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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14250234 No.14250234 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a Touhou gameplay thread for both the shoot-em-ups and the fighting games.

I'm a total and complete noob at Soku, and at the moment I'm just learning the basics. To give yourselves an idea of how noob I am, I can't even nail an uppercut. Soku is bebby's first fighting game for me. I use a PC gamepad and recently learned basic fighting technique in Soku (first I learned to just hit the basic A punch, then I learned to hit the dial A combo, then I learned to spam basic ranged attacks when the enemy is away), I recently managed to win my first arcade mode on Lunatic, and since I don't even know any special move someone suggested me to move on to learning how to hit spellcards (at the end of a combo or on a guard crush).

So after I learn how to hit a spellcard and build a deck, what else should I learn? I still feel way too unskilled to start learning powers and combos.

>> No.14250302

i want to fug youmu

>> No.14250308
File: 82 KB, 244x208, 123412345313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, is touhou a game?

>> No.14250330

Let's go swimming with Youmu!

>> No.14250337
File: 852 KB, 1121x800, f457d94146241885669a464f03bed502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu is a cute boy.

>> No.14250426
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I'm as surprised as you are.

>> No.14250671
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 78463765353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why TD is still the best looking mainline game. Characters look so soft and border is nice and easy on the eyes. Also both Youmu's sprite and picture are super cute.

>> No.14251033

Youmu is soft! SOFT!

>> No.14251082

You'll have better luck on /v/, not joking

>> No.14251083
File: 414 KB, 720x957, 7673130d18e0b8b56d6974b16c932003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu smells like marshmallows!

>> No.14251126

Start by practicing complex inputs and basic combos in practice mode - it has less distractions. Defense is hard to practice against computers (it may even teach you back habits); block until their combo ends and then either jump out or begin your counterattack. Trying to do anything earlier will just cause you to get your shit kicked in.

>You'll have better luck on /v/, not joking
This is almost certainly the case.

>> No.14251129

/v/ is fugly

>> No.14251141

Use Marisa and butt everyone.
She's considered low tier but it's all a ruse for casuals to not pickup her because her butt can bruteforce the game.

>> No.14251155

/v/ threads have been dead for months. Everyone went to irc or quit. The generals got killed by shitposters.

>> No.14251180
File: 142 KB, 450x600, youmu in bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't talk about a shitty board like /v/ or I will trap Youmu forever in a jar

>> No.14251206

Is there any special I need to know about playing Imperishable Nights time system ? If I am not dying constantly will the time passing system just never really be relevant or is it a thing I have to manage ?

>> No.14251215

Youmu is really pretty and cute and nice. I wish Youmu was my big sister.

>> No.14251230

You don't have to manage it. If you don't use a continue you will necessarily clear regardless of the time points you get. The game starts at 11PM and ends at 5AM; the end of each stage adds 30 minutes to the clock if you get enough time items, and an hour if you don't. If you continue once it also advances the clock 30 minutes, so if you're only concerned with clearing the game then each continue means that you will need to get enough time items on one stage to counteract that.

Note that to play 6B (once you unlock it) and get the Good Ending you cannot have continued anyways, so again it's irrelevant at that point.

>> No.14251249
File: 344 KB, 844x1200, Perfect.Cherry.Blossom.full.1064313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the response. I've been googling this but didn't find much in regards to this question. Obviously I'm going to work towards a 1cc so it sounds like I'm set.

>> No.14251363

/v/ and /tv/ are the only good boards left on 4chan

>> No.14251487
File: 137 KB, 1024x732, Youmuflowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/ has a lot of infos. To get used to special input motions you really just have to play.
Also join irc.

>> No.14252111
File: 176 KB, 500x707, ba6f68a6e93c93184a9f7de14720f607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I already asked /vg/ and they had zero fucking clue. They redirected me here.

Which is the IRC?

>> No.14252121

So, basically, picking up a shitload of time orbs is for getting better chances of nailing a shitload of points at Eirin and Kaguya's bonus spellcards? The clock advances every time you fail one of these.

>> No.14252436

Rizon's #hisouten. The level of the average player is far and away higher than yours, so you'll have to be (and they'll have to be) patient. You should be prepared to helplessly lose a lot while you try to improve, if you find a practice partner.

>> No.14252469

I already have a couple of practice partners in a group of mine. I just wanted to confirm their advice since they don't seem to be very good at identifying what a super noob has to practice.

>> No.14255672

timeorbs are generall important for scoring, as they increase you point item value. They also increase spellbonus during spellcards, however it can't go above the initial value except on survival cards (so bascially you counter the constant reduction of spellbonus on most cards)

>> No.14256308

There is also the lobby with a lower level. At least I think it is still up.

>> No.14256477

Is there a mod that replaces DDC's electric guitar with a trumpet? The OST for that game blows except for the title screen.

>> No.14257352

do not do that
I forbid you

>> No.14263018

People always tell me PCB is the easiest, but I find EoSD to be easier.

Youmu's spellcards are BS.

>> No.14263718

>ctrl f
>0 results

>> No.14263892

Well do you have anything to discuss about scoring, aside from complaining that nobody else is talking about it? It's hard to talk about scoring here when almost nobody in these threads does it. You'd get better discussion on IRC. Even in the western Touhou playing community (yes, it exists), there are few people who share the same categories- it's spread out through the games and difficulties. Sadly, most people seem to quit before they start scoring, or keep going for survival goals forever.

>> No.14269176

2hu is too simple so scoring isn't fun for most of the games.

>> No.14271923
File: 175 KB, 957x719, 191919191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on getting gud and 200 graze + 100% in this part?
I've been trying the whole day and I still can't figure how.

>> No.14271973

Here lies /jp/
They never scored

>> No.14272125

