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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14361418 No.14361418 [Reply] [Original]

Not trolling, why would anyone bother to read a LN, even in its original language it is very comparable to YA fiction in the west. I can understand why people would like any other form of Japanese media but this one, why waste time on them when there are much much better books written in both Japan and the west?

>> No.14361422

That's basically what it is. They just get anime adaptations instead of blockbusters like we do.

>> No.14361451

I think it's only okay to people because it's Japanese. But yeah it's pretty much YA fiction, just because it's Japan doesn't mean they don't do western shit and also have gay little teens who like reading crap.

Even Spice & Wolf is mega YA silliness (but I still kinda like it)

>> No.14361453

Ultimately don't you read that you enjoy?

>> No.14361506

Same as anime. Why not watch better movies? Btw, why are you even on this board trolling, instead of being at more appropriate place doing respectable things?

>> No.14361516

YA stuff is enjoyable what's the problem

>> No.14361518

It turns out that people are really fucking stupid OP

>> No.14361533

I don't read VNs because I believe they can provide me nothing anime and manga can't. This, believe it or not, doesn't mean others should stop doing something they enjoy.

See what I'm trying to say here?

>> No.14361546

because it's Japanese
same reason people on here like the shitty pop music (idols, rock, etc.) from Japan but dislike what America has to offer,even though they are the same quality of shit.
It's the exotic factor.

>> No.14361866

YA fiction is fun, fuck you.

>> No.14361931

Who gives a shit if it's still more enjoyable to read than anything else?
And kill yourself if you think anime, VNs, or manga is ANY better.

>> No.14361935

unless all mediums are magically equal there's like a three quarters chance that one of them is in fact better

>> No.14361939

What is YA?

>> No.14361959

Young ashole

>> No.14361974
File: 63 KB, 319x416, IMG_20150818_231215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me something western similar to Horizon and I'll quit reading LN forever.

>> No.14362060

Because young adult fiction has the backdrop and audience of disgusting 3D teenage females while light novels have the backdrop of my cute and clean chinese cartoons
And before you say anything about quality, if you aren't reading something for discourse or for the glory of God then read whatever is enjoyable because putting yourself through pain for the approval of others is foolish

>> No.14362406

> comparable to YA fiction in the west
Except 99% western YA is written by woman with woman protag and target a female audience.

>> No.14362518

>Not trolling
lmao, wipe your fucking tears /lit/.

>> No.14362763
File: 24 KB, 308x450, bait (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well memed

>> No.14362775

Because they're tasteless retards.

>> No.14362813

I don't get it either. There are barely any pictures, and there are no voices or music which would all make the terrible writing bearable. It's understandable why people would watch shitty harem/romance anime, but shitty harem/romance LNs have nothing going for them.

>> No.14362852

If you are gonna compare them it could range from Harry Potter to Game of Thrones. And it is like asking why someone would eat a burger when there are more nutritious options. There is nothing wrong in liking burgers, it is not good if all you eat is burgers but it still is better if you don't eat anything at all.

>> No.14362860

Personally, I mentally compartmentalize my Japanese and Western stuff. Western books, films, etc are treated academically, and I can do so easily being a westerner myself, while LNs, anime, manga, and VNs are read purely as a means for escapism or childish fantasy, which is easy because I am not Japanese. It's easier to avoid criticism of writing aimed at adolescents if you don't compare it to the adult-oriented literature you consume for intellectual, rather than purely emotional stimulation. I'm sure if I was a Japanese I'd be reading respectable East Asian works of literature and history and consuming western material mostly for fun. It's a matter of perspective and intent. There is some overlap of course, but that's generally how it is.

That's just me though. I'm sure others have different perspectives.

>> No.14362904

Because you can't go straight from reading Yotsubato to 1Q84.

>> No.14362915

Is Twilight YA fiction?

>> No.14362917

Is that translated by chance?

>> No.14362924

Probably, but why would you read anything translated?

>> No.14362993

It used to be self-insert fanfiction. What do you think?

>> No.14362999


Because I'm a fucking pleb who still can't read moon yet.

>> No.14363000

>used to be

>> No.14363001

I actually like YA novels with male protag.

>> No.14363046

1Q84 is considered good?

>> No.14363057

It's not YA fiction at least.

>> No.14363110
File: 801 KB, 799x839, 51894638_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist first started her story on freaking fanfiction.net . As it garnered attention, the author decided that she would like to capitalize on it.

A couple years later the broad responsible for Fifty Shades of Grey started her own smut using Twilight as a basis.

Are you scared yet?

>> No.14363116

>Are you scared yet?

No. I mean I had a rough idea of all this developed but still why would I be scared?

>> No.14363155

You can though. 1Q84 is an easier read than most fantasy LNs.

>> No.14363186

There's no need to be scared. I don't read trash. At least not in English or in my native language.

I can make an exception for reading trash in Japanese because trash is usually easier to read than high quality prose.

In addition, I feel pretty much like >>14362860. Japanese is a very good language to indulge in fantasy and self-engulfment, because it has so much to offer in that direction. Thank you, Japanese otaku/nerds, for creating a market that also panders to my own interests.

>> No.14363262

didn't all these are writen by ghost writers?

>> No.14363295

Do you treat super hero, harry pottter flims academically?

>> No.14363396

I don't really watch that kind of thing, but don't critics and scholars actually do that? I'm sure you know what I meant though. Because I am a westerner and have the context to understand more complex works of our culture I can treat all of our works more academically. That doesn't necessarily mean I look to all Western works for intellectual stimulation. That just means I am capable of fully enjoying and understanding both Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Historia Regum Britanniae, while my appreciation of Journey to the West is more limited than that of Dragon Ball.

>> No.14363495

I understad。
I treat stuff academically when it has a message or the way it was made regardless of their origin。like when I read the story of the author of the fight club.

>> No.14363977

Opposite for me. I grasp the intricacies of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Tales of Genji better than the Canterbury tales.

>> No.14364170
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Because you touch yourself at night.
