.

>> No.14419907

I feel like all this shitting on writefags and saying this place is dead is other sites trying to start shit here so we all leave to their sites. Last sunday was the same.

>> No.14419908

She goes "uuuuuu!"

>> No.14419910 [DELETED] 

That or like a lot of idiots in the threads they suck him off because he's one of the few consistent OC creators left and people don't care so long as they get their fix of paedophilia.

>> No.14419911 [DELETED] 

Thats gross anon please no.

>> No.14419913
File: 529 KB, 700x800, 33030403_big_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear-boner inducing. But that's all monstergirls really.
Funny thing is angry people terrify me in real life, but an angry monstergirl can only result in violent sex so its aaaaaaaallllll riiiiiiiight.

>> No.14419917

MGR are too friendly to start shit and /r/monstergirl is irrelevant.

Doubt it's the work of any site but if it was, it's probably a MGU move. Remember how pissy they get when people don't like their original setting?

>> No.14419918 [DELETED] 

It's not like you even deny that you are from /d/
All loli haters come from /d/ for some reason. Lack of dicks on lolis, probably?

>> No.14419920 [DELETED] 

You aren't even trying anymore, quicksilver.

>> No.14419926

>Angry Hellhound
The fire coming from her eyes probably gets more intense and she probably starts growling in a menacing way.

That is if she's seriously angry, if she's angry about stupid shit she probably just pouts.

>> No.14419927 [DELETED] 

>>people love mediocre greentexts
People liked mine for a bit and the thread had a laugh at them so it's more than a possibility.

>> No.14419928 [DELETED] 

Keep being a fag, faggot.

>> No.14419934

I remember the posts talking about /d/, /monster/ and /u/.

>> No.14419935 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 600x337, CLxAOrzWgAQBnG0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep being a fag, faggot.

>> No.14419938 [DELETED] 

I'm not exactly a quicksilver fan but only a few of his things involve lolis. If you hate on him for anything it should be for overly long greentexts, shit fetishes and the few anons who act like he's the best writefag (not his fault)

>> No.14419942
File: 144 KB, 703x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli a shit.
Grown women a best.

>> No.14419943 [DELETED] 

Might as well send tips on anyone who cracks a joke at Dan Schneider's name then

>> No.14419944 [DELETED] 

Get out, niggerlover.

>> No.14419945 [DELETED] 

>calling me a faggot for calling you out
It wasn't hard to work out, sherlock.

>> No.14419947 [DELETED] 

Why lower myself?

>> No.14419950
File: 499 KB, 1849x1733, 33.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, now let's ask the inverse!

What is she like when she's incredibly happy, filled with love and joy?

>> No.14419955
File: 176 KB, 900x800, 1444693861194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we maybe please stop arguing? They're watching us you know. Seeing if we're good or bad. Always watching.

>> No.14419957 [DELETED] 

No can do, fαm.

>> No.14419958

Snuggly and needy and she likes to give Eskimo kisses.

>> No.14419959
File: 431 KB, 648x1000, 18ba9382de3089bfb2409f7940170ddf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's awesome all the same.
Only this time I'm checking the drinks cabinet because I'm sure most of the rum is going to be missing.

>> No.14419960

She still goes "uuuuuu!" because she can't speak English

>> No.14419962
File: 214 KB, 700x694, 1440818262735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tail wagging, heavy breathing and possibly overheating.

Hell she might even tackle-hug and start cheek rubbing.

>> No.14419963
File: 468 KB, 689x1000, 1428499867734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She smiles.
According to her, anyway. Personally I don't see any difference between her angry face and her happy face.

>> No.14419964

I accomplished my objective, so sure.

>> No.14419965


>> No.14419971

my waifu is a hellhound who thinks she's some sort of cat girl, but for some reason can't tell the difference

>> No.14419972

I can't imagine.

>> No.14419973

Damn that's a lot of deleted posts.

>> No.14419974

Rude! Liches have a wide range of clearly visible emotions. Like the happy deadpan expression or the angry deadpan expression and of course the lovey-dovey deadpan expression with a light blush and heart pupils.

>> No.14419978

All those deleted posts, someone order our mod a Succubus stripper.

>> No.14419981

True. Last night I could tell she was deeply aroused because she looked at me with a deadpan expression once I told her that I'd finished writing up the latest experiment for her.

>> No.14419983

>Execute Order 66
Mod: It will be done m'lord

>> No.14419990
File: 665 KB, 600x1081, 87e327a993b652baaba26ecb42b1aee0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk werewolves are such sluts.

>> No.14419989

Deadpan Lich with heart pupils when?

>> No.14419996

>finish lewd experiment with Lich
>compile all the documentation
>she looks through it and gets aroused by your display of professionalism and punctuality
>time for another lewd experiment

>> No.14419997

Werewolves are not sluts. You're thinking of werecats.

>> No.14419999

This. Werewolves are loyal.

>> No.14420006


nice quads btw, anon

>> No.14420007

Or Kobolds. I want to make my Kobold wear a bone-shaped bit gag and walk around on all fours.

>> No.14420008
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1504, c9e7c5bafc79a9d019fa5b514161a71a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proud werewolf has a few too many drinks
>"hey... uh... wanna stay over tonight? You know.. for protection and stuff?"

>> No.14420009
File: 202 KB, 768x768, gazer cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the cutest

>> No.14420011

That a Christmaswock?

>> No.14420013

Quads confirm

>> No.14420014
File: 740 KB, 1912x1080, laWQ08V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a Lich who isn't obsessed with experiments. Is that too much to ask? I want her to have a normal job and get lewd with me because she wants to.

>> No.14420018

>make my Kobold wear a bone-shaped bit gag and walk around on all fours
Exquisite taste, Anon.

>> No.14420019

>wanting a Lich who doesn't do SCIENCE
Why can't you love her for who she is?

>> No.14420020

Why would werecats be sluts? There's no reason for them to sleep around when they can't even get off from smooth human dicks.

>> No.14420025
File: 183 KB, 800x719, 1448391749020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420026

Not all liches are scientists, anon.
My waifu is a lich idol, for an example.
She recently released a new album: Big Booty Liches. Would recommend.

>> No.14420027

>I just want a Lich who isn't obsessed with experiments.
How the fuck you think they became a lich?

>> No.14420030

Human dick might be smooth, but it's proportionally bigger than what the pussy's pussy is built for.

>> No.14420031

>I want to make my Kobold wear a bone-shaped bit gag and walk around on all fours
Bad anon

>> No.14420033

Something tells me it's not safe to be alone with her.

>> No.14420034

Thank you.

>> No.14420037

No, good anon. There's nothing wrong with a little fooling around.

>> No.14420038

>Her voice is monotone through the whole song
>It's like she's just reading the lyrics like an essay
>There isn't even any music either, just her talking at you

>> No.14420041
File: 1.06 MB, 929x1300, 1a21f93ba5aabb4127ee6e59ea053371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh... you... uh... wanna see my cat impresshon? Uh... MEOW...heh. Man, werecats suck, right?

>> No.14420042

Their mother was one?

>> No.14420043

I want a Lich who's into weaponry and all that. Less science, more machines.

>> No.14420044

>not liking petplay
The only bad anon here is you.

>> No.14420045


>> No.14420046

I want this so badly, you don't even know.

>> No.14420047
File: 793 KB, 1680x1442, 22976124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why you gotta be all negative and stuff? Just... just lay down here with me.Everything's gonna be ok, promise...

>> No.14420048

Nothing wrong with making your Kobold happy with some pet play.

>> No.14420049

>>Her voice is monotone through the whole song
It's like Ruri from durarara, sounds like a good lich.

>> No.14420050

Those thighs HNNNGGGG

>> No.14420054

Nothing to worry about, she's clearly smalltime. Any Werewolf worth their salt would have gotten down to the vigorous Werepup making rape by now.

>> No.14420056

It was the second one. She was angry and gesticulating a lot and her claws popped out and she turned while swinging her arm. By the time she noticed what she'd done you cried out she'd already noticed, rushed over to you, and held you close while sobbing about how sorry she was.

Wow I'm late to this one. But hey, you gotta sleep, right?

>> No.14420062

Not with a pillow that's going to be sticky with shitty beer. I'd be totally down if you clean that up for me.

>> No.14420067
File: 712 KB, 800x1200, 50eab546840009dd2bb3c521673f580a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely you aren't interested in an old dog like me, anon?

>> No.14420069

She doesn't look that old to me at all.

>> No.14420070

Ok ok, but I'm sleeping on the sofa, before we both do something she might regret tomorrow..

>> No.14420072

Time for a custom-made collar that fits only around her neck to be applied.

>> No.14420075

You're right, I'm not.

>> No.14420078

>It's time to teach this old dog some new tricks

>> No.14420081

I'd take the anal virginity of a doggy MILF.

>> No.14420082

Where is this girl from?

>> No.14420085
File: 193 KB, 600x848, 46457330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She stays silent and calm, but ready to explode. Very scary. Of course she's never angry with me, but with someone else.

Smiles more and she's in the mood for some blood.

>> No.14420090
File: 481 KB, 1239x1497, 5f7f843d49d237becb99edf7e29fab03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you'll be cold anon, I'll be a bad host if I let you go cold for the night.

>> No.14420096

Probably just gets grumpy, or caws and flaps her wings.

>> No.14420095

>You'll never befriend a Kumiho when you're young
>You'll never be her only friend because everyone else is afraid of the reputation her kind carries
>The two of you will never fall in love and eventually marry
>The two of you will never scare trick or treaters on Halloween by using fake blood and makeup to make it look like your abdomen is torn open while you lay motionless in the yard as she munches on a store bought piece of raw liver right next to you

>> No.14420097

Nigga, this is MY house.

>> No.14420107
File: 1.88 MB, 1800x1233, 21061123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's some pixiv guy's OC. She seems to be some pixiv fantasia character who lives in some snowy region with her sisters.
She's also pretty popular. My folder for her has just under 100 images. Totally mai wolfu.

>> No.14420111

Alright I guess you win, but don't try anything weird.
It's actually MY house.

>> No.14420117

I'm pretty sure that's more 'lynch mobs' and less 'discrimination', mind.

Of course, 10/10 fantasy would dream of.

>> No.14420119

Fun fact: All of those girls are betas.

>> No.14420120
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, 1422139039085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All monstergirls are loyal.

>> No.14420125

You guys are drunk? It's her house.

>> No.14420126

One of these girls grew up to be an astronaut and engineer.
The other a homeless bum.

>> No.14420128

Me on the left

>> No.14420132
File: 1.72 MB, 1800x900, 21472782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sisters, maybe.
Nanashi seems pretty hardcore.

>> No.14420136

It would be fun to live with an assertive wolfu and her shy alp roommate.

>> No.14420137

Well, you know how those coloreds are.

>> No.14420139

Truly, life is hard for Anubi on the streets.

>> No.14420146

>assertive wolfu and her shy alp roommate
Would pet both.

>> No.14420148
File: 74 KB, 698x658, 1443823456774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doggy MILF decides to let you be the dominant one during sex, even going so far as to put a collar on
>You're buried face deep in her haunches while she's on her hands and knees, slathering love nectar everywhere, listening to the thrashing of her tail as you suckle her clit
>The female smell is overpowering as you pull back, she's already drenched and whimpering for you to fuck her full of puppies
>She's practically backing herself into you, slathering your cock in her juices, her eyes widening to rapt attention when you grin and press it above
>"Anon, no. Don't."
>Give her ass a slap, enjoying the jiggle. She clenches up and gives a soft moan. This is your night, you won't have your bitch saying no.
>Press into the rosebud of her anus, taking it slowly to accommodate her. She's letting out a deep guttural moan as you hilt yourself inside her.
>Her muscles are flexing and holding you in a vise grip, and each time you pull out it feels as if she's reluctant to let you go
>Up the ante and go full ham, smacking your hips into hers
>She's moaning and grunting, saliva drooling out of the corner of her fanged mouth
>Her body stiffens up when you cum inside of her, ejaculate from her folds spraying onto the sheets
>Pull out, watching the man-grit dripping out of her pucker
>She's panting and wheezing
>"Listen here, you cheeky little bastard..."
>"The next time you plan on doing something like that..."
>"At least let me know first."

>> No.14420149

>You'll never have a monstergirl childhood friend you've known since you were both babies.
It hurts.

>> No.14420150

This is just intolerable. The Alp would be driven mad by the smell of the wolf's dirty laundry and all the sex you two would have.

>> No.14420153

If I could be reincarnated into another world of my choosing, this is what I'd go for.
>Grow up with tomboy monstergirl friend/neighbour
>end up being best bros with her
>get jumped by her one full moon when she just can't take it anymore
>still be bros, only now you fuck like rabbits every night too.

>> No.14420172

This reminds me of the greentext where the anon takes his shy/tsun wolf partner from behind while she's making dinner in the kitchen, and brings her to the living room, where they continue their butt stuff. The one with the couch and the coffee table.

>> No.14420186

Would there be cuddling?

>> No.14420190

No, fuck off beta-fag.

>> No.14420191

I'd force the Alp to wear my semen stained boxers until she finally gives into her desires and engages in a sloppy, Demon Realm creating threesome

>> No.14420195

How about you fuck off, salt.

>> No.14420201

>Wanting physical intimacy and to feel the warmth of another makes me a beta
Oh you're a real funny guy anon.

>> No.14420206
File: 276 KB, 1000x614, ADVENTURE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have any stories about true heroics at their very core? Just a man and his weapon of choice in an exotic environment, rising up against insurmountable odds to get some booty at the end, maybe grabbing bling as he does so?

>> No.14420210

Don Bluth pls go

>> No.14420214


>> No.14420216

You have good ideas, anon. You should stay.

>> No.14420217

Chuunis pls stay gone, or read some of the shonenshit writefags we used to have.

>> No.14420221

I think you completely missed the point.

>> No.14420224

$550,000 FOR A PITCH.

>> No.14420226

Space Brothers (Sisters) with an anubis and a jinko when?

>> No.14420229

I'm down with this.

>> No.14420232

Yes, because everything should be a "lulz yu gots raped" story.

Thank god you're here Anon.

>> No.14420236

Don't overplay your hand now.

>> No.14420240
File: 565 KB, 1600x1200, 1336519203555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is a story where Mater Terra rapes a guy.

>> No.14420243

>you will never have a childhood Yuki-onna friend
>she will never protect you from all those WHORES who even so much as smile at you
>she will never freeze them at first, then start freezing you and your house to keep you "safe"

>> No.14420252

Sure, sure.

>> No.14420266
File: 688 KB, 1052x831, 1447218055403-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420268

>Birth without the pleasure of being cummed inside
It always seems to make things bitter.

>> No.14420270


>> No.14420279
File: 311 KB, 1469x1455, 1442197796038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does being an idiot cow.

>> No.14420280

No, chuunis and shonenshit generally go hand in hand. Its all powerlevels and ridiculously named special attacks that wipe out the current big bad after tons of training but do fuck all to the next guy, then a bigger attack is learned that will kill him but do nothing the the even bigger guy who shows up later.
Unless you're Moose, who has his characters at max level straight away but it makes for a complete lack of suspense when they wipe out armies without trying.

>> No.14420284

But what does any of that have to do with what I said? That's what I don't get.

>> No.14420288

>Fucking other men out of misunderstood jealousy
Seems about right

>> No.14420296

I guess I went on a tangent there, sorry. I just really hate the shounen genre, it feels lazy and is overdone to the point where original idea for it that don't suck ass are rarer than tits on a potato.
In truth I don't think we have many hero stories out there. Maybe a writefag could write one soon, or at least point me out to one that actually exists and I overlooked?

>> No.14420299

>shounen genre
Opinion discarded, please stop.

>> No.14420301

I always wanted to read cowboy bebop with monstergirls.

>> No.14420302

Always funny to see someone think that Naruto and Nisekoi are in the same "genre."

>> No.14420306

Because that completely discredits my criticisms of the whole thing? Or do i need an overplayed training arc before I reply again to you?

>> No.14420309

Not sure a lot of "thinking" actually took place to arrive at that conclusion.

>> No.14420311

They're all garbage anyway.

I don't even know how to reply to this. It sounds like you're agreeing with me but whatever.

>> No.14420312
File: 162 KB, 850x1200, 1411870548747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my throwaway comment got all y'all this riled up

>> No.14420314

You all

>> No.14420317

Tanuki boss pls step on me.

>> No.14420319

What are you babbling about, you smug raccoon?

>> No.14420320

>all garbage anyway
Yes, thank you for that input. Now why did you feel the need to go on this tirade here? Nothing I said in my original post had anything to do with any of this, your rant came completely out of the left field and doesn't belong to this thread or even this board.
Go to /a/ if you want to bitch about this.

>> No.14420324

You know, I would read that too good sir, but what kind of monstergirl would each of the characters be?

>> No.14420330
File: 546 KB, 946x1258, 1429162768773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Now get under the table and lick me.

>> No.14420331

It was the Tanukis all along!

>> No.14420332

Sorry, i don't mingle with trash pandas.

>> No.14420333

Y-Yes ma'am...

>> No.14420334

>Jewnuki riling up boyim with inflammatory comments
What a surprise. If you'll come this way, Ms. Platinumberg, we have a train ready to take you to summer camp.
is it that much of a surprise?

>> No.14420335

Faye is a Werecat, Ed is a genki Imp, Jet is an Ogre, Gin is a Kobold and Spike is a Ren Xiaonmao.

>> No.14420338

I will! If I do that, can I lick her feet?

>> No.14420344

I an agree with most of that, although I always imagined Spike as a Salamander, just seemed more fitting to me.

>> No.14420345

Sure, but I expect a raise in headpats this year.

>> No.14420348

Nah, he needs to be more laid back than a Salamander would be.

>> No.14420349

Never! You can't make me.

>> No.14420354

You come home one day and your waifu says that this morning she found a copy of the Wall Street Journal under your daughter's bed. What do?

>> No.14420357

Does it count as a headpat if she grabs you by the hair and rams you deeper into her hairy jewpussy?

>> No.14420359

It's fine, she's sizing up prizes for when she starts building her own hoard.

>> No.14420360

True, good point a ren xiaonmao would make more sense for spike. He is quite a laid back and lazy when not doing anything.

>> No.14420367

And I can't imagine a Salamander forgetting food in the fridge for long enough for it to turn sentient.

>> No.14420373

>You're gonna carry that weight.
>Anon's princess carrying the Ren Xionmao

>> No.14420380

Well, it sounds like the best i can get for now. I'll take it.

>> No.14420388
File: 105 KB, 664x594, 1448774929324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to adopt a cute Gazer and Jabberwock daughterus, introduce them to video games, see how happy they are, raise them on good vidya, and then crush their dreams when they grow up by showing them what video games really are.

>> No.14420391

Has anyone posted any good art in the last three months or so? I HAVNT been around.

>> No.14420392

Just you know whyyyyyyy...


>> No.14420393

Go away /v/

>> No.14420396

>that image
That shit is not real, right?

>> No.14420397

Have you seen all the new Jabberwock, Gazer, and Wight art? They've been getting a lot lately.

Also, Chesire Cat is getting an official doujin.

>> No.14420399
File: 362 KB, 450x600, 156843435454545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, Chesire Cat is getting an official doujin.

Great, now she'll be more smug than ever.

>> No.14420402
File: 489 KB, 1162x850, 1435993394757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexual relations

Pick one

>> No.14420405
File: 148 KB, 330x640, 40890237_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, one shouldn't rush into sex with a pure girl like an Abomination. Only after marriage!

>> No.14420409

Go away Ovaries

>> No.14420412

>Cheshire warping around rubbing the fact she has a doujin in other girl's faces.
Sounds pretty funny.

>> No.14420413

Keep it up boyim, one of these days she might order you to masturbate into her coffee!

>> No.14420414

I want to eat her out until she's a panting mess.
And when she's weakened from that, I stick my dick inside.

>> No.14420415

Smug Chesire rubbing it in the face of the other Wonderland girls

>> No.14420423
File: 401 KB, 1075x411, To commit a horrible crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraken, Sandworm, and Liliraune had one way before she did.

>> No.14420427

Nobody cares about them.

>> No.14420430

>raping your boss
You gun git fired, anon. At least if you do good enough you might get a new opportunity as a househusband.

>> No.14420432

But they're better.

>> No.14420433
File: 612 KB, 2480x3508, 1403682671949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh? You have new fanart? That's great."
>"Yeah, I just got a doujin of little ol' me, getting some sweet dick, no big deal."
>"I know, I know, I'm pretty amazing. I can give you my autograph if you want."

>> No.14420436

Kraken and Sandworm are pretty top tier though. Liliarune is passable.

>> No.14420438
File: 1.71 MB, 1083x2383, 7973782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting a cute abomination waifu

>> No.14420439

I do...

>> No.14420445

Would a Cheshire masturbate to the doujin of her?

>> No.14420446

I could do with one of these.

>> No.14420447

But what if I kiss her during and confess my feelings?

>> No.14420448
File: 70 KB, 486x653, 1436102782397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not caring about the best kind of aquatic girl
>Shit talking Shai-Hulud

>> No.14420452

I bet she'd be much more smug since it's from KC.

>> No.14420454

She definitely would. Self insertion would be easy as fuck.

>> No.14420456
File: 939 KB, 683x960, 2bcf72a4bc8297c5f9645a5d43ddd773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be a hobgoblin doujin
>You will never become a goblin warchief
>You and your hobgoblin waifu will never turn her tribe into the most notorious gang of bandits

>> No.14420460
File: 1.20 MB, 805x1009, 18360346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug her. She's criminally cute.

>> No.14420464

You chances of getting the job offer increase very much.

>> No.14420466

>There will never be a hobgoblin doujin
You think that's bad?
>Even if there was a Hobgoblin douijin, the author would never be Noise

>> No.14420467

Those fucking pajamas.

>> No.14420472

No to all of that. I haven't gone to these threads in ages

>> No.14420475

I want Cheshire-senpai to autograph my abs!

>> No.14420476
File: 1.10 MB, 2840x1164, just unfreezing some pipes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420477

She looks like a pink nightmare.

>> No.14420479


>> No.14420481

I want to keep fucking her until she's ahegaoing and has heart pupils.
I don't care if I'm exhausted, I'll drink an endurance potion to keep going.

>> No.14420482

Had a dream about a tomboy manticore last night. Not abusive like the canon ones. Kinda gruff, fit, from a poorish family.

Reminded me of that one story some dude wrote about a biker sharkgirl. I wasn't as beta as the mc in that though, thankfully.

Bretty gud dream. I always liked the manticore's design but never the way she acted...

>> No.14420484

Into the burnable trash it goes.

>> No.14420487


>> No.14420488

>TFW McReady thought he'd seen some shit in 'Nam
>Then this movie happens

>> No.14420489

Stop the Meat Dimension, I want to get in!

>> No.14420491
File: 81 KB, 590x960, 1448820955717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, did not get stabbed by pussy needles

>> No.14420495
File: 784 KB, 1280x640, 32.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot more wock images, I don't have them saved though. It's all from one guy who really likes Wocks. Someone else have them?

Also there's a Gazerfag who dumped a huge shitton of new art for a lot of girls, mainly Gazer though.

>> No.14420497

But she's cute and squishy!

>> No.14420498
File: 266 KB, 721x861, 43012877_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has an outfit for every occasion.
>Judging a kind hearted girl on appearances
You're the real abominations.

>> No.14420500

I just want to meet an manticore who's a huge fucking nerd.

>> No.14420502

You want to be her househusband that bad? You'll create unrealistic expectations if you do something like that. She might be disappointed after the wedding when you can't do it five times in a row.

>> No.14420503
File: 444 KB, 1093x859, 16f61daef906d48942307f53dd85afee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lie on top her of her like an inflatable lilo.

>> No.14420510

>It's all from one guy who really likes Wocks.
So you use the decimal system as well?

>> No.14420512

Abomibunny? Bunnyimation? Whatever. I'll have a rum cola, please.

>> No.14420515

The trash is still talking, turn up the heat.

>> No.14420520

So is my flaccid penis, but no matter how much I love it I would still probably scream for the flamethrower if I saw an over-sized version of it crawling towards me.
The tongue of a snapping turtle can be wiggled around to mimic a worm to lure in unsuspecting prey.

>> No.14420521

Whatever you want to call it, I want to intercrural it.

>> No.14420523

This shit is even worse than futa.

>> No.14420525

Any jinko by chance? Or lizard or dragon stuff?

>> No.14420528
File: 146 KB, 1224x1520, 3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually inspired from him, I'm trying to get everything like it for every Monster Girl. A folder for everything and all.

I also found where the Jabberwockfag dumped his folder so I downloaded that easily.

>> No.14420529

That would seem entirely out of place, but someone did writefag it once.

You could write it yourself if you want. I could help edit.

>> No.14420534

Can't help but get mildly annoyed seeing as people are essentially emasculating one of Persia's most terrifying monsters.

>> No.14420535

How about you do some work yourself and look through the collection.

>> No.14420543

I'll write it someday. Look forward to it in the year 2561.
I could have her sister be a delinquent.

>> No.14420545
File: 103 KB, 604x518, 6.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing is I'm not sure if there is any rhyme or reason to this filename system. Like, the actual order of numbers and all which pictures get which numbers. So I just give them whatever.

>> No.14420552

Who gives a shit? You're probably the guy that was complaining about people sexualizing the Krampus earlier.

>> No.14420555

Nigger what collection.

Stop being snide, I told you I haven't been here in months.

There wasn't a collection the last time I was here.

>> No.14420556
File: 397 KB, 560x787, 410c245b7fa669fce1ab9c83ebdab898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolls are the cutest!

>> No.14420560
File: 85 KB, 735x1153, 1445880085009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undead and abominable waifus are the best. A loligoth Abomination would be the best thing ever.

>> No.14420561

>I'll write it someday. Look forward to it in the year 2561.
Can't wait.

>her sister be a delinquent
She was a bit of a delinquent herself. Not evil, just.. rebellious in a way.

It was a dream, can't control that. And some of us don't like femdom all that much.

>> No.14420565

Maybe because if you wanted a moeblob cat go shave a Cait Sith or fuck a Sphinx/Werecat over neutering a naturally femdom MG?

>> No.14420571

It's the first thing that comes up when you google "monster girl collection" and it's been around since February of this year.

>> No.14420573

Why do you care about what someone else wants to fantasize about? Not like it stops you from having your likes.

>> No.14420577

I don't think any degree of nerdiness will remove her assertiveness.

>> No.14420580

Homie, the last time I was here, I was eating turkey. And no, not this year's Turkey

>> No.14420581

>I always liked the manticore's design but never the way she acted...

>> No.14420584

How does everyone here organize their folders anyways? I should probably get a numbering system too or something, I just save in a folder.

>> No.14420586

Dolls are love, though I don't know why I'm so attracted to them

>> No.14420587

I'm lazy and the only differentiation between my MG stuff is whether it's SFW or not.

>> No.14420588

I say again, it was a dream, and she wasn't "neutered." She was still plenty headstrong and dominant, but not in the traditional "rape, kidnap, poison, mindbreak" operation of most manticores

If it helps you out the dream took place in a fairly normal town where such things would either be illegal or regulated. And I'm a stubborn dude, so I wouldn't have it anyway.

>> No.14420590

>Thinking the Collection even organizes anything except by writer

>> No.14420593

There was no need to reply to me, I was on your side.

>> No.14420594

Individual folder for each race, then within the folder if there's a lot of non-mge stuff (lamias and harpies for example) there's a mge folder within that for kc's version.

The only thing I'm conflicted on is elves and fox girls, until now I've had both in their own folders outside the monster girl one but I've been considering moving foxes in and I'm 50/50 on elves. Cat girls aren't being included for sure though.

>> No.14420596

By species. For some, like the fluffies, there's a fluffy top folder with foxes, cats, anubises etc. under that.

>> No.14420597

I only keep a folder for my favorites everything else just gets put wherever

>> No.14420607

I know, I was replying to the entire conversation.

>> No.14420610

People like you ruin everything.

>> No.14420614
File: 635 KB, 587x880, Accept The Love of Horse Pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420618


>> No.14420621


>> No.14420622
File: 464 KB, 1672x913, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well fuck a horse with the top half of a daki cover on it's head

>> No.14420623


>> No.14420624

I'll train my body hard and git gud for her so I can make her heart pupil every time without the potions.
And then I'd break out the potions for special occasions.

>> No.14420627

Remove horses, snakes and spiders.

>> No.14420628 [SPOILER] 
File: 545 KB, 1000x1011, 1448827482414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accepted. Would impregnate her breast pussy.

>> No.14420629


>> No.14420630

Only if she accepts my dairy obsession.

>> No.14420632

What's up with the bottom of that image?

>> No.14420633

Horses lactate too. Tatars make beer out of it, and I hear it tastes like shit.

>> No.14420638
File: 235 KB, 1113x1197, 1448803648096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much stupid shit gets posted here that we successfully ignore; I don't understand why when this rolls around suddenly everybody needs to let everyone else know whether they're for or against this genre of dank shitposting.

>> No.14420643
File: 21 KB, 840x162, Mofumofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420645

What's the matter? You tried to memepost too but nobody gave you attention?

>> No.14420647
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, The Stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shit posting anon.

>> No.14420651

>complaining about shitposting is shitposting
Now I've seen everything.

>> No.14420670

I have a folder for EVERY SINGLE MG.
I should probably simplify it a bit, something like >>14420587

>> No.14420674

>see that image
>expect an aggibagijahaw or whatever update

Don't do this to me, anon!

>> No.14420675
File: 1.01 MB, 450x600, Meat Jersey Girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to protect her smile.

>> No.14420676
File: 328 KB, 1000x1000, 1447957350579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitposter image
>Complaining about MG shit in a MG thread
>Talking about Memes and Dankness

That's a base recipe for shit posting if I ever saw one.

Put the ingredients in a stew with some seasoning and mmmmm.

>> No.14420679

Trust me, it's a lot more simple having it with folders for every girl. Especially when you're nearing 5gb of monster girls without including doujins.

>> No.14420683
File: 392 KB, 680x736, 1415746795058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name's Abaggijawah.

It's easier just to refer to him as A Bag of Java, though.

>> No.14420685
File: 565 KB, 854x1200, 291_raiju_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I just realized this girl exists, she's so fucking hot

haven't read the profile yet tho, is she shit?

>> No.14420689

Top cute. Would huggle and kiss all over.

>> No.14420690


>> No.14420691
File: 889 KB, 841x961, 5cb6fe676e6b7e947e38fc1a4f4c3fda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cerea looks bizarre without gargantuan titties.

>> No.14420692

Do you like to be electrocuted?

>> No.14420695
File: 131 KB, 900x750, 1443659382459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a weasel who gets off on having currents run through her body, it's a great excuse for car battery powered nipple clamps.

>> No.14420696
File: 759 KB, 1000x1360, 1443058967516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I quoted the wrong post there. meant to quote the guy who sorted by general variety

>> No.14420700

Depends, do you like hedonistic girls?

>> No.14420705
File: 609 KB, 1000x1200, zappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zappy-sama x Weasel-chan electric yuri when?

>> No.14420707

Bait alert.

>> No.14420708

Actually.. anyone know a good file sorting system? I'd love if I could somehow use tags in my MG folders..

>> No.14420712


>> No.14420715

Noted. I like his stuff, even if if his name makes my brain malfunction on trying to spell it.

>> No.14420716

Never. Unfortunately.

>> No.14420718

Please no, although I wouldn't mind tying them to each other so they become a circuit and endlessly get off on each other's currents while I fuck them both from behind.

>> No.14420724
File: 187 KB, 877x403, Scary Monsters3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subfolders in subfolders in subfolders. which still need more degrees of organization.

>> No.14420727

God damnit.

Can't they just make one exciting girl that doesn't like to abuse her husband? It's been years since they did the manticore. I mean come on, I just want one.

Y'all fuckers complain when me or others like me nerf the manticore down from serial rapist to rough-and-tomboyish but I mean shit, it's not like I got anything else. Either I get some wuss without a spine or I get genderswapped Jeffery Dahmer with magical mindbreak poison sounds literally indicated into her genitals. Or one that thinks of you as property. Like that's any better.

>> No.14420728
File: 151 KB, 1201x425, Like so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a massive disorganized mess, but that was annoying to navigate.

>> No.14420729

I'd make Zappy suck on my balls as I sink my dick into Weasel's socket.

>> No.14420731

It's good that you like any writefag in here then. This place is oft times too hostile to even merit a public update.

>> No.14420736

Fuck off, stop ruining good monster girls by making them shitty moeblobs. Go fuck a Cu Sith or something.

>> No.14420737

What's in the Heaven folder?

>> No.14420739


>> No.14420742
File: 224 KB, 518x368, gazer tiny tenk upscaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-[Pictures of my waifu]
-[Other pictures]
That's about it.

>> No.14420748

>stop ringing mai waifu!?1!1?!1
>now here, take this literally pile of shit and be happy!
Fuck off. I am entitled to my own taste.

I don't like having my penis electrocuted

>> No.14420753

Not when your "taste" is fucking garbage. If you want a beta girl go fuck one instead of ruining a good one.

>> No.14420756

It's metaphorical.

>> No.14420757

MGE and "Series" subfolders, with the original angel girl designs outside them.
Within the Series folder are angels from various series like Nanael and Stocking, and a subfolder within that subfolder is purely dedicated to Selvaria and some misc. VC girls.

>> No.14420760

I guess I should add that while not abusive like the krampus, she attacks, rapes, and kidnaps people to help get her off, which ain't my fetish.

This in addition to the fact that she basically only cares about sex makes her completely unappealing to me.

>> No.14420763

>I am entitled

>> No.14420764
File: 158 KB, 500x600, Ryobi Vomitchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420769

Thanks for not reading my post you stupid motherfucker.

>your opinion is different than mine, so you can't have it
Fuck you, you act like a five year old.

See here>>14420760
I don't really know if "metaphorical" is the right word...

>> No.14420773

>>your opinion is different than mine, so you can't have it
>Fuck you, you act like a five year old.
Wow. Ya got all that from your own quote?

>> No.14420776

I love how it changed "salamander" to "manticore"

10/10 autocorrect

>> No.14420780

>Blue Dragong going down on Raiju
>Using her horn and tongue to generate electricity that plays off her partner's nipples, navel, and her womanhood
>Raiju getting a high from riding the lightning
>Licking Dragon's horn like a battery and mewling every time she gets a shock
>Both of them getting all right and randy
>Turning to look at Anon
>YFW he gets more lightning than Zeus that night

>> No.14420781
File: 536 KB, 830x1000, Better than kikis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artist has 160 pages of furry
>Occasionally does MGE girls
Wish me luck, I'm going in.

>> No.14420782


>> No.14420784
File: 503 KB, 1422x1031, Ilias a Best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420785

What else were you trying to communicate by your cherry picking?
Yes, I am entitled to my own opinion. I always have been, and always will be.

>> No.14420788


>> No.14420789

>I don't really know if "metaphorical" is the right word...
I was referring to having your penis 'electrocuted.' It's like how you get 'burned' by a lava golem. Anyways, arguing anything about semantics is pointless since you probably disregard everything about the setting if you're looking for monster girls who think about things other than sex.

>> No.14420790

>Using a male on the last part as a scapegoat

>> No.14420791

Raiju's electrical affinity makes her quite good for that sort of stuff. Not to mention, the whole hellstorm combo one could conjure up with a hellhound.

>> No.14420793

>What else were you trying to communicate by your cherry picking?
You can't know. That's why when you pull all that shit out of your ass, it's called projecting. Also, I was being literal, you're sounding kinda entitled.

>> No.14420796

Damn it Anon, you forgot your radiation suit!
My god, he's going to die in there

>> No.14420797

>Hellstorm combo
>Frosthound from Cocytus, Hellhound, and Raiju
>All going down on Anon

>> No.14420798
File: 45 KB, 538x500, 1375924393126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420802

>160 pages of furry
good luck and godspeed anon

>> No.14420803

I think it's rather required for the thread at large to not throw a shitfit. Interesting ideas will be discared because of the beserker hate against certain things, so some people might try to tweak their stuff so as to not trigger any of the anons here.

>> No.14420808

He's clearly focusing on the yuri and mentioning it's a threesome just so he can defend it's ok.

He can go fuck himself.

>> No.14420814

>probably disregard everything about the setting if you're looking for monster girls who think about things other than sex
Okay here, lets play a game.
What's your mg waifu?

Dude, you seem to be just poundinf on your computer keyboard right now.
>pull things out of your ass
The fuck are you talking about? Me being entitled to an opinion?

>> No.14420819

>What's your mg waifu?

>> No.14420823
File: 953 KB, 754x1000, Ryu 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit of radiation never hurt, Japan took 2 nukes and Fukishima yet it's still around.
The non-furry stuff is nice at least, not the best art out there but it almost has that unrefined 80s/90s anime charm to it.

>> No.14420828

That's basically what I said, sans the second line.

>> No.14420831
File: 578 KB, 801x837, 1448330887041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420837 [DELETED] 

You can have your fun. You have an entire board for it.

>> No.14420841

Different than me, but that's fine.
What do you like about her?

>> No.14420845
File: 336 KB, 618x1000, Yeti got you an Anubis for Christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the search instantly became worth it, Yeti and Anubis in one.

>> No.14420851

I think at this point the hatred for yuri has become entirely self sustaining. There might be a reason to dissuade certain aspects of it, but now, just like with that tale about the monkeys, the bananas and the hose, everybody hates it just because it's there to be hated. There's no actual reason beyond "it shouldn't be here, because it's yuri". Which, when you think about it, is downright stupid.

>> No.14420854

I can't get into those faces or colorwork.

>> No.14420855

She's a vicious hunter that will take me away from all of my troubles so I can live a long life of non-stop pleasure.

>> No.14420859

That's where I think there's a cognitive dissonance in the thread. Monsters regularly corrupt women in the world of MGE by having intercourse with them.

But kind of like Bob (who actually kind of deserves it), yuri and/or corruption sex is a big no-no.

>> No.14420860

The only place the
>don't steal mai wafu!1!!1
>furfags get out!1!1!
>go back to /u/!1!!1!
And other such bullshit happens is /mgg/. Not even the rest of /jp/
The mentality is seriously toxic and can only survive in such a wretched place as this, as it is a wretched philosophy for wretched people.

>> No.14420868
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, 1409546421628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420870

Fuck off already.

>> No.14420873

I'll probably dump them in in imgur at the end rather than waste any more images on them.

Like I said they're not the best but there's an odd charm to them for me. That may just be boredom speaking though.

>> No.14420879

Go back to the salt mines, salt-kun.

>> No.14420880

You're not even trying.

>> No.14420881
File: 799 KB, 1080x1080, 1440547465783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this upset over the fact that nobody wants to discuss yuri, NTR, or furshit

>> No.14420882

>furfags get out
>And other such bullshit happens is /mgg/. Not even the rest of /jp/
Are we even on the same /jp/?
>go back to /u/
Actually used to happen a lot on the old /jp/ with Touhou content, I'm saying this as a native.

>> No.14420884

And here's my point-
Within your explanation, only the final part explicitly references sex.
Do you want to fug the spidercow? Yes, of course, you just said that. But you also like the strength of character, Independence, and confidence of the character. These are obviously non sexual qualities, although they do present themselves during sex.

If you cared only about sex, you'd just fuck a dark matter, or perhaps the demon lord, because they're literally the concept of sex manifested into a physical form. But you would rather have the ushi oni, because there are other qualities that she offers that will at least make the sex more pleasurable.

Just the act of thinking indicates motivations other than fucking. Trust me, I am a doctor.

>> No.14420887

Worst girl, The twins were much better.

>> No.14420889

>not being able to read
Besides, I like it here.

>> No.14420890

Go back to tumblr

>> No.14420891

Yes, only the infernal boogeyman could dislike yuri.

>> No.14420896

Nice twaddle.

>> No.14420900

>don't post things that trigger me!
This is why we were moved to jp.

>> No.14420901

>Besides, I like to shitpost here

>> No.14420904

I find your assertion to be highly problematic.

>> No.14420906

You got an actual statement to make?
If not, then you're admiting I am right.
Go ahead, write a response, (if you have one) I'm prepared to argue my take, as I just did.

>> No.14420908

And here I was thinking we were going to have a quiet Sunday for once.

>> No.14420909

You're shitposting too friend.

Whys that?

>> No.14420916 [DELETED] 

>has an entire board for his thing
>still posts his thing here

You godda admit...

>> No.14420917

If it didn't belong the mods would have gotten rid of it ages ago. And they're clearly here because shit gets purged out at least once a day.

>> No.14420919

The fuck did you expect from/mgg/? Like seriously, this is like 4chan's 4chan. I'd argue this place is more /r9k/ than that dude that shot up his college.

This is like the arena for waifu fights. If you want it to be organized, you'll have to make your own board on 8 Chan or some shit.

>> No.14420923

>overlap in boards is banned
So we should be moved to /b/ because we're too similar to what goes on in /mlp/? Or have our own board created? Of course not.

>> No.14420925

There's a whole board for non-standard sexual attractions too. Are you suggesting the rest of this thread be moved there, since you want to be so categorically correct?

>> No.14420927

I expected a shit storm of course, happens every weekend just like clockwork. It just seemed rather calm apart from those two autists getting into an argument over quicksilver earlier.

>> No.14420930

If it means not having to listen to this nonsense, absolutely.

>> No.14420937
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1448166654662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bad enough dude to stop the nefarious Nekomata supervillain?

>> No.14420941

By that logic, any mention of yuri on /a/, the rest of /jp/, or any other board should be kept to /u/.
By that logic, any discussion of robots should be kept purely to /m/.
By that logic, any talk of science or music should be kept to /sci/ and /mu/ respectively.

Shall I go on?

>> No.14420944

This is what Scientologists actually believe.

>> No.14420946

Can't wait for mods to ban the anti yuri posters again.

>> No.14420950

Perhaps the problem is with the idiots who sperg out about things rather than the content itself, then.

>> No.14420952

>Shall I go on?
By all means, be my guest.

>> No.14420953
File: 293 KB, 727x852, c4c747a934034a0a00971ec11a246932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, what a great time it is

>captcha is mountains fourth time in a row
the fuck

>> No.14420955

You get the fuck out of here, clock girl is the god damn worst.

>> No.14420957
File: 37 KB, 598x462, 1431728393886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420959

That's fair, although you'd think the people posting...undesirable content would know their audience.

>> No.14420963

>Professor Jiggly

How did she get that name?

>> No.14420964

Well then you're wrong. We can't move these threads because it would near literally tear the community from each other. Part of it would go to /b/, part of it to /e/, part to /c/, the fanfiction would go who knows where, the drawfags might be sent to request, these threads combine so much stuff its absurd to think that you're "organizing" them by removing the yuri.

>> No.14420968

Ah yes, there's a yurifag as mod, I forgot.

>> No.14420972
File: 260 KB, 888x714, 1442199178773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-compliant catgirls are no match for angry old ladies, as I've learned about my grandparents and their cats anyways.

>> No.14420974

You can't remove the autism from /mgg/ I'm afraid. If the community here as full of normal, hardworking, mentality stable members of society, We'd be discussing something else.

The people here are rejects from society. How do you think the whole 3DPD thing got started?

>> No.14420976

Her human form has big, jiggly...
Just trust me, her name is fitting.

>> No.14420980

So we should just allow everything?

>> No.14420981

Big jiggle what? BIG JIGGLY WHAT?

>> No.14420989 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1440x810, 1379818034894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire post
The worst thing is that people will take you seriously.

>> No.14420991 [DELETED] 
File: 494 KB, 1000x640, 2D Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you think the whole 3DPD thing got started?
A bit before these threads were a thing.
3DPD still a shit though.

>> No.14420998

True, but again as long as it stays within the rules of the board and within the thread topic they really should have to be wary of posting anything. Like, two human girls would be a no, since there's no monstergirls. But MG on human or MG on MG is technically not in violation of rules and is on topic.

>> No.14421001

We already allow mostly everything that does not encroach on the "culture". Furries are banned because they used to be in everything, (but anyone patches into that culture would know that it imploded, then fractured into innumerable" factions" as I suspect will happen to /jp/ eventually), bronys were kicked out because they were the new furries, as was the /pol/lacks and such.

>> No.14421011

You're a stupid pompous cunt and also a wrong stupid pompous cunt. A smug anime girl is not an argument.

Well yes of course it was here before, but these threads came to be because it was there, and the community grew because the rest of the weebs learned that it was here. If you had a girlfriend you wouldn't be on /mgg/. This is a place for those who couldn't get girlfriends and then stopped trying.

>> No.14421019 [DELETED] 

>This is a place for those who couldn't get girlfriends and then stopped trying.
So why are you here?

>> No.14421021 [DELETED] 

>ad hominem

>> No.14421022 [DELETED] 

a sage and a scholar wrote once

>when a community likes to have some giggles pretending to be retarded sooner or later said community will attract truly retarded people who dont catch on until theres only retarded people there

>> No.14421027

>This is a place for those who couldn't get girlfriends and then stopped trying.
Like you?

>> No.14421034

I'm saying this again: MODS = GODS

>> No.14421039
File: 339 KB, 609x728, yukionna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now safe to come outside and play in the snow

>> No.14421043

She only calms down when she has her Jiggle Billy toy

>> No.14421045
File: 255 KB, 1000x733, 1437704937900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14421055
File: 90 KB, 711x986, 1440504763472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want to stay inside with a nice Yeti.

>> No.14421056

Winter MGs a best

>> No.14421067
File: 1.72 MB, 3000x2250, c36d50e203eff4978402697e32554427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea. This is the only image we currently have of her and it gives no useful information whatsoever.

>> No.14421070 [DELETED] 

The hell do you think

Nice "argument"

Well, I guess there was a "normie" mg fanbase before, and there still is on /a/, but really, for this to be accurate it'd say
>a community based around a fantasy will attract the imaginative first, the quirky second, the lonely third, the escapists fourth and the delusional last.

I'd love to carry on this conversation but the mods just "warned" me for not being enough of a weeaboo sheep, and if I keep making arguments instead of just being aloof and smug I'll get banned.

Hopefully they'll clean up this mess though. All of it. I don't mind my off-topic posts getting removed so long as the others do too. Everybody go back to fantasizing I guess.

>> No.14421075

Wait a thicket, what the hell is going on in the background?

>> No.14421080

Dear god.

>> No.14421081 [DELETED] 

Get fucked nerd.

>> No.14421083 [DELETED] 
File: 409 KB, 727x741, 1405455594488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd love to carry on this conversation but the mods just "warned" me for not being enough of a weeaboo sheep

>> No.14421084


>> No.14421086

Possibly a superweapon she was field testing. Evil geniuses with massive racks do that kind of thing you know.

>> No.14421090 [DELETED] 

Pls no rape

Also thank god that actually got cleaned up entirely

>> No.14421096 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1100x1000, Remove Monster Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignore thread for a while, leave open as a tab
>Bunch of new posts
>Start scrolling down from 50-100 posts up

So...what did I miss?

>> No.14421098

Well then get these tits out of the way. There's a Mahou shoujou battle going on and I have front row seats

>> No.14421103 [DELETED] 

Take a guess

>> No.14421105 [DELETED] 

Nothing. Just bullshit neta argument about how the furries or the yuris or the Jews are taking control of the threads.

It's not important. Talk about you're waifu anon.

>> No.14421106 [DELETED] 

just a lot of bitching.

>> No.14421107 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 600x800, 99b4696ee190667e5c15dc954351e0aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri and anti-yuri.

Now look at this dog.

>> No.14421113 [DELETED] 

A dumb argument and some guy pulling the 'I'm better than you all but I stick around here anyway' card. Average weekend stuff.
I'm more worried about this potential supervillain who may or may not have a massive superweapon and even more massive boobs at her disposal.

>> No.14421116 [DELETED] 

>I keep making arguments instead of just being aloof and smug
You already are being aloof and smug, just wrapping it in a pretense of intellectual superiority.

>> No.14421129
File: 140 KB, 600x600, 0ecfb126c562cc16aa1a8f6fd1de8d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a nice dog but I like her friend better

>> No.14421136

She may or may not have a massive ass too.

>> No.14421141
File: 814 KB, 1000x1112, 1440681742900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i LOVE monstergirls

>> No.14421143

They're alright I guess

>> No.14421148

That's a cute monoeye. What's her name?

>> No.14421149

>it turns out those tits ARE the superweapon.
>tits so big yet so amazing to behold, they can distract any man she exposes them to!
>all she has to do is rob banks topless and the world will be hers!
>no one will be able to stop her!

>> No.14421152
File: 1.11 MB, 1188x1105, Khepri_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of entertainment do you think they have in the Khepri pit while they wait for a man to be thrown down there? Do they have a poker table where they gamble with the porn mags the Anubis confiscates from the workers or do they have a door to another room with a piano and wine bar?

>> No.14421154

Really? I fucking hate them, I just want them all to-
wait, why am I here?

>> No.14421155

ぶらっく ・すかっちしゅ ・さいくろーぷす

>> No.14421159
File: 646 KB, 848x1200, 1785391ef57991083f8a16bf6f2f0790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14421160

Can't I just have a Egyptian waifu that won't break my fucking mind

>> No.14421163
File: 54 KB, 323x454, 1441129334334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Releasing prof jiggly

>> No.14421169
File: 912 KB, 1500x1125, 49568989_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Momiji be so perfect?
Wherever she has big breasts or flat breasts, wherever she's wild and muscled, or cheery and small, I just want to cuddle her and make her a happy mother for the rest of her life.
It's like her design has been passed around and tweaked by so many fan artists, that it's just become as near as possible to the definition of perfect.

>> No.14421178

But they'll tear down the condemned apartment of your mind and build a shining new condo.

>> No.14421184
File: 329 KB, 722x1024, Khepri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you want to be king? No one ever made an omelet without breaking a few eggs, or in this case no one ever made a demon realm without breaking a man's mind.

>> No.14421187

Uh-oh! Your pal has set you up on a blind date! Hover over one (and only one) bar to see what nice lady you get set up with. How does it go?

Giant, laid-back Orc girl. Loves hoodies, piercings, weed, and D&D.

Chubby, socially awkward Succubus. Secretly a perverted, kinky fujoshi.

Fit, militaristic Werewolf. Eats quickly, works out frequently, isn't good at conversation. Wants to be a fighter pilot.

Short, bespectacled Mousegirl nearing her 40s. Gentle personality. Writes mystery novels.

Artsy Kraken. Has a dreamy, quirky personality. Plays the mandolin. Creates elaborate 'freeform paintings' with her tentacles.

>> No.14421189
File: 919 KB, 848x1200, Remilia and Dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder, has the Touhouvania artist ever drawn her?

>> No.14421192


>> No.14421194

A quiet mousegirl seems nice.

>> No.14421196
File: 256 KB, 1266x905, 1447281169203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With her and Silvie the guy is playing my heartstrings like a damn fiddle.

>> No.14421198

Went with the second option, can't say I'm disappointed. If I show the succubutt enough love she'll understand that man on man is best left in fiction right?

>> No.14421211

Chose #3, sounds pretty good.

>> No.14421214

I highlighted all of them.

>> No.14421221
File: 199 KB, 818x850, ba301e60dc10211b896e168ccbf2bd2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we are seeing here anon is the effect of your imagination. Momiji does not have much in the way of official canon, but she does have some; this means that while you have a foundation to build apon, you also have a degree of freedom to make her what you mkst want. Personally I like her with some muscle. Sadly the only people that draw her with muscle either only draw abs with noodle arms or make her a man. Or make her "a bad day", stupidly over designed level of muscled.

But that messy apartment is who I am. While I may not be perfect, I'd much rather have someone help me renovate rather than just drug me up and tear everything down.

>> No.14421223
File: 305 KB, 1840x2888, yeti daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Yeti trap, you stay inside to cuddle with her, she gets sleepy, and she always wants to cuddle for "5 more minutes" but she holds you for hours

>> No.14421230

No. He's done the Saigyouji household, the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and the Yakumos.

>> No.14421239

Jesus anons what the hell happened

>> No.14421244


>> No.14421245

I picked the 4th option. We'd fit well together, personality and agewise

>> No.14421249


>> No.14421254

Yes mine Führer

>> No.14421258
File: 1.85 MB, 2000x1385, b0298587s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude's one of my favourite artists for monster girls. I know that this one isn't his design.

>> No.14421260

That's a tiny Yeti and a huge Wendigo and Yuki

>> No.14421261

A Cheshire threatened to create a singularity that would rupture the space-time continuum and turn the cosmos into that which is Wonderland, a world where gravity and basic laws of physics are moot. A realm where all things are obsolete, and where time-and space are an unravled mess. A quantum void of sorts
With the conbined strength of our bravest heroes, we fought back the threat and closed the portal to the realm of madness and chaos
But, there was a heavy cost. We lost a lot of good men

>> No.14421262

>first row
>weed and D&D
And she started out so well too.

>> No.14421267

but where there monstergirls on the other side?

>> No.14421273

That being said. Rose Killing Carmilla is probably my favorite track from either of those games.

Remilia has never been so... Charismatic <3

>> No.14421281

Nobody knows what lies beyond the event horizon
The same as how nobody knows what lies in the deep

>> No.14421282

I first took notice of him because of the cyclopses, he draws some adorable monoeyes.

>> No.14421288

then we must send scouts

>> No.14421293

>nobody knows what lies in the deep
Fish, probably

>> No.14421295
File: 38 KB, 960x639, 1445775114248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14421304

The last time someone sent a scout to explore the vast unknown was years ago
It was years ago we last heard from set scout
The vast unknown is unexplored space like the unexplored depths of the sea. you go in, but you don't return

>> No.14421337
File: 491 KB, 706x1000, c984a8d4e3045647a1b201f1e1f7cafc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post moar awoo

>> No.14421347
File: 156 KB, 1000x857, r274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.14421352

I guess

>> No.14421358
File: 1.09 MB, 1054x1240, cube85_0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would worship Momiji's legs.

>> No.14421361
File: 3.05 MB, 500x281, 1443428691677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421375

MON Squad is the only good thing in that series.

>> No.14421377

Second best girl

>> No.14421378
File: 1.77 MB, 2079x2953, they don&#039;t even like eachother, so this makes sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a sizable Momiji folder, but I never felt compelled to post anything from it, even in existing /jp/ threads.

>> No.14421385

I've never felt more envy before in my life.

>> No.14421389
File: 463 KB, 885x579, 7f4cbd8c866a0963a24fc241087a3f36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a massive 2hu folder in general, shit's at least 20gb by now. I might have been a tiny bit of a fan back in the day.

>> No.14421396
File: 898 KB, 1200x1710, cube85_0088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That ass
It's like the light of a supernova pouring forth from the open gates of Heaven itself.

>> No.14421407

A champagne supernover in the sky.

>> No.14421410
File: 362 KB, 1000x1200, 1448419681281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a funny way of saying Lala-chan

>> No.14421413

Lala is a whore.

>> No.14421425
File: 208 KB, 1000x1000, I&#039;m a Dragon right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she doesn't take money in exchange for sexual favors?

>> No.14421426

II want to buy her another pair of shoes that looks less dumb

>> No.14421428
File: 728 KB, 980x700, 44fa761443367ee3f6a8db1989e4a188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cube needs to draw more Orin already.

>> No.14421464
File: 151 KB, 800x529, 1443988628220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Platonically loves Darling now because she knows that being his personal psycho-pomp she has him for eternity after he dies
>Believes people should live their life to the fullest, goes so far as to zombify a young girl since she wasn't ready to die permanently yet
>Has zettai ryouiki for fucking DAYS
>Drinks of you
>Talks in a Gaelic accent when drunk

>> No.14421492

>Believes people should live their life to the fullest, goes so far as to zombify a young girl since she wasn't ready to die permanently yet
Wait what? When did this happen?

>> No.14421498

Happened in the lastest chapter. She was concerned about a terminally ill girl in the hospital Darling was in and pricked her with one of Zombina's lost teeth to spread the contagion to her.

Smith wasn't happy with her zombie cohort.

>> No.14421500

The fuck?

>> No.14421503

>inducing more suffering just to extend a life

>> No.14421504

She turned a human girl into a zombie to keep her from dying, whats so hard to understand about that?

>> No.14421511
File: 1.66 MB, 1200x1600, cf68cd0e508ef4056df614745a7bb806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she's wearing geta like that to improve her balance or something. Then, when shit gets real, she can go barefoot, like she's removing some kind of shonen limiter.
At least one touhou wolfgirl has fine taste in footwear.

That sounds really interesting, though something tells me that it's a concept which the manga itself didn't live up to in terms of execution.

>> No.14421522

That sounds pretty awful of her, especially since EMGs zombification lacks the benefits of the MGEs.

>> No.14421526

Well yeah, the only way the reader knew she was a zombie was Smith came the next day going "YOU'RE LOOKING MUCH BETTER TODAY JUST LET ME DO SOME TESTS. NO PUPIL DILATION, NO PULSE. YEP, SHE'S A ZED HEAD."

>> No.14421536

What benefits? Regenerating from cum?

>> No.14421539

A pity Wolfgirls are Haram.

>> No.14421544

That's what they get for being part of the Wan Reich

>> No.14421546

Nigga I'm referring to achievable Wighthood.

>> No.14421548
File: 1.02 MB, 2500x4000, Kikimora chasing out the Shoggoths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luc-
>Better than Kiki's
Don't come back you feathery tail-hating scoundrell.

>> No.14421550

How do you fill the emptiness of not having a monstergirl to fuck senseless? Occasionally the lack of a waifu can be punishing.

>> No.14421552
File: 685 KB, 760x1040, 1445470282900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says who? Please direct me to them so that I may deliver a prompt kick to their backside.

>> No.14421555


>> No.14421556
File: 447 KB, 768x768, 1411869777229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14421561

Write shitty stories to be torn apart by the thread like a pack of ravenous hyenas. Drink, have crying jags, sometimes hallucinate that my keyboard is a talking insect who has a flapping rectum instead of an abdomen to let out the words.

>> No.14421563
File: 228 KB, 506x600, Now listen here you little shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14421564

Music, reading and writing.

>> No.14421570

Huh. Always thought that Wights were their own class of undead, not a zombie off-shoot. Shows how much I read the bios.

But in a realistic sense, EMG zombies don't seem too bad off. The government probably foots a good chunk of their medical expenses, and Zombina seems to be functioning like a normal person.

>> No.14421572
File: 129 KB, 850x1195, Blacked.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attack Fish MGs
>Attack Werecats
>Attack Moice
>Attack poor innocent Sheep Girls
>Attack other Wolfgirls
>Attack damn near everything
>Worst of all they attack Paladin Girl Humans

They are Haram as fuck anon.

>> No.14421576
File: 271 KB, 661x594, a7b7fb4b70058df14aace3927e4525c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least one touhou wolfgirl has fine taste in footwear.
Momiji should know enough to wear proper boots while operating innashrine

>> No.14421581
File: 164 KB, 418x508, Bonus Christmas Preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come back from movies to see someone copying my filenaming system and [DELETED]

Anyways on a much less /blog note, the Bonus Christmas Picture is finished! The finished version obviously can't be posted here, but will be included with the Calendar Files when those are finished. Which hopefully will be soon, all the artists have been paid and I have sketches for all but one month. Hope this small cropped preview will tide over until then.

Not much else to do now but wait. Maybe I could get a few more Holiday Chibis of Jabber, I know an artist who does really cute ones. But then again, I've gone over $1000 on all the art involved, so I should probably stop now. But then again, I do love her.

>> No.14421584
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x1510, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just enthusiastic, is all.

>> No.14421592

oh my

>> No.14421596
File: 31 KB, 400x400, Yahoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't possibly hurt such a cute doggirl.

>> No.14421597

Delete that mang.

>> No.14421600

Being a walking sack noxious substances must be a bummer though.

>> No.14421601
File: 195 KB, 500x500, 1337455551838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Code red, anon. Dial it back.

>> No.14421602

I write sometimes too. Rolling up a comforter like a whip and hugging it like a snake helps too.

>> No.14421610

Enjoy your vacation.

>> No.14421613

Not him, but I'd slap her on the ass with a paddle and call her a naughty bitch.

>> No.14421616

Your devotion to Wocks is crazy but admirable and all the art is greatly appreciated.

>> No.14421617

My mind was elsewhere when I posted that. I honestly didn't consider that it might be NSFW because of the rod, as submerged in breastfulness as it was.

>> No.14421618
File: 309 KB, 779x1008, Das Hiebr Ist Krampus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time I write is if I get people to bug me enough on one of the IRC channels or I manage to find some good smut to fap to. Usually the latter happens before the former.

>> No.14421626

Krampus is a slutty bitch that deserves to be punished.

>> No.14421630

I'm a slutty bitch and deserve to be punished by Krampus

>> No.14421633
File: 249 KB, 600x600, hot damn this guy can draw some fine shortstacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have something that's both lewd and SFW.

>> No.14421637
File: 3.40 MB, 5400x3600, 2. February.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your devotion to Wocks is crazy
There's nothing crazy about loving a perfect girl

>> No.14421641

You're a saint and a good husbando.

>> No.14421642

I want to go on walks with the awoo

>> No.14421645
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1816, gazer boxas extrovert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes, you get it. You understand.

>> No.14421654

I don't.

>> No.14421657

Tall girls are in fact superior to shortstacks

Prove me incorrect

>> No.14421660

There is something wrong with your brain.

>> No.14421671

>liking Gazers
Very good, Keep up the good work Gazerfag.

>> No.14421675
File: 358 KB, 1004x1417, 1429764392071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove me incorrect
I can't

>> No.14421677
File: 1.69 MB, 500x400, 1441845590949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get cornered by Krampus
>It's cold and you're covered in sweat from running
>She takes on puff from her churchwarden pipe, blowing the smell of smoked pine into your face
>Her rectangular pupiled eyes never leaving yours
Do ye fear Death?

>> No.14421694

>But then again, I've gone over $1000 on all the art involved, so I should probably stop now. But then again, I do love her.
You madman.

At least you can sleep well knowing that you made the world a better place by flooding it with wocks.

>> No.14421703
File: 2.91 MB, 3500x2187, 4. April.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. When you find that girl you love, there's no feeling to describe how wonderful and joyful it can make everything. How life itself is a bit more colorful thanks to knowing that one girl you love is out there, and she loves you.

This is true though. A tall girl is great for holding you tightly and whispering from behind how she loves you.

Yes, the Wock rises.

>> No.14421711

>pull out my GLAWK 40MM
>proceed to mag dump the stinky goat lady, before undressing and coating myself in her blood
>local police officer drives over to investigate
>nothing to see here sir, just doin my civic duty
>he joins in
>slice up corpse while singing "god bless America"
>crabwalk home, throw corpse onto grill
>deep fried krampus covered in BBQ sauce and butter
>100000 calories
It's good to be an American.

>> No.14421721

>one girl you love is out there, and she loves you.
This can't go on forever, dude. You're going to wake up.

>> No.14421727

Until the sneak peak of that other picture you posted earlier, I never noticed the detail of her necktie being some sort of tongue-like object, bursting out of what appears to be a beheaded frog with a single large buck tooth.

>> No.14421778

>Not knowing what the face of the original Jabberwock looks like

It's the only dragon with Chester A. Arthur sideburns and a tweed suit!

>> No.14421779
File: 357 KB, 638x900, Baby Doll the Lich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're on your deathbed after a dangerous AWOO mortally wounds you
>Your MG waifu and young daughteru are there at your side
>You speak your peace with your waifu before asking her to leave the room
>So you can speak to your daughter alone

What do you say to her, Mr. Anon?

And no resurrection bullshit, you're dead as fuck soon.

>> No.14421789

So one last quicky?

>> No.14421792
File: 312 KB, 800x1200, 1428879060878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Avenge me"

And that's how the war between Vampires and Werewolves started

>> No.14421798

"I'm undead and trying to sleep after a shitty day, why is everyone around me suddenly retarded?"

>> No.14421806
File: 519 KB, 1333x1565, f4d96559ad1dc8f78f6b346994a05e10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't... Tell your mother..

She was just... Too soft...

>> No.14421807

"I won't miss either of you."

>> No.14421808


What about a snake-fox?

>> No.14421819

Christ, that's some of the worst acting I've seen in a while.

>> No.14421831

Can't I just have a regular fox?

>> No.14421834

"noob team i afk"

>> No.14421839
File: 484 KB, 1115x1026, the_robot_devil_by_aketa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fox you want is it? Hmm? A fuzzy creature to soothe your heart? Well, I cna do that jsut fine... Just sign here, I'll get you a fox all right...

>> No.14421843

Fuck you, Robot Devil, you suck! And your songs are lame.

>> No.14421845

"My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece."

>> No.14421847



>> No.14421848

"J'aime faire des croquettes au chien."

>> No.14421849
File: 244 KB, 800x640, fan_art__robot_devil_by_dover19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fine with me son, I suppose you didn't want the fox anyway?
>no sir, I'm sure the women back home will treat you just fine- not like they haven't in the past after all, right?

>> No.14421852

Do I at least get to do a custom order on this fox, or are you just grabbing some random bitch from the multiverse?

>> No.14421853

>MFW after years of seeing shit from the Fireball and Fallout Shelter community all I can imagine is a fucking
>One piece bathing suit being the One Piece treasure

>> No.14421858

just alp my shit up

>> No.14421862
File: 114 KB, 800x950, robot_devil_by_megbeth-d2ybs3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fox, tall or short, flat or well endowed, muscled or soft, with a bushy tail, soft fur and a... Considerable sex drive...
>loyal to a T, all she asked is that you let her have her way with you when it goes into mating season

>> No.14421864

>fluffy tails and scaly tail
Shit makes no sense. I'd still try hugging her.

>> No.14421872
File: 94 KB, 1200x900, 1432609926005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is magic an option? Or multiple tails? And I swear to God, Robot Devil, if you make her a fucking kumiho...

Though there are certain ones I might still be okay with.

>> No.14421876

Want it to make even less sense?
Imagine that the fluffy tails have scales and that the scaley one has fur.

>> No.14421891
File: 147 KB, 761x436, tumblr_lo886p2Xg01qeweuno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a liver-eater, unless you want it, some people are into that.

>I can make multiple tails, mix with another species, big tits, little tits, what have you...

>> No.14421900

So what's the catch? Give me a contract to read, here.

>> No.14421908

I want a big girl to cuddle!

>> No.14421914
File: 60 KB, 559x524, 1448156202394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robot Devil spreads misery by suckering in anons with perfect monster waifus, who always come with a catch
>Luckily, the cool and beautiful lich has set up shop just over the street to remove the curses and pitfalls from the monstergirls, giving anons their dream waifu for a mere $20 per curse removal

>> No.14421927

Do I have to lick her boobs if I want to travel back in time?

>> No.14421933
File: 9 KB, 320x240, x240-Or4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 (one) "normal" (as stated by yourself) monster creature of the species "fox", multiple tails, large breasts, average height, does not eat human livers, any fur color, average weight, average musculature, average intelegence, no other details stated.

>in signing this contract you will pay the price of- transportation to the universe created by the artist and author "KC", acceptance that your new companion does enter heat once a month and you do need to submit to her desires for this time, and a signature acknowledging and accepting that you have read and understand these terms, and are in agreement with them, and possibly your soul, but you know how these things go.

>gonna have to give me more info than that son.

>> No.14421941
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, 119_robot-devil_1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do not amuse me with your fanfiction boy. That lich sold me her soul and her body to live regardless of age.

>> No.14421945

a kobold built to snuggle.
Big breasts and a round bottom is a must!
As well as very fertile.

A healthy apatite would be good too.

>> No.14421948
File: 362 KB, 900x800, 1436886851398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't see any possible way this could backfire! Let's start with a fox in the neighborhood of this body type, but fill out the hips a bit more. Give her glossy black fur with golden eyes and multiple long, fluffy fox tails, long enough to completely encase us both if she wanted. But not a full set of nine tails, only seven or so. I have a theory I want to test. And the magic, that's important, too.

Now if you'll just send over a copy of the contract, I'd like to have my lawyer look it over. If everything's in order, I can have it back to you signed within a few days.

>> No.14421951

>Implying she's not a cynical drunk who uses a whole universe of damned souls to power her car battery.

>> No.14421953

I told you to Alp me and give me to an Anon, do it you robot son of a bitch

>> No.14421954

Until she gets bored and burns the shop to the ground

>> No.14421955

Suppose I get my Jewish lawyer to look at the contract first?

>> No.14421956

>Not powering your stuff with the soul of a forsaken child

Come on man.

>> No.14421962

>But why would you put the lock on the inside?

>> No.14421963
File: 325 KB, 630x420, robot-hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>few days
>Son, time might be as meaningless to me as dirt is to you. I have a schedule, and if you don't make a decision before I need some beauty sleep, you'll have missed out! I got other clients to fill!

>the body type is easy enough to do, thankfully for you!

>Germanic kobold?

>> No.14421964

>goes into heat once a month
>during her heat you must submit to her

I'll bet her heat lasts at least 28 days and she's a sadist or some other deviant fetish

>> No.14421967

You know, if you're...'alone.'

Sure, I'd enjoy a germanic kobold with those traits.

>> No.14421971

You know what? Fuck it.
Seven Kitsunes. Nine Tails Each. From KC's Monster Girl Encyclopedia universe. Big Breasts, Wide Hips, Fat Asses. All in love with me, all 100% Female. At no point male. Does not eat human livers, each one has a different fur color, in order (Red, Brown, Yellow, Green, Purple, White, Black) All of them 21 or their species equivalent, all willing to work for their own wages, One very smart, one who's /fit/, one who's slightly chubby, and the others are normal for their species, and all sharing my fetishes.
No futanari, no watersports, no CBT, no scat, and certainly no sounding.
Don't fuck me on this RD.

>> No.14421976

Fucking beautiful picture right there.

>> No.14421980
File: 144 KB, 676x1183, leela_and_robot_devil_by_colouredforpleasure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>son, the Jews already sold their souls for riches long ago.

>Fine then. You are now this fellow:

>(With the addition of wings of course)
>do try to pleasure your new master. He gets very frustrated when he doesn't do well in school.

>> No.14421990
File: 219 KB, 900x584, 1434159198480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa now, I thought you were a business man? Are you really going to walk out on a deal over some professional courtesy? You clearly want this deal to happen as much as I do, but there's one fact you're forgetting: I have nothing to lose. I've been functioning just fine without a waifu for a while now, and even if I'm willing to part with my soul, I have to say that it's done wonders for me. Really, you need me more than I need you, so don't give me any of that time-crunch strong-arming bullcrap. Send us over the contract and you might just hear back from us in a few days. That is, assuming I or my legal counsel haven't decided to walk out on this deal. Now good day, sir!

>> No.14422000
File: 179 KB, 595x666, _sin_with_me__by_missuspatches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure, I'd enjoy a germanic kobold with those traits.
>so, one Germanic kobold, fit and active, good cardio, good "cardio", nice ass.

>Sure, I can do that.
>just sign.

>> No.14422010

Yeah, I'm still fine with that.

>> No.14422013

>Silent ruined that picture for me with unwanted feels.
Yeah, I'm easily affected but you can still fuck yourself for it.

>> No.14422020
File: 459 KB, 352x264, tumblr_nue4k80UFC1rawb5do1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ohhohoho! You trinta get smart with me are you? Well, your silly self indugant anime plots do you no good, because theyre plenty of things in the world you me! you didn't need a companion anyway! Im sure youll be just fine without her- after all, youre a strong, sucsessful boy, arent you? You underestimate how litty you matter, to a being without time! See ya chum!

>You the kobold boy?
>if so, I need your signature, in clear print, stating that you understand and accept the terms of the contract.

>> No.14422024

What are the terms and conditions of the contract?

>> No.14422037

Robot Devil, are you a happy person?

>> No.14422038

Sorry that I don't have anything complete yet.

>> No.14422042
File: 43 KB, 575x431, robot_devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one fit Germanic kobold, a big girl who you can snuggle, a healthy appetite, made for breeding, with a nice ass.

>why wouldn't I be? This is a good life... Plenty of time to relax, nice and warm living environment, plenty of "company"...

>> No.14422046

>you will never be dragged off to the bedroom by your wife.
>she will never lock the door and make a show of downing an entire doppelganger potion to herself, taking multiple times the recommended dose
>the room will never be flooded with an insane number lust crazed clones of your wife
>she will never giggle and shove you into the seething mass of fondling hands, roaming tongues, affectionate lips, erect nipples and wet pussies
>you will never be mass raped by an army of your wife, whilst laying on top of even more of her as they grope at you and masturbate
>you'll never stagger out of the room hours later once the spell has ended, drenched in her saliva and sexual fluids
>she'll never tell you she wants this to be a regular thing from now on, being addicted to feeling and watching you from almost every possible angle at once.

>> No.14422048

Sure, why not.

>> No.14422051
File: 130 KB, 1077x1387, gazer quackingmoron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14422056

>your waifu is an undead
>you tell her it felt like you were a victim in a zombie movie
>she slaps you

>> No.14422057

Well, it seems that we won't be able to reach an agreement then, Mr. Devil. I bid you good day, then.

It's probably for the best, anyway. I doubt you could have actually delivered on it.

>> No.14422066

What's the best part of a chubby Monster Girl? Her big soft breasts? Her large wonderful rear? Her plush pillowish thighs? Her cute poochy belly? Or her big sweet heart?

>> No.14422068

cute wife

>> No.14422071


>> No.14422072
File: 463 KB, 800x1000, bc8c887b4897a16c9e30a48f52114f294a5a2e1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14422074

Bullshit. They Jew'ed other people out of their souls and sold those instead.

>> No.14422081


>You will never get "revenge" on her the next day and drink a doppelganger potion
>She'll never retaliate by also drinking a doppelganger potion
>What follows is a massive orgy of doppelgangers.

>> No.14422086

All of the above.

>> No.14422091

you know that sounds like one hell of a time. But what if each of the clones ate a rageing mushroom?

>> No.14422093

>tfw you will never reach critical mass with your waifu, until you become a flesh planet of two souls entwined in eternal pleasure together

It'd be like a sexual version of Dogscape. Monstergirlscape.

>> No.14422111

All that, and the feeling of being so close to her, and touching so much of her when you embrace.

>> No.14422113
File: 65 KB, 444x441, 1433840980112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck your wife in every position imaginable, double-and-triple team each other
>All at once
>Room is left with an uncleanable reek of sex and sweat
>Even months later, it still glows like Time Square under a blacklight
You have my boner's attention, sir

>> No.14422131

Cuddling with one when it's cold out and having amazing cuddlesex with.

>> No.14422150

What Monster Girl would be best chubby, a short, medium, or tall one?

And specifically, what species would be best chubby?

Hard mode: List best chubby Monster Girl for all the types of Monster Girls you can think of. Harpy, Dragon, Undead, Lamia, etc.

>> No.14422156


>Your bed sheets are strewn all over the place
>Some clothing is too
>You'd be honestly surprised if any neighbors didn't hear it.
>After the orgy neither of you can move much at all.
>You're just too tired to think about anything. All you can do is crawl over to your equally exhausted wife and cuddle with her, falling asleep together, nude on the bedroom floor.
>Cleaning this is going to be hell but that doesn't matter right now.

>> No.14422159

"Bury me with my money."

>> No.14422163



and wurms would be good juby girls for the dragons.

>> No.14422167

Fuck off.

>> No.14422175
File: 56 KB, 256x256, Robot-Devil-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alllright son, here you are! Your one and only!

Now, you got lucky buy. Germanic kobolds are SHAPESHIFTERS. they can be just about everything, and are well known for being pranksters. In their standard form they are short, hunched, warty things, generally unattractive to anything that moves. But since I am a kind evil robot drvil, I gave you the easy way out, with a more well known lizard-type kobold, fit, like you asked,with ample breasts and all that good stuff. You owe me! Well, you already paid I guess. With your soul. Anyway. Here is your creature!

http://i.imgur.com/vMbc5nNh.jpg this gigantic reptile, fit and strong, with visible muscles, an ass the size of a large building, and a length about akin to an nuclear powered aircraft carrier, she certainly is "built to snuggle-its not like there isn't much to hold on to! She has a good "appetite"- most of it is you- and to reflect on that her favorite fetishes are cock vore, and anal vore, nipple vore. It's "eating"- in a way. She doesn't like regular mouth vore as much though. It's kinda plain. She's of course "fertile"- just look at her equipment! And With huge breasts too. And of course she's strong of mind in addition to her rippling body, and loves sweeping you off your feet and having her way with you. She may be a lot to handle- but remember, she does "love you"- well, you never said she had to, but I certainly hope she does!

Remember, the contract has already been signed. you've paid with your soul. There's No going back.

>yeah, you do whatever you need to to convince yourself you aren't alone! HAW!

>> No.14422180
File: 263 KB, 500x384, 1446083272340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14422183

At least delete unrelated images when you post as much as you do. You've posted over 10 robot devil images. More than enough to get your point across.

>> No.14422186
File: 76 KB, 1024x1082, dragonfly-aug-30-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragonfly monstergirl(s)?

>> No.14422191
File: 1.74 MB, 1000x1540, 1255560889931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all have our waifus, but where would you ideally want to live with them?

For me, it would either be some fantasy land citadel, or somewhere isolated and snowy.

>> No.14422194

Tall or medium

Ryu, jubjub, wight, shriohebi, holst, jabberwock, nightmare, scylla, kraken, tentacle, and alraune.

These are the monstergirls that I think would be look great chubby.

>> No.14422196

No clue.

>> No.14422198

Yharnam-esque Undead Kingdom in a comfy moderately sized mansion.

>> No.14422201
File: 121 KB, 320x240, Robot_Devil_Fiddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry, its probably warm inside her penis!... Or nipples, or shitter- wherever you end up!
>hey, if you can amuse me enough, I might even make her gaurenteed to love you!

>Bahaahahhaha! I've taken your soul and your image cap!

>> No.14422202

You are a man with great tastes, and I agree with just about all those Monster Girl choices. Wish we had some stories and art of them.

I wanna stuff a plump jubjub and dine with a chubby haughty wight.

>> No.14422203
File: 776 KB, 800x1000, dragonfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have this

>> No.14422204

A nice, humble little beach house on a Mediterranean coast.

>> No.14422205

In a fantasy setting, outside of a mountain town.

>> No.14422211

>OH! and one last thing! See that guy she's holding up? That's you.

>anyone else wanna strike up a deal?

>> No.14422213

Is the alp still up for grabs?

>> No.14422220

>he went to some other fool, but I guess that I can make another one for you.

>> No.14422229


I voluntarily alp.

Free alp here, don't care if your a hathorite or not.

>> No.14422232

In an artificial gas torus with a high-tech infrastructure. Or a spaceship. Either one works.

>> No.14422236

>it's all right my friend, she loves you!

>> No.14422241

Hey Alp, you want some Milk?

It's good stuff. Have some cake too, imported from a certain pocket dimension filled with smug cats and dragons.

>> No.14422242

Can I punch you?

>> No.14422250
File: 114 KB, 800x600, 1444586375303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14422257

Nope, my boner is so thoroughly killed that I alped.

Sure, better than the alternative.

Again, better than the alternative.

>> No.14422258

I'll take it

>> No.14422259

Thanks, nice to know someone out their also shares great tastes as well. I agree, I want more chubby monstergirl art, chubby monstergirls are underestimated in how sexy and cute they can be . Plus, being cuddled by a kind, sweet, chubby scylla who who smiles at having found a cute guy who likes her body and personality, followed by her singing me a beautiful, heartfelt love song about how happy she is to have found a wonderful boyfriend and then ending with falling asleep, smiles on both our faces.

>> No.14422261


Hey, Robot Devil-

You hiring?

>> No.14422265

A nice Victorian manor. I'd like something more high tech, but it would probably drive the Kiki crazy.

>> No.14422266

I'll ta-


What you doing with it?

>> No.14422270

I'd never take an alp with such horrible grammar.

I'll buy her for myself, take her to the privacy of my home and free her from her bindings, telling her to be more careful in the future.

>> No.14422271

I damn near choked and it's your fault

>> No.14422276

Good, good. I hope you like being one very plump and very ara ara alp. Brace yourself for cuddle sex, lovey dovey dates, and cheek rubs.

>> No.14422279

>Oh anon- don't be silly! Your soul is mine- you are obligated to the creature I have created for you.
>though, tell you what, if you manage to life inside her ass for a year straight- I MIGHT GIVE YOU A SECOND CHANCE!

>Hmm hmm, what for...?

>I can make you another, if you want.....

>> No.14422284

get out of here with your shit

>> No.14422288

What from, Anon?

>> No.14422290

Either drive her crazy or turn her into an alcoholic when she has all this spare time with nothing to do. Roomba's gonna take her job.

>> No.14422291

Better than the alternative.

Hell, go as far as you want, better than anything else.


>> No.14422293

I'm under the impression that this isn't the same guy that usually does the Robot Devil stuff.

>> No.14422300

Are you sure? You'd be amazed how soft I'm willing to make my Alps. I'd want them very soft. Incredibly soft. Immobile soft.

>> No.14422305

>I'm just helping people find love my friend.

>don't be so stubborn- your wife doesn't like a grumpy man!

breaking character for a second here- its multiple people who do this. It's like an /a/ days old meme. I've been around for years- but I'm not the oldest.

>> No.14422308

Theres two of us that normally do it, I popped up afterwards and I know he's not me.

I would never damn someone to a life with a furry.

>> No.14422312

Still better than the alternative.
Just be sure to wash me every now and then.


>> No.14422324

>but I'm not the oldest
How's that for a happy thought.

How can you possibly last that long here without giving up or not caring anymore?

>> No.14422330

>I would never damn someone to a life with a furry.
You're the lesser of two evils.
Bless you.

>> No.14422332

he was asking for that- not even specifying what gender he wanted. To be perfectly honest, I was impressed how good of a job >>14421971 did. I was reaaally thinking hard on how to fuck him over with that one. Round of applause, jewanon.

>> No.14422333

So are undeads cold?
Wights are sexy but I doubt they'd be nice to cuddle or fuck.

>> No.14422335

[x] mind break

>> No.14422338

They get warmer and warmer the more you cuddle and fuck them.
By the time a Zombie turns into a Wight by cuddling you into the ground she'd probably be warm.

>> No.14422339

Wights can probably warm themselves up at will.

>> No.14422341

Ok, that's kinda boring but whatever.

>> No.14422345

stuff like this. It's fun, and creative. I was always could at arguing, writing, thinking outside the box. And this is just a fun way of killing time. I don't really understand why some people can't take a joke and laugh along with the obvious absurdity that is this little "deal". It's fun, and I'm not harming anyone. And I'm certainly contributing more to creative thought than endlessly fighting about salt or yuri or furries until the mods come and ban everyone. This is all in good fun.

>> No.14422347

I didn't say how I would do it

>> No.14422350

Share with the class.

>> No.14422353

Yeah, give me some material will ya?

>> No.14422357

I didn't asked why post what you post. I asked a more general question about how anyone can spend years here.

>> No.14422359

I at least hope everyone will be able to laugh.

>> No.14422367

I need a Paladin girl and a name. For reasons.
War reasons.

>> No.14422369

...and I answered why I could. What were you expecting?

I can answer for myself -amusement, hot chicks- and for others -hatred of real women, disgusting the outside world- but not for everyone else here.

They like it. Or, I suppose more accurately to some people, dislike it the least out of all the options.

>> No.14422370

I won't go into details, but I'll need at least seventeen butt plugs of various sizes and shapes, a demon and devil duo, the entire Canadian reserve of maple syrup, and some webcams

>> No.14422371

On mgt or 4chan?
Either way you would be very surprised. You can have a life and still hang out here you know.

>> No.14422375

Paula din

>> No.14422376


>> No.14422384


I'm a welder by trade, though I spend more time fixing the shit my coworkers break than anything else these days.

Sound useful?

>> No.14422386

fair enough

>> No.14422387

A little advice, just go ahead and do it.
The walls of text are utterly pointless and the events can only have about eight things happen to the characters anyway. If you really must do yet another waifu war then just get it out of the way.

>> No.14422392

Still need a picture. Also some named characters because I'm just doing pre-existing characters with the exception of the paladins now.

>> No.14422393

Sounds sticky.

>> No.14422398

I need character suggestions anon.
Also see >>14422392
Waifu Wars are now held on the last Sunday of every month.

>> No.14422402

How long have you been here? Do you plan on leaving at any time soon? I'm genuinely curious because there are many anons who stay on 4chan for years. The "don't forget: you're here forever" thing is a joke on many boards for a reason.

>> No.14422404

I wish the guys shilling these and the roll for your MG shit would take a break.

>> No.14422405
File: 255 KB, 509x862, draco3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14422406

I can get you one tomorrow.

>well, you might be able to be the guy who welds my sides back on after what I just did to my most recent "customer".
>you could also be my... " companion helper", aa rare position that requires your soul and a serious makeover...

>> No.14422409

Exactly. This guy is like a craftier version of commercial, he just isn't going to stop until even his most loyal fan is telling him to just fucking give it a rest already.

>> No.14422411

A year give or take a couple weeks, actually. Wow, where did the time go?

And probably not anytime soon.

>> No.14422415


Brienne de l'Amorica, third of her name and last born to her mother.

There. You have a name.

>> No.14422416

I actually agreed to one a month anon. You just won't stop whining.

>> No.14422417
File: 699 KB, 724x1024, bb4d8dc703c79c8745ea41a60cd58dcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14422419

Maybe you should just fuck off forever.

>> No.14422422

Dude, chill the fuck out.

>> No.14422424

>these terrible games
>other things that I can't think of

It's a recurring thing here. I keep seeing Yetis get posted and I'm terrified they'll be added to the haram list

>> No.14422429

And you just won't stop posting a lame event where nothing new ever happens due to the limited system it uses. A system that anyone can use, yet you act like it's some original thing you thought up.

>> No.14422435

Dude, get a sense of humor or fuck off.

>> No.14422439

>he thinks only one person is telling him to stop
You really are commercial 2.0

>> No.14422440

Except I don't think that, I just do it for fun and have fun with other people.
I'm even taking a six month hiatus from them after next month's.
And I'm considering changing the day.

>> No.14422444

All he needs to do is add a passive aggressive name whenever he replies to someone telling him to stop and he really will be commercial 2.0

>> No.14422445

The problem with this place is that when something fun happens certain anons repeat it to the point where others will get sick of it.

>> No.14422446

I want a yellow clad konouichi and her blue rival to fight over me.

>> No.14422447

>becoming to a following that doesn't exist
>you're just as bad as x!
>no fun allowed
> a moderator in my mind!
Hello Mr cancer.

>> No.14422448


The former I could do in a few minutes. Even less if you don't mind a few weave-beads on your chassis.

The latter? Well... asking for more info outta you clearly doesn't go anywhere, so... meh, fuck it.

I'll do both if you throw in a case of beer and some smokes.

>> No.14422449

That's kinda why I've decided to stop for half a year after the next one.

>> No.14422453

Says the guy who wants the same shit repeated endlessly and no one can complain about it or else.

>> No.14422454


And use this >>14422250 as a picture

>> No.14422457

Thanks for trying to quote something I never said.

>> No.14422462

You'll take the both of them, right?

>> No.14422466

Its generally what I gathered from the utter gibberish you posted.

>> No.14422471

Of course.
Especially after when they're dog tired and their elegant fighting moves devolve into a rolling, grappling cat fight.

That's when I get over there and give them both a tender dicking.

>> No.14422494

>The latter? Well... asking for more info outta you clearly doesn't go anywhere, so... meh, fuck it.

>Ohhhh, its nothing, I just turn you into an alp/succubus, and you become my personal maid/lover ext, helping me with all sorts of tasks like torturing the damned, relighting fires, tempting mortals into sin, oiling my joints, relieving me of my... Sexual tension, bartering with sinners, tempting lust filled mortals into sin with your new body, managing the bank of souls, dislodging that one fellow frow the dick of his kobold wife,emotional support, watching anime h..hand holding... all extremely evil stuff.

>I'll pay your rent of course. You'll live in the underworld.

>> No.14422501

Hypothetical situation, but lets say a friend of mine was in a bad accident and had his face covered in scars. The general facial structure is fine, but his face is just covered in a lot of scars. What monster girls would still find him attractive? Not all would czare about that right? Just wondering

>> No.14422506
File: 2.08 MB, 450x450, No sense of right or wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask a wizard to give you the softest waifu in the world
>When you get home, your waifu is standing there, waiting for you
>She doesn't look any softer or chubbier
>But when you go to touch her, you see the effects of the wizard's transformation spell
>The outward texture of her skin and body hasn't changed
>But she is now essentially a walking, talking soft toy
>Though able to move about and support herself, it feels as if all the muscle and bone has left her body, and she can be squeezed, stretched, or otherwise distorted as much as any slimegirl
>And while impervious to harm, as she'll just absorb any impact or compress around any weapon, she is now entirely unable to exert her own force in any significant way, to the point where even a punch would feel like a soft pillow pressing into you
>This is why you shouldn't trust wizards

So, what monstergirl is she? How is her life affected by this bizarre change? And what's the first thing you do to her?

>> No.14422508

Prolly the war fetishist ones like jinko and such.

Your friend all right mang?

>> No.14422509

They care about your dick, not your face.

>> No.14422516

Lizardmen, salamanders, oni, anything that lights fighting, hostlaurs who think he needs healing, weresheep that one to cuddle him, baphomets who want a tough looking onichan.

Any of them would have their reasons.

>> No.14422517

If you're sticking to the MGE not a single one of them gives a flying fuck. Past that it'd depend on your headcanon. A werebat or something else mostly/completely blind (inb4 biologyfags) would also work. A nice unicorn or lich could probably fix the problem, too.

>> No.14422523

Is it just me, or is sunday the absolute worst day for /mgt/? We tend to see the most "They don't love you, they love your dick" shits on Sunday.

>> No.14422525

An ogre might mistake them for battle wounds and try to fight him.

>> No.14422530

Not tough looking, and my friend lacks to muscles to look bearmode or anything. More weak and frail unfortunately, with the scars making him look worse.

Well that just sounds depressing.

>> No.14422532

A lava golem with a healing fetish would gobble him up tenderly.

>> No.14422536


>> No.14422537

Nobody is taking your sunshine away from you anon, relax.

>> No.14422538

Don't listen to anyone who says they only love you for your dick anon.
People who say that are the worst kind of posters.

>> No.14422541

I still say jinko, maybe holstarus.

Jinko because the fetishize the ILL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU thing, Holst because if they're not obedient pets they're pampering mothers.

>> No.14422542

I'm just saying today is when it's densest.
And it's also when the people who hate fun show up.

>> No.14422551

Really? Worse than the alp/yuri/futa posters?

I think you should leave the hyperbole to KC.

>> No.14422562

Congratulations: The already liquid slime has been affected by the wizard's spell, turning her into a sapient cloud of warm, wet, lovable gas.

>> No.14422570

Okay, so maybe not the WORST.
But they're still bad.

>> No.14422578

I think everyone can live with that.

>> No.14422579

I'd like one of three places.

A wizard's tower jutting out the side of a high-up mountain.

A nice cabin in the woods, snug up against the foot of a mountain; secretly giving access to an even larger manor built right into the mountain itself.

Or three, a nice apartment in an Undead Kingdom.

>> No.14422580

Going by the description anon gave, this sounds like some rare crippling disorder with her not being able to function by herself

>> No.14422594
File: 1007 KB, 2480x3508, db2b1fea5197ef15a5442c827a646a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked futuristic settings. I had consider at one time writefaging a story based around ftl. But I decided against it.

For most purposes, whenever I imagine an mg setting I usually imagine skyrim with rapists. So a setting like that would be fine by me.

>> No.14422606

What is up with the pixelation in that image?

>> No.14422607

Wait, nevermind, it's a canvas. Oops.

>> No.14422611

It isn't pixilated for me...

>> No.14422620
File: 688 KB, 1400x834, 134578954398765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to live in a city of the dead, while I apprentice to a kuudere Lich to learn what I can about the forbidden art of Necromancy.

It would take awhile to adjust to Undead culture, but the moonlit nights would be amazing.

>> No.14422625
File: 428 KB, 507x714, Pegasus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people getting fucked over by Robit Devil



>> No.14422633

Better damned than stuck with horsepussy.

>> No.14422636

I only accept Winter Pussy kingdom and their warm gifts

>> No.14422637

>I was doing them a favor!

>> No.14422641

Fuck off, I've already pledged allegiance to fluffy tail.

>> No.14422645
File: 343 KB, 769x1000, 1360382607961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give me my Bicorn, and I'll be more than happy.

>> No.14422650

Fresh outta bicorns, boss. You're gonna have to take yourself a unicorn and make her into a bicorn. You can handle that, right?

>> No.14422653
File: 740 KB, 711x854, 1447690896065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you go to the Fluffy Tail Shrine to pray at least once a month?

>> No.14422661

Here we go. The Penultimate Waifu War before I go on hiatus for a half a year.
Place your bets.

>> No.14422669

Hell ye. Find me a unicorn and some slutty anubis and the harem'll be off to a good start immediately.

>> No.14422682

Why don't you start with a werewolf and work your way up, son?

>> No.14422683


>> No.14422689

I want to make my Kobold daughteru wear a frilly pink dress and act like a proper lady fro a whole day even though she's a bit of a tomboy! I want to spank her once for every time she slips up or gets pouty!

>> No.14422693

I got my alps, I'm happy. Thanks anyways, though.

>> No.14422697

Oni too stronk.
I can't tell if you're making fun of me or if you're genuinely excited.

>> No.14422702
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1200, 17394923432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not gonna lie, most of the time I spend there is sneaking around, taking lewd pictures of the Foxes when they think they're alone.

>> No.14422705



>> No.14422706


I hope you have a plan for if you get caught.

>> No.14422708

Great job Helga.

>> No.14422718

I pull out my counterfeit 'Mofu Inspector' licence.

If that doesn't work, it'll confuse them long enough for me to pull out a smoke bomb and make my escape.

Nude Fox pics sell for a lot. A man's gotta eat.

>> No.14422719

You had some weird fuckin contestants this time

>> No.14422726


>> No.14422727

And there goes my waifu.

>> No.14422734
File: 398 KB, 853x1200, 1439765532666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the sneaky foxes are just pulling an advertisement stunt. Bathe naked at the hot springs in plain view a lot, and the photographers practically hand over publicity to the shrine for free.

>> No.14422740

Would a pit bull kobold have werewolf tendencies?

>> No.14422745

They don't even care anymore. Why bother? An Alp won before they did.

>> No.14422750

They probably all know about pervert photographer Anon, they just play along because they like the attention and praise they get from the magazines they're published in.

>> No.14422751

I work there full-time as a professional tail brusher and cuddler.

>> No.14422754

I would think so but she'd be the most lovable thing in the world when it comes to you

>> No.14422755

Liz with the canon move.

>> No.14422757

>dat bayonet

>> No.14422758

She'd be short, tough, and have an almost perpetual grimace on her face. Given love, though, she'd be the most loyal kobold you could hope for.

>> No.14422761

She'd be a brick shithouse.
like a midget minotaur
that tail wag would knock shit over when she saw you, though.

>> No.14422762
File: 428 KB, 1094x1500, 1396838387840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a conspiracry! A conspiracy of fat fox fannies!

>> No.14422765


>> No.14422767


>> No.14422771

Yeah if you want to stab someone 0.5cm deep.

She is a silly wolf.

>> No.14422773
File: 109 KB, 600x914, 5ee8a4a01ec2f6b5194b1a55ad6a48e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even HSLD?

>> No.14422774

And once she hugs you she'd be impossible to get off without patting her to sleep?

Would she be so protective the post office makes you get a PO box because the mailman won't come to your door anymore?

>> No.14422775
File: 167 KB, 850x1189, 1441071498513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods, how indecent. And to think that these lewd, devious kitsunes represent their shrines as pure and magical maidens.

>> No.14422778

>on a designated marksman's rifle
my real issue is how short the knife is
>Chesty Puller, hallowed be his name, saw a flamethrower and asked where you put the bayonet
is she taking a deuce? Because I'm not into that, m8

>> No.14422779

But anon, their magic is powered by SEX! It'd be weird if they were both pure and highly skilled with magic!

YFW high level MG mages would also be wizards in the sack

>> No.14422781

Actually that's fine. We're even taught that as a last resort we can still use the barrel of our rifle even without a bayonet.

>> No.14422783

Oni ride together.

>> No.14422784
File: 331 KB, 324x698, 53802961_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14422787

Nigga you high?

>> No.14422788

I want to deflower a 1000 year old loli Kitsune!

>> No.14422791

Just how far can a 9-tailed kitsune go when it comes to augumenting sex with her magic?

>> No.14422792

Lez drama' moar kilin'

>> No.14422794

Tio is too pure.

>> No.14422796

All of the way.

ALL OF IT. No, not just that far, farther. A horny nine-tail could probably make a lilim blush.

>> No.14422809

All these girls bullying the digital monstergirls.

>> No.14422814

Rip ladydevimon. You were pretty hot when I was 13.
Not as hot as renamon though.

>> No.14422822

Does Fran's face look like the face of mercy?
For your own sake anon, I hope you typoed "Ranamon".

>> No.14422824

I would like to see a story about a foxes 9th tail emerging.

I would make that night special for her

>> No.14422831

Poor Tio. I almost feel bad for her.

>> No.14422834

Nope. It was renamon.
Yes, I was sexually attracted to renamon at about 10. They grow up so fast don't they?

>> No.14422841
File: 244 KB, 480x640, Fran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face looks like the face of a cutie.

>> No.14422847

God damn it Caster.

>> No.14422853


>> No.14422856

Please stop bullying Tio.

>> No.14422865

Kneesocks will win

>> No.14422869

I'm on team angewoman
I got off to her when I was younger Too

>> No.14422870

Pretty wise choices by most of the contestants this time.

>> No.14422873

buncha fuckin pussies this time around god damn

>> No.14422875

Vintage Waifu > Modern Waifus

>> No.14422884

Good dammit rip caster

She was a good fox.

Tio is lucky as shit.

Not sure if want

Where are her nipples

>> No.14422886

Being Tio is suffering.

>> No.14422890

It will all be ogre soon

>> No.14422894

Perhaps Tio's luck is changing for the better?

>> No.14422899


>> No.14422903

I hope lala fucking dies

>> No.14422904

Nope nevermind.
RIP Delicious Brown Alliance.

>> No.14422908


>> No.14422910

As long as worst girl (well, there are several worst girls) dies, I don't care who wins.

>> No.14422916

We're on the Final Four.

>> No.14422927

Fingers crossed that lala fucking dies

>> No.14422929

GG Kneesocks.

>> No.14422935

You can't kill the master of death

>> No.14422939

Couldn't go one war without this happening, huh?

>> No.14422941

I hope you can

>> No.14422942

HAH! Gayyyyyyy!

>> No.14422945

I remember when jinko won.

>> No.14422947

Grats Lala. Fuckin' Grats.

>> No.14422949


>> No.14422950

I want to do things to Angewomon so despicable that she instantly digivolves into Lilithmon.

>> No.14422955

Angewomon wins!
Actually impossible, enjoy your Ophanimon.

>> No.14422956

Anon pls.

>> No.14422966
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1280, cf690f7f8e786359a32f092c46874272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14422967
File: 298 KB, 480x270, lilithmon showing off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems like she'd be fun to be around.

>> No.14422971
File: 683 KB, 800x1131, 1a86c8d62af0c86be8f9acec32359312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH MY GOD 10/10

>> No.14422972

And here's the rankings. I had a little fun, that one guy got to see Lala die in an incredibly undignified way, and a Digimon took the gold.
See you guys in a month for the next Waifu War.

>> No.14422974

Beast gril.

I want to take her helmet off and pat her head.

>> No.14422975 [DELETED] 

You going to fuck off now?

>> No.14422977
File: 374 KB, 597x800, Hathor1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has now been claimed in the name of the Hathor and her bountiful breasts!

>> No.14422979

Eat a dick.

>> No.14422983

I want to make my Kobold daughteru wear a chastity belt because she keeps rubbing her bits on me and whining lewdly while company is over and it's really embarrassing!

>> No.14422985

Mink tho wit dat k/d

My man. I propose we celebrate by fucking her!

Eat a dick.

>> No.14422986

Praise Hathor and her magnificent brown breasts!

>> No.14422989

How now, brown cow?

>> No.14422990



>> No.14422991

Tender dickings in the missionary position only.

>> No.14422995

I don't have a pic of that


>> No.14423000

>Digimom talks in the thread
Reminds me, I have to find out the release schedule for Tri
Alphamon gives absolutely zero fucks about anyone in the first movie

>> No.14423006

Who the fuck is this

>> No.14423007

I haven't seen anything past frontier desu

>> No.14423009

I want to lead a ryuu into a drought-stricken area, then touch her reverse scale and flee for my life!

>> No.14423010

baka desu senpai

>> No.14423014


>> No.14423018

Tamers is okay, but slow at first
Don't bother with Xros Wars
Tri is set a few years after 02 and follows the original 8 kids again
And as far as we know, the 02 kids are dead as fuck right now

>> No.14423022

Is it too much to ask for a blindfolded blowjob from your loli fox waifu?

>> No.14423034

>Tri is set a few years after 02 and follows the original 8 kids again
O shit nigga what
Did they really hate the ending that much?

I hope they don't cock up tamers. It had a god tier ending

>> No.14423038

Dammit, she deserved better.
LadyDevimon was the first female anything I was attracted to dammit.

Oh well, at least second best won.

>> No.14423044

That opening sequence was brutal.
Fuck Alphamon is the shit.

They just might.

>> No.14423055

I'm coping badly.

I need my new dose.

>> No.14423060

>Fuck Angemon
>Fuck Gatomon
>Fuck Togemon
>Fuck Garurumon
>Fuck Birdramon and Kabuterimon in particular
>Megas barely slow him down
Shit gets hype when the very first movie has to bring in Omegamon.

>> No.14423073

Sexualizing Digimon again? Tut, tut. I bet LadyDevimon used her red claws to corrupt you all.

>> No.14423077

I think my favorite was when he swatted Togemon with an off-hand backhand like the goddamn Batman.

>> No.14423086

Do I really need to watch digimon S2 to enjoy the new stuff?

>> No.14423087

Son I've wasted so many potential children on renamon, it'd make even a dark matter blush.

>> No.14423092

Furry please no.

>> No.14423101

Not even furry man.

So much cum.

>> No.14423117

Expecting a deluge?
You think that's bad? I only ever saw the first two series! And I didn't even see every episode of either!

>> No.14423121

I want to make my Kobold daughteru wear a bib at the table even though she's far too old for one!

>> No.14423129

Oh yeah! Well I want to not have sex with my Holstaur wife starting on January first, then keep refusing and refusing all the way up until valentines day, then I want to take her somewhere I know is going to be decorated with all the red and pink hearts and wait until she tries to jump me, then I want to reveal the solid red track suit I've been hiding under my clothes the whole time and start running to a hotel where I've already rented a room, then when she burst down the door of the room I want her to see that is the honeymoon sweet so everything is red, the bed is a giant red heart, the walls are red, the carpet is red, and I'll be wearing red underwear!

>> No.14423130

I've been fiddling with the settings on my new monitor all day and I want to know
What the fuck happened in here? This looks worse than the usual Sunday fun times.

>> No.14423135

Thinking about writing something. Suggestions for one of the newer girls who hasn't gotten much love yet?

>> No.14423137

Are you a new waifufag?

>> No.14423139


>> No.14423140

And that is how Anon got pelviscerated so hard even several ushi were stunned. In the middle of the street because he never even had a chance of getting close to that hotel room.

RIP Anon's penis.

>> No.14423143

Humpty egg.

>> No.14423146

Seconding Raiju. Seems like fun.

>> No.14423151

Not particularly, just a lazy writefag.

>> No.14423153

Alright. Might be a while, I'm slow.
I'll try to finish something up by the end of the night.

>> No.14423162

How will you console your MG daughteru when she can't play SW: Galactic Dance Off because the camera doesn't properly recognize MG appendages?

Alt worse version how do you console your waifu in the above scenario?

>> No.14423164

Humpty Egg is shit though.

>> No.14423166

I tell them to get rid of that shit and then we'll play CTR like a happy family.

>> No.14423169

That's fine, it's shit anyway. She can still dress up like an idol and play DDR with me before I cuddlefuck her though.

>> No.14423173

By buying them a good star wars game.
Like Battlefront 2 or the either of the two KotoRs.

Anyways, good night Anons, rest well and remember not to burn down the game.

Instead, think about something you couldn't talk to your waifu about without a disagreement breaking out.

For me it would be anything about ME3.

>> No.14423176

Why would she want to play in the first place?

>> No.14423179


>> No.14423190

Thus far? No. All that's been shown relevant to 02 is the four new kids getting their shit kicked in, and Takeru and Hikari having the 02 devices.

>> No.14423191

Waifus and vidya, huh?
>play MGSV
>bring Eli back to base
>he grabs your knife and tries to kill you
>waifu wants to adopt him now, he has spirit!

>> No.14423192

That is a technicality and I am still salty over that.
Just like when my friends claim that origins isn't the best dragon age.

His BROOOTHER is better.

>> No.14423196

>origins isn't the best
Wait, what? It was the only good one, and I'm not letting EA fool me anymore. Your friends suck. Get new ones.

>> No.14423200

I explained to them that it's content was similar to Kotors, which was fine.

One responded how she hated when she missed when she attacked.

I'm not allowed allowed to talk about Bioware games around them and them around me any more.

The ironic part is they're in my DnD party and that Kotor is an old DnD rules set.
They like Dragon Age 2 Anders.
They acknowledge he's a shithead but they still like him.

>> No.14423205

Anders did nothing wrong. The only weird thing is that he was suddenly after your D because muh progressivism.
Let's just appreciate Morrigan & Sten in our hearts and ignore Dragon Age from now on.
Do aliens count as MGs? Because some Tali or Liara booty would go nicely now.

>> No.14423206

Anon, please, we're talking about the thought process of both Monsters and Girls.

One cannot seek to understand such beings in the same way that MAMANO MANA can never be understood.

It just works.

>> No.14423209

Pretty sure Xeno girls don't count as monstergirls, sorry.
But holy damn does Tali have a booty, and a sexy accent to boot. Someone should draw her as a monstergirl.

>> No.14423210

But I want to worship Set's fluffy paws!

>> No.14423212

>Xeno girls don't count
B-but everyone loves dumb alium from JWWW!
>Tali's accent
Unf. But what girl would she be drawn as? She has those funky legs.

>> No.14423213

I don't think so.

I do miss Sten and Morrigan though.

Only way I'm spending money on ME4 is if it's used so EA doesn't get a cent.

Tali a best.
Garrus and Wrex get honerable mentions.

>> No.14423220

>I do miss Sten and Morrigan though
Morrigan in Inquisition wasn't so bad. My Warden sent her a lewd letter.
That's enough of that though.

>> No.14423224

Well what girl has the best child bearing hips, a thick ass, and would look great in a spandex catsuit?

>> No.14423227

I didn't buy Inquisition.
Sera is an orc, that's all I can think of.

>> No.14423231

I have a wicked idea. Draw her as a Cyclops so she has an excuse to wear that helmet. That way her tech skills are also explained by species.

>> No.14423232

Kobold with them hips.
She's peppy and would have the digitigrade legs.

>> No.14423244

Eh, some do.

You wouldn't count Human Aliens, like in Star Wars, because really, they're just humans.
You wouldn't count non-intelligent species, because that'd be bestiality.
And of course, things that would likely resonate more as "Furries".

But Quarians or Asari? I think they strike the balance that makes "Monster Girls" appealing. Same with like, Twi'lek from Star Wars, among others. Albeit a lot of those are pretty cosplay-tier, just having weird head-tentacle things. Quarians at least have the digitigrade feet, and some reptilian features (Apparently).

>> No.14423250

So Tali IS an acceptable /mgt/ waifu? That'd be swell.

>> No.14423253

So then I can talk about how much I want to fuck a Quarian and watch her ass jiggle?
Because holy shit, do ALL Quarian women have 10/10 hips and asses or what?

>> No.14423255

She's more of a /v/ waifu I think

>> No.14423256

Women wear high heels to emphasize their rumps. Quarian women have natural high heels.

>> No.14423261

We can have waifus that are from /a/, why not /v/?

>> No.14423270

I'd say >>14423261 has a valid point in that regard. So long as the subject is sufficiently non-human, but not so far as to count as a "Furry", or worse, I'd say you're golden.

>> No.14423272

Tali is a monster girl though

>> No.14423278

I'd take the spiders pick over that.
That image still gets a smirk out of me whenever I see it.

>> No.14423350

But /jp/ and /a/ are meant for japanese or at least east asian media, while Tali's firmly rooted in western media. Then again I don't really care to be honest, far be it from me to get in the way of a man and his waifu.

>> No.14423383

No. In fact, Tri seems to hate S2.

>> No.14423385

I want an alp to eat a dick!

>> No.14423392

Would it be theirs that fell off, so they may absorb their lost spirit energy and become bombshells fast? Or yours, to suck wantonly and get the cream filling out without biting?

>> No.14423396

What if it's too big for them to eat?

>> No.14423398

The latter I hope. The former is disturbing and reminds me of Rubber Soul.

>> No.14423406

Then they'll try while fighting their intimidation caused by the dick and it'll look adorable.

>> No.14423416

MGC name brands.

I'll start:

>> No.14423425

Sinnamon Toast Crunch

The taste only the Sabbath can see

>> No.14423426

The way that Sora seems to be fretting over and flip-flopping between Taichi and Yamato seems indicative of that, if nothing else.

>> No.14423429

Worth it.

>> No.14423434

That's a good fucking reason to hate S2 in my opinion.

>> No.14423435

Baph-lite, the cheap and mass produced beer of choice for many people in MGC.

Critics say that the drink is just as flat as it's goat girl mascot.

>> No.14423437

"Fuck Zero 2 in the eyesocket" is a good comment.

>> No.14423440

Are goat lolis all you people can think of?

>> No.14423449

Well I wanted to avoid naming a brand after alps because I just alp posted a few minutes ago but since you asked...

Stage 3

Lingerie, makeup, perfumes, and clothing for the succubus that knows what she wants.

>> No.14423451

Frosted Rapes, theeeeyyyy'rre tigers!

>> No.14423452

Goat lolis with PHAT asses in tight shorts on all fours on a table with the words 'Bake Sale' on it.

>> No.14423454

Don't they have any jinko lolis?

>> No.14423463

They eat Frosted Rapes.

>> No.14423470

That was a good day.

>> No.14423472

So, they're violent rapist loli jinkos? I'll take three.

>> No.14423476

Wish I could find the screen shot of it.

>> No.14423496

Liquid Shog Drain Cleaner
>contains 1 active culture

>> No.14423504

Lieutenant Morgan's Spiced Rum

Made with 100% pure all-natural Spice

>> No.14423507

Isn't Spice just crystallized Sandworm pussy juices?

>> No.14423508

>tfw no catgirl imouto to sit on your lap

>> No.14423516

>Stage 3
Because they REALLY know what a guy likes?

>> No.14423525

My Ant Queen mom says I'm not allowed to have a waifu because it's too dangerous.

She says I should just stay in the nest where it's safe. And not get a waifu.

>> No.14423528

Of course. They've got the perspective and the experience that can only come from being in their shoes.

>> No.14423535

Honey comes from a Bee's behind,
Milk comes from a Cow's behind,
So what if Spice comes from a Worm's behind!?

>> No.14423536

After marathoning Master Keaton over the weekend, I can't help but wonder how much fun it would be to follow the adventures of an insurance investigator when there's Wurms and Ushi-Onis and stuff around.

>> No.14423539

Tell her you have biological needs that must be fulfilled. Take what comes.

>> No.14423540

Tell her if you get a waifu, you can start up a new colony and spread her mighty empire across the land.

>> No.14423546

I think she wants more kids

>> No.14423548

If she's a mom she should know how it's done, just follow her instructions.

>> No.14423549

No, just let it happen, Anon.
Just let it happen.

>> No.14423570

I want to build a pumpkin chucking trebuchet powered by two Kobold girls running in giant wooden wheels.

>> No.14423571

For what purpose?

>> No.14423578

To chuck pumpkins at the cat kingdom probably.

>> No.14423582

I have no clue why you would do such things, and I'm going to go hang out with my Wyvern buddy and see which side is the first to pay for our services.

>> No.14423600

>Parents aren't rich by any stretch of the imagination, but you still end up the playdate for a pair of Dhampir twins
>Their father went Incubus shortly before they were born, so they had nothing to stimulate that latent Electra complex that their kind usually have
>Still, they always wanted the play the same thing
>You would play the part of the father, one of them would be the mother and the other one would try to save you from "the clutches of the evil Vampire"
>They both ended up sucking your blood a fair bit over the years while playing the part of the Vampire
>The three of you became inseparable as you grew up
>You even got into the same college and majored in the same subject
>The fact that neither one of them ever tried to fuck you was something that astounded everyone who heard about it, but having grown up with them since the three of you could just barely talk, you never really took note of it
>A lot of guys tried to hit on them, and a lot of guys got turned down
>You saw it all because they were always with you, they'd even come and wake you up every morning, to both the anger and jealousy of everyone on your floor
>They always said the same thing, that whatever guy was asking them out wasn't their type
>They never showed any interest in you at all though beyond the friendly/sisterly shit, and you were too much of a pussy to risk ruining that, so the status quo continued
>College comes and goes
>It's the day of the graduation ceremony
>You parents are sitting with their parents
>Your mother is wearing some expensive looking jewelry
>Your father's wearing an expensive looking suit, too
>You don't remember having that much money, hell you got by on scholarships and the Dhampir girls' parents tossing in a little money to cover the rest
>You get your degrees, and you turn to go meet with your parents when the girls grab both of your wrists and start dragging you in the other direction
>You ask where they're taking you, and they shoot each other a grin and tell you "you'll see"
>They drag you to a secluded room on the other side of campus and push you inside
>You hear a pair of zippers but them both lean their heads over your shoulders before you can turn around
>"Hey, don't you think it's finally time?" Valerie asks from your right
>"Yeah, I think we've waited long enough." Cassandra replies from your left
>They knock your cap off as they come around in front of you
>The first thing you notice is their unzipped gowns
>The second thing you notice is that they're not wearing anything underneath
>"We've waited a long time."
>"We didn't want to risk not graduating together."
>"But now we're finally done."
>"And you can be our husband."
>That back and forth thing was kind of wei- wait did you hear husband?
>"Oh don't look at us like that Anon, we know how you feel about us."
>"We know why you never made a move either, we were worried about the same thing."
>"But mom didn't buy you so that we could just be friends."
>The expensive clothes and jewelry your parents were wearing finally clicks, but the thought is snuffed out before you can really process it by a pair of fangs sinking into your neck and a pair of lips pressing against your own
>They pull away after several seconds, and in unison say "We're going to be together forever, husband." before switching positions and continuing

>> No.14423605

Everything went better than expected.

>> No.14423621


>> No.14423622

7.5 out of 10

>> No.14423647

Well, at least they didn't shove it in your face all your life, and let you come to liking them on your own, naturally, over the years?

Overall, pretty damn gud.

>> No.14423663

I still wish we had a story where a jelly Wight uses a spell to trap Vampire wife in bat form, kidnaps the husband and it's up to the estranged Dhampir daughter to save her family. While her batty mom is giving commentary and criticism over her shoulder.

>> No.14423675

I want to go goonbagging with a kangaroo girl!

>> No.14423683

A standard greentext.
But after all the shit ones lately it's just what I needed. Good job.

>> No.14423727

Thanks robot devil for shitting up the image limit, I was going to write a little story about a tribe of CC amazons who haven't seen a man in 30 years and draw a bit to accompany with the story, but NO.

>> No.14423730

I think we're 4th to the end. I've been waiting to post the new MonMusu online girl, too.

>> No.14423731

Lies, all lies.
Thread is almost dead anyways, just post in the next one.

>> No.14423733

We're 4 threads away from dying, you could go to bed and wake up to a new thread tommorrow.

>> No.14423736

We're near the end of the line, you can do that soon enough.
I agree about the robot devil guy though, he spammed way too many pictures of him. It's a fun idea and isn't as overused and tired as some of the other stuff like the rolls or waifu war, but he should have kept the image posting down.

>> No.14423743

If an anon is husbando'd to a lamia, which one in the relationship is the snake eater?

>> No.14423745

>Not the Snake Eater Outer

>> No.14423767


>> No.14423772

That was a different guy from the normal robot devil guy. I think it was the guy who doesn't use greentext right.

>> No.14423774

>KC posted preview pages for the Cheshire Doujin
Oh my, this shit is lookin' good.

>> No.14423778

> I think it was the guy who doesn't use greentext right.
no that's me, and I don't do the robot devil stuff that's another anon
>tfw you fucked up greentexting one time and now just do it to piss people off in the thread

>> No.14423780

>That smugness
KC doing god's work, so far it's everything I hoped for.

>> No.14423787

Unvirtous Mission.

>> No.14423789

>one time
You fucked up many times, and kept doing it until people pointed it out. And it doesn't make anyone mad, it just makes you look dumb.

>> No.14423793

Quick Imgur upload.


Looking awwright desu.

>> No.14423796

Holy shit, look at that mons pubis.

>> No.14423806

Oh baby
He should just do MGE doujins full-time. He's running out of ideas anyways.

>> No.14423808

I want KC to make a doujin for almost all the girls, I love his designs.
The only think I hate is their orgasm faces. Their mouths look like their lips are melting when KC is trying to make them look like they're having a good time.

>> No.14423811

What a friendly looking feline.

>> No.14423819

Doesn't look to me that he any near does. He could be using some of the less exotic ideas for now, though.

>doujin for almost all the girls
What I'd give to have him make a Mantis one.

>> No.14423833

I kind of like that.

>> No.14423842

>Kuudere Mantis or Lich
>hotblooded werewolf or lizardman tomboy
>ara ara Wight
>anything involving a Yeti

If KC did any one of those next I would be very, very happy.

>> No.14423853

To be honest, I'm just surprised that his first is a Cheshire and not a Baphomet.

>> No.14423857

>whoring his rabu dabu waifu to other's eyes
It's obvious.

>> No.14423868

There's already official art of Baphomet getting fucked. KC is a C U C K.

>> No.14423870

Who isn't these days?

>> No.14423878

A chicken?

>> No.14423885

A lot of our shitposters, it's the thinking man's fetish after all.
Chicken harpy when? A harpy who's terrified of everything would be adorable.

>> No.14423891

Personally, I like his "Drooling" look; but I can at least see why you don't like it. To each their own.

Would love a Mantis, Lich, or Anubis Doujin. Something with a Dragon or Wyvern, or an Angel getting corrupted, would also be great.

Maybe someday, we'll have doujins for every girl.

>> No.14423907

The nest is a great place to live.
Everyone is welcome.
Come visit sometime. :-)

>> No.14423925

Ho-ho, my lad! Down go, my lad!

>> No.14423955

Do you want half of /v/ here? As if we didn't have enough retards already.

>> No.14423956

That faggotcat, oh my.
Shut up and take my fucking money, KC!

>> No.14423980

Ah, yes. I forgot everyone on 4chan is psychic, to the point where they will immediately notice when people talk about subjects relevant to them in a thread on a board they don't even visit.

>> No.14423996

>Waifu Souls
>Monster Girl Solid
What is problem?

>> No.14424003

I think they're already here anon.

>> No.14424041

I've been waiting for like 2 hours to post this thing, but in that time we've only moved two threads closer to the end of the board. Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed.

>> No.14424046

sleep tite nonners

>> No.14424051

We're not going anywhere. Maybe take the time to give whatever you're going to post one last glance over, too.
