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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1437059 No.1437059 [Reply] [Original]

Shitting nigger dicks. Japanese foreign exchange students will be joining my class in a few days. The fuck should I do? I'm bad at talking with people and now, JAPANESE GIRLS are coming over. Help me /jp/. Pic related because I'll probably stutter like him.

>> No.1437063
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>> No.1437062

How should I go about asking for their email address? Should I even try and possibly make a fool out of myself Or should I just give up and retreat into my antisocial shell and go "3d girls are pig disgusting"?

>> No.1437067

Rape? It works in doujins, so...

>> No.1437066

Rape them

>> No.1437069

>should I just give up and retreat into my antisocial shell and go "3d girls are pig disgusting"?

>> No.1437068

Say every japanese word you know

Hard and fast, dont stop til you are through.

>> No.1437072

I'm being serious here, my fellow hikkikomori. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get to be friends with a japanese just so I can know more about their culture (lololol) and probably get them to buy figures and send them over. But it's probably gonna be really agonizing trying to make conversation. Since I'm already such a failure, should I even try?

>> No.1437073

Tell them that you are very interested, because you never studied with foreign people. Tell them you want to talk about, ask for email address.

>> No.1437075


>> No.1437079

Use "ore" to address yourself when you are trying to speak in japanese.

>> No.1437084


They'll probably be able to understand and speak English though. Hopefully...

>> No.1437085

Tell them they're so SUGOI SUGOI and that you want to be KAWAII NIPPON NAKAMATACHI NEKO-CHANS together.
Trust me, they'll be all over you.

>> No.1437086

I wished I had a japanese foreign exchange student I could fuck and then brag about it.

>> No.1437089


Hey, at least that's better than saying nothing.

>> No.1437091

Go to college.

>> No.1437092



>> No.1437095

Use wareware at the start of every single sentence.

>> No.1437096

I managed to get the address from a female jap student who came over for exchange. aim high!

>> No.1437098


But I ain't no normalfriend like you. I don't have any friends, I always keep to myself, I don't see how I can suddenly become sociable and get their contacts even though I really want to. I'll probably give up and emotionally torture myself

>> No.1437102






>> No.1437106

Rape her while saying "ore wa nippon, ore wa nippon, ore wa nippon, ore wa..."

>> No.1437112

Currently living in a dormitory full of them and coreans and chinesu. Its cool I guess.

>> No.1437119

You did nothing with it though.

>> No.1437123

I don't get it. What's there to be so excited about?

>> No.1437122


This anime is a lie. If he's a antisocial loser, how the fuck was he able to go to the barber to get his hair done so nicely?

>> No.1437124


OH FUCK I MESSED UP. I meant visual novel.

>> No.1437125


look OP the jap chicks that you gonna meet are probably gonna be average or less than average looking

rare to meet hot looking ones, and they are usually kinda stuck up but they will laugh and talk to you if you are funny, if do something stupid or do something cute eg. you speak crap japanese, they will LAUGH at you but not in a mean way

best bet is to try and impress them with something you are good at eg. musical instrument, magical tricks wateva

ask them what is their favourite band, movie, food etc. and go "OMG I love them too!!!" you will get a reaction, especially "SUGOI!!!!"

as for asking for they email, they will give it to you instantly, any guy and girl would give it to you, cause 1 they think its kool to have a foreign chat buddy and 2 their senseis actually encourage them to

dont be shy, talk to them first, make convos and tell them about yourself, you do speak jap right? if thats the case its all good, its not hard at all, jap student, especially the exchange ones are very friendly and very keen to make friends so dont worry =P

>> No.1437127


Well, they're from japan. If I'm able to be friends with them, I could ask them lots of things regarding japan. Like festivals that are going to be held, whether they really go commando when wearing the kimono and what's akihabara like. Things like this

>> No.1437130

>you do speak jap

Actually, no, my dear anon. No. Am I fucked?

>> No.1437138

>commando when wearing the kimono
They don't.

>> No.1437139

if you are decent looking no, but i still don't see the appeal. I'm probably just jaded.

>> No.1437141

Why are you so interested in a 3D girl?

>> No.1437144

you can't hug your right hand

>> No.1437147


ok you are abit/kind of fukked

but you know a few phrases right? like asking them what is their favourite food/colour/music right?

but dont fret, IF you cant speak jap at all its still fine, use hand signals! the, and point to stuff if you are trying to make a point, the girls will find it amusing

if all else fails get a PHRASEBOOK and hold it in your hand while talking to them, they will be impressed but you might look stupid to your classmates but if you are really keen on making some jap friends you wouldnt care

take photos with them, they like to take photos, the girls especially, they wont mind at all

talk to the guys they are usually very friendly too and more likely to be into anime and games

dude just be yourself and you will be fine =P

>> No.1437150


Is it weird if I feel comfortable talking to average look girls but feel nervous when talking to the hot ones? It's like my life is meant to be a failure

>> No.1437152

Cause it's japan. They're 2D inside.

>> No.1437161

That's normal. Talk to em after you go for a jog, the adrenaline will keep you hyper and social. (on the bad side you might smell.)

>> No.1437163




What are the chances of them knowing English? And you sure it's ok to talk to them about animu and possibly touhou? Otakus are pretty much looked down upon in Japan,right?

>> No.1437167


lol dont worry this happens to everyone dont think about it too much

plus most jap girls are pretty easy to talk to, since you are on home turf you should feel more comfortable, if you do make a fool of yourself just laugh it off and say something in english that they dont understand =P

>> No.1437188


depends, are they exchange students that are going to be living in your country for a while or just visiting your school?

they do learn english at school but it really depends on how well they are taught, they will have some english skills

the exchange students will be more versed

yeah otaku are some what looked down upon but you are not jap and you are not in japan, so if you show interest in things like anime and their culture they will be impress, just like if a jap girl tells you that she is a fangirl of brad pitt and that she has photos of him on her phone you will probably go wow and wouldnt think shes weird but rather kool to have interest in your culture

so talk about anime and stuff if you want but maybe dont go overboard =P

>> No.1437206

enough of your faggotry

>> No.1437210

worst thread in jp

>> No.1437222


I guess they are just visiting. Daaaaaaammmn. Are you really popular in RL with tons of female contacts?

>> No.1437250

inafter standard replies.

Smart move: Speak in English, and teach them exactly that. In return, learn their Japanese. Do the same for culture in general. An exchange relationship will get you their pants.

>> No.1437266

Well, I guess there's no point in worrying about it now. I'll keep you guys informed regardless of whether I behaved like a tard or became a brave social motherfucker

>> No.1437267


I forgot my thanks. Thanks /jp/

>> No.1437283

OP must be one ugly fat bastard, I imagine if he has trouble talking to the Japanese he can't even hold a normal conversation with other Americans.

>> No.1437355


Yeah, I can't. I'm thin as a twig though. Too thin in fact.

>> No.1437664

Just do it. Get over your fear, its the only way you'll do what you want to do. I mean.... I live in Wyoming, and I know an annoying person who managed to take around 3 Japanese exchange students, girls, without knowing anything about Japan, not a weaboo at all, and has no aspiration to like the culture. If HE can do that, I believe you should be able to as well.
