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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 114 KB, 540x743, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14347291 No.14347291 [Reply] [Original]

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Torrent(s) outdated, check nyaa for seeded torrent(s). Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php
Note2: If you encounter sprite glitches, try a Version >= r5101 from http://pcsx2.net/svn.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

Ar tonelico 2 Relocalization Project. Beta patch already out:
http://w11.zetaboards.com/Revatail_Hymmne/topic/10690289/1/ (You need to register to access the subforum)

EXA_PICO Music Collection

Previous thread

>> No.14347348

Oh whoa, I started this game like two months ago and forgot about it. The music isn't as amazing as you all let on.

>> No.14347574

>nothing about Atelier even though Sophie comes out next week
>Sophie not the topic image

I knew I should've made the thread.

>> No.14347658

I've got Sophie's premium box on pre-order from Sofmap.

Anyone pre-ordered from Sofmap before? Do they always deliver on release day? Will need to take a day off from work for it arriving.

>> No.14347900

>tfw Tranquilizer your Reyvateil 5 times before activating the song
Feels like blowing your load after a month

>> No.14349785

I'd say it's hit or miss.

>> No.14349825

i liked the songs more than AT hymns

>> No.14349839

How far did you get into the game?

And, you are talking about Ar Nosurge, right?
The game the OP image was from?

>> No.14350924


Yuuka Aisaka playing some of the game.

>> No.14351817

Is Sophie taking place in the same world as any of the other Atelier games?

>> No.14352159
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, aso_world_03_zoom02d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. Early promo material said something about a new world. This one definitely has punies. Somebody said he also saw slags. These have not previously co-existed. Also, we have a new version of Pamela Ibis, and I don't think they have put multiple Pamelas in the same world. (No, I don't think Atelier Iris 3 is in the same world as Atelier Iris 1 and Atelier Iris 2.)

>> No.14352235 [DELETED] 

There's nothing preventing you from posting news or whatever you deem worth reading (like PSN sales) in this thread yourself. It's not like anyone's been maintaining (the remaining half of the original) OP for a while anyway.

Also, I didn't think KT can still surprise me with their Steam releases, but they did manage to catch me off guard. Very impressive.
Well, at least it's not a port.

>> No.14352239

There's nothing preventing you from posting news or whatever you deem worth reading (like PSN sales) in this thread yourself. It's not like anyone's been maintaining (the remaining half of the original) OP for a while anyway.
I didn't create this thread by the way.

Also, I didn't think KT can still surprise me with their Steam releases, but they did manage to catch me off guard. Very impressive.
Well, at least it's not a port.

>> No.14352273

Pamela died a different death in every single game. I don't think the universe is very consistent

>> No.14352288

Did they really give different deaths for Pamela in Rorona, Totori, and Meruru? Those, I think, were the same Pamela.

>> No.14352300

I don't remember. But I know she was sacrificed to a dragon in one and had a cooking accident in another

>> No.14353043

Don't think so, there's cameo like Logy and Pamela but that's it.
Also they clearly said it wasn't part of the Dusk world or something like that.

>> No.14353646
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No one knows how Pamela died in the Arland series.

>cooking accident

Best Pamela death.

>> No.14354399

I'm playing Ar nosurge + at the moment. Does EXP, DP and money increase on Hard and Veteran? I switched from Normal and am now getting 2-3000 EXP per battle, mainly from the multiplier though.

>> No.14355182

Just got Ayesha+ in the sale. What am I in for?

Everything increases on higher difficulties. It's a great way to make money.

>> No.14355274

Is anyone working on the lossless Ar Tonelico Music Collection torrent? It's quite outdated. The lossy one is updated, I know.

>> No.14355290

There's two person working on it
at their pace.

>> No.14355791
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After playing the entire Arland trilogy, I found that Ayesha has a wonderful melancholy throughout the game and world. The setting has some striking locations throughout which immediately put this higher than any Arland (for me), but I won't go into detail. Also features a male tsundere, who I think are extremely rare.

>> No.14356093


>> No.14356242
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Arnas on the front page

Of Pixiv

>> No.14357005

Arland was Gust's first foray into 3D.
Looking back, Rorona's 3D graphics sucked (it looks very basic), but I don't blame them for sucking at it.

Quality went up after they were bought by Koei Tecmo (Yoru no Nai Kuni runs on the Musou engine IIRC), which is about the only good thing KT has done for Gust.
I'm glad KT has yet to turn Gust into a trashy mobile game company; I'll personally destroy KT if they do.

>> No.14358437

What exactly was the influence of KT on Gust?
I didn't follow it, but it seemed to me as if they followed a policy of "let a magic hen lay her golden eggs in quiet, for now". But I'm not sure if there's more behind it.
I guess DLC are their fault, though?

>> No.14358603
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I was shocked

>> No.14358606

Well not really. They've had the Atelier bgm dlc before that.

>> No.14358614

Totori and Meruru each had DLC, before TK acquired Gust.

>> No.14358617

OK, then what bad have they exactly done for it? I didn't find these threads until not long ago, so I don't know.

>> No.14358787

They haven't, but I've never seen KT as a kind company.
The best outcome we can get is that KT treats Gust as their magic hen as per >>14358437
But every Japanese game company is moving towards mobile game trash, KT won't be able to resist.

>> No.14358808

See >>14307903
They are already planning to make more mobage.

For now the only wrong thing they did with Gust was the dub only Atelier Ayesha thing.
People are scared because KT are not exactly saints and they don't seems to care much about their fanbase if their awful PC port are anything to go by.

>> No.14359401

I'm torn between wanting to see GUST games on PC and KT ports quality.
On one hand, there's NISA putting Disgaea on PC/Steam, so KT might want to recompile some more PS4 code for Windows target with minimum effort for easy buck.
On another hand there are fans polishing the turds shat out by AAA companies to playable levels, see Tales of Zestiria frame rate fix (after Scamco swearing on their mums that 60FPS is literally impossible to implement there).
GUST fans may not be numerous but they sure are dedicated, so even a lazy-ass port might turn out more or less good in the end.

>> No.14359638
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First impressions of Atelier Sophie. Can't read shit though.

>> No.14359905

Durante is known as a big GUST fan and would certainly mod/fix any GUST game PC port but even he can't make miracle.
Some port are too shit to be even fixed with mod.

>> No.14359962

Meh, KT's recent ports always had this "there, i ported it please shut the fuck up" vibe to them. I really shouldn't be saying this but I can't blame KT since the beggars were being obnoxious and entitled as fuck

and I don't think the musou ports were that bad aside from the oddly long load times. Orochi Z was actually really damn good

>> No.14360098
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Google Translate gets simple parts across more or less, but anything detailing game mechanics requires background knowledge to decipher. Still, it's better than staring at the moon as is.

That 32 min video mentioned both in article and by >>14356093 has a watermark which annoyed me enough to get rid of it. Pic related is the result of downloading 720p version from YT via savefrom.net and messing with ffdshow.
If you happen to use something other than ffdshow as H.264 video decoder (such as LAV or even VLC with its standalone codecs), you can replace that whitebox with blackbox, here is the .ass "subtitle":
Rename it to match the video name and put it in the dir where the video file resides to apply.

>> No.14360199

The fact that IFI can do better port and fix any issue within 1-2 week while KT/S-E/Namco can't is jarring.
And even Namco/S-E are getting better at porting game and try to solve issue while Bladestorm is still unplayable for some.
DOA was playable but the fact that you can't rebind the control show how little they care.
At least the mods are good

>> No.14362106

This is going to be my first Atelier game, this is something that has been in all games in the series, right?

I'll probably find it hard to cope with at first, since I'm the type of person who went around talking to all the NPCs after events in the Kiseki games.

>> No.14362608

Why does that series have a general but other JRPGs don't?

>> No.14362647

>tales of gen
We're here because we wouldn't survive on /vg/

>> No.14362650

Other JRPGs have general threads on /vg/.

Ar Tonelico has had threads on /jp/ for a long time, because it has large visual-novel-like segments. Atelier and now Yoru no nai Kuni have sort of crept in, because the players largely overlap. And the thread moves too slowly to be viable on /vg/.

Even though some people want to dedicate /jp/ solely to Tohou, the Hikikomori lifestyle, and Japanese Birds making spaghetti.

>> No.14362666

I see

Got one more question, I played Ar Tonelico 3 and it was horrible, like it physically hurt me to finish this game. (although it had some nice fanservice)

The other games aren't that horrible right?
I'm a sucker for games with good music so I think I will give them another chance.

>> No.14362702

They're better gameplay-wise (although 1 is just practically a turn-based version of 3; the reason it's better is because 3 fucked up that badly)

I liked 3's world and backgrounds the most though

>> No.14362712

1 and 2 aren't bad if you're fine with sprites rather than 3d models. I definately wouldn't call either of them horrible

>> No.14362858
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Has there been any news/rumors of new Ar Tonelico/Surge games being in development?

>> No.14362867

I would be more interested in all games coming over to us.

>> No.14363185

We decided to combine efforts but we're both busy this month with real stuff but I expect work to resume on December.

>> No.14363215

Really? Are there so few people playing Gust games? I've always wondered why there's no Atelier general even though it started in 1997.

>> No.14363283

GUST games are not really popular in the west because they are oversexualised and lewd. Nothing new in particular. I believe that it's more acceptable to show people ripping out each other's guts than sex in the West.

>> No.14363445

Are they really so much worse than, say, FSN?
Sure, in EXA_PICO there are innuendos every couple minutes, but it's as far as it goes. Even AT3 basically just showed some nude bodies, pretty much. And throughout it all Diving is treated really seriously, even as a dangerous task people go on to become closer to each other.
And Atelier, if I remember right, basically didn't have much romance in the first place anyway.

>> No.14363480
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Well, it really boils down to the West having a different opinion about sexual activities. For example, Atelier Totori, a CERO A (All Ages) rated game, in the US it's rated 13+, and in Australia it's rated 18+. In Australia's case, this is simply due to a scene where Esti talks about grabbing Totori's breast against her will. Their rating board classifies this as sexual violence, putting the game at an automatic 18+ rating.

This also translates to Totori being ranked as more violent than a game where you cut people in half and tear out their spines.

>> No.14363863

What exactly did you find horrible, apart from battle system?

>> No.14364478


Can someone tell me what this interview says about character relationships? I mainly just want to know if anybody likes anybody. I viewed the page through google translate and it doesn't seem like there's any romance (which is good) but I still want to know what they were saying about Monica, Oscar, and Corneria.

>> No.14364607

someone post the high impact sexual violence picture

>> No.14364622
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>> No.14364795

>Are they really so much worse than, say, FSN?
In FSN (and many visual novels in general) you can cut out the sex scenes and change a bit of text and the result would be a perfectly safe-for-work visual novel.

For the Ar Tonelico series if you excise the lewd scenes you're losing important chunks of the story, because the basis of the games is about intimacy.

>> No.14364802

I don't really want the thread to be kept alive because of shitposting like in nepgen.

Nepgen is kept alive purely because of crazy people arguing over the same few yuri coupling every thread.

>> No.14366312

I'm going to got to Akiba in a few days, and I'm planning on getting Atelier Sophie if I can. Anyone know if there's any stores I should look out for, since GUST doesn't seem to be one of the more popular franchises (compared to, say, Touhou)? Also hoping to get an AT daki, although I don't expect to be able to.

>> No.14366391

It will be in literally any dedicated video game store, don't be dumb, you just wanted to say that you were going to Akiba.

Too late to get store-exclusive preorders so if it's still near release you can check if any of them have spare preorder bonuses that they'll give out even if you didn't preorder, it happens sometimes (but probably not with any of the good preorder bonuses)


>> No.14366409

If you are able to you should go tomorrow, since http://social.gust.co.jp/sophie/lottery/ is on.

I've just been preordering games since coming here so I'm not 100% positive, but I seriously doubt that no shop will have it in stock. Sofmap will probably have it still, Yodobashi too (although it will be more expensive if you can't get the points). Haven't checked any other shops out yet.

>> No.14366552

Got an email from Fammy's. My copy of Atelier Sophie should arrive by tomorrow.

>> No.14366942

>Too late to get store-exclusive preorders
I'm new to all of this. Recently checked out Animate and Gamers in Sapporo and saw nothing remotely GUST-like, so I was worried I'd have to seek out a specialty store.

I was originally going to get a standard edition since I'm here anyway and it'll save me shipping vs. importing it, but after seeing all the preorder bonus stuff in the anime stores, my self-control weakened and I was wondering if it's still possible to pick up a premium box.

So you guys pre-order games not because they sell out fast, but for the bonuses? Good to know.

>If you are able to you should go tomorrow
No such luck, sadly.

>> No.14368040

One week until the Surge Concert artbook release and no notice of another delay. Looks like they are actually going to release it this time.

>> No.14368089

I had almost forgotten I had one on order.

>> No.14368107

Finally, I ordered two of them.

>> No.14368313

Anyone got the Atelier Sophie OST and Vocal Album yet?

>> No.14368562
File: 2.90 MB, 1571x1980, sophie_plachta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My PS4 premium box shipped today. Time to wait an eternity on RSAL.

>> No.14369058

Where to buy the artbook?

>> No.14369109

It is on shop.salburg.com, amazon.co.jp, a few other places. I placed my order through Isukado, along with an order for the Ar Nosurge manga, many months ago.

>> No.14369940
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Sophie has came!

>> No.14369944
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>> No.14370940
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Well, the outing to Akihabara doesn't feel like it was really worth it.

At least I got to listen to christmas music while eating a KFC.

>> No.14373625
File: 139 KB, 960x544, 2015-09-29-140820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atelier Sarly when GUST?

>> No.14373640

How many outfits are there in AnS+?

>> No.14373675

Not enough. Prior to beating it once, each main character only gets their default and one extra.

>> No.14373684
File: 109 KB, 960x544, 2015-09-29-180334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 for each girl
4 for delta
2 for robot

Theres a bunch of DLC costumes (the dark one for Ion and Robot looks really good) but you cant get them anymore because KT are assholes.

>> No.14374354


>> No.14375540

Guys, I need help in Ciel.
I'm midway through chapter 4 and the only dating spot I have with Ion is the beach. I'm sick of it and I'm pretty sure she is too.
I have >200k in the quasar, and Nelico drops by whenever I ask Ion to go out and fetch rocks.

What am I doing wrong?
I'm also still stuck on the counter in the corner of the room.

>> No.14377444

Any ideas where to get this?


>> No.14377558

>Limited + Exclusive

Yeah... Good luck finding a 5 year old limited edition daki.

Your best bet is to check sites like Mandarake, Yahoo Auctions, Suruga-ya, etc everyday.

I fact i think i spotted one on yahoo for 8000¥

>> No.14378044

Would you really want a used dakimakura?

>> No.14379028

Can someone who has the game post the chain chronicle code and where I even need to redeem it? I have done the event raid for it recently and have all the Arland and dusk ateliers but need the Sophie for a perfect collection

>> No.14379270

Or, send me an email at kitalia.ailatik@gmail.com and I'll buy it from you if you have one

>> No.14379292

Try asking /mbgg/ on the /vg/ board.

>> No.14379305

all they talk about is Granblue Fantasy and people like atelier more here than in either /v/ or /vg/

>> No.14379314

They do play other games, they just don't talk about it.
You won't know if you don't try, so ask them, it won't cost you anything.
You can also try both of the CC forums if they are still alive.

>> No.14379346

believe me, anybody with a chain chronicle code from the atelier game won't give it out. The only people who would are the ones that don't care about the game.

>> No.14379358

Feels like I've done almost everything in Ar Nosurge Plus now. Only a very few purification topics left and DLC genometrics. Almost 70 hours clocked.

I guess there are only endings left after these, so I go for Bad End first and Ion True End last. I just don't want this game to end, since I enjoyed it so much.

>> No.14379368

>I just don't want this game to end, since I enjoyed it so much.

Yeah, especially with how long Ciel takes. At least when you are done with Ciel (6 months for me) you have Ar to move on to, but when you are done with that you really are finished with Ion.

If there really was an "erase your memory of a game" thing then I'd choose Ciel.

>> No.14379393

I read those translations of Ciel's story and watched some lets play videos of it before I started Ar Nosurge. I got Ciel sitting on my shelf now too and I probably start playing it after I finish this. I know the story, but I really want to experience playing it myself too. And I really want to see more Ion.

>> No.14379404

I would be okay with a bootleg, if there were a high-res image available.

>> No.14380206
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Looks like some Atelier Sophie wall scrolls went up on amiami.

>> No.14380210
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>> No.14380214
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>> No.14381083
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Nice. Just got mine too. Only had the time to open it today.

>> No.14381092
File: 581 KB, 1200x2129, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now just to buy a PS4.

I was tempted to grab the one from Sofmap but I like this one better since it's lewder.

How does Sofie manage to be lewd and cute at the same time.

>> No.14381669
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Damn dat Monica.

Thanks for the heads up. Definitely getting this one for book ass.

>> No.14381686
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Why does Sophie look high all the time?

>> No.14381752

I don't suppose the game is actually like Ar Tonelico 2, where you synthesize bath salts, and then have the heroine bathing together.

>> No.14381778

Akiba/blogfag here. I wasn't able to find a premium sophie box, so I settled for just the game.

The Granvania is actually holding a Atelier Sophie promotion event with exclusive prizes if anyone's interested. I think the event lasts until the 29th.

Prizes include original short stories, towels, posters, and other things.

I got a short story, will post pics when I'm able to.

>> No.14381797
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>> No.14381801
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>> No.14381803
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>> No.14381804

How was the food? Might go in for dinner after work next week.

And do you need to spend a certain amount to be eligible for a prize, or how exactly does it work?

>> No.14381818

The food is okay/pretty good.

There's a special Sophie menu you need to order from:

Cream pasta
two other dishes I forgot
Puni jello?
A few colored soda drinks

Each Sophie dish gets you a drawing for one prize.
Ordering four dishes also gets you a poster I think?
There's a challenge dish for 1200 if you can down the sandwich in 80 seconds, nets you a poster or towel?

Sorry my memory is shit.

>> No.14382020

She is high on her own cuteness.

>> No.14382149

Oh, by the way, remember the discussion about "what if all the Singing Hill songs actually summon the player into the game like in Ar no Surge"?
Well, found this on Ar Tonelico wiki:
>Note: The parts in italics are the explanations given by Akira Tsuchiya himself about each set of lyric lines.
>Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha.
>Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel.
>Was yea ra chs mea yor en fwal.
>Ma ki ga ks maya yor syec.
>This is the same as the opening lines in Harmonics EOLIA. This is like an invitation, asking us to come from our world (reality world) to visit Harvestasya's world. You can consider it like a "summoning" spell.
>The first lyrics part, the "Rrha ki ra tie yor..." part, is actually summoning you, to invoke you to this constructed world. Talking in SF language, it's a teleport spell that takes you away from your current world. In order to feel this legend, you don't need your material body, you just need your spiritual soul, that would be enough.
>For the above mentioned reasons, this part of the lyrics is a process that deals with only your Soulspace. Many layers of your mind, from the depths to the surface, undergo through various analytic processes for the reconstruction of Harvestasya's world.

>> No.14382207

See >>/jp/thread/S14115777#p14224348

>> No.14382225


>> No.14382227

Also, you probably already know this, but the game Ciel nosurge is actually the song Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; in the game itself, and the game Ar nosurge is actually the song Class::AR_NOSURGE; (Interdimend).

In other words, the songs Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; and Class::AR_NOSURGE; in EXA_PICO manifest as the video games Ciel nosurge and Ar nosurge in our dimension.

>> No.14382259

Are there even sites that sell daki's that have been taken from the original package?


>> No.14382467

The page doesn't load.

>> No.14382561
File: 442 KB, 1920x1080, 1448125166163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everything in this game so goddamn cute?

>> No.14382576

No issue here.

>> No.14382606

Finally managed to open it.
And I actually was in this thread. And was talking specifically about the discussion in this thread. It's just that the man himself was never quoted there so it seemed more like random theories, whereas this quote is an outright confirmation of the fact that it's at least semi-intentional (probably the idea kinda grew into CnS and AnS over time, along with other things).
Well, it is possible that everybody but me already knew, though.

>> No.14383258

>finally managed to text hook Atelier Marie with a bunch of literal hacks
Well, time to try it out. The language seems pretty simple as of now too.

>> No.14383289

Please tell me they didn't give her the breast envy trope.

>> No.14383539

Anybody know a fix for freezing after the cinematic where Frelia sings to reveal the tower?

>> No.14383555

I basically had to reload from an ingame save, and it started to work fine.
Was really annoying because I really didn't save at the checkpoint the last time I have gone through it.

>> No.14383605

No one uploaded Sophie's OST yet?

>> No.14383623

There's this >>14374354
I'm waiting for someone to upload it on nyaa because that's where I usually get my stuff.

>> No.14384042

Oh btw blogfag again. I think Sofmap or one of the bigger stores is holding a promotion for Sophie and Yoru no nai. Buy both and you get an exclusive soundtrack with two tracks each for both games. If we want a complete GUST music collection, someone will need to spring for it.

>> No.14384050

>Buy both and you get an exclusive soundtrack with two tracks each for both games.
I still need to download that, actually. I'm sure a good few of us in this thread will have both.

Haven't opened the stuff sound archives which came with the premium box either yet.

>> No.14384078

Oh man. Can I use a dummy postal code?

>> No.14384197

If you want that delivered to you i would not use a bogus postal code.

Just click that banner from Buyee with "Overseas customeres Click here to buy this item" and it should let you bid on it and all. Ive used their service twice without any problems so far.

>> No.14384388

Did first press copies of Sophie come with a theme?

>> No.14385082

You mean Vita theme?
The theme was given away for 'free' if you're a PSN Plus member... one month ago.

>> No.14385137
File: 716 KB, 763x433, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14385140

Do you know exactly which store?
I would like to go down today but I don't have much time to look through every store.

>> No.14385162

Possibly this but I'm not too certain.


>> No.14385166
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1448122993846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so happy all the time.

>> No.14385184

That's no rush, we have until end of March next year to get it.

All you have to do is buy one copy of Sophie and one copy of Yoru and redeem a code.

>> No.14385276

Is there an overview somewhere on exactly what DLCs the offline version of Ciel does and does not include?

>> No.14385498

You would be too if you were a cute girl.

>> No.14385964
File: 245 KB, 722x294, sophie-blazit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happiest and highest protagonist since Rorona.

>> No.14385972

One of these days, I'm going to get past chapter 2 in Rorona and finish it up, so that I can finally play Totori and the others that came afterwards. Yeah, some day I will! For sure!

Okay, just kidding, I don't get along with Atelier games for some reason. They are cute enough, but I feel they lack any element that keeps me interested, unlike the AT series.

>> No.14385999

I drop all Atelier games halfway through when the time management gets hard and there are too many things to keep track of.

I still buy all of them because they're cute as fuck.

>> No.14386007
File: 48 KB, 272x800, Marie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source? Which platform?
Could've quoted the whole post or just linked the thread/site, you know.

>> No.14386112

That sky is beautiful.

>> No.14386120

Because her plan is to make everyone happy using Alchemy.

>> No.14386241

Where's the Keihan generator? Does anyone remember?

>> No.14386277


>> No.14386308


>> No.14386338


>> No.14386362

Indeed. I like simple, yet effective compositions like this one.

>> No.14386621

Pretty sure it says "No overseas shipping". Guess I'm screwed, I'll look a bit more though.

>> No.14386851

No, I mean, I literally dug in the internals of the emulator (PS version, did it on PCSX-R; couldn't even find any text in PS2 version to rip out), and managed to make an ugly hack that rips out the Japanese text right from the memory. Well, I had no other choice, because I really wanted to play it, and the text really got to the screen in a roundabout way. There's literally a full segment of text in SJIS there that contains every single body of text in the game and that the game copies per-character every time it wants to output something, repeatedly no less.
And in the end, my solution still kinda sucks. If there are more than two boxes with text on the screen, it depends on your luck which ones will be ripped out. Wonder if will actually manage to play the game like that. It seems to pick the shorter boxes more often too.
Was a waste of time, most likely. I really doubt I will be able to enjoy the game in that state.

>> No.14386865

>I really doubt I will be able to enjoy the game in that state.
You'd be much better off improving your Japanese a bit more, in that case. Surely you can wait a couple of months and play some other not as important stuff for practice?

>> No.14386890

I'm learning Japanese at the moment. I'm using text hookers as a crutch. And regularly reading VNs with these very text hookers, because I suck too much to be able to do so without them.
I guess I could try to rewrite the script a bit too. Looking upon it again, I think it might be actually scalable, which means the "two boxes" restriction might actually be easily solvable, and the other stuff is basically fine, besides the fact the whole thing is a bunch of poorly written hacks upon poorly written hacks.
Well, I'll just see how it goes, I guess. Might rewrite it, might wait.

>> No.14386893

Well, shit, I think I messed that up due to being unfamiliar with Buyee's interface.

>> No.14387875

Looking at the end listing it looks like *someone* won that daki with Buyee for 12000¥

Allright which one of you fuckers was it?

>> No.14390195

Is it

>I shall give you endless courage.
>My song gave you endless courage.


>My songs give you endless courage.

>> No.14391838
File: 180 KB, 569x805, 1448274206988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never have a daughter like Sophie

>> No.14392191

Glad to see Atelier Sophie is selling well.
Also surprised to see SW and CoD selling so much.

>> No.14392300

>Still no Sophie's OST
I want my comfy OST, Japan, please.

>> No.14392395
File: 61 KB, 640x801, Klein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Klein.... had a hard life.

>> No.14393405

Well, I severely overestimated the Sand Dragon; then again, I wasn't expecting Assists to be so overpowered. Reminds me of Suni Sterm's supposed danger.

>> No.14393464

So I'm considering to buy Atelier Sophie, but I'm still really new with Atelier series, Rorona Plus being my only Atelier game. Should I play other games in series before even starting Sophie?

>> No.14393484

Sure. Sophie is mainy separate from the other games, so go ahead.

>> No.14393645

Is not related with Dusk because Logy?

>> No.14393750

I don't think the player needs to know he's from a previous game to enjoy it. He's just an NPC this time around anyway.

>> No.14394082
File: 328 KB, 1000x1571, P1002366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, package came today (pic + some non thread related stuff).

Kinda bummed out that the dimensions on the phone case is incorrect, it's suppose to be 85x180x20mm (according to their website) and be able to fit a vita but it isn't.
Uploading flac and vorbis q6 overnight, however it's compleatly untagged.

>> No.14394103

I don't care if it's untagged. Thanks, anon, waiting for it.

>> No.14394764

Absolutely smashing, I will take care of tagging anyway.

>> No.14395009

I'll upload the Sound Archives disc if you want.

>> No.14395809

Every three games, the universe of Atelier changes. Just don't buy a game in the middle of its cycle.
Sophie is the first of its cycle so it's fine.

>> No.14396056



>> No.14396832

I'm playing Sophie just now as my first Atelier game, and it is going fine. I may be missing references or whatever and not know it though, and don't know if it will make it more difficult to go back due to improved mechanics or whatever.

>> No.14397466

Shallie + annonced, March 3, vita.

>> No.14397472

>There will be new scenarios to supplement parts that lacked sufficient explanation. With Ayesha and Logy’s appearance, various explanations and interpretations regarding “Dusk” are being added.
>The events concerning the quarrels between Shallistera and Shallote have been reconstructed, plus there will be additional character events for Ayesha and Logy. They’re exceding the amount of text in Atelier Escha & Logy Plus

>> No.14397514

The only reference you need to know is that Pamela exists in every game and she's always a ghost. It's a running gag.

>> No.14397529

Thanks m8

>> No.14397530

So a few months ago I was bored so I made this:

That went swimmingly well because it was easy to find art of Delta and Casty being lovey dovey couples.

Now I made this:
because I like the song, but art of Kanon is close to none.

(Links apparently expire 24 hours from time of upload)

>> No.14397534

Anyway what I'm trying to say is, maybe anyone here can suggest what background pictures to put.

I still have the source files so it's easy to make minor changes.

>> No.14398161
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x1728, still03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atelier Sophie CG rip
pw: /jp/

>> No.14398165

Thanks for the job, guys!

>> No.14398271

torrent when?

>> No.14398460
File: 92 KB, 600x600, 97920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see my favorite Dusk game finally get a Plus version. I fucking loved the Shallies and I hope their relationship is deepened even more. Hopefully they'll each get figures announced too.

>> No.14398595
File: 28 KB, 278x338, 2015-06-26-093321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayesha and Logy are in
>mfw I got Shallie last week on sale
Damn, this'll be a case of buying it twice.

>> No.14398611

Thank God I bought a PSTV when my Vita died.

>> No.14398739

Holy...thanks mate, OST of the year right here. Let me just get done on the thesis and I'll get back to work on the FLAC collection

>> No.14398781

Vitas can die? I've had mine for years and never had a problem, but my old PSP has a bum battery and only works when plugged in.

>> No.14398944

>27 year old law breaking Ayesha
I can't wait.

>> No.14399519
File: 46 KB, 362x386, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait

>> No.14399831

Is it worth playing hard mode in Ar Nosurge? Does it add actual difficulty or just tedium?

>> No.14400000

Nio better be in it too.

>> No.14400455

You get much more EXP, DP and Credits than on Normal.

>> No.14400872


>> No.14400929

Is this book the most delicious loli in Atelier?

>> No.14401126

Yeah, because if there was one thing I constantly lacked and always wanted more of in AT games, it'd be freaking DP, wouldn't it?
Well, extra EXP is probably nice, though. At least it cuts down on grinding.

>> No.14401280

I'd say it makes the battles more interesting. There are a couple of boss battles that you can actually lose on hard mode, if you aren't prepared.

Tip on preparation -- make two of all equipment when you are starting out with Delta and Casty. When you get to Earthes and Ion, you have to fight a bit before you get to synthesize any equipment, and you have a shared inventory.

>> No.14401340

If you made sure to create all the plugins in Ciel then it is still easy.

>> No.14401380

When I find out where exactly HR post their releases or someone else reposts it somewhere.

Meanwhile, for those interested in the game itself:

Patch, DLC and fix:

>> No.14401542
File: 80 KB, 800x800, 48893680_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon.

>> No.14402181
File: 18 KB, 240x339, 9448_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surge Concerto::ntny's Art Works THE FINDER is released!

>Media Create Sales
>02./00. [PS4] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book # <RPG> (Koei Tecmo) {2015.11.19} (¥7.344) - 30.759 / NEW
>03./00. [PSV] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book # <RPG> (Koei Tecmo) {2015.11.19} (¥6.264) - 25.805 / NEW
>13./00. [PS3] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book # <RPG> (Koei Tecmo) {2015.11.19} (¥7.344) - 11.542 / NEW

>Famitsu Sales
>02./00. [PSV] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book # <RPG> (Koei Tecmo) {2015.11.19} (¥6.264) - 28.350 / NEW <80-100%>
>03./00. [PS4] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book # <RPG> (Koei Tecmo) {2015.11.19} (¥7.344) - 28.261 / NEW <60-80%>
>13./00. [PS3] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book # <RPG> (Koei Tecmo) {2015.11.19} (¥7.344) - 11.643 / NEW <60-80%>

A bit surprised gust/TK didn't decide to go multiplat now when Sophie is multiplat but it's good to hear about the plus version.
nice checked

>> No.14402246
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, finder_wp_pc_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found properly sized cover-art

>> No.14402492

Has anyone posted some images from the Surge Concerto book yet anywhere? My copy's arriving on Friday, can't fucking wait

>> No.14402818
File: 61 KB, 800x533, IMG_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sophie came in today, same as >>14369940 but with the blanket and some other stuff

>> No.14402824
File: 54 KB, 800x533, IMG_0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bag the blanket came in

>> No.14402833
File: 56 KB, 800x533, IMG_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back of the bag

>> No.14402839
File: 59 KB, 800x533, IMG_0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystal paperweight

>> No.14402851

Cute bag.
Did it come in a nice box like surge concerto twin pack or just a plain white box? Also how much did shipping go for with that paperweight?

>> No.14402857
File: 31 KB, 800x533, IMG_0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lastly the crystal keychain. This was the GS Saikyou combo set, didnt include the vocal album or OST

>> No.14402864

Plain white box, unfortunately. EMS shipping was 6100¥

>> No.14404780

Would someone be willing to sell their chain chronicle code? I'll buy it from you if you can sell it.

>> No.14404812

What's up with that anyway? Never even heard of Chain Chronicle and found a cross promotion code in my copy of Sophie.

>> No.14404813

It's for a character in that mobile game, I'll buy it from you if you email me at kitalia18@gmail.com

>> No.14404825

>Dat broken down and overgrown Earthes next to the horizon sihouette of the Soriel

>> No.14404905

That's how I felt about the ending of AT3, and all great games and books in general.

The role of Earthes the robot is over. Ra Ciela is reborn, everyone is safe. Ion returns to her home, and you return to your everyday life. Delta, Cass, Prim being lovey-dovey. Sarly, Shirotaka being lovey-dovey. Their world/microquasar serves as the power source for the Orgel of Origins, which powers Ar Tonelico, a story which has yet to unfold at that point in time.

And for centuries to come, they will be telling the story to their kids and grandkids, about the god Earthes and the last queen of Ra Ciela Ionasal.kkl.Preciel, and how they saved their world.

>> No.14405906

>Surge Concerto::ntny's Art Works THE FINDER is released!
Mine should arrive tomorrow.

>> No.14406207

Ra Ciela is reborn, only to get fucked up again by the humans during Grathnode Inferia, and it's another 700 years before they fix it again with the Save the Planet project.

Will humans ever learn to not fuck up the planet they live on? Are we in the process of one such fuckup now?

>> No.14406218

You seem to be confusing Ra Ciela with Ar Ciel. Despite the similar names, they are different places.

>> No.14406220

Shallie Plus has adult Ayesha.

>> No.14406230

I bet the next installment of this millenia-spanning epic will be about how humans have fucked up their planet again.
But I don't really care as long as I get more songs.

>> No.14406253

What this anon said >>14406218

Also time for some Ar Tonelico history:

The planet was fucked by the Seven Bloodstains incident in 3031. The Grathnode Inferia occurred in 3040, which simply speed up the death of the planet, but the planet was already dying before the Grathnode Inferia.

The Ar Ciel Healing the Planet Project (AHPP) began in 3033, just two years after the Seven Bloodstains incident. So it's not like the Ar Cielans intentionally destroyed their planet then sat on their asses for 700 years, they were working to fix their planet immediately, the project just took a long time to finish due to reasons, both technical and political.

>> No.14406565

I wish I could tell Ion that I know for a fact that everything is going to end well.

>> No.14410460

Mine should arrive in about a month, probably in time for Christmas.
SAL is slow.

>> No.14411118

And scanned. I will put it on the panda when I know how to name it.

>> No.14411864

Nice, thank you.

>> No.14413129

So has anyone here played Sophie yet? How is it?

>> No.14413185

I'm going to start in a bit, so if no one else chimes in I will post my thoughts.

>> No.14413256
File: 2.15 MB, 1024x1260, 1448546451496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be very appreciated. I've been really in the mood for Atelier lately with Sophie being just released and Shallie Plus being announced.

>> No.14413331

not bad

>> No.14413503

Super early impressions:

Performance is great (no frameskips so far like in Totori+ or AnS, this is Vita version).
Models look great.
Interface/menus much better than Totori+.
Much better tutorials than Totori+.

I've basically only played Totori+ to compare to, but so far it's bretty good.

>> No.14414283

More impressions (keep in mind I've only played Totori):

Overall I like Sophie a lot more.

The crafting is standard Atelier crafting for the most part: pick ingredients, the ingredients provide points for the item's special abilities. Depending on where the points fall in the range, you get different abilities. You can also inherit special attributes, but the number of attributes you can carry over depends on your alchemy level, not item cost (lv 10 = 1 attribute, lv 20 = 2, and so on).

You place the ingredients on a crafting grid. The bonuses you get add more ability points and possibly increase quality.

You unlock recipes by fulfilling various conditions (get X item, beat X monster, investigate X area). You gain hints for recipe unlocks by unlocking nearby recipes on a grid, but you can still unlock recipes even if they are hidden from you.

There are "plot locks" where special recipe unlocks restore Prachta's memory, which also unlocks gathering areas.

It doesn't seem like there's a deadline so far. Time passes even when you're walking around town or gathering areas, although the rate is slow. Of course traveling on the map, fighting enemies, gathering items take up significant time.

No need to rest to restore LP I think, you automatically fully heal whenever you return to town.

You get five dedicated slots for equipping gathering improving equipment.

You must equip items to use them, 5 max per person. Sophie can equip all items of course, other characters can also use items now, but they are limited by type and amount/power of item they can equip.

Battle system is kind of interesting. You can choose either offensive or defensive stance for each move. Offensive gives more damage, defensive increases defense, but also your stance effects what support moves your characters can do, e.g. offensive = support attack, defensive = support defend. You also unlock super support actions later on.

>> No.14416986
File: 749 KB, 1748x2500, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guide cover is pretty nice.

>> No.14418983

Okay, Sophie almost definitely doesn't have a deadline. The day counter only counts the day of the month and rolls over after 30. So you don't have to micromanage gathering trips, which is nice.

>> No.14419022

Yeah, I've completely given up trying to be careful with time and have been alchemising/exploring to my heart's content.

>> No.14420649

I'm still holding out for Surge Concerto 3 to be Atelier Ionasal

>> No.14420684

Oh, right, I posted it yesterday.
I should actually rescan about 20 images but I'll think about it tomorrow.

>> No.14420709

>Renall with fox ears and a tail

I fucking knew she looked awfully kitsune-ish

>> No.14420751

Those two alt version Ar Nosurge CGs are cool, especially the dual Sarly one

>> No.14420816
File: 90 KB, 438x438, Delta-LongHairAndGlasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit why didn't we get THIS Delta?

>> No.14420843

Gratuitous Sharl Tits

>> No.14420910

Well it looks like GUST is adding a proper ending to the Dusk series.


>> No.14420938

Looks too much like Croix.

>> No.14420945

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.14420954

Not sure I like the long hair, but he totally should have kept the glasses

Also holy shit some of this official art is lewder than a good chunk of the fan stuff I've seen

>> No.14421085

Because the urge to slap him the whole game would have gotten unbearable

>> No.14421226

In that last image Ion may as well have been wearing nothing at all.

>> No.14421231

This demands a picture. For, er, science.

>> No.14421320

Just stick a ' g.e- ' instead of an 'ex' in that link up there if you can't get past the panda.

>> No.14421507

>mfw Cornelia will auto repair combat items for you
Fuck Sophie is so convenient, I won't be able to got back and finish Totori at this rate.

>> No.14421553

Do all the combat items still get refilled in town?

>> No.14421589

I think you have trigger enough flags with her to enable the feature. She will repair all of your equipped items whenever you return to your atelier, although of course you need to pay for it. If you don't have enough money, the feature turns off.

This includes items with zero uses left, they will stay equipped and be repairable unless you unequip them, which will make them disappear normally.

It seems pretty cheap so far, 2 col to repair one use on a ~900 col Flame bomb.

>> No.14421634

Man, lewd pics of Ion just feel wrong for some reason.

I mean they're totally hot and all, but it just doesn't feel right looking at her like that.

>> No.14421816

What is Sophie's face trying to convey?

>> No.14422027

She's happy about all the reading she's going to do that night.

>> No.14422137
File: 371 KB, 930x1268, Cass and Prim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's just fuckin' adorable

>> No.14422407

>Two main characters sleep together and have a child within two hours of the game's beginning
It's funny because it's true

>> No.14423574
File: 499 KB, 1920x1080, wallnoc_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14423770

I don't suppose the guide is uploaded somewhere? It's been a long time since I've read a strategy guide.

>> No.14423880

R.I.P. Dusk serie?

>> No.14424075

The OST for Sophie is pretty good, but there weren't any vocal tracks that I really liked this time.

I need another Tsuchiya game.

>> No.14425534 [SPOILER] 
File: 996 KB, 1280x720, 1448915636901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how gay are these two?

>> No.14425687

I feel so bad for Pamela. She's such a darling and pretty hot in the Arlands.

>> No.14427338

That's a good thing. I was put off by Rorona's time micromanagement.

>> No.14428117

It's a shame they didn't have time to build up Prim being their 'kid' more. She was just kind of "Oh hi I'm here and now you're in a timeskip bye!"

>> No.14428212

What was the purpose of the timeskip really?

I can't really think of any reasoning for it. It's not like Felion is destroyed. Not much of anything happens

>> No.14428240

It's the time needed to wake up Ion by playing Ciel.

>> No.14428434
File: 121 KB, 960x544, 2015-12-01-031749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entirety of Ciel nosurge happens in that timeskip.

1. Zill forces Ion to sing Class::CIEL_NOSURGE;
2. Ar nosurge timeskip begins, Ciel nosurge begins.

2.5. You (every Ciel nosurge player) create a ton of sharls and send a ton of energy to Soreil.

3. Ciel nosurge ends, Ar nosurge timeskip ends, Ion stops singing Class::CIEL_NOSURGE;

>> No.14428701

Is there more than one barrel voice line? I've found four or five in Shallie so far as Stera.

>> No.14428790

There is. I haven't counted how many though.

>> No.14428805
File: 95 KB, 960x544, 2015-12-01-053417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man oh man.

>> No.14428844

I forgot about that DLC.

Do you need to make her cute for it? My Prachta is Brave just now.

>> No.14428860
File: 96 KB, 960x544, 2015-12-01-053421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it DLC?

I have no idea, I just plugged some of my highest quality stuff into her if you know what I mean.

>> No.14428881

It is from the time limited code that came with the game.

Will try making her cute then, and see what happens.

>> No.14429009
File: 658 KB, 1280x720, qt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I managed to make my cutie Prachta.

>> No.14429122
File: 120 KB, 805x568, 42475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she good girl?

>> No.14429201
File: 125 KB, 1920x1080, 1448974571699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're hard at work.

>> No.14429273
File: 228 KB, 1920x1080, 1448974583870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14430564
File: 1.53 MB, 1000x1200, SophiePlachta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Sophie does to that cute Plachta butt every night.

>> No.14431810
File: 136 KB, 960x544, 2015-12-01-224231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the best way to grind money is gold punis.

I would grind prachta's punis all night.

>> No.14432427
File: 25 KB, 345x300, doki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14432469
File: 153 KB, 960x544, 2015-12-02-015110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't actually get the best cauldron because dickus maximus runs off with it
>tfw max out the fairy cauldron
>tfw it's too big to get the final bonuses now
Is 5x5 the best size?

>> No.14433028

Please don't misuse quotes on /jp/

Go to where the end boss was and grab the postgame cauldron from the treasure chest there with 6x6 and remake your fairy cauldron with 5x5. 5x5 is only better if you can still fit all the ingredients in it, which you sometimes can't.

>> No.14433588

Today is Mitose's birthday! I just wanted to say that.

>> No.14436489
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, Nelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...is it me you're looking for?

>> No.14436508

I prefer Nero

>> No.14438159
File: 122 KB, 784x779, NayWTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it makes sense for the whole 'anagram of REON' thing, but 'Nero' just makes me think 'fat balding Roman emperor'

>> No.14438501
File: 484 KB, 1280x720, 1448689561956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I cried a little at the end.

>> No.14438724

When can I world with Delta/Cass? I'm already in Phase 3 and on Ra Ciel.

>> No.14438877

You mean Ar Ciel, since Ra Ciela (with the "a") is going through an existential crisis during the game.

Not sure what you're talking about.

On a different topic, playing Atelier Sophie makes me depressed. It's a great game, but it just reminds me that nothing will live up to the greatness of Ar Tonelico or Surge Concerto until TOTAL COMMAND's next game.

>> No.14438973

Sorry, my post messed up. I meant to ask when I'm able to Dive into Nelo's Soulscape.

>> No.14439105

What's stopping you?

>> No.14439192

A message saying 'This world is not available right now' appears.

>> No.14439936

Do you have a high enough Dive level?
Have you completed the other Genometrics?
Can you dive at all (do you have Cass with you)?

You basically need to complete the Genometrics in a set order, even though the game gives all of them to you early and out of order.

>> No.14441043

The face of a girl who's done paperwork for 5000 years

>> No.14441152

Does Plachta have a male childhood friend? Can someone please assure me that there was no feelings between the two.

>> No.14443542

I thought she was a book? How can a book have a childhood friend?

>> No.14443857

She is an alchemist human who sealed herself in a book.

>> No.14445514

Anyone know how to save the pics?

>> No.14445526

Right click the thumbnail, select Open in New Tab (T)

>> No.14445688

When in doubt, always use Web Inspector.

>> No.14445719

I failed to see the reason why you need to confirm this on the first place.

>> No.14445737

Don't worry about it. My question has been answered now.

>> No.14445841
File: 690 KB, 1000x839, efdfee5d122058cda11c1de665decb76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Copy Link Address

>> No.14446117
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x720, bright soul.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have to say that despite the Aqua Suit being the "cute" costume I find that she looks cuter in the Bright Soul outfit.

The Aqua Suit is a bit lewd to be just pure cuteness.

>> No.14446133

Any tips on reliably activating someone's Special Guard? I'm having trouble unlocking the エレメントガード recipe, need Sophie to use ポジティブ解放 but it's hard to time it so she's the one who uses the special.

>> No.14446229

Is that ps3 version?

>> No.14446234

PS4. The quality will have probably dropped when making it into a webm.

>> No.14446383

Nevermind, I'm dumb, got it. Since it auto-activates at 300%, just wait until you start a turn at 300% and then use guard/skills to adjust turn order to make sure Sophie goes third.

>> No.14446384
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, ポジティブ開放.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got it right now.

You can manipulate the turn order by having Sophie use her skills while other people are defending. I'd also recommend the Super Puni as you can easily build up the Chain Link without killing it.

>> No.14446391

Clutch timing, 9 seconds apart. Sorry for the trouble of the webm, I appreciate it anyway.

>> No.14446413
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, 12291041_10206835128549877_3075525709399422131_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, saw your post right after clicking submit. It wasn't too much hassle to make the webm, anyway, I'm enjoying trying out the sharing features of the PS4.

And god damn this blushing Prachta.

>> No.14446433

What's going on in this scene?

>> No.14446464 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, 1449327480578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prachta is thanking Sophie for her help in regaining her memories and stopping Luard.

Do you guys think Luard tried selfcest? He had a loli and shota body to play around with for 500 years, after all.

>> No.14446487

>holding hands while looking at her and blushing

Seems like a pretty gay way of thanking her but I'm more than okay with this.

>> No.14449033

Got my Sophie PS4 premium box today. I didn't realize it was going to be so big. I thought it'd be like the Dusk premium boxes. It's nice but I can't really display it with the way I have things set up so I'm going to need to rearrange a lot of my collection.

>> No.14449487

>You basically need to complete the Genometrics in a set order, even though the game gives all of them to you early and out of order.

W-what? You mean I have to do this in a particular order if I want to unlock certain stuff?

Goddamn I'm about halfway through and I've just been diving anyhow.

>> No.14449535

No, you won't miss anything, but you will only be able to complete them in a certain order. You will get stuck/blocked in one Genometrics until you finish the ones before it.

>> No.14449705
File: 302 KB, 600x797, 53782514_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14449738


>> No.14449860

>That pelvis
Holy shit I'm dying.

>> No.14449994

So what's going to be the theme for the new Atelier arc?

>> No.14450223
File: 744 KB, 818x1000, 1449385007156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ass. How old is Sophie?

>> No.14450227

Old enough, my good friend. Old enough!

>> No.14450298

She's taking it off? That's lewd.

>> No.14450430
File: 149 KB, 583x805, 1449396401232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Sophie look so happy all the time? Is she laughing at me?

>> No.14450525

There's something about her, her expression is so fucking smug or lewd all the time.

>> No.14450531
File: 159 KB, 516x615, 1449396295704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14450959

She lives in a wonderful fantasy-European village with good friends, fun adventures, makes a living going adventuring and learning alchemy. Who wouldn't be happy all the time?

>> No.14451196

I want Plachta to rim that Sophie butt.

>> No.14453140

So who's selling this? Can't find anything.

>> No.14453653

Anon, care to post pics of the OST boxes (front and back)? Since I'm going anal over it I want to add the label and all.

>> No.14455287

Er, how do you delete saves in Ciel?

>> No.14455863

Press the "delete" icon in the save screen.

>> No.14456003

There's no delete icon. Each save as an "i" next to it that shows more details, and there's an X at the top left that exits the save screen.

>> No.14456066

Are screen shots possible (for the save screen)?

((Though this thread is going to read-only very soon.))

>> No.14456100
File: 110 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it's silly how each game has to add a feature to let you delete saves.

>> No.14456145

Can't you do it from the vita settings outside the game?
