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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14281452 No.14281452 [Reply] [Original]

Cause everyone forgets BMS and O2Jam.

>> No.14281457

Gravity Wars when?

>> No.14281499


So I have 1st Style to EMPRESS on BMS all set to Easy judge rank. I've figured out how to make them Normal but it would be a fucking pain in the ass to chance every single chart.

Is there a way to change them all easily or even some key combination in game?

>> No.14281524

daily reminder that BOFU2015 was shit.

>> No.14281542

Fuck off

>> No.14281546

What the hell is Infinitas? The last thread was the first I heard of it.

>> No.14281551

official PC version of IIDX. It's currently going through private alpha tests.

>> No.14281707


>> No.14281729

Real talk, why is the English-speaking rhythm game community such a shitty, elitist circlejerk?

>> No.14281774

But I didn't

>> No.14281796

Hopefully it will be better once infinitas comes out, and konami shuts down the mayumi cum factory. Right now a good portion of the english speaking fan base is hidden away on an invite only forum. The community would be better as a whole if we gathered on a central public forum and removed all the hiearcheal invite crap. Not sure what the equivalent is today, but back in the day bemanistyle forums was really nice.

>> No.14281808

Bemanistyle came back and ZiV is trash.

>> No.14281880

they haven't even announces SDVX 4 ffs

>> No.14282027

What is the purpose of lane covers?

>> No.14282042
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If you keep making the hi speed higher and higher, you're bound to get some ghosting at one point.

Sudden+ exist so that you can can still plays slow songs with a short reaction time, more over your eyes can focus on a shorter lenght, which allows you to time a lot more consistently.

>> No.14282066

How do I use the pcbid I got?

>> No.14282076


Mainly because bemani doesn't know what a rhythm game is and has yet to release a single one.

>> No.14282163

Groovin Upper when?

>> No.14282193

Try copy pasting mine:

If it doesn't work you can try to download from:
and try again.

You should get every bms post-10th style from bms terminal, they already have the judgerank normal.

I can't be bothered to help you for CS exclusives and Black another, so you'll have to change those yourself.

>> No.14282235

try reading in the place you got it from

/jp/ is not pirated software tech support

>> No.14282488

trying to break into 12s now and the nightmares of breaking into 11s are returning

>> No.14282513
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O2Jam players here?

>> No.14282827

Hi speed has two purposes: to spread the notes out, and to have less notes onscreen at once so it's easier to read. The issue is hi speed adjusts both of these proportionally, so the purpose of a lane cover is to ket you adjust them separately.

If you want a lot fewer notes on the screen at once but don't want to have to focus on the whole vertical segment and see them ghosting from moving so fast, you use the lane cover.

>> No.14283055

is there anyone who seriously plays S-RANDOM?

>> No.14283086

BMS insane kaidens who are training for angelic layer and maniera play with S random A LOT, but that isn't until you are at the VERY end of the game and if you are talking about IIDX than the answer is no, there is nobody who seriously plays S-random

>> No.14283102

Yup. Still alive.

>> No.14283104

Because it's a shit game, but you won't be stopping after years of practice. The feeling you have when you know it's shit, but can't stop is making people mentally unstable like any other stupid addiction. The sooner you realize how shitty it is you can drop all your illusions of happy community comparing scores. They don't mean shit and being better than others in rhythm games is literally the most pointless thing in life. If you're new, quit now. Otherwise either find few friends and play and avoid the community completely. You're not going to find intelligent or fun discussions over pretty bad music anyways.
If there's any problem with english speaking community it's the idea of having a community. There isn't anything better anywhere in the world. People generally stick to few tiny groups and that's it. If you can't enjoy the game as it is, don't bother. Having a need to talk to someone over pressing buttons is kinda ridiculous in the first place. I mean, seriously now.

>> No.14283108

whats the diff between S-RANDOM and RANDOM exactly

>> No.14283109

projecting pretty hard my memedude

>> No.14283112

you should totally post a username and your server or something X3

>> No.14283116

s-random randoms every note so it's 100% random, you get hammer notes when there shouldn't be and they're not there when they should be.
random just randoms the lanes

>> No.14283119

for some of us rhythm games are a way to keep us mentally stable though

>> No.14283126

jesus fuck

>> No.14283132
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I play most servers. Won't post my username though.

>> No.14283150

Well, it wouldn't change the fact you're already mentally unstable and if you need some specific type of feedback to feel better it can't be any good for decent community where you get the taste of both sides, one of which you may not like at all thus leading to shitstorms and what not

>> No.14283153

I just like the music and have ADHD, relax buddy

>> No.14283191

Ritalin makes everything better

>> No.14283198

adderall > ritalin
step it up dude

>> No.14283205

Not the guy you are talking to but Ritalin makes me depressed and anxious.

>> No.14283209
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>ITG players

>> No.14283219

I'm the guy he was talking to, pretty much the same.
I don't really care if I can't get shit done

>> No.14283233

Sure. Not meant to be taken seriously. Poking a bit.
Curious how your play sessions work out? At what stage are you now, how often and long do you play?

>> No.14283241

does having add affect scores

>> No.14283277

Is iidx as easy as it looks

>> No.14283281

Is ur mom as easy as she looks?

>> No.14283284

savage xddddd

>> No.14283288


>> No.14283311

that pedo grab

>> No.14283366

nice picture regardless, get ready for me to post that next thread.

>> No.14283480

Why does easy clear exist?

>> No.14283506

Is LR2 the best IIDX clone to stream, assuming I don't have a cabinet?

>> No.14283510

Because normal gauge 2 hard

>> No.14283511

Calling LR2 a clone of IIDX is insulting to LR2.


>> No.14283517

Wasn't pendual supposed to be leaked today or something?

>> No.14283526

sure, it's the least bad anyway

>> No.14283530

how do i not get my feet mixed up when playing ddr

>> No.14283538

Yes, to get into.

You literally just press the buttons at the time they cross the red line and scratchyscratch at the right time.

For some reason this becomes incredibly difficult at higher levels.

>> No.14283615

Can someone get me some 9K PMS links? I cant find shit, not even on sows.

>> No.14283643

Go learn japanese and you'll find plenty of places.

>> No.14283737

It's conceptually simple but the nature of the controls and the strict timing windows make it a lot harder than most other rhythm games.

>> No.14283740


I hope this helps

>> No.14283762

It does, thanks >w</

get out Agka.

>> No.14283763 [DELETED] 

Hi, ggsnipes.

>> No.14283802

Good rhythm games for android?

>> No.14283810

not really

>> No.14283829

deemo is fun

>> No.14283883

O2Jam U

>> No.14283957

Yo if anyone needs a sows invite and is on animebytes I'm willing to to trade invites. Just drop your email or something if interested

>> No.14283974

check the invites thread on sows, there are people who have them there

>> No.14283986

Will do, thanks.

>> No.14284051

Wait what? He/She/It said lane covers.

>> No.14284058

Well it's more than partially because, as evidenced by the other replies to this, they're convinced that "rhythm games": just means "Beatmania." If they opened their minds to trying other rhythm games, they might remember that there was once a time when rhythm games were fun instead of obsessing over spreadsheets of songs and breaking the ten wall. Beatmania is not the only rhythm game out there, and it's more of a chore than any other.

There are a bunch, if you're not a "fun is a buzzword" dickhead. Deemo, Cytus, Hachi Hachi (search for the apk), Groove Coaster, Dynamix, OverRapid, Tone Sphere, and O2Jam are the ones I play the most. You can also get DJMax Ray and DJMax Technika Q, but they're the absolute worst sorts of moneygrabs so don't bother with them unless you're prepared to sink a shitload of money into em. You can also get Andjuist Extend off of rutracker for a Jubeat emulator, it's a bitch to get and you have to change the sync frequently but it's alright, and Maipad Mini is a MaiMai emulator but it's a bitch to get songs in and most of them, only have master charts. I have a pack of like 90 of them, including a few I put together myself, and I'd be happy to uplopad them for anybody interested, but keep in mind you'll have to change the sync for each one manually in their respective maidata files. It took forever, but it was so fucking worth it.

>> No.14284065

I would love the maimai pack.

>> No.14284130

iGotchu. Gimme a bit to get it off my tablet, compressed, and uploaded. For background, the game has a small closed group on Facebook that I tried to join andd then months later got accepted to, and so far it's the only place I've found that actually has these things available as an easy download. To get a song working you have to get the maidata and rip a youtube video of the song, then manually sync the two in the maidata because lord knows having the ability to do that in-app would be too convenient. Here's a video of it in action (not my gameplay) to tide you over: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I1UNmaNGfY

>> No.14284164

Are there any reflec beat sims on Android?

>> No.14284179

Jesus fuck I wish

>> No.14284182

Start coding!

>> No.14284234

Sadly no. However, it IS available on iOS. It's one of the few reasons I want an iPad, along with CrossXBeats and Jubeat (because though Andjuist is functional, it's incomplete and a hassle in comparison to the official iOS version).

>> No.14284248
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Okay, here we go:

So, instructions. First, grab Maipad Mini from the play store Once it's installed, navigate to the maipadmini folder, it should be in SDcard or whatever the root of your device is. It'll have a folder labeled "score," which is what I uploaded for y'all. Unpack the rar into maipadmini and everything should fall into place, but essentially you want all the song folders and filelist.txt in the score folder. Now comes the shitty part: in each folder, you'll find track.mp3 and maidata.txt. For each song, you have to open maidata.txt and change the &wait= section to the proper sync for your device ( I uploaded a picture for reference). There's no easy way to know exactly what the proper sync is, you just have to playtest a bunch. I recommend starting with Bad Apple, because it's easy to figure out if you're synced or not with the opening of the song and once you figure it out there, you can use the same number for *MOST* of the other songs. Some of them will still be off, but that'll generally get all the toohoo songs synced and you can fix the other ones as you play them and catch the offset.

Yes, it's a bitch of a lot of work, but if you do it once you're all set and then BAM MaiMai at home kinda sorta. It's a grand total of 98 songs not including the tutorial thing. I think. I may have lost count, so it may be 108. It's enough though.

>> No.14284294

What's the oldest model of iPad that can play Jubeat and Reflec Beat? What type of price should I pay for one? Rhythm games are the only thing I want one of those things for.

>> No.14284305

Kind of related to what's happening right now

I've never played Maimai but might get into it in the future

Is there any way to turn off those sparkles and noises that happen on those slide and hold notes they're incredibly annoying when I watch gameplay

if so, how? I've never used a machine.

>> No.14284355


>> No.14284361

tbh I have no idea, I don't have one myself. I'm saving for one solely for rhythm games tho. Those are worth it on their own, but it has a few other exclusives I'm curious about as well as fewer issues with sync.

I'm pretty sure you can, a lot of players use the sounds but I've seen videos where they don't have it.

>> No.14284370

I forgot how to change my green number when I have sudden + on, can someone please help me out?

>> No.14284381

You can still use the keys to change it in large increments

double tap start button to turn off sudden, then hit effect to modify floating hi-speed

double tap start button to bring the lane cover back

>> No.14284388

thank you

>> No.14284401

I play them on the original iPad, just had to download an older version of the games.

>> No.14284503

I have an iPad 2 and it works fine.

>> No.14284531

You know android has jubeat right

>> No.14284573

Yes and no. It does technically have jubeat, but the jubeat release on Android is only compatible with a small handful of devices, most of them older. If you happen to own one of those devices then sure, feel free to download the official release and pay a fortune to unlock a worthwhile amount of songs. Otherwise, get Andjuist / an iPad. You'll probably still have to pay a fortune to get all the tracks (wouldn't know for sure, never played it on iOS), but at least it'll work properly.

>> No.14284652

there's a torrent for one that works on lollipop and up, comes cracked and has all the dlc included.

>> No.14284657

Holy fuck, THANK YOU. I've wanted to get into Maipad Mini for a while, but could never find a good premade rar download.

>> No.14284710

No problem man, glad it helps! I held off for the longest time for the same reason, I just hope the link gets spread around so more people get a chance to try it.

Seriously? Where?? I would worship the ground you walk on if you can provide a link.

>> No.14284725

it's on sows.

>> No.14284753

Well fuck, I don't have a SOWS account. Never really realized it had things other than AC data and soundtracks so I never bothered, not even sure how to get in. Is there any chance you'd be able to upload it to a different host or something? I'm sure your answer is no but it can't hurt to ask. I'm the guy who shared the Maipad pack if that helps in any sense, though I'm doubtful of that as well.

>> No.14284764

I won't invite you but drop a trash email or something and we'll talk.

>> No.14284799

That's fine man, the literal last thing I expected was an invite to sows. Just set up tappatappa@yopmail.com so I can talk there

>> No.14284863

ipad 1 is fine, miss out on a couple small things like restarting from the pause menu, but all the songs are available.

There's a DLC crack floating around on sows somewhere if you're cheap.

>> No.14284913

Whatever email client I used won't let me respond, so I just wanted to say thanks for the help and I sincerely appreciate it!

>> No.14285376

In LR2, is it cheating to have timing Auto Adjust always on?

I feel like there is a minute timing difference between different mixes.

>> No.14285415

It makes it way to easy to get AAA's so yes.

>> No.14285992

I'm here too.
Forever, Jupiter, V3 (sometimes) and Samojam + Xenojam songs lists on O2Emu

>> No.14286030

Hi Entozer

>> No.14286247

I gave a friend a sows invite, but he says he hasn't received it (sent it about 18 hours ago). What happens if I click 'delete invite', do I get the invite credit back and can try resending it?
Alternatively, what happens if I let the invite timer expire? It's currently 2 days 7 hours remaining

>> No.14286393

To those of you who play LR2 with keyboard, how do you handle scratching? Jamming shift with my pinkie messes up the rest of my left hand's movements and dual shift seems really unintuitive. I feel like I'm missing something.
Should I just find a chart with a lot of scratching and grind? Does it get better with time or will it always feel like a handicap?

Considering switching to my arcade stick at this rate.

>> No.14286516

I scratch with my thumb on SPACE and my right pinky on SEMI-COLON. Scratching still feels pretty awkward to me, but it works.

>> No.14286527

Who is the best rhythm game dude

>> No.14286534

BMS: jhlee0133 / byebyebye or whatever his name is
Stepmania: Probably Etienne or Staiain
o2noodle: Genesis maybe?
osu: Cookiezi

I only play BMS and Stepmania so I don't have that good of an idea at who's best outside of those.

>> No.14287077


>Notes actually for once going to the music

What a piece of shit game.

>> No.14287089

>Jamming shift with my pinkie messes up the rest of my left hand's movements

That's where practice comes in play

>> No.14287094

>o2noodle: Genesis maybe?
Nah, it's probably Chyoic

>> No.14287129

it's not cheating but it can hurt your consistency and feel for timing in the long run

if you don't care about timing then feel free to use it, you are only hurting yourself

>> No.14287137

I use 'a' and 'q' for scratching.

>> No.14287161

I recently bought a Windows tablet for school, and I'm wondering if there are any touch-based rhythm games available for Windows? Something like jubeat and maimai, which appears to only have android/iPad releases.

>> No.14287222

If it's got proper Windows you can run Reblec Beat HDD on it.

>> No.14287611

there's also a touch driver for jubeat, so it could run effectively an arcade version of jubeat plus

>> No.14287704

what about for maimai and jubeat and sdvx, etc

>> No.14287769

There's no way to add an input delay to SDVX, right?

>> No.14287811

I think there's a reflec beat sim called reflec muse for Windows which might work.
I wonder what the cheapest Windows tablet I could get that could run Reflec beat or jubet AC data.
I have genuinely no idea, I've never played those or really looked at their communities. Maybe PmD Terra for SDVX? I seriously don't know.

Is there a generally agreed upon best PMS player? Also is there anyone here that plays PMS/Pop'n with a keyboard? If so what kind of layout for your keys are you using?

>> No.14288041

I use A S D F [SPACE] J K L ;
For PMS on keyboard.

>> No.14288155

I think scratching is bad enough with pinkies, I couldn't imagine that's be comfortable for PMS.

Also is PMS not as popular as BMS? If so, why?

>> No.14288168

wouldn't maimai be someone like Se2*nya or something

but since nearly everyone who is really good at the game is like at the rating cap there really isn't that much of a best

>> No.14288179

How does one get Xenojam and Samojam? looking all over for it

>> No.14288216


wtf is MaiMai.............oh my god...


>> No.14288226

It's like a washing machine

>> No.14288239

Why do a lot of pop'n players wear gloves?

>> No.14288242

it's fun as fuck, round1 needs to bring it over

>> No.14288261

because they're bad

>> No.14288265

Have you slapped those plastic buttons? Shit hurts after a while.

>> No.14288272
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vsrg.club is down fundaysun

>> No.14288279

i neeeeed new o2jam servers. o2forever, v3, and o2perfect are getting boring

>> No.14288313

My pinkies are already used to the play style.

>> No.14288794


Keep in mind this was the first time anybody outside of Konami saw the chart.

>> No.14289344

nekomata master > *
prove me wrong

>> No.14289499

You can turn off pretty much all of the effect sounds on newer styles. Just hit option when you are at song selection.

>> No.14289638


L.E.D. is a godking among humans and you sir are wrong.

>> No.14289899

N a n a h i r a

>> No.14289963

If you can provide your email I'll send the links, cause I don't want to make them public

>> No.14290059

Man, Chunithm music unlocking system, and by extent its RPG elements is fucking brutal. Saw a guy Full Combo-ing a song and still fail the song because his character isn't strong enough.

>> No.14290088

He probably didn't have a gauge boosting character set. Also failing isn't such a big deal unless it's a 課題曲 since it'll still let you continue.

It is a bit of an annoying quirk though.

>> No.14291383

nails on a chalkboard

>> No.14291392

nekomata = totto > *

>> No.14291714

when the F*CK are they gonna add hinabita songs to iidx.....

>> No.14291922

The top part of my hand where the tendons go into my wrist have been in pain for the past 3 days.
Should I go see a doctor, has this happened to any of you?

>> No.14291930

stop playing games for like a week and see if the pain comes back when you start playing again. if it does, then yeah go to the doctor

>> No.14291946

How do I change my DJ name in iidx? I can't find where on the Konami website I need to go to change it.
When I first input it I didn't know which button was delete so my name looks really stupid with like 10 S'

>> No.14292221

I know that it's not a big of a deal, it's still annoying if you want to pass the next tier of song unlock.

>> No.14292258

Hey, Its gabehorne1@mail.com (yes the mail is correct, not gmail.) Thanks in advance.

>> No.14292505

You don't

>> No.14292872

Ok no.
BMS KB: 0133
O2Jam: Sern888
osu!mania: who fucking cares (same goes for circle click mode)

>> No.14292936

>have never played pop'n
>want to build/buy a pop'n controller because the game looks fun

I wish there was a way to niggerig an ASC for cheap to see if I'd even like the game.

>> No.14292940

Well you're in luck, because there is a way to niggerrig an ASC!

tl;dr buy a keyboard or find one laying around if you have one

Put in in its original cardboard box, or simply get a large cardboard box (for free!) from the USPS.

(This is technically illegal but yeah.)

Put keyboard in the box. Cut holes on top of the box. Put tennis ball halves into the holes. Remove keys on the keyboard that don't correspond to the tennis ball halves.

Bind in bemanitools/LR2 with PMS 9k charts. Enjoy.

>> No.14292951

Wouldn't that be more around the size of a minicon though? I would imagine a lot of the fun of Pop'n comes from the size of the ASC.

>> No.14292952

I almost passed my first 10 just now. My health bar was at (of course) 78%. Haven't been this upset at a game in some time.

The song was Star Trail by the way.

>> No.14292954

>acquire two keyboards
>acquire a really big cardboard box

I don't know, I don't actually play pop'n, I'm just giving you the details of what some other guy did.

>> No.14292980
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Post your rhythm game Halloween costumes /jp/!

>> No.14293008


Well fuck, DJ MUSSSSSSSSSS it is

>> No.14293146


>> No.14294161

should i just stop checking sows for pendual release until 11/11?

>> No.14294248

Yes, but it's not very likely to come out the same day either.

>> No.14294714

Are there any Halloween-esque songs in bemani?

>> No.14294724

Pop'n 's Darkness genre.

>> No.14294821


>> No.14294872

Trick or Treat! Genre is literally Halloween

Also, I guess Spooky, Electronic or Treat!, and Mind the Gap can count as "in season"

>> No.14294892

The two Machigerita songs in SDVX

>> No.14294909

Beat me to it.

>> No.14295041


>> No.14295100

pop'n: TATSU
IIDX: DOLCE for sp, EXIT for dp
DDR: FEFEMZ (less sure about this one)

>> No.14295202


>> No.14295681

Hey everyone,

I have a couple questions for you all:
Are there any good rhythm games for tablets?
Which tablets (ios/android) have the most/best rhythm games available on them?

I'm looking into buying a tablet soon and I was curious to find out which one had better support.

>> No.14295718

if you have an iPad you can get jubeat and reflec beat.

>> No.14295723

O shit I didn't notice ios had jubeat

That's basically what I was looking for, recently played it at an arcade and got addicted.

>> No.14295924

For iPad
>Reflec Beat
>Rhythm Control
>Groove Coaster
And probably more that i forgot to list.

>> No.14295927

which rhythm game has the worst community? I've read that the korean BMS community is somehow worse than the community of league of legends.

>> No.14295942

>worse than the community of league of legends.
That's simply not possible.

>> No.14295985

Both are Korean game communities, therefore they're equally bad.

>> No.14296111

there is literally nothing wrong with osu taiko

>> No.14296171

Thanks a lot!

I will definitley check out all of these

>> No.14296369

Anyone use other trackers besides sows? (Not for bemani shit, for other shit)

>> No.14296398

I use jpopsuki, animebytes, what.cd and gazelle games.

>> No.14296234

so what happened in that "removed" thread in vip

>> No.14296824

If you're gonna include Cytus, add Deemo as well.

>> No.14296993

Also, djmax technika and musync are pretty decent along with deemo.

If you enjoy cheaply licensed music and ORIGINAL PATENTED GAMEPLAY, Rerave also released a new version on ios

>> No.14297009


>> No.14297053

Completely forgot about Deemo
What's Musync's gameplay like?

>> No.14297079

Which one of you retards is going to leak Pendual when it is out?

>> No.14297306

>What's Musync's gameplay like?
Djmax ray/deemo

>> No.14297347

It's already been done. Months ago. Right on /jp/

>> No.14297389

hello /jp/ i'm that guy in one of the previous threads that was asking for sdvx level 13s for starters

went to the arcade again after that and managed to pass one of the lower 80 pass rates for 13s and got my 5 dan as well

average scores are about 930k for ~82% pass rates and about AAs for some ~90%
one of the 13s i seem to have trouble with is 気まぐれスターダム, one of the easier 13s by tokotokoP

been thinking about getting into playing some 14s after 2 more trips, any easier 14s to get started on?

>> No.14297936

I think Ha.lle.ju.jah, Overdrivers, バタフライキャット, and Bad Apple are on the easier side. All 'Infinities' I think.

>> No.14297948

Hands up for precious maimai funrace! (; ・`д・´)_/

>> No.14298432

13s are all generally around the same difficulty, 14 is when the difficulty starts getting really broad so that's where you're actually going to have trouble. some 14s you will be able to AA easy on your first try and some 14s you'll have no chance until you practice a ton more. For starters, almost any Kemu song would be good, they are generally on the easier side of the 14 scale. Also, 六兆年と一夜物語, 腐れ外道とチョコレゐト and TRIGGERHAPPY are some of the easiest ones, so give those a try.

>> No.14298845
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>> No.14298855

So if somebody from sows leaked something they weren't supposed to, what are the possibilities of that person getting banned from sows?

>> No.14298949

Depending on the significance of what was leaked, pretty likely

>> No.14299011

If it's the latest AC data, then very likely.
If it's just some random Nanahira denpa album, then maybe just a warning.

>> No.14299085


>> No.14299308


Yeah, IIDX is about as much fun as burning to death. People don't play to have fun, they play because of the inescapable drive to improve.

At least, that's how it is for me.

>> No.14299352

IIDX is fun if you just play casually. I'm playing 9s and 10s right now after like 2 years of playing since I don't play often and when I do it's more just to relax and hit some buttons than to improve

>> No.14299373

>Yeah, IIDX is about as much fun as burning to death.
Why do you play it then? I've been playing for a year now and it's still exponentially more fun than any other arcade or rhythm game I've ever played.

>> No.14299542

Im sure noone cares but Yifans closed down.

>> No.14299666

What's yifans?

>> No.14299681

Is anyone else unable to access sows right now?

>> No.14299693

Why does my LR2 like to crash every 10 songs or so?

It's really annoying to have to alt+F4 and relaunch so often.

It seems to only do it on SIRIUS to SPADA I got from bms terminal.

>> No.14299707

That's an LR2 issue, the game is really unstable in general.

>> No.14299719

Arcade in Auckland, New Zealand. Only place with a IIDX popN or Taiko cab, best arcade in the country. They had Linicle, Jubeat Saucer, Chinese Jubeat, Taiko 11, Taiko 14, DDR 3x vs, popN 19 (?) As well as a bunch of other fighting and other classic arcade games. They apparently has Sdxv 2 and Spada cabs but they didnt ever se them up fot some reason.

Im going to investigate buying taiko 14 or maybe Sdvx 2 but I dont think I can afford it.

>> No.14299874


someone bought all of the cabinets

tuxdude said that some people including him were reuniting money to buy the ez2dj and iidx cabs from him to put them in a new arcade, and both cabs costed 800 new zealand dollars in total

>> No.14299890

800 for two cabs is really really cheap. I would want the IIDX cab but I already have a controller so I dont really need it, Taiko you cant really emulate properly at home so thatd be my first choice

>> No.14299922

Are you using HD?

>> No.14299984

It's back now nvm

>> No.14299998

Sorry if this is a dumb question but can the newer Taiko machines be run in an offline mode or are they network dependent like IIDX?

>> No.14300025
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nanahira > everything

>> No.14300036

I still get this
Is it the banhammer?

>> No.14300045

No, it's a site error, try another browser.
Some people are having problems on browsers other than Chrome.

>> No.14300098


I don't even know. Everything is bone stock from when I first downloaded it.

>> No.14300292

>tfw consistently getting the lowest scores in your country

>> No.14300300

>tfw getting the only scores in your country

>> No.14300316

>tfw getting the top scores in your country because nobody plays the easier songs.

>> No.14300328

>tfw getting the worst scores in your country on harder songs because everybody is better than you

>> No.14300383

sasuga led making the only good part of that song

>> No.14300488

Does anyone here play LR2 on keyboard without using space?

>> No.14300592

I play with my fingers resting on ASD for keys 123, and JKL; for 567 and scratch. I have key4 bound to F and H, so when I need to hit key4 I bring over my index finger to that key.

Note: I'm bad at 7key, the I can clear 9s at most. I've easy cleared a pretty easy 10, that's the highest I can do.

I know of at least one player who plays ASDFJKL and then uses ; and Space for scratch.

>> No.14300601

I use the default key layout but I bind A to up scratch so I can do fast back and forth scratch segments

>> No.14300619

I know this feeling only too well.

>> No.14300861

feelio when can't play poopin because other people are sleepin

>> No.14301051


>> No.14301100

feelarino when i can only beat ristaccia a once every 20 randoms

>> No.14301107

jam it

>> No.14301146

There's a script.
Put .bat and .vbs in your bms folder(e.g. LR2/songs/sirius), run bat and it will copy judgenormal bms into new «~» folder.

>> No.14301163

random is cheating

>> No.14301286

way too late

>> No.14301709


>> No.14302837

the drama between jhlee0133 and Staiain has been pretty funny

>> No.14302921

November 11th

>> No.14302958

If I bought a FP7 from DAO in September, do I even need to buy an arcin? What's the difference?

>> No.14303008

What are the chances that Pendual will launch with all songs unlocked?

>> No.14303022

game controlled lights
nothing else

>> No.14303152

Why are there so many gays on sows

>> No.14303157

well why are you on sows?

>> No.14303168

people with mental issues gravitate to niche rhythm games

>> No.14303208

Jubeat is fun I guess

>> No.14303325

They will probably release it with nothing unlocked and then someone will post an unlock dll file.

>> No.14303353


Holy shit. Thank you so much.

Did you write that yourself or did you just find it and upload it to your Dropbox?

>> No.14303651

feelarino when random is cheating

>> No.14303823

game controlled lights and better turntable. Subjectively, I score better with the arcin than the DAO PCB, but that's just me.

>> No.14303828

No, just update the Dao PCB firmware.

>> No.14304007

I don't know why I continue checking sows 10times a day for pendual, I always read this thread anyway and it will probably be flooded with messages within minutes once it's up

>> No.14304135

It can't come out until Copula comes out, and we know Copula isn't until the 11th, so why are you even checking?

>> No.14304206

I already know that, but i still keep checking anyways in case it gets released for some reason.

>> No.14304217

It won't.

>> No.14304283

not the guy you're replying to

is it like the feeling when you're trying to find something and you know you've already checked the top drawer but you recheck it 3 times just to see if it's there

then in desperation you check like the refrigerator aka going through /jp/ archives

>> No.14304302

All you're doing is hurting yourself, anon

>> No.14304753
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How do I hit stairs? Anytime they come up my brain blanks out and I end up mashing like a retard because I struggle to read them for some reason, specifically when they involve lane 4.

>> No.14304983

Can I get Sunny Park songs for LR2?

>> No.14304991

Does your default position use thumbs?

>> No.14305000

Yeah, I'm playing on keyboard and use my thumb on spacebar and I'm pretty sure that's my biggest issue. I can handle 1-3 and 5-7 but 4 throws me off entirely.

>> No.14305009

>Yeah, I'm playing on keyboard
You probably should have specified that because it completely changes everything
I don't know keyboard so I can't help you

>> No.14305214

I can't do streams in any of the rhythm games I play, help /jp/!

>> No.14305220

>find chart with lots of scales (in IIDX most of the piano songs are great for this)
>put on random

>> No.14305232

There are no servers left, right?

I remember playing a bit of O2Jam U, but it wasn't as fun with avatars and other people.

>> No.14305473

who was eliot again

>> No.14305580

The second.

>> No.14305581

The guy who shot up that school in California a year or two ago

>> No.14305785

You get used to them, start doing stairs before the song starts as fast as you can.

>> No.14305822

>practice stairs before the song start
Not him, but this sounds like good idea to try.
I usually just mash alternating hands (123 - 4567) or roll between 1357 and 246 while I'm waiting.

>> No.14305994

This too, it really helps you get comfortable with which lane corresponds to which finger.
The stupidest little things will definitely help you improve.

>> No.14306666

Catch the Beat is a fun rhythm game.

>> No.14307104
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That's easy, dude.

How the H*CK am I supposed to do this though?

>> No.14307233

raise your hi-speed.

>> No.14307321

What is the song playing at 35:00?

>> No.14307388

Oh yeah, there are still private servers.
You can search for:
>O2Jam V3
>O2Jam Forever
>O2Jam Jupiter
And hopefully, soon, VJam from VSRG.club.

>> No.14308387

V3 closed.

>> No.14308432

Man, WWW went ham today

>> No.14308513

fuck him

>> No.14308671 [DELETED] 


I love this so addicting, my dick is diamonds...mmm

>> No.14309622

I'm getting into IIDX again after not playing for half a year or so. I don't want to start the usual argument but should I use random? I didn't before stopping. I about level 7 or 8.

>> No.14309646

What's the point? Maybe just use it on and off.

>> No.14310446
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>> No.14310474

what the fuck is wrong with their tits

>> No.14310571

my bemani games keep giving me an error for the NETWORK. apparently i need a pcbid or something? where to i get that

>> No.14310688

Only the Zettai Ryuoiki matters in Goli's drawings, so it's awesome.

>> No.14310693

You need someone to give you one, so your only option is sows

>> No.14310705
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>> No.14310882

alright now pop'n'music keeps giving me 5-2000-0000 error. any help?

>> No.14310894

who www667 hype?

>> No.14310897

Ask on IRC.

>> No.14310944

What rhythm game should I get into?

>> No.14311062

IIDX might make you really good at every rhythm game. Strict timing, difficulty, and vast library make it one of the most solid music games out there.

>> No.14311230

Try it out when replaying old charts or lower difficulties, you're not quite at the point where it's super useful.

>> No.14311246

If you're on level 8 try playing praludium on random, it's fun.

>> No.14311445


So a chart on Random will always be the same? I've honestly never tried it but thought that it randomizes every chart every time so you'll never play the same chart twice.

>> No.14311462

11/11 boys

It's almost time

>> No.14311512

Notes will always appear at the same time they usually do, just in different locations

>> No.14311593

can anyone recommend a good Ruthann game for me to start with?

My only experience is hard level drums and guitar on rockband and some ddr

>> No.14311599

Oh and my equipment is an old desktop and iPad 3

>> No.14312102

All it does is shuffle the lanes around

for example a trill that used to be 1313131313 might now be 7474747474

The reason why I said praludium is fun is because the chart is a bunch of 1357 or similar scales and on random now it's basically a stream of notes

>> No.14312127

PC: If you don't want to buy a controller, osu!mania is fine but really easy, LR2/IIDX if you want some challenge but it's so much better with a controller. If you are ok with buying a controller, K-Shoot Mania/SDVX
iPad: Jubeat and Reflec Beat which both are cracked in piggy place.

>> No.14312152

>recommending osu!mania
>not just LR2 with keyboard

LR2 doesn't HAVE to be a IIDX simulator, plenty of people just play asdf space jkl or something else, at which point it's basically a better osu!mania

Also GF/DM are fine to start with since you liked rockband, but good luck finding a cab in the US.

>> No.14312288

The old V3 yes, now there's a new one

>> No.14312335

I tried out jubeat but I found that the song packs are ridiculously expensive.

Do you guys just download them onto a jailbroken iPad?

>> No.14312340

Like I said, there are cracked versions available in the bemanilluminati which have all the songs

>> No.14312519

how can i get my ps2 taiko drum working with taikojiro?

and where do i get charts

>> No.14312701

LR2 and Stepmania are your best bets, I'm assuming you're wanting to play some rhythm games with keyboard. With LR2 you can configure the buttons to be SDF space JKL and A/; to be the scratch (that's the red note to the left or right of the rest of the buttons). LR2 is also good because you can also play 9k/PMS which is also fun. To get started with BMS, look for the "bms spackage", it's around 2-3GB and it'll give you a taste for LR2/BMS. Keyboard Stepmania is a lot of fun too, but I would recommend you try to get into 7k before getting into games with less buttons.

Here is some keyboard stepmania: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTa_yBnlgY8
Some keyboard LR2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KzyRnz9SKI (this guy is using a skin, this isn't what default LR2 looks like.)
And some keyboard PMS (still is still LR2). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9XiVZ3u6PI

>> No.14312744

Dont EVEN bother playing LR2/IIDX if you don't have a controller.
If you want rhythm games on keyboard just play DJMax Trilogy

>> No.14312758

Fuck off.
There's top level players playing with a keyboard on LR2.
And stop speaking of LR2 and IIDX as being simulator and simulated - they're not.

>> No.14312792

Don't listen to this guy, playing with a keyboard is a lot of fun.

>There's top level players playing with a keyboard on LR2.
The best BMS player plays on keyboard.

>> No.14312820

Ok, let me rephrase
I'm not saying it's not possible to play. I'm just saying those is not the best game to START (on keyboard)

>> No.14312842

>I'm just saying those is not the best game to START
but LR2 is the best rhythm game to start with, keyboard or controller.

>> No.14312863

Well, since DJMax Trilogy has more playing styles (4k, 5k, 6k, 7k and 8k) I tend to recommend it more to people who never played any rhythm games because you can start "easy", with less buttons to press and work your way to the top. If the person enjoys the game then I can recommend LR2 and controllers and everything else.

>> No.14312895

feelio when nobody cares enough to crack technika

>> No.14312951
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I remember someone asking about this pad in a previous thread and receiving no answers. I received mine and played 3 sessions so far, and I'd recommend it if you don't want to invest more than 100$ in a dance pad. It's more responsive than my generic pad that came with DDR on the Wii, and it's a lot more comfortable to step on with the foam. The quality of the thing looks like it's worth the price, let's just hope the connections of the buttons don't die within a year

>> No.14312986

Is it USB connected? I have DDR and want to play with that.
Also, how much was shipping? I would imagine I'd have to pay an arm and a leg, living in New Zealand.

>> No.14312990


>> No.14312993

For $100 you can build your own ASC that feels 90% like arcade pads

>> No.14313007

I live in Canada and the cheapest shipping option for me was 22$USD. It's a usb controller (sadly it's not detachable so I don't think it would be easily replacable). It's windows/linux compatible plug and play, and I think you have to pay 10$ more for the mac version (but why the fuck would you play on a mac). I use it to play LR2 on my laptop hooked on my TV

This is probably true, but I'm lazy and mainly want to play casually to get fit (IIDX is still my main rhythm game) and I suck with building/assembling shit and really lack tools at home, so I couldn't bother to look it up. But if you got time, tools and motivation this is prbably a best option

>> No.14313027

Holy shit Acid Pumper and Shelter of the Mind are fucking terrible. Already on its way to be worse than Spada and DJT musically.

>> No.14313131

well that's not saying much considering how few styles are better than it

>> No.14313145

you cant play it without the propietary touch screen anyway.

>> No.14313228

>play level 15 songs on DDR
>flail around wildly on the parts with 16th notes
>barely pass the stage
Does it still count as a clear?

>> No.14313237

When can one claim to be over the 10 wall?

Please don't say "When you can do 11s" or "When you an pass every 10"

>> No.14313274

when youre comfortable with playing 10's

>> No.14313308

when you don't feel that 10s are a challenge.

>> No.14313461

djt is one of the better styles dude

>> No.14313510

K-Shoot can also be played on a gamepad if you're broke

>> No.14313574

I feel like this defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place.

>> No.14313685

is DJMAX Trilogy any fun?

>> No.14313718
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>> No.14313797

What's considered an acceptable accuracy clear?

>> No.14313806

if it's not a AAA it's garbage

>> No.14313991

>tfw have never gotten an AA on anything ever

>> No.14314028

Well if you just wanted to start LR2 supports 5k, or you could go lower and just play stepmania at that point.

>> No.14314165

>having four 600ppr encoders
>arduinos don't arrive

>> No.14314168

>your 20ppr encoders finally shit the bed
>no amount of software debugging and fucking with the polling rate will bring them back to life
>you can't tell if it's the encoders or the shitty chinese knockoff arduino or just your incompetent coding that's the problem

rip sdvx setup you will be missed

>> No.14314254

both pendual and lapistoria show up on the sun. god bless whoever does the network shit on the sun

>> No.14314280

and ddr 2014

>> No.14314364

Why don't they make posters for pop'n and sdvx like they do for iidx?

>> No.14314450

>posters without goli girls
literally whats the point

>> No.14314505

I want a cute pop'n poster, not anime sluts

>> No.14314562

Pop'n has it's own art style, and SDVX... Well.... Who the hell knows, maybe they think having a million posters with the same girl would be a waste.

>> No.14314748

Surprised this would be on there

Wonder how the release would be handled considering DDR seems like its dead

>> No.14314752

Am I doing something wrong or is there no way to actually navigate LR2 with just a controller? Because the back keys also go forward

>> No.14314786

thats bullshit i started playing iidx bms files in some shitty bms emulator on the keyboard for like a year before i found out about lr2 then fell in love

another year went by and i got a ps2 controller and modded my ps2 so i could play iidx cs games on a crt

then i got a job and then came tax season, thats when i got my dao

now im sitting here raging at getting 1079/1081 EXHC FAIL on Verfluct [h] and punching holes in my walls over holic [a]

>> No.14314800

>found some shitty bms emulator before lr2

how is this even possible

how do you even manage to find a bms player that isn't lr2 before hearing about lr2

>> No.14314807

honestly i just farmed clear lamps on my 10s folder while dipping down to 9s for EXHCs and playing 9s HC Rands for warm up/down.

basically play the whole 10s folder, then sort it by clear ramp and play through all the fails. since theres a fuck ton of them you could probably do this over and over again for a little while until you just dont seem to make any progress/are at a small amount left to normal clear then start hard clearing some while trying some easier 11s on easy clear.

Bepachi music. i honestly dont remember how i found it but thats what i used for quite some time while playing on iidx bms files up to empress (since sirius wasnt out at the time)

>> No.14314989

DDR 2015 is a thing already.
they're really only updating the title and songs.

>> No.14315244

SDVX has a rasis booty poster, just search SDVX on YAJ and you might find one up for like 15000 yen

>> No.14315246

wow DJMAX Trilogy has a pretty good soundtrack

>> No.14315282

I can't find it, all there are are generator cards

also searching sdvx poster on google images doesn't provide any booty

>> No.14315638

they do make pop'n AC posters though

>> No.14315660

Wait, seriously? I haven't been in the loop lately but I've heard nothing about a new update. Are you sure you're not just talking about the NA release of 2014?

>> No.14315678

he is just talking about the 2015 updates of DDR. there was no 2015 UI change.

>> No.14316052

Is there a link on how to do it?

>> No.14316054
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>TFW can't pass my 6/7 normal wall in IIDX

>> No.14316098
File: 9 KB, 177x278, 1397977693003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just realized copula comes out on veterans day
>get to stay in bed and play pendual all day because no class that day

>> No.14316185

i just noticed the train in cheer train is copula yellow
they had this all planned out 13 years ago

>> No.14316236


>> No.14316309

it's still __fun__

>> No.14316511

That's assuming it's actually released that day

>> No.14316519

How long did Spada take to get uploaded after Pendual came out?

>> No.14316542

considering the time zone difference, basically 3 days

>> No.14316792


>> No.14317329

you really want to see some Rasis booty don't you?

I don't blame you, i want to see it too ;_;

>> No.14317368

Ok show me where I can get one for $30 like I can a pendual poster

>> No.14317390

Is it possible to play jubeat or Reflec beat AC data with a Touchscreen on windows?

>> No.14317404

Yes, but I think it depends on what screen you have

I think the s2240t is the recommended one

>> No.14317424

Cool, I wonder if it would be possible to play it on one of those cheap Windows tablets.

>> No.14317871


>lamps on my 10s
>9s for EXHCs

Good lord. I've so new at this game I don't even know what you're saying.

>> No.14317912
File: 62 KB, 504x284, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so at the song select you see the lights to the left of songs that you've played?

black = no play
flashing red = failed
steady blue/yellow/red (color of difficulty) = normal clear (groove gauge - pass with 80% or more life)
white = hard clear (survival gauge - start at 100%, if you reach 0% you fail)
flashing yellow/white = EX-Hard clear (same as survival gauge but you lose 33% hp or something on each miss, and a lose a little life if you get goods)
rainbow = Full Combo

>> No.14317917

o i forgot, green = easy clear (groove gauge - much more health than normal groove gauge)

>> No.14318047

I play osu and suck at it...

>> No.14318050

I suck at every rhythm game, including all modes on osu.

>> No.14318078

Yes, it's a fun game in its own right. I personally prefer it over LR2 because the charting style is more friendly to keyboard in my opinion, no crazy 1-handed patterns until the higher end stuff/no scratch. The music is also pretty good.

LR2 is the best PC game to get into overall but Trilogy is good in its own right. Have fun with the grind, though.

>> No.14318332

How'd you get tr to use controller?

>> No.14318581

open them up and look at them

>> No.14318758

I think you need a specific controller.

>> No.14318762

I like the music in DJMAX more than I like the music in IIDX.

>> No.14318787


>> No.14318796

What the fuck happened to Mozarc
