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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 454x296, what is this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14262609 No.14262609 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is up with YouTube.
I can't view any English subbed songs. Did they go full asspie? Was this the fault of Exit Tunes and incstoenterinc?

>> No.14262678

>needing subs

>> No.14262984

its doing the same to me. stupid copyright -.-

>> No.14262996

Just watch them on nico you turbonerd.

>> No.14263207

another stupid attempt by japanese companies to fuck over youtube... It won't stop unless Youtube brings the hammer down on nico or buys them out.

>> No.14263245
File: 90 KB, 728x810, 1420257599535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the japs being worse than western jews about this kind of stuff?

>> No.14263271

I looked up incstoenteric and there's no results on Google so probably those claims are fake.
Exit tunes though? That's probably real, sorry OP. Though I'm surprised that Vocaloid fandom isn't throwing a fit yet.

save miku

>> No.14263278

In case some people haven't figured it out yet, as of today you can't listen to Japanese music on Youtube anymore. No animu tracks, no music videos, no anything, even if it was uploaded in the US. All of the major labels have cracked down and copyright flagged all their shit in such a way that it can't viewed outside of Japan.

>> No.14263593

lmao that's not true

it's mainly just vocaloid songs

>> No.14263858

Why Vocaloid?

>> No.14263869

It seems to be all the Supercell Ryo songs. Why would they even do this..

>> No.14263907

It's also the live versions of When The First Love Ends, Yume Yume, One of the Suki Kirai uploads, Deep Sea Girl, and a few others. Third Pudding War, This Happiness, and quite a few songs are too..

>> No.14263956

what the fuck is wrong with youtube now... I hope this isn't just the beginning. Even proxies don't work top fuck

>> No.14263989

I checked a few songs and a lot of songs owned by some of the big 10 companies like Victor entertainment(flying dog) or Sony music entertainment are blocked. Even official verified channels are blocked in my country.

>> No.14264131

I find it funny how it took 4-5 years to copy right thies videos

>> No.14264138

see >>14262340 & >>14262275

>> No.14264168

This is what happens when you open up the community to secondaries.

>> No.14264275

Fucking lame. One of my favorite LEN SONGS is blocked-

And so is Help Me!! by Morning Musume!

>> No.14264291

This isn't because of TPP or copyright claims by any of the Japanese companies. If it was one of these two reasons, I think the videos would be blocked in more than just America. According to this article, it's more than likely something to do with YouTube Red.

>> No.14264298

Nothing in this thread seems to be blocked for me (Europe).

>> No.14264320

i googled Youtube red and this come up as the first article.... "YouTube Red Deal Forces ESPN To Pull Its Videos From YouTube" so i believe it is

>> No.14264380

Also from Europe, not blocked.

>> No.14264902


Physical dominated industry

>> No.14265071

I have a feeling someone(or a group of people) who hate "otakus" did this... I mean, everyone loves music, and what do you think "these people" listen to most?

>> No.14265113

two of my videos are still up.

>> No.14265327

Heck even official Miku YT videos are blocked!

Example: 39

>> No.14265527

I'm pretty sure this is some American copyright shitfest yet again, as others have said nothing in this thread is blocked to me in Europe.

>> No.14265532

It's Japan blocking The US specifically from viewing their shit.

>> No.14265541

Revenge for Hiroshima.

>> No.14265592

It has to do with Youtube Red, I'm sure of it has to be FUCKING YOUTUBE RED! I knew it was going to be a very bad idea!

>> No.14265609

Exit Tunes, U/M/A/A, incstoenterinc, Being inc., or Sony Music Japan (and Hachi's songs). That seems to be the ones being blocked mostly, from what I could see.

>> No.14265636
File: 356 KB, 556x324, 1445067738734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything works fine for me. Thank you, based slav shithole for never being noticed by any kind of TPP and shit.

>> No.14265674

I'm genuinely surprised people listen to japanese media on youtube.
And if you really need to watch something on that site (which you shouldn't), I'm sure you can find ways to bypass region blocking,

>> No.14265778

YTUnblocker for Firefox is a good example, but what's the point, eventually YTRed will spread throughout the world like the plague!

>> No.14265798

Links work just fine for me in the UK. Good job burgerland, maybe if Japan didn't hate you guys this wouldn't have happned!

>> No.14266131

Morning Musume and AKB48 are blocked as well, it seems.

>> No.14266199

Literally watched this video yesterday. FUCK

>> No.14266204

I know! Suddenly all Hatsune Miku songs are blocked. I'm pretty sure youtube just went full asshat mode.

>> No.14266334
File: 595 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-10-24-17-55-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all my cute anime vids are kill

>> No.14266839

Is this only affecting americans? Because I can watch japanese videos normally.

>> No.14266845


>> No.14267047

youtube red is fucking cancer, why does google ruin everything?

>> No.14267226
File: 67 KB, 300x300, 1445590776913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All works for me
They must've figured out that poles are too poor anyway to buy music

>> No.14267256 [DELETED] 

Google youtube unblocker proxy and just watch videos through a French IP for now.

>> No.14267261


works if you choose a non-american IP

>> No.14267272
File: 531 KB, 900x386, 786646498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save them

>> No.14267283

They started getting job applications from people who wanted to work there because it was a cool place to work.

>> No.14267499

i just want muh music man

>> No.14267591

nuuu my trash has been thrown out!

>> No.14267743

I just want the vocaloid stuff back...

>> No.14269174

Literally kms this shit is pissing me off

>> No.14269175


>> No.14269486

/v/ here fucking jewtube is blocking all my japanese video game vids. fucking kikes. fuck the usa.


>> No.14269566

holy shit its blocking vidya too?
Fuck jewtube, why is no one complaining about this?

>> No.14269602

Nothing I watch has been blocked, personally. Not even Jap games. If I wanted to watch them, I could go to other sites, like nicovideo, or if I really wanted them, I would have downloaded them.

>> No.14269623

using a jp proxy fixed it for me. you cant fight youtube/google. they dont give a fuck how many people hate them. they will just buy all the competition.

lmao however 4chan blocks the jap isp I was using. I guess google bought 4chan too.

>> No.14269627

it only effects usa ips

>> No.14269661

what bothers me is that i can use a fucking Canadian proxy, and everything is fucking fine. Like what the fuck, why is it only the USA? It has to be because of youtube red.

>> No.14269703

I am USA. I can't see any of the crap in the op, but I'm not affected. Sucks to like vocalshit I guess.

>> No.14270280

I know some channels that aren't blocked, but still. It isn't enough to keep me totally happy without my music

>> No.14270294
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>not saving youtube videos

>> No.14270307
File: 155 KB, 800x400, Heck and Junk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to Canada, Americans,

Nothing is affected here.

>> No.14270363

>Move to Canada
lmao Im not going to jail for 2d loli

>> No.14270375

TPP will get you too, one day.

>> No.14270376

>move to canada
>get arrested for fapping to anime girls
>get arrested for hurting someones feelings
no thank you

>> No.14270388 [DELETED] 

Why did my post get deleted? Anyway i don't want to get jailed because i fap to anime girls

>> No.14271804

fuck jewtube

>> No.14273128

Here is the other thing, go to the covers of those song. They are being flagged as well. It's EXIT TUNES dropping the copy right. So anything from is getting hit hard.

>> No.14273135

Man, I really like EXIT TUNES.

I don't know whether to be mad at EXIT TUNES or Google for the copyright jewry.

>> No.14273384

jesus fucking christ
even THIS is blocked


>> No.14276664

In case people have figured it out yet this has nothing to do with TPP. It's the new Youtube Red bullshit that's causing the problem.


>> No.14277184
File: 22 KB, 509x252, ss (2015-10-25 at 09.10.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one too. So i think they forced the companies to sign new policies for youtube if they still want any videos that related to them, including videos that was uploaded by someone else, viewable. Probably payment related.

>> No.14277218 [DELETED] 

Huh, doesn't that message basically just say that you have copyrighted content on your channel?

My guess is that previously the companies got some compensation for that (ad revenue), but since the partner contracts etc are now being updated and possibly renegotiated, they videos that supposedly have copyrighted content by those companies are held in limbo?

I'm not sure why they don't accept, from my understanding the new deal is better for YouTube partners money wise than the previous model was. But I don't know if big companies from Japan and elsewhere have some sort of special arrangements.

>> No.14277225

Huh, doesn't that message basically just say that you have copyrighted content on your channel?

My guess is that previously the companies got some compensation for that (ad revenue), but since the partner contracts etc are now being updated and possibly renegotiated, they videos that supposedly have copyrighted content by those companies are held in limbo?

I'm not sure why the Jap companies don't just accept the Red deal, from my understanding it is better for YouTube partners money wise than the previous model was. But I don't know if big companies from Japan and possibly elsewhere have some sort of special arrangements.

>> No.14277226 [DELETED] 

>I'm not sure why they don't accept, from my understanding the new deal is better for YouTube partners money wise than the previous model was.
Being able to legally and easily download as many 1080p videos from YouTube as you want nukes the business models of companies like AKB, who are presumably trying to sell you DVDs and CDs worth more than the 0.5 cents per month they'd get from your YouTube Red subscription.

Yes, you can already download them if you want with scripts and extensions, but we're talking about the mass consumer here.

>> No.14277233 [DELETED] 

>I'm not sure why they don't accept, from my
understanding the new deal is better for YouTube partners money wise than the previous model was.
Being able to legally and easily download as many 1080p videos from YouTube as you want torpedoes the business models of companies like, say, AKB, who are presumably trying to sell you DVDs and CDs worth more than the 0.5 cents per month they'd get from your YouTube Red subscription.

Yes, you can already download all the videos you want with scripts and extensions, but we're talking about the mass consumer here, who buys videos and music he can get online just because it's simpler and "feels more legal."

>> No.14277242

>I'm not sure why the Jap companies don't just accept the Red deal, from my understanding it is better for YouTube partners money wise than the previous model was.
Being able to legally and easily download as many 1080p videos from YouTube as you want torpedoes the business models of companies like, say, AKB, who are presumably trying to sell you DVDs and CDs worth more than the 0.5 cents per month they'd get from your YouTube Red subscription.

Yes, you can already download all the videos you want with scripts and extensions, but we're talking about the mass consumer here, who buys videos and music he can get online for free because it feels more legal and they're more used to it (go to store, buy thing, get thing). But if a legal, and super-popular mass-market download option appears they'll just switch to that instead.

>> No.14277259

That's a very good angle, I have many "buts" about it but I don't have time to write them down right now.

>> No.14277269

blocked my black rock shooter video, but all my doujinshi vids from nicovideo are fine. this shouldn't affect 95% of vocaloid videos, should it? unless making vocaloid videos is really that big a thing that even small timers are able to make such a significant revenue as to block us from uploading it elsewhere.

fucking japs being bold against the US for once just had to be the worst time for them to do it. still blame google though

>> No.14278662

Go to change.org and sign the petition to stop YouTubeRed. Thats whats causing the Region Lock on all of the Japanese and Korean music content

>> No.14278816

Deturl.com has some nifty options and all you have to do is type three extra letters in the video URL as a shortcut.

>> No.14278902
File: 28 KB, 533x326, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, not even my 3rd world contry is safe now.

>> No.14279423


>> No.14280179

Geddan is kill

>> No.14282804

>Dont sign deal for whatever reason
>All your videos are now hidden lol
And people thought I was crazy for not liking google, here they come again to fuck everyone over.

I still use RSS feeds rather than signing up for subscriptions, works just as well.

>> No.14283227
File: 138 KB, 3336x2452, Hatsune Spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works fine on mongolian.

>> No.14286893

At least we still have Chargeman Ken.

>> No.14292304

is this gonna last :((((((((((((

>> No.14292308


>> No.14295579



>> No.14295651
File: 396 KB, 805x951, 1444505744523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14296664

I say just boycot youtube red and noone pay them anything until it's all free again. To me even cable is not something I care to pay for, though I know it's not like that for everyone, but YouTube has always been free and all be dambed the day that stops!

>> No.14296707

This is a common misconception, thanks to YouTube again being shitty at sharing information
It is still free, and will continue to be so (well, who knows?). If you were to subscribe now, you still wouldn't see those blocked videos. They're blocked because the creators owning those videos did not sign in to the new deal that was offered. Who knows why they didn't.

>> No.14298081

Does the YouTube unblocker actually work?

>> No.14298097

I have no problems watching anything in Australia. Maybe it was just the Burgers who got blocked?

Oh, really? Suck shit to them, American companies are the ones who do this more than anyone else to the rest of the world.

>> No.14298107

American companies have been blocking foreign IPs from accessing their media for years now. The difference is that the rest of the world works their way to bypass these things while when Americans are in trouble, all they know is to bitch and moan about it. Why don't you make a petition about it?

>> No.14298159

What in browser only vpns or proxy's are you guys using?

>> No.14298529


>> No.14298992

Stop feeding false information. The content was blocked in the US due to YouTube Red. The copyright holders have to agree to the terms of YouTube Red before we can see their stuff again.

Perfect example, Tricot was blocked but their manager just took care of the problem so now we can view them again.

>> No.14299495

I don't think I can go on without Len.

>> No.14300476

I miss the old youtube. I wish Youtube red just vanishes.

>> No.14300607

what vpns or proxy's are you guys using to get around the blocks?

>> No.14303873
File: 218 KB, 833x788, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not encoding the Blurays and DVDs and Project DIVA PVs
