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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14317021 No.14317021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what do you think about this /jp/?

>> No.14317100

The dudes seam like fun. Go and enjoy life you fucking weeb.

>> No.14317131

I hate skaters.

>> No.14317136

It's sad to see Japan lets human garbage, societal bottom of the barrel trash into their country, but not a highly cultured, well mannered, individual such as myself.

And then they think all foreigners are like that.
Oh well, what can you do.

>> No.14317219

What's the fucking purpose of the circular view? It looks like shit.

>> No.14317260

This is embarrassing to watch.

>> No.14317322

>they seem like fun
So does literally anybody else that isn't an awkward sperglord.

>> No.14317337

nobody calling himself a highly cultured well mannered individual on /jp/ can possibly be anything of the sort

>> No.14317372

You're projecting really hard, anon.

>> No.14317602
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Make me want to go back to skate again.

>> No.14317623

why do you hate that image?

>> No.14317833

Because i like Yuuko.

>> No.14317954

I hate them too.

Why can't skaters skate in front of their own home? They always need to bother other people and skate on another person's property.

>> No.14318009

make it looks more impressive

>> No.14318162

Just sayin kid

>> No.14318184

I believe strong bad made a music video about it.

>> No.14318191

I dream of living in a society that combines the individual freedom of the west with the strong group values of the east.

>> No.14318202

Wrecking property and disturbing civilians is not a strong argument for individual freedom.

>> No.14318205


"people" like this are just ruining things for the rest of us gaijin that aren't disrespectful subhuman trash.

I hope someone in a high place sees this and they aren't ever allowed back in.

Fuck those of you that think that it's not a big deal and that it's just them having some fun.

The rules are there for a reason. If you don't like that then you can go back to Detroit or whatever other third world American shithole you came from.

>> No.14318296

How are they destroying property

Calm down autist

>> No.14318302

Japan looks pretty nice. And it's pretty cool how many Japanese speak pretty good English. I know some foreigners who live in the US for years and can barely string a sentence together.

>> No.14318367

wow Thrasher is still around? I thought they went under

>> No.14318370

this guy has never raged against the machine before

>> No.14318379

i fucking love al davis.

>> No.14318381

because unless you're filthy fucking rich you don't have a 10 stair gap in front of your home
>itt skater haters

>> No.14318536

Definitely not, Thrasher is still hugely popular and basically the go-to place for street skating, it's just that nobody reads skate magazines anymore...

>> No.14318550

Nothing wrong with skating, but the way they disturb and implicitly threaten other people is the issue. Even in the very first clip when the black guy skates down the ramp you can see people jumping to get out of the way.

Also fuck Thrasher.

>> No.14318551

are you a skater otaku?

>> No.14318575 [SPOILER] 
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all blacks truly are trash. especially this trust fund baby, enough government assistance and AA dosh to travel the world but he still manages to look and act like garbage.

I wish they'd all stay in the US or Britain or Sweden or any other 'modern' 2nd worlder shit hole with a short-lived past of glory.

>> No.14318620

So that justifies skating on other people's property?

>> No.14318952

>How are they destroying property
Maybe, just maybe, it isn't quite good for the integrity of marble stone to slam on it with a thin metal pipe and 60kg weighing on it.

No wonder cops in America shoot on sight.

>> No.14318981

>shut in misanthrope thinks we care about his opinion on people having a time of their lives

>> No.14318982

because you cant fit the shot without a fisheye when filming a line unless youre 30 feet away. self explanatory downy

>> No.14318986

Don't forget the sound population it creates.

>Using personal attack
>Spectating that people have the time of their lives skateboarding
>I care about his opinion

>> No.14318999

In Japan, skaters don't go around fucking up peoples property, they only skate in areas they build for themselves.

Everyone else is a nigger nig-nogging about not being allowed to be a nigger.

>> No.14319010

i am a japanese. this men are disrespecting japanese air and damaged property. they are not go away when security is telling them please. why they ignoring japan society? i will cook tonkatsu from this beast

>> No.14319013
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>i will cook tonkatsu from this beast

>> No.14319053

skaters can be annoying sometimes but i've found that people who are really bothered by them are very uptight and just looking for things to bitch about. nobody actually cares about them "ruining" rails or ledges besides middle aged people with mediocre lives.

>> No.14319068

Build your own space and grind all day there instead. It's not an unreasonable request. Japanese skaters don't have your problems with it.

>> No.14319071

maybe they should be worrying more about their dwindling population and nuclear fallout than pieces of stone

>> No.14319073

>nobody actually cares about them "ruining" rails or ledges besides middle aged people with mediocre lives
They care because they're the ones who have to pay for it eventually.

>> No.14319081

i bet you autistic dweebs complaining about 'property damage' or 'disturbing the peace' only know how to skate vert

>> No.14319086

Why do you have such a problem with grinding on your own stuff? Maybe you don't want to ruin your stuff?

Uh-huh. Tell me again how something else off-topic is related to your desire to annoy people for no GOOD reason.

>> No.14319096

You don't understand. Japanese people are Japanese people FIRST, then they are whatever else they do for work or fun.

You are an INDIVIDUAL first, so you just can't understand why you are wrong.

>> No.14319100

i don't consider myself an individual, i consider myself the individual

>> No.14319101

Same difference.

>> No.14319111

not really. the difference between being an individual and being THE individual is very important

for example, if I was just an individual among many then you would all also potentially be people but to The Individual the only rational conclusion that can be reached is that he is the only sentient existence on earth and everyone else is not much different from a bottle opener or a scarf

>> No.14319112

You STILL don't understand what I said.

That you are trying to make this about "me" and "you" illustrates my point.

>> No.14319113

and i don't think you understand My point

>> No.14319114

Your point is not the only point of reference there is, it's just the only one that matters to you.

Yes, I understood you perfectly well, thank you.

>> No.14319115

That is adolescent ego-centrism.

>> No.14319117

no, it is empirically the only point of reference that exists

>> No.14319120

Shut the fuck up you nerds and lets watch some skate videos.


Man, I miss skating.

>> No.14319122

You're just another special snowflake faggot.

>> No.14319124

i'm the only snowflake

>> No.14319129

However, can you admit that everyone has their own "empirical point of view" that exists for themselves first?

If you can do that much, then when a Japanese person's "empirical point of view" is that they are Japanese first, you need to understand that it means something you cannot relate to.

>> No.14319136

no, but i could try to cultivate an illusion that other people experience a sense of self. it'd be intellectually dishonest though.

>> No.14319140

Are these Japanese pros or just some guys messing around with a camera? They are seriously underwhelming for pros.

>> No.14319142

Basically, you can't relate to it.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

>> No.14319204


>> No.14319216
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>i will cook tonkatsu from this beast

>> No.14319244
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>Skateboards could have been a good personal transportation like the scooter or bicycle
>Instead subhuman trash ruined it and got it banned everywhere

>> No.14319248

Longboarders are gross dude.

>> No.14319311

U stupid American skaters wanna get get hit by big truck like anime character?

>> No.14319322


>> No.14319518

Thank god that worthless piece of human waste American skater left.

>> No.14319537

Or just stay in skate parks, thats what they are there for, to keep them away from shitting up other places.

Also anyone defending skaters is probably underage. Plenty of kids I knew in HS were into skating, but ended up growing out of it.

>> No.14319550

A bunch of disrespectful trash. Still, I want to punch that soccer mom at 5:25.

>> No.14319554

In Japan, skaters build skateparks in old warehouses, and they have their fun there without bothering everyone. American skaters know absolutely nothing about how to do things in Japan. It's as embarrassing as black rappers trying to give money to a bellhop.

>> No.14319557

Those nig-nogs are pretty good at skating. It's what I'd expect from them, just like I expect them being rude and intrusive fucks. It all comes with the territory, I guess.

lol'd at those security guys though. NO NO NO NO NO and can't do shit against a lone negro or two.

>> No.14319566

>Those nig-nogs are pretty good at skating.

Not really. They're barely average, and he lost his board a bunch of times because he thought he knew what was next and was wrong.

>> No.14319577

Why do people keep calling them nig-nogs when there's like one black person in the whole group?

>> No.14319582

Everyone in that video was a nig-nig, not just the black guy.

>> No.14319619

If you look like a nigger (hoddie, shaggy pants, slouching posture), you are a nigger.

>> No.14319632


even the black bystander whom i assume was a shopkeeper in some immigrant area told them they shouldnt do those skate tricks on public properties

and they were just yeah ok whatever

>> No.14319676

Do any of these guys pay japanese taxes/own shares of companies that own those buildings?
No? Then what justifies them taking abuse on said properties?

Even here in western Europe, skater kids will get strange looks and eventually get told off if they do the same things, even if their parents pay taxes.

>> No.14319718

That whole idea is just something *another* (mind you) human mind came up with. Do you really think our brains are, in any way, capable of comprehending the reality?

>> No.14319745

We walk around on the surface of a ball of dust hurtling around a giant burning ball of gas, traveling at thousands of miles a second.

The mind does a fair job, yes.

>> No.14319747
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I wish those piece of shit neohippies wouldn't exist. One of the worst people on earth.

>> No.14319766

And at the same time your mind tells you there are other people and their brains aren't at all different from that of yours. Pretty contradictory, huh?

>> No.14319769

Al Davis is the shit brooklyn represent homie

>> No.14319780

>your mind tells you there are other people and their brains aren't at all different from that of yours.

No it doesn't. Actually, it tells me to explain things slowly and carefully because people are bad at thinking about things besides themselves.

>> No.14319791

Everyone has to speak to westerners like that.

They're like damaged children.

>> No.14319800

Either you are right or I am you, in which case it doesn't matter which of "us" is right.

>> No.14319817

>your mind tells you there are other people and their brains aren't at all different from that of yours.

You can say that about me, so I guess I need to explain things to you in greater detail, especially since you're claiming to posses my thoughts.

You see, if someone has an idea, opinion, or feeling that you agree with, that doesn't mean that you experienced it first. At best it means you can comprehend it, since we're communicating with text, not speaking to each other as people.

>> No.14319824

I meant wrong. Goddammit I'm high at the moment.

>> No.14319828

Reading this thread is making me cringe really hard. Starting to think /jp/ might be one of the most autistic boards here.

>> No.14319830

>immigrant area
They have these in Japan?

>> No.14319839

> /jp/ might be one of the most autistic boards here.

When has this ever been anything besides the truth?

>> No.14319845

This is a totally useless conversation since we can go back and forth without either of us ending up being right.

>> No.14319856

We have like 66 boards or something. There's a high change that /jp/ isn't the most autistic.

>> No.14319867

I think /mlp/ may be more autistic than /jp/.

>> No.14319889

>one of

With that modifier, you need to give it a range. If it's the "top ten", then /jp/ has never strayed outside of that range of autism.

>> No.14319901

Oh, yeah that's right.

>> No.14319920

That's a top ten list I want to see
>top ten most autistic boards on 4chan

>> No.14319926

>They care because they're the ones who have to pay for it eventually.
If the biggest of your worries about where your tax money is going is to the resurfacing or replacement of rails and ledges on public property, you're probably a grumpy old middle aged person with a mediocre life. Not to mention that shit like that has got to be tiny fractions of pennies of every dollar of taxes paid.

>> No.14319949

I'd honestly put /jp/ on the low end of the top ten. Between /b/, /pol/, /r9k/, and [s4s], there are some serious contenders for "most autistic." /jp/ is more on the level with the likes of /a/ and /sci/.

>> No.14319955

>tax money

Most of where they were grinding was PRIVATE property.

>> No.14319976

Then it's understandable for security to get angry, because they're paid to do so. But random people that get angry are clearly just grumpy old fucks.

>> No.14319985

>A nigger scratches up your nice shiny car/
>It's your fault because you're "grumpy".

Typical Amerilard thinking.

>> No.14320057

Holy shit, I really was high. I thought you were arguing that nothing exists beyond your mind, Basically the reverse of what you were saying.

>> No.14320129

but that's not what is happening. They're scratching railings and ledges owned by someone (or more likely some corporation). Why would you waste your time being angry about someone causing minor damage to property that is owned by someone you have no relation to?

>> No.14320164

Don't give a shit about what's going on in Japan, Did you come to the wrong board?

>> No.14320178

I get mad when I see a keyed car.

Not very mad, and not for very long, but it's still lame.

>> No.14320225

because their acts affect me in an indirect way, i.e, furthering the Japanese collective opinions of foreigners.

Like my Asian friend who hate ME immigrants, because of them that Europe is becoming more and more closed, even to highly skilled workers.

>> No.14320264
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>because their acts affect me in an indirect way, i.e, furthering the Japanese collective opinions of foreigners.

Anon please.

>> No.14320307

/a/ is. /a/ likes to think they aren't, but they are.

When you bitch at the image-dumpers, they sperg out so hard.

When you bitch at the waifu-fags, they sperg out so hard.

When you bitch at the Anonymous Discussion ideology and how trips are harmless, they sperg out so hard.

When you tell them to condense their threads, they bitch at you saying "go back to /vg/ you generals faggot".
Even though it was them that both started and ruined the concept of generals because the stupid children can't talk in one thread for any length of time without shitposting and circlejerking.

You tell them that /a/ is the thing wrong with /a/, and they call you a newfag and to get back to /v/.
I'd be surprised if half of /a/ were even around in 2010, never mind 2004.

When you tell them they can't self-moderate, they will report you until you get banned, and shitpost about you on /qa/ until you get banned.

/jp/ is harmless compared to /a/s shittiness.
Even /b/ is better than /a/ now. That is sad.
/b/, at face value, at least can condense their threads and keep a discussion going.
/a/ can't do any of that. They remind me of those autistic ADHD kiddies running around from one thing to the next.
So don't beat yourself up /jp/sies. You aren't /a/utistic.

>> No.14320347

Of course /jp/ is autistic. Doesn't mean that /a/ isn't though but that's not a bad thing. I'd rather deal with autism than with all the shit on the other boards.

>> No.14320406

>but that's not what is happening. They're scratching railings and ledges owned by someone
>car owned by someone
>front door owned by someone
>floor tiles owned by someone

They all need to be repaired after some inconsiderate, stupid, worthless, nigger fucks them up.

>> No.14320428

The way people use autism these days, its basically being inept to subjectively correct style of posting.

Actual Autism is me, where I have written a brief history on the evolving board culture with proper citations, two references to academic wirk related to 4chan, and even a section on personal biases, which clocks in at 63 pages so far. Just to prove a point that adding more boards is a good idea.

>> No.14320438

I'd like to see them try that near me after I clothesline them off their stupid boards.
Skateboarders no matter where they are from are trash and have no respect from anyone. All scrawny and weak and cowards. Who even does this anymore? It's a dead pastime, just filled with edgy kids.

>> No.14320455

I would love to see more boards.
Here is a bunch that I have seen that could easily improve this site massively.

SFW random board and request board are pretty obvious ones. These are absolutely needed.
Why /aco/ and /his/ were added before this is beyond me.

Anime / random. Since /a/ is about super srs discussion, aka image dumps everywhere, waifu faggotry, etc. All of that could be put on /ab/. /ab/ could also be for non-airing anime discussion.

Adult video games. Pretty obvious. /vg/ and unwritten rules is not a good reason to put porn vidya on a SFW board. (even though I wish we'd go back to having none of that stupid SFW crap)

/arch/itecture board for that, interior design, city layouts, landscaping and gardening related topics.
There are quite a lot of people that love these topics spread around the site, even many in this board who love the finer design of traditional Japanese architecture. (that thread is my next stop, in fact)

/dev/ board to be the digital version of /diy/ for game dev, software dev, music and so on. It could be the actual development board that is for regular discussion on a project, then every so often it could be posted on the related board.
/gd/ and /3/ could also just be absorbed in to this board.
/gd/ was a mistake, as was bringing back /3/. So dead.
/dev/ could have covered /gd/ and everything else. After moots silly discussion on adding boards that had a large scope, he adds a niche interest board.

>> No.14320533

I, for one, don't really care if some multibillionaire or multibillion dollar corporation has to spend $500 to fix some stupid shit that doesn't really matter. That's like losing a few pennies to you or I; it will always happen (unless you're some kind of autistic control freak jew), and it really doesn't fucking matter. I think the world with rad skateboard videos and scratched up railings is a better place than a world with pristine architecture and a few people that are just a little richer than their real-life counterparts. Maybe that's just me, though.

>> No.14320542

>where I have written a brief history on the evolving board culture with proper citations
post it

>> No.14320545


Then fuck up your own shit, of fuck up shit in America.

Going to Japan to do it means you're a SPITEFUL bigot. You might as well be a Nazi at that point.

>> No.14320603

4chan needs less boards, and to remove every social board and every board that's not about cartoons, art, machines, or creating things.

>> No.14320635

I would agree with you.
Sadly it probably won't happen.

Even though Hirocutey is in control, I don't think even he wants a mass culling of users if it would fix the site.

>> No.14320644

Not finished yet, and I need to format it also.

I also don't really want to post that type of content and have people refute me with every logical fallacy in the book, either because they dislike my opinion or they just want cheap laughs.

Have this, though: http://commons.emich.edu/theses/552/

>> No.14320659

The problem with that is that, well, there really isn't a reason why we deserve our spot more than the social posters, and they would be understandably pissed if their boards were removed.

To everyone who is neither, we are both seen as inappropriate for the site.

>> No.14320673

>well, there really isn't a reason why we deserve our spot more than the social posters
4chan is a weeb board. From its name, style, history, and concept. Making it appeal to non-weebs was a mistake.

>and they would be understandably pissed if their boards were removed.
Good. They can make a "9chan" and fuck off to that.

>> No.14320674

The only board we need is /l/.

>> No.14320675

It's funny how 7chan fags are still mad over the 4chan thing.
/b/day is burned in to their retinas.

>> No.14320689

A /dev/ board would be nice.

>> No.14320723

One of the reasons China is a shithole is because the majority of their population have this mentality.
And skaters wonder why they get seen as rebellious short-sighted dumb teens.

>> No.14320799

>rebellious short-sighted dumb teens.

When they come from America, they're adults that just want to be assholes in public and make people miserable with their wanton and careless destruction.

>> No.14320876

Do they still call this site "niggertits?"

>> No.14320915

Dunno, last I checked on them was around 2013.
I can remember a few bans just saying get back to 4chan.
I'd hardly be surprised if the filters and stuff like that are still in place.

It is hilarious they still have such a massive hatred of a site all this time.
Even 8ch isn't that bad.

>> No.14320948

>gurf durf im a suppereor human beeng
Those people who are telling them to stop skating where they're skating are just as important as, if not more important than, you are. That's the objective truth, bud.

>> No.14321035

Wouldn't places with US marine bases be considered like one?

Kinda like Chinatown in the Amerilard.

>> No.14321054

Roppongi is one example.

>> No.14321215

>Making it appeal to non-weebs was a mistake.

Nobody consciously did that. It was the anonymity that attracted most, which allows certain groups to prosper. Uber weebs just happen to be one group, along with neckbeards, misogynists, the sexually deviant, brownies, etc.

I think it's important to remember that we are not only a minority, but one which even the original weebs of 4chan disliked for being obssessed with things outside of the anime, manga, and gaming scene. Outside of /jp/, /jp/ is considered a containment board on the likes of /mlp/, and I do find this entirely unreasonable.

There are other options, but since we are the minority, they require *US* to "fuck off," since the majority would be perfectly fine with our nonexistence, and what we do on this board has no impact on their browsing (unless someone manages to take down the site from this board).

You can go to either Tohno-chan or Bunbunmaru, which both preserve old /jp/ mentality. I predict every reply will have someone telling me they're shit, but if 4chan is apparently also shit, and everywhere else is worse, its all relative.

Then make your own community. Hosting is cheap for your own instance of an imageboard, and if you create your own board on infinitechan you can moderate it how you like.

I guess my point is that you have to make the move; the Internet will march one regardless.

>> No.14321227

*do not find this entirely unreasonable
