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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1440774 No.1440774 [Reply] [Original]

So I just saw the first episode... wierd show is wierd but got me interested. So I was wondering was the game were translated because I know that /jp was talking about this a couple months back?

>> No.1440777

Ever heard of google? Apparently not.

>> No.1440781

you're a faggot.

>> No.1440784

you're a faggot.

>> No.1440788

You're both suspended.

>> No.1440790


>> No.1440791

that thing you put on your eyes? I don't need it right now, why you ask?

>> No.1440794


your a faggot

>> No.1440795

That's fine and all but whose eyes are those eyes?

>> No.1440796

>[D-R] CHAOS;HEAD_01_SD_704x400_[D84F6E1C].mkv

Terrible subs don't watch them.

>> No.1440800

don't listen to the faggots on this thread.

Yes, the game has been translated. It's apparently on a beta stage. Nearly everything seems to be translated so far.

>> No.1440808

latest patch if your interested go check out hongfire for the game dl

>> No.1440870

Really? Should I cancel my download?

>> No.1440873

Do it. Wait for something decent.

>> No.1440910


Even the little sister gets in trouble.

>> No.1440946

If you have Vista and don't know how its permissions work, don't install the patch until the final version.
We don't want another one bitching around yelling "LOL THE PATCH DOESN'T WORK. HOW DO I DO GAISE?!11".
Back on to the anime, is D-R the only sub?

>> No.1440960

Question about the game, I'm already playing it and have it installed and stuff and have played up to the well-known chapter 5 crash.

At this point im confused - in this patch theres a crash at chapter 5 no matter what. In the 1-10 patch everyone says works it crashes at "clipboard" in chapter i think 3 no matter what. And you can't load games in either one.

So how the hell do you get it to work in this case?

>> No.1441073
File: 267 KB, 604x671, 1223715836215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's goin on guis?

>> No.1440969

Deleting the part of the text from the proper .nss file responsible for the game crash. You still need a way to reload from the previous chapter for the change to work though. I'm guessing you tried to apply the "shitcg" patch which has a lot of game crashing issues at this point. I wish TinFoil wouldn't release things without testing things himself first. The most stable release so far is this: http://www.mediafire.com/?rcgzt3r3cby

>> No.1440972

For now it is. I heard from an anon here that the translator for C;H is going to be translating the anime for Chihiro though.

>> No.1441085
File: 253 KB, 793x525, 1223716196664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I installed that an the latest beta cgs, but this is still in Japanese. Are some of them just not translated or did I do something wrong?

>> No.1440973

>the translator for C;H is going to be translating the anime for Chihiro though.

>> No.1441086
File: 246 KB, 600x834, 1223716289420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha I just noticed the miku.jpg

>> No.1440981

in b4 over 9000 versions of every episode and none of them work the entire way through.

>> No.1440998

Yeah, i've been using the 'shitcg' patch up to now.

Sorry, but could you tell me which part in which nss file to delete? I'm not really good with this stuff.

>> No.1441120
File: 338 KB, 800x600, 1223717613641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a lot of Miku on his desktop.

>> No.1441138
File: 468 KB, 1024x768, 1223718552509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God that face,urrrrgh

>> No.1441158
File: 17 KB, 800x600, 1223718970642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help with Chaos;Head...
Can't run game what should I do to fix it? /jp/ help out !

>> No.1441062

First thing you'll need to find out is which .nss contains the text that crashes your game. Through trial and error (opening the files in notepad and manually searching for the appropriate text line in it). When you find the line of text that causes your game to die just delete it (it's usually one word or a whole sentence) and save the edited .nss file. Load up the game from the previous chapter to make the changes work. That's about it.

>> No.1441075



>> No.1441077


I hnnnnnnggggggggggggdddddddddd at how her lips still move like that.

>> No.1441174
File: 14 KB, 80x80, 1223719768011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys...This is why installers are so fucking important and needs time and hard work to pull off.

Maybe next time you guys will appreciate my work an respect me a little bit more...

>> No.1441195
File: 38 KB, 265x302, 1223720425301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more time with little sister
>random bullshit

>> No.1441098

The installation of that is a tad bit more complex (because TinFoil failed to actualize some files in the installation archive). I think I'll write a quick guide what you have to do to make it work fine.

>> No.1441112

Takumi is so awesome he can find a precise file in his desktop-accessible browser cache without even checking.

>> No.1441125

I love all the weird coughs and squeals Takumi makes when he's startled.

>> No.1441152

Patch 1-7 with 8-9 then when you're on ch 9 grab the 1-10beta. I'd do it this way since I heard the 1-10beta doesn't work very well.

It's that simple for people that start off fresh.

But yeah, as of late I would not be surprised they fuck this up. Why you so computer illiterate, /jp/?

>> No.1441165


Division by zero? Uh oh.

>> No.1441176

I am getting the feeling that the anime does not live up to the visual novel at all, am I correct in this assumption?

>> No.1441178

Welcome to every anime adaptation ever?

>> No.1441181

There's exceptions though, but yeah.

>> No.1441182

So far the show is ಠ_ಠ.

That's the best way I can find to describe it.

1. the art is shit compared to the game, but at least thats understandable.
2. theres not many delusions so far at least.
3. it's trying to move too fast while adding in random bullshit like more time with little sister.

blah blah blah, the cross-stakes arent even shaped like crosses anymore, the ending makes it look like a harem show, and friend-guy doesnt look as moe.

>> No.1441185


I respect you so can you plz get this thing to work right so I can play me some chaos head!

>> No.1441189

I don't get why the stakes arent even the right shape, that's kind of annoying.

Also, other small things, mostly the entire atmosphere is just...not like the game at all. It isn't creepy or 'scary' at all, and for some reason a lot of the scenes that take place at night or in the dark are either daytime now or bright for some reason (mainly when finally ending up talking to Yua).

But really, that entire element and feeling is completely gone in the series - which kind of ruins the entire thing.

>> No.1441192

>2. theres not many delusions so far at least.

>3. it's trying to move too fast while adding in random bullshit like more time with little sister.

12 episodes. They're basically going 1ch/ep

That's why it's like that.

>cross-stakes arent even shaped like crosses anymore
Wasn't there a problem with Rosario fail related to crosses and shit? Probably trying to avoid shit.

>the ending makes it look like a harem show
Well maybe they are trying to make it seem like that so people shit houses when they DON'T GIVE BACK NANAMI'S HAND. Kind of looking forward to seeing how they animate that part. Made me rage hard when I was reading it during that entire fucking scene, even though it was SO obvious her hand was in the box.

But yeah, usually anime adaptations aren't good. With a few expections obviously.

>> No.1441260

Nanami smash!

>> No.1441270

anyone knows how to fix a crash during chapter 4 start "sena snorted quietly"

>> No.1441280

Delete that sentence from the proper .nss file and reload from previous chapter to make it work. Done and done.

>> No.1441303



>> No.1441862

Alright, I got the game, but when I try to install the game. I'm stuck at some serial number. Can someone help out a fellow anonymous with it?

>> No.1441871


>> No.1441925

Something seems off...
I can't even get past "Start Game" for some reason...

>> No.1441939


>> No.1441941

Which will be out first, HF patch or a totally working Chaos Head patch?

>> No.1441962


I'd put my money on HF.

>> No.1441970

The Chaos Head guys are pretty damn fast with everything so far though

>> No.1441974

Making fail patches at a fast rate doesn't count.

>> No.1441976


>> No.1441977

Applocale used.
It just goes right back to the menu every time I click start. Every other option works BUT that one.

>> No.1441984

Has anyone considered the possibility that they are actually making a slow acting virus through all these patches that will eventually make our PCs explode and kill us?

>> No.1441980

Do you have the little applocale menu saying "yadda yaddu temporary solution" everytime you launch the game through it ?

>> No.1441985


Is there any way to disable that? It's pretty annoying.

>> No.1441995

But those were alpha and beta releases so far, of course they are unstable.

The difference is that mirrormoon won't even publicly release betas...

>> No.1441998

Oh come on anon. Wasn't it you who said "Fuck this installer thing, give me my patch and then fix it"? Well, C;H team gave you exactly that.

>> No.1441999

It's either you troll the fans by dragging the release of your final patch, or you get trolled by the fans for releasing shit versions of patches before the final one.

>> No.1442002


>> No.1442004


"Actually there is a way now! Here you can grab a patched AppLoc with the nag screen removed! Just put it in c:\windows\AppPatch\"

>> No.1442012

I for one appreciates this approach. TLwiki+public beta patches = superior

>> No.1442017

some kind anon should upload a completely fixed version for us

al I want is to play through it without chrash at every corner

>> No.1442022


Of course you do.

>> No.1442030

And i for one am thankful that they did that.

But honestly the amount of c;h /g/ threads is giving me a headache. They honestly should get a forum.

>> No.1442028

i really dont see whats wrong with the patch. All of you guys are complaining about random crashes that I have never got. The only crash i got was at the chapter 5 park scene which was easily solved by copy pasting the chapter 5 nss from the wiki. Also I'm playing from the beginning since the patch. I'm just assuming you guys did something wrong to crash that much.

>> No.1442032

They're working on it in case you didn't know. Mind you it's only been, what.....½ a year since the game was released?
It just happens that the full patch hasn't been completed yet, you where on aloha and beta releases this whole time, if you want stable patch then wait patiently for it to complete

>> No.1442050


>> No.1442058

sorry I meant alpha

>> No.1442101

the game crashes during the park scene in chapter 5, I got the jp_shitcg_beta patch and I already change the nss file fromthe one in wiki but the game still crashes in that part and to make it worst my save data for the previous chapters doesn' t load anymore, can someone help me please, maybe uploading a new savefile

>> No.1442113

That means he lives in Kawaii.

>> No.1442134

I took some liberty and joined in on the efforts of brining out the full patch out as soon as possible. Here's all the fixed .nss files that you'll need to play the game without any crashes whatsoever:


I also throughly checked all the "bugs" the game may still have (and oh boy it does have a lot of these) and I'm currently reporting them on the translation wiki. I hope someone from the translation/scripting or coding team like TinFoil is reading these threads and picking up all the errors people may find.

>> No.1442145

Oh I forgot to add. There's one issue I wasn't able to fix and that's the corrupting of save games in chapter 2. I somehow managed to fix that issue in chapter 3 but chapter 2 is giving me a headache. I'll report back later with an updated version of the .nss files for that chapter.

>> No.1442152

Kauai is a really nice place, I spent a week there a few summers back. I'm jealous.

>> No.1442254

Go and copy the Chp5 100 nss file from the wiki and paste that into your current one that should fix it. You can edit the files in notepad and remember to load from previous chapter

>> No.1442257

>saw the first episode
Go back to /a/.

>> No.1442271

but I love you /jp/! please let me stay ;_;

>> No.1442272

/a/ is /jp/-related.

>> No.1442315

I speak the moon, any way to get the pantsu patch without the english?
