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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14403013 No.14403013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /pol/ use /jp/ culture when crossposting?


Serious question, I never thought of people on /jp/ similar to /pol/.

>> No.14403044

All boards cross with each other. Some just make it vocally known or some take advantage over the fact people get easily pissed about minor things.

It's an Anonymous website, fag. I don't give a shit what some other Anon is claiming to do to be. I want to post my animes, if 4chan falls because some queers were too annoying I move on to the next chan.
Then the next
Then the next.

At some point slant-moot will just slam on /pol/ as cracker-moot did on MLP.

>> No.14403069

No, what I'm saying is someone from /pol/ posts /pol/ opinions on /k/ using /jp/ content, which is neither /pol/ or /k/ related. I find it as strange as someone posting frogs memes on /jp/.

>> No.14403090

The whole Japanese culture thing is actually a front. We're all aware that Nazi Germany is the master race, and that Adolf is the greatest leader of all time.

>> No.14403104

Easy. Anime pisses people off just as MLP did.

The whole idea is to "troll" people by absurd white supremacy statements while adding some smug image to give the idea your some fat keyboard warrior kid with a lot of arrogance.

>> No.14403106

I don't consider posting anime/Touhou porn arbitratily saved off some booru to be all that /jp/

Seems more like some /v/ or foolz shitter behavior.

>> No.14403117
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>> No.14403130

Is that the original Marisa Kirisame with all the Kimbers, or is someone new?

>> No.14403144

So /jp/ and touhou is the same as /mlp/? I guess that explains the lack of boats in the thread. Although I remember /pol/ getting super pissed off about lolis in /qa/ when Hiroyuki took over, because loli free speech isn't the same as hate free speech.

I always thought promotions and touhou ratings were /jp/ culture. I really only mostly cross on some hobby boards. I only went to /k/ because I saw it on the news and was curious.

>> No.14403192

>I always thought promotions and touhou ratings were /jp/ culture.
You're not entirely wrong. /jp/ used to have a lot more memes and crossover tripfags from /k/.

Most of that is in the past now, though.

>> No.14403197

>I never thought

There's your problem.

>> No.14403210

>Being pissed about loli
4chan servers are based in the U.S. and within a state that states it's perfectly legal to own, purchase and distribute loli pornography?

Even if 4chan is a private website that can make its own rules as wanting or needing, they have no basis for wanting loli banned other than it hurts their feelings. Viewing it isn't illegal, unless their downloading that shit which isn't fucking likely as they're so obviously angry about it.

>> No.14403217

It just seems really strange to me. I can't even comprehend the mind of someone that could enjoy /pol/ and /jp/ at the same time, especially when you consider how prone people from /pol/ are to spouting /pol/ memes on the hobby boards, compared to the relatively low rate of obvious /pol/ posting on /jp/, but judging from some comments in this thread ,I guess I was wrong.

>> No.14403233

I was speaking about /k/ crossover in particular (guess I wasn't following the context the most closely), but /jp/ has a bunch of posters in it who dislike a lot of things about Western society and that lines up with /pol/ in places.

>> No.14403235

There were a lot of delete /pol/ threads on /qa/ at the time, and /pol/ was trying to use protected free speech as a reason why /pol/ should exist, even though the no rules board is actually /b/ and 4chan is a private site. The people who wanted /l/ back hopped on the free speech argument and said if /pol/ is free speech, loli should also be free speech, and /pol/ went into their thing about degeneracy, collapse of western culture (yet another reason why I really can't see your typical /pol/ poster posting on /jp/) and how loli wasn't on the same level as /pol/ opinions or something.
