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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14380166 No.14380166 [Reply] [Original]

How many people here are studying, or know, Japanese?

>> No.14380187

Exactly 38 people on the jay know Japanese, while 184 of them are currently studying it.

>> No.14380231

Actually, it's only 36. You double-counted one guy, and another just got lucky that one time with Google Translate.

>> No.14380304

On and off studying. My gf is Japanese but uses English so I'm a lazy fucker

>> No.14380548

I'm sure it's just one guy samefagging.

>> No.14381569
File: 40 KB, 340x277, 1383701376272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes of course i know japanese i watched over 20 anime and learned japanese from watching over 20 anime.

I started grammar last year but I don't even know why but I stopped like 70% through and now I'm starting again by reviewing the learned parts and am going to continue and finish it.

I'm going to start kanji in the winter.

When I finish depends on how busy I am from school but I'll probably start reading a untranslated VN with VNR to see more uses of grammar and the language in general while still continuing kanji.

Most likely I'll somehow give up along the way or become too busy and never learn japanese.

eop life.

>> No.14381594

I can relate to this post. I'm currently in the giving up phase.

>> No.14381765

I have been studying on and off for 6 years now and I am not even close to literate. I probably know close to only 1200 kanji and I read very slowly.

>> No.14382305

I come here only once or twice a week so you can add one to studying

>> No.14382318

You can add me. I'm learning right now.

>> No.14382988

I'm also studying japanese, know some particles, a few kanji, all kana.

>> No.14383046

i am learning it but pretty casually
if i get called up for a JET interview I'll get at it more seriously

>> No.14383063
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on hiatus

>> No.14383092

I made the mistake of going to school for it. Halfway through my third year and I'm only at n4.

Wanna cry

>> No.14383175

Been learning it slowly through a few years. Recently started reading visual novels, but it's frustratingly slow.

>> No.14383222

I hate studying and failed at school, but I still try to read Japanese things with an electronic dictionary on hand, so it kind of counts.

Sometimes I can even read things.

>> No.14383693

How do you avoid the feeling that you will never be good at it.That you are just wasting your time studying it?

>> No.14383871

Well, what do you consider good? Like what level are you worried you'll never reach?

Also what do you think is good for a Japanese person learning English?

>> No.14384049

Good enough to talk to a Japanese person without feeling awkward, and unable to form a sentence. I guess it has to do with self-confidence issues as much as language skills. I also really want to become fluent, which I know is years away at this point. I have only been studying for two years.

Being able to communicate ideas coherently without having to look up words or think about sentence structures.

>> No.14384066
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I can read both hiragana and katakana and can understand basic hentai dialogue and sound effects

>> No.14384222

In today's jp? No one outside the vn generals.

>> No.14384267

there are more people who have started learning japanese and given up in /jp/ than there are thorium decay elenments

>> No.14385186

qt pic senpai

Getting to that level is easier than you think. You might already be there, you just haven't been forced to speak only in Japanese for long enough to get over your self-confidence and be okay with making mistakes. Most Japanese people know their language is hard as shit. The expectation for you to fuck up is so common that fluent expats have a chip on their shoulder about it. When you do mess up, at worst they'll nervously laugh because they suck even more at English and don't know what to say or just give you a 日本語上手だね!since they can tell you're trying.

Set smaller more specific goals. Start studying for the JLPT. It won't help your ability to quickly think of and say things mid-conversation, but there's no really good way to get better at that other than talking to Japanese people day in and day out, and that becomes much more interesting and fun when you have a better understanding of grammar, vocab and listening. All of which the JLPT covers. (also if you can't talk to any Japanese people right now, just study for it anyway, trust me)

Pay attention to how Japanese people that are good at English sound (when they haven't prepared what they're going to say). If they have a wide vocab, their grammar is trash. If they have excellent grammar they'll stick to extremely simple sentences. Our languages just aren't that compatible. It's cool. Just keep practicing (or maybe figure out how to take a trip there. Do a homestay or something, that's what I did.) and you'll eventually get comfortable. Once you're comfortable, good disappears and better becomes the goal. As long as you're practicing you'll get better.

Also ignore the "I'll never git gud :'( " shit. That happens to literally everyone about everything they care about that doesn't supply instant gratification. The only people that become good at stuff are the ones that learn how to study/practice through it. Sorry for the wall this is probably what I would've told myself a year ago and got kinda carried away...

>> No.14385274

I should take classes now that I've been going back to college but I know that it's going to be full of weebs and not worth the aggravation.

>> No.14385293

Would you really waste your time learning a useless deprecated language just to watch pornographic cartoons?

>> No.14385328

Read, faggot.

>> No.14385366

listen to

>> No.14385631

Would you really waste your time coming up with excuses to not learn useless language?

>> No.14385653

I go to japanese classes, I've been studying it for 6 or 7 months. I love it

>> No.14385793
File: 147 KB, 1000x1043, Doraemon_2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, thanks for the wall of text.

I am actually almost done applying for study abroad in Hirakata, which is what made me feel so inadequate. I am just really nervous that I won't be able to survive in Japan.

also, a cute picture.

>> No.14385831

To be honest, if you can say like 5 words in Japanese, they'll congratulate you on that shit

>> No.14385900
File: 43 KB, 320x480, gajin-fujita-loca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes , studying. its taking fucking forever.

>> No.14385905

I'm taking the N2 in a few weeks. Probably gonna fail because I'm much better at speaking/listening than reading/writing.

I'd be N1 qualified if there was a conversational JLPT.

>> No.14385941

I feel like the opposite, all of my studying has been reading since day 1, I never speak and hardly listen to Japanese so I need slow conversations to comprehend anything, despite being able to read quickly.

>> No.14385961

That's great, I can neither understand written nor spoken Japanese and feel like my studies are just endless hours of torture that don't really lead me anywhere.

Ok, I can understand N5-level sentences, wow, great going, me! If I ever meet a toddler, I could communicate with him/her just fine! But as soon as people start speaking like they actually would in reality, everything goes up in flames. I wonder how I ever learned English, I can't remember studying hard at all.

>> No.14385993

I can listen to most conversational speak from listening to streams and videos with voiceroids. Reading is slightly worse since I've been drilling less often lately. I have next to no use for speaking or writing so those have atrophied. Some early stuff is carried over from when I took Chinese lessons which helps occasionally.

>> No.14385997

I have mastered the language completely

>> No.14390808

Don't worry about it man. There'll be Japanese kids there that'll be eager to speak English. Like I said, you'll be fine. There's scores of people who know far less than you and go there without even having a sister school to depend on as an anchor. Maybe try to find some penpals in the meantime.

>> No.14391339
File: 414 KB, 1039x862, Learning Styles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before studying anything, find out what type of learner you are. If you are an auditory learner, learning from books might be more difficult for you.

>> No.14391373 [DELETED] 


>> No.14391431

That picture doesn't really seem to relate to learning styles for learning japanese.
That has to do with different types of intelligence.
Language by nature is linguistic.
If you had trouble learning english, or any other language, you'll most likely have trouble learning Japanese as well.
If you have trouble memorizing symbols/form, you'll have trouble memorizing kanji.
If you're bad at grammar in other languages, you'll be bad at japanese grammar to and extent.

When put very simply, japanese is just
1. Memorizing Vocabulary (How to pronounce/how to spell by syllables)
2. Understanding Grammar / Particle usage
3. Memorizing Kanji

Other languages are the same except the Kanji.

English is:
1. Memorize words (how to pronounce, how to spell by letters. Sadly English has a shitload of exceptions in spelling and pronunciation)
2. Learn grammar. (sadly English grammar has very obsolete useless portions and unnecessary complexity for certain specific rules and instances that we have to learn)

>> No.14391507

im fluent in japanese but my japanese is shit.

learnt whilst working in japan as a necessity as no one in my town spoke english.

Now married to a japanese woman and we speak 100% japanese at home.

her parents cant understand me so i must not have very good grammar, can understand most casual conversations but tv and stuff i dont usually understand.

Learnt to read and write hiragana but never katakana

we have a 2 year old son and i speak 100% english to him and the wife speaks japanese but because im working he doesnt speak much english yet,

heading over to japan for a month on the 13th of December

>> No.14391564

Started studying 5 years ago, now I live in Japan, which helps with active skills a lot.

>> No.14391731

Where did you work in Japan?

>> No.14391766
File: 48 KB, 500x283, 1445726719834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im fluent in japanese but my japanese is shit.

>> No.14391770

i worked as a rafting guide in hokkaido and then a little restaurant in the winter.

Boss of the winter place set me up with a shitty hotel room and food and abit of pay + a ski pass.

The deal was that he did this for me in winter and then i help him out at his little seaside resort in summer.

When rafting got shitty in summer I went over to the seaside resort, same deal, id work in the ramen / curry shop on the side of the proper restaraunt and was set up with a bed and room and the boss would take me to karaoke and shit in the afternoons, no one spoke japanese there so i had to learn words just to get along.

was pretty cool experience, got to be involved in the local matsuri festival and shit and was basically the only white dude in the whole town.

>> No.14391774

self taught, i can speak fluently / naturally but my grammar must be shocking

>> No.14391904

I'm not sure how this works. You mean that you can speak actively and people understand you even if you make mistakes? Or you mean you can speak, but if someone asked you to explain Japanese grammar rules to them, you wouldn't be able to do it?

>> No.14392067

i tried learning hiragana and gave up quickly

i can't focus for more than 5 minutes

i think my brain is fried from years of neetdom

>> No.14392466

learning the kana is the easy part dude
you just gotta practice it by writing down the characters over and over like you did when you learned to write english when you were a kid.
Kanji is simple because it's just rote memorization with no way around it.
It's the grammar and sentence structure that'll kill ya

But if you really have a reason to learn japanese, you can do it anon

if a bunch of slant eyed gooks can do it, why can't you?

>> No.14392471

Pretty much fluent reading. High listening skills. Terrible pronunciation but I can handle more complex conversations in general.

>> No.14392923

How log did it take you to reach that level?

>> No.14392940

I also desire to translate obscure religious and historical documents that no one will bother to read


>> No.14392974

I know that feel, I want to translate obscure literature from the early 1900's.

>> No.14392984

Thanks bro

>> No.14392995

I'm going on N5 this year.

>> No.14393014

True, also I have this great existential fear that in ten years all of these high paying programming careers are going to be outsourced to India and Pakistan which means I'll be fucked. Hopefully if I can reliably translate obscure-ass shit by then I might be able to find a university that will hire me on while I complete my doctorate.

Plan B C and D motherfuckers

>> No.14393400

Me too.

>> No.14398577

2 years, though this year I've barely practiced. I tried reading a book and my reading speed was quite slow, although I could understand everything.
