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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 200 KB, 768x1024, copulate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14319522 No.14319522 [Reply] [Original]

I want to copulate with Iroha

>> No.14319525
File: 376 KB, 374x600, tumblr_my0fu9WfMf1t8duw6o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14319601

I've never actually looked at the video for that song.

I just realized how absurd the entire machine gun looks.

>> No.14319607

reminder that only bemani and LR2 are worth playing.

>> No.14319618

I'd like to make an argument for maimai and groove coaster

>> No.14319624

groove coaster is borderline. maimai is straight up a fuckin washing machine though.

>> No.14319627

but anon it's a fun washing machine

>> No.14319725

BEMANI != beatmania
Just saying

>> No.14319781

why does jhlee0133 play osumania

>> No.14319840

Any good LR2 skins

>> No.14319888

I just noticed that the map at the bottom of the poster has all the mode select options. Step Up, Standard (N, H, A), Class (Kyuu, Dan), Free (Free Plus), Hazard, and Premium Free. Cute.

>> No.14320050

Tell me about CookieBouquets. Why does he shitpost?

>> No.14320056

he wants to show off his inhuman skills to puny mortals

>> No.14320205

Anybody wants sows invite? I have 10+ to spare

>> No.14320326

Why did you fuck up Lilith's tits goddamn
It was almost a perfect picture

>> No.14320349

i can fap to this

>> No.14320367


>> No.14320424

maimai was fun as fuck
would've played it more but i didn't bother getting a card since it'd be useless after coming back

>> No.14320437

random is cheating

>> No.14320452

when's pendual

>> No.14320549

i think djmax is acceptable too, and project diva to a lesser degree

>> No.14320554

project diva is ass and djmax is an acceptable knockoff of iidx so w/e

>> No.14320592

what about Pump It Up and DJMAX

>> No.14320610


>> No.14320645

your girlfriend is cheating
with me

>> No.14320684

Regular project diva is ass but the arcade game isn't bad.

>> No.14320705

its up right now, go look

>> No.14320708

I'm sorry for almost calling you a faggot

>> No.14320709


>> No.14320717

yeah yeah, the boy cried wolf

>> No.14320726

ohhhh my fuCKING GOD

>> No.14320749

Do I blow my 2.0 ratio for this or wait until freeleech..... hmmm.....

>> No.14320763

you will easily make it back assuming you already have spada to have 80% of it downloaded

>> No.14320783


>> No.14320792


>> No.14320817

>have ratio of ~13 with 32gb up and 2.5gb down
>been a member for almost a year
>still cant download it

>> No.14320859
File: 33 KB, 581x74, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck do i pay for this shit for

>> No.14320877

It is happening to a lot of people if you can install deluge and use the webui it will work

>> No.14320882

looks like a new torrent was just added that works fine

>> No.14320887

Actually looks they uploaded a fix

>> No.14320928

Finally a reason to take a break from BMS, I swear BMS insanes just feel like a grind sometimes.

>> No.14320939

so since this data is 2015-08-05 does that mean it doesn't have the pendual talisman songs since that started 9/17

>> No.14320944

according to this
2015-08-05 is the latest update

>> No.14320945

oh i looked at the event page and it says it's for version 0805, cool

>> No.14320953

yeah, i remembered they added the hd* monitor type a few weeks ago but it looks like the version stayed the same

>> No.14320963


>> No.14321114

>mfw i've been in sows for only 5 months and i can already download Pendual and keep a ratio of 0.9

>> No.14321174

yea it really not as hard as some say

>> No.14321198
File: 55 KB, 550x733, DzneT0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexican furfag

>> No.14321202

Well it was easy to find me, also i'm not into furries.

>> No.14321295

Still only 14 people on the all players list, step it up guys

>> No.14321312

tau is bald

why hasn't he shown us his shiny head

>> No.14321412

tfw been there for almost 10 years, had several TB uploaded in the first 3-4 years and will never have to worry about ratio EVER.

>> No.14321424

i like the music in DJMAX more than I like the music in IIDX

>> No.14321427


>> No.14321517

I'm waiting for my old data to copy over so I don't kill my ratio

>> No.14321562

>doesn't work

kill me

>> No.14321568
File: 5 KB, 795x64, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14321571


>> No.14321585

Download it over your old data and you'll be fine

>> No.14321588

I was an idiot and deleted Spada to make space on my HDD.

>> No.14321590

Why would you do that, knowing Pendual would come out eventually?

>> No.14321591

I mean I deleted Spada to make space for Pendual.

>> No.14321594

That's what I'm asking

why would you delete Spada knowing that Pendual would come out eventually and you would have to download it

>> No.14321607

I'm not making myself clear it seems. I deleted Spada 5 minutes ago because I didn't have enough space to have both on at the same time, and didn't think to download over my existing data.

>> No.14321610

Oh, wow. Now that really sucks. Enjoy your ratio killer.

Did you check the recycling bin you might still have a chance

>> No.14321621

are you venny

>> No.14321632

It was too big for my recycle bin (I'm using a 250 GB external). My only option would be to use and undeleted and pray everything hasn't been overwritten.

>> No.14321637

Ehh you'll probably make back the ratio after it finishes downloading, assuming you're not horrifically low on upload/a new user.

You'll be fine.

>> No.14321644
File: 96 KB, 800x500, c6f37aa0bd5a52ef51826bb8f71351d9-d8ntzbb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody wants the freeleech shit so you just save the world everyday now

>> No.14321646

I've got enough ratio thanks to the recent freeleech that I can download it and still keep a >1.00 ratio. Still kind of sucks though.

>> No.14321690

And now I regret not asking for a sows invite a few months ago...

>> No.14321718

How the fuck do i do this. I tried like five times

>> No.14321754

use something like deluge, I know tixati doesn't support it as it just gets pissy when you do this

download the torrent into the same directory as your old data

find the name of the folder that's created in the add new transfer window and rename your old data from 2014whatever to 2015whatever

force recheck, it should come out to like 70 or 80 or whatever percent

the files that didn't match (aka the changes) will be redownloaded

congrats you've just saved yourself like 20gb of ratio

>> No.14321758

Never mind. I'm retarded

>> No.14321759

>started playing taiko with two fingers because my middle fingers are weak as fuck
>can't hit any patterns now
kill me

>> No.14321781

>not just training your middle fingers to become stronger

why relearn everything

>> No.14321784

well it's not really the case
I was doing well with middle fingers until a few days ago when my right middle finger just lost like all strength and I've been having a lot of trouble tapping with it since
even resting and not using it hasn't helped

>> No.14321787

if your offer still stands send me a message at tmp091@gmx.com and I'll respond with my actual contact email.

>> No.14321858
File: 70 KB, 460x455, 1357256485412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw for the next few days we have the same ac data that's in arcades
Suck it Konami

>> No.14321879
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>> No.14321914
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>> No.14321921

thank you BasedGod

>> No.14321924

who is this semen demon

>> No.14321930

When will we see what Copula's menus look like?

>> No.14321936

Why do people want system sounds?

>> No.14321944

To make shitty Osu themes.

>> No.14321957

Because I can't be arsed to wait for konmai to put cardout and chrono seeker bgm on an OST

>> No.14321961

I occasionally use them as text message tones even though my phone is always on silent.

>> No.14321971

Serious question: Where does DJHACKERS get their data?

>> No.14321991

These, and the OST version of the future theme has this weird shitty beeping in the background that ruins it.

>> No.14321996

they buy it from konami

>> No.14322013

leaks when

>> No.14322020


>> No.14322041

How do you pronounce Prim? Like Prim(e) like in Primary?

>> No.14322043


>> No.14322047

pu ri m

>> No.14322054

/ˈpɾim/ , of course. It is a word, you know.

>> No.14322055


>> No.14322059

It's from Bassdrop Freaks' BG if i remember correctly.

>> No.14322062
File: 1.32 MB, 1282x722, muhdik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14322070

no it's not

>> No.14322072


>> No.14322074
File: 18 KB, 599x337, CA9Nhc9VAAAGgh0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backdoor deals with Kojima

>> No.14322078

>wake up
>pendual done downloading

>> No.14322082

1. stiffly formal and respectable; feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper.
1. purse (the mouth or lips) into a prim expression.

>> No.14322097


You've never heard the expression "prim and proper?"

>> No.14322128


>> No.14322138

I downloaded Pendual's data into the same folder that my Spada data was in, and I had Spada set up and playable. Do I need to run bemanitools or do any setup apart from fiddling with the e3aconfig file?

>> No.14322152

What if Tau is actually Kojima?

>> No.14322156


>> No.14322189

there is literally nothing wrong with using expand judge

>> No.14322204

You need to recopy bemanitools since the torrent will have overwritten some DLL files, but other than that no. Your config settings will be the same, even in the service menu.

>> No.14322260

Getting an error:


>> No.14322276

Recheck your data

>> No.14322298
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 1414298476317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my first AAA
It was on Fantastic Three normal

>> No.14322299

With the torrent? Then recopy all of it?

>> No.14322317

Yes. Chances are a few pieces failed to download and your torrent client didn't notice. It shouldn't be a whole lot of data if that's what you're worried about (unless your Pendual directory is suspiciously small).

>> No.14322320
File: 9 KB, 436x273, replace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 43GB. And the recheck didn't download anything new that I saw.

Though there is this. 4444 files have the same names but there are 4,700 total.

>> No.14322329

Still counts, it means you're working on your timing properly.

I skipped on playing easier songs and i can get AA at most on 10s

>> No.14322335

Alright that's weird, omni works but not vanilla. I'm just gonna download a fresh copy since I downloaded over spada.

>> No.14322343

>tfw no goli h-doujins

>> No.14322359

My timing is awful usually, I think I lucked out and managed to 'flow' properly.

>> No.14322362

That'd be the greatest thing to ever happen.

>> No.14322389

Im begging you guys... leak pendual

>> No.14322395

I've seen people say you can download over the previous version's data to save on download. How do I do that? Just drop the old data folder in and force a recheck?

>> No.14322401

No, whoever leaks pendual will be responsible for psun dying for good.

>> No.14322404


>> No.14322405

Yes, but you have to change Spada's folder name for the name of your new folder (LDJ-2015xxx)

>> No.14322411


I just let pendual start, paused it, copied contents\data into the pendual folder from spada, and will do a recheck once that's done

>> No.14322413


>> No.14322419


>> No.14322420

How are people changing their Pendual avatar without webui? I've seen like 5 players who have their custom avatars.

>> No.14322422

Someone help me, I downloaded pendual and omnimix over my previous data, copie the omnimix and bemanitools for Spada files, configed everything and I can't load my eamuse card with backspace, it worked perfectly with Spada.What do?

>> No.14322423

>he doesn't know

>> No.14322427

They did it before the WebUi went down, the qpro from spada/tricoro carries on (i think)

>> No.14322436
File: 233 KB, 1280x720, 1446660916627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14322438

Nope. Neithet my Qpro from Tricoro and Spada carried over.

>> No.14322441

Is nekomata touhou THE easiest 12 in the game now?

>> No.14322453

Oh, well then.

>> No.14322454

Yup, I'd say so. Pretty 11ish.

>> No.14322529
File: 706 KB, 380x380, 1414859149265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>102 new tracks
Oh baby

>> No.14322548
File: 62 KB, 447x686, 1446678813942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>灼熱 Pt.2 Long Train Running
Jesus Christ even the 7K is fucking murder on the wrist.
>I now have a B on a level 10 that isn't Op.31

>> No.14322559

Is the summer event in the game too?

>> No.14322580

Yes, they are in the Pendual song folder

>> No.14322646

I really like that drumstep song with the denpa vocals.

>> No.14322650
File: 156 KB, 727x327, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14322699

Wow, I didn't really listen to pendual's OST before, the tracklist is pretty fucking great. Nice theme too, we're finally relieved from Spada's edginess.

>> No.14322818

What are the chances of DDR2014 being released on sows anytime soon? How would you even gauge whether its gone n-1 status without a UI update?

Hell there hasn't even been an OST announced which sucks cause I need a Destination long version. Man DDR is so dead.

>> No.14322883

If Tau doesn't already have the data, then not that big of a chance to get it soon.
You'd have to wait until someone else gets it.

>> No.14322920

that's fucking why no one love /jp/

>> No.14322956
File: 495 KB, 700x1208, CTMNStqVAAQxTKa.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copulate with Lilith. You know you want to.

>> No.14322961

Is that shit even legit?

If so, I told you guys. One of you retards was going to leak it

>> No.14322966

Check the file, it's a 43mb file called "Under the Sea"

>> No.14322986
File: 1.65 MB, 1282x722, puberty means sexual prime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior girl

>> No.14322992

Does anyone know the filename for the background animation for this song? I want to make webms but I can't find it.

>> No.14323019
File: 635 KB, 801x862, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generic video 19po
overlay graphics from 22059.ifs

to find this stuff yourself open data\info\music_data.bin, locate a song and look for this clump of data after it
swap the two bytes (562b->22059) for the song id and the video name is displayed in plain text on the right

>> No.14323050

Thank you so much, I'll post my work in the morning.

>> No.14323199

cheap dao where

>> No.14323207

ded thread

>> No.14323382

>DL Pendual
>Don't even play IIDX

That sweet, sweet ratio though....

>> No.14323393

Pendual bms when?

>> No.14323467

Is there any way I can make a really ghetto Pop'n ASC? Like is there anyway I could spend like $20 on something that would be the size of a Pop'n ASC?

>> No.14323634

>Buy shitty keyboard(s)
>remove keys until general pop'n arrangement achieved
>glue cardboard circles to top of keys

>> No.14323646

he was asking for 20 dollar ASC size not minicon size

I don't believe it's possible for 20 as far as I'm aware

Maybe 2 keyboards

>> No.14323664

I could just get multiple keyboards at thriftstores for cheap I guess

>> No.14323668

If you want to go slightly above extreme ghetto just put them in a really long cardboard box, cut out holes, and put tennis ball halves on top of the keyboard's cardboard circles

>> No.14323682

I'll probably end up doing this, I hope I don't run into any keyrollover problems.

>> No.14323685

having multiple keyboards should reduce the chances of that

>> No.14323917

How do you get this? I can only access the operator controls

>> No.14323937

Subtract the port number by one

>> No.14324192

>got on sows 2 weeks ago
>nobody downloads freeleech torrents
>Can't donate for upload credit
>save the world daily for a pittance of upload credit

How the fuck am I supposed to become a power user?

>> No.14324203

Upload your own material.

>> No.14324208

Watch the most popular torrents page and download them. Get to know what kind of albums become popular, watch the page frequently for new torrents and if you see something that should become popular, grab it when there's not many seeders to seed a lot afterwards. Keep your torrents seeding 24/7 to get credits you can speed to get extra upload

>> No.14324299

Thanks anon!

>> No.14324370

Me again, I see what you mean now, I was in bed when I posted the thank you. Sorry.
How would I go about opening a .ifs file? The only information I can find on Google is that it's a spreadsheet like packing slip file, or something. I'm mainly after the overlay images.

>> No.14324426

Download popular stuff, then wait for freeleech to download AC data. In the past 12 hours I've uploaded 7 GB just from seeding Pendual.

>> No.14324440

There's a ton of Bemani hacking tools here

>> No.14324454

Just seed a torrent 24/7. You'll get no upload from it but you'll still get points. Then just wait to cash it in for 10gb while saving the world.

That's literally all ive done to get upload credit and I'm at like 200gb now.

>> No.14324539

bemani explorer

>> No.14324647

Thank you

>> No.14324672

What is your autistic way of experiencing all these new 100 songs? I sort the songs by name and play them all in order, choosing the hardest difficulty between 7 and 10

>> No.14324679

Fuck that, just make friends.
You can be stuck like this guy
and never be able to download AC Data.

>> No.14324683

kek, long train running's clear rates went from 75/25/0 yesterday to 70/15/0 today

>> No.14324700

Why the fuck are the arts on the result screens all guys when I get A scores? Don't I deserve the cute girls?

>> No.14324709

How do you find these in the Pendual files?

>> No.14324713


>> No.14324724

the game senses your true sexual preference

>> No.14324764


>> No.14324770

>people running out of space
how poor are you, storage space is cheap, I've DL'ed every cracked AC game and wouldn't bother deleting any
>people struggling with ratios
just find a good cheap seedbox during a freeleech and seed the fuck out of that shit, it's not hard to get an easy half TB uploaded during that time which should last you for a while

>> No.14324772

Jesus Christ just do what I did. Get a whatbox account and seed from that.

I got 200gb up in a week from every freeleech.

>> No.14324781

Been planning on getting into IIDX, with pendual now it seems like a good time.
Is it worth it to spend the extra money on a better ASC? Or is one of the cheap ones (say like the ps2 ones) fine? I've been a bit spoiled with sanwas so far so I might plan to swap out the switches.

>> No.14324795

This is me too.

Only way I found out how to get shit uploaded is to download some of the new music releases, did some background research first to see if people download stuff from this artist at all. Then hoped to get some seeded, which very soon did.

Today I have gained so much ratio after burning some to omnimix (acquired older data somewhere and just appended the new data into this to save downloading ~9GB) and crazy (partially downloaded) releases since they are not restricted to power users for some reason.

I wish the bonus point system was the same than in jpopsuki where you get points based on how many active torrents you are currently seeding. There is no way enough content and users for freeleech to be a viable way to get into power user category quickly. I've only got ~2GB upload of ~60 freeleech during these last two weeks.

>> No.14324804

If you're just getting into it I'd say get a KOC first (or playing on keyboard) so you don't spend hundreds of dollars on a game you find you don't like. If you do start playing a lot though, I would then recommend buying a nicer controller.

>> No.14324819

Private trackers are like stocks, you have to know what do download and what to leave alone.

>> No.14324827

You need a B to get a generic result screen now.

>> No.14324832

I'm somehow managing to keep all of my AC data on a 500 GB HDD, and by that i mean having all of the main AC data + a copy for actually playing.

>> No.14324836

you should just symlink your data folder instead of copying it

>> No.14325246

Meh, i have an extra dekstop PC that i use to move all of my seeding stuff when i actually run out of space.

>> No.14325300

fps and fp7 are fine, pee/res are pretty unnecessary

i've just now come to realize how much this koc is limiting me
on ac once i started trying 10th dan i got it within 10 plays, and after the 4th play i could get to the last song consistently
here on a koc i've tried it six times and haven't gotten past the third song once

>> No.14325425

I have enough money for either of the two right now...

Should i buy a IIDX ASC now that i have pendual
Or a Virgoo TC+ to play SDVXII?

>> No.14325453

Only one of those has a glut of vocaloid songs.

>> No.14325490

This answers nothing.

>> No.14325503

I get backup error when I launch the application, I am currently running it from my D:\ drive. Should it be located elsewhere?

>> No.14325505

Is Project Diva harder than Guitar Hero?

>> No.14325509

Make sure read-only is not enabled.

>> No.14325572

piggy site

>> No.14325625

pendual note burst is so nice

>> No.14325660

Press the test button and go into game mode, it should fix it.

>> No.14325696

pendual lick when

>> No.14325705

guitar hero isn't very hard, granted, project diva is not extremely hard either. Probably project diva though. They're quite different types of games though.

>> No.14325720

So, what are your favorite songs so far?

>> No.14325730

Honestly I'd say GH is harder. Miku games only have a couple hard songs per game, and even then they're not really that hard

>> No.14325739

Is it generally assumed better to adapt to AC timing and adjust your home setup's offset to reflect it, or is it okay to just tweak offset until you're getting equal fast/slow?

Using offset kind of feels like I'm cheating instead of fixing my timing

>> No.14325757

i got pendual but how do i get to the waifu simulator

>> No.14325760

play standard instead of premium free

>> No.14325761 [DELETED] 

I binded test to left shift for now but it doesn't seem to register upon seeing the error screen. Is it binded correctly?

Thank you.

>> No.14325770

What is the difference between present and future?

>> No.14325776

I get 5-2000-0000, have confirmed to have network access, network drivers are up to date and I have also tried the default ea3-config.xml file

Upon entering the error screen, I have my test switch binded to right shift but nothing seems to happen.

>> No.14325781

Are the hex edits they posted working now?

>> No.14325783

Song songs were originally available in future in arcades.

But in the crack, nothing except BGM and background (present is better).

>> No.14325787

Yeah, they're on the wiki page

>> No.14325798
File: 13 KB, 200x200, Consider_the_following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does tuxdude think hes so much fucking better than everyone? i dont give a fuck about his ratio, hes like 14, black, and has no skill at rhythm games, or even any controllers. Hell, I saw this fucker stream DDR X3 on index keyboard once on sows.

>> No.14325842

>Why does tuxdude think hes so much fucking better than everyone?
16 year old who's interested in Linux.
There used to be a NZ facebook group for Bemani and I managed to get in, but was removed because I didnt post anything. Dont know if its still up.

>> No.14325889

Try copying the entire Dev folder from Spada into Pendual.
I had the same issue and i fixed it the way i told you.

>> No.14325891

Who cares just ignore him

>> No.14325895

AC IIDX lets you change your offset by increments of 0.1, so i think its ok.

>> No.14325899

Uh, sorry, I've forgotten which file I need to edit. Is it bm2dx.dll?

>> No.14325904


what does that have to do with anything

>> No.14325918

The timing varies depending on the machine, so just set it so it's comfortable to you

>> No.14325925

>not using freeleech to your advantage
the fucks wrong with you?

>abuse freeleech get roughly 1.3TB u/l

>> No.14325935

About the AAA I thought I got yesterday, it seems I somehow turned on autoplay and just thought it was me that got it.

>> No.14325936

Is that only for omni? 22 isn't in my drop down as a choice.

>> No.14325939

buy the IIDX asc because IIDX is so much better than sdvx

>> No.14325952


>> No.14325953

i want the titanium sisters to look at me with disgust

>> No.14325969

I'm 20.

>> No.14325975

What's the URL actually? (I don't think it would be an issue to post it here considering you still need an account right?)

>> No.14325980

there would be an issue posting it here actually.
corin addressed it awhile back

>> No.14325987

>>14325980 Post it anyways

>> No.14325988

It's already been posted here, check the archives.

>> No.14325989

How so if login is still required? It's like not posting the url of a tracker where invite is needed.

>> No.14325992

Is it on sows as well? Will be faster for me to look there than find anything in shitty jp archives.

>> No.14325998



>> No.14326019

>wait until freeleech
>download fucking everything but mainly all the AC data
>acquire absurd amounts of ratio

>seed 24/7
>trade dellar for 10gb up

>> No.14326022

You got to git gud to get the girls.

Girls only on AA and AAA scores.

>> No.14326023

Its already been posted in this thread even. Look at the spoilers up a bit

>> No.14326032

that means it's not cheating

at home you can change offset

in AC you can change offset

so it doesn't matter change the offset

>> No.14326065


>> No.14326075

you are now entering completely darkness

>> No.14326154

What do you guys think of DJ Max Technika?

>> No.14326158

It's fun. An interesting take on a rhythm game which was quite entertaining. Sad it's all dead now.

>> No.14326163

i like the music

>> No.14326171


>> No.14326199

I love it and it's a shame there's no crack yet :(

>> No.14326215

I think it uses 2 different security dongles as well as some sort of special system for detecting when the screen is touched so even if it did get hacked someone would need to program a special hook so the game would even accept input from a touchscreen.

>> No.14326235

Is the PS Vita version any good?

>> No.14326262

I've only ever played that version, and I found it fun, though the small screen can be a hassle. The songlist is generous enough, and there's a good deal of genre variety as any DJMax game would.

>> No.14326274

I only played it once but it was pretty fun. The additional back panel notes were a prettty creative addition I though.

>> No.14326387

I don't have Spada data. I also checked my firewall setting and made sure it has online access, but I think I should be trying to get it to work offline instead since I don't have pcbid.

>> No.14326414

Not really when you've played AC. The screen is too small and it feels like playing jubeat on a phone, basically the whole idea is retarded.

Technika should have been a tablet game. Would have worked perfectly (just like how Reflect Beat works perfectly on iPad). And I still don't get how come this isn't a thing when most music games are now available on ipad. Jubeat/Reflect Beat/Groove Coaster/Taiko no Tatsujin + all the idol shit like iM@S.

Meanwhile DJ Max is nowhere to be seen.

If you want a decent music game for Vita, wait for Superbeat Xonic which is made by former DJ Max people. It will run at 60fps at least also.

>> No.14326436

nah I'm not buying xonic after glas/dj tomato's constant shilling

>> No.14326460

I had a lot of fun with it. It takes some time to get used to the small screen size and even then chords were a bit of a pain in the ass.

Doesn't it only run with a very specific monitor that costs like $2000? I remember hearing that for it to run it needs to fill out a "checklist" to even function and one of those things was a very specific touch screen.

Love the music but the gameplay is a bit janky and loading times take forever. Also, it is as unforgiving as the original beatmania when it comes to misses, making the entry barrier tough as shit.

>> No.14326464

is it pen-duel or pen-duwal

>> No.14326467

Technika Q was released for tablets and mobile devices in the west forever ago but it has the most annoying DRM bullshit ever.

>> No.14326469


>> No.14326470

Actually Technika is available on the play store/app store, in some form
>7 songs available for free
>96 songs must be purchased, either individually or in bundles of 4 which cost $5.99
>There are 24 of these bundles
>Internet connection required at all times
>Servers are flaky even on a good connection
>Slow loading times

>> No.14326510

pretty much this
this nero sample is great though

>> No.14326533

>96 songs must be purchased
What? Will the game not work without 96 songs?

>> No.14326561

ok so i used "must" incorrectly
sue me
anyways you can only unlock them with ingame currency which is only given by certain missions (which is a grind) or you can just buy the points directly.

>> No.14326704

I'm worried about playing bassdrop freaks on my home arcade setup with that scantily clad loli. What if someone walks in while those itty bitty anime titties flash onto the screen?

Also damn that prim song is really fun to play even if it isn't my favorite to listen to.

>> No.14326755

Be a man and play it.

Also Pendual has like almost a dozen easy 12s and it baffles me.

>> No.14326813

Whatever happened to yoshitaka?

Damn shame he didn't get an album with a remix side like all the other beatnation guys did

>> No.14326853

He was promoted to producer and now all he has time for is VENUS songs.

>> No.14326888

I played it with my mother watching yesterday and she didn't care

>> No.14326893

termiguel@gmail. com

>> No.14326927

Completely forgot about that one. Probably because of

>has the most annoying DRM bullshit ever.

>> No.14326967

I guess I don't lose anything trying.

>> No.14326990
File: 1.35 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151107_225613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still have this, my lilina hinazuki candy bunny

>> No.14327014

Are you sure she's not a lolicon?

>> No.14327149

If you want cute girls but aren't good enough, you can use expand-judge.

>> No.14327177

I hope pendual leaks and psun and sows die desu.

>> No.14327185

She gave up on you already.

>> No.14327292

draw us a pig, seed the freeleech stuff, then wait for 11/20 freeleech to roll around and download to your heart's content

really, we don't bite :-)

>> No.14327294

I already downloaded it
I just really hate this community and want it to crash and burn

>> No.14327299

How can you hate a community while others are worse?

>> No.14327303

that's a dumb question
I hate you too

>> No.14327307

All communities are shit

>> No.14327358

So you basically want people to stop being able to do what they enjoy because they called you a fag?

>> No.14327361

yeah dude
let's go with that

>> No.14327365

seriously, this.
all game communities (and communities in general) are objectively terrible, no matter what.

>> No.14327443

So can i log in with my old psun account on the new one or do I need to make a new account. Its not letting log in.

>> No.14327455

>Its not letting log in
Well does that tell you anything?

>> No.14327461

Was just making sure m8

>> No.14327536


>> No.14327543


>> No.14327591

why would you need to

>> No.14327600
File: 122 KB, 242x274, 1426364785090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-who wants to be rivals? Looking for bad players like myself who play 7 to 9's. Im rusty as fuck right now but I was playing 9's before my controller broke 5 months ago.

>> No.14327624


Oh gosh this pretty much where I'm at

No idea how to use the rivals system however and I don't even play this very often

>> No.14327663

I'm at 9 level, post any way to contact?

>> No.14327694

I'm up for it.

>> No.14327701

How do you add rivals? Cant find it on the site

>> No.14327763

subtract by one

>> No.14327765

He means on the actual site, how do you do it?

>> No.14327767

search a rival name or IIDX ID and press the green add button if there's any results, it can't be more easier than that

>> No.14327769

Oh, thanks.

>> No.14327770

Didn't see the green button when I looked, thanks.

Add VQTP if you play 7,8, and 9's.

>> No.14327771


>> No.14327772

I added you, if you want to add me back I should be in your Challengers list.

>> No.14327775
File: 161 KB, 480x480, 1434073689966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anyone share an unlock dll for spada / any others


>> No.14327776


>> No.14327784

i can do 9's and i'm just starting out on 10's, add me if you want

>> No.14327786


>> No.14327793

when the fuck is vsrg.club gonna be back up

>> No.14327909

I'm sure everyone deleted Spada entirely already.

>> No.14327969

you can find it in the spada thread

>> No.14328004

So anybody giving out invites for sows?

>> No.14328008

show me your dick

>> No.14328481

is there still going to be a freeleech on 20th november? if so I'll ask that guy on irc that I never talked to for it.

>> No.14328558

>>14327771 >>14327770
adding both of you

>> No.14328572

Added you as well Ebola-!

>> No.14328636

I added you all, you can add me too (0NYX). I mostly play 8s and 9s, I also play 10s but mostly fail them because I can't break through that wall

>> No.14328664

Added you as well! (Tyrone). I've cleared all 7s and 2/3 of 8s, after that I'm all over the place. Only cleared four 10s so far

>> No.14328797

So how do I do a psun acc?

>> No.14328890

if you didn't have one before don't ask

>> No.14328924

A certain HDD data came out yesterday and I have the previous one.

I heard there's a way to not fuck your ratio too hard by transferring files so you don't have to redownload the whole thing.

Do you just transfer the whole thing or only certain folders (like the bg video folders)

>> No.14328926

the whole thing

>> No.14328927

use the same folders. like download this new version over the older one

>> No.14328938
File: 24 KB, 375x346, Heavy breathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, now I just have to wait for it to finish. My palms are sweaty, how am I going to ever be able to play. Just fixed my controller too. This week has been amazing, I hope I don't wake up and find out it's a dream.

>> No.14329014

I did that and it fucked the data up. Had to just download the whole thing over again. Be careful.

>> No.14329020

Well are you using a fresh data or the one you use? Cause if you have omni-mix or messed around the hex to give you premium free and stuff like that pendual is going to be confused because the hex memory is not the same.

>> No.14329057

Added everyone who posted in this thread.

I'm IMP, I mainly play 7-8.

>> No.14329061

Well now I just have fresh copies of both and it works fine. Before I had downloaded over my omnimix and spada folders (not the ones I used for playing).

>> No.14329064

Added where?

>> No.14329066

as rivals

allow me to clarify

added everyone who posted their dj name as a rival

>> No.14329077

Added you

>> No.14329080

>your rival list is full

goddamn it

>> No.14329082

>Your rival list is full, please remove some existing rivals

What, we are only allowed 5 rivals? What the fuck is that

>> No.14329116

that's how it's always worked in all versions of the game

>> No.14329189

What's the meaming of Pendual's songs that have a blue name with different font, like Guilty?

>> No.14329196

>>14328938 here
Anyone that can do 10s add NNY.C . I can't quite do 11s but I'm getting there. I think I may have cleared one?

It's dumb but it's how IIDX works, technically you can have 10 (5 for SP and DP)

>> No.14329197

I think those are revivals from one event

>> No.14329416

probably too late but might as well try

>> No.14329428

I'm ashamed for doing this, but sure let's try

>> No.14329734


>> No.14329771
File: 3.91 MB, 384x216, Atchaatchaatchaatchaatcha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14329808

Has it been said who is producing copula?

>> No.14329923

If you still have any.

>> No.14329995

just cleared 7dan

fuck The Safari

just stop with this horrible meme konami

>> No.14330211
File: 967 KB, 356x480, 10dan last stage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14330224

SpiderBemani thread?
SpiderBemani thread.

>> No.14330231


>> No.14330261

This is a funny way to spidermani

>> No.14330263


>> No.14330275

Reading through threads and am confused by names for note patterns like jacks, trills, etc.
Can anyone explain what those and others are?

>> No.14330283

ask spiderman

>> No.14330287

I just barely managed to pass 7th dan, i didn't think The Safari would be so hard (i had never tried it desu) and decided to try 7th dan after reading this post. Holy damn.

>> No.14330339



It's for stepmania but it applies to basically everything.

>> No.14330370

please ;_;

>> No.14330407

hi boys, rival SHOTA if you would like to work towards more AA 8s, A/HC 9s, and pass 10s

>> No.14330453

Pretty long video but he goes pretty indepth on a lot of different terminology and usually with visual reference.

>> No.14330786

Which one of you qts is going to leak pendual?

>> No.14330821

no one.
Get an invite.

>> No.14330830

leak? it's not even out mister/miss :^)

>> No.14330845

if someone was to leak pendual, how would the people on sows go about finding who did it?

>> No.14330863

>announce url

>> No.14330875


>> No.14330908

How are there people who don't have a sows account in this day and age?

I don't even like 2dicks and I've gone through maybe 4 accounts

>> No.14330916

The only reason most people want an account is for the AC data. Since all previous releases were leaked there was no need for an account. Simple as that.

>> No.14331009

finally a single person with a hard clear on long train running another
still no normal clears

>> No.14331089

>a single person
All of the others were in relationships?

>> No.14331159

There's no way to mix that up based on the context of the sentence. He's saying there is only one person with a clear. It's not hard to understand, and it's not incorrect either.

>> No.14331322
File: 14 KB, 321x239, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this isn't one of you lmao

>> No.14331350

>streaming outside sows

>> No.14331467
File: 321 KB, 1200x720, cheapmania iidickx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buttons on my actual DJ controller suck so here's my awesome setup instead.

>> No.14331535

isn't it awkward hitting b with the spacebar in the way?

>> No.14331536

>actual DJ controller
Someone actually tried this out? I have one with 8 buttons on two decks... How bad was it?

>> No.14331575

>tfw you do great on a song for 4 minutes straight and then choke all your accuracy away in the final minute
please kill me

>> No.14331628

What game are you even playing that has 5 minute songs?

>> No.14331636
File: 465 KB, 1200x1600, s4m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have spacebar mapped to the turntable for the time being
The platter on my controller is in an impractical position for gameplay, and the buttons are the rubbery, gummy feeling kind. They aren't clicky and responsive like the ones you'd normally prefer for gaming.

Basically it is excellent for actually dj'ing but a disaster for rhythm games.

>> No.14331659

taiko on osu
please no bully

>> No.14331667

I mean physically pressing the B key with spacebar in the way. It's always felt really awkward to me when I tried playing like that.

>> No.14331714

Not the guy you're replying to

I'd repost the picture of my horrible keyboard layout I use but I feel like I've deleted it and don't feel like trudging through the archives for it

But it's basically LShift for scratch, then F Y Space I comma p RShift

>> No.14331721
File: 295 KB, 1423x1617, pendualstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the end

>> No.14331746

I don't really understand what I'm looking at

It just looks like this guy is pretty good is all

>> No.14331755

people are posting their final eamuse stats since basically nothing carries over to copula but clear lamps

though i'm not sure why since us round1s probably won't get the update disc for another week or two

>> No.14331997


>> No.14332194

what's the reason for not carrying over stats?

>> No.14332204


>> No.14332310


>> No.14332520

Let's talk /jp/. LR2 LN or o2jam? Which do you prefer?

>> No.14332544


>> No.14332794

fucking neither
fuck noodles

>> No.14332871


why do you keep saying "desu"? just use a tripcode if you're going to be an attention whore

>> No.14332890

why are there angry spergs in this thread?

we have this guy:
he's too retarded to use a tripcode and retarded enough to add "desu" to the end of his posts so people can still identify him

and this guy:
who uses this thread to bitch anonymously about an underage sperg

>> No.14332896

you are pretty dumb desu

>> No.14332981

>being this new

>> No.14333018

baka senpai

>> No.14333025

try say the abbreviations for "shake my head" "to be honest" and the black american euphemism for "family"

>> No.14333035

baka senpai desu

>> No.14333052


>> No.14333101

>you will never have a bunch of /jp/sies as rivals

hold me

>> No.14333146

no one here is even good enough to rival me lmao

>> No.14333149

>tfw you suck at iidx and don't deserve a rival

>> No.14333167

except for me

>> No.14333180

i'll love you forever


>> No.14333195

>tfw you do

>> No.14333207

post your scores

>> No.14333470

Just add everyone who posted their dj name above as a rival

all my rivals are /jp/sies now

they're also all better than me i only play 6-8

>> No.14333481

Tfw pendual dropped when I dont have my controller

>> No.14333489

Use keyboard

scratches will be annoying though because you can't repeat a scratch in the same direction for like .25 seconds

>> No.14333493

dj name is GROUDR

Feel free to add me. I'm a 7Dan that can clear some 11's. My timing is fucking garbage though I only have 1 AA on Mind Mapping.

Hopefully now that I have a consistent setup with a monitor check that doesn't fluctuate I can improve.

>> No.14333554

I tried but it fucking sucks and im back down to normals 6s

>> No.14333556

what's your keyboard layout i have a JPKOC but i need to buy an adapter

also link best adapter someone please

>> No.14333564

see >>14331714

>> No.14333569

that feels very uncomfortable do you have small hands

>> No.14333573

no I just play with a really weird position when i'm too lazy to get the controller out

someone probably has a better layout that's not Lshift z s x d c f v

>> No.14333630

I actually expected it to be leaked by now, oh well time to pester that guy

>> No.14333650


>> No.14333746

gravity wars when

>> No.14333781


>> No.14333853

Anyone having issues with songs desyncing in pendual?

>> No.14333857

so who do I send the cindy fanart for an invite, sherlok?

>> No.14333866

drummania is insanely fun

>> No.14333872

added (DRKKKAL) im 8th dan and currently wading through all my 11 fails with e-clears

>> No.14333908

Post your scores.

>> No.14333910

how do i play iidx on PC

>> No.14333988

Using a model m I see. Good taste.

>> No.14334024

right click on gamestart.bat and hit run as administrator

>> No.14334027

tux how old are you?

>> No.14334029


>> No.14334039

so many scrubs in the sows pendual thread who don't know about the webui

>> No.14334044

Why are songs in pendual going out of sync? How do I put it in windowed?

>> No.14334053

Feelio when got the ac data to run all by myself

>> No.14334064

Add -w to the gamestart bat arguments

>> No.14334086

you got a source on that

>> No.14334087

or corin, on irc

>> No.14334111

Judging by how often each SDVX game is released it's likely the next release will be this spring. I could go into further detail but it's all speculation.

>> No.14334295

Tfw pendual dropped and i still cant afford that $90 shipping for an FPS

>> No.14334303

just go a couple of dicks and you'll have your money in no time

>> No.14334329

Anyone have $50 and a dick to suck?

>> No.14334340

Yes, but I also need to save up for an FP7. I'll suck your dick for $60 if you suck mine for $50.

>> No.14334365

DFW area?

>> No.14334401


>> No.14334402

not him but i am

>> No.14334449

okay? what's your point?

>> No.14334456

you want your dick sucked or not

>> No.14334458

do i still have to pay $50

>> No.14334467

depends on how cute of a dick it is

>> No.14334529

3.5 erect inches of pure animal

>> No.14334538

My dad works at Konami and he says Bad Apple and V3 are coming to Copula.

>> No.14334544

v3 would have come out in distorted if it was a thing

>> No.14334553
File: 62 KB, 354x168, gH0tCjB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is suffering

>> No.14334554

But v2 was in Empress.

>> No.14334558

wtf im retarded

>> No.14334606

are you willing to drive out to a truck stop to meet me? i'm not scary I promise :3

>> No.14334660

