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14316118 No.14316118 [Reply] [Original]

Many of you claim to love youkai and claim they are your "waifu". You are all making the classic mistake of assuming they are like humans, they are incapable of loving you.
Break free of their charms, only a human girl can actually love you. A girl like Reimu, who you must remember neeeds a male to carry on her bloodline.

Tell me /jp/ why do you ignore pure, loving maidens for demons?

>> No.14316228
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Human girls are only capable of imitating what they think love looks like.

>> No.14316231
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Nigga, what are you talking about, Reimu,does not exist. Falling love with a demon would be the same shit because they don't exist.

Kids these days

>> No.14316242

Pretty sure Reimu is a cunt, to be honest.

>> No.14316244
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I hope you arent implying Reimu is like 3dpd.

>Reimu,does not exist
Unenlightened pleb pls go.

>> No.14316254
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I wonder who could write such lies.

>> No.14316273
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There is no truer love than to love someone who is inferior to you.

>> No.14316289 [DELETED] 

I'm really sta

>> No.14316299
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Vampires are pretty much winged leaches. Leaches are parasites. Therefore vampires are parasites.
Parasites cant be superior to non parasites.

In the SDM, only Sakuya is capable of love. Stop with this racemixing bullshit, yokai are subhumans.

>> No.14316302
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More like I don't force myself into a memetic hysteria just to fit in. Enjoy your emotional intelligence being nerfed because of "waifus", a self-created mental illness and incapacity of dealing with real people because you are overly attached to a drawing and excessive masturbation just to fulfill your pathetic loneliness.

>> No.14316307
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Sakuya is more cruel to humans than Remilia. Remilia actually convinced her to be nicer to humans. Me and Remi have no intention of creating a child, I just want us to be by each other's sides for eternity. Go back to the kitchen, butcher meido.

>> No.14316312

All youkais needs to be purged.

>> No.14316314

What the fuck are you even doing here?

>> No.14316320

I like Touhou. Did you know you can engage in this hobby without being a pathetic piece of shit? Things you can learn everyday.

>> No.14316324

Being uptight about everything is the oldest meme hysteria.

>> No.14316326

This, if you claim to like Touhou and are not what normies would claim to be "mentally ill" then you're just a fucking secondary. I bet he doesn't even believe that Gensokyo exists. Point at him, point at him and laugh.

>> No.14316340
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Remilia wants her to stop killing them, so that she can eat more.
I assure you Sakuya would be happier and far more sane if you killed Remilia for her, and freed Sakuya from her charms.

>More like I don't force myself into a memetic hysteria just to fit in.
No, you really do seem unenlightened, it shows due to your aggressive nature of posting. Enlightened individuals are known to take it easy.

>> No.14316343
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Gods can love too.

>> No.14316349
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>I can't like Touhou without being an agoraphobic loser with no future which purpose is solely masturbating to cartoons and being a closet pedophile otherwise I am a secondary

Jokes on you, even ZUN probably thinks having a waifu is retarded, given he's married and has a kid now. How does it feel being a manchild?
The funny part is that the series might slow down because of that and nothing else you fuckers can do but cry and say ZUN is a normie or move to the next bandwagon.

>> No.14316356
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>Remilia wants her to stop killing them, so that she can eat more

That doesn't even make any sense. Remi doesn't kill and eat humans unless Yukari allows her to, and prefers her meat to be cooked. And she will never be freed from Remilia's charms because Remi is too cute and I would do anything for her, outside of severing one of my limbs or doing any other serious damage or killing myself.

>> No.14316359

Reimufags are the worst

>> No.14316365

>how does it feel not forcing another person to suffer through existence fuking manchild hahhhaha :))))))

Why the hell would you want to have a kid?

>> No.14316376

Did I ever say that? See, you guys are so emotionally stupid you think one can only have a real partner if there's procreating involved. Just like the normies you hate so much.

>> No.14316384
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A celestial is fine too, right?

>> No.14316389

>given he's married and has a kid now. How does it feel being a manchild?

You implied that having a kid makes you not be a manchild, so yes, you pretty much did say that. And what is your reaction to waifuists who have gotten laid IRL but still have a waifu? Are they still manchildren? In that case, what exactly is it about waifuists that makes them manchildren? Not being married/having a real partner? What's the point? A real partner would detract time, money and resources from you far more than a 2D partner, and will leave you as soon as you display the slightest hint of insecurity.

>> No.14316399
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>distorting my words to win an argument
Phew, I thought I was arguing with someone decent. I don't give a shit if you get laid and have a waifu. Of course you are still a manchild if you can't bring yourself to date yet you spend time and probably money on someone that will never support or love you back. It's literally the same thing as being a religious fanatic, like those people who keep chanting that Jesus loves you but Jesus doesn't exist.

>caring only about money, resources and time

Maybe you don't deserve something good. Loneliness and unrequited love is the best for you, really.

>> No.14316413
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>Used goods
Vampires drink blood, Sakuya cant provide all the blood given the time it takes to produce more.
Shut up and donate to her shrine.

>ZUN probably thinks having a waifu is retarded
He probably thinks you'e a faggot. I cant confirm it, but if we are speculating what Zun thinks, then this is about as accurate as your own statement.

>> No.14316422
File: 186 KB, 400x259, 1435009819573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your alimony and women who only "love" you so long as you provide something for them.

>> No.14316423
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only a supernatural girl could understand a supernatural emotion like love

>> No.14316424

>but Jesus doesn't exist
You really are retarded.
He may not have been the son of God or anything, but plenty of people believe he actually existed. Only retards say he didnt exist at all.

>> No.14316427

I like Reimu but it's a shame the fans are pretty bad.

>> No.14316444
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Like I care what ZUN thinks, he's the biggest secondary of them all. Like moot. You're a stupid secondary for thinking his opinion matters too, you look like a tryhard nerdboy from /v/.

>> No.14316451
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Youkai are only monsters on the outside. Raymoo and her lackeys are monsters are the inside.

>> No.14316460
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 12065666_869200806520904_8576041710564899596_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Used goods
Her love is still more pure than a shrine maiden's

>> No.14316470
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>And what is your reaction to waifuists who have gotten laid IRL but still have a waifu?
They aren't real waifufags though. You can't really say that you truly love some girl and at the same time fucking other girl and have kids with her. This way you are betraying/hurting both 3D and 2D girl who you claim to love.

>Of course you are still a manchild if you can't bring yourself to date yet you spend time and probably money on someone that will never support or love you back.
But why dating someone while being in relationship with someone else is necessary to not be manchild? I mean, why would you ever do that if you respects your actual partner. Wouldn't it be two timing? I guess I would rather be a faithful manchild than two timer.
Also I'm pretty sure lot's of religious people feel supported by Jesus.(Isn't it the reason for religions to exists?) Then why are you saying that waifu can't support you? She exists just as much as Jesus. What the hell?

>> No.14316480

Of course I didn't mean the two at once. I meant if you're not a virgin but have decided to have a waifu, which I only brought up because to most normalfags, losing your virginity is the holy test of whether you are a pathetic manchild or not. You shouldn't cheat on your waifu while you're in a relationship with her.

>> No.14316499

Can't be helped. They actually love women that would eat their fucking insides alive.

Like I said multiple times, if some youkais manage to enter our world and seduce /jp/ I'll be the last one alive having a good laugh.

>> No.14316507
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Oh ok. I know some people like this, they are rare, but they do exist.
I still prefer to stay manchild in that case. It's like I'm saving my purity for her and it feel great. And also it's already to late to have a girlfriend because my waifu has stolen my whole heart long time ago.

>> No.14316510

What is it with this guy and the manchild shaming?

>> No.14316514

Not saying Jesus never existed, but he lived a long ago, was probably a sandnigger instead of an aryan dude and fucked more than all of /jp/ in a lifetime when people think he's a holy saint with golden hair and sky blue eyes.

>they aren't real waifufags

Are seriously cutting a part of your life (mating with opposite sex) just to get attached to a cartoon and stay the rest of your life dedicated to avoiding pain by being lonely as fuck and delusional with "real freedom"? Holy shit.

>But why dating someone while being in relationship with someone else is necessary to not be manchild?

Learn what is being emotionally mature and you will understand what I mean you are being childish by running away from some basic need just because you don't want to get hurt.


Menchildren should engage in suicide to avoid using precious resources. They are literally a waste of oxygen.

>> No.14316522

That's propaganda. I would make one of them my wife and raise a family so I can laugh at the men stuck with regular humans.

>> No.14316526

hey man I don't think you should be posting while you're at work, your boss might fire you and your girlfriend will leave you if you aren't bringing in the money anymore

>> No.14316529
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I'm at home and I just baked a cake for my husband. Also he will fuck my pussy later after we watch a movie. Sucks to be you, ladm8

>> No.14316534
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I'm a "manchild" too and for a good reason. I could hire a hooker if I really wanted to but I would rather die a virgin because it means Remilia and Flandre would be able to turn me into a vampire instead of a ghoul.

All of the argument in this thread is pointless, it shouldn't matter whether you have a waifu or not. The guy talking about how you will get alimony if you be with a 3DPD, the guy aggressively talking about how being a waifufag makes you a manchild, it's all pointless.

>> No.14316540

>waifus Miku

How does it feel to be a kek?

>> No.14316560
File: 262 KB, 1350x1380, 94393cbfa18e36ec3e2d11a5c881619b_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, but you know, when you have a real wife you should refrain from having sex with anyone but her. Isn't it like the same thing, a cutting part of your life? Also why are you keep repeating that having a waifu makes you lonely or something? I have a waifu but I also have both female and male friends, spend time with them, have fun and stuff. Waifu only satisfy your romantic and sexual desires and you still need real buddies just as much as before. After meeting my waifu I've never felt lonely.
>Learn what is being emotionally mature and you will understand what I mean you are being childish by running away from some basic need just because you don't want to get hurt.
But I've never decided to have a waifu. I always wanted to have a girlfriend when I was young and wasn't really thinking about having 2D one, but it just happened. I've fallen in love with her and I've become more happy than I've ever been, so there is no point in changing that. But still I don't think that every woman is evil and every real relationship ends up in divorce, pain etc. I'm pretty sure there are couples that are happy together for the whole life, it's just that they are hard to find.
Also I'm pretty sure having a waifu(or just growing) makes me more emotionally mature. You know, when I found her I wanted a girlfriend so I could not feel lonely, spend good time and have sex. But now I value things like supporting other person at any time, having stable relationship, trust and faithfulness way more than just having fun time. I didn't liked the idea before, but now I would love to have children with her, marry her to seal our bond, get old with her and stuff. I think this is emotional maturity, but that's just my opinion. I'm not a psychologist.

I've never been more happy.

>> No.14316584

At least you do this right, you are aware of all you do and don't try to justify it by hating real women and men who decide to have a real partner. What a lot of waifufags do simply because they feel threatened by females and alpha males, not admitting it's their own fault they are hated, because they are bitter and delusional.

>> No.14316924
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I never got the Miku appeal.
She's a blank slate.

>was probably a sandnigger instead of an aryan dude
Only idiots think he wasnt an arab or berber looking guy.
>and fucked more than all of /jp/ in a lifetime
People can go without sex. I think Buddha and Jesus both died virgins.

Sure thing, faggot.

It's funny, you say this in response to being hated by /jp/ and assuming everyone else is at fault, and you arent jsut a faggot who doesnt belong here.

>> No.14316982

>I never got the Miku appeal.
>She's a blank slate.
The appeal is that there is huge variety of songs that shows her differently while all of them share common base of images, merchandise and stuff.
Miku in the songs that made me fall in love has somehow defined character and is far from being blank.

>> No.14317000

I'm sorry, but what does our Lord has to do with this thread?

>> No.14317033
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2hus i would marry: Sanae, Reimu, Youmu, Marisa and all the goddesses.
2hus i would stay clear: All youkai
But the best human girl is still Kasen.

>> No.14317034

does bullying turbonerd losers from /jp/ turn you on? cuz it sounds like you don't enjoy otaku culture so why the fuck would you get your touhou fix here faggot?

>> No.14317086

>But the best human girl is still Kasen.

Buddy, i have bad news for you

>> No.14317105
File: 453 KB, 858x1200, 1445613874425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's oni m8.
Her horns are just hidden under her buns.

>> No.14317164
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>> No.14317174

I want to get drunk and fuck Marisa until I pass out.

>> No.14317183

I remember you from that thread about the value of virginity.

>> No.14317189
File: 148 KB, 623x691, 1443764102272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be siliy, anons. There is no way she's an oni, despite the fact that she have shackles like the other oni, have a magical oni drinking gourd and other oni seems to know her.

>> No.14317257

Don't forget the completely unrelated fact that she doesn't like oni-banishing bean throwing and went out of her way to stop Reimu from performing it. Why would anyone think she is anything but a human?

>> No.14317283
File: 2.15 MB, 800x450, Merely pretending.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's the cutest human ever.

>> No.14317396

Please fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.14317415

Now I want to tease Kasen about her little secret

>> No.14317420

I think Reimu stinks

>> No.14317438

Youkai can love, just not the way humans do. To make a youkai love you, simply dominate her.

>> No.14317458
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Maybe she needs someone to train with, then give her a massage after working out.

>> No.14317463
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Dont worry, I'm sure Aya is writing an article as we speak about how it's all a conspiricy and Kasen is actually a human.

>> No.14317878
File: 589 KB, 2039x2894, 49051136_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To combat the declining birth rate, human women must be more aggressive in the times to come.

Do your best, villagers.

>> No.14318001

take your greentext arguing to /b/ you fucking retards. Or just kill yourselves, that works too.

>> No.14318560

But I am the demons. The demons that want to learn how to truly love.
