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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14227901 No.14227901 [Reply] [Original]

Lets make touhou more politcally correct!

>> No.14227909

Reimu has six threads.

>> No.14227918
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lets look at the main character She’s kind of boring, so I guess I’ll spice her up a bit! First of all, she’s white.

>> No.14227926
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So I’m going to fix her by making her a poc!

>> No.14227939
File: 127 KB, 500x463, tumblr_inline_nw29kxZjfI1ri8wml_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better! She’s brown, this makes her a 200% more likable character. Take note, guys! Forget about development, it’s the color of a character’s skin that decides how good they are.
Next, we have to make her ~body positive~.

>> No.14227945
File: 81 KB, 500x254, tumblr_inline_nw29m7CtJk1ri8wml_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, she’s so much more beautiful now! And perfectly healthy!

>> No.14227948
File: 91 KB, 500x284, tumblr_inline_nw29qnzToV1ri8wml_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ust LOOK at that health!
Next, we have to make her push the boundaries of gender!

>> No.14227954
File: 210 KB, 500x463, tumblr_inline_nw2a14X4we1ri8wml_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, short hair! She has acted in a way that is not stereotypically feminine! That means she is now a completely different gender! Oh, and of course, we’ll have to refer to Reimu as ‘xer’ now, to reflect that.
Oh, but xe’s still not unique enough. Everybody knows mental disorders are the cool kid thing to do nowadays! Let’s give xer uh… 4? 5? sounds good enough.

>> No.14227959

I was getting ready to dump my Nazi 2hu folder, but damn if I ain't interested to see where this is going.

>> No.14227961
File: 112 KB, 500x434, tumblr_inline_nw2adfGKZQ1ri8wml_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WOW SHUT UP!!!! STUPID DOCTOR, YOU CAN’T KNOW XER ANY BETTER THAN IT KNOWS THEIRSELF! how would a ~~neurotypical~~ like you know anything about psychology? Stupid doctors acting like they have degrees in medicine.
Anyway, we just need to make hlshler a little bit more unique-looking, so shmer arguments will be more valid.

>> No.14227964 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x272, tumblr_inline_nw2aljSNM91ri8wml_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See! Shmpee’s adorable! What’s that? A special snowflake? Don’t be ridiculous! Shklee’s ~*~*~*~ ~~* UNIQUE * ~~ ~~** and *~*~*~*~ DIFFERENT~~~*~~*~.

>> No.14227967

I don't even know what's going on. Reimu doesn't seem to be enjoying this.

>> No.14227969


>> No.14227971

Being a mexican /jp/sie is suffering.

>> No.14227972

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.14227981

I always knew /pol/ were tumblerites mad that their bull isn't greeted with great fanfare on the other sites they frequent.

>> No.14228007
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>> No.14228009

Do ran next

>> No.14228010

Being a mexican anywhere is suffering

>> No.14228019

What are you trying to prove with this? Just fuck off.

>> No.14228021
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>> No.14228045
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Thanks OP! Very interesting ideas, I'm taking notes

>> No.14228064

good thread

>> No.14228088

we can start by making this thread more grammatically correct

>> No.14228105

piece of crap?

>> No.14228165

Omg lol I love your blog ciryes

>> No.14228183

true ;_;

>> No.14228196

what the fuck is going on itt

>> No.14228212

Proof of concept

>> No.14228302

So is this a /pol/ false flag or just really bad shitposting? I noticed that someone also made a feminist thread a few hours ago.

>> No.14228329

Are you actually taking this thread seriously?

>> No.14228498

at least you're not black

>> No.14229092
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>> No.14229129

You know what happened the last time we didn't take shitposting seriously? It stayed here and believed it belongs.

>> No.14229197

At first I thought you gave her a penis in form of a buldge which covers her hand because of the lack of males in Gensokyo.

>> No.14229198

ebic thred mane

>> No.14229209

You need to go back

My favourite 2hu is flan and i hate dem kikes because they are trying to destroy 2D!

>> No.14229286

fuf off :D

>> No.14229339

Nice comic OP, reminds me of something I would have made.

>> No.14229374

Oh my, are you the actual Ciryes?

>> No.14229375
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Anyway, you've inspired me. I'm gonna make Reimu more safe for /jp/.

>> No.14229387
File: 394 KB, 488x376, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, she doesn't have NEARLY enough waifus to fawn over. I fixed that.

>> No.14229394
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Next, there needs to be more of her so more people can have her as a waifu at once.

>> No.14229398
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Oh, and they need bigger boobs for easier fapping.

>> No.14229403

here we go

>> No.14229410
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Oh, and they need to spend less time standing around and more time complaining about anime on the internet.

>> No.14229416
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Aww, how cute! They're demonstrating their vocabulary!

>> No.14229428
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Whoops, I forgot, there aren't girls on the internet.

>> No.14229436
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Oh no! They have such high levels of cancer now! We'd better hurry and cure them!

>> No.14229447
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I'm sorry. There's nothing we could do.

>> No.14229451


>> No.14229455
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"What were her last words?"

>> No.14229462
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>> No.14229467
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>> No.14229486
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"She wrote a will before she gave her last breath."

>> No.14229495
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kuso thread

>> No.14229509
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>> No.14229525

Fuck off already.

>> No.14230349

This original content is enjoyable.

>> No.14230480

why is marisa's arm like that, is she expecting an IV?

>> No.14230585

next vid when?

>> No.14230602
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jk lol

>> No.14230851

Time to bring this back! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=340gqeE9kBw

>> No.14231056

jaypee jaypee creativity~

>> No.14231090
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>> No.14231380

I disagree.

>> No.14231417

I can't stop laughing

>> No.14231421

So not a kuso thread and everyone needs to stop being bitter about it

>> No.14231973
File: 506 KB, 800x626, 1444262861344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am dissapoint OP. this thread needs more Cirno.

>> No.14232024

it's 2hu, what did you expect

>> No.14238589
File: 276 KB, 700x700, fccbb96ed2018b64feffb5aec9058efb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown Reimu is best Reimu
Whitey a shit

>> No.14240500
File: 302 KB, 600x850, 1425527478220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a shit a big one xd

>> No.14244215

First of all, Reimu is not a shrine maiden who beats up youkai. She is a culturally diverse, theistically empowered shrineperson who engages in multicultural dialogue with unageable spiritpersons. She is not a drunk, she is a refreshment enthusiast. She is not poor and unemployed, she is between fiscal opportunities. She is not flat-chested, she is undervoluminously abled. And she doesn't go around blasting anyone she doesn't like, she supports a vigorous projectile-based form of self-expression.

>> No.14248248

Underrated post.

>> No.14248963


>> No.14250255

Only if you're in Mexico City, which is a feminist enclave because people there know jack fucking shit about priorities and believe first in feminism before believing in dealing with rampant crime and shit quality of life. In Guadalajara, feminism is virtually unheard of, it's that kind of dumb shit those filthy Mexico City subhumans believe.

>> No.14250277

I want to tittyfuck Reimu.

>> No.14250282

I believe that the aztec native religion and beheading sacrificial rites are still happening in guadalajajrjajrajara.

>> No.14250286

Absolutely nope, just a lot of conservative catholicism. The conquistadores didn't fuck around here and wiped out all the natives instead of enslaving them.
