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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 8 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14358427 No.14358427 [Reply] [Original]

More LR2 and o2jam convo edition (or any good kb VSRG)

>> No.14358478

Routing SPA is by far the hardest 11 to EXHC.

>> No.14358578



>> No.14358607

I haven't really paid attention when it was mentioned because I didn't want to get in but now I do, who/what do I have to cum on/draw to get an invite to sows?

>> No.14358611


Sows is closed.

Seriously though, the easiest way is just to go to an arcade with any riddim game. As long as you're not a total autist you'll probably meet somebody on sows.

>> No.14358615

the closest arcade with rhythm games is 7 hours away so that isn't really viable.

>> No.14358618


You can try the IRC channels, but good luck getting an invite that way. Outside of hovering forever trying to fit in with a steamchat tier circle jerk you're out of luck.

>> No.14358625

calling bullshit it's not closed we're at almost 9k out of 10k members there's enough space

also I got my invite by lurking in IRC and having discussion during the KAC then drawing cindy so it's perfectly possible

>> No.14358629

someone knows <service>( )</service> adress for pendual?

>> No.14358632

same address as before

>> No.14358635


>> No.14358731

Whats the best client/private server for O2Jam?

>> No.14358871

i got invited last year by talking in irc last year, someone invited me around 3 months in. it's not hard. i just did things like saying "can't see" when someone tells everyone to check something in sows and links it so people didn't forget that i wasn't on sows. i'm not retarded so i didn't ask "invite me to sows pls"

also i linked to a sdvx2 leak around 2 days after it was on sows and nobody cared because this was before the whole cirno stream thing and pw thing happened

>> No.14358886


Been out of the loop last two threads. Did the Pendual BMS leak yet?

>> No.14358895

>used to playing LR2 with caps lock WER UIO
>new keyboard won't register caps + W at the same time
>can't get used to using shift

>> No.14358920

Pendual hasn't even had its BMS files ripped yet. It'll be on the BMS terminal once it is.

>> No.14358923

o2mania if thata still around

>> No.14359000
File: 72 KB, 720x960, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damnit i don't want to have to play sdvx

>> No.14359016

>tfw don't even live near a r1
One of these days I will find a justification to drive to LA to play arcade games for a few hours.

>> No.14359050

San Jose has one if you live up north.

Can't wait to return.

>> No.14359051

Don't listen to >>14358923
Play O2Jam V3 or O2Jam Forever

>> No.14359057

I live in Phoenix, so San Jose would be even farther for me.

>> No.14359063


Then what the hell was everyone waiting for? Two threads ago this shit hit bump limit in like a day when it usually takes a week.

I figured something exciting happened.

>> No.14359077

Pendual got released. It's just that nobody's ripped the BMS files from it yet.

>> No.14359164
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>> No.14359171

wait i think i recognize this plot

it's from a grand nauts doujin isn't it

>> No.14359181

Freeleech when?

>> No.14359201

20 November

>> No.14359260
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, feelsad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nanahira will never do this on my face

>> No.14359299

If you're really good, you could try to get an invite to Xenojam.

>> No.14359302
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bemani's favorite denpa vocalist is also a shitposter

>> No.14359303

It's been made into a BMS since before pendual even released dumbshit

>> No.14359423

Not him but I live close to the east coast but not close enough to go to 8-on-the-break. The only rhythm game near me is ddr

>> No.14359527
File: 50 KB, 630x618, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no pendual bms?

>> No.14359608

They're asking for keysounded BMS senpai

>> No.14359617

>tfw live on the other side of the border
>tfw LA is still only a couple of hours from where i live
Feels good to be a Mexican't

>> No.14359729

what are the best LED colors for buttons?

>> No.14359766


I got mine to match the notes. White on 1,3,5,7 and Blue on 2,4,6.

I don't like it that much. I'd just stick with the default red on each.

>> No.14359777

TT- red
white buttons - white
black buttons - blue

>> No.14359780

What's the deal with IIDX removals? They seem pretty random.

Like Empathetic getting the axe. Why was that the case when its still in every other Bemani game? I thought they only did removals cause of licensing and what have you.

>> No.14359814


>> No.14359839


>> No.14359866

Wait so it's not required to alternate sides for each beat?
Taiko is a lot less challenging than I thought it would be.

>> No.14359930

Why would you alternate for each beat?

>> No.14359937

it's a drum simulator

do drums sound different when you hit them with your left vs right hand?


similarly you don't always need to alternate scratches in IIDX because they would reasonably sound similar on a real turntable

>> No.14359967

I never assumed the game was like playing any real instrument. Just that every time I watched someone playing Taiko they would always alternate bachi hits and it looked really cool.
I'm still going to try to do that regardless if it's required or not. I think it would add a great challenge.

>> No.14359971

I guess it's like playing Groove Coaster it's probably easier to keep time when you alternate hands

>> No.14360006

It wouldn't be challenging because you do that because that makes it easier.

Try to tap fast 16th notes with just one hand. Now do it with alternating hands, it's a lot easier.

>> No.14360045

Is that AC data

>> No.14360047

Definitely the faster sections of a single beat color require alternating quickly.
If it's something like hitting a long string of red then blue I find it incredibly difficult to change sides between each note.
But maybe that's just me. I don't know. Sorry for wasting your time.

>> No.14360284

Everyone else is wrong. Arcade perfect is best: blue turntable all buttons red.

>> No.14360327
File: 1.03 MB, 1918x1040, Led.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.14360337


I have this with a blue turntable. That's why I said I don't really like it. Too much blue.

>> No.14360376

nah everyone knows you should have 7 white keys and have the leds go pink red orange yellow green blue purple and have your turntable change colors

>> No.14360384

why are black keys more expensive tho

>> No.14360399

need mo money fo them programs

>> No.14360411

one of the most expensive components of quality plastic is the coloring

in order to get virgin colored plastic to a nice dark smoky finish you have to add lots and lots of pigment

this is also the reason why there aren't any really cheap black knockoff buttons but there are plenty of blue and red and green ones

>> No.14360419

They get play data from arcades and make the decisions that way

>> No.14360463

Where do I download bemani osts and related albums

>> No.14360464


>> No.14360475

how do i get admitted in the biggest circlejerk of the internet

>> No.14360494

Not acting like a whiny entitled cunt would be a good start. It doesn't help you seem trustworthy.

>> No.14360495

cum on mayumi here
lurk on irc and draw cindy

>> No.14360499
File: 52 KB, 694x580, 1445045292896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i stop being an untrustworthy whiny entitled cunt

>> No.14360523


Does sows have Gold OST in 320 or FLAC. I swear that damn thing simply does not exist.

>> No.14360536

>whiny entitled cunt
literally everyone on sows

>> No.14360544

stop sounding like one

>> No.14360546
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t. sows admin
I guess I'll stick to whatever I find on youtube

>> No.14360564 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 850x171, 1447724686456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="sjis">not at all[/spoiler]

>> No.14360569

Japan tries PYRAMID
The west tries PYRAMID

>> No.14360583

gimme some time and I'll upload in 320 because I'm not a cunt like this dude >>14360564

>> No.14360585

I take it back, I totally am a cunt like that dude

>> No.14360588
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>> No.14360605
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t. sherl0k

>> No.14360609
File: 7 KB, 400x253, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't i be a cunt once in a while

>> No.14360617

This place doesn’t qualify as a hang or share data spot.

>> No.14360635

/t/ is kill but I would definitely argue in favor of 4chins being a "hang out" spot

This website is probably the majority of my social interaction online

>> No.14360651


>> No.14360674

Reminder that sharing data privately among yourselves (e.g. via email or IRC) is not the same as posting Mega or magnet links on a public website that is visited by millions of people.

>> No.14360692

Will programmedsun ever be up again?
I wanted to create a PCBID for a friend, is it impossible to access the control panel?

>> No.14360696

Stop treating sows like it's the most difficult thing to get admitted in, seriously, i just asked nicely and got an invite.

>> No.14360702

Thank you for playing.

>> No.14360704


>> No.14360705


>> No.14360711

you can still acquire a pcbid through sows if you check the thread and ask but psun's frontend will be kill forever.

>> No.14360737

Are you seriously going to tell me that Kyamisama Onegai!, portal, Deceive Your Insight, and Half Moon were played less than Nasty, Echoes, Keep on Movin', and other "holy hell THAT one is still around" type songs? I just assume that they leave it up to a random number generator to excludes 12s on SP or remove tracks made by people who pissed off the staff somehow.

>> No.14360826

>the first thing LED did when he's back at the throne was killing off Nekomata and making sure he doesn't get a song in
thanks LED

>> No.14360880

isn't nekomata directing that museca shit that probably won't last a year

>> No.14360891

ya but he couldn't possibly be busy enough to be completely absent
of course i'm just joking and led probably wouldn't do that to his waifu
also dem tricoro removals

>> No.14360970
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>> No.14361049

>toprankers are better than some random youtuber

>> No.14361060

Does the machine have premade cards inside it dispenses or does it actually print them in real time?

>> No.14361106

I'm sure it prints them in real time.
There's people who play over 20 rounds a day, so it would probably have to be restocked every couple of hours if it had premade cards.

>> No.14361135

it probably still has to be restocked with card blanks but it's probably just a print/laminate machine inside

>> No.14361143

Has there been a 20 footer in DDR yet? I kinda stopped playing altogether around the time X came out.

>> No.14361153

No. Only 19s so far. Including one that has sustained 8th streams at 440 BPM with some 16ths sprinkled in for giggles.

>> No.14361154






>> No.14361156

i'm now legitimately curious

what's in it

>> No.14361159

Probably dolphin porn?

>> No.14361164

Every single MP3 is actually CaptivAte~裁き~ encoded with different bitrates so they all have slightly different file sizes.

>> No.14361168

Fuck, that's dedication.

>> No.14361170

that would've been funny

>> No.14361174


I ask about Gold 320 and some other anon, without being told or asked to do so uploads a Gold OST to MEGA.

Clearly this is not a coincidence.

But this motherfucker uploaded V0, the same V0 I already have, assumingly, just to fuck with me.

He is evil and I hate him. Fuck. Clearly just dangly his Sows account in front of me for fun.

How can one man be so fucked in the head?

>> No.14361177

you could always cum on mayumi friend :^)

>> No.14361188

I know it's probably not much of a consolation, but here's a special mix of GOLD RUSH for you:

>> No.14361189
File: 21 KB, 200x200, 1417850460959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14361198


Fuck all of you. I would have paid money for that.

>> No.14361228

I accept dick pics as payment if you want FLAC.

>> No.14361255

Drop your skype or something and I'll send it to you. I don't really wanna use up too much ratio for something I won't listen to, but I can get the 320 if you don't care about bitrate.

>> No.14361269

skub get out

>> No.14361273


You can understand if I am incredulous, but my Skype is "Lardington Two Ton"

I hope you're not the same guy trying to fuck me twice.

>> No.14361284

Still easier to replace a roll of white paper (or whatever the cards are made out of) than a bunch of random cards.

>> No.14361292

Given the curve of the cards I'd imagine it's a roll of card stock

>> No.14361362

>being this mad even though v0 is slightly better format than 320

>> No.14361377

2nd this.

>> No.14361385

Thank you for your playing.

>> No.14361386
File: 813 KB, 1898x446, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here m8, have a FLAC version.

>> No.14361455


>> No.14361819

>inb4 this is just the v0 reencoded in flac as a troll

>> No.14361917
File: 31 KB, 1091x133, EmiIIzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this still happening?

>> No.14361928

forgot to add.

Is this still happening? Cause Chinatown Fair is a fucking travesty and I don't want to travel 2 hours to play badly maintained cabs.

>> No.14362359

>tfw just found out that some weeb convention in my state is going to be having Bemani Invasion there
I've never felt so compelled to go to one of these things

>> No.14362362

What state?

>> No.14362365



>> No.14362449


>> No.14362470
File: 13 KB, 200x200, syd_consider_the_following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you say is the cut-off point for being a good DDR player? Clearing a level 15? Level 16?

>> No.14362575
File: 34 KB, 400x533, for your soul vol 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, do it. Colossalcon is fun as fuck.

>> No.14362577

Where the fuck can I download some o2jam packs, all of the ones I've seen have been taken down off of mega or whatever

>> No.14362591

it's only like 2 hours so I'll probably give it a go if I'm able to
I kinda wish I would've known about it in time for this years event when Steven Blum and Shonen Knife were guests though desu

>> No.14362753

why does no one wanna share the gravity wars packs for ksm

>> No.14362757

le private circlejerk face

>> No.14362782

I just wanna twist my knobs without having to be friends with a bunch of autistic knob turners you know?

>> No.14362784

I feel you dude
I'd upload it if I had it but I don't play KSM

>> No.14362824

How the FUCK do I take apart my fp7 to replace the switches?

>> No.14362898

Nevermind, I figured it out. The bottom is held on by magnets.

>> No.14362916

This is some kind of joke right

>> No.14363022
File: 97 KB, 413x309, 1446040234042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw actually starting to get the hang of playing with a IIDX controller

it really is more fun than playing with a keyboard even though I can't play songs on the same level

>> No.14363051

were you one of those that have button layouts that trivialized charts and played 12s

>> No.14363141

I dunno
I wasn't particularly good at keyboard either and I only played up to 5s but going back to 2s and 3s still feels like I bit of a noticeable change to me

>> No.14363143

I meant more like if you played LShift ZSXDCFV or LShift AWDJIL; etc

>> No.14363148

If you're anything like me, you're going to have a much easier time with chords on a controller once you get used to it.

>> No.14363164

oh, I used LShift WER space UIO so I guess it kinda trivialized it.

the biggest problem I'm having right now is scratching
I always end up flailing like an idiot if it's anything other than an occasional one here and there

>> No.14363172

AAing 16s.

>> No.14364105



>> No.14364159

never, tau's done

>> No.14364161

but there's lapistoria profiles in the webui

>> No.14364310

How good does the drawing need to be to get an invite? God bless.

>> No.14364446

My drawing was shit.

As long as you legitimately try and show a decent amount of effort into getting your drawing made and scanned/photographed then usually it works.

>> No.14364625

What's the cheapest 100mm Pop'n buttons I can get?

>> No.14365017

You could always ask someone who has the Gold OST on CD to make 320?

>> No.14365169

>It's all gold rush and ghostbusters

I needed that laugh.

>> No.14365203

So I have see chit chat about AC Timing and CS Timing. What is the actual mathematical difference and why do people so people prefer CS?

>> No.14365273

CS has a larger timing window to account for delay in various setups. Naturally some people prefer it because it makes it easier.

>> No.14365281

has there ever been a chart before rave it rave it where the song and chart are both so abhorrent that it's funny how much of a shit-couple they are

>> No.14365320

Back in like...RED? We had Bemani Remixes of Van Halen's 'You Really Got Me' and Britney Spears 'Toxic'. I think that's all that needs to be said.

>> No.14365328

Actually those were from the abomination known as beatmania US, they're just in RED's folder in omnimix.

>> No.14365339

CS with a CRT monitor tends to be more consistent compared to everyone having a different PC setup. For those that do not have access to a real IIDX machine, it's a good place to start learning to play since it is more standardized.

AC has had the exact same timing as CS since GOLD.

But the SPA chart for Toxic is really good.

Those songs first showed up in beatmania US but got Another charts in RED CS.

>> No.14365350

Is Beatmania US actually bad? I've been considering buying it recently and I have no experience with IIDX

>> No.14365363

its a vile ripoff of guitar hero

>> No.14365481

They're on the official IIDX RED CS disc as well. Never had BMUS

>> No.14365573

sum faget leak pendool lol

>> No.14365582

Where can I download LR2?

>> No.14365601

search Lunatic Rave 2 and you'll find a ton of guides.

>> No.14365760


Is this supposed to be a joke? The song list might not be great and it wasn't successful because it was IIDX in US where the hardest game most people play is some COD bullshit.

I wish I kept my USKOC. That thing was glorious.

>> No.14365769


>> No.14365811


I just got cancer from that review. Fuck me.

Also, Toxic is a great song.

>> No.14366257

I almost can't believe it.

I've sucked my way through the currrent T7S Battlive (25 Wins, 45 losses) and now I am only 6-7 loses away from getting the event Ei G.

>> No.14367410

In LR2, what's the difference between silent and just "on" for auto adjust judgement?

>> No.14367744

The timing is all fucked but it introduced me to bemani and the uskoc isnt bad

>> No.14367770

What's fucked about it other than having PERFECT instead of PGREAT. It's the same engine as 9th Style CS.

>> No.14368265

Well I was under the assumption that us messed with it but I havent found anything to support that so disregard that

>> No.14368359

nah I though the only change was that AA->AAA and B->A and so on

>> No.14368892

its on the facebook page you giant fucking retard

>> No.14368919

It just has a really ugly UI and skin, a really underwhelming song list, and a few weird localization/casualization changes like the letter rank labeling. pgreat -> perfect might throw some people off but I really don't see the problem with it, it's all cosmetic.

So it's not terrible, it just feels really dull and lacking compared to modern versions or even the other PS2-era styles. Almost the entire tracklist is forgettable songs from nth styles. If you can get other PS2 versions, just go for that.

At least it has bad boy bass and nemesis

>> No.14369273

And the shining polaris

>> No.14369344

And Funkytown

>> No.14369549

The timing issues in BMUS refer to directly porting 5key charts that were always fucked.

>> No.14369577

speaking of that, is it just me or do all the cs exclusive songs added into omnimix have way later timing than normal songs

>> No.14369660

nekomata hype

>> No.14369751
File: 203 KB, 600x800, step.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank fuck i thought that songlist was beyond salvation

>> No.14370216


>> No.14370221

How do you know this? Is the webui back up somewhere?

>> No.14370228

>genre: ___step

Please god no

>> No.14370237
File: 479 KB, 630x891, info_20151119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put ddr out of its misery already

Fuck me for thinking rda meant it wasn't dead

>> No.14370332
File: 163 KB, 600x426, df4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dokkin summer is actually starting to grow on you

>> No.14370335

i actually like the chorus

>> No.14370560

why the fuck is bassdrop so hard to exh

>> No.14370652

Could be drumstep.

>> No.14370679


Maybe it's actually ODE TO REHETEP, the mummy lord from Ancient Domains of Mystery. Does Nekomata Master like roguelikes???

>> No.14370695

confirmed to be sorrow step

>> No.14370732

I really want to get into sows. What is their irc? I have plently of ratio proofs and I am part of the super sekret successor to ug

>> No.14370973

cum on mayumi

>> No.14371269


keep in mind everyone actually hangs out in #programmedsun

>> No.14371752

Why does arcade IIDX have to feel so miserable. The audio is delayed like crazy, and the turntable needs to be rotated so much before it registers, guaranteeing that I get late GREATs on 4th or 8th note scratches when they're combined with even a mild amount of keys.

>> No.14372028

pa pi pu yeah is nice

>> No.14372167

are you some kind of dumb nigger? im talking about the new updates with the shit outside the lane

>> No.14372274

not him but that's literally where they'll be uploaded, might be one or two but give people time
even the sows thread says so, but wait, you aren't a member and with that type of attitude, no one will invite you.

>> No.14372542
File: 4 KB, 564x131, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 20,november guys!

>> No.14372883

>not celebrating 19,november

Its the better song

>> No.14372910

>the better song


>> No.14372918

sorrow step its basically just pendulums spooky edition. p good tho

>> No.14372924
File: 14 KB, 552x539, 1445647808175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that makes me the most upset, ironically.



I don't fucking understand.

>> No.14372999

Gracias man!!!

>> No.14373024

dumb nigger detected last post on the ksm thread was over 1 week ago no one talks about it on sows kill yourself

>> No.14373028

1 week 4 days actually

>> No.14373076

sadcore is a thing

the new meme is putting -step after everything you can think of instead of putting -core after everything you can think of

>> No.14373139

Sorry Reo but its true

>> No.14373203

We freeleech now

>> No.14373346

you bastard you actually made me check

>> No.14373364

but anon, freeleech IS on.

>> No.14373461


>> No.14373462
File: 3 KB, 908x88, 20nov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 hour of photoshopping, enjoy

>> No.14373559

What are you getting other than AC data, anons?

>> No.14373575

Probably try to complete my collection of Bemani OSTs and download some old IIDX AC data.

>> No.14373653

there's literally no other reason to be on sows

>> No.14373689

what about all the denpa albums and shitpost

>> No.14373739

OST’s and soundtracks all the way.

>> No.14373761

Tfw already spent my ratio on pendual

>> No.14373777

now's your time to build it back up

seed that shit

>> No.14373856

How do I correctly config sdvx 2? I used to be slaying 14s and 15s in ksm but I'm dropping lasers like a madman in sdvx right now.

>> No.14373881

Having a bemaniPC and a "lagless" monitor.

Just stick to KSM where you can actually change the timing. Or wait until Gravity Whores where you can actually do the offset in the game, like in IIDX.

>> No.14373886

This is, of course, assuming that the problem is timing. Jumped to conclusions there.

>> No.14373899

Nah, I'm hitting notes fines, I'm just dropping lasers like crazy, and sometimes when it's one of those quick swipes to the left/right they just straight up won't register.

>> No.14373990
File: 94 KB, 326x481, 1421586940955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I finally get my Cindy pic ready to send and it's fucking freeleech again

Let me know when it's over, gotta get that invite already.

>> No.14373998

you had more than a month from last freeleech

>> No.14374030

What UTC time/date does the freelech end? I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish downloading Pendual, my connection is slow.

>> No.14374062


I've just been busy and lost track of the time, I know enough about sows to know about the relevance of 19th/20th November but it just came a lot quicker than I was anticipating. Cindy art is at least less shameful than cumming on Mayumi so it's worth it.

>> No.14374084

It's usually just 24 hours, but forum post says "for a couple of days".

>> No.14374111

I still have a 20 ratio so idc
Might re dl some old popn datas tho

>> No.14374155

Oh that's reassuring, thanks.

>> No.14374234

for a copula days ***********

>> No.14375010

Doublecheck your sensitivity in the tools, I used 1.5 rotations of a knob = 1.5 in the tools.

Doublecheck that your controller isn't dropping signals when you swipe the knobs as well.

>> No.14375013

this pun needs to stop

>> No.14375024

Nothing, just gonna seed and build my ratio

>> No.14375623

What's going on with the Dance Maniax update? Is that still being maintained somewhere?

>> No.14375694

Dao FPS, and Dao Pop'n arrived and I've been having a blast in both pendual and sunny park. Although the dao popn is suffering through some sticky keys. Anyone got tips on fixing that?

>> No.14375708

If you have sweaty hands wipe the buttons off after you use them

if you ordered them with some absurdly low spring/microswitch rates then that might be the issue

you could always take the buttons out and wipe down the sides

>> No.14375712

Why is this allowed?

>> No.14375715

just got them and I think they arrived with 100g omrons, and not sure about the springs, will do that tomorrow.

>> No.14375724


>> No.14375875

is there a way i can get pendual to force close? For some reason alt+tab suddenly stopped working

>> No.14375878


>> No.14375948

Well it worked. I have no idea why I didnt think of that. thanks

>> No.14376038
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For Beatmania US can you navigate the menus using the KOC or do you have to use the Dualshock? I stripped a screw while trying to repair my half-working dualshock and I'd rather not buy another one.

>> No.14376048

>missed freeleech again

It's ok guys tricoro is still really fun

>> No.14376097

Yeah, you should be able to navigate with a koc.

>> No.14376113

If you already have tricoro you probably only need to download like 15gb worth of shit to update all the way

assuming that you seeded something in the last 24 hours then this shouldn't be an issue

>> No.14376150

It's still on.

>> No.14376224

Ubiquitous Fantastic Ride, madrugada, and EXTREMA PT.2 are good.

>> No.14376371

How long is freeleech going on?

Might as well download Pendual

>> No.14376414

a copula days

>> No.14376422

anyone playing 10/11s want to be my rival. currently getting fucked by 11s though.
post if you add me

>> No.14376427


>> No.14376431

alright. i need your dj name to add you back i think

>> No.14376432

Yeah, I would do it if webui was up.

Too bad you can't. You must be on official eamuse!

>> No.14376450

I should show up under SP Challengers.


>> No.14376456

ahh I see now it took a few minutes to show up

>> No.14376468

wow im not going to be much of a rival to you

>> No.14376475

Ganbatte your best, /jp/-kun.

>> No.14376590

Keep playing, theyll break in

>> No.14377109

I kind of suck at 11s too so this could be fun

>> No.14377154

alright cool

>> No.14377183

name pls

I'm keku I play 9s and 10s
Can't clear play spada's elferia yet and my timing sucks, add my shit

>> No.14377192

Added. I'm dj lukem btw

>> No.14377195

You have given me a new goal anon.
One day I am going to make it:
Win: 1
Loss: 601
Just you wait ;_;

>> No.14377197

Nice, wow we're actually relatively close as rivals go kinda

>> No.14377279


I'm 75/1500 on one of my rivals D:

It's always a neat goalpost to see when i'm doing really well though.

>> No.14377393

Any kind anon have an invite to spare if I drew a bemani character of your choosing doing any activity. Blue board safe please.

>> No.14377395

>Blue board safe please.

>> No.14377396

Can't invite during freeleech anyway.

>> No.14377433

you should've just drawn the sows girl that's how I got in like a week ago and waited for today

>> No.14377492

FML when does free leech end so invites work again? How long until the next one, and how often do they happen?

>> No.14377504

oh man
it should end like in a few hours, next one is probably in a really long time like months away

>> No.14377525

Im p sure sows does christmas freeleech

>> No.14377530

huh didn't remember that

>> No.14377844
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Quick, someone recommend me more albums to grab. I have all of IIDX already.

>> No.14377873
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Some pop'n music?

>> No.14377925

All of the Nanahira

>> No.14377955


WOW! All these people on eamuse!
I'm so jealous. I wish I could add rivals and do webui related stuff.


>> No.14378103
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Too bad you can't exchange dellar or ratio for an actual controller.

>> No.14378122

you can exchange mouth time for money

>> No.14378126

I'd exchange mouth time for free desu

>> No.14378234

Have you been paying attention during the last couple of threads?

>> No.14378280

Who disappointed in Superbeat Xonic here?
The hard songs are barely even as hard as, say, a Lv. 8 on DJMAX, which is disappointing
I redownloaded Portable 3 to my Vita and I'm having more fun there than in Xonic. Leveling is a grind fest though

>> No.14378362



>> No.14378390


>> No.14378483

i'll kill you

>> No.14378506

What level are you? I'm at Lv44 and switching from buttons to analog sticks repeatedly still trips me up hard.

>> No.14378526

Only level 20 or so and I'll admit the analog sticks take getting used to but that's the only real source of challenge
Something like Xlasher, a lv. 7 song, would be considered one of the harder songs in Xonic, based on the charts I've seen so far

>> No.14378556

Is freeleech over? Cause i want to get an invite lol. I already know the proper channels to go through.

>> No.14378566

Could be because Xonic is somewhat harder to read.
One thing I miss in Xonic is the customizable features of DJMax. There's no note skins or gear skins, just characters and keysounds. And staring at the same blue/green notes gets boring.

>> No.14378570

Nope, try again in a coupla days.

>> No.14378591


I'm willing to excuse some of my gripes because it's possible nurijoy just didn't have the budget previous titles had, but they still bother me (no MVs, no customization, no HD/MX etc)

I'm also just not feeling the soundtrack so far. All of this is making me want to get my PSP fixed so I can play Black Square again

>> No.14378662

Ok ok, its only funny a copula times anyways

>> No.14378705

please stop

>> No.14378766
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>> No.14378777
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>> No.14378784

How about a copula more

>> No.14378789
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>> No.14378820

What's a decent clear rate in LR2? I can't help but feel like I'm doing consistently terrible.

>> No.14378999
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>> No.14379052

Why do we hate osu again?

>> No.14379056

>combo-based scoring

>> No.14379062

but the new scoring system will solve this problem

>> No.14379067

>variable timing windows
>variable lifebar difficulty that you can't set your own (think of this as having songs with easy or hard or ex-hard on randomly)
>can't change approach rate (think of this as konmai setting their own hi-speed for every track and making it unchangable)
>combo based scoring
>thousands of garbage maps although this isn't an issue if you only play ranked stuff

>> No.14379071

>multiplayer only

>> No.14379074

ranked stuff is garbage too though

>> No.14379276

Meltical Sugar Wave

>> No.14379281

no it won't

>> No.14379282

Nope, both November 19 and 20 are important days, so freeleech is still going

>> No.14379285

There's some good ones.

>> No.14379300

You have to look at maps after 2011 you know

>> No.14379309

Variable timing windows
Retarded health system
shit charts
scoring is really debatable (combo is arguably important for osu because you have to aim in it, but when someone can beat scores with lower accuracy and and with HT makes me ask if osu should even be considered a rhythm game)
Inappropriate mod multipliers (memorizing charts isn't as when compared to HR/DT.)
Misleading Mods (DT is actually 1.5x the rate of the music, HT is 0.75x the rate of the music, EZ for 99% of players makes the game basically unplayable)
Sliders don't have timing windows
Questionable quality of administration
Questionable quality of community
No standardized difficulty table
retarded trend in community that thinks the charts should be really shitty to play in the thought of making their charts "art"

There's probably a bunch more I'm forgetting about.

>> No.14379332

Is mania shit, too?

>> No.14379339

mania is a lot worse than standard

>> No.14379398

charts are laughably awful despite a pretty good editor
other than that I haven't played enough to list all the reasons

>> No.14379420


>> No.14379435

o2jam works the same way, though

>> No.14379456

Chart is literally not even on BSS

>> No.14379465

Yes, that's because o2jam is just as shitty

>> No.14379474

beatmania is the only good vsrg then?

>> No.14379480

No, any of them that have proper scoring systems and don't do >>14378999 with their charts is good.

I never understood the term vsrg, does it have to be vertical? Is taiko not in the same category? Why isn't it just srg?

>> No.14379488

pop'n is the only fun bemani game

>> No.14379563

where can I find this bms?

>> No.14379602

I couldn't really get into hamburger smash
It starts feeling too flaily at higher levels

>> No.14379964

You have the rest of the day to convince me not to buy an FP7 in favor of a Woosh-woosh controller.

>> No.14379975

Sound Voltex is a garbage memotrash game.

>> No.14379980

Same guy from question here.
I happen to play mainly SDVX and IIDX... soo...that's where my problem deciding comes from.

>> No.14380005

IIDX is just a more engaging game with more diverse gameplay and a lot more replay value. It has 5 times as many songs to play, more inputs meaning more hand placements and potential chart combinations, and a higher skill cap which gives you more to work up to and more reward for improvement. IIDX is also nicer for home setups because you can set it up to work like a console version, you don't have to keep signing in for sets of 3 and getting booted out if you fail a song like with SDVX at home.

I play both and enjoy them but I just can't get myself as excited about SDVX, I'm thinking of selling my controller off especially since a R1 is opening 30 mins away from me next month

>> No.14380007

SDVX3 data isn't going to happen for a long time. Also it's not as conducive to a home setup thanks to lolnopremiumfree so trying to pass songs that you've failed in the past gets frustrating. As much as I love the game getting a SDVX controller should probably be second priority if you're choosing between two possible home setups.

IIDX works better for a fulltime home setup thanks to lolpremiumfree and also the fact that it runs on normal monitors that aren't turned sideways.

>> No.14380010

Knobs maintenance for woosh controller is terrible. They die too quickly.

>> No.14380013

>more inputs meaning more hand placements

Both games have 8 inputs.

And if you watch SDVX gameplay you'll notice that higher level charts enjoy making you do lots of crossovers with the knobs.

I'll take issue with your statement here.

>> No.14380023

>Both games have 8 inputs.
You're right, but what I'm trying to say is that it has more combinations because none of the IIDX inputs take a whole hand off the rest of the board.

What's fun to me about IIDX is how it throws scratches into dense stuff, so you develop a huge repertoire of hand placements to accomodate for all the wacky patterns it'll throw at you. With SDVX it's just one hand on a knob and one-handing anything else.

>> No.14380041


>> No.14380053

You don't have to play like this in IIDX, the SDVX equivalent is the only way to play. There's really no way to have a knob not take the whole hand.

I'm not telling you why SDVX is bad, I'm telling you why I don't enjoy it as much. I don't wrist scratch in IIDX because I don't find it fun.

>> No.14380063

Ok, you guys convinced me to not buy the SDVX controller (which i will do eventually anyway).

I guess it's true that it's harder to get as excited with SDVX as you do with beatmania.

>> No.14380221

Do what you want to do, this is just my opinion
If you already play both it's probably best to come to your own conclusion, but the presence of premium free and timer freezes in IIDX really does make it work better for home setups

>> No.14380270

>There's really no way to have a knob not take the whole hand
I have run a knob using only my fourth finger and then pushed a FX button with my thumb, but that's niche usage.

I think the point I was trying to make is that it's impossible to play SDVX with a static playstyle because there's so many crossovers, one-hands, hold switches, etc whereas 1048 works fine in IIDX.

>> No.14380284

>I think the point I was trying to make is that it's impossible to play SDVX with a static playstyle because there's so many crossovers, one-hands, hold switches, etc whereas 1048 works fine in IIDX.
Well yeah, I understand that, it just doesn't have anything to do with the subject at hand

>> No.14380488

does pop'n have a premium free like IIDX does

>> No.14380658


>> No.14380676

why does popn have so many f*cking screen transitions

>> No.14380735

Because cute furries.

>> No.14380742

vsrg deliberately excludes taiko

>> No.14380798

why have a term that includes osumania but excludes taiko

>> No.14380806

are there any other scrolling rhythm games that go sideways

>> No.14380815

that doesn't answer my question

>> No.14380820

i don't know the answer to your question i'm just wondering in general

also vsrg probably excludes taiko because it's not a multibutton/multilane game

>> No.14380834

because taiko is not vertical scrolling?
the idea was to pack djmax, ffr, lr2, thirdstyle, keybeat, bbr, ddr, sm, o2jam, iidx, ez2dj, canmusic, vos and so on, on a single word
those share the same essence of multikey/lane vertically scrolling rhythm games and taiko is NOT one of them. osu!mania happens to be one of them.

>> No.14380843

The multilane thing is an insignificant design choice, it shares the same gameplay and concept so I really don't see why it's being excluded
I don't even like taiko, it just doesn't make sense to me

>> No.14380868

it's a word, with its meaning being assigned by the people who use it. If you start using vsrg to refer to taiko too and people think you're right they'll fucking use it to include taiko. just discussing about how it doesn't include taiko isn't going to cut it.
try pulling off those discussions with any word or acronym, it won't fly. you'll only create misunderstandings that way.

otherwise, if you think vsrg is a good-connotation word and you want to include something better than osu!mania into it, you just miss the point of words.

>> No.14380874

>it's a word, with its meaning being assigned by the people who use it.
If it specificilly says "vertical," then no, it's meaning is assigned by that

>> No.14380881

you just answered the question as to why it doesn't include taiko then, dear anon

>> No.14380888

Please actually read, you fucking retard.
>Why isn't it just srg?

I'm asking why the term was chosen, not why the chosen term logically excludes it.
Holy shit

>> No.14380893

why does it matter so much you autistic faggot?
you said you don't even like taiko so why do you care?

>> No.14380896

Why does anything matter? Why does anyone care about anything?

>> No.14380935

Why are we even on this board?

>> No.14380944

why are we even on this planet

>> No.14380948

to exclude other games like tone sphere, with the scrolling notes and background? cross x beats with the scrolling notes? cytus with the scrolling horizontal line?

unless you use the extremely tight definition of scroll which is exclusively vertical, in which case...
you should probably figure out the problem with that on your own
those games do scrolling all around the place but it's not the kind of game the people who use the acronym "vsrg" want to talk about

so of course, you specify, vertical, of course, you exclude taiko

nothing stops you from using "srg"

>> No.14380956

>cytus with the scrolling horizontal line?
Cytus's scrolling line moves vertically, so it's a vsrg :^)

>> No.14380966

no true vsrg would kill his wife

>> No.14380999

Holy FUCK the season line song select music is good

>> No.14381043

is there anywhere I can find a list of average scores for kaiden / other dan ranks?

something like this http://clickagain.sakura.ne.jp/d_average/?lv=12&per=10d but up to pendual

>> No.14381066
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>> No.14381100

it's just a watered down sample of sdvx3, familia

>> No.14381219

Can anyone with Project Mirai DX let me know how to unlock side-B of the L+X music player?

>> No.14381910

Is dat freeleech over yet?

>> No.14381985

still live

>> No.14382083


>> No.14382085

I mean yep

>> No.14382162
File: 108 KB, 184x356, Marisa_Miss_screen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh!.. thanks for the heads up.

>> No.14382806


what's the best rhythm games to play on android? is there an iidx emulator or something?

>> No.14382819

cytus and deemo

>> No.14382947

>switched from HD* to HD
>suddenly doing a bit better

huh, as it turns out HD* moves the notes a little earlier.

>> No.14383081

i don't think i like these

>> No.14383087

Smell my cunt guys

>> No.14383134

>Smell Like This by Y&Co.

>> No.14383139

Sucking cute IIDX players' cute dicks!

>> No.14383147

Groove coaster
Geometry dash

>> No.14383148


>> No.14383150

>geometry dash
>rhythm game

>> No.14383195
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>> No.14383204

Where do i line up?

>> No.14383219

what's so hard to understand about it

>> No.14383463

>5s are too easy
>failed every single 6 I tried

life is horrible

>> No.14383471

congratulations on facing your first wall anon

>> No.14383478

I didn't realize walls were going to feel this bad in LR2

>> No.14383488

just wait for the 11 wall.
death is preferable

>> No.14383567

Oh god, i know this all too well, i just barely passed my first 11 and i can't clear any others.

>> No.14384058


>> No.14384204

Yea 11s can still be a bit rough. Probably one of the longest walls I faced apart from hc certain 12s

>> No.14384371

>tfw can't get used to timing in stepmania no matter how hard I try

even the audio sync is worthless

>> No.14384446
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I know it's not technically /jp/ related but what was the general consensus on Guitar Hero Live? I'm deciding between it and Rockband 4

>> No.14384563

the time of guitar games is over anon. You should save your money

>> No.14384627

I tried Beach Side Bunny in SDVX and it made me think "wow, this game could actually be fun if only it had good music"

>> No.14384632

>shit taste

>> No.14384644

what kind of music do you like?

>> No.14384659

Most stuff that's in IIDX, and I don't like vocaloid music.

>> No.14384660

>Most stuff that's in IIDX
there's a lot of different genres in IIDX and there are a lot of similar stuff to them in SDVX

>> No.14384714

sdvx has plenty of pop and hardcore electronic if you ignore the vocaloid songs and so on

half the 2hu arranges are various electronic which is basically IIDX's soundtrack

>> No.14384890

Rock band because it has drums

>> No.14384904

feelio when you're playing a scratch heavy chart and feel your fat jiggling

>> No.14384918


mass location opens december 26th

>> No.14384933

r1 in pittsburgh fucking when

>> No.14384937

r1 in ohio fucking when

>> No.14384942

no one wants to be in ohio dude...

>> No.14384947

I'm stuck at 7s in IIDX, send help or advice

>> No.14384949

I know that very well since I've lived here all my life, you smug cunt.

>> No.14384961

r1 in DC fucking when

>> No.14384967

i would just like one within a couple hour drive
pittsburgh is the only big city around
r1 pls

>> No.14384973

switch to ddr you fucking fatass

>> No.14384981

Consider changing/improving your hand technique. That was the point I "involuntarily" added thumbs and pinky.

>> No.14384991

Already using 1048 style since beginning, I went really fast past 3-6 but now I'm getting walled

>> No.14385025

Alright, in that case, go back an hard-clear all 5's and 6's
Once you've done that, go play your 7's. This might be slow, but it worked for me.

>> No.14385033

>play copula for 3 hours
>come back home and play pendual for 2 hours
what am i doing with my life

>> No.14385056

I completely forgot hardclears, thanks.

What about randoms, too soon?

>> No.14385076

I'm betting on it right now, they're going to open an R1 somewhere in NoVA sometime in the next few years.

>> No.14385094

Never played IIDX before
Downloaded Pendual and played with keyboard to to try it before I drop money on a controller. I used zsxdcfv to be similar to the layout of the controller. But I suck ass. Like I can barely clear level 1 songs. I feel like I don't know where my fingers are half the time. Is this an issue of skill or should I be playing on a controller?

>> No.14385095

r1 in san diego fucking when. los angeles has four of them, would it kill them to bring one a little further south?

>> No.14385103

Have you ever played any other keyboard rhythm games? If you haven't then it's completely normal.

You should get used to it in about a week.

>> No.14385105

honestly i wouldnt even worry about hard clears at that point. you should just be grinding to get better. definately start throwing in some random

>> No.14385116

I play Stepmania at a high level.

>> No.14385117

Don't try controller layout on keyboard, specially with such a small spread, it will not really translate at all when you get a controller.

>> No.14385125

your layout is totally shit that could be it

>> No.14385126

What is an appropriate keyboard layout?

>> No.14385143

Is japanese locale necessary for lr2?

>> No.14385144

find a more spaced out layout
when infinitas alpha first came out, having never used a keyboard for iidx before, i ended up with zecumo. and after 20 or so plays i was up to around 95% of my controller skill

at your stage you're going to be bombing everything until you get the muscle memory to match each lane to its key whether you're on keyboard or controller so just find a comfy layout and keep practicing

>> No.14385145

I think most people use LShift SDF space JKL
or some variation of LShift [3 straight keys] space [3 straight keys]

>> No.14385153

some people enjoy tab or shift for tt and qwe space iop or qwe uiop you can always go down to the asd row too

>> No.14385225

so fucking hyyyyyyped. any leaked info come out on what games it will have?

>> No.14385251

Where would they put it? North County Fair?

>> No.14385260

is XFVHNK, a good layout for someone who's intending to buy a controller in a month or two?

>> No.14385279

lol Guiter

>> No.14385304

>"Sound Voltex from Japan"

>> No.14385331
File: 16 KB, 371x526, ss (2015-11-22 at 04.47.10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make an applocale shortcut

>> No.14385359

Space it out zsxdcfv is a terrible layout

zevyni period would work ok

>> No.14385364

question - is R1 token based or point card based

so if I ever visit one do I just hand them a bill and receive a bunch of tokens that I put into the machines or do I have to pick up an annoying points card and refill it

>> No.14385383

How is having a pocket full of dirty tokens preferable?

>> No.14385387

Because I don't live next to one so that means another card that I get to carry around that I never use

with tokens when I'm done I'm done and don't have to carry stuff around

>> No.14385543

It'll translate a lot better than some osu garbage like s,d,f,space,j,k,l.
z,s,x,d,c,f,v is fine if you don't plan on playing keyboard for super long, it teachers you to wrap your head around the whole "two rows" concept.

A linear keyboard setup is only going to make it harder to start on controller than having never played at all

>> No.14385639
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Why restrict yourself to one row? LShift and LAlt work well on the left hand for TT and 3 because they rarely conflict with other keys. For 1 and 2 you can use A and S or some other nearby keys that you can press together. On the other hand, you can use some combination of keys you can press together in a shape close to Num1 Num0 Num5 Num3 for keys 4-7. The idea is to split the 7 keys into 3+4 and put them at angles, sort of like one of those ergonomic keyboards (but on a normal layout).

On my shitty $20 keyboard I can use LShift A S LAlt J Space O P, any combination, no problem. It feels a little roomier than the real deal, but if you have a fancy gaming keyboard you can probably pick a more compact layout without worrying about losing keystrokes.

>> No.14385780

>it will not really translate at all when you get a controller


>> No.14385785

where do you live? and how manly are you? being serviced by a big bear is a turn off

>> No.14385924

While we're playing?

>> No.14386610


I didn't know coin arcades still existed outside of Japan, not counting chucky cheese shit

>> No.14386774

Anyone on LR2 rival level 7-9s?

>> No.14386860
File: 45 KB, 647x572, hdfhdhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get AC data
>Psun is kill

>> No.14387000

Thank you for playing.

>> No.14387549

I haven't been to an arcade in the US since forever

I guess I'll just have to carry another points card in addition to my eamuse
