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14226761 No.14226761 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14190917

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14226768

I love memes.

>> No.14226784

You're in the right place then, friend.

>> No.14226797
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>> No.14226803

It has H-scenes too.

>> No.14226904

When will the Industry die?
I want to stop playing eroge already.

>> No.14226946
File: 123 KB, 703x396, sakuuta_trial20150721_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there variations in the Sakura no Uta trial?

I don't think I remember seeing a scene like this screenshot.

>> No.14226954 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure that scene happens no matter what.
It's the one where Naoya feeds her the teriyaki chicken rice.

>> No.14226997


That's pretty cute. Looks like I gotta play this now.

>> No.14227014

That's from the bad ending.

>> No.14227020

Sorry, thought you meant the OP picture.
Yeah, some scenes will change depending on which girl you tripped the most flags with.
You can tell by seeing who Naoya calls for help when he is lost.
Some choices only appear after going through the trial again.

>> No.14227025

Oh, didn't know that. I already deleted the trial, so I'll keep going through variations for the full game.

>> No.14227283 [DELETED] 

dat track name tho

>> No.14227293
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dat track name tho

>> No.14227469
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Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.14227480

What was the name of this game? I remember seeing it at some point when looking through new released and people keep posting screenshots of it here all the time so I'm somewhat curious.

>> No.14227489


>> No.14227490

どうして、そんなに黒い髪が好きなの?, hidden gem from last year

>> No.14227589

anyone know if 媚肉の香り 番外編 is kusoge

>> No.14227597

All games are kusoge Anon.

>> No.14228346

I like how most of people who run around wailing about elf, didn't even read anything but yuno from them. Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.14228348

If you're referring to EOPs then rather than being hypocritical they're just being, uh, "shallow" I guess? Not really hypocritical. Do you know what the word hypocrisy means?

>> No.14228353

I mean everyone, including posters from this thread.
And no, I mean hypocrisy.
> Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, behaviors, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that some do not actually hold
They pretend like its huge deal for them, yet they didn't actually ever care about elf and their games and it will change nothing for them.

>> No.14228364 [DELETED] 

>I mean everyone, including posters from this thread.
Well, good to know you're being hypocritical :o)

>> No.14228381

I don't care about elf

>> No.14228383

>I mean everyone, including posters from this thread.

How did you know?

>> No.14228425

I don't care about elf or whatever. Companies? People? Fuck you all. The only thing what matters is games themselves. Who did it, when, where he live, what is his cat? Nonsense. Why should I care about complete strangers? There are billions of people living on Earth, go care for them, hypocrite.

>> No.14228472
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>> No.14228754

Finally finished everything in the Himawari Vita version.

It had Komorebi, Kagerou and 2048-2050. Is there any other things to read before Aqua After?

>> No.14228930

Your are fucking retarded. Of course people will care about people that produce the things they enjoy. That's different from being a complete stranger. Regardless of whether someone here genuinely gave a shit about elf or not, equating caring about game producers and random strangers from the billions of people that populate earth is stupid.

>> No.14228944
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R.I.P. élf.

Shusaku and Kawarazaki-ke no Ichizoku 2 were some of my favourite eroge of all-time.

>> No.14228945

They weren't all that special anyway.

>> No.14228971

It's better this way. It was way past its prime already and hadn't really produced anything worthwhile in the last ten or so years. Maybe some of their staff will move on to make something decent for another company.

>> No.14228982

Even if you don't like them personally, there are companies a lot worse than them that would be better off dead.

>> No.14229007

Not really. Elf died because it couldn't sustain itself. If another company hasn't reached that point yet, it means they still produce something that (more) people enjoy and that gives them more of a reason to exist. Elf, however, reached its end naturally. It still moves some copies and has fans, but if it can't justify its existance anymore it's better off dead.
Most people who mourn elf take about how they enjoyed games they put out at least a decade ago while relatively few people cry because they won't see another elf NTR game.

>> No.14229049

Last Cavalier has a pretty cool OP.


>> No.14229124
File: 90 KB, 389x560, elf_0018pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather prefer Elf to be dead than keep making NTR games.
Not because I don't particularly like it, but because Kakyūsei 2 was a suicide move and for them keep doing NTR centered games after that is like some sort of self inflicted masochist karma punishment.

>> No.14229128

>Elf died because it couldn't sustain itself.
Don't forget a lot of critical employees died

>> No.14229161

I can only think of Horibe and that was in 2006.

>> No.14229168

I was thinking of Hiroyuki and Umemoto though to be honest I don't know how critical they actually were, I just remember reading about their deaths in an article.

>> No.14229185

Is there any reason to play the PC version of Chaos;Head? Or can I just start with Dual on Vita? Dual should be fully uncensored too, so it's not like the PC version has something extra, right?

>> No.14229235

*tips fedora*

>> No.14229236

>Or can I just start with Dual on Vita? Dual should be fully uncensored too, so it's not like the PC version has something extra, right?
Yeah, there was no H-scenes or anything particularly raunchy in the original either. The Vita dual edition uses the upgraded Chaos;Head Noah version of the game which supposedly added separate heroine routes, though I haven't played that version myself so I can't really speak about how good the new content is or how it's tied to a game that was mostly just one general route.

As for Chaos;Child I think all the versions are identical save for different OP movies.

>> No.14229243

Pretty hyped for this.
Having a trap MC being a badass is truly rare in eroge.

>> No.14229250

That's pretty much impossible. I don't get the point of trap characters in regular eroge, they belong in nukige.

>> No.14229262

Comedic purpose, I suppose.
The whole hide-the-gender hijinks could be pretty funny sometimes.
Well, I said it is rare but not impossible.
The MCs of 天使の羽根を踏まないでっ
and 恋する乙女と守護の楯 are pretty cool ones.

>> No.14229265

But Kanno left in 1997 to form Abel and Umemoto wasn't an Elf employee.

>> No.14229300

Elf was already losing steam before Kakyuusei 2. In the early 00's they regularly outsourced the scenario and writting of their works and Key, TYPE-MOON and their traditional "rival" AliceSoft were already more popular and successful.

They bet a lot in promoting Kakyuusei 2 to make their big comeback (to the point to be released the same day as Rance 6) and bombed. Not only for the NTR (technically Tamaki was not stolen from the MC, but was a low blow to have the main girl, osananajimi to boost, to be the one with a boyfriend) but because the golden age of games like Kakyuusei, Dokyuusei or To Heart was already past their prime.

That made some of the staff to resign, making a chain reaction until almost all their popular in-house staff left.

Hiroyuki and Umemoto left way before their deaths.

>> No.14229476

Kouya's anime version was leaked through Getchu.

>> No.14229528


Subahibi HD remake confirmed before Sakura no Uta sequel starts getting worked on.

>> No.14229606

I really enjoyed it.
It's not that long and kind of unique. You should really it.

>> No.14229699

>fortissimo delayed
>sorairo delayed

Great, only Koikake left for this month. I hope November releases won't be as dissapointing as September and August releases.

>> No.14229714

You like and are expecting fortissimo. You have no saying regarding monthly quality of eroge.

>> No.14229725

I rather see a Sakura no Uta sequel than another remake...

>> No.14229729

Not playing Sakura no Uta? Almost everyone is hyped for it

>> No.14229780

I don't understand the hates for Fortissimo. I think it's pretty good.

I don't like the art and the only thing I read from Scaji is Ikikoi. I tried Himawari Kyoukai and it bores me to death. That's why I don't really care about that game.

>> No.14229819

Why wouldn't you have read Subahibi, his most praised work? That seems an obvious thing to play.

>> No.14229833

Because fortissimo is so boring it hurts and the writing is killing, in a really bad way.

>> No.14229854

The game description sounds too obscure for me. I'm not into that kind of stuff.

I guess it's just a matter of taste.

>> No.14229871

>bad writing

Stop this meme.

>> No.14229878

At least I'm sad. I'm a big fan of their latter works, especially Biniku no Kaori and Ningen Debris. I still haven't found games with a similar atmosphere. I hope Doten Meikai switches to Silky's Plus.

>> No.14230066

Elf died when Hiruta Masato left.


>> No.14230089

All he did was change his name to Doten Meikai.

>> No.14230232

Have to read that final accord by Doten, really liked his writing style though. He did manage to pull a lot of emotional strings while keeping his stories down to earth(not without silly moments, but overall story yeah). I wonder what he will do from now on?

>> No.14230452

SilkysPlus will publish their next game soon.
The official twitter is commenting how the bigger market is pretty much only moe right now and they need to work so they don't get left out.

I'm still hoping for something balanced enough like Nanarin.

>> No.14230459

Eroge industry truly is hell.

>> No.14230476

>I don't like the art and the only thing I read from Scaji is Ikikoi. I tried Himawari Kyoukai and it bores me to death. That's why I don't really care about that game.
While Scaji wrote parts of Ikikoi, it's hard to say that it's really "from" him. The other Makura writers are just so incompetent that he had to step in.

Himanatsu's common route is also written by other Makura writers and it's terribly dull, as you say. Yomi's route is by Scaji and while it was clearly rushed, it still manages to be pretty good, especially if you've played Subahibi and know where he's coming from in terms of his philosophy. (Hina's route is also very worth reading, so if you can struggle through the common route I'd recommend finishing it.)

>> No.14230611

Scaji might have edited parts of yomi's route, but he clearly didn't write it regardless of what some people claim.

>> No.14230641

Uh yes, he very, VERY clearly did. Even if it weren't painfully obvious just from the content of the route, Scaji's idiosyncratic writing style is so apparent that you can pinpoint pretty much the exact point at which he took over. There were a few random scenes like the ero that were probably written by J-Sairo, but the route as a whole is unmistakably Scaji's work.

And anyway, he's confirmed himself that he wrote it.

>> No.14230655



Clearly this Scaji guy is making shit up.

>> No.14230727

if anyone was still in doubt about him being Doten Meikai, then at least the final staff roll should have cleared the question up, as it lists from all silky's titles only nonomura and the first kawarazaki-ke, which were written by him. he also wrote the first aishimai, but it most likely wasn't listed because the three sequels weren't made by him.

>NTR games

why the plural?

after nearly 30 years in eroge and shutting down his own company, I dont think you will see more of him.

>> No.14230852

Can you jump straight from Rance 03 to to VI?

I'm also worried that the gameplay will be really dated in comparison, considering it's eleven years older.

>> No.14230927

I'd recommend playing at least 5 first as one of the important characters is introduced in it. I think 4 first introduces you to Zeth so playing 6 without it can make the world feel a bit disjointed, but nothing really relevant carries over.
Also, don't worry. VI hasn't aged that well either.

>> No.14230978

VI is one of the weaker games in the series gameplaywise. The good thing about it is that if you can get though it (without CE), you can probably finish Rance Quest Magnum.
Techincally it can be played on its own, but 5D does play into it to a degree. You don't really have to play IV if you don't feel like it. There are some references to some things, but nothing major or plot important.

>> No.14231022

>VI is one of the weaker games in the series gameplaywise.
I'd highly disagree on that, the only two games that beat it gameplay wise is SR and KR

>Can you jump straight from Rance 03 to to VI?
I wouldn't recommend it, thankfully VI and V are very short games.

>> No.14231071

>I'd highly disagree on that, the only two games that beat it gameplay wise is SR and KR
Even Quest had better gameplay than VI. Hell, IV had better gameplay than VI.

>> No.14231104

Quest's system was awful and magnum only brought it up to playable levels, I don't understand how somebody can stand such a terrible gameplay system unless they have a acquired taste for it

>Hell, IV had better gameplay than VI.
This is a comment that so stupid that I can't see it as anything other than a troll or actually being stupid. IV's system was low tier and the day and night system made it insufferable

>> No.14231115
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10/10 bait

>> No.14231142

The gameplay in VI shits on Rance 03 which has pretty ordinary gameplay.

IV is nice to have played for IX.

>> No.14231157

Magnum basically reuses VI's system with some aspects of SR. The day and night system is the SP system with a fresh coat of paint. I found the day and night system to be less intrusive than SP one. Mind you, none of them are what I'd exactly consider good. All of them are shallow. IV had least depth, but VI didn't have much really going for it either while Magnum kind of tried to address it but didn't do a great job of it.

>> No.14231166
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VI has better gameplay than 03 so you won't have much of an issue with the transition in that respect. IV and V have quite a few issues but as brought up before, they are quite short and generally don't stick around long enough to infuriate a person.

>> No.14231201

is there no way to turn off individual voices in 03? I literally cannot deal with Sill's VA.

>> No.14231209

All this talk of Rance reminds me, how relevant is RQM to IX? I never bothered finishing Magnum but I'm interested in IX.

>> No.14231225

In terms of IX it only finishes Crook's storyline and brings ALICE to the table. Magnum sets up quite a few possible plot points and developments for X more than anything

>> No.14231227
File: 255 KB, 1276x796, Riria_ぐるぐる.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Riria's route in Koikuma.

Overall it is the most fun I've had with an eroge in a while. The lewd jokes are pretty funny and the side characters have some nice chemistry as well. I played it on and off, and it was well-suited for such, as the episodic divisions between scenes gave you a nice stopping point to drop and go do something else. It suffers from the common ailment of comedy eroge, though, it being having an incredibly funny common route but devolving into icha-ero only in the character route I played, at least. Given that the whole premise of her ponkotsu-ness is being lewd, though, I can kind of forgive it in this particular case. The icha was nice though, the reactions Riria has are endearing although might end up being overly saccharous for some people. I thought it was cute. It's also one of the few times I enjoyed reading the pillow-talk after h-scenes.

Overall it was a nice read and I might try the other routes (there is only one choice I ever made so the game is pretty linear), after finishing a route it unlocks the side characters so I'll see if I can keep the will and focus to play them. Tezuka Ryouko has just been in my face for a lot of eroge this year in likeable character roles for me, so I might do that one next.

>> No.14231236

No, Rance beating Sill constantly made up for Sill's awful voice in my case

>> No.14231247

Sadly no but I know how you feel with Sill

III (now 03), IV, and VI are the main ones with IX

From Quest it's mainly just Crook and ALICE. It's about as important as 5D is to VI. So not that important.

Well I guess it does introduce Tilde and she's one of the seven heroines but since you never bothered finishing but not that you never started playing Magnum I'm guessing you have seen Tilde.

>> No.14231392
File: 53 KB, 640x360, 508461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still playing Chaos;Chlld on PS Vita
Have been enjoying the investigation so far but almost done with first route so getting ready for bullshit storm (I hope it's okay).
I wonder how this wraps up when compared to Chaos;Head.... (no spoiler please)

>> No.14231492

VI is boring, shitty, grindy hell. "Run same map 100 times till you vomit blood to get some orbs". Any game that relies on grinding is complete failure by design.

03 on other hand requires no grind, so it automatically beats VI.

>> No.14231496

I don't mind the grinding much honestly, VI has much more glaring problems in the gameplay, like how paralysis completely trumps everything in the game, and how you can easily get locked out of the true end, forcing you to either use cheat engine or have been using a walkthrough. Outside of those problems, though, it's an amazing game.

>> No.14231512

No the anon you're replying to but last fourth of it is an amazing game. It could've been about the length of the previous games and it would've been fine, but the fact that about half of it is basically filler lowers my opinion of it considerably.
Also, what's the difference between the true end and the not so true one? I played through the game once some time ago and I'm not exactly eager to replay it to know if I got the true end.

>> No.14231535

The only true end part of VI that really matters is fighting Abert

I mean you can miss parts of the epilogue in 03 as well

>> No.14231577

> "Run same map 100 times till you vomit blood to get some orbs"
Or you could do the sensible thing and farm a low level map and get almost a full set of orbs in less than 5 minutes, the only part that is really grindy is if you want to get the monster capturing guy to level cap which is completely unnecessary due to Rance also having said skill

>03 on other hand requires no grind
Except you need to grind money in order to buy all the attacks for all the characters

>> No.14231593
File: 369 KB, 1024x768, ランス03_20150831_160953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>03 on other hand requires no grind
Fuck off, you know that's not true at all

>> No.14231595

> need to grind money in order to buy all the attacks for all the characters
You don't need to buy all attacks for all characters => you don't need to grind.

>> No.14231596

You sound like that you'd be happiest if Rance was just a visual novel.

Your opinion on gameplay doesn't really count when it's basically "I don't like having to play a game"

Are you the guy who also didn't like Sengoku?

>> No.14231603

No, I'm the guy who loved Daiteikoku due to deterministic gameplay and lack of grind. See, alicesoft is capable of good non-grind gameplay.
>didn't like Sengoku?
Played it too long ago, but I remember I couldn't bother to finish any other routes than true one and monkey kill one.

>> No.14231606

You still don't get enough money in order to buy all the skills for the party members you use throughout the game and not having the highest level of skills makes combat last unnecessarily long and massively increases the risk of party members dying.

Good luck beating Noce and Gele without having all 5 Star skills

>> No.14231608

>Except you need to grind money in order to buy all the attacks for all the characters
Why would you do this to yourself? The game is easy as fuck and it's ridiculously easy to cheese most encounters.

>> No.14231618

> Good luck beating Noce and Gele without having all 5 Star skills
What? You literally can't lose Gil fight.

>> No.14231622

>Noce and Gele
Why would you have trouble with them? Noce is a bitch as long as you are using a decent composition and your party is around 25-30. When it comes to Gele can you actually lose that fight?

>> No.14231625

You can lose the Gele fight if you don't level up Rance's skills past 4 according to a short discussion on the AS general

>> No.14231639

Never happened to me, but I guess it may be possible. I may have had one 5* skill on him or something because it never happened to me and I rushed through it without stopping to grind or do any of the side stuff.

>> No.14231988

>The other Makura writers are just so incompetent that he had to step in.
That's funny when those incompetent people wrote the most well received route in the game. Oh please, even as the helpless Sca-ji freak I am I would never claim shit like that on any Makura work besides H2O, which I can even agree the only good things are the after stories he wrote.
Because of course, sperging about Kantian antinomy every damn game he was ever involved, adding hardcore shintoism infodumps, and things happening when they are supposed to be makes his "writing" godly; but writing solid SoL (which I sincerely think it's better presented than anything on Yomi√) and things not happening when they are not supposed to makes every other utter shit. Nevermind how they can actually write distinct characters writing voices, as opposed to Sca-ji.
Really, that's insulting the very motive he created the brand.

>> No.14232017 [DELETED] 

Oh, and yes, maybe you should try reading the Ebiten novel before saying anything else. It's legitimately 100% Sca-ji and it manages to be even worse than Ikikoi sometimes.

>> No.14232034

Calm down, Hab.

>> No.14232044

This guy is amazing. "They didn't use sprites perfectly so I hate this company now, worst game ever, 1/10, makura is dead!!"

>> No.14232052

Yes, I even said things I shouldn't on the way. I apologize.

>> No.14232065


>> No.14232091

>he also wrote the first aishimai
I really doubt that.
The PC-98 version has no staff roll and the Windows 95 version (no change to the text) has only 都原一雄 credited for scenario.

>> No.14232095

Just some annoying e-celebrity.

>> No.14232099

> first route
You mean common route (as opposed to heroine's routes)?
> I wonder how this wraps up when compared to Chaos;Head.
I find it better, really.

Good luck. Be careful not to get bad end on Arimura route first time, will spoil the impression. Nasty thing they did.

>> No.14232108

Seeing this too much lately so I'd like to ask. Since when did "writing" become a meme instead of a main point in a written media? Take your favorite work with all it's story elements intact and rewrite it with your own words, pretty sure you'll get disappointed by result. Or maybe there is some other word that expresses the same concept, but it's still not a meme and safe to use?
One just have to earn a living, doubt he will go to construction site in search of his own sakimi. At the same time I'm sure nobody is going to hire him, that much almost a certain thing. Still, this shouldn't be much of a shock since he has seen it coming for a long time. Hope Doten has already made some preparations for a fresh start.

>> No.14232115

> Since when did "writing" become a meme instead of a main point in a written media?
It never was "main point" of eroge. Eroge sells on artists, and to lesser extent seyuu. Writers are there to just copypaste appropriate iyaaa-aaah-ohhh-kitaaaa scenes.

>> No.14232129

>Since when did "writing" become a meme instead of a main point in a written media?
People who only play nukige and mass produced moege and skip most of it just to get to the H-scenes.

>> No.14232141

Jay, I have an EOP friend nagging me about a save data of a game 閃光の騎士 or whatever and he can't find it on sagaoz and he says that a lot of games aren't having their 100% save datas uploaded

Are saves for eroge now being uploaded somewhere else ? I don't play eroge that much so idk


Recommended order of heroines in my opinion
yamazoe -> Arimura -> kazuki -> Nono

It really doesn't matter, but I strongly suggest leaving nono for last before true ending though

>> No.14232196

>skip most of it just to get to the H-scenes
Really? Are you sure you're not talking about English speakers with Atlas?

>> No.14232213

Well that's a doujin game, sagaoz is a hit or miss when it comes to those.

>> No.14232542
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Not him but I also just finished Miyabi route in koikuma. While common route was fun and I liked almost every heroines, I dont think s-m theme h-scenes fitted into miyabi's personality and the routes are too ero focused. The countdown until ejaculate and the small after stories were good though.

I also liked the episodic divisions between scenes thing as you said, since the games bores you if you try to play in one go having those kind of stopping points really helped me.

In short I liked and enjoyed the game as well, and most likely will play other routes too but to be honest its not an awesome or great game, just a little better than average with cute heroines and hot h-scenes.

>> No.14233142

Pretty sure you still have to be a retard.

And I have no idea how you can have not leveled up Rance's skills to 5 anyway.

Like surely everyone playing will do that?

>> No.14233177

>Like surely everyone playing will do that?
If somebody rushes through the game like an idiot then they might not have the skills maxed, I can certainly see people not maxing Rance's attack buff skill which is really detrimental to the Gele fight

>> No.14233240

Gave Sakura no Uta a freaking 1 what an asshole

>> No.14233261


>> No.14233557

Who fucking gives a shit.

>> No.14233563

He fucking does.

>> No.14233628

That's one more than it deserves.

>> No.14233813

>Reading VN's on the vita

Has anyone else started doing this more and more? I know I can download any vn for free, but recently I've been buying them for the vita.

What are some good vita/psp/ps1 VN to get? I probably already own the obvious and popular stuff.

>> No.14234228

I would but the lack of ero kills it for me.

>> No.14234276

There are easier ways to masturbate then to read eroge.

>> No.14234307

Except the sex scenes are an integral part of the romance. Without them it feels incomplete to me.

>> No.14234387
File: 133 KB, 960x544, PS-Vita_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danganronpa 1.2 and Amagami are a must (if you don't have already for PSP / PS2)

You can buy the stuff that is not a PC port, without ero since the beginning

>> No.14234409

But what's the point in that if they don't fuck?

>> No.14234476
File: 58 KB, 634x360, dreamclub_gogoten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, is usually a cock tease. But with that mentality you're missing a lot of stuff.

>> No.14234515

>being this autistic

>> No.14234539

That guy is fucking mental, bipolar, schizophrenic, whatever. A fucking loon if you ask me.

>> No.14234556


>> No.14234677

I seriously doubt he's the person quoted, though. Habluka probably thinks all the other writers in himanatsu are shit except sca-ji, and >>14231988 is saying the opposite.

>> No.14234694

Habluka is a mentally ill faggot still.

>> No.14234706

I thought Habluka hated sca-ji
I'm lost with these shitty e-celebs

>> No.14234716

What is Habluka even famous for? Has he done anything of notice?

>> No.14234719

He shits on Masada and Romeo.

>> No.14234729

Just being loud, which is how e-celebs work
They don't produce anything or help anyone, they are just loud

>> No.14235146

Why do you get so triggered at what a single person says? Holy shit you fucks are whiny.

>> No.14235172

Indeed, I think it's kind of overrated although in EGS it's probably being rated as a nukige. The ero was good though, at least they're making use of Sayori's art. Yuu was the best. Riria was too annoying for me.

>Tezuka Ryouko
Her final comment audio was pretty funny. She sounds like a fun girl.
Tachibana Mao on the other hand, sounded like she didn't give a fuck.

I'm also loving Ayumi Sarah (Yuu's VA), although she's always hired for these kuudere roles. I liked her much better with her role of Miyuki in LOVEREC. (tsundere/assertive/bossy attitude). I wish she did more roles like this.

>> No.14235177

Which sakura no uta would you fuck?

>> No.14235187

Better question is why anyone should care about this e-"celeb" faggotry. I didn't even knew who this habluwhatever was before he constantly was mentioned here.

>> No.14235189

Rina, she has the biggest tits.

>> No.14235194

I think he's some tlwiki meme or something.

>> No.14235203
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1407, maitetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Maitetsu gonna be about trains? I sure hope it's about trains.

>> No.14235205

Nah it's going to be about wooing some girls and then fucking them, with some train themes here and there. That's how all eroge are.

>> No.14235213

Nah, it's just some irrelevant faggot who keeps talking about himself and replying to himself here to create the image that anyone cares.

>> No.14235217

It's gonna be about pedophilia.

>> No.14235219

Don't destroy my dreams. I want a DenshaColle already.

>> No.14235222

It's probably gonna be about fucking girls on the trains.

>> No.14235227

I don't care I just want to fuck this loli already.

>> No.14235228

That fanbase would be utter and absolute cancer.

>> No.14235235
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>> No.14235245

But can't you imagine all those train otaku throwing all that money at lose?

>> No.14235247

Makoto is bigger, no?

>> No.14235254

Wait for Wednesday, official site will open.

>> No.14235261

If it makes you feel better, the main loli is probably a train somehow, given that her name is 8620.

>> No.14235274

Yeah as I said its fun and has an awesome art, enjoyable heroines, hot h-scenes etc but definitely not worth of 80, they exaggerated it too much.

>> No.14235333
File: 193 KB, 1247x705, ss+(2015-10-18+at+01.43.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the common route of Ren'ai Phase. Seems like they tried to make something similiar to Fureraba (hell even the game's catchword is friend -> lover) with the choice thing or game feeling, but got bored and didnt work enough on it.

First of all game definitely dont have enough choices and choices comes after when all of heroines are already fall in love with mc. You are getting one choice arc with each heroine, and the choices are not interesting. Hell I picked something similiar to "you are cute" shit for all of heroines, and all of them gave almost same reaction. At least change the choices as the situations.

Second, I cant understand why the hell are those girl fall in love with mc. Mc said to one heroine that "wow you are such a hard worker" and she fall in love with mc in that instant who she didnt even talk before? seriously? at least make 3-4 events more for that, its just too sloppy.

I guess they just wanted to rip off some money from the fureraba fans, but with this level of laziness they are just digging their own graves.

>> No.14235370
File: 293 KB, 1280x720, 恋愛フェイズ_2015-10-17_01-30-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice timing, I'm in the middle of the common route. I don't have any hopes for GIGA, but I had some free time before November so I tried it. Indeed everything seems pretty cliched and rushed, leaves me with this "What?" feeling. I guess they went more for a dating sim feel. Reminds me of Valet Style which I also tried (it's shit), and Tomoka in her route completely falls in love with the MC the moment he falls asleep and accidentally touches her hand while they're watching a movie.

But the girls are cute and funny, I'll give you that. I guess I'll finish the routes of the ones I like. It seems it isn't very long either.

This gag (picture related) surprised me for a moment, it would've been such a godly genre shift.

Also, press F9.

>> No.14235404

What will the genre shift in Sakura no Uta be? Or the twist, if you will.

>> No.14235455

Girls fug you instead of you fugging them.

>> No.14235466
File: 275 KB, 1251x704, ss+(2015-10-18+at+02.18.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loled that f9 thing, and yeah I also liked heroines to be honest. Art is better than average too, even though they couldn't make the boobs right (specially Izumo's, both of her boobs are bigger than her head).

The game would have been a fine moege if they could make the relationship developments right, and make some acceptable reasons for falling in love, being familiar with heroines etc but they just skipped all of those. Two of heroines are already in love with mc even before the common route anyway, so at least work on the other two for gods sake.

Lastly I didnt like how they handled the "nameable protagonist" as well. I'd be okay if they did something similiar to Amakano, but so far only Kokoro metions mc as "oni-chan" and Suzuha sometimes call him as "you", others are just skipping the name part which I found pretty unpleasant.

>> No.14235506

There's so much foreshadowing going in so many different directions in the trial that speculating is just going to leave you more confused. Rina's branch somewhat calls to mind Jako's route in Supreme Candy for me, but I have no idea how the 糸杉の夜 stuff is supposed to fit into the picture. Not to mention that Shizuku is still a complete enigma, and there are characters who haven't even been introduced yet.

>> No.14235508

>Lastly I didnt like how they handled the "nameable protagonist" as well. I'd be okay if they did something similiar to Amakano, but so far only Kokoro metions mc as "oni-chan" and Suzuha sometimes call him as "you", others are just skipping the name part which I found pretty unpleasant.
I agree completely. I dislike nameable protagonists because I don't feel the need to use my name, and when heroines never say the MC's name it just intensifies the feeling that the MC is just a soulless avatar instead of an actual character in the story. I'm okay with it as long as they mention the name of the MC when you leave it default, but that doesn't happen here either.

>> No.14235541

I highly doubt there will be a genre shift. It's not the same kind of game as SubaHibi was.

>> No.14236026
File: 334 KB, 639x482, all clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sure was fun. I thought it before, but Japanese games from that era have some kind of special atmosphere, and this title especially so. Maybe it's because the country was in a general upward trend back then, I don't know. It's also nice to have "believable" heroines that actually fit the setting, instead of having teenage girls being the world's best at x, or them being tied to some tragicomic backstory. I don't know about best girls, but Chiharu and Natsuko definitely had the best character themes.

Anway, what is the deal with the 1999 remake proper? I read about the scenario being altered, but with practically all CGs reused between that release and the DMM original one, I can't see how the text could be all that different.

>> No.14236158
File: 37 KB, 705x146, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Naoya's mom, Sui is her unborn child

>> No.14236168

>"believable" heroines

Or the fact that some of them were fucking adults and not the schoolgirl menagerie games have become.

>> No.14236419


>> No.14236421

> the sex scenes are an integral part of the romance
Not at all. Sex scenes are integral part of love imitation in which you yourself are assuming role of the main character. In this case lack of sex means you've been friend zoned, which means betrayal from girl and your disgrace and humiliation.
But if you reading for the story, i.e. for the characters and not yourself, then sex doesn't matter one bit.

>> No.14236446

If you're just reading for the story, why are you wasting your time with porn games?

>> No.14237006

>sex doesn't matter one bit
>porn games
Please, try again after sober up (if that's possible at all).

>> No.14237330

I say they are stuck between the dead and living

>> No.14237340

No genre shift at all.

>> No.14237412

Is it Friday yet?

>> No.14237434

Define "Friday".

>> No.14237436
File: 774 KB, 1920x1080, 【chapter3】_2015-10-04_06-41-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Traveling Stars, it sure is getting a pretty bad reception. I didn't think it was that bad, but it sure wasted all the potential in that setting, which was pretty nice. The backgrounds were great too. But again, I haven't played HOOKSOFT's previous works.

>> No.14237437

Define "it".

>> No.14237438

Care to spoil some routes? I played the trial, but won't go for the full game.

>> No.14237439

all the potential present in that setting*

>> No.14237449
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, 恋愛フェイズ_2015-10-18_03-18-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's *that* sweater.

Finished it earlier, it was mediocre I guess. But it had a nice "twist", it has a hidden heroine you unlock after the first clear. She's MC's otaku stalker, and his chat partner, if you drop it you might still want to go after that. It's pretty short.

Either way I don't know what Giga is trying to do, they even have 2 games in development at the same time now.

>> No.14237489

Actually I figured out that she is the amateras as soon as I saw her at the beginning of the game, so it wasn't very surprising but still a nice idea I guess. Since there is still time for october games I think I'll try her route too.

About Giga: I think they are just trying to make lots of mediocre games instead of a few good ones. They have released 4 games in last one year ( Passage, Haru Kiss, SxS and Ren'ai Phase) and all of them were just average at best, though SxS had a pretty big potantial of being a new majikoi if they could make it right.

>> No.14237494
File: 449 KB, 1920x1080, 【ジルコニア編11】_2015-10-07_22-56-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't much to spoil as routes are mostly icha icha, except for Zyrconia's route which was a bit more dense.

Most things happen before the game itself starts. A civil war had happened in Sansarune between demons (Lea is one of them) and vampires (Chloe is one of them), where vampires defeated the demons and took over their government. Zyrconia, as an elf, was neutral and acted as a medic, so she saw a lot of suffering and ended up hating war. As it's mentioned she's a pretty old (100+ years old), and she fell in love with the MC when he was in Sansarune as a little child (she was a shotacon I guess).

Back at the elf's forest in Sansarune, the MC (as a child) was practicing fighting with Nicola but he fell off from a tree and was at the verge of death. Zyrconia saw this scene and since she had fallen in love with him, she transferred most of her magic to the MC that she had stored in her earrings throughout her entire life to keep him alive. This is why we see Zyrconia so physically weak in the VN, and it's also why she takes so much care of the MC. It's also why the MC can use magic, and elf's medicine works for him.

Now the VN starts, we're in Arteal, and after you enter her route, the MC falls off from a tree again. As he had a subconscious trauma from his previous fall, he didn't react and hit his head again, and left him in the verge of death again. Since Zyrconia didn't have more magic stored for him, and couldn't find another way after lot of research, she shared her lifespan with him to keep him alive instead, leaving her with very few time left to live. Since they're magically connected, the MC starts seeing what Zyrconia has done in the past in his dreams, and viceversa. This is how he notices what Zyrconia had done.

Since the MC is being kept alive thanks to magic, he figured out he could do the same to Zyrconia, but she told him she shouldn't worry about it. So he secretly went around asking for help. Some shit happens, and at the end all heroines team up to give her their magic. Since they need a shitton of magic to do this, Chloe and Lea go back to their world to ask for more people to get magic from. Since everyone knew Zyrconia and held her dear for saving many from dying back in the war, hundreds of people decided to help. After trying a lot the MC used some of his magic to open up some kind of portal (I don't remember the actual name) to bring the huge number of people back to Arteal. They all get together and manage to give Zyrconia the magic needed to keep her alive.

As you can see, this had some nice backstory, they really should've used this, they barely touch it in the common route or the other individual routes. Such a shame.

>> No.14237508

Zyrconia's sounds really nice though.

>> No.14237511

Hmm, sounds interesting indeed, but not like something I would really enjoy, not my thing.

>> No.14237514

Backstory sounds much more interesting than the main story

>> No.14237578


>> No.14237869

He actually cared about the game long before people got hyped over it for Sca-ji. Him being upset that Sca-ji making it something that it isn't is understandable. It also has bad Inugami art.

>> No.14237884

"making something that it isn't" how autistic do you need to be to think you know more about the game than the writer himself

>> No.14237890

As opposed to the bad Motoyon art it had before.

Anyway, Scaji isn't making it into something it isn't, because it wasn't anything before. If you play the old trial it's pretty clear that he didn't really have a solid plan for it at the time, and was just writing bullshit as he went.

>> No.14237902

Sakura no Uta wasn't Sca-ji's project. It was to be Makura's first game and Sca-ji had nothing to do with the scenario. In the original credits he's merely listed as being the "producer" while the scenario is credited to "みそらきいろ / 冬月もえ".


>> No.14237908

Actually, the game was a combination and the designs went to different artists during the development. Tsukinon did a large portion of the designs and then eventually some of those were replaced with designs from Motoyon.

>> No.14237909

Sca-ji was the one who wrote the first trial released ages ago though so that's a pretty moot point, the only thing you could judge Sakura no Uta by Sca-ji's vision from the beginning

>> No.14237912

And that project went nowhere. It wasn't until Scaji started feeling bad about it and decided to just write the damn thing himself that anything at all was done on it.

>> No.14237925

You sure seem to know a lot about the inner production of the game and how far it progressed conceptually before he took over.

>> No.14237944

Scaji has talked about it on Twitter and in interviews. Basically no one wanted to actually write it because it was going to be too hard to write.

>> No.14238150

I wonder what was the original idea for it.

>> No.14238157

What sca-ji is doing most likely, it's not like he's dropping the whole thing and doing whatever he wants with it.

>> No.14238177

Well, I'm sure Scaji has thought the whole thing thousands times though in all that time.

>> No.14238282

You got it all wrong. Habluka loved Scaji, he loved Subahibi and old Sakuuta trial (had it at 10/10), but then new trial had slightly different art and it had higher resolution, and habluka's autism kicked in and now scaji is his mortal enemy, killing makura.

>> No.14238376

Except lusting over Inugami and giving her work.

>> No.14238387

I like her and at least knows how clothes work when worn unlike the artist for, say, ikikoi or supreme candy.

>> No.14238398

B-but she did art for Supreme Candy

>> No.14238710

>Higher resolution and better art make the game instantly shit.

>> No.14238736

Definitely not.

>> No.14238759

Anatomy looks less derpy now and the clothes less retarded. What's not to like?

>> No.14238766
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>> No.14238772

Inugami being a bad artist with severe sameface and giant heads.

>> No.14238829

Aside from Sakura no Uta, what else isn't going to be inane garbage this month?

>> No.14238840


>> No.14238848


Eroge is dying.

>> No.14238856

>That's funny considering that he speaks of "Mount Stupid". It seems LG's interests are more in "Hentai game" and less in "Eroge".
Elf fans are all fucked up in the head.

>> No.14238867

>Eroge Games

>> No.14238885

If you don't toe the line with the Fuwanovel mafia you're going to get fucked up, kid.

>> No.14239065


>> No.14239103

I enjoy moege as long as it's decent, so I'll be playing Primal Hearts 2, Cocoro Rista, SukiSuki and KoiKake. I think I'll also be checking out Royal Garden, Unlucky Reverse, Amanosora and Kodomo no Asobi as long as it's not a sleeping pill. The monthly nukige is definitely Tsuushinbo. I don't have any hopes up for onomatope*.

>> No.14239141

Can't wait for people complaining about no zero day torrent for sakura no uta next friday.

>> No.14239144

That's physically impossible.

>> No.14239154

Can't wait for these threads to be about Sakura no Uta all day.
Oh wait, they already are.

>> No.14239177

Don't worry. Sakura no Uta will have surprise cheating/NTR/cucking that will very soon be encountered as the eager buyers avidly read it, first by the most loyal fans in Japan and soon spreading around the entire community of eroge readers like a shockwave, finally reaching here and causing a massive shit explosion as everyone starts screaming cuck and NTR and whatnot and drowns out anything related to Sakura no Uta in an ocean of rage for a few weeks, battering the thread incessantly like a hailstorm and leaving only a shitpost wasteland in its wake.

>> No.14239835

>Sakura no Uta will have surprise cheating/NTR/cucking
If that happens I'll play it.

>> No.14239923

Just read Chaos;Child chapter 8 and fuck, this game is cool.

>> No.14239968

Why does Japan keep making these? Didn't they ban CP once and for all a while ago?

>> No.14239980

>Why does Japan keep making these?

Because there's demand.

>Didn't they ban CP once and for all a while ago?

All the girls are 18+, Oniichan.

>> No.14239994

Demand did not stop them from progressively legislating against CP in a smooth but clearly transitional fashion, and I'm pretty sure real CP has even more demand than loli games. They even made laws explicitly so the +18 disclaimer wouldn't apply. That's why I'm surprised this kind of games where you're literally a teacher who fucks his barely pubescent students are still being not only produced by a real, not underground company but also actively marketed.

>> No.14240001

Whether it's still the same in ten years nobody can say with absolute certainty, but Japanese CP laws - for the time being - exist to protect real children.

>> No.14240005

They only banned real life CP.
2D lolis are still fine (although they almost got banned too but people stood against it).

>> No.14240025

That's because laws do not exist to protect fictional beings, but real beings. CP laws, and any kind of law, should be made with the victims in mind, not some sort of insubstantial perceived offensive act or thought that does not actually harm anyone in any way. Laws against 2D loli would be an unwarranted attack on the freedom of a certain group of individuals that has not actually caused any harm to a real person, an attack on free speech that has no reason to exist and as such should be defended against.

>> No.14240472

It's okay, I'll just walk to Softmap, hand in my preorder ticket, pay the rest of the money and get it.

>> No.14240475

And then go home and upload it for us?

>> No.14240502

Sorry, but no.

>> No.14240506

Oh come on.

>> No.14240515

Here comes a weird question. Has anyone played Rose Guns Days? The synopsis makes it sound like your typical Japanese nationalist paranoia, but is it really like this or is the synopsis a ruse?
Not that I'm bothered by it, it's just that Ryuukishi seemed like a big westaboo to me so I was surprised. Not a big fan of him though so I haven't read it.

>> No.14240527

Sorry, but there's no point and I don't have the capabilities for it. Girlcelly or mikocon will have it fast anyway.

>> No.14240576
File: 935 KB, 1360x768, 2015-10-19 03_14_53-はるまで、くるる。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Watanabe was paid per character.

>> No.14241449
File: 57 KB, 819x614, 705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer when the author is paid per kanji

>> No.14241458

That's pretty clever

>> No.14241463

It really isn't.

>> No.14241470

I think it is, bully.

>> No.14241588

It's a classic 駄洒落, so no, is not clever.

>> No.14241591

They're repeated because they're clever.

>> No.14241713

Okay Japanese master whatever you say. It's not clever.

>> No.14242008
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>> No.14242031
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>> No.14242042
File: 379 KB, 500x500, 059_4c6fc566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They better use Witch's Garden tier e-mote again.

>> No.14242091

I'll miss Kugimiya voicing the MC for the new one.

>> No.14242151
File: 978 KB, 800x600, damaged goods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14242366

Alicesoft NTR is best NTR

>> No.14242568



>> No.14242589

That's good news.

>> No.14242596

Can't see a nukige thread so I'll ask in here since I'm not opposed to more plot-heavy stuff.

I'm done reading pretty much all the NTR Type-B and C from MaybeSoft I know of, and discovered a pretty specific thing I like about it.
Forced appearance changes. Hair styles, clothing, habits, I love when such changes are forced on the heroine in any context.

Is there any games with that theme being prominent enough, or at least present consistently so I can self insert into the heroine?

>> No.14242643

Sakura no Uta will have deaths I promise.

>> No.14242647

Only Sakura no Uta is worth playing this month.

>> No.14242648

Godammit habluka

>> No.14242697

Hmm, I guess that will be the third game I actually buy.

Sakura no Uta, Sen no Hatou and now this.

>> No.14242732

Wait, what Maybe-soft games have NTR? I don't remember any. Unless Henshin 2 protag fucking Henshin 1 heroines in the second game counts.

>> No.14242754

My bad, I got confused since it's the latest house I've played things from.
I meant Pin-Point.

>> No.14242800

Try 人生通行止め games. They focused on what you want. The art is a hit or miss though.

Other than that there's also Black Cyc's Yami no Koe series.

>> No.14242816
File: 192 KB, 757x754, 1428265547604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many good games are coming out, what a time to be alive.

>> No.14242861

I'm also playing this.

Thanks. I remeber somebody posting recommended playing order before but I was reluctant to search the archive because spoilers.

>> No.14243032

Ha, it's shit.

>> No.14243038


>> No.14243061

It adds a significant cost to the production of a game while hardly ever improving it in any way, and sometimes worsening it by making the characters look like they are in a zero gravity environment and can't stop shaking. Often serves the secondary purpose of distracting the reader from the fact that the actual content of the game is rather shit.

>> No.14243067

It's not like the type of games that use e-mote were going to be good anyway.

>> No.14243073

The only good point you made in there was the cost of production bit, but I don't know how much it actually costs so I don't know if it's that big of a deal.

>> No.14243083

Why aren't there more ギャル characters in eroge?

>> No.14243103

Play a nukige

>> No.14243125

You're forgetting the fact that it doesn't work properly on some hardware and sometimes causes considerable amount of stuttering. You shouldn't need a gaming PC to run a VN properly.

>> No.14243132

You mean my toaster might not be able to run it? Is there any game that is known to cause stuttering on some PCs that I could try as a benchmark?

>> No.14243140

>You shouldn't need a gaming PC to run a VN properly.

>> No.14243170

Because they're not games.

>> No.14243177

That seems like a pretty arbitrary argument based on a subjective meaning to a word.

>> No.14243189

I don't really know. It seems almost random to me which games work well and which don't, though I'm not an expert on the subect. It seems each E-mote game likes different things and some work fine for good number of people while almost nobody can run others well.
I guess you could download some games that use it and see if they work.

>> No.14243242
File: 169 KB, 600x800, IMG_3394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

■TECH GIAN 2015年12月号より

>> No.14243251

Shame, I really want the sequel to KnS2 instead of more flowers, I liked it a lot.

>> No.14243288

Why do they call it december issue if it comes out in October?

>> No.14243399

Why? Kara no Shoujo is awful.

>> No.14243414

Good art, music, interesting storyline and mystery, even if it's not hard or anything it properly motivates you to solve it, also good use of dual MCs.
Pacing kinda sucks at times, the first flashback basically, but that's about it.

>> No.14243521

It has a release date already? Neat.

>> No.14243928

Not him but not It's the same. I also want gyaru in my charage.

Talking about AXL, this reminds me both AXL writers are working together on a D.O. work, Nanairo Clip. Idols who try to save the nature of their southern island from industralization.
They might be trying to pull off Ayakashi Contract again. But art looks generic, and I hate idols.

>> No.14243936

Isn't gyaru almost almost synonym with slut? At least in eroge.

>> No.14243958

Would she be a virgin?

>> No.14243976
File: 641 KB, 1440x810, micchi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's common, or at least it's the stereotype, but it's not a necessity. For example Micchi from Primal Hearts was a gyaru, and liked to pretend she was a slut but she wasn't. They're more like modern female delinquents, I guess. If you can pull that off more often 処女厨 otaku won't get buttblasted.

>> No.14243991 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 1600x900, 1445288410129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Sorcery Jokers. The heroines in Gensou were more to my liking, and the routes were better overall, but it was a really solid game in every respect, with many memorable characters, especially on Senri's side. I expect to read Sakura on Uta next.

>> No.14244000

>I expect to read Sakura on Uta next.
That may not be uploaded for like a month though.

>> No.14244040

Not everyone is a pirate.

>> No.14244044

Why? Hyped shit gets uploaded the following day.

>> No.14244282

Please stop assuming things.

>> No.14244305

Buying things you could get for free? Specially things that will probably be available for free within hours of release? Things that are priced higher than any other game genre?
This is the exact reason why the industry is surviving.

>> No.14244336

You're talking as if my money is limited, and I should carefully use it.

>> No.14244340

>Things that are priced higher than any other game genre?
They're really not. LEs of normal games are the same price or more than LE eroge.

>> No.14244344

You're one lucky NEET. I wish I got the money for hobby stuff as well instead of just the basic living necessities.

>> No.14244380

It really depends on how much you actually care about the company. Almost every companies are in a pretty dangerous spot so one, maybe one unsuccesful game would be end of most of them.

For example I wouldn't buy any Lump of Sugar games regardless of how the game was, since I dont really care even if they gone bankrupt. But I'm buying almost every game from baseson, Lose, AsaProject etc since there isn't any company in the industry which makes similiar games as them, and I'd like to see more of those.

Also when you are working and have no other hobbies to spend money like me, buying a couple of eroges in a year doesn't hurt at all.

>> No.14244381

Most bourgeois post in /jp/

>> No.14244412

This, pretty much. In such a small scale market, every sale counts, supporting the companies that consistently make games you like is worthwhile even if you normally pirate games.

>> No.14244473

I admittedly pirate everything because I'm a poor as fuck NEET, but I can't get on attempts at justifying piracy by implying that supporting a company/doujin circle is dumb or something. I would tend to support small or emerging brands though; I feel like big brands wouldn't need your money as much.

>> No.14244524

That's a classic tragedy of the commons situation though, if more people adopted your philosophy it'd cease to function, so it's pretty rickety.

>> No.14244882

How so? I'm not saying everyone should do it, but a group of people support small and emerging companies must exist, otherwise only big companies would not only stay but get even bigger; this is how monopolies happen. And even if, hypothetically, everyone did it, and big companies stopped getting income, they have the option of downsizing and becoming "small" companies and would start getting income again. Big companies can downsize (not always, I know), but small companies have no other option but to fill for bankruptcy.

>> No.14244955

I was hoping for another 超昂 game.

>> No.14245125

Why do you bother paying at supermarket instead just stealing? Get your food and other living supplies for "free".

>> No.14245138

I'm afraid of getting in trouble by supporting them.

>> No.14245147

If I could download/pirate edible food for free you can bet I would.

>> No.14245157

Why are you assuming he's a NEET?

>> No.14245168

Not that I'm justifying it, but that analogy doesn't work because piracy is making a copy of something, the original is still there; it's not the same as stealing a material product.

>> No.14245181

Its exactly same thing: makers invested money to make it, and by stealing it you incur losses on them and make them unable to recover their investments. And law is very clear that piracy is criminal in same way and that stolen product costs are to be taken from you.

>> No.14245189

>Its exactly same thing:
If I commit suicide and never buy anything again, they incur exactly as many losses as if I chose to pirate all their shit. Neither is theft.

>> No.14245191

Fuck off dude, this isn't your anti-piracy soapbox

>> No.14245238

>and by stealing it you incur losses on them
No you don't. Pirating a work is, in practice, the exact same as not buying it and not playing it at all. The product from where the illegal copy was made can still be sold, thus there's no loss.

What laws say is irrelevant, you already know who makes them.

The only argument that's sensible is that potential customers who would buy it end up pirating it instead, thus constituting a customer loss. However in reality this rarely happens, as people who pirate wouldn't buy it anyway, and people who buy will buy it anyway even if there's an illegal copy available. If anything, piracy has made some people interested in companies from where they later start buying products from, which I would say is probably the case here. Or mine, at least.

It's a complex issue. The "Piracy is a crime and should be erradicated no matter what" and "piracy is great and everyone should do it even if they have the money to buy it" arguments are both simplistic and harmful.

>> No.14245538 [SPOILER] 
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Is ShindoL the only westerner who works in eroge industry?

>> No.14245685

Only really public one. There are westerners behind the scenes and you'll occasionally see a western name in the credits, but I don't really think they count. Technically anyone writing or drawing under an alias could be a westerner (it would probably be required) but I doubt it.
There are western 'eroge' companies of course, if you really want to call them eroge.

>> No.14245918
File: 597 KB, 1280x720, innocent bullet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that Innocent Bullet is playing this tough-guy-scarred-soldier trope totally straight, I was fully expecting some One Punch Man "king" type gag or something to that effect, but no, in fact, it's all played totally straight. Somehow, that's making me laugh more than a gag would.

>> No.14246177

God I love this OP.

>> No.14246228

Anyone know where download Ane Yome Quartet

I have tried nyaa and general googling, but there is a high risk of me just being retarded.

>> No.14246241

>there is a high risk of me just being retarded.
You either searched for the romaji instead of the Japanese, or you didn't check on sukebei.

>> No.14246260


Thanks found it

>> No.14246327
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pure love story
unavoidable rape


>> No.14246330

whats the most depressing VN?

>> No.14246629

Try Gothic Delusion. It's literally slide show on my single core PC.

>> No.14246670

>pure love story
But man, I don't even like NTR and the original was great. I was in the mood for reading something depressing at the time and it hit the spot. Is this any good?

>> No.14246694

I read through the Sakura no Uta trial over the weekend and the result is that I'm a bit confused about what exactly you guys liked about this.

Pretty much all of the content of this trial is normal, SoL-style eroge banter about nothing, which would be just fine, but for some reason no attempt is being made to add some quirky charm to any of it. There is a slight comedic undertone to all of it, but it's rarely entertaining and never actually tries to be hilarious. For example, it just blows my mind how the introduction of Rina and the following really long conversation between her and Rin devoid of any entertaining lines made it into a game like this.

Maybe one could say the game is intentionally subdued, but to me it just felt mundane to the point of being irritating. Not especially interesting characters having not especially entertaining conversations about food preparation, doing the dishes, pottery, paintings and some info dumps on fine art.

It's just the dryest fucking thing.

>> No.14246708

Did you actually complete trial? Chapter 2 and on?

>> No.14246720

>and the following really long conversation between her and Rin devoid of any entertaining lines made it into a game like this.
Honestly I thought that scene was pretty poor too.
The first chapter in general was mostly poor, some good scenes like the one with Rin in the Park but mostly lots of scenes just overstay their welcome

But the second chapter from the very first scene, the one with Rina and Yumi, is gold, the jump in writing quality is really apparent
The scenes are much better paced and the chapter itself has a plot of sort with a really good climax

Basically if you just dropped it during the first chapter just play the second

>> No.14246727

Opinions on the humor aside, either you didn't actually finish it or you have the worst reading comprehension ever if you didn't catch the truly staggering level of foreshadowing going on.

>> No.14246735

Any vns with a lot of icha icha?
Maybe like panical confusion?

>> No.14246809

Try sakigake generation.

>> No.14246827

No, I didn't miss out on the "foreshadowing", it's not like the game is incredibly subtle in this regard but it's not very relevant to enjoying the content that is put in front of me with this trial. And yes, I agree that there were more good scenes in the second chapter, like the convo between Rina and Yumi at the pool. That one was actually entertaining and managed to redeem her absolutely horrible introduction somewhat.

It's just that, on the most basic level of appreciating an eroge, line to line, this piece of work is lacking in entertainment value to such a degree, that I assume it's intentional, but the intention is lost on me. I'm trying to come up with a more articulate way of describing why I think this trial was a slog than just saying "so boring", but that's really kind of the crux of it. The way this trial presented its characters through the most mundane of conversations was just unpleasant.

I mean, did any of you guys think how the whole thing about the protag's fascination with Toritani's perfect coffee mug and their conversations about sweets and pottery helped to flesh out her character in an interesting manner? Probably not, all of it was fucking boring and Toritani's character didn't gain an additional interesting facet it so desperately needed.

I'm also just rambling now, so I better stop, it's just that I wanted to understand where the enthusiasm for a piece of work where the writing for all kinds of SoL situations, at least to me, feels so un-enthusiastic comes from.

>> No.14246849

>sakigake generation.
what's up with their eyes

>> No.14246856
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>> No.14246868

looks cute

>> No.14246901
File: 219 KB, 1025x577, ss+(2015-05-27+at+04.08.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not >>14246856 but fureraba is one of the best moeges ever made,.

>> No.14246908

Downloading it. I've also downloaded and tried Witches Garden so far and it almost set my ancient processor on fire. I guess I'll have to get with the times and upgrade.

>> No.14246972

Sounds like the awful first chapter of Subahibi.

>> No.14246975
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Too old for eroge.

>> No.14247007

Yes it is

>> No.14247013

What? Why would they sell eroge to minors?

>> No.14247019

Its fucking good u wot mate?

>> No.14247028

First chapter in scaji games always suck. I think its intended

>> No.14247036

In Sakura no Uta's case it's just that the first chapter was written ages ago

>> No.14247053

Was that a typo?

>> No.14247054

I don't usually buy eroges but sakura no uta is an exception. Also planning on buy buying sen no hatou and hatsumira

>> No.14247055



>> No.14247056

Habluka liked the original trial lol

>> No.14247064

Premise seems interesting, but Front Wing is doing it so it's going to be shit.

>> No.14247086

It was rewritten from scratch.

>> No.14247095

No, it was edited quite a bit, some parts were rewritten, some are new, there is even a character who was completely removed but large part of it are the same
I read the orginal trial so I should know

>> No.14247102

No it wasn't. It was given an editing pass, pared down considerably, a few scenes and some foreshadowing were added, etc., but it's largely the same.

>> No.14247125

Yeah, it's largely the same utter shit it was before.

>> No.14247130

Her route is one of the best osananajimi route ever. I didn't expect to laugh that much on her route.

>> No.14247168

Habluka's taste doesn't follow logic, he's a dyke lover and a moebuta after all. Probably a transgender as well.

>> No.14247200

I think that's the reason Scaji put a gratuitous amount of CGs in the first chapter

>> No.14247218

Most of those were left over from the old trial, so they were "free" (but not really since they redid the digital work).

>> No.14247494

>there is even a character who was completely removed
Who? I'm curious.

>> No.14247505
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>> No.14247509

I'm pretty sure they aren't the same CGs but feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.14247515

Yeah, they had inugami try drawing some and took out all of migiri rentan's art.

>> No.14247698
File: 556 KB, 2488x696, xcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to learn moon and saw someone who can translate the furigana into normal letters (right picture)

What is the option in VNR for that?

>> No.14247706


Nevermind, found the romanji option.

>> No.14247711


>> No.14247713

If you want to learn the language I would highly recommend against it. It'll just cripple your progress for no real gain.

>> No.14247725


This is the only way for me to actually read something while trying to learn.

I dont think i would have the discipline to learn all the cards.

>> No.14247731

>something while trying to learn
If you're too lazy to learn even kana I don't you'll ever be able to learn Japanese.

>> No.14247733

If you want to read something go read manga. You'll never finish a VN if you don't even know the basics. Seriously it will take you 200 hours or longer.

>> No.14247734

Just memorize hiragana. It'll take you maybe an evening, if not less.

>> No.14247735

Either way, this is not the thread for your kind.

>> No.14247742

This post made me cringe.

>> No.14247750

People who use machine translators make me cringe.

>> No.14247758

Your retarded kind make everyone else cringe. Go away with your machine translations.

>> No.14247873

At the very, very least, please don't call it "romanji."

>> No.14247952



>> No.14247959

Now I want an eroge where four girls play Jumanji or some other similar game.

>> No.14247968

Play Forest

>> No.14248004

That was fast. I will.

>> No.14248020

THE GAME is so awesome

>> No.14248058

I've encountered something like that, of course iyarashii variant of the game.

>> No.14248143

some CGs looks similar. remember liking the CGs in the first trial and i think it looks better now

>> No.14248184
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>> No.14248460

The name?

>> No.14248464

Forest has people playing THE GAME for one chapter.

>> No.14248486

Found it, https://vndb.org/v4622 and sequel.

>> No.14248494

Thank you.

>> No.14248567

The anime for the first one is kinda better than the VN. The second one has lollipop penis though.

>> No.14248584

Why don't you fuck off already?

>> No.14248858

Just ignore him. I'm pretty it's he himself who keep spouting his name in this thread.

Just filter "Habluka" and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.14249689

Looking for something with good MC/heroine banter. Any suggestions?

Fureraba was great, something like that with a bit of give-and-take in the conversations as opposed to one-sided teasing. Not sure where to start looking so I thought I'd ask.

Newer and with good art would be nice but while I'm wishing I may as well ask for a couple million bucks too.

>> No.14249709

Daitoshokan is pretty much perfect when it comes to banter, lots of give and take all around. Reads very naturally too.

>> No.14249723

Been meaning to get around to that one, thank you. If you've got any others I'd be happy to hear them, I might as well make a list.

>> No.14249809

Finally done with Utawarerumono 2 with about 30 hours logged into it. I spent time unnecessarily grinding the map.

Overall the game was alright except for the ending. Also some characters, while likable, felt pretty tacked on (i.e. Lulu, Atuwi.)
The presence of the 8 generals and Yamato's political state set things up nicely for the sequel though.

>> No.14250319

boring game
