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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 500x376, at least youre not a fucking loser like these people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14210171 No.14210171[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Weren't "which 2hu" threads shunned by the /jp/ community at one point? It seems like most Touhou topics these days involve the words: "which 2hu would you...". Is this just one aspie who is making these threads or has the culture on /jp/ changed.

The 4chan community in general always seemed to be a bunch of elitist nerds. The type of nerds who would make fun of other nerds for not suppressing their nerdlevels in public. On /jp/ it seems like a lot of people have embraced being a loser and wear it like a badge of honor. Being a NEET was never a status symbol. This is not to say that 4channers embraced normalism, but they certainly didn't embrace being a loser either.

When this image was first posted on old-/a/ 7 years ago we were all discussing how pathetic these people were. I suppose we began to blur the line between sarcasm and social awkwardness after the waifuism movement began. What started out as a joke became an endorsement of being a loser. With that said, I must admit I am embarrassed to be associated with the modern /jp/ community. I rarely post these days so I guess I am no longer one of you.

>> No.14210269
File: 177 KB, 505x505, 1374374680206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14210296

Touhou threads are the same as they've always been.

Being a NEET is always a good thing if you can get away with it.

Some people were never joking.

>> No.14210317

>we were all discussing how pathetic these people were.
No. The only ones discussing it were the people thinking that it was fine to call someone else pathetic.

/jp/ hasn't changed, it just has more people like that now. And ironically those people are the one making "which 2hu wud u" threads all day.

>> No.14210369

/jp/ is perhaps, more tame then ever, now

I remember unironic NEET floor shitting threads
I miss them. Nowadays this board feels just like...a board, and not like a home.

anyway, fuck off

>> No.14210447

If modern day /jp/ considers it fine to be a loser then I suppose I should fuck off. I just know for a fact that we weren't always this pathetic. People used to have meaningful discussions about Touhou. I honestly do not want to talk with people who think "which 2hu would you fuck" is an interesting topic. Back in my days, the act of embracing stupidity is something we associated with normals. If you unironically make a "which 2hu" thread then chances are you've lost touch with reality and I don't want to discuss anything with you.

>> No.14210467
File: 29 KB, 969x978, 101952972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you go discuss 2h with you're friends if you don't like it here?

>> No.14210538

Subjects of the likes of "which 2hu woud u fug" and being a NEET are the polar opposites of what most would consider to be normal. Not to mention, these threads are a mix of ironic posting for entertainment and a few people who are actually semi serious. Are you sure you're entirely sane and know what the fuck you're talking about?

>> No.14210608
File: 186 KB, 542x485, 1363315964084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post with your tripcode on, athens.

>> No.14210617

Man, how long have you not visited /jp/?
/jp/ for a long time has not given a fuck about what people think about people as long as they're left alone, if you don't recall, /jp/ was also made to accommodate 'ronery' threads as well as all the vn/2hu shit. 'Ronery' sounds like the exact 'pathetic' thing you're talking about, /jp/ has always been like this. Irony or not. Even when that ronery fad died off, there was the "everyone on /jp/ is a NEET" phase, too.
Referred to as 'weaponized /a/' for a reason.

Besides, after 7 years, who would want to discuss anything with a nerd who still thinks other nerds are pathetic because of otaku paraphernalia.

>> No.14210751

OP here. I just remember Touhou discussions being more deeper than this:

>Not to mention, these threads are a mix of ironic posting for entertainment and a few people who are actually semi serious.
If you're trying to imply it's a bunch of trolls trolling trolls then I doubt that's the case. There are quite a lot of these threads. I do not think they're trying to be funny. I honestly think it's just a bunch of people who are so pathetic that they consider it a good topic. I have also noticed there's a lot of people roleplaying as the characters. I know for a fact that roleplaying was shunned by the community and was a bannable offense outside of /b/ and /cgl/.

I haven't been active on /jp/ in a long time. I just don't recall it being this bad. I have no problem with people being NEETs or blogging about their hikikomori lifestyle but there's just something very pathetic about these "which 2hus would you fuck" threads. I just picture some fat neckbeard guy making these threads who is a complete social outcast.

>> No.14210772

> I just remember Touhou discussions being more deeper than this
Touhou threads only got worse starting from 2012. What the fuck are you on about?

>I haven't been active on /jp/ in a long time. I just don't recall it being this bad.
Be glad you haven't been here in the past 4 years. Or you're just really fucking full of shit, because /jp/ has been in a quality peak compared to certain periods of 2011~2013.

>> No.14210790

>quality peak
THIS is a quality peak? You must have low standards.

I only recall /jp/ having issues with spam and shitposting in 2011-2013. If you ignored the spam you actually had decent conversations. /jp/ is more relaxed and quiet these days but it's certainly not better. The quantity of meaningful discussions has decreased.

>> No.14210796

>I just remember Touhou discussions being more deeper than this:
After 7 years or how many has it been, there is only so much to be discussed.

I wouldn't mind this board being deeper than absolutely superficial like it is now, but I guess everybody is tired of Touhou. Besides, if this place became tripfag-infested, I'd have to go back to tripfagging too. Fuck that.

>> No.14210812

Most of the threads you linked are primarily character-based threads, which is the norm. Then in addition to that there's a niche guro one and an invite to share various images of characters reacting. Seems fairly non-pathetic.
Though I do admit, some characters already have threads and should be consolidated, this spilling of threads seems to be a recent trend, I assume the problem might be in the existence of 'generals' being so popular and everyone making a new thread as soon as a general thread stops bumping itself. Something like that is not necessary on /jp/ which is slow enough.

Please consolidate your threads.

Your desire to have 'discussion' could be related to the fact that we've had three years to discuss Symposium of Post-Mysticism. And the recent events in the various Touhou manga is non-serious.
Do you not recall the threads about Reimu's shocking choice of killing human villagers who gave up their humanity? That was relatively recent.

>> No.14210819

Couldn't agree more with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhx6IfKrvEQ

>> No.14210852

>The quantity of meaningful discussions has decreased.
You're not wrong, but it's only because people got tired of sifting for diamonds in the shit and packed up instead. I'm hoping they'll come home eventually.

>> No.14210861

Well I am one of those guys who came home. I do not like what I see. I think I need to leave this place again.

>> No.14210879 [DELETED] 

You and everyone else in the world.

>> No.14210886

You used to visit /jp/, so you should already be used to sitting around for days waiting for a non-worthless thread to pop up.
