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14319092 No.14319092 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14299706

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14319188

Is this Katawa Shoujo?

>> No.14319199

As expected of someone who reads a lot, you are illiterate.

>> No.14319210

Is you want to see the scale of Koikake disaster, just walk in any eroge store in Akihabara. Heaps of used copies for sale.

I wonder what was Niijima Yuu thinking. The game has super cute are and had good hype, that's the recipe for success. And all for nothing.

>> No.14319217

Some people liked it.

>> No.14319218

Any clue when to expect a translation?
I tried to use machine translation, but nothing seems to work, not even my brain.

>> No.14319220

Haha, I'm doing a translation of this already. The creator said it's pretty much an ukagaka made in tyrano builder so it's been fairly easy to work on. Sylvie is just adorable.

>> No.14319221

Her name is Sylvie..? Nawhh, even more cute.
Also thank You kindly for the work upfront.

>> No.14319224

>Any clue when to expect a translation?
It's translated for fucks sake.
>I tried to use machine translation
Aha, so you knew it's translated! What the fuck was your question even for, dumbass?

>> No.14319234

Uh, by machine translation I meant using Chiitrans, Atlas and what not. Or something like that. Didn't really work out despite following instructions.

And if it's already translated, then mind linking it?
I seem to have trouble finding a translation.

>> No.14319238


>> No.14319252

Seems like its unhookable with ITH or aght, thats why those translations didnt work.

I think there are 2-3 different people working on this so waiting for translation is a better choice.

>> No.14319254

I said "As expected of someone who reads a lot, you are illiterate".
I should have known you wouldn't be able to understand it, since you are illiterate.

>> No.14319259

Im not the guy, but even I am confused by Your speech now.

>> No.14319278

Sylvie a cute. Can't wait for those translations.

>> No.14319294

EOPs fuck OFF

>> No.14319300

Healing broken girl feels good. Any other real eroge with the same theme?

>> No.14319304

I'm also waiting answers for this.

>> No.14319335


>> No.14319353

What's up with Koikake? Was it amazingly bad or something? it looked cute.

>> No.14319362

Main heroine is an unlikable bitch and the writer is a dick or something who keeps trolling his audience on Twitter.

>> No.14319365

Bonus ending for one of the routes pissed off almost everybody and left a rather bad aftertaste. Writer did it on purpose apparently and is being an asshole about it

>> No.14319378
File: 92 KB, 1325x497, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really the 5th best eroge ever made?

>> No.14319385


>> No.14319390

No and thinking that ranking is actually correct with that little amount of votes is laughable, you should also ignore CHAOS;CHILD as well. Don't forget that it's all opinionated as well.

>> No.14319399

It's top 10 arguably

>> No.14319404

Try asking again when the votes break 500

>> No.14319405

I actually think it's better than SubaHibi so take that for what you will.

>> No.14319412


>> No.14319423

I doubt any relevant company is low enough to upvote their own games on EGS.

>> No.14319453

Is it that bad if it's only a bonus ending? Does it somehow ruin the other routes as well?

>> No.14319460

Thankfully it's completely separate from the other routes or the game would be getting lambasted by quite alot more people

>> No.14319463

It makes the main heroine route absolutely shit, the other routes are unaffected thankfully.

>> No.14319464

I'll keep this in mind when I play it, then. Thank you.

>> No.14319483

Not even him but are you fucking retarded as well? Jesus

>> No.14319505

>Heaps of used copies for sale.

>> No.14319521

Most of votes come from completely new accounts, and even then total count is many times less than what actual good game should have. VNDB admin confirmed that some people were manipulating sakuuta rating even there, and you can see how scaji openly asks his zealots to hijack voting on moeawards.

>> No.14319531

I like how whenever a writer dares do some unconventional butthurt otaku shit on them.

>> No.14319535

I remember when Totono came out everyone insisted it was stema because of the Shimokura meme

>> No.14319539

Heroin once banned frontwing ip range because they were manipulating votes right from their office. Its actually quite common for eroge devs to fake votes on EGS.

>> No.14319540
File: 115 KB, 1364x768, BGI 2015-11-06 23-43-46-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Sakura no Uta. Was kind of bizarre, not in an intersting way. There sure is a distinct lack of charming characters and genuine, believable character interaction in this game. I'm a bit confused how Sca-ji decided to write a normal ass charage and not at least try a tiny bit to hold back on his intellectual diarrhea in order to make character interactions more natural. Instead you get shit like pic related.

An entire cast of characters who feel samey as fuck, all of them part-time philosophers who think that quoting classic literature makes for good small talk. At some point you, as a writer, kind of have to realize that random ass Izakaya part-time girl is now talking about Wittgenstein. Why. Get a fucking grip already Sca-ji, you're not writing Subahibi anymore.

>> No.14319552

I know plenty of raising sims but nothing like 奴隷との生活. Would want to know myself if there's something full-length with same charming atmosphere.

Btw, game already sold over 12000 copies at 2000 JPY price point in one week, topping weekly/monthly/all-time charts. Shows how much audience is starved for something not dumb school moege or same dumb rapege.

>> No.14319569

Yeah, sure took some time for someone to figure out that humiliation through Ork-rape is not supposed to be the one and only ultimate expression of the genre.

>> No.14319584

In my opinion yes. But people don't like good stuff apparently.

>> No.14319595

Try the old trial then.

>> No.14319606

The game description seems to say that you can play it a number of ways (including platonic, apparently). Is there a brutal route in the game, or is it all more or less positive?

>> No.14319611

She will die in few days if you are treating her badly, but option is there.

>> No.14319643

If you ask me it's definitely better than fate/stay night for sure. I think Sakuuta should stay in the top 10.

>> No.14319658

Eh vndb has a lot of posters giving free 10s. See MLA and Angel Beats. Admin is biased against Scaji.

>> No.14319668

Its not about 10/10 rating, its about same person having multiple accounts, https://vndb.org/t3943.268 and #270

>> No.14319687


>> No.14319699

It seems like all the 14 people who own XBONE in Japan voted high just to justify their ownership of irrelevant console.

>> No.14319722

>scaji openly asks his zealots to hijack voting on moeawards.

He put a reminder on his twitter telling people to vote for sakura no uta if they wanted, is that really so evil?

>> No.14319726

When companies like light put it in the title screen of their games, not at all.

>> No.14319962
File: 160 KB, 1366x768, ddavidsonmissingwittyspoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is how there is a somewhat 'natural' Mishima quote just before that, just because both sides didn't knew and didn't mention the source. It is a poor trick and does not manage to camouflage the main gimmick of every big conversation in the game, but, at least it is "trying" to camouflage, adding the fact of being a national reference. It would be a lot easier to sympathize with all the 都合主義 and hivemindness if they were a bit more discreet like that. Heck, even Subahibi which had an goddamn transcendental excuse for being a hivemind, and even SupreCan which was nothing but Sca-ji fucking around were more discreet. Zypressen and that last chapter was particularly horrible, and again, I could even forgive characters sprouting from the asphalt for the script size's sake, but not when it's so frequent.
Oh well, but still, I have to say the second chapter and Derangement were exceptionally good. This last one managed to allude Donald Davidson several times so naturally I doubt somebody not familiar with philosophy of action will even notice, managing the simple task of making the reader understand the theme without it. All that erudition would fit way better if the game was done like that.

>> No.14320107

How do you people deal with H-scene spam in character routes? I'm getting too old for this, I can't stop to fap every time and if I'm not fapping I can hardly find the motivation to go through them. Do you just skip them?

>> No.14320130

Zypressen seems to be the chapter everyone is hyping up. Nonomi looks cute, by the way.

>> No.14320143

Lately I either skip with ctrl or just skim by spamming enter and skimming over for key words.

>> No.14320150

What else is there to do but skip?

>> No.14320248

It's actually very good. I don't know about tied for third best ever good but it's definitely among the best.

>> No.14320253

It's better than Chaos;Head and arguably better or equal with Steins;Gate but it's nowhere near being the bests

>> No.14320273

I slow down my pace to maybe one or two scenes a day, unless my penis decides it's ready for several in a row.

>> No.14320289

Start another game, and when I wanna fap I return the H-scene spam one, read & fap and close when I hit another h-scene.

It takes a while but at least I'm enjoying with this way.

>> No.14320357

Zypressen and that last chapter were particularly horrible, I meant.

>> No.14320414

I know.

>> No.14320447

I don't fap to vanilla shit since I don't have bad taste.

>> No.14320475



>> No.14320494

That's an exceptionally good post.
>Douglas Adams may be a British writer and he loves using the dry humor that is quintessentially british, but he is Douglas Adams. No amount of wishing and longing will bring him back from the dead.

>> No.14320553

Fapping to edgy shit is just as bad or worse.

>> No.14320562

lmao these nerds are comparing scaji to Shakespeare

>> No.14320566

Now I'm interested. What did the writer do to piss off so many people? Is it NTR?

>> No.14320572

Music NTR, it's a new genre based on the NTR experts

>> No.14320582

In ending heroine said she was using protag and had no feelings for him then dropped him yet another time (3rd) to play in music band again.

>> No.14320734

I consider all opinions on it worthless unless fhc voices his own

>> No.14320896

literally who

>> No.14321059
File: 1020 KB, 1200x1349, Benkei[A-1 Announcement].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always find out what the (probably) non-fake accounts are voting for if you run this script.


>> No.14321201

I liked SakuUta but no way. And I don't even like Type Moon.

>> No.14321220

Thanks. Those are some sick SQL skills.

>> No.14321229

I heard it's the true route.

>> No.14321230

It's not that hard to be better than FSN and I say that as someone who like it
Try to give it a reread sometime and you'll see

>> No.14321236

So a 90 median, still really great

>> No.14321241

It's not hard to be consistently better but few games reach the heights F/SN did, and I would say, as "autistic" as many may consider it, the nasuverse is very fleshed out and interesting to both explore and discuss, which is something not many other games can accomplish.

>> No.14321248

Its not true route, but "Last Episode" (which is Sena after and most of those shit happens at there) unlocks after you finish all four routes.

>> No.14321251

I saw tons of posts saying they would sell it, but I didn't think they would actually do it. That's hilarious. Do you have pics?

>> No.14321258

The "nasuverse" is barely used in FSN

>but few games reach the heights F/SN did
You probably just see it with rose tinted glasses or just don't have much experience in the media

At the very least the "heights" of SakuUta are definitely much stronger than FSN's while being more consistent overall.

>> No.14321260

I'm mainly speaking from a, I guess, "chuuni" perspective, rather than a literary perspective.

>> No.14321271

Read why they got frustrated first rather than immediately assuming they're being whiny. It seems it's rage inducing enough to be posted in the NTR blog.

>> No.14321289

So why do you bring the comparison with SakuUta?
And honestly even from a "chuuni" perspective FSN doesn't go that high, I mean it probably did in 2004 (and even then nothing in FSN compare to the 三つ巴 of Paralost that was released before FSN) but stuff like Muramasa and Dies Irae were released since then

I don't deny what FSN did, I like it overall like I said earlier but seeing it from an objective pov, or at least as objective as some random person on /jp/ can be, I really don't think it compares with the bests in term of pure intrinsic quality.

>> No.14321300

>So why do you bring the comparison with SakuUta?
I dunno, this image maybe >>14319378

>> No.14321303

God, thanks. I thought the exact same thing but didn't want to stir shit. Characters don't seem to have different opinions either, so they all look like Scaji's self inserts. I liked it overall, but I think this aspect got uncomfortable too often.

>> No.14321340

You skip them and only fap if you find one that's too good, you come later to the scene gallery, that's what it's there for.

I love games with system voice that says an uncomfortable joke when entering the h scene gallery.

>> No.14321379

>How do you people deal with H-scene spam in character routes?
Completely depends on how much I like the artwork and the length of the route. It'll either end up with tons of edging or taking quite a bit longer to finish due to age.

Otherwise I just read the first scene in a route to see if plot important stuff will actually happen in the sex scenes, if not then I just end up skipping all of them. Despite this I love how eroge has ero content even if I ignore the large majority of it

>> No.14321408

Nah, didn't take pics. It was funny in Kamifusen, on the shelves I only saw like one copy, so I thought this store is an exception, but then behind the counter they had like twelve more on the floor.

>> No.14321425

Most people thought that, don't think people are just blinding following the hype or something.
It's just that most people also saw beyond that

If you still think of Sakura no Uta as a normal charage by the end you'll definitely feel that strongly, but if you actually notice the structure, the road paved by Sca-ji and how far it reaches, you'll understand why it's so praised

I mean do you think Father Zossima wall of text in The Brother Karamazov for example wasn't Dostoyevsky talking directly to the readers and character? And yet here is one of the most acclaimed novels of all time.
Writers using mouth-pieces in great works isn't anything new.

Though to refute some of these things, first Sakura no Uta did it better than Subahibi.
The other guy said:
"An entire cast of characters who feel samey as fuck, all of them part-time philosophers "
Most of the characters have been educated as Artists since they were young, their personal philosophies were built on what they learned.

For example Naoya, most of his philosophy were built on the history of art in general or 春日狂想 that were introduced by his father, the Happy Prince by Rin and Dickinson by Friedman
He picked up, built up his personal world which tie very well with the whole 因果交流電燈

Likewise the only other character who really spam that kind of thing is Rin who is a bookworm and well what she is.
You don't see Kei for example talking philosophy and shit because he wasn't built like this.

And for the samey thing, it's just a gross exaggeration, Rin and Naoya for example see the world in 2 completely different ways and most of the characters are in complete different kind of delirium, Rina and Yuumi's stuff for example is more of a view on their own persona that any philosophy stuff

Now I'll agree that the Nonoki's thing at the end was kind of clumsy but we know next to nothing about her so who say she doesn't have a backstory that will make that kind of remark understandable.

At the very least she has a hidden naked tachi-e so she will probably have a route in Sakura no Toki so wait and see

>> No.14321436

>And yet here is one of the most acclaimed novels of all time
Something being acclaimed has nothing to do with its quality. Just look at Hemingway.

>> No.14321437

The Brother Karamazov is godlike though
Source: me

>> No.14321438

>Something being acclaimed has nothing to do with its quality
Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it strongly winks and nudges in the general derection

>> No.14321446

There's no correlation either, you dumb fuck.

>> No.14321458

Well now you're just getting defensive to the point of not even thinking about what you're typing. Anon typed out a fairly long post about his thoughts, you zeroed in on a single point and made meaningless, shallow "correction", and now you're defending it despite having no ground to stand on. Shameful anon.

>> No.14321461

>I mean do you think Father Zossima wall of text in The Brother Karamazov for example wasn't Dostoyevsky talking directly to the readers and character?
You're mentioning one scene. We're talking about the entire Sakura no Uta work. Besides most of it is quoting. There aren't any new ideas in this work. It's why I took care of using the word wise, not smart, when describing Scaji.

>> No.14321462

Does this look like a personal blog? I'm not that guy, but I think this guy should seriously just take his autism somewhere else.

>> No.14321468

It looks like a VN discussion thread, and that looks like a post about VNs.

>> No.14321470

It's like some people played a Sca-ji game without expecting it to be a Sca-ji game.

Half of Sakura no Uta is the characters being horny and joking about it. Philosophy unfit for the characters, right? (The sarcasm only made more hilarious, cause philosophy is fit for the characters too, like someone else explained here >>14321425)

>> No.14321471

>We're talking about the entire Sakura no Uta work
No, you are maybe but I definitely don't agree about that

>There aren't any new ideas in this work
I like how that kind of thinking is actually called out in VI.

>> No.14321488

>It's like some people played a Sca-ji game without expecting it to be a Sca-ji game.
Wow, not even a few minutes and we already got this argument. Same thing with Niijima's fans. Since it's "supposed to be like that" it seems you're not allowed to criticize any flaws you perceived.

Same as:
>Mileage may vary but for me Cross Channel, Ima, Subahibi, Sakura no Uta, Muramasa and Oretsuba should just be in the ‘how the hell were they written’ monster tier and not even be rated. If you start nitpicking at their flaws, it’s easy to find them but doing it with these titles in particular just feel tasteless to me.

It's ironic for readers who supposedly like the philosophical aspect of Scaji's works, to show such an incredibly anti-intellectual stance.

>> No.14321498

Are you really that stupid? Do you understand what word "correlation" means?
In simple terms, for illiterate morons like you: if we have set of data {(xi, yi)} and we plot it on 2d space, degree of correlation would be degree of which dots could be aligned upon some imaginary straight line. 1.0 correlation means all dots align perfectly on one such line, while 0.0 means its evenly distributed cloud.

Anon >>14321436 at said that acclaim is not connected with quality, i.e. there is significant number of cases when acclaimed titles have terrible quality. This is very explicitly states that there's NO correlation between acclaim and quality (correlation coefficient is very low).
Yet you post some dumb shit about causation when it wasn't even mentioned or implied. This is not "meaningless correction", this is demonstration that you don't understand what are you posting about and that your >>14321438 is completely meaningless and you should kill yourself for shitting up thread with such dumb nonsense.

>> No.14321503

>all this autism
>missing the point entirely
Can you just think before you post? I guess not because if you thought you'd realize how god-damn stupid and defensive you're being. Jesus Christ.

>> No.14321512

I should just leave for a couple weeks until these threads go back to normal. All this sperging is just making me wish that they would have delayed sakuuta indefinitely again.

>> No.14321514

There was no point. >>14321436 shot down your autistic bullshit, you tried to refute him in >>14321438 but because you are stupider than amoeba, you failed spectacularly and now trying to play down extent of your failure with bizarre "hurr durr defensive!111 dont argue with me!!1111" shit.

>> No.14321518

No one said philosophy was "unfit" for the characters. It's just that the way it was presented was uncomfortable and made them look like self insert avatars. The rest of the scenes were fine. I saw 仮に very often during explanations, which is one of Scaji's pet words.

>> No.14321519

same desu

>> No.14321523

That didn't meant to stop thinking about them though, on the contrary
Nitpicking is really easy, seeing beyond that is harder and these works actually allow that

It's easy to judge things based on every little small flaws and small achievement, it's harder to catch the whole of something, its real intrinsic quality and when you do that I just don't think judging it based on a 10 or 100 scale is really relevant.

These works being "monstrous" to me just mean that I find their "whole" overwhelming compared to basically everything else in the media

>> No.14321526

It's never a bad idea to create your expectations based on prior knowledge of the writer. (Don't tell me you believe the "反哲学的..." slogan.)

Criticize Sakura no Uta all you want, but don't be surprised others disagree with you, since their expectations were met.

And I want to accuse you of being anti-intellectual too. Because being surprised that a writer writers in his own style is pretty damn stupid of you.

>It's just that the way it was presented was uncomfortable
I don't really agree though.

>> No.14321529

The only failure here is your and his extreme hostility to the point of mashing out argumentative posts without even thinking.
>you failed spectacularly and now trying to play down extent of your failure
Like what the fuck, man? This more than anything reveals your mindset, I want you to really calm down and evaluate this statement. However I don't know how you'll manage the time for that before rushing to type a condescending and angry response to this.

>> No.14321536

Its amusing how sakuuta fans demand to ignore all sakuuta downsides and failures, yet post shit like
>I don't deny what FSN did, I like it overall like I said earlier but seeing it from an objective pov, or at least as objective as some random person on /jp/ can be, I really don't think it compares with the bests in term of pure intrinsic quality.

>> No.14321537

>And I want to accuse you of being anti-intellectual too. Because being surprised that a writer writers in his own style is pretty damn stupid of you.
I have no words for this.

>> No.14321543

This is by far the most generalizing post I've yet seen

>> No.14321546

I don't see what you mean by "nitpicking". Are you implying flaws are to be ignored if the work was good as a whole? Are we not allowed to talk about them? What do you mean by "intrinsic quality"?

>> No.14321547

It's more a word joke. That's why the "want to" is there.

>> No.14321549

>It's just that the way it was presented was uncomfortable and made them look like self insert avatars
That I completely disagree, except for the Nonoki's scene that was a bit ??? Sca-ji did a really good job fitting and presenting these philosophies in a pretty natural fashion.

In term of pure vocabulary yeah the characters all tends to use the same わりかし and shits but I never said that Sca-ji was a great writer
Though I do think he has his own strengths as a writer, his ability to actually make all these quotations and shit fit and his "voice" that feel pretty honest but you probably don't agree with this.

Anyways Sakura no Uta is and should be a polarizing work, I'm actually really surprised it's getting so much love considering I expected it to be even more polarizing than Subahibi

>> No.14321552

>Are you implying flaws are to be ignored if the work was good as a whole? Are we not allowed to talk about them?
A scratch on the Mona Lisa doesn't make it lesser, and pointing out the scratch as if it matters is tasteless.
I am just writing my impression of what he wrote, don't feel compelled to argue with me, I just wanted to shed some light.

>> No.14321556

It's just long enough that most of the people who would hate it just wrote it off. Very few people are autistic enough to sit through nearly 3 MB of text they know they're going to hate.

>> No.14321558

>Are you implying flaws are to be ignored if the work was good as a whole?
No, I just think people tend to focus far too much on things that in the end aren't that important.

When I say people I also count myself, I used/use to do it quite a bit, it's far easier to be negative and shit, to see the tiny flaw and think it ruins the experience

>> No.14321565

>I'm actually really surprised it's getting so much love considering I expected it to be even more polarizing than Subahibi
I'm assuming it's because most people who read SakuUta days after release were already fans of Scaji, especially after waiting so much time. The rest are playing other stuff or are planning to play SakuUta later. SubaHibi on the other hand came fully as a surprise.

>> No.14321567

>to see the tiny flaw and think it ruins the experience
Reminds me of "The Princess and the Pea"

>> No.14321578

Your whole just basically means that we should ignore flaws. If a flaw is "tiny" or not is mostly subjective.

>> No.14321583

SubaHibi was fundamentally different than SakuUta. I played SubaHibi for the denpa. Since SakuUta doesn't have the denpa aspect there's not much in store for me there.

>> No.14321596

Maybe, I'm not saying you should agree with me.
It's just my own experience based on what I read, I just think that sometime you need to see beyond that.

I just wanted to rectify what you said about "incredibly anti-intellectual stance" aka stopping/refusing to think because it's really not about that.

>> No.14321604

>but don't be surprised others disagree with you
The difference is that no one asked your opinion, you immediately felt the need to come out in masse to defend your idol.

>> No.14321611

philosophy a shit

>> No.14321616

Yes, people generally feel the need to defend things they like.

Also hey, noone asked these guys >>14319540
>>14321303 for their opinions either. Anyone can post rather freely on 4chan.

>> No.14321618

It won't stop here, I hope you're ready for the sequel.

>> No.14321624

The way the argument is developing makes it sound to me like all the heroines in sakuuta are basically Scaji lecturing on philosophy while cosplaying different girls.

>> No.14321628

Rina is just calling herself a mushroom.

>> No.14321633

>(Don't tell me you believe the "反哲学的..." slogan.)
This amuses me because someone in bbspink said Niijima and Scaji (and their fanbases) had similar behavior; pretty interesting to see the same thing happens here.

>being surprised that a writer writers in his own style
That's absolutely not the point of the argument.

>> No.14321641

I'm not really familiar with Niijima's previous works, but I have heard about the Koikake fiasco. Did he do similar fuck yous in his previous works too?

Also I don't think Sca-ji did any such fuck yous. At least nothing comes to mind.

>> No.14321643

Patch replacing the garbage art with photos of Sca-ji in varying wigs when?

>> No.14321647

I thought Sakura no Uta was cool because of the structure and what VI did for the story in general. The way it criticized eroge and modern art in general was compelling. I also enjoyed the way it shed new light on some of Subahibi's ideas and presented them in a much more grounded and character driven way.

It still has terrible pacing just like Subahibi did and some of the developments were not as strong as they could have been, but I think the people in here arguing that it's not one of the best eroge in years are pretty silly.

>> No.14321649

Niijima and Scaji are completely different and did their things for different reasons.
Nijiima just did it to shock the reader and probably because he has a fetish for separation, I mean look at Natsuyume Nagisa, Hatsuyuki Sakura and Majo Koi Nikki

>> No.14321656

Well yeah? The medium is an escapist world for the majority of its users, if i buy a moege then i want a moege.

>> No.14321659

>Did he do similar fuck yous in his previous works too?
As far as I know he kind of does, which is his charming point I guess, but he never did it with an heroine before.

It's more about the "you're idiots if you didn't expect this coming" thing, which comes off as circlejerk-ish.

>the people in here arguing that it's not one of the best eroge in years
I don't think anyone is doing that, at least now. Besides, eroge lately has been utter shit so that's another thing.

>> No.14321663

It's the most indepth argument this thread had in months
Sakura no Uta is truly saving eroge

>> No.14321666

To be honest it's a lot of people saying their opinions which is nice but all the actual discussion isn't that "in depth"

>> No.14321673

He's talking comparatively.
Just like SakuUta is good, comparatively.

>> No.14321688

Though I personally do seriously think that Zypressen, Epitaphs, V and VI are some of the best things in eroge, easily

>> No.14321698

For Zypressen I liked how Nakahara Chuuya's Shunjitsu Kyousou bound it all together.

First Naoya mumbles it after the loss of his mom and actually lives by it by sacrificing his last painting ability for Rina in a form of fleeting picture that will disappear soon. It only exists for Rina.

Yuumi witnesses that and years later sees how Rina and Naoya are getting closer together. She also embraces Chuuya's words and while her feelings are strong enough to make the sakura bloom, she sacrifices them for Rina's happiness. I think everyone's likely to sympathise with Yuumi, especially since much of the chapter is told from her point of view. And the 斯くして私は乙女を愛した part especially helps this.

It all comes back together in the last scene of Marchen, where Yuumi recites the whole poem and throws the book away bidding it farewell. Simple scene with obvious point, but very effective. Probably because it used such simple gesture as throwing the book away to make its point.

>> No.14321741

Reminder that subahibi was NOT a denpa game outside of a bait and switch in the first chapter, and the only bad parts of sakura no uta are the parts scaji didn't write.

>> No.14321873

i thought everybody knew this... but seriously just skip Makoto's route. even if you like her character.

>> No.14321886

its the only eroge worth discussing so far this year. and no best girl competition too

>> No.14321890

>its the only eroge worth discussing so far this year
Are you baiting

>> No.14321943

damn when will writers learn not to piss off their fanbase lol. oh well at least Sakura no Uta turned out great (fanbase waited 14 years for it)

>> No.14322051

There was this guy who said he bought it on a whim and the store clerk looked a bit puzzled and lightly asked him "Are you sure you want this one?". He didn't pay it much attention until he saw the shitstorm in the thread. But it seems it's still getting okay scores in EGS, the rest of the routes are fine so I guess they're not being complete assholes about it.

>> No.14322539

Is Sakura no Uta actually better than SubaHibi, though?

>> No.14322578

Moogy gave SubaHibi a 9.2 and Sakura no Uta a 9.0, so no.

>> No.14322612

Depends on who you ask.

>> No.14322886

Who gives a fuck.

>> No.14322896

Anyone who doesn't is just being edgy.

>> No.14322957

I'm talking to the creator about it already. Fans in the US need to experience this.

Feels like old /jp/ again. Back doing the cracking of fortune summoners.

>> No.14322965


>> No.14323014
File: 845 KB, 1280x720, true QUALITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, anon? Don't you want to fuck her?

>> No.14323054

>they're not being complete assholes about it.
They are though, most scores are people whining about the last route and how unforgivable it is for a writer to do that.

>> No.14323068
File: 25 KB, 221x221, 1369359761327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep trying the saint route, and she keeps dying.
Am I stupid?
I can't handle these feels.

>> No.14323088

There's a .txt file with hints in the game folder.

>> No.14323091

I've got past her illness on first try without even reading any hints.
Its very easy: no rape, buy her clothes.

>> No.14323140

So what game is this and where can I get it?
Yes, I know what it says in the image name but googling it gives nothing relevant.

>> No.14323141

You could also try reading thread. I've posted jp name >>14319552

>> No.14323154

Thanks. I must have missed it when I was skimming over the SakuUta posting.

>> No.14323439

1. Choose the nicest options.
2. Don't rape her.
3. Keep patting her head.

It's that simple.

>> No.14323557

dl link PLS

>> No.14323567

fuck off

>> No.14323572

i beg you fo fuk's sake
this is something i wanna play
and i tried searching already

>> No.14323573

Seems like it was mistake to use non-VN eroge as OP pic, didn't expect it would attract so much unwanted attention.

>> No.14323577

This thread is a disaster zone.

>> No.14323609

When I first saw OP's image, I thought he was grabbing her by her hair and slamming her head against the dresser (hence the bleeding). The accompanying text was...confusing.

>> No.14323615

Give me a torrent of this.

I refuse to pay any money to shit, weeaboo-infested shrimp-fucking economy.

>> No.14323627

Fuck OFF

>> No.14323689
File: 405 KB, 416x379, 1446898284999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping a platonic relationship like a tru gent™ that I am

>> No.14323699

That's nothing new.

>> No.14323708

It's even worse than normal though.

>> No.14323713

You must have missed summer threads. Got much better since then.

>> No.14323829
File: 816 KB, 932x406, whay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I read these numbers, is it just addition? The 筋力 column, for instance, is 5 orange and 5 green - does that mean the value ranges from 11*5+21*5 to 20*5+30*5 (160-250)?

>> No.14323916

>At the very least she has a hidden naked tachi-e so she will probably have a route in Sakura no Toki so wait and see

Can you post this?

>> No.14323922

Someone give me a h-code for this, or some way to hook it. ITH or visual novel reader doesnt work.

>> No.14323936

The way the engine works makes hooking it impossible. Better start studying japanese if you want to play it.

>> No.14323950

>Mileage may vary but for me Cross Channel, Ima, Subahibi, Sakura no Uta, Muramasa and Oretsuba should just be in the ‘how the hell were they written’ monster tier and not even be rated. If you start nitpicking at their flaws, it’s easy to find them but doing it with these titles in particular just feel tasteless to me.

I can't help but wonder why people like this even bother with eroge. The majority of the medium focuses in completely different things compared to these works. It's simply unfair and stupid to compare something like Daitoshokan with Saihate no Ima. Why not just go read japanese literature if you thirst so much for "philosophical" or "deep" themes? Why go through a medium that very rarely offers what you want when there's another where countless works are on par with the ones you admire so much?

>> No.14323970

I'm not one of those pretentious faggots, but what would even be the point of reading that shit if it doesn't have cute girl sprites saying it and jumping around the screen?

>> No.14323985

>The majority of the medium focuses in completely different
Thinking these titles are at another level doesn't mean devalue other titles you know
I really like Daitoshokan by the way

>> No.14323991

I disagree with the
>it’s easy to find them but doing it with these titles in particular just feel tasteless to me.
part. It's a stupid 'Don't diss what I like'.

>> No.14324054

I read it like lifebars.
It passed the orange bar and into the green bar.
so 25 kinryoku

>> No.14324065

Thanks, anon.

>> No.14324085

Does anyone own the Liar OST discs (1, 2, 3)? I'm trying to find the kusarihime ost arrange versions. ty. Also, amazing game, probably in my top 3 favorites.
Back to rereading subahibi before sakuuta

>> No.14324086

What game is that?

>> No.14324093

Kajiri Kamui Kagura

>> No.14324115

>It's simply unfair and stupid to compare something like Daitoshokan with Saihate no Ima.
I don't think he did that.
>It's a stupid 'Don't diss what I like'.
No it isn't.

>> No.14324244

Sakuuta has a gigantic cast and yet you can count the number of characters who don't throw some book qote at the reader at some point on a single hand. It's weird as hell because you're constantly reminded that these characters really are just tools for Scaji to ramble about art and aestheticism and shit without even attempting to be subtle about it. This is honestly where he completely fails as a writer, you can't have this kind of shit happening several times in every route:

"Long-ass book quote out of fucking nowhere"
"But what does this have to do with what we were talking about just now?"
"I don't know lol" (you the reader should be figuring this out *wink wink*)

Or another one of my favorites is when someone starts with "Do you know the story of [insert anecdote of some artist here]?"
No I probably don't know his lifestory. Let's converse how humans usually do please. Even Yuumi who says that she can't keep up with this shit needs to participate because Scaji just can't fucking help himself. People saying that characters feel samey have a really strong case with this game because the writer himself doesn't give a shit, he just has to get his philozophizing out there no matter how in-your-face it is.

>> No.14324263

On par i suppose. Some people actually like it less than subahibi but i think its better.

>> No.14324276

It was the same in Subahibi. Yes, at least there's an excuse for it, but it doesn't make it any less ham-handed. It's because of this I can't enjoy Sca-ji's works. If only Sca-ji could be more subtle.

>> No.14324283

I thought it was fine aide from the ending of chapter 5, that was basically verbal diarrhea that could have been way less pretentious than it was.

>> No.14324293

>"I don't know lol" (you the reader should be figuring this out *wink wink*)

makes me feel smart when I figure it out desu

>> No.14324304

>"I don't know lol" (you the reader should be figuring this out *wink wink*)
I agree with most of what you said but I think asking readers to think for a while is a good thing. I prefer it when he hints the answer later in the story, though (not directly but through events or symbolism is fine).

>> No.14324324

It didn't bother me in Subahibii but this sounds absolutely hilarious.

>> No.14324400

All three discs were on Share a long time ago. Probably impossible to download now.

>> No.14324522

Lack of subtlety is a problem of most works in the otaku media if not in all japanese works of fiction in general

>> No.14324578

Without addresseing the generalization shit aside that is pretty retarded, not everything has to be "subtle"

Sca-ji wrote Sakura no Uta in a way that it embraces all these quotations and philosophies and structured a story out of this, that's all.

There isn't a definite way to write something you know, it's justa question of how well you do it.
Personally I thought the way Sca-ji combined Shunjitsu Kyousou and Happy Prince for example to build Naoya's character or the way he built a thematic "bridge" between Sakura no Uta and Subahibi using Dickinson's 126 poem was really cool
Breating new life into old works is one of the theme of Sakura no Uta so that fits perfectly

>> No.14324603

>Breating new life into old works is one of the theme of Sakura no Uta
So the 7 year delay was intentional to symbolize that?

>> No.14324632

Sca-ji confirmed genius

>> No.14325395

That doesn't make it acceptable. Besides, most otaku works aren't quoting literature and philosophy. If Sca-ji knew how to better integrate references into his writing I wouldn't mind, but it's almost always awkwardly done. I wish he came up with more of his own ideas instead of relying on others as a crutch.

>> No.14325413

Good luck coming up with an idea someone hasn't already had.

>> No.14325442

That's not what I was saying.

>> No.14325513

>I wish he came up with more of his own ideas instead of relying on others as a crutch
He doesn't rely on them as a crutch, he weaves a story and thematic around them.
That's not the same thing.

These quotations basically act like pillars to support the edifice Sca-ji built, and by putting them together in some clever ways he manages to make them feel fresh.

The foundation may be old but the building itself is all Sca-ji.
That's one of the reason I find the structure of Sakura no Uta to be so monstruous

>> No.14325520
File: 3.26 MB, 1700x1200, 1426107562941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perhaps he feels those games are just on a level higher than most other eroge in terms of writing, ideas, impact, and personal enjoyment. I personally agree with him for the most part, but at the end of the day it's simply an opinion that shouldn't affect any other game that you have respect for.

That post doesn't compare any of those games to Daitoshokan or other moege, because they are different in just about every possible way and have different goals. Maybe he was too hopeful in assuming the people reading that tweet had a brain and followed that it's kind of silly to compare wildly different types of games. If you just disagree with his choice of best eroge then offer some titles you think are better; nitpicking the guy's statement for the entire thread isn't getting anyone anywhere and I'm inclined to believe most of the people doing this are trying to stir up shitposting.

I think the games he mentioned accomplish great things and all of them made quite the impact on me personally. Yeah, those games have problems that I'm sure both he and I recognize. Like Sakura no Uta and Subahibi having bad pacing, Oretsuba and Saihate being technically incomplete, Narahara's writing in Muramasa being needlessly dense at points, etc. What he said doesn't mean to completely ignore those things and look the other way, but focusing on them exclusively in the face of what they are and what they accomplish as a whole feels like simple contrarianism.

Eroge provides a medium for unconventional stories to be taken seriously, and I think that's a very cool thing. You won't find something like Saihate no Ima in any other medium, including literature. And before you ask, yes, I have read Japanese literature and I honestly find most of the modern writing that I've seen to be extremely boring and predictable. Outside of a select few works, it just doesn't hit me in the same way a great eroge does (wide open for suggestions though, by all means).

I read eroge because I'm an otaku at heart and the medium itself pushes all of my buttons in just the right way. Why can't we enjoy philosophical mindfucks and cute girls? What other medium can even combine those two things?

>> No.14325524

>not everything has to be "subtle"
Their point is not about everything being subtle, stop being retarded. But how that could be a way to make up for things like, for example, overusing the same gimmick for every damn interaction.

>Sca-ji wrote Sakura no Uta in a way that it embraces all these quotations and philosophies and structured a story out of this, that's all.
No, that is not all. It's about is how that could be done better, without inconsistencies which are not even supported by any of that thematic. There's not some phenomenological collective unconscious explaining everyone thinking alike about the same things; even if the so loved 因果交流電燈 reference is arguably about that, Sca-ji just isn't writing a denpa clusterfuck anymore to make that as an excuse.

>There isn't a definite way to write something you know, it's justa question of how well you do it.
Exactly this.

>Personally I thought the way Sca-ji combined Shunjitsu Kyousou and Happy Prince for example to build Naoya's character or the way he built a thematic "bridge" between Sakura no Uta and Subahibi using Dickinson's 126 poem was really cool
Oh, of course, personally, I think you don't know shit about that "thematic bridge" between both games, since I, personally, think Dickinson is the least thing which ties them. But on the other way around, I, personally, thought the final chapter conversation between Naoya and Ai about him denying the nonsensical position of both skepticism and Moore Shift, and going for an anomalous monism, even referencing the philosopher responsible for that idea three chapters before, was way cooler. But that's just me being a philosophy freak thinking how it's nice to Sca-ji presenting a fresh new thematic that's not antinomy since, er, his very first work? We're not talking about a personal perspective here, or at least not in the sense you used "personally", but a neocriticist one, which I completely disagree as being basis for anything: but which if not better, it's at least on the same level than you arguing how the thematic makes up for every story-telling error, or me going full autistic about Sca-ji analytic philosophy references here. And if you say that's "pretty retarded", well, you should know.

>> No.14325526

So if a game is moogy-approved, I should just ignore everything that's wrong with it and treat it as a flawless masterpiece?

>> No.14325528

>Perhaps he feels those games are just on a level higher than most other eroge in terms of writing, ideas, impact, and personal enjoyment.
Well I don't agree, then.

>These quotations basically act like pillars to support the edifice Sca-ji built
No, it's the other way around. The whole story seems like an excuse for Scaji's to masturbate around.

>> No.14325530

Is anyone else started to get annoyed by posts like >>14325526? I swear it seems like every third post is someone straw manning it up and implying people are saying to ignore flaws or not criticize games or something

>> No.14325534

>Why not just go read japanese literature if you thirst so much for "philosophical" or "deep" themes
I feel that most people that are into eroge want their philosophy and "deep" themes to be accompanied by adorable characters and entertaining interactions otherwise they wouldn't really care for the ideas presented no matter how thought-provoking or insightful they are.

>> No.14325545

>Sakura no Uta
>not just Scaji telling you how to think

>> No.14325559

Considering a single negative comment about it managed to start a shitstorm I don't think they're so off-the-mark.

>> No.14325562


Where did you see me say that?

Read games and form your own opinions. Who cares what a person on the internet has to say about the game? It's not like Moogy and co are the only ones who find those games great, either.

If the flaws in them make the experience impossible to enjoy, then that's fine too, it is your opinion. A terrible opinion, but it's still valid so long as you can back it up. Jumping around saying "IT'S SHIT" or "Moogy approves so everyone only likes it because he said so" is just shitposting.


>Well, I don't agree then.

Then name some you think are better or make an actual argument as to why they're not. This is an example of low level debate at it's finest.


Moogy and co are /jp/'s boogeymen. I only respond to that post because I'm sure someone else will come after it with a similar response and derail the discussion otherwise.

I wish mentioning Moogy was a bannable offense because his name has been used to turn the thread into shitposting central for years now, it's fucking depressing seeing this thread fall for the same bait for so long.

>> No.14325570

More importantly, is White Album 2 the best eroge ever made?

>> No.14325578

>Then name some you think are better or make an actual argument as to why they're not. This is an example of low level debate at it's finest.
I'm not going to even respond to your condescending ass.

>> No.14325579

The game itself is a hot topic, it's name alone starts shit-storms. Not a mythical army of knights set on preventing people from critiquing a game.

>> No.14325590

>There's not some phenomenological collective unconscious explaining everyone thinking alike about the same things
Except they don't? Honestly you are just going for a gross exageration there, most of the characters were nurtured through Art and everything they say can easily be put to their own education and personality.

>since I, personally, think Dickinson is the least thing which ties them
I don't agree, Dickinson is all about perception which ties both Subahibi and Sakura no Uta heavily, since you seem to completely disagree there isn't much we can talk about here

>final chapter conversation between Naoya and Ai about him denying the nonsensical position of both skepticism and Moore Shift,

I definitely can see why you could see that and I found it really cool how he tied with with the idea of the Sublime but that's just the culmunation of the entire theme of perception that again was heavily linked with Dickinson so yeah.

Honeslty I think your idea of looking for something "fresh" is hindering your view of Sakura no Uta

And I never said that the "the thematic makes up for every story-telling error", far from it.

Do you know why Sakura no Uta succeed? Because it manages to have that structure I praise while being bloody entertaining most of the time.

>> No.14325592

Shouldn't have read this thread, I'm starting VI but I don't think I'll be able to enjoy this

>> No.14325593

>No, it's the other way around. The whole story seems like an excuse for Scaji's to masturbate around.
Yeah we completely disagree then

>> No.14325595


Your prior response is honestly no more insightful or productive than if you just typed "IT'S SHIT" and now we're collapsing into ad hominem. What kind of response were you expecting?

>> No.14325601

>What kind of response were you expecting?
Something along the lines of "Oh I realized my colossal failure, you're 100% correct and I was totally wrong, you're a pretty smart dude."

>> No.14325605

That's a discussion, not a shitstorm
This thread saw heavy shitstorm before and it's not even close to being one of them

>> No.14325615

>Because it manages to have that structure I praise while being bloody entertaining most of the time.
It didn't entertain me most of the time, except for Epitaphs and second half of V. The response in SakuUta's thread is kind of mixed too in that sense, so your experience isn't everyone else's.

Either way I don't see why you're trying to explain to us why Sakura no Uta "succeed" after someone went on to discuss a flaw in it; no one has said SakuUta is shit here nor is wondering about the reasons of its success. You're just constantly avoiding the point by saying that you have to "see beyond it" or "see the whole picture and ignore those tiny details", this sentence sums it up
>I think your idea of looking for something "fresh" is hindering your view of Sakura no Uta

>> No.14325639

>Either way I don't see why you're trying to explain to us why Sakura no Uta "succeed" after someone went on to discuss a flaw in it
I didn't, I only ever talked for myself, you talk about why you think Sakura no Uta kind of failed, I write my own opinion on the subject, that's all.

And for the fresh thing, it just felt like you kept repeating it like a parrot.
It honeslty make me feel like I'm arguing with Kana, that's pretty nice actually

>> No.14325650

I'm a different poster. I wasn't the one who said the fresh thing.

>you talk about why you think Sakura no Uta kind of failed
I haven't said that either. This is going nowhere.

>> No.14325657

>Read games and form your own opinions
>but disliking the games I like is tasteless

>> No.14325666

>>but disliking the games I like is tasteless
Are you being stupid on purpose?

>> No.14325672


I didn't say that either.

Can we stop with the strawmanning and twisting words now?

>> No.14325704

>its the only eroge worth discussing
God, just when I came back to /jp/ you are discussing this philosophy rubbish game. Guess I come back next year when the discussion dies off.

>> No.14325708

Or you can stop being melodramatic about reading a damn 4chan thread.

>> No.14325758

He's not me and,
>And for the fresh thing, it just felt like you kept repeating it like a parrot.
I said "fresh" just one time on this thread, and I am sure I didn't mean it by any other adjective.

And of couse you disagree with me on the Dickinson case, I said that sure of writing up a shit personal opinion I have just like you are doing. I was making a case for the people who just want to criticize it on a neocriticist way and not just assume the whole counterpart personality by a damn phrase and still tries to make a point of it. And how that's at least better than this discussion right now.
But I give up. The only way to continue this in a decent way would be arguing against the "Art and everything they say can easily be put to their own education and personality." part, and presenting tons of screens of characters which doesn't even know each other conventionally talking about the same things on the same way, what's probably useless when you are still trying to refute >>14324244 and
>>14319540 points, and completely fogot my main point of a ton of presentation gimmicks in Sakuuta being poor.

Thanks for expressing it better than my bad english can ever do.

>> No.14325841
File: 408 KB, 1283x718, ss+(2015-11-08+at+02.41.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely no one will realize this post between all those sakura no uta arguments, but still I'd like to share my thoughts about Unlucky Reverse.

Just finished its common route, and it has some good and some bad points which makes it a pretty average game so far. First of all I really like Windmill games art so its a plus for me, Also I like the unlucky protagonist, coming into another world themed games too so plot was enjoyable too. Comedy was meh, didnt really laugh but didnt get bored either. Rizuri is one of the best heroines so far in the games I have played at 2015 so far, but unfortunately other three dont stand out too much.

Lastly the little mystery was good too, It was that kind of mystery which you actually know what is happening, yet still want to see what will be everyone's reaction when they learnt it.

Now about bad parts: I'm not sure why but none of the heroines fallen in love, or at least show some affection so far which is pretty weird. It became just a school life, you are going school, chatting with people, return home, then same things again. There was only 1-2 special eventish thing with heroines. I guess those affection events will happen in routes, will see now.

+ I found some of heroine's voices pretty weird, while some others fit perfectly. For example Rizuri is perfect fit for sure, but Aria makes me want to mute her, even though I have played many games from Fujimori Yukina ( Yuzuki from PxH, Honami from PxC2 etc) this is the first time it happens. It may be just me though.

>> No.14325896

I appreciate it, I plan to play it too.
Have you played anything else from the month?

>> No.14325909

Unfortunately only 恋×シンアイ彼女 so far. I wish I played something else, like Primal Heart 2, Royal Garden or Suki tte Itte. Well I will still play all of them though.

>> No.14325931

Also why the hell are there this much unlocked routes in this month? 恋×シンアイ彼女 has Last Episode which you have to finish all routes- In Unlucky Reverse you have to finish one route before going Rizuri which is most retarded shit in game - In Royal Garden you have to finish one route before Yue's route - And Suki tte Itte is even more confusing.

Just let me fuck the heroines I want for gods sake.

>> No.14325940

This thread is much better with a word filter for "habluka" and "moogy".

>> No.14325984

>And Suki tte Itte is even more confusing.
I heard this somewhere, is it the system? Is it more like a traditional dating sim?

>> No.14326102

Why are you so whiny and presumptious?

>> No.14326105

The biggest problem with Sakuuta is that 50% of the game is just fucking masturbation jokes.

>> No.14326222

The constant usage of "Sakuuta" in posts complaining about Sakura no Uta makes it seem like it's always the same person. The recycled arguments too. If you obviously disliked it, why did you continue reading it? Or did you read it at all, since you seem to be ignoring how at least half of the game is the characters talking about sexual topics, characters talking cryptically about past events or about what they need to do with current situation per route.

Honestly you should go back to VNTS and keep crying how moogy praised Sca-ji without giving reasonings for his praise. That seemed for fitting for you.

>> No.14326231

No they can't stop doing that. It's the e-celeb autism from VNTS.

>> No.14326253

I started saying SakuUta because I saw other people doing it and it's a lot faster to type. I imagine others did the same.

>> No.14326257

Sakura no Uta was being called "sakuuta" by everyone long before you got to know about scaji's existence, faggot.

>> No.14326296

>The constant usage of "Sakuuta" in posts complaining about Sakura no Uta makes it seem like it's always the same person.
Are you new? Using an eroge's abbreviation is the norm, especially in an industry with fucklong titles. I couldn't help but laugh at your conclusion. A lot of people here also use the Japanese name instead of romaji, that doesn't make it one person.

> Or did you read it at all, since you seem to be ignoring how at least half of the game is the characters talking about sexual topics
They're obviously criticizing the sections which suffer from this, which incidentally are the most important sections and the ones that make the work what it is. Your arguments keep going back to thinking that mentioning or criticizing a flaw is somehow shitting on the entire work. It's too defensive and emotional and it's hard to take you seriously no matter how much you retort by explaining the things you liked about it instead. Calling everyone who dares to criticize it "whiny" and bringing Moogy and VNTS into it for who knows the reason makes it worse.

>> No.14326459
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, QUALITY4m.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everyone and their brother is translating this game huh?
Good, my translation was turning out pretty shite anyway.

>> No.14326512

Probably because it was made in TyranoBuilder.

>> No.14326515

That is adorable.

>> No.14326538

For Royal Garden at least, Yue's route is probably locked because it seems like it's much shorter than the others seeing how there's only 1 H Scene in it with two more being added in the appends they have planned.

Not him but the fact that there's no guide up for it yet on Seiya-Saiga yet is making me cautiously excited to play it.

>> No.14326592

I don't have any particular problem with most of your post, but
>What he said doesn't mean to completely ignore those things and look the other way, but focusing on them exclusively in the face of what they are and what they accomplish as a whole feels like simple contrarianism.

Have he, or, you (as hadler browses this thread) considered the possibility that some people may legitimately think that Sakuuta's flaws aren't minor enough to be ignored? Haven't you seen actual arguments in this thread that point out problems with the game? And even then, if you just say that "Sakuuta was good because of X, Y, and Z", is it that different from saying that it was bad because of other three random reasons? Why is it okay to spill out a few reasons to why the game was good, but when it comes to criticizing it, it becomes "nitpicking"? This implies that somehow the works that you believe are above everything else are inherently better, and people who criticize are just "nitpicking". Or maybe they legitimately think the game itself had flaws that cannot be ignored and don't make the game as great as you may think it is.

>> No.14326595

*and are

>> No.14326645

Does this imply people are refraining from translating visual novels because they aren't hacked (be it due to a lack of hackers, inability to contact hackers or because they don't want to bother a hacker for whatever reason (like not knowing if the project will ever get anywhere))? As far as I know there's always been a shortage of translators in the scene...it would be a shame if we lost potential translators due to hacking issues.

>> No.14326656

This is not the fucking place to discuss that.

>> No.14326675

Uh, mind elaborating? I'm a little out of the loop

>> No.14326702


No, that's definitely not what my post was saying and I think you'd have to be making olympian stretches to take hadler's post in that way. The posts in this thread talking about why they dislike the game with actual reasoning behind them are fine, those are valid opinions even if I do not agree with them. Not everyone is going to be able to get into Scaji's stuff nor agree with the philosophy he uses, that's simply personal preference.

Hell I don't think the game is perfect either, but I do think that focusing on issues in presentation and ignoring the point is selling it short. If you honestly thought the issues in Sakura no Uta or the other games he listed are big enough to make the experiences a bad one, then so be it. I would have to ask what you think are examples of good eroge without these flaws, because I have to get my hands on that.

I really don't see how people took his post as "DO NOT CRITICIZE THESE GAMES THEY ARE PERFECT", because that simply isn't what it says.

>> No.14326708

>I really don't see how people took his post as "DO NOT CRITICIZE THESE GAMES THEY ARE PERFECT", because that simply isn't what it says.

Because when you take it like that, it's easier to shitpost about it.

>> No.14326737

I know, but if I post it elsewhere the relevant people (the apparently multiple people that started translating that game) won't see it. And really, do you prefer seeing an uninterrupted stream of "Sakura no Uta is pretentious drivel" "no you're just a pleb" posts?


>> No.14326747

The Leyline translation isn't out purely because a hacker has gone missing. Doddler has been instrumental in many VN projects being brought to reality. The Subahibi release is stalled right now due to hacking issues (well, technical issues anyhow). Yeah, hacking is holding fantranslations back quite a bit, though the lack of translators is a problem too.
> really don't see how people took his post as "DO NOT CRITICIZE THESE GAMES THEY ARE PERFECT", because that simply isn't what it says.
As far as I can tell people are looking for a fight when it comes to Sakuuta and therefore read posts with the mindset of arguing/defeating, rather than understanding, so when they see that line their argumentative mindset clouds perception.

>> No.14326754

>The posts in this thread talking about why they dislike the game
And this is where you're wrong, you've been repeteadly told that no one is saying they disliked SakuUta.

>those are valid opinions even if I do not agree with them
Liking or disliking isn't an opinion, it's a preference. Saying that it's good or bad would be an opinion, though, but as far as I've read no one has said SakuUta is bad.

>I do think that focusing on issues in presentation and ignoring the point is selling it short
Again, people can and should discuss flaws no matter how tiny they are to you, or no matter how good the work as a whole is to you. The sole fact that you think someone is trying to "sell it short" by pointing out flaws and explaining why they perceived them as so means you're being too defensive about it.

>examples of good eroge without these flaws
There are barely any eroge with philosophy, we can't compare. So if you're asking for good eroge "without these flaws" then it would be all of them.

This thread, unlike previous ones, actually doesn't have shitposting, but I guess disagreeing means shitposting now.

This sure is an exercise in futility, isn't it.

>> No.14326758

What the hell. They went for the moemoe soft gochiusa look

That doesn't fit the game at all. How does it make sense

>> No.14326763

>Liking or disliking isn't an opinion, it's a preference.
This has GOT to be the most pedantic thing I've ever read here.

>> No.14326796

lmao calm your autism boys

>> No.14326873

If I were physically capable of doing so, I wouldn't be here nerd.

>> No.14327221

I played a portion of Suki tte itte. I imagine there's no walkthrough yet because it would be a pain in the ass to properly write one, for a game that's not exactly good if you ask me.

Between the prologue and routes, you must follow an episodic part. You choose 1 out of 9-10 events to watch per day. Icons indicates which heroine(s) will get points, and if it's a small or a large boost. But this is actually pointless, as some key events(marked with [!]) yield giant results while choosing a dozen others made no damned difference. These key events also have something tricky: they can change or get extended by other events, hidden behind a chain that began unrelated to your heroine. Or maybe you just need a lot of love points. Either way, these chains would require effort to map or a crystal ball to divine.

But really, it's probably the dry writting and uninteresting heroines that make people unwilling to break down the whole event puzzle.

After this episodic part, you enter the route and it's just the usual VN thing until the end. As you can guess, I didn't have a good impression of this game.

>> No.14327574

So sakuuta shitposter was hadler-sama all along? #shock

>> No.14327583

Who cares
The virtue of 4chan's anonymity is that people can have a pure discussion without identity clouding anyone's perception.

>> No.14327585

Well someone already predicted that some posts earlier, and he wasn't really shitposting, just voicing his opinion, or just say what he liked about it. I don't agree fully with him but still the discussion got emotional too quickly and devolved into a chain of strawmen from both sides. We've finished SakuUta just days ago so we should cool off for a while before having a rational discussion about it.

>> No.14327646

>but I do think that focusing on issues in presentation and ignoring the point is selling it short.
Not him but, ignoring what point? I loved a lot of things on Sakura and still think it's poorly done on a likely lot of ways, and that isn't a minor thing like bashing an eroge for a tit grabbing scene, and I'm not the only one seeing that.

> I would have to ask what you think are examples of good eroge without these flaws, because I have to get my hands on that.
Then here you go. No Sca-ji game had those flaws on the same level Sakura did and I already said that on >>14319962. Saihate had an even better execution with an even better consistent motive for every damn reference and that's pretty much why it's so loved. Nekonade camouflaged what could be an even worse quantum physics clusterfuck, what people complains about it, by omitting it's very own plot. Ruitomo never even touched Hakkenden besides all the names, be it for good or bad. Daitosho has this goddamn scene and that should show perfectly what is good presentation on this matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9MFbvsUXaU.. Eve and Baldr Sky referenced every popular sci-philo trope with what they did better: show don't tell and icebergs. Suigetsu explained every folklore pedantry one can think of without bothering the flow, without overusing it on interactions, and even throwing some phenomenalism between.

I really don't see how people took all of those posts as "SAKUUTA IS UTTER SHIT AND EVERYTHING ON IT CAN BE INVALIDATED DUE PRESENTATION FLAWS", because that simply isn't what they say.

>> No.14327658


Is there any reason to read the old PC version of Suigetsu over the PSP port with voices? Sorry for off topic but I've been meaning to read this for a while and have been curious as to which version to go for.

>> No.14327671

Maybe if you want to see million pissing scenes.

If you decide to go for it, grab the Win 7 compatible edition.

>> No.14327673

Sorry, I never read the port because I heard people bashing the changes in the text, so I can't say for sure. But maybe that's already a good reason.

>> No.14327674


Good to know, thanks.

I'll go for the PC version in that case. Too bad about missing out on the voices but whatever.

>> No.14327684

Thanks for reminding me that I still need to read Saihate no Ima.

>> No.14327747

Did they announced when will it be? Seems like there'll be routes for sub heroines too at append patch so I'm really looking forward for that.

Actually they have made one, but seems like even they got give up about making a full walkthrough.


>> No.14327780

Look! one more name to filter! Seriously, if you like to be recognized so much just fuck off to reddit or maybe wear a trip so everyone can filter your obnoxious ass.

>> No.14327788
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How did you like コドモノアソビ trial?

>> No.14327834

how is he a shitposter if he loves Sakuuta?

>> No.14327946 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14327955
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>> No.14327974

Everything that is not snow white is nigger.

>> No.14327975

Eve Burst Error?

>> No.14328015

How does one say nigger in eleven? Nigeru?

>> No.14328044


>> No.14328154
File: 420 KB, 1024x576, capture_016_25102015_135347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Fureraba. Himari's route was my favorite. I really liked how she was not the usual in-your-face type of annoying childhood friend love interest. Best humor too. The scenes where she and the protagonist both keep cutting their fingers, the part where the protagonist announces the whole class that they're dating and the hamster naming had me genuinely laughing for a while. Certain little things like Himari asking the protagonist to address her by her family name and the little revelation of why she originally distanced herself from the protagonist at the end of her route were really heartwarming. The game as a whole really nailed the ichaicha parts and I loved the abundance of non-H physical interaction.

Compared to other heroine focused games I really liked how the endings of Fureraba's routes, especially Rina and Himari's managed to gently tug at my heart strings, but without going overboard with any sort of shitty melodrama. Though on the other hand listening to the OST which comes with 4 unused tracks there seems to be at least one more definitely serious track which really stands out and left me a bit wondering about what the developers had originally planned for the game. The other three bonus tracks, especially the remix of the route ending theme are also pretty good which makes me a bit sad that they didn't actually get used in the game.

>> No.14328172

The problem, why we can't seem to see eye to eye, is that where you see flaws in the presentation I just think it's part of what make SakuUta's charm

Sca-ji just takes all quotations and references, explain them and then build a narrative and structure around them

The whole "show don't tell" isn't the only way to write things, I think what Sca-ji did here is valid and pretty interesting.

>> No.14328263
File: 207 KB, 1025x576, ss+(2015-05-28+at+12.50.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite was Misaki for sure, she is just too cute. Also its a small thing but I really liked how MC met every heroine's family and how every heroine met his mother. Almost no one makes this kind of events anymore, and even then all they do is "OMG YOU CANT DATE MY CUTE DAUGHTERR" type comedy, which I dont laugh at all.

>> No.14328271

Forgot quoting >>14328154

>> No.14328357

>Also its a small thing but I really liked how MC met every heroine's family and how every heroine met his mother.
Yeah, I really liked that the protagonist and the heroines' parents were actually in the game as characters (even if they didn't get actual sprites) rather than just being conveniently away on a business trip or whatever for the entirety of the game. I also dislike the "you can't have my daughter" cliche and for that reason especially Misaki's father's completely opposite type of reaction had me in stitches.

>> No.14328482

The game has a real problem with depicting interesting and relatable characters thanks to a narrative that is build around "quotes and references". Which is why I feel that time is not going to be kind to SakuUta and its reputation contrary to SubaHibi which doesn't even pretend to function as a charage.

>> No.14328531

I wouldn't be so sure, I read a good dozen of reviews and tons of commentaries by now and I think most people accept that SakuUta isn't just a charage but some Sca-ji thing.

In the end when all is say and done what people look for is entertainment first and I think most people got that in spade in SakuUta
I mean I pretty much did Zypressen to VI straight without pause without seeing time passes so that should say something.

I understand your points really but the way I see it it's just a question of not being too stubborn with definitions and looking at SakuUta for what it is and what it accomplish

>> No.14328537

What's the comfiest VN around?

>> No.14328548


>> No.14328565


>> No.14328569

Is euphoria worth playing or is it something like a really nsfw matrix

>> No.14328581

Kikaijikake no Eve, probably.

>> No.14328609

The story is okay for a nukige, but the game is still mostly dominated by H-scenes so you won't probably enjoy it very much unless you're looking to fap or to see fucked up stuff for shits and giggles, especially if you've been spoiled to the main twists.

If you do end up playing it I'd recommend you to just do Rinne > Nemu > Kanae routes and skip the teacher and Rika's routes as they don't really add much to the main plot and their endings really feel out of place compared to the rest of the game.

>> No.14328668
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I can't believe Otome Function hasn't been released yet. I'm going to die of blue balls here.

>> No.14329079
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, your breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Rin's secret?

>> No.14329084

Bad art.

>> No.14329092
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>> No.14329096

Despite wearing a cross, she isn't actually a Christian.

>> No.14329111

>Sca-ji just takes all quotations and references, explain them and then build a narrative and structure around them
On that sense every structuralist work would be perfect. And we aren't talking as if Sca-ji were a fucking Oulipo member here, Sakuuta's point isn't only about having an "structure".

>The whole "show don't tell" isn't the only way to write things
Yes, it isn't. And it also isn't the only gimmick used by those games. I'm saying Sakuuta lacks an excuse, motive, semiotic trick, for making everything on it more consistent, and it could be anything if well thought. It really gave an impression of a rushed game (funny thing considering the context), mainly on that last chapter with all the 都合主義ness. And heck, I'm one of the last persons on this world to bother with anything being rushed, since I love Kinugasa, and sometimes consistency is really the easier thing to do. But here's the thing: Kinugasa only slacks off in the end, Sakuuta did it all the way, without even trying to make up.
Y'know, when that thing on chapter V happened I thought the game would be a disaster until it was justified by that last conversation with Ai, and as I already said, I really loved that. But ignoring every flaw as a charm for this sake is just being unfair to every eroge I said there, and everything which tries to avoid that, and that's why I will never do that, and that's why I am arguing against you.
But this discussion is already going in loops for a long time now. This is my last post.

Also, you were asking for suggestions, or am I mistaken? Even said you can't find Saihate on literature. Besides what I already said, about non-eroge otaku stuff I can pick out of my head is, er, D-crackers, which funnily enough has a structure somewhat similar to Subahibi if you call that structure, although this time is Husserl and not Wittgenstein. And I recently read よくわかる現代魔法, which has perfect writing and the first volume built around https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackers:_Heroes_of_the_Computer_Revolution (yeah, it's bizarre). Also, I should avoid talking about non japanese stuff but I am recently reading "Music, in a Foreign Language" by Andrew Crumey , same author of Mobius Dick. And it's more post-structuralist than anything but maybe is to your like for "unconventional stories".

>> No.14329157

She looks like such a cute and lovely girl, why would you want to draw 肉 on her forehead you meanie.

>> No.14329182

Okay, let's just agree to disagree since we are going on a loop right here.

Also just for a tidbit, I didn't ask for a suggestion but it was a really nice surprise to see you mention D-crackers, it's one of my absolute favorite LN and yeah it was pretty surprising seeing Husserl and Kierkegaard referenced in a LN
Just for that this entire discussion was worth it.
I have よくわかる現代魔法 siting on my shelves right now so I guess I'll try it soon enough

Just one last thing, what I said was never about "ignoring every flaw"
I keep repeating that but when I wrote "where you see flaws in the presentation I just think it's part of what make SakuUta's charm", I didn't meant "yeah these are flaws but the game is so charming so it gets a pass or whatever", it's just that for me what you called flaws in the presentation weren't flaws at all.
It's pretty different and you may not agree but my point wasn't to turn a blind eyes to things just due to fanboying or whatever.

Basically the sum of this discussion is that D-Crackers is awesome

>> No.14329289

>it's one of my absolute favorite LN
What the. I'm seeing some 友情 sprouting after this fight right here.

>> No.14329294

When does Epitaphs stop being boring?

>> No.14329512
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Every day now.

>> No.14329712

So, if I were to read cross-channel in JP, which version should I read?

>> No.14329722

>So, if I were to read cross-channel in JP, which version should I read?
The latest one, it has the minus of not having Koyasu as Sakuraba but otherwise it has the most content and higher resolution

>> No.14329979

When you drop it.

>> No.14330286
File: 257 KB, 1195x672, ss+(2015-11-09+at+01.13.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone got bored of Donkan or Innocent protags, definitely try Royal Garden. Our mc is an actor and makes heroines fall in love with his acting. I feel a little bad for heroines, But I'm sure he'll fall in love with them soon and tell all of them were acting too, since its a moege.

>> No.14330317
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>Our mc is an actor and makes heroines fall in love with his acting.

>> No.14330442

Also I'm not sure why but vndb (and Michi's blog of course) is made a huge mistake at description of the game. They are not ordering mc to "capture the heart of a princess", its the opposite. They are ordering him to not fall in love with anyone in the school, which makes the entire story different.

>> No.14330478

Not to fall in love with them himself or not to make them fall in love with him? Why is he sent there anyway?

>> No.14330485

I just want an MC like in Akatsuki no Goei. Is that so much to ask?

>> No.14330494

He is just an actor, they sent him at the some super elite school instead of some country's prince and tell him act like the prince for a year. They made two rules, He cant tell his real identity and he cant fall in love / or more like become lover with anyone at the school since it'd be a trouble for the real prince.

I'm not really sure why did they change the "not fall in love" part as "capture the heart of princess" but that changes the entire game's point.

>> No.14330495

Clown who does nothing for 3 games in a row?
Well, yes, its a bit too much even for hetare lovers. By genre canons, protagonist needs to get his shit together at least once per route.

>> No.14330568

Using my expert knowledge of eroge I'm going to hazard a guess that the reason is because Yue is secretly the actual prince and wants Shinkurou'd dick.

>> No.14330634

Just drop the whole thing if you don't like even Epitaphs.

>> No.14330806

Yeah specially since they have said that they definitely cant say anything about prince and Yue has the true? (or Grand I cant remember) route, I also think so too.

But that doesn't explain why the hell did they choose a poor actor like mc instead of all other people, so mc might be prince or some shit like that too.

>> No.14331325

>why the hell did they choose a poor actor like mc instead of all other people
I'm guessing it's because he doesn't have a face.

>> No.14331466
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を 体験版_2015-11-09_00-13-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the Yozora no Hoshi wo trial.
Pretty substantial material in there for a trial, a lot is covered. No ero. I'll probably write up something more meaty once I round up everything that was interesting about the actual science in it if anyone cares, maybe for the next thread.

For now I'll just say that as an amateur stargazer myself I was pleased, and that even if you aren't that versed in the science behind it (and it isn't always perfectly accurate), they explain the most important points well. Also as a charage, it's bittersweet.

>> No.14331616

Is that supposed to be funny?

>> No.14331621

You got something to prove, tough guy?

>> No.14331651

I went through the trial a few weeks ago, and that alone was probably my favorite release from this year so far. Asta probably my favorite active scenario writer when it comes to laid back SoL, and the trial gave him a chance to showcase pretty much everything I like about his games. I probably won't touch the routes the other writer is handling unless I hear something about them actually being exceptionally good, but I'm definitely looking forward to the full game. I'll need to buy it once the dl edition is released.

>> No.14331686

Yeah, I had not read any of Asta's works before this, but if they are like this then I probably should consider it because I was instantly hooked.

>> No.14331689

What's the involvement of the other writer (Takashima)?

>> No.14331747

Izumo 4 trial is out.


>> No.14331981

Honestly, I have no idea as of now.
Maybe he'll write a character route or two? The trial featured most of the common route, I guess.

>> No.14332124

His routes in konozora were definitely good, he should have done the whole thing or at last Ageha's too.

>> No.14332254
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What does this mean?

>> No.14332258
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Oh wait, crisis averted. Still pure.

>> No.14332447 [DELETED] 

New thread >>>/vg/121757115

>> No.14332604

That's just a different kind of crisis.

>> No.14332924


>> No.14332932

Well, if lord of the Autists Habluka says so, it must be true!

>> No.14333011

He's spot on about everything though

>> No.14333014

Never said he wasn't. There was no sarcasm in my statement at all.

>> No.14333027

I wish I could read Japanese that fast...

>> No.14333332
File: 46 KB, 250x357, 978-4-08-631086-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a VN, I know, but is anyone else gonna read it?

>> No.14333347

Hell no.

>> No.14333363

Holy shit, you almost got hexes!

>> No.14333372

I will

>> No.14333822


>> No.14333931

Why not?

>> No.14333938

People still hate him because of the Juukishi fiasco.

>> No.14333960


